We have a SAP R/3 client with Oracle database on NT platform. The TSM client
is 4.1 the TSM server is 4.1.2. Sometimes the partial online backups are
successful for this client and more often than not it fails with "Out-of
sequence" verb error. There is a PMR open with TIVOLI since 11/29/00.Yes it
has been that long and Tivoli still has to figure out wht is wrong. Tivoli
suggested to put trace on  in the initSID.utl file to capture the error. Lo
and behold the partial online backup is successful and it takes 3 times more
amount of time to finish than without the trace. However, if the tracing is
turned off the backup fails with "out-of-sequence" verb error. Has anyone
seen this before? What changes does tracing make so that the backups are

Raminder Braich

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