
We have a weird situation also..
We have a NT client, who does a full backup every week and daily(s) the
other 6.

We wrote a batch job to kill the daily schedule and enable the weekly
schedule (Sat)..

And then on Sunday we wrote a batch job to disable the weekly and enable
the daily.

I'm sure you could use the same philosophy. ..

Forgive my ignorance, I have trouble with NT ... I'm guessing there is any
easier way to get around this - it works...........

Gabriel C. Wiley
ADSM/TSM Administrator
AIX Support
Phone 1-614-308-6709
Pager  1-877-489-2867
Fax      1-614-308-6637
Cell       1-740-972-6441

Siempre Hay Esperanza

                      Kent Monthei
                      <Kent.J.Monthei@G        To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                      SK.COM>                  cc:
                      Sent by: "ADSM:          Subject:  Scheduling a client backup to 
NOT occur 1 day a month - how-to
                      Dist Stor                 recommendations needed
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      03/05/2002 03:37
                      Please respond to
                      "ADSM: Dist Stor

We have an NT client that's associated with a Solaris TSM Server's daily
backup schedule.  On the 3rd of every month, an application process runs
on the NT client that clashes badly with TSM's scheduled backup, so we've
been asked to disable the TSM backup of this client on the 3rd of each

There's no way to schedule this per-month exception using the Client
Schedule parameters.  Could someone recommend a tried/tested method for
accomplishing this?

-rsvp, thanks

Kent Monthei

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