Antwort: Re: stgpool-problem

2001-05-17 Thread Robert Fijan
Hello Dwight. I'm glad about your answer, but: how do I run the DSMSERV AUDITDB on OS/390, were my TSM-Server is installed? I found out that I have to run it, before the server is started, but how? Can you tell me something about that? I hope so and wait for your answer. With kind regards

Alex Mounayar/SMS is out of the office.

2001-05-17 Thread Alex Mounayar
I will be out of the office from 05/17/2001 until 05/21/2001. --- This message and any included attachments are from Siemens Medical Solutions Health Services Corporation and are intended only for the addressee(s). T

3575 Tape Order Delay

2001-05-17 Thread David Longo
I have found out that there is about a 2 week delay in getting 3570/3575 tapes. Apparently there is a delay back to the manufacturer - IBM. Not as bad as some mention a few weeks ago about 3490 or 3590 tapes, but if you run short, you need to find someone who actually has them in stock. Supr

interrupt a running script

2001-05-17 Thread Joel Fuhrman
Is there a way to interrupt a multi-command scripts? I've tried updating the script to ACTIVE=NO and then cancelling the current process. Unfortunately, the next command in the script was still run.

Re: Schedlog

2001-05-17 Thread Prather, Wanda
For windows, there is an option called QUIET that you can put in dsm.opt. I don't use it, so I'm not sure how much difference it makes. Description below. If you try it, be sure and STOP and restart the scheduler so it will pick up the change to dsm.opt. ===

Re: 5 GB limit on Recovery Log

2001-05-17 Thread Prather, Wanda
That's great, at least maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel somewhere - -Original Message- From: Lisa Cabanas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 9:19 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: 5 GB limit on Recovery Log Well, I heard from a Tivoli technical sale

DB2 questions on AIX with SAPR3 not TSM Sorry

2001-05-17 Thread Norbert Martin
Hi anothe kind of questions, but I think thats not a very uninteresting Problem. Sorry, I know that is not directly a ADSM/TSM problem. This is a DB2 problem, I know. Whatever, the problem is: Is it possible that I can make a "flashcopy/mirroring" of a lot of AIX volumes an can change the datab

Re: 5 GB limit on Recovery Log

2001-05-17 Thread Prather, Wanda
Daily. -Original Message- From: Hrouda Tomáš [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 4:28 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: 5 GB limit on Recovery Log How often do you provide full DB backup? Maybe increase of full DB backup frequency can lower your recovery log ne

Re: Excessive Read Errors on LTO

2001-05-17 Thread Alex Paschal
SCSI Bench Reference ENDL Publications ISBN 1879936305 You might also like to take a look at the SCSI Tutor ENDL Publications ISBN 1879936089 I don't have either one, but they've been recommended to me. One of these days, I'll try to get management to spring for 'em. Alex Paschal Storage Admi

Re: Complete Server Backup

2001-05-17 Thread Rik Foote
Thomas, How about running an ARCHIVE as opposed to a BACKUP? No exclude lists to worry about - just set it to archive the root directory and all subdirs. You can give it a short retention mgmt class, which you may need to create first but its not a big deal. Rik -

Re: Exclude not working

2001-05-17 Thread Murray, Jim
I see that everything is nicely lined up in your email. Did you dress it up for the email or are you using tabs in your .opt file? We have found with TDP for SQL and for Exchange that the use of tabs can cause errors. On occasion I've seen it cause errors (Dr. Watsons) with just regular file ba

Complete Server Backup

2001-05-17 Thread Rupp Thomas (Illwerke)
Hi *SM gurus, I have about 10 servers that I backup with Tivoli Data Protection (MS Exchange, ORACLE on AIX and Windows NT, SAP). Some major maintenance is done next week and everyone feels much better if we would have a full backup of all files - including the ORACLE, EXCHANGE and SAP files that

Re: Excessive Read Errors on LTO

2001-05-17 Thread Lisa Cabanas
ew ew!! where did you get your handy SCSI bench reference? Sounds like something I'd like to put into my aresenal!! -lisa George Lesho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/17/2001 11:01 AM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: (bcc: Lisa Cabanas/SC

Re: calculating backup success results for reports,

2001-05-17 Thread PINNI, BALANAND (SBCSI)
its query event * * but what u mean by %ages? pl can u explain.Is it that u want only the summary from dsmsched.log. -Original Message- From: Dan Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 11:58 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: calculating backup success results for re

Re: Exclude not working

2001-05-17 Thread MacMurray, Andrea (CC-ETS Ent Storage Svcs)
No this is the only include/exclude statement in the dsm.opt and their is nothing specified on the server either. -Original Message- From: Kleynerman, Arthur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 11:00 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Exclude not working Are there

Re: TSM 4.1 with HP SureStore library

2001-05-17 Thread Tab Trepagnier
This is a followup... It turns out that HP recently updated their firmware in their 2/20, 4/40, etc. line to rev 1.25.00. That is what broke the TSM SCSI library driver. I downlevel-ed the library firmware to rev 1.14.00 (and the drives to V15 from V20) and was able to define all required objec

Global Exclude

2001-05-17 Thread Fred Johanson
I find an awful amount of storage is filled with Internet Cache and Temp files. I frequently post to my users what the minimum include-exclude list should be, but it is usually ignored. Short of creating an optionset with the proper exclude statements and editing all the existing ones, there are

Re: 5 GB limit on Recovery Log

2001-05-17 Thread PINNI, BALANAND (SBCSI)
Hi all Is it not true that when I take backup of database and delete old backups on tapes .I do a full backup daily only one set of tapes I have for restoration and that is full backup each day.As utilization %age is same through out for rlog to recover, And log does not increase until data in

calculating backup success results for reports,

2001-05-17 Thread Dan Lee
We Use Unicenter Scheduling and TSM 3.7. We are backing up AIX, SUN, and NT boxes. I am looking for a script or some advice on how to calculate and report the daily backup success(in percentages) by Nodes (not file spaces). Thanks Dan Lee Mutual of Omaha Companies

Re: Exclude not working

2001-05-17 Thread PINNI, BALANAND (SBCSI)
Pl edit location of file inclexcl in dsm.opt file Inclexcl /usr/local/opt/tsm/inclexcl and edit the respective inclexcl file as given in ur .opt file as exclude d:\notes\data\mailobj.nsf . -Original Message- From: Kleynerman, Arthur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thu

Re: TSM and NT 4.0

2001-05-17 Thread Rushforth, Tim
Yes it is possible, check out for the procedure. You have to use a repair partiton and manually copy the registry files. -Original Message- From: Gianni Garda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 1:44 AM To: [EMAIL PRO

Re: Netware restore from one client to another

2001-05-17 Thread John Naylor
The message is telling you that TSM does not find any files using the source in your command. It needs the filespace description to be exactly right. Do a "q fil test1 f=d" to get the exact form Saying that we do not use from node We would just issue the restore command from the other client as


2001-05-17 Thread Rajesh Oak
What do I do so that TSM does not record all the details of files that are backed up? Is there a way to record just the major details like Backup Started, Backup Completed successfully etc ? The reason is that the schedlog becomes too big even I keep the records just for 2 days. This is for MAC

Exclude not working

2001-05-17 Thread MacMurray, Andrea (CC-ETS Ent Storage Svcs)
Hi everybody, Maybe this question has been here more than once, but being relativley new to the list as well as to Tivoli I dare to ask anyway. The following DSM.OPT files runs on a NT service pac6 with TDP for Lotus Notes version 4.6. *===

Re: Excessive Read Errors on LTO

2001-05-17 Thread George Lesho
My handy SCSI bench reference says there is a medium error (Key=03) and the sense data ASC=14 ASCQ=00 indicates "recorded entity not found"... think you might have bad media... George Lesho Storage/System Admin AFC Enterprises Ruddy STOUDER <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 05/17/2001 10:38:44 AM Ple

Re: Exclude not working

2001-05-17 Thread Kleynerman, Arthur
Are there any other incl/excl statements defined (in dsm.opt file or client option set on the server)? -Original Message- From: MacMurray, Andrea (CC-ETS Ent Storage Svcs) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 11:54 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Exclude not working

Netware restore from one client to another

2001-05-17 Thread Brecton Whitten
TSM'ers, If anyone can help with this, I would appreciate it - I am trying to restore files from one Netware client to another using command line and -fromnode parameter. The original client has crashed and I am trying to move its data to a directory on another Netware client. Using the follow

Using TSM OBDC Driver with Excel

2001-05-17 Thread Short, Anne
Has anyone seen this problem and know how to overcome it? Using the TSM OBDC Drivers with Excel to import information regarding the admin schedules into a spreadsheet, the STARTTIME column always shows up with all zeros (00:00:00) for the time. If I issue the very same select statement from eith

Excessive Read Errors on LTO

2001-05-17 Thread Ruddy STOUDER
Hello, My configuration is TSM Server 4.1.2, NT4.0 SP6, LTO 3583 with 2 tape drives 3580 connected via Adaptec 29160. Drivers are the IBM ones in version Backups are running perfectly, restores are also running perfectly but during the week-end, when reclamation is running, I get the fol

Re: tsm sql error messages

2001-05-17 Thread Del Hoobler
$)C Did you try specifying a valid sql userid and password? For example: sqldsmc /backupfull:* /SQLUSer:userid /SQLPWD:password The default is "sa" for /SQLUSER and "" (blank) for SQLPWD. Also, if this is running on a cluster, specify "/SQLSERVER=sqlservername". Thanks, Del --

Re: stgpool-problem

2001-05-17 Thread PINNI, BALANAND (SBCSI)
checkout the volume with flag force=yes It will give error .But it will be ok. I did this when volume was not there in lib and i couldnot delete lib. balanand -Original Message- From: Robert Fijan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 6:49 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subj

Re: Error Log

2001-05-17 Thread Michel Engels
Sorry but I do not know ESP. Perhaps it is possible to send codes via a batch specifying certain options. But this you have to figure out yourself. The backup.cmd could look like this pushd c:\tsm\baclient (or the directory where you installed TSM) dsmc i .

Re: tsm sql error messages

2001-05-17 Thread Gill, Geoffrey L.
>-Original Message- >From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] >Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 5:21 AM >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Subject: tsm sql error messages >ACO4210E -- Failed to connect to SQL server. >* gui ½ÇÇà½Ã error meg. >05/17/2001 15:49:54,ACO4210E -- Failed to connect

Re: Migrating to a 3466 C01

2001-05-17 Thread Jeff Bach
Put another network card in the F40. Why would you run with only one if this was your bottleneck. Can you just migrate the clients and leave the data until it is not needed? Jeff Bach Home Office Open Systems Engineering Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. WAL-MART CONFIDENTIAL -Original Messa

Re: 5 GB limit on Recovery Log

2001-05-17 Thread Jeff Bach
If this recovery log usage is high because of larger single transaction, such as large files of database spaces, running a database backup will not fix anything. Jeff Bach Home Office Open Systems Engineering Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. WAL-MART CONFIDENTIAL -Original Message-

Re: 5 GB limit on Recovery Log

2001-05-17 Thread Lisa Cabanas
Well, I heard from a Tivoli technical sales rep yesterday that development is working on getting around that limitation. No time frame, though. -lisa "Prather, Wanda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/16/2001 04:22 PM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: stgpool-problem

2001-05-17 Thread Ilja G. Coolen
You can also audit the volume that claims to be part of that storage pool. This usually works fine. Ilja G. Coolen Storage Management ABP / USZO _ Tel: +31 (0)45 579 7938 Fax: +31 (0)20 882 7286 E-mail:

tsm sql error messages

2001-05-17 Thread 김인엽
Please check following error messages and give me an advice.. Thanks in advance.. C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\MSSQL>sqldsmc /backupfull:* Tivoli Storage Manager Tivoli Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server - Version 1, Release 1, Level 2 (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1997, 1999. Al

Re: stgpool-problem

2001-05-17 Thread Cook, Dwight E
DISK VOLUME ? ? ? if so... halt tsm from the install directory run dsmserv auditdb diskstorage fix=yes it will run through and straighten out the broke stuff... (technical terms there ;-) ) when it completes, start tsm as usual... then either you will be able to delete the volume or the au

Re: TSM new licensing scheme

2001-05-17 Thread Reinhard Mersch
Gerhard Rentschler wrote: > ... > I have 577 registered clients on my TSM server. They are distributed over a > large area. Due to the decentralized structure of our university we do not > have a central inventory of all machines. It is impossible for me to walk > around and inspect all machines t


2001-05-17 Thread Robert Fijan
Hi. I have the following problem: I want to delete a stgpool, but i get the message, that this stgpool contains a volume. When i try to delete this volume, i get the massage that this volume doesn't exist in a stgpool. When i start the server without the volume ( by renaming it ), he says he

Re: 5 GB limit on Recovery Log

2001-05-17 Thread Suad Musovich
You only need to run an Incremental backup to reset the recovery log. Our regime is a full backup + DBSnapshot(sent offsite) on Sunday on hi-density tapes and incrementals once a day (or twice, if recovery log fills up during the day) on low-density ones using a 2 week rotation. It is manually

Migrating to a 3466 C01

2001-05-17 Thread Martin Wendel
We currently run ADSM server on a IBM F40 with an ACIC Scalar 1000 DLT-7000 library, and are planning to migrate to TSM 4 on an IBM 3466-C01 with an IBM 3584 LTO library. Normally we configure and install our server HW/SW ourselves, but as I understand it the 3466 comes pretty much prein

Re: 5 GB limit on Recovery Log

2001-05-17 Thread Hrouda Tomáš
How often do you provide full DB backup? Maybe increase of full DB backup frequency can lower your recovery log needs. Tom > -Původní zpráva- > Od: Prather, Wanda [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Odesláno: 16. května 2001 22:38 > Komu: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Předmět: 5 GB limit on Recovery L

Re: Error Log

2001-05-17 Thread Michel Engels
Hello Tim, I think the %errorlevel% could help. A good backup gives a %errorlevl% equal to 0. You can execute a command for the ESP scheduler when this %errorlevel% is not zero. If you need any help try "help if" on a DosBox. More help needed, do not hesitate to maile me, Michel Engels TSM Cons