Re: Windows NT/2000 Daylight Savings Time Problem

2001-03-16 Thread Andy Raibeck
Hi Nancy, There is no 4.1.0.x fix for this; you will need to go to or Regards, Andy Andy Raibeck IBM Tivoli Systems Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] "The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked." Nancy Reeves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@V

listcat adsm-l Dana Jaeger

2001-03-16 Thread Dana Jaeger
listcat adsm-l Dana Jaeger

Re: Windows NT/2000 Daylight Savings Time Problem

2001-03-16 Thread Nancy Reeves
Andy, What version of 4.1.0.x for Windows NT has the fix? Or should I upgrade to or I only have a couple dozen NT/2000 clients. Nancy Reeves Technical Support, Wichita State University [EMAIL PROTECTED] 316-978-3860 If you are not on a version of the client that inc

Need ADSM PTF v3.1.2.40 for NT

2001-03-16 Thread Ghanekar, Prasanna
Anyone having a copy of ADSM PTF v3.1.2.40 for Windows NT ADSM server, Please let me know ASAP. I had to upgrade the server while recovering it and now it's running PTF v3.1.2.90 and I'm running into Database sort order problems while doing a restore from a client.(My existing env. is NT 4.0 + SP

Re: client notification

2001-03-16 Thread Rajesh Oak
Cory, Can you send me the Script for your report. Rajesh -- On Fri, 16 Mar 2001 10:12:41 Cory Curtis wrote: >We created a script for the TSM server to email our network admins every >morning. This way if the server backup completes we can tell if it had >problems with any files without querying

Disaster Recovery Procedures for Win2K and WInNT.

2001-03-16 Thread Prather, Wanda
Several people have mailed me directly to ask for copies of my disaster recovery procedures, so I have posted copies of them to the TSM Scripts Depot at * Click the link to Scripts Discussion Forum, then * click the link to Tivoli Storage Manager scripts, * t

Re: Hard Disk Recovery

2001-03-16 Thread MORGAN TONY
In the early days of hard disks this was a regular problem, due to the spindle wearing... If it is an old disk.. give it a sharp tap (nothing too heavy, maybe a large coin?) just at the moment you apply power. It must be on a solid bit... the silver chassis is best. It used to work on early AT ma

Re: Hard Disk Recovery

2001-03-16 Thread Miles Purdy
As Richard has indicated, giving the drive a good twist does work, sometimes, it worked for us. Also, if it is an SSA disk you might want to pursue replacing the SSA controller. We had a disk fail and by tearing apart two SSA modules (model 020), we put the 'bad' drive in the others module and

Now ADSM has Restore problems

2001-03-16 Thread Ghanekar, Prasanna
After this weeks recovery, I'm trying to do a restore from one ADSM SQL connect agent for a database. Everything goes fine upto the point of mounting the Volume and then ADSM errors out with the following error: The datbase loaded is dumped under a different sort order id(52) than the one running

Re: Hard Disk Recovery

2001-03-16 Thread Doug Thorneycroft
Check out this Article 200 ways to revive a hard drive: On Friday, March 16, 2001 10:08 AM, arhoads [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote: > Cody, > > freezing a drive is a new one to me. I'd be concerned that moisture > woul

Re: Unique Problem

2001-03-16 Thread Richard Sims
>...the backup fails with "out-of-sequence" verb error. ... Raminder - I presume you mean message ANR0444W, which would identify the type of verb. Type Confirm has been seen when the client system is short on memory. Richard Sims, BU

Re: Hard Disk Recovery

2001-03-16 Thread arhoads
Cody, freezing a drive is a new one to me. I'd be concerned that moisture would condense inside the drive on the disk surfaces. I've pulled drives and spun them (any smooth, slick - clean - surface), hard & fast -- being careful not to launch the drive off a table, I'd recommend using the floor

Re: Archive (inspected) vs Backup (inspected)

2001-03-16 Thread arhoads
Gerrit, Does your include-exclude file exclude ~ 50,000 files? Steffan Gerrit van Zyl wrote: > > Steffan, > > Why would ADSM skip 5 files for archiving. Their is about 20 files that > gives errors (open), the rest not. > > number of objects inspected: 461,739 > number of objects archived:

Re: Hard Disk Recovery

2001-03-16 Thread Richard Sims
>I recall reading that in order to recover data of a hard >disk that will not spin up you can rap it in plastic, throw it in the >freezer for an hour or so, and then it should spin up when attached to your >machine ... for a limited amount of time allowing you to retrieve the data >off the hard di

Re: Unique Problem

2001-03-16 Thread S W Branch
Have you tried increasing the commtimeout and/or idletimeout options? It sounds like the server is breaking the connection. "Braich, Raminder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/16/2001 10:

Re: Windows NT/2000 Daylight Savings Time Problem

2001-03-16 Thread Andy Raibeck
Yes, you do want to run this one. :-) You need to use the -d option when running IP21933_19_FULL.EXE, i.e.: IP21933_19_FULL -d This is described in the README.FTP file (it's in the same directory as the IP21933_19_FULL.EXE file). Regards, Andy Andy Raibeck IBM Tivoli Systems Tivoli Stor

Hard Disk Recovery

2001-03-16 Thread Cody Cauchi
Hi all. I am attempting to recover a hard disk for a friend. The disk crashed a few days, and ... they thought they had backups ... their vendor told them "no problem, we will backup the data" ... and guess what ... it wasn't backed up. They had a half-$#@ system of backups and lost some impo

Re: Windows NT/2000 Daylight Savings Time Problem

2001-03-16 Thread Doug Thorneycroft
I Just downloaded the from: ndows/v372/i386/single/ IP21933 19 FULL.EXE When I expanded the file, I kept getting the message _Setup.dll already exits. I renamed each instance and wound up with 10 versions 6 were

Re: Windows NT/2000 Daylight Savings Time Problem

2001-03-16 Thread Andy Raibeck
If you are not on a version of the client that includes the fix for IC28544 (the DST problem), then you will experience the problem. The version numbers I recommend all inlcude that fix, plus a number of other fixes as well. You can check the README files for those versions to see what is fixed in

Re: client notification

2001-03-16 Thread Cory Curtis
We created a script for the TSM server to email our network admins every morning. This way if the server backup completes we can tell if it had problems with any files without querying the log. This is an example. Cory Curtis Salt Lake County, IS Dept. Salt Lake City, Utah Network Admin 03/16/01

Re: client notification

2001-03-16 Thread Rushforth, Tim
You could also query the server activity log to see files that failed. We do perl query like: if (/ANE4959I/ && !/Total number of objects failed: 0/) which gives us a line for each client (inlcuding the node name) that has 1 or more failed files. You could then send to the appropriate

Re: Windows NT/2000 Daylight Savings Time Problem

2001-03-16 Thread David Longo
What are the implications of not having these versions? Are they the same as back in October 2000 or is there some diference? David B. Longo System Administrator Health First, Inc. 3300 Fiske Blvd. Rockledge, FL 32955-4305 PH 321.434.5536 Pager 321.634.8230 Fax:321.434.5525 [EMAIL PR

Unique Problem

2001-03-16 Thread Braich, Raminder
We have a SAP R/3 client with Oracle database on NT platform. The TSM client is 4.1 the TSM server is 4.1.2. Sometimes the partial online backups are successful for this client and more often than not it fails with "Out-of sequence" verb error. There is a PMR open with TIVOLI since 11/29/00.Yes it

Re: client notification

2001-03-16 Thread Pearson, Dave
We created one that tells us what backup failed in the last 24 hours. Thanks goodness most of the time it come back and say "All backups was successful" (we created a script for this) Dave Pearson Snohomish County PUD Everett, Washington Production Control Analyst [EMAIL PROTECTED] > -Origi

Re: Multiple ADSM/TSM Instances Sharing a Library Via ACSLS

2001-03-16 Thread Christine Wickham
To expand on what Tim stated, STK recommended that we use Gresham's DTELM software to help us manage our libraries. We've been very happy with it. -Chris Wickham [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tim Melly cc: Sent by: Subject

Re: Windows NT/2000 Daylight Savings Time Problem

2001-03-16 Thread Andy Raibeck
Have we reverted back to the last Sunday in April? I know that at one time, the change to DST used to occur on the last Sunday in April, but it was changed to the first Sunday in April back in the 1980's (at least in the US). If you are running the 3.7.x client, I recommend using If yo

Re: Windows NT/2000 Daylight Savings Time Problem

2001-03-16 Thread MORGAN TONY
In the UK its March 25th. Arrrh Now I'm worried... I hope it 1). works. 2). is simple to install. Anyone done it yet??? -Original Message- From: Prather, Wanda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 16 March 2001 15:46 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Windows NT/2000 Day

Re: Windows NT/2000 Daylight Savings Time Problem

2001-03-16 Thread Prather, Wanda
No such luck! DST starts the FIRST Sunday in April. (perhaps appropriately, this year, it's April 1) -Original Message- From: David Longo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 10:17 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Windows NT/2000 Daylight Savings Time Problem

Re: Windows NT/2000 Daylight Savings Time Problem

2001-03-16 Thread David Longo
I believe we go to DST the last Sunday in April. I hope we get clear on this on this change and don't have a notice 3 days before telling us there is a problem. NO way I can update 100 clients with that notice. David B. Longo System Administrator Health First, Inc. 3300 Fiske Blvd. Rockledge

TSM 4.1 Performance Guide

2001-03-16 Thread William Boyer
I just received my TSM 4.1 CD's and was reading the README.SRV file. At the very end was: Performance Tuning for Tivoli Storage Manager The Tivoli Storage Manager V4.1 Performance Tuning Guide will be available on the home page. Point your web browser to this address:

Size returned by q vol and q occup don't match.

2001-03-16 Thread Dias, Bill (GTIWHQ)
Our current level of ADSM know, tell the bean counters. We wanted to know how much storage was being used by different parts of the system, so I wrote a PERL script to retrieve the information. For s... and giggles I added some processing for q occup. Surprise! They don

Looking for Someone (willing to share TDP R/3 experience

2001-03-16 Thread Mike Hedden
Hi fellow *SMer's- I am facing an upcoming large SAP installation and am looking for someone who has some experience using TDP R/3 that would be willing to share their experiences. I would first like to talk with the ADSM folks and then possibly expand the conversation to include the application/

Re: Multiple ADSM/TSM Instances Sharing a Library Via ACSLS

2001-03-16 Thread Tim Melly
We have two STK 9740s shared between three ADSM servers and a HP V class based in-housed HSM solution. The 9740s are connected via a pass-thru slot, one 9740 has 9 DLT7000 drives and the other has 6 DLT7000s. The ADSM servers are SP nodes running AIX 4.3.3 and ADSM We have a single ACSL

Re: Multiple ADSM/TSM Instances Sharing a Library Via ACSLS

2001-03-16 Thread Richard L. Rhodes
Have you had any support problems between IBM and STK over the IBM drives in the STK library? It's possible we may run this config in the future and I'm interested in how the 2 companies cooperate. Rick > One library is home of 8 9840 drives attached to RS/6000 S7A via SCSI, the > other is ho

Re: TSM vs NSR Performance

2001-03-16 Thread Chibois, Herve
Hi again, On UNIX machines, some parameters could be better tuned than on NT On the client dsm.opt TCPBUFFSIZE 32 TCPWINDOWSIZE 48 * could be set to 64 on UNIXEX (RFC1323) * Windows platforms are not compliant, => 63 max

Re: Recoverylog

2001-03-16 Thread Ian Smith
David, Our experience of this was that a client session had stuck in RecVW over a couple of nights. The effect of this was that that part of the log after the uncommitted client transaction could not be cleared ( the log in rollforward mode is sequential ). Thus one dark and stormy night our serv

Re: Archive (inspected) vs Backup (inspected)

2001-03-16 Thread Gerrit van Zyl
Steffan, Why would ADSM skip 5 files for archiving. Their is about 20 files that gives errors (open), the rest not. number of objects inspected: 461,739 number of objects archived: 411,368 The schedule is to archive c: d: e: Thanks and regards Gerrit van Zyl arhoads wrote: > Gerrit,

Windows NT/2000 Daylight Savings Time Problem

2001-03-16 Thread Bo Nielsen
Hello did I had to install the fix IP22088_17 on the NT/2000 servers, before next week'end, where we are going to summertime??? Sincerely, Bo Nielsen FDB dataPhone: +45 4386 4671 Roskildevej 65 Fax: +45 4386 4990 DK-2620 Albert