Re: tape prob

2004-11-18 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi, Sounds charming trying to be helpfull theese days. :-) It appears to me that you cant use that faulty tape, have you tested to mount the tape in another drive? It´s quite simple, if you cant read the tape... you cant move the data. or force it to move. What he also said was "If there are

Re: tape prob

2004-11-18 Thread Hashim, Shukrie BSP-ISM/116
ok .. so what you are saying is that .. when I move the data from the faulty tape to another ... tape ... I should do a restore stg right .. ! but .. My question was .. how can I MOVE DATA since everytime the tape is inserted into the drives it couldn't read it ... and it will make the tape

Re: ANR4737e message

2004-11-18 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi Timothy, You are right, you should not see CopyContinue i 'q node'... but you see it with 'q stg f=d'. Look at both primary and copy storage pools. I still belive you got some I/O error while writing to tape. Did you check your actlog? //Henrik |+>

Re: tape prob

2004-11-18 Thread Orville Lantto
First put the tape in READ-ONLY access with the "UPDATE VOLUME" command, The use the "MOVE DATA" to move the data off the tape. Note any errors. If there are any errors use the "RESTORE STG" command to repair the storage pool. Finally, eject the tape and discard it. Orville L. Lantto Datatrend

Re: TSM 4.1.4 and AIX 5.1

2004-11-18 Thread Tom Melton
I had sent the following email a few days ago, and the only responses I received were to upgrade to TSM 5.1x on AIX 4.3.3 and then upgrade to AIX 5.1 and then finally to TSM 5.2x. Well, I tried my plan, and TSM 4.1.4 will run on AIX 5.1, at least for a day, and then I upgraded to TSM

tape prob

2004-11-18 Thread Hashim, Shukrie BSP-ISM/116
Hi all, I have this tape Volume Name: 002081 Storage Pool Name: 3494 Device Class Name: 3494DEV Estimated Capacity (MB): 36,893.2 Pct Util: 25.6 Volume Status: Full Access: R

Slow WIN2K clients

2004-11-18 Thread Jones, Eric J
Good Evening. I was wondering if anyone had experienced any problems with Win2K SP4 machines running the TSM client 5.2.0. The server is an AIX machine running 5.2 with TSM server 5.2.2. These machines sit behind a firewall running over port 6150, server initiated, along with a number of other

Is there a way to install/apply atldd without bouncing TSM?

2004-11-18 Thread Hoa V Nguyen
Hi gurus, I have deleted path then using smitty to apply Atape & atldd device driver. Atape went fine. But atldd failed because /dev/lmcp# is still available, can't applied. Until I bounced TSM and applied atldd again it was successfully. Is there a way to instal

Re: backup failures with ANS1028S & ANS1512E rc=12

2004-11-18 Thread Andrew Raibeck
Check dsmerror.log. Are there any error messages that coincide with this error? Regards, Andy Andy Raibeck IBM Software Group Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] The only dumb question is the

Re: select node summary

2004-11-18 Thread Joni Moyer
Thanks Andy! It worked like a charm! I do not mean to sound ignorant, but why do I not see the TDP backups for these servers within this summary? They are TDP for domino backups, but I guess I just assumed they would be included within this table? Thanks! Joni M

Re: backup failures with ANS1028S & ANS1512E rc=12

2004-11-18 Thread Prather, Wanda
No. I'm running 5.2.3 clients on a bunch of Win2K servers, get 3-12 failures of files in use. Doesn't result in the internal error you are getting. Make sure the scheduler has adequate permissions to access the root of the D: and E: drive. If that isn't it, call support. W -Original Messa

Re: backup failures with ANS1028S & ANS1512E rc=12

2004-11-18 Thread Richard Sims
>...11/18/2004 11:02:36 ANS1028S Internal program error. ... Yuck. Any supplementary information in the dsmerror.log? For that matter, running out if disk space in writing the dsmsched.log or dsmerror.log can cause the error. Richard Sims

Write a Redbook! IBM Tivoli Storage Manager in a Clustered Environment

2004-11-18 Thread Charlotte Brooks
Another opportunity to explore an interesting TSM topic in sunny San Jose CA. Any questions, please forward to Roland directly. Regards, Charlotte Project Leader and Certified IT Specialist IBM Storage Solutions, ITSO San Jose email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ph: (408) 927-3641 t/l: 8-457-3641 fax:

Re: ANR4737e message

2004-11-18 Thread Timothy Hughes
Henrik, When I do a q node it does not show the Continue Copy on Error selection. I used the TSM Gui to show the Copy Storage Pool. Thanks Henrik Wahlstedt wrote: > Hi, > > Have you checked your actlog for any I/O errors? > What does Continue Copy on Error show with q node? > Look at 'h upd

Re: Question about LTO2 tape error

2004-11-18 Thread Paul Zarnowski
At 09:46 AM 11/18/2004, Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU wrote: However, my firmware is already at the level discussed, 4772 ! My understanding is that 4770 fixes the problem to prevent future index corruption. However, if you have a tape that already had it's index corrupted *prior* to upgrading the firmware

backup failures with ANS1028S & ANS1512E rc=12

2004-11-18 Thread John Bremer
All, I'm seeing consistent failures on scheduled backups with Window 2K machines, all with three volumes. The scheduled backup fails with above return codes after successfully backing up one drive. Can the failure to backup objects in use by other processes be fatal? TSM client 5.2.3 TSM server 5

Re: select node summary

2004-11-18 Thread Andrew Raibeck
I think you are looking more for something like this: select entity as node_name, date(start_time) as date, cast(activity as varchar(10)) as activity, time(start_time) as start, time(end_time) as end, cast((bytes/100) as decimal(6,0)) as megabytes, cast(affe

Re: TSM & SQL databases

2004-11-18 Thread David McClelland
Hi Ruth, In response: Q >>> Once the SQL backup is complete there is a need to delete this backup file from the server to ensure there is adequate database space prior to the next scheduled database backup. I'm currently using a different backup product that actually backs up the file and then d


2004-11-18 Thread Roslind Kaur

select node summary

2004-11-18 Thread Joni Moyer
Hello All! I believe that I am getting the syntax of a select statement wrong for summarizing the backup information summary for all nodes that begin with ln* from 11/12/2004 - 11/13/2004. Here is what I have so far: select entity as node_name, date(start_date) as date, cast(activity as varchar(

ANR1343I Unable to delete scratch volume

2004-11-18 Thread Warren, Matthew (Retail)
Hello TSM'ers, TSM Admin CLI AIX 5.2 Over the last few days, we have been getting lots of tapes remain empty even after the reusedelay has passed. TSM show the following error; ANR1343I Unable to delete scratch volume TSM believes the volume is currently in use, but no proce

Re: TSM & SQL databases

2004-11-18 Thread Matuschak, Brian J
Ruth: I prototyped something like this, but I can only offer you suggestions right off the top of my head to get you started on research. The trick here is to use the DSMC "expire" command and change the retention parameters for that particular file; this is done by defining a special managem

Re: TSM & SQL databases

2004-11-18 Thread Tammy Schellenberg
We backup SQL with TSM and use 2 different methods. One is the TSM SQL backup (yes we had to purchase an extra license for this) the other on our banking system we backup the database to a file and then just use TSM to backup the file. we use a job server that does the backups to file, the backup

Re: Question about LTO2 tape error

2004-11-18 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
This is supposed to be *NEW*. Nothing labeled "refurbished". The support on this hasn't been the greatest. Mostly self-service (i.e. they sent me the drive and I installed it myself - not that I am complaining since I can handle this kinda stuff in my sleep). One problem I fought for a while was

Re: TSM & SQL databases

2004-11-18 Thread Curtis Stewart
If you need the file deleted after it's sent to TSM, look at TSM's archive function and its various options. Curtis Ruth Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 11/18/2004 10:54 AM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To [


2004-11-18 Thread Watkins, Pattie
Thanks. P. Watkins x8-7125

Re: Question about LTO2 tape error

2004-11-18 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Yes, this is the IBM 3873-L72. This is the only LTO2 we have. Everything else is 3590B/E ! PAC Brion Arnaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 11/18/2004 11:27 AM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc S

TSM & SQL databases

2004-11-18 Thread Ruth Peters
I have a windows 2000 server with a SQL database. The database is backed up using SQL's enterprise utility. Once the SQL backup is complete there is a need to delete this backup file from the server to ensure there is adequate database space prior to the next scheduled database backup. I'm current


2004-11-18 Thread Moses Show
Moses Show Contract Technical Analyst St Paul Travelers Insurance Co. Ltd 61-63 London Road, Redhill RH1 1NA Direct: 01737 787 286 Fax: 01737 787432 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web : == This c

Re: Question about LTO2 tape error

2004-11-18 Thread Bill Boyer
If this is IBM, then look at the boxes that the replacement parts come in...usually says refurbished. I think if you don't specify you don't get "new". I'm not even sure if you can ask for new parts.. Plus if this is a 3583...that's really an ADIC library. IBM (and Dell!) OEM this library from ADIC

TDP for Oracle

2004-11-18 Thread Rainer Holzinger
Hi all, in my office there will be installed Oracle DB Server Enterprise Edition 10g running under SuSe Linux Enterprise Server v.8. Is there a TDP for Oracle available to backup 'Oracle DB Server Enterprise Edition 10g'? At the moment there are a few TDPO (vers. installati

Re: linux restore problem

2004-11-18 Thread Mark D. Rodriguez
Otto, I am going to assume you are trying to restore all files in all subdirectories from /daten. Then all you need do is drop the * from your filespec, like so" "dsmc restore /daten/ -subdir=yes " *BeginSpeculation:* I believe the reason you are having a problem is that the shell is expanding th

Re: Question about LTO2 tape error

2004-11-18 Thread PAC Brion Arnaud
Hi Zoltan, Just for info (and to avoid buying possibly weak hardware), what type of library are you speaking about ? Is it your IBM 3583-L72 ? Cheers. Arnaud ** Panalpina Management Ltd., Basle, Switzerland, CIT Depa

Re: Question about LTO2 tape error

2004-11-18 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Thanks for the help. I started the AUDIT and it has already flagged 2-tapes within the first 5-minutes. I seem to have a bad drive, again. This LTO2 library has been a royal pain since we got it. Already replaced 1-PS, 1-DRIVE and internal board and now another drive. Considering it only has 2-d

Re: linux restore problem

2004-11-18 Thread Richard Sims
... >When I do a "dsmc restore /daten/* -subdir=yes " I get the following >error: >Restore function invoked. > >** Unsuccessful ** >ANS4000E Error processing '': file space does not exist ... Looks like no one has had experience to share on that msg. I'll tackle it in the abstract... Consider n

Re: Question about LTO2 tape error

2004-11-18 Thread Bill Boyer
For us it turned out to be a drive problem, not firmware. Once I got all the tapes cleaned off that were flagging the corrupted index, I then monitored each time I got another corruption and it was always the same drive. Bill Boyer DSS, INc. -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manage

Re: Netware error message

2004-11-18 Thread Troy Frank
Assuming that it's been fine up until now, I would guess that something has changed. Has there been any patches/service packs/new tsm clients installed lately? If not, you may also want to look into the newest tsa patches (tsa16 I believe). Another thing to look for is the cache allocation perce

Re: Netware error message

2004-11-18 Thread Robert Ouzen
Frank You are right the Netware staff installed service pack 02 , I just upgrade the tsm client version to and will run tonight a backup. If I still got a problem will download the newest tsa patches as you suggested. I didn't quiet understand what you mean by cache allocation percentage

Re: Question about LTO2 tape error

2004-11-18 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Thanks for the suggestions. Another responder pointed to your earlier message in the ADSM-L archives. I think it might be a tape-drive issue versus firmware since I am at the latest firmware I can find. We just started using this library so I will try the AUDIT you described. Bill Boyer <[EM

Re: Archive and exclude

2004-11-18 Thread Troy Frank
I may be misunderstanding what you want, but it sounds like you should be doing the opposite. Do one exclude that excludes everything, then do specific includes for what you do want. That way, when people add new directories, they're automatically excluded unless you put in a specific include for

Re: Question about LTO2 tape error

2004-11-18 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Possibly.. However, my firmware is already at the level discussed, 4772 ! Henrik Wahlstedt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 11/18/2004 09:24 AM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc Subject Re: Q

Re: Question about LTO2 tape error

2004-11-18 Thread Bill Boyer
I ran into this back in September with a lot of tapes. Turned out to be a faulty drive that was corrupting the chips. Once you either move all the data off and TSM starts writing at the beginning, the index is built. There was also a procedure posted to this list that using the ntutil.exe..tapeutil

Archive and exclude

2004-11-18 Thread Gilmore,Mindy
First of all I want to let everyone know that I have been looking at the manuals and website :) Have not found my answer yet! We are running an archive backup through a command line from a tivoli 5.2.2 client (windows). The command line only looks at the node name and server is the dsm.opt fil

Re: Question about LTO2 tape error

2004-11-18 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi Zoltan, Can this be something for you? //Henrik Zoltan Forray/AC/VCUTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]cc: (bcc: Henrik Wahlstedt)

Question about LTO2 tape error

2004-11-18 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
I am a bit of a newby when it comes to LTO2 tape technology, so please excuse the possible "dumb" question. I received the following error about my LTO2 tape: 11/17/2004 4:38:01 PM ANR8950W Device /dev/rmt3, volume 090046 has issued the following Warning TapeAlert: The tape directory on the tape

Netware error message

2004-11-18 Thread Robert Ouzen
Hi to all I have a Netware Client version 6.5 service pack revision 02 , my Tsm Client Version is and Tsm Server Version is I got yesterday this error message: server NW halted Wednesday, November 17, 2004 11:23:21.351 pm Abend 1 on P00: Server-5.70.02: Page Fault Processor Ex

Re: ANR4737e message

2004-11-18 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi, Have you checked your actlog for any I/O errors? What does Continue Copy on Error show with q node? Look at 'h upd stg' and CopyContinue. //Henrik |+> || Timothy Hughes| || <[EMAIL PROTECTED]| ||

Re: ANR4737e message

2004-11-18 Thread Andrew Raibeck
Try looking up the message to see what the text means. From the Admin CLI you can run: help anr4737e which provides some direction. Regards, Andy Andy Raibeck IBM Software Group Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Internet

ANR4737e message

2004-11-18 Thread Timothy Hughes
Hello all, Has anyone ever seen this message? 2 nodes received this message and failed with a return code of 12. The nodes did back up data before they failed spirixt250 40gb and sprixta_300 11/18/04 01:33:44 ANR4737E Transaction failed for session 826 for node SPRIX

Re: query bulk i/o

2004-11-18 Thread Marcus Witts
Hi all I wrote a ksh script about a year ago that runs on Microsoft Services for Unix that interfaces with the lbtest.exe program. I'm sure the same thing can be written using windows scripts if you know how. You run the script and it gives a simple menu that allows you to eject DRM mountable

AW: ANS1950E Backup via Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy failed

2004-11-18 Thread Stefan Holzwarth
Hi Karel, have a look at;en-us;833167 Kind regards Stefan Holzwarth -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Bos, Karel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Gesendet: Dienstag, 16. November 2004 09:31 An: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Betreff: ANS1950E Backup via Microso

Help with select

2004-11-18 Thread Henrik Wahlstedt
Hi, I need some help with this. I would like to have the following output on a select from backup table on Domino trans.logs. NODENAME ACTIVE_VERSION INACTIVE_VERSION Node 1 12062 Node2 80 99 select NODE_NAME,FILESPACE_NAME,STATE,CLASS_NAME, TYPE,H

Re: Using a FC connected NetApp as a primary storagepool

2004-11-18 Thread Yiannakis Vakis
Daniel, I'm using a netapp filer (FAS940) but my connection to it is thru ethernet 1GB connection. I have two disk storage pools in TSM defined on the filer. We use iSCSI and the performance is acceptable. FC is more expensive as a solution therefore if you already have it in place you should use i

Re: client idling

2004-11-18 Thread Neil Schofield
Tim Whenever we've seen this sort or performance and those errors at our shop, it's invariably been the auto-negotiation of the ethernet speed and duplex mode. Eg if the NIC is supposed to be running 100Mbits/s and Full duplex, then force this explicitly on both the NIC and the ethernet switch (or

linux restore problem

2004-11-18 Thread Otto Schakenbos
I have the following problem with sles 9.0 and restoring files. situation: We have a linux fileserver (redhat 8.0) that uses tsm client to backup. Now I installed a new file server (sles 9.0) with the latest client ( I'm trying to restore data to a certain partition (daten) on the

Re: client idling

2004-11-18 Thread John Naylor
Tim Piqueur wrote re problems with client sessionsuffering frequent termination >> ANR0481W Session 16061 for node ASPIDITES (WinNT)terminated - client did not respond within 60 seconds. Try altering your server option CommTimeOut to something like 3600 60 seconds is way too short **

client idling

2004-11-18 Thread Tim Piqueur
When I try to backup a client (scheduled at 5am) it starts and the actlog seems to indicate that everything is going well. Altough it skips some files in the process, mostly files that are in use by users on this W2K server. After some times it starts giving the following messages: 11/18/2004 08: