The message is telling you that TSM does not find any files using the source in
your command.
It needs the filespace description to be exactly right.
Do a "q fil test1 f=d" to get the exact form
Saying that we do not use from node
We would just issue the restore command from the other client as example below
where I
am restoring havsd2 data1 volume to the cont_5500 client.
load dsmc rest -tapep=n -repl=n -su=y havsd2\data1\ cont_5500\data:\
Hope this helps
Brecton Whitten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 05/17/2001 04:34:55 PM
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc: (bcc: John Naylor/HAV/SSEG)
Subject: Netware restore from one client to another
If anyone can help with this, I would appreciate it -
I am trying to restore files from one Netware client to
another using command line and -fromnode parameter.
The original client has crashed and I am trying to move its
data to a directory on another Netware client. Using the following
command from the target client
res -fromnode=test1 test1/vol1:* test2/vol1:dir1\dir2\dir3\ -subdir=yes
The message I am receiving is ANS1092e 'No files matching search
criteria were found'. Unless we rebuild the original client, we cannot
use the set access command to allow the target access and that
was not in place beforehand. If anyone has gotten around this before
or has any ideas, please post them.
Brec Whitten
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