SAN (aka LANfree) protocols are good for moving a few huge files. If you
have lots of little files (as is common in W2K) then you are better off with
TCP (what your LAN probably uses).

Have fun!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, 26 June 2002 10:26 AM
> Subject: Why my LAN free backup even slower then my LAN backup
> Why my LAN free backup even slower then my LAN backup?
> I got really bad performance, 1.2MBps for LAN, 900KBps for
> LANfree Backup.
> My TSM server is Version in AIX 4.3.3, p640, 1
> power3 processor, 1G memory;
> My TSM Storage Agent veriosn on Win2k Advanced
> server, TSM client on same machin, this is a compaq
> Deskpro EP/SB, 1 PII 350MHz processor, 256M memory, Emulex LP800 HBA;
> 3583 Library, 2109 Switch, 2108r03 bridge;
> During LANFree Backup, performance is about 900KBps, win2k
> host have 15% CPU utilization, 70% Disk I/O, memory
> utilization keep low, , even worse then LAN backup;
> Paramenters: TCPWINDOWSIZE 63(IBM recommaned in release
> notes); TCPBUFFSIZE 512; RESOURCEUTILIZATION 50 (looks like
> same as set to 10);
> During LAN backup, the tsm client win2k host have 95% CPU
> utilization, performance is about 1.2MBps;
> I hate this Compaq crap. None of the individual are full
> utilizated, e.g. CPU, Memory, or DISK IO, but the whole
> system together is just simply slow.
> What should be my performance expectation, how come my LAN
> free backup even slower then my LAN backup?
> For some other host, I am OK, e.g:
> When I use the other RS/6000 P640 box as the TSM LAN client,
> I can get 7.0MBps by using LAN backup;
> When I use the other IBM NetVista, 950MHz, Intel, 256M
> Memory, I can get 1.9MBps by using LAN, with 100% Disk IO Usage;
> Mike Brown
> ---------------------------------
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