about error 2230 in the TSM client help.
/home/pshcm1/sqllib/adsm is a link to /usr/opt/db2_08_01/adsm64.
The API is 64bit.
>-Original Message-
> From: Robert Jans
> Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2003 16:07
> To: Kai Hintze
> Subject
If you want different management classes you will have to create multiple
nodes on the same box. Otherwise if you just change management class with
the same node name then you keep rebinding the files to one MC, then the
- Kai.
> -Original Message-
> From: Scott Kromarek [mailto:[E
How are your disk pools? Full or still have room?
What is your tape status?
Do you have other communications problems? (Slow printing, slow terminals,
slow FTP...)
> -Original Message-
> From: Joni Moyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, 04 April 2003 12:13 PM
Greetings oh wise and varied *SM'ers!
I have an internals question.
I have a primary disk pool BACKUP_DISK, with a collocated primary tape pool
BACKUP_TAPE that BACKUP_DISK spools to when it gets full (or at 16:30,
whichever comes first :). I have enough disk that I seldom need to migrate
data ou
up the registry, but don't create a separate
filespace, and don't have the dreaded system object bloat problem.
You only have to worry about cleaning up the existing SYSTEM OBJECT
-Original Message-
From: Kai Hintze [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003
Oh wise and experienceds star-sum wizards! I crave the boon of a
Summary: If I don't see a file system named SYSTEM OBJECT for a given node
does that mean that we aren't backing up the system object on that box?
Discussion: I want to clean up our TSM server (AIX 4.3.3) befo
TSM can give very quick restores, but beware fragmentation in uncollocated
tape pools. We had to rebuild a small (350GB) unix server last year that
required upward of 300 tape mounts, and finding a single file in the middle
of each tape. It took days.
Since then I have gotten funding to buy enough
We used to have an STK 9710 that we let TSM manage because it was dedicated
to TSM. But we kept having to shut down the library so we could open it to
fix problems (at 30 to 60 minutes downtime) that I can do in software on my
IBM silos. STK told me that I needed to buy ACSLS to get software contro
1) Can you run LAN-free when your SAN and tape drives are in one location
and your TSM server is in another location?
We have our main data center with the big TSM server in Boise, Idaho. We
have a smaller data center with a small SAN in Phoenix, AZ, about 2000km
away. The Phoenix data center has
the /.../u01/.../* works for
> this version. If
> we use the exclude.fs /u02/* this will still backup
> everything. I think
> that if we upgrade to a higher level like version 5 maybe
> this will go away.
> Any Suggestions?
> Thanks
> Bert Andrews
You don't say which version of TSM you are using, but if it is anywhere near
recent, and you want to exclude the entire file system then I would say
exclude.fs /u01
exclude.fs /u02
Have fun!
"Nobody ever lay on their deathbed saying, 'Gee! I wish I had spent more
time at the office.'" -
If you need a 32 bit API as well you have to go back and use the AIX4.3.3
client. We are using TSM client for AIX4.3.3 on several of our
AIX5.1 servers because we needed the 32bit API. If you can use the 32bit
client with a 64bit API then you can use one of the AIX5.1 clients.
- Kai.
> --
You may need to delete the TSM.PWD file on the client. On aix433 with TSM
client version the file name is /etc/security/adsm/TSM.PWD.
Have fun!
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> On Behalf Of
> Hunley, Ike
> Sent: Tuesday, Janu
Hey guys, lighten up! And read what he said. Those of us forced to use
poorly designed mailers might find it easier to have both addresses in the
Reply-To field. Personally, I disagree, but I will do so politely. (And I
can speak with authority about poorly designed mailers. I am forced not only
Personally, I would go to
client/v5r1/Linux/Linux86/v515/ and download the client.
- Kai.
"Nothing is impossible. Some things are just less likely than others." --
Jonathan Winters
> -Original Message-
> From: A
exclude.dir trumps the include.file. If you exclude a directory TSM won't
glance at any files under that directory even if you explicitly tell it to
do so.
You will have to either exclude all the directories but that one
exclude.dir /u[0-2,4-9][0-9]
exclude.dir /u[3][0-7,9]
Or you might look at a
I've had to throttle some of mine as well. First I set Resource Utilization
to 1. Then if still more is needed I degrade the network. Bizarre, isn't it?
- Kai.
"What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of
questioning." -- Werner Karl Heisenberg
> -Original Messa
find /start/path -user=olduser -exec /usr/bin/chown olduser newuser {} \;
root has to run this because only root can chown.
You might want to run
find /start/path -user=olduser -ls
just to make sure you catch all the files you want and only the files you
want first.
Have fun!
"He who ange
I ejected a volume yesterday with this string:
mtlib -l /dev/lmcp0 -C -tFF10 -V 800791
> -Original Message-
> From: Zig Zag [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, 22 November 2002 12:47 PM
> Subject: Anyone remember how to assign category # using "mtlib" ?
I didn't notice that anyone addressed this part of your mail. I found a
bunch of good stuff on Google with the string "3494 autoloader AIX". The day
I ran it the 4th item down was most useful to me, but that may or may not be
its location today. :)
- Kai.
> -Original Message-
> Fr
I run a cron job every midnight that dumps the previous day's actlog,
status, and a few other interesting figures to a text file. I keep two
year's worth. As David said, they are useful in tracking down problems.
- Kai.
"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful
annot be guaranteed.
-----Original Message-
From: Kai Hintze
Sent: 11/15/02 11:44 AM
Subject: more on moving atl
AIX 4.3.3, TSM 4.2
I currently have a 3494 ATL that I share with the mainframe. 3 3590K
drives are fibre attached to my aix. The ATL control is lan attached
AIX 4.3.3, TSM 4.2
I currently have a 3494 ATL that I share with the mainframe. 3 3590K drives
are fibre attached to my aix. The ATL control is lan attached.
They want to move my tape drives and all my tapes to a new ATL.
As best I can tell if I just edit /etc/ibmatl.conf to use the new IP addre
Greetings, oh wiseness of *SM!
We are about to move all my 3590 tapes from one ATL to another one. It looks
to me like I can change the definition in /etc/ibmatl.conf and leave the
library defined as it is in TSM. True?
q node *_*
-Original Message-
From: Kai Hintze [mailto:kai.hintze@;ALBERTSONS.COM]
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 12:16 PM
Subject: not like underscore
Oh wiseness of wizards of tsm-flavored SQL, how do you match an
I nee
Oh wiseness of wizards of tsm-flavored SQL, how do you match an underscore?
I need to find node names that do not contain an underscore ('_'). I thought
that would be no problem, just "select node_name from nodes where node_name
not like '%_%'", but that doesn't find anything. A bit more research
Greetings Oh Gurus of TSMness,
I have a question with quotes in a script I am trying to define.
This works:
tsm: TSMES>define script tapeuse "select v2.stgpool_name, count(*) as
Vols_Used, (select s1.maxscratch from stgpools s1 where s1.devclass='3590K'
and s1.stgpool_name=v2.stgpool_name) as Ma
Off-hand, if the volume was written outside TSM then I wouldn't check it
into TSM. Do you have a particular requirement that TSM manage ALL your
- Kai.
> -Original Message-
> From: Marcel J.E. Mol [mailto:marcel@;mesa.nl]
> Sent: Wednesday, 30 October 2002 11:49 AM
What sort of monitoring are you trying to do?
You can see current activity on the server with "dsmadmc -console".
You can see what nodes have sessions running with "dsmadmc q ses".
You can see what has run recently with "dsmadmc q actlog".
The client job should return success or failure to the cli
uglas C. Nelson
> Distributed Computing Consultant
> Alltel Information Services
> Chittenden Data Center
> 2 Burlington Square
> Burlington, Vt. 05401
> 802-660-2336
> -Original Message-
> From: Kai Hintze [mailto:kai.hintze@;ALBERTSONS.COM]
> Sent: Thursday,
I installed the latest TSM client today on our new SunFire server. I can
use TSM just fine as root, but I can't use it as myself. I looked in
adsm-l archives for clues and found the suggestion that perhaps I need
to export LANG=en_US. But that didn't help.
As best I can tell I have the same enviro
What happened to adsm.org? I tried to go and look for something in the
archives but they weren't there! Instead the site was some funky discussion
board with several columns.
The meat of the board was the middle column. But the column was too narrow
so I couldn't see an entire message without scro
I push the problem back a level and keep the admin passwords in a reversibly
encrypted file. Then I can go and look up the password for the administrator
(based on unix id) running the script.
- Kai.
> -Original Message-
> From: Roger Deschner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday,
Greetings oh Guru's of TSM!
My first linux client complains that there is "No domain available" when I
try to run your basic incremental. The same server domain works fine on
other systems. I looked at the ADSM-L archives and found a clue that Linux
may not have a default domain, so I tried to se
This is Windows. How long has it been since you rebooted the file server?
- Kai.
> -Original Message-
> From: Rob Hefty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, 19 August 2002 11:20 AM
> Subject: ANS1075E : Program Memory Exhausted
> Hello all,
> We have a w
But it is precisely because I _do_ have boatloads of clients that I prefer
the CLI. I can type "2 or 3 lines of parameters" as someone said a few
messages back much more quickly than I can
More, I seldom type long parameters. I have samples of anything I have
defined/updated/deleted th
I usually just open the command line and use that. The only reason I
ever used the web interface was so that I could talk to our mainframe TSM.
Then I realized that I could define our Unix TSM server to the mainframe TSM
and haven't bothered with a GUI since.
- Kai.
> -Original Message-
Turns out I had upgraded from to without stopping at
along the way. The patch includes updates to the message files.
- Kai.
> -Original Message-
> From: Kai Hintze [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, 08 July 2002 1:56 PM
> To: [EMA
Just be aware that find will also go down subdirectories, so if you have
files with similar names in lower levels that you want to keep you have to
find another way. If there are no subdirs, or if the subdirs don't have
similar names then find works great.
Someone mentioned xargs. xargs works gre
The API is an entry into the application (ie, write custom backup clients,
or use TDP). ODBC is view of TSM database.
- Kai.
"Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the
town gossip." -- Will Rogers
> -Original Message-
> From: Burak Demircan [mailto:[EMA
Has anyone seen pipes instead of in your online help? How do you fix
ibm41:/home/root# oslevel
ibm41:/home/root# dsmadmc
Tivoli Storage Manager
Command Line Administrative Interface - Version 4, Release 2, Level 2.1
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2001, All Rights
> good luck
> Peter
> At 13:56 08-07-2002 -0600, Kai Hintze wrote:
> >Has anyone seen pipes instead of in your online help?
> How do you fix
> >it?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Kai.
> >
> >ibm41:/home/root# oslevel
> >
The label command includes a checkin option, as you have used, so you can do
both with this one command.
Have fun!
> -Original Message-
> From: Robert Ouzen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, 03 July 2002 5:30 AM
> Subject: checkin & label scratch
audit volume
- Kai.
> -Original Message-
> From: Lawrence Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, 01 July 2002 11:57 AM
> Subject: Re: End of Service for Server 4.2
> Hi:
> I have a volume in an odd state:
Oh most excellent TSM'ers, who have been there and done that!
Using 4.x client talking to a 4.x host: If I exclude.dir a subdirectory, can
I archive files from beneath that directory and have them last? The "Using
the B/A client" manual says that you can perform selective backups from
SAN (aka LANfree) protocols are good for moving a few huge files. If you
have lots of little files (as is common in W2K) then you are better off with
TCP (what your LAN probably uses).
Have fun!
> -Original Message-
> From: Mike Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, 26
Microsoft Policy Editor.
I hate it personally, because I do know what I am doing, why, and where, but
it does force the default data directories for the great unwashed to be on
the data server. It takes a conscious (and annoying) effort to save
something on your local drive.
- Kai.
Our IBM libraries work well. Our StorageTek library has been a pain from the
first week we bought it.
- Kai.
Sr System Analyst
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
Marc D. Taylor
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2002 2:07 PM
To: [
That's why you want to have a copypool
Having said that, a couple of days ago we were having problems reading the
label on a tape, so we did
checkout verify=no remove=no
label status=private overwrite=yes
We recovered the data.
Good luck!
-Original Message-
From: Ruksana Sidd
Greetings oh wise and experienced TSM gurus, experts, workers, and
knowlegable newbies!
I am about to build a new TSM server from the ground up. It's been a long
time since I last configured storage pools, etc, and I am wondering what the
current state of the art in configuration philosophy recom
Other's have suggested ways to delete a portion of a filespace. Please allow
me to also point out that setting a very high VerExists and VerDeleted
wastes lots of processing time. For every file TSM has to go to its database
and count how many versions there are. If you really want unlimite
So you probably don't want to install _all_ the patches. But if you want to
know when a new patch comes out so you can look it over there are many
products that can monitor a web site for changes. I'm sure that at least
some of them could watch a tree on an ftp site that allows anonymous access.
Greetings, friends and comrades!
Can you please help me confirm that I have my include/exclude list set up
correctly? I am using TDP for Informix 4.1.3 with TSM API My DBA's
want to do 1 level0 backup on the weekend, and 1 level1 backup during the
week. They want to keep a month's worth
Greetings Chuck,
Sometimes when we have problems with labels we get tapes marked private.
Also we have the rare tape that should have been released back to the
scratch pool that just doesn't get updated for some reason after
I 'q contents' just as a double check that the database re
Quite to the contrary. You usually do want COMPRESSALWAYS when you use
client side compression. The question most often is whether you should
compress at all.
There are (as far as I know) two reasons to use client compression:
1) When you have small disk pools you need to feed them already compre
I'm sorry, I've lost track of which OS you are using, but on AIX if I use
dsmadmc -id=id -pass=pass -tab command >outfile
I get all fields all on one line. Using AS to rename a field is irrelevant
because all headers are gone, only the output from the command remains.
There are no fixed l
I would say it is a problem. If the backup can't get to some of the data
then it is an error.
- Kai
> Date:Tue, 19 Mar 2002 16:04:04 -0500
> From:"Seay, Paul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Backup StgPool Issue Discovered
> The question I have: Does anyone consider this a problem
I am puzzled, but willing to learn--Why do you say that backupsets
and archiving are not viable ways of doing PIT backups? Backupsets
are more oriented to a PIT restore, but they do provide a snapshot
of what the active files are at a given time. And archives seem
like the arch-typical PIT
Yes, the server does remember the last address the client accessed it
from. After you change the client address, and reboot the client to
make sure the new address is firm, you want to run some query like "dsmc
q sched" or "dsmc q ses" to make the most recent contact come from the
new add
If you want to get some group strength behind your TSM requirements then
join SHARE (http://www.share.org). I just got back from the SHARE spring
conference. Besides the many hours of sessions on getting the most out of
TSM and the leading edge of storage technology (some sessions from IBM and
expect works really well if you are used to TCL/c-shell type logic. If you
are more of a ksh person, or already know perl you will probably prefer the
perl version. It works well if you are running it from AIX or Solaris. HP/UX
handles tty's in a strange fashion, and perl expect does not work ther
d have the import run as a macro whenever
>I open the file.
>-Original Message-
>From: Kai Hintze [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 1:06 PM
>Subject:accounting log into database
>Does anyone have a pr
Greetings, Oh TSM Gurus of Greater Experience than I!
I need to move my transaction log to another volume. It is (of course)
mirrored, but only once. I am thinking that if I mirror it a second time in
the place where I need for it to end up, then some time when the server is
quiet undefine the or
Looking at next year's education budget. My boss says he will send me to one
(and only one) conference. The two leading contenders at this time are SHARE
(March in Nashville) and the Storage Symposium (August in Salt Lake City).
>From people who have been to one or both, which do you recommend and
So what is the latest on DiskXtender 2000? I have been told that I will
be installing it later this week.
What is people's experience to date? Thumbs up/thumbs down? Warnings,
caveats? We have a number of NT, Solaris, AIX, and HP boxes talking to TSM
servers on mainframes.
- Kai
Have you ever seen a client try to use the DSM_DIR directory for its opt
Yesterday I downloaded the HP/UX 4.1.latest client from Tivoli's web site to
use with a Storage Management Server for MVS - Version 4, Release 1, Level
0.0. It seemed to install ok, but when I try to connect to the ser
>Date:Tue, 2 Oct 2001 08:23:22 -0700
>From:"Gill, Geoffrey L." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: select statement
>Hello all,
>Can anyone help with this question? I'm wondering if it's possible to get
>this from a select statement or other query. I want to find out how much
>data all nodes
Oh vastly experienced TSM wise ones!
We have a box with some large files, and a slow network, so I turned on
compression to see if it would speed the backup, but I think it may have
backfired. It looks to me like I just caused resends.
>From the client schedule.log:
10/02/2001 04:45:27 Normal Fi
I certainly would not dismiss the possiblity of an error at the factory.
As it happens I am at this moment in the process of giving some tapes one
last chance. They went status=private while last_use is blank because of
problems reading the labels. 90% of the time I can fix that with
checkout li
>From: Zosimo Noriega (ADNOC IS&T) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 9:43 AM
>Subject: expiration of backups
>i have a management calss with this propeties:
Please help a hapless unix administrator thrust into managing TSM on a
mainframe. I've been running ADSM on AIX for years, but after a merger I am
suddenly trying to work outside may current knowledge base. I'm trying to
view the accounting log to get some client histories. My mainframe contact
Hi Steve,
Yes, the tape is scratchable, but you have to explicitly "update libvol
3575lib1 11824f status=scratch". You might want to "q content 11824f" first
just to make sure there isn't anything on the tape. As you surmised, the
library gets confused sometimes and when it can't find the tape it
I would have sworn I had tried audit vol earlier, but obviously not, because
it worked.
- Kai.
>Date:Mon, 9 Jul 2001 14:47:35 -0600
>From: Kai Hintze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Can't reclaim volume using 0 bytes
>I have a volume that appare
I have a volume that apparently has 0 bytes used that I can't seem to reuse.
Space reclamation is putting this in the activity log once an hour:
07/09/2001 13:15:55 ANR0984I Process 853 for SPACE RECLAMATION started in
BACKGROUND at 13:15:55.
07/09/2001 13:15:55 ANR10
Salary depends on what field (retail, research, non-profit, government,...)
and what part of the country you live in as much as your job title and
background. Most management, HR, and trade magazines do periodic surveys to
find out what people are likely to make given those parameters.
checkin -search=yes?
- Kai.
--- Original message follows ---
Date:Mon, 16 Apr 2001 07:45:05 -0700
From:"Gill, Geoffrey L." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Library audit (AGAIN)
This is truly a surprise to find this happening so soon after the problem I
listed last week. That one I still ha
It's not our job to tell the business what they can and cannot back up. On
the other hand, sometimes when we present them with the cost--be sure to
include the cost of maintaining the current tape library plus the new ones
you will need by then--they realize that might be a better way to keep the
With our STK 9710 I can issue a "label libvol
search=bulk labelsource=barcode overwrite=yes"
I'm pretty sure that is the syntax, I'm not connected to our adsm
servers at the moment.
- Kai.
Kai Hintze
currently using the mailer
Ganu Sachin, IBM wrot
When I "query actlog" I get the full text of messages. Some of the
hardware error messages go for 3 or 4 lines (on my 132 column window)
by the time it lists the sense codes then interprets the sense code.
But when I "select * from actlog" the longer messages get chopped off
after 2 1/2 lines.
Run away! Run away!
We have had ongoing problems with our DLT library. If we had known we
were going to spend so much to get it to run we would have just spent
the same amount of money up front and bought a 3950 library that would
- Kai
Kai Hintze
Senior System Programmer
update vol access=destroyed looked like what I wanted, but I thought
I ought to get a second opinion. I find the manuals to be useful once
I know what I am doing, but not particularly good tutorials. Thanks.
I will "move data" first to salvage what I can.
- Kai.
Kai Hintze
How do I tell ADSM that a tape is bad and should never be used again?
I assume that I check it out, but what status do I give it so that
ADSM never tries to use it again? Or is there another command entirely
to destroy a volume?
Server is on AIX 4.x
Kai Hintze
ar could go straight upwards." -- Fred Hoyle, Astronomer,
mathematician, writer (1915- )
Kai Hintze
currently using the mailer
g distance if you have the time." -- Steven
Wright, comedian (1955- )
Kai Hintze
currently using the mailer
> Hi,
> Is this exclude statement valid?
> **inclexcl***
> exclude /home/hosp*/data/.../*.TMP
I believe it should be
exclude /home/hosp.../data/.../*.TMP
The directory wildcard is "..." not "*".
- Kai.
> I still getting this error :
> ***dsmsched.log
> 09/27/00 20:02:54 AN
> Subject: Re: Informix ONBAR logical logs
> On Fri, 22 Sep 2000, Kai Hintze wrote:
> > How do you delete OnBar backups?
> >
How do you delete OnBar backups?
I inherited an ADSM setup where OnBar backups are filling our tape
library. How do I get delete the old backups that are no longer
relevant. I can see them sometimes.
In dsmadmc I can run these commands:
adsm> q file ibm12_db
Node Name F
87 matches
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