Can you send me the Script for your report.
On Fri, 16 Mar 2001 10:12:41
Cory Curtis wrote:
>We created a script for the TSM server to email our network admins every
>morning. This way if the server backup completes we can tell if it had
>problems with any files without querying the log. This is an example.
>Cory Curtis
>Salt Lake County, IS Dept.
>Salt Lake City, Utah
>Network Admin
>* Scheduled backup completion report follows --
>Tivoli Storage Manager
>Scheduled Start Actual Start Schedule Name Node
>Name Status
>-------------------- -------------------- -------------
>------------- ---------
>03/15/01 02:30:00 03/15/01 03:00:03 EXCHANGE_SCH- SERVER1
> ED
>03/15/01 19:25:09 03/15/01 19:25:42 CLIENT_SCHED- SERVER2
>03/15/01 19:25:09 03/15/01 19:31:54 CLIENT_SCHED- SERVER3
>03/15/01 21:00:00 CLIENT_SCHED- SERVER4
>03/15/01 21:00:00 03/15/01 19:45:10 CLIENT_SCHED- SERVER5
>The following clients missed their scheduled backup window in the previous
>24 hours
>Nodename Status
>------------- ---------
>SERVER3 Failed
>SERVER4 Missed
>The following clients have not accessed the TSM system for more than 2 days
>Nodename Platform # days since last access
>-------- -------- ------------------------
>Workstation6 WinNT 11
>Workstation7 WinNT 11
>The following clients had errors during their last backup
>SERVER3 # of failures 12
>SERVER8 # of failures 14
>SERVER9 # of failures 22
>SERVER10 # of failures 12
>SERVER11 # of failures 3
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Pearson, Dave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 9:37 AM
>Subject: Re: client notification
>We created one that tells us what backup failed in the last 24 hours. Thanks
>goodness most of the time it come back and say "All backups was successful"
>(we created a script for this)
>Dave Pearson
>Snohomish County PUD
>Everett, Washington
>Production Control Analyst
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Rushforth, Tim [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 8:24 AM
>> Subject: Re: client notification
>> You could also query the server activity log to see files that failed. We
>> do perl query like:
>> if (/ANE4959I/ && !/Total number of objects failed: 0/)
>> which gives us a line for each client (inlcuding the node name) that has 1
>> or more failed files. You could then send to the appropriate users.
>> Tim Rushforth
>> City of Winnipeg
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Prather, Wanda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 12:03 PM
>> Subject: Re: client notification
>> Part of the problem is, who is the "user".
>> Under WinnT, scheduled backups generally run under the System account.
>> Any
>> USER account may or may not be logged on at the time backups are run. On
>> UNIX, the backups generally run as root.
>> What we do is query the eventlog on the server end, and generate mail
>> messages to be sent to users whose backups fail or miss. That works if
>> you
>> have a way to map the TSM node names into mail ids. But, it doesn't take
>> into account any individual files that fail to back up, we really don't
>> have
>> a solution for that yet.
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