Magstar Tape capabilities

2002-05-30 Thread Gabriel Wiley
An excerpt from the Magstar Redbook. SG24-2594-02 "The Magstar tape drive is capable of reading and writing data at a rate of 9 MB/sec. This is three times the rate at which IBM 3490E devices can read and write data. The IBM 3590 High Performance Tape Subsystem can transfer data between the ho


2002-05-30 Thread Gabriel Wiley
and no other clients are accessing to Server. Any Ideas Thanks, Fran. ___ Copa del Mundo de la FIFA 2002 Disfruta en vmdeo de los mejores momentos desde tu ordenador. pic19254.pcx has been removed from this note on May 29 2002 by Gabriel Wiley

Re: Anyone know what is up with ANR0197E

2002-05-14 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Sorry,A q vol shows nothing out of the ordinary/ volumes in read-write . Volume Name: D03071 Storage Pool Name: CDWOFFSITE Device Class Name: IBM3590 Estimated Capacity (MB): 67,159.6 Pct Util: 100.0 Volume Status: Full

Anyone know what is up with ANR0197E

2002-05-13 Thread Gabriel Wiley
I have checked in/out and re-labeled these tapes 3-4 times, no message available. Does anyone know what this means and how to resolve? 05/13/02 16:40:43 ANR0197E Removal of extraneous database entries for volume D03071 failed due to contention with other server

Re: open file

2002-05-06 Thread Gabriel Wiley
What about backing up the tsmsched.log while running backup?? Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-308-6637 Cell 1-740-972-6441 Siempre Hay Esperanza Gerald Wichmann

Re: SQL Output

2002-04-24 Thread Gabriel Wiley
David, I output info into files and then run a script to clean and parse what I don't want out of it. This is all done in one big script but the part that does it is sed.. I believe if you "sed 1,12d" this will chop the header info off and leave you with what you want.. It might be 13 instead

Re: Veritas/Legato/ArcServ

2002-04-17 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Gerald, I use to work with Veritas, and I may soon be back in that boat..(not by chioice) You are correct , we wasted a lot of tape.. And the quick recovery time was dependant on the Offsite vendor returning our media.. We set up our clients in different classes(TSM's version of stgpools & sch

Info for AIX/TSM/ADSM users

2002-04-10 Thread Gabriel Wiley
AIX/TSM/ADSM users; I'm not sure if this is in a README file somewhere? Someone up the chain passed it to me... FYI~ Advisory Description: The removal of the ADSM Client Version from an AIX Server Version 4.3.3 might cause the AIX Server to crash. Problem Description: An AIX Server Ve

Re: Time audit library

2002-04-05 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Brain, As long as you use the "checklabel=barcode" you should have it done pretty quick. My largest library is 9 frames(2766 cells) , and it is packed, even if it wasn't - it would still scan the slots. Anyway, it takes about 15-20 minutes.. 3 other library(s) @ 7 , 4 , 3 frames take about 5-

Re: Question about tape drive utilization and the summary file

2002-04-04 Thread Gabriel Wiley
If all that does not work, try removing device and running cfgmgr again. Maybe that tape drive is backlevel on microcode ? I have run different levels of microcode just to see if it had problems, 99% of the time it did not.. Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6

Re: For those Security conscious people running AIX

2002-04-04 Thread Gabriel Wiley
is indicated as being unaffected, and the instfix doesn't show that APAR. bummer. lisa Gabriel Wiley <[EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] .COM>cc: Sent by: Su

Re: audit volume

2002-04-03 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Joni, What I have to do is "delete volume xx discard=yes" That takes care of the entry for it in the DB. (vol hist) Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-308-6637 Cell 1-740-972-6441 Siempre Hay Esperanza |---

Re: For those Security conscious people running AIX

2002-04-02 Thread Gabriel Wiley
g to do with Tivoli Storage Manager. -JD. >Isn't/Wasn't this taken care of in ML8? > > > >Gabriel Wiley ><[EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >.COM>cc

For those Security conscious people running AIX

2002-04-02 Thread Gabriel Wiley
If you are not aware .. FYI SECURITY: MULTIPLE BUFFER OVERFLOW VULNERABILITIES IN TSMLOGIN Created:01/04/2002 at 03:22 PM Published Date: 01/04/2002 OS or Applications Affected: AIX Versions Affected: 4.3 Severity:

Re: Volume Problem

2002-04-02 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Try "audit volume XX fix=yes" XX= volumename Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-308-6637 Cell 1-740-972-6441 Siempre Hay Esperanza |-+> | | "PINNI, BA

Re: Rman/TSm

2002-03-29 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Yes, that's how I see it .. Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-308-6637 Cell 1-740-972-6441 Siempre Hay Esperanza Ike Hunley cc:

Re: TSM Command

2002-03-28 Thread Gabriel Wiley
This should work for you.. select library_name, volume_name from libvolumes where status='Scratch' order by library_name Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-308-6637 Cell 1-740-972-6441 Siempre Hay Esperanza

Re: Q VOL Shows tapes FULL at less than 100% utilized

2002-03-28 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Thomas, I brought this question up a few times, hopefully I put into words my thoughts as to why it happens.. When a client backsup, files get sent to disk/tape.. Using the following env. variables(this is what mine looks like) primary stgpool - collocated 10GB 3590 tapes Lets say you have

Re: Nohup Scheduler Service.

2002-03-28 Thread Gabriel Wiley
It does show up when doing a "ps" command. {s07f01n01:/u/gcwibm} ps -aef | grep dsmc root 36442 1 0 17:30:00 - 0:39 /usr/bin/dsmc schedule We set QUERYSCHED= 1 This way, client checks with the server every hour .. Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-61

Re: Nohup Scheduler Service.

2002-03-28 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Run an @ job to do this; at now /usr/bin/dsmc schedule > /dev/null 2>&1 d Then do a "ps -aef | grep dsmc" to verify it is running . (have to be root to run) Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-308-6637 Cell 1-7

Re: Reclamation for copy pools

2002-03-25 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Joni, Check the actlog @ the time of the failure, to determine the cause of the failure.. I run a script to find unaccessible volumes, before I start reclamation.. Here is the script if you want to define it in your env.. "select volume_name, access, stgpool_name,devclass_name from volumes wh

Re: Optical media storage

2002-03-21 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Try http://www/ That's where I get my stuff.. I looked through the catalog and they have several type of storage racks for optical media types .. Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-308-6637 Cell 1-740-9

Re: copy storage pool reclaimation question

2002-03-18 Thread Gabriel Wiley
That's the way TSM works.. It reads from the Primary Stgpool volume if the Offsite volume can not be used. (Because it is OFFSITE where it should be) It also works the same with the "Move data" commands ... Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-48

Re: Multiple TSM Servers on Same Machine

2002-03-14 Thread Gabriel Wiley
It also might help if you use different Volsers for each TSM server. I have an ATL with 12 drives, 4 per server with Volsers Ax for Server1 Bxx for Sever2 and Cxx for Server3 .. Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1


2002-03-13 Thread Gabriel Wiley
What OS ?? This taken from admin guide for AIX pg 221: Nfstimeout The nfstimeout option specifies the number of seconds the server waits for a status system call on an NFS file system before it times out. You can use this option to mitigate the default behavior of status calls on NFS file syste

Re: policy for reclamation of copy storage pool tapes

2002-03-13 Thread Gabriel Wiley
50% It's all up to you, and how many tapes you have laying around. How paranoid are you of a disaster and how long do you want to be @ the hotsite waiting for all those tapes mounts to restore the data ... Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-

Re: Reorg your database

2002-03-12 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Mark, There is a little equation I use to figure out what the difference between reality and what TSM thinks.. Try this: DB Assigned Capacity - ( DB Assigned Capacity ) * DB Pct Util ) Remember your calculating MB(s) Hope this helps, works for me~ Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX

Re: No drives available - UPDATE

2002-03-12 Thread Gabriel Wiley
I had a similar experience.. What would happen is the 3494 library(robot) would do it's job, and after a million + mounts a month a screw would come lose in the back of the library causing the drive to move back say .09823650124650418751 of an inch. (CE explained that one, said I wasn't the onl


2002-03-11 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Yep, PSSP 3.2 Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-308-6637 Cell 1-740-972-6441 Siempre Hay Esperanza Jan-Frode MyklebustTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2002-03-11 Thread Gabriel Wiley
jf , We run HSM on a 53 SP node, 3 attached S7A(s) and 2 S80(s), 2 6H1(s) environment with GPFS .. + HACMP... The code is different between GPFS & JFS ... If and when you decide what you want to do, I will give you this advice, when you are configuring HSM give your clients/nodes the hsm su

Re: TSM with SMTP

2002-03-08 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Amit, You need to make sure port 25 is open... that's the smtp .. Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-308-6637 Cell 1-740-972-6441 Siempre Hay Esperanza

Re: A Question to IBM NSM Customers

2002-03-07 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Taken from page 390 of TSM for AIX handbook. 2 sides to the coin... The Advantages of Using Journal File System Files TSM supports both journaled file system (JFS) files and raw logical volumes as database, recovery log, and disk storage pool volumes. JFS files have the

OFF SUBJECT - People in SP environments might be interested.... Problem we had last week- upgrade to ML9

2002-03-07 Thread Gabriel Wiley
OFF SUBJECT, Those who work in SP environments might be interested Big problem we had when upgrading to ML9 last week, here is a resolution... Flash sent 02/25/2002 - - Service Updates to RSCT Problem Description: When customers are doing service updates to PSSP 3.2 and P

Re: reclamation question

2002-03-06 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Tim, Occasionaly I will have a problem where a volume will show up as reclaimable and it won't reclaim.. I will try and delete the volume discard=yes(volume being a offsite tape) and it won't do it either. I do an "audit volume XX fix=yes" to resolve the problem.. XXX= volser number.

Re: reclamation question

2002-03-06 Thread Gabriel Wiley
This command will look for any tapes meeting a 50% reclaimable state. Sub your devclass_name in for '3590' select volume_name, pct_utilized, pct_reclaim, stgpool_name from volumes where devclass_name like '%3590%' and pct_reclaim>50 order by stgpool_name Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrat

Re: Scheduling a client backup to NOT occur 1 day a month - how-to recommendations needed

2002-03-05 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Kent, We have a weird situation also.. We have a NT client, who does a full backup every week and daily(s) the other 6. We wrote a batch job to kill the daily schedule and enable the weekly schedule (Sat).. And then on Sunday we wrote a batch job to disable the weekly and enable the daily. I'

Re: my timesheet

2002-03-01 Thread Gabriel Wiley
What the. Are you hiring?? Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-308-6637 Cell 1-740-972-6441 Siempre Hay Esperanza Marc Lowers cc:

Re: Side note on SNMP security alert !

2002-02-28 Thread Gabriel Wiley
The fix is out. APAR (IY17630) is available for 4.3.2, just not available for anything 4.3.0 and earlier. If you fall between the boundries. Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-308-6637 Cell 1-740-972-6441 Siempr

Re: LINUX TSM Client can't backup

2002-02-26 Thread Gabriel Wiley
dsmc incr -subdir=yes /tmp/* Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-308-6637 Cell 1-740-972-6441 Siempre Hay Esperanza "Stephen A. Cochran" To: [EM

[no subject]

2002-02-25 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Patrick, Is collocation turned on? How many nodes do you back up? What type of backup services are you providing? (i.e. TDP LNOTES/MSSQL/DB2/ORACLE ) ?? How many primary --to---> copypools do you have on your TSM server? Are you archiving? Each of those could have an effect on why your tapes a

Re: TSM expiration problem

2002-02-24 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Terence, We have a similar set up, here is what we do to resolve the "time/date stamp" problem.. PolicyPolicyMgmt Copy Versions Versions Retain Retain DomainSet Name Class Group Data DataExtraOnly NameName NameExists

[no subject]

2002-02-24 Thread Gabriel Wiley
You can grep the dsmsched log for *.pst files redirect the output to a file and calculate from there. Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-308-6637 Cell 1-740-972-6441 Siempre Hay Esperanza

Re: TSM trying to backup its own, open files..........

2002-02-22 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Here's a thought... Those open files- run a script to copy them to *.copy right before your backup starts ??? my 2cents. Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-308-6637 Cell 1-740-972-6441 Siempre Hay Esperanz

Re: TSM client for AIX5 on 32 bits system

2002-02-20 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Michel, Install the 32 bit version from the Website.. It runs on AIX5, I asked this question a few months ago.. Read the README file, that's the reply I got from TIVOLI support ... I have been running it for a few months now , haven't had any problems except you need the latest APAR for AIX5 t

Re: WARNING about Tivoli

2002-02-18 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Who doesn't do this anymore ?? "I do not understand why Tivoli would put out code with major known problems." It's the world we live in today... Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-308-6637 Cell 1-740-972-64

Re: tape volume format

2002-02-14 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Georgia, I don't know if this helps, here is a script I use to find volumes in private status/readwrite that are empty.. select volume_name from libvolumes where status='Private' and volume_name not in (select volume_name from volumes) and volume_name not in (select volume_name from libvolume

Re: List of tapes in vault

2002-02-14 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Tyree, type "help q drm" this will give you all the states that a DRM tape can have, once you know the difference btween them all you can specify what status you want to display.. I can tell you that "Mountable" are the tapes that need to go to vault... N-joy Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Admi

Re: Ejecting a Tape (Category FF00) from 3494 Library

2002-01-16 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Inventory the Frame in which the tape resided in, if you know the home cell. To find the home cell go to the LM and query the DB for the volume in question. You should get a result like A 4 18 A = Frame 4 = Row 18 = Slot Run partial Inventory (Frame Specific) Run Full Inventory (Whole Libra

Re: How reliable are your 3590 K media

2002-01-10 Thread Gabriel Wiley
We use about 3,300 3,400 K tapes, we have had minimal problems. (Less than 1%) Our CE did tell us though when this was "New" technology the tapes should be handled like a newborn baby. In my mind I was like uhuh that's going to happen. (Tape Ops MO is slam em -n- jam em ) Still we h

Re: AIX Client using SHMEM not backing up..

2001-12-26 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Do you have SharedMem set as the comm method in your dsm.sys file? COMMmethod TCPip or SharedMem Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-308-6637 Cell 1-740-972-6441 Siempre Hay Esperanza " " Plea

Re: Laptop message

2001-12-13 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Question: Why would having your laptop docked or un-docked make a difference in backup. The only reason I have my Laptop docked is I don't want to look @ a 17" monitor or I don't want to unwind the power cord. My NIC card communicates the same way being docked or un-docked. Orin, Go to a DOS

Re: Laptop message

2001-12-12 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Orin, I got that same mesasge when I set up my laptop for backup. I use 'mobile ip' because I connect several different ways using my laptop. (i.e home/office/server room/car/ mom's house) When I tried connecting to the TSM server it did the same thing your's did. I set up an account in mobile

Re: backup retention

2001-12-06 Thread Gabriel Wiley
It means that the last version before deletion on the client will be there for 30 days. It is a TOL parameter. >From the online documentation: Retain Extra Versions The Retain Extra Versions attribute specifies how many days all but the most recent backup version is retained. The most recent

Re: Pricing Question

2001-12-05 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Amen to that! Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-308-6637 Cell 1-740-972-6441 Siempre Hay Esperanza Jeff Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 12/04/2001 04:33:43 PM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Man

Re: TSM Upgrade-

2001-12-03 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Keep the coffee away from the keyboard~ Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-308-6637 Cell 1-740-972-6441 Siempre Hay Esperanza Dan Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 12/03/2001 01:47:34 PM Please respond t

TSM 4.2* client for AIX5 32bit version

2001-11-27 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Does anyone know where this software is? I checked the ftp site, the tivoli site, the ibm site ... The 64bt version is out there not the 32bit. ? Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-308-6637 Cell 1-740-972-

Re: winNT client failure

2001-11-21 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Gerald, That's the way it works. Veritas does the same thing, the return code is 1 though. I will give you some advice, exclude the dsmsched.log and dsmerror.log , these files are written to when a backup is happening. No need for them to be backed up (my opinion) your backups wil

Re: Does 4.2 client have to constantly back up win2000 system DLL's ?

2001-11-21 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Keith, What does your include/exclude list have set ? I'm not an NT wizard, but I believe dll(s) would fall under the system type files that I would want to exlcude, like pagefile.sys .. I exclude my Winnt and Program Files If I am not mistaken TSM will back up any file that has been access

Re: select * from events - only today's events

2001-11-21 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Ken, Try this "q ev * * begind=xx endd=today" xx = how many days back do you want to go If you want to see only failures add "ex=y" to the end of the statement. There is also begint = begin time endt = end time Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Suppo

Re: dsmfmt question

2001-11-21 Thread Gabriel Wiley
1 MB overhead Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-308-6637 Cell 1-740-972-6441 Siempre Hay Esperanza "Loon, E.J. van - SPLXM" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 11/21/2001 09:53:38 AM Please respond to "ADSM:

Re: ATAPE/ATLDD device driver install question

2001-11-19 Thread Gabriel Wiley
L PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: Subject: Re: ATAPE/ATLDD device driver install question You will find the drivers at The manuals are one level above. But this location hasn't been changed for years? On Mon, 19 Nov 2001,

Re: ATAPE/ATLDD device driver install question

2001-11-19 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Anyone know what the latest and greatest level of MC there is for 3590 tape drives using AIX 4.3.3 ? You got to love the way IBM changes things, there is a new way to download fixes/apars/ml(s) . Don't delete the cache in your browser Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phon

Re: export node or server on cross platform server migration

2001-11-16 Thread Gabriel Wiley
er and lib online until everything expires (we are lucky that is an option!). How did you do it? Export/import? If so, how much data did you migrate? Robin Sharpe Berlex Labs Gabriel Wiley <[EMAIL PROTECTED] M.COM>

Re: Version 3.1 client on HPUX 10.2

2001-11-16 Thread Gabriel Wiley
James, We kind of do here, we are a litte more current then your env. Storage Management Server for HP-UX - Version 3, Release 7, Level 0.0 Client OS Level: UX B.11.0 If I can remember correctly, we had a problem a while back, someone changed network settings on the client. Checkout out your

Re: export node or server on cross platform server migration

2001-11-16 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Haven't had exp. with that . We did an Aix 4.3.3. to HP UX 11.0 migration. Kept the same POS Stk 9714 1 cell I/O chamber library. Had no problems .. Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-308-6637 Cell 1-740-972-6

Re: AIX and LTO 3583

2001-11-14 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Kelly, I feel the same way here is a script to help you out: LSTDRMVOL select volume_name, pct_utilized,stgpool_name,status from volumes where devclass_name like '%3590%' and volume_name in (select volume_name from drmedia where state='MOUNTABLE') order by stgpool_name,pct_utilized ^ Shows the %

Re: TSM Server locking

2001-11-13 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Becky, I have experienced that before. What I found out was, I had 2 lmcpd daemons running. No library communication from TSM, I could see the Library from AIX. (TSM got confused and hung itself) That does not seem to be the case for you unless you shutdown the physical server? . ? When it

Re: confused

2001-11-12 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Richard, More info on your question, taken from Redbook SG24-5477-00 Multi-session client operation The new multi-session function is completely transparent to the user. There is no need to switch it on or off; it starts automatically. The Tivoli Storage Manager client decides if a performance i

Re: Here's a new one - no Scheduled sessions

2001-11-08 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Only when I forgot that I Un-commented the dsmserv.opt file to DISABLESCHEDS YES Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-308-6637 Cell 1-740-972-6441 "Prather, Wanda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 11/08/2

Lotus Notes - Tape Reclamtion - Question of quirkiness

2001-11-08 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Hello Folks! I have observed this for several years, yet never asked the question why. Below is a list of reclaim tapes and their attributes, my question is; How can the Pct_utilized be what it is on these tapes and the Pct_reclaimable be what it is ? This only happes on the Servers/Clients

Re: what is atldd.driver

2001-10-31 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Thida, That would be the device driver for the ATL. (atldd) Atape is the MC for the Tape drive(s) I don't know what driver you need for your LTO. (Don't have that kinda Library/Drive) If you have an IBM 3494 you need the atldd .. Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614

Re: Password Expiration

2001-10-31 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Have you tried updating the node with "passe=" that ought to save you in this lifetime. If you have nit-picking security people looming over your head you might not want to do this. Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-

Re: HA 3494 & TSM 3.7

2001-10-31 Thread Gabriel Wiley
David, Don't know if this is what you want, take a look. Magstar and IBM 3590 High Performance Tape Subsystem Redbook : SG24-2594-02 Good Luck! Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-308-6637 Cell 1-740-972-6441 [E

Re: Transferring Filespace Owners Ship

2001-10-31 Thread Gabriel Wiley
What about restoring(strikethrough: )files wanted to move to "New" node and then backing them up under "New" node name? I have to do it every now & then , it works for me. Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-308-6637 Cel

Re: 3590 fiber/scsi

2001-10-31 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Geoff, We had no problems when we had that type of config. We ran it that way for 2 weeks (4 Fiber 6 Scsi) until we totally converted to Fiber. Consider ourselves really lucky! Read below and find out why When we totally converted we had to check all of the tapes back into the library , th

No Subject

2001-10-26 Thread Gabriel Wiley
SWIT3, You can label more tapes or check them in, whatever you desire. TSM is smart enough to know what it has and hasn't done, in this case at least. The process will be a new one but it won't have to recopy or migrate data that has already been migrated or copied. Good luck! Gabriel C. Wile

Re: Clientaction Restore

2001-10-25 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Change the 'Nodename' parameter in the client options file to the target server name. And follow you previous syntax commands. i.e. -fromnode -tonode This works for me.. Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-308-6

Re: reclamation not running

2001-10-25 Thread Gabriel Wiley
What does the activity log say? Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-308-6637 Cell 1-740-972-6441 Long Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 10/25/2001 07:46:16 AM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"

Re: Tape Copy pools and Colocation

2001-10-25 Thread Gabriel Wiley
Kyle, If you do not have your copypool set to collocate, the copypool tapes will be used more efficiently. Just update your copy stgpool accordingly. Gabriel C. Wiley ADSM/TSM Administrator AIX Support Phone 1-614-308-6709 Pager 1-877-489-2867 Fax 1-614-308-6637 Cell 1-740-972-64