Re: [9fans] directly opening Plan9 devices

2009-01-07 Thread ron minnich
The underlying assumption of motivation for this discussion is that jailing (or whatever we want to call it) is somehow a good thing. Given that every CPU we care about comes with virtualization hardware, I just can't see the point of jails -- seems like an idea whose time has gone, kind of like 80

Re: [9fans] cheap, low-resolution terminal

2009-01-07 Thread ron minnich
On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 7:10 PM, wrote: > > > > > Just threw this onto my CPU server (yes, mock my slow processor, it > was free) and was once again pleased with how easy it is to set st

Re: [9fans] directly opening Plan9 devices

2009-01-07 Thread ron minnich
On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 9:16 AM, erik quanstrom wrote: > On Wed Jan 7 11:58:04 EST 2009, wrote: >> The underlying assumption of motivation for this discussion is that >> jailing (or whatever we want to call it) is somehow a good thing. >> Given that every CPU we care about comes

Re: [9fans] directly opening Plan9 devices

2009-01-08 Thread ron minnich
On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 5:37 AM, erik quanstrom wrote: >> > arm has virtualization? >> >> >> Some do. >> >> ARMs are so cheap ... don't jail things, just get another one. > > i wasn't aware of that. > > so for my arm http/ftp server, you suggest one physical cpu > for each http/ftp connection? how

Re: [9fans] Les Mis?rables

2009-01-19 Thread ron minnich
Jimmy, your best bet is to find a working wifi card and dig through that source for a few weeks until you're sure you really understand it. drivers should be easy. What turns them hard is dealing with all the bugs in the hardware. ron

Re: [9fans] SYSTOR 2009---The Israeli Experimental Systems Conference

2009-01-22 Thread ron minnich
I don't know but that's a good group of people on the committee. I expect they'd be open to more than the usual "how I got linux to be power aware" type papers ... ron

[9fans] fun question

2009-01-22 Thread ron minnich
I ask this every time I hit this piece of code, I think. But what the heck: if(seed <- 0) seed = seed + m_31; what's wrong with this code? ron

Re: [9fans] fun question

2009-01-22 Thread ron minnich
Erik got it. That code originally was written for a 1s complement machine, the CDC 7200 I believe. I get a kick out of it every time I see something and remember machines with + and - 0 :-) ron

Re: [9fans] plan9 won't install on my system

2009-01-23 Thread ron minnich
On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 1:49 AM, elot wrote: > hey,i have an intel core 2 duo CPU E7300 with an ASUS motherboard and > an nvidia 8500GT/PCI/SSE2 graphic card.i tried to install plan9 but it > stops at a part that says irq 3 routing and wont even bring up the > boot options.i looked at the list of

Re: [9fans] recompiling gs

2009-01-26 Thread ron minnich
That dot-matrix is going to convert your hearing system into a notch filter very quickly :-) ron

[9fans] for all you people writing Plan 9 papers ...

2009-01-28 Thread ron minnich
handy: ron

Re: [9fans] Sources Gone?

2009-01-29 Thread ron minnich
On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 4:12 AM, Uriel wrote: > All this has been solved by git and hg; and git and hg would *never* > wipe out your local files simply because the backing store for the > repository you are pulling from happens to break, Have you used git much? Sure, it's nice. Have you tried it

Re: [9fans] for all you people writing Plan 9 papers ...

2009-01-29 Thread ron minnich
On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 8:57 AM, wrote: > > It is incorrect, missing at least the Sys Admin magazine article > from Feb. 04 > incomplete and incorrect are not the same. But why not drop a bibtex entry on the list so we can try to make it less incomplete? ron

Re: [9fans] Ogg/Vorbis ported

2009-01-29 Thread ron minnich
>From what you learned, are there some nice general scripts that could be used to automate some of this for the next hunk of gnu-like code that comes along? Thanks for the port ... ron

Re: [9fans] for all you people writing Plan 9 papers ...

2009-01-29 Thread ron minnich
On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 8:25 AM, Akshat Kumar wrote: > I plan to outrage with ignorance... > > Do we have TeX native to Plan 9? good questions are by definition good :) There is a tex for plan 9, it consists of an iso on sources which you mount and from which you run replica. I always manage to

Re: [9fans] Dynamic loading et al (Was: Pegasus 2.6 is released)

2009-02-01 Thread ron minnich
On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 11:31 PM, wrote: > > (b) Construct a start-up module for Plan 9's ELF libc (to be) that >accepts arguments as passed by the kernel and sets up the >execution environment required by, at this stage, >statically-linked ELF binary modules. This

Re: [9fans] Dynamic loading et al (Was: Pegasus 2.6 is released)

2009-02-01 Thread ron minnich
On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 10:42 AM, wrote: >> This is what I'm doing on bg/p now. I've got a small program that >> reads in an elf binary, sets up the argv/env/aux vector(ppc thing) and >> jumps to main. It works. I use libmach. > > Can you share documentation and code? Although I would have to lim

Re: [9fans] 9vx as a cpu server?

2009-02-02 Thread ron minnich
On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 8:54 AM, roger peppe wrote: > why hasn't that old unix restriction been removed yet? > is there any point to it at all any more? They depend on it now more than ever. Don't believe me? Just look at what port many people use for NFS nowadays. Lots of bad things have never b

Re: [9fans] Pegasus 2.6 is released

2009-02-02 Thread ron minnich
On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 9:38 AM, John Barham wrote: >> using a variant of something we developed and then >> re-developed for Inferno, you can dynamically load >> C modules at run time, and unusually, with type checking, >> with support in the compilers and loaders. > > Is the code to do this avail

Re: [9fans] Pegasus 2.6 is released

2009-02-02 Thread ron minnich
On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 1:32 PM, David Leimbach wrote: > They solve the same class of problems, if you step back far enough. > If your application's mechanism of dealing with processing is to use the > namespace, then binding new functionality over old is roughly equivalent to > a plugin mechanism

Re: [9fans] Pegasus 2.6 is released

2009-02-02 Thread ron minnich
On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 2:14 PM, erik quanstrom wrote: >> I hate to be the one to bring this up but ... if you are providing >> some extended (e.g.) math functionality to a program with a shared >> library, people are going to be upset with you if you argue that it >> can be done with RPC. > > i th

Re: [9fans] Pegasus 2.6 is released

2009-02-02 Thread ron minnich
On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 8:26 PM, wrote: >> maybe we could dispense with the kernel. >> it's complicated anyway. each application could drive >> hardware itself. but to make this easier, we'll used shared >> libraries. the only system service we'd need is a shared library >> loader. um, sadly,

Re: [9fans] Pegasus 2.6 is released

2009-02-03 Thread ron minnich
On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 2:55 AM, Richard Miller <> wrote: > Not obvious to me. In today's (well, tomorrow's) massively multicore > world, I would expect a remote call to a process in another core, with > its own instruction cache, could easily be more efficient than a local > pro

Re: [9fans] Pegasus 2.6 is released

2009-02-03 Thread ron minnich
Here's the best answer I can give, check this out: But as for introducing parallelism to cover the latency, it's an old trick and works well. But do you want to be the one to tell people, "you're going to have to introduce parallelism and fingernail-pulling bugs because I wan

Re: [9fans] Ethernet drivers

2009-02-06 Thread ron minnich
On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 12:01 PM, Akshat Kumar wrote: > Is a D-Link DL10038D supported by the RTL8139 drivers? > Are they essentially the same thing? > Has anyone tried it? > do you have one or are you preparing to buy one? ron

Re: [9fans] FileServer grid

2009-02-08 Thread ron minnich
On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 7:24 AM, Giacomo Tesio wrote: > BTW my main problem is to know if, in a grid of plan 9 fileservers, there > could be any kind of replication, keeping files reachable when a node goes > down. This sort of thing was done to death IIRC in the 80s. It was dropped for a while

Re: [9fans] FileServer grid

2009-02-10 Thread ron minnich
On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 12:06 AM, Giacomo Tesio wrote: > If a sincronization system for the grid nodes (or a sintetic filesystem > providing access to the grid and replicating writes among node) would > require more than 3 weeks of man work probably I've no chance to get this > solution approved.

Re: [9fans] source browsing via http is back

2009-02-10 Thread ron minnich
On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 1:10 PM, John Barham wrote: >> I've turned it back on and will watch to see if our web server gets >> swamped by it. This interface should not be used to mirror the >> contents of sources. > > What interface should be used to used to mirror sources? 9fs? > replica? More

[9fans] reminder: internships in sunny california (but you gotta be a US citizen or visitor ...)

2009-02-12 Thread ron minnich
I'm still looking for undergrad/grad students who'd like to spend some time here in wine country. I can pay you if you are a us citizen. If not, you can come here as a visitor (yeah, I know, no money sux but there are some fu

[9fans] with reference to the earlier plan 9 interns post

2009-02-13 Thread ron minnich
there are also possibilities are murray hill and IBM. You should check these other opportunities out too. But, for all of us, if you want an internship, you really must be a student. For sandia, there is also a minimum 3.2 GPA. Here's the main sandia page:

Re: [9fans] Android / G1

2009-02-16 Thread ron minnich
On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 11:26 AM, Skip Tavakkolian <> wrote: > do mobile carriers allow (in a legal sense) unblessed device/OS on > their networks? not really. that's why you can get linux source for your moto phone but you can't build a working kernel, much less install it (that'

Re: [9fans] Regarding venti block size

2009-02-16 Thread ron minnich
>> I was reading up on vac and vbackup but they talk about backing up >> file system trees and disks which is not what I am looking for. I don't get this comment. You want to backup a file, right? What about 'file system tree' is incompatible or not what you are looking for? rno

Re: [9fans] Another acme question

2009-02-18 Thread ron minnich
On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 7:01 AM, hugo rivera wrote: > Hi, > I am not really sure how can this be done, if at all. > Lets imagine I have a program in my path, that I want to execute from > acme, called New (yes, the same name as the acme's New command). How > do I execute it by middle clicking on i

Re: [9fans] Another acme question

2009-02-18 Thread ron minnich
On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 7:16 AM, wrote: > You type /bin/New, instead? It would work 99% of the time. dang, what was I thinking. I am such a caveman. I'm going back to reading entrails. ron

[9fans] Westin lax for scale 7

2009-02-20 Thread ron minnich
Any 9fans here? We could do a bof. Ron -- Sent from my mobile device

Re: [9fans] Westin lax for scale 7

2009-02-20 Thread ron minnich
On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 4:43 PM, Geoffrey Avila wrote: > > When will you be there? Does Sandia have a booth? > we have a coreboot booth. Sadly, this time, no "boot plan9 on coreboot" demos, there just was not time. ron

Re: [9fans] (no subject)

2009-02-23 Thread ron minnich
On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 4:29 PM, wrote: > oops I forgot carriage returns get converted in email > imagine # is a ^m > > > pu% /n/sources/contrib/maht/rc/til > abc¯def#123# > emit > abc def > 123 > : emit4 emit emit emit emit > # 1 2 3 emit4 > 321 > 1 # swp 3 2 swp dup dup drop emit4 emit > 3321 >

Re: [9fans] Acme huge bar

2009-02-27 Thread ron minnich
On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 8:58 AM, hugo rivera wrote: > Hi all, > Sometimes while resizing windows in Acme, I get a very thick bar on > top one of the windows. I'm curious, are your tag fonts different than your text fonts? It almost seems so from the picture. ron

Re: [9fans] Acme huge bar

2009-02-27 Thread ron minnich
On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 9:26 AM, hugo rivera wrote: > yes. > The tag fonts are $PLAN9/font/luc/unicode.7.font and the window fonts > are $PLAN9/font/fixed/unicode.6x13.font, from plan9port. > They look neat, if you ask me. If you watch what acme does as you resize the window you can see it fits t

[9fans] new contest

2009-02-27 Thread ron minnich
Here's the code: #include int main () { DCMF::Log::Log l; // DCMF::Personality p(l); } Here's the binary: -rwxr-xr-x 1 rminnich users 4603961 2009-02-27 16:37 pers.cnk Here's what it is: Program Headers: Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr FileSiz MemSiz Flg Align LOAD

Re: [9fans] threads vs forks

2009-03-03 Thread ron minnich
On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 3:52 AM, hugo rivera wrote: > You see, I have to launch many tasks running in parallel (~5000) in a > cluster running linux. Each of the task performs some astronomical > calculations and I am not pretty sure if using fork is the best answer > here. lots of questions firs

Re: [9fans] threads vs forks

2009-03-03 Thread ron minnich
On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 8:28 AM, hugo rivera wrote: > It is a small cluster, of 6 machines. I think each job runs for a few > minutes (~5), take some input files and generate a couple of files (I > am not really sure about how many output files each proccess > generates). The size of the output fi

Re: [9fans] command repetition in sam/acme

2009-03-03 Thread ron minnich
This discussion strikes me as coming from a different galaxy. It seems to me that Acme and Sam clearly don't match the task at hand. We're trying to use a screwdriver when we need a jackhammer . I don't see the point in complaining about file formats. The scientists in this case don't much care wh

Re: [9fans] threads vs forks

2009-03-04 Thread ron minnich
On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 2:30 AM, Vincent Schut wrote: > hugo rivera wrote: >Now I'm not an > expert, but I don't think you can do threading/forking from one machine to > another (on linux). You can with bproc, but it's not supported past 2.6.21 or so. ron

Re: [9fans] command repetition in sam/acme

2009-03-04 Thread ron minnich
I still don't get the discussion. This is a research system. People want something. So implement that feature and see how it goes! Report when done :-) ron

Re: [9fans] threads vs forks

2009-03-04 Thread ron minnich
On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 8:52 AM, J.R. Mauro wrote: > Now I haven't tested an SSD for performance, but I know they are > better. Well that I don't understand at all. Is this "faith-based" performance measurement? :-) I have a friend who is doing lots of SSD testing and they're not always better.

Re: [9fans] Google Summer of code 2009

2009-03-06 Thread ron minnich
On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 3:59 PM, erik quanstrom wrote: >> Acpi is also needed asap. > > what's the pressure point here? > The number of mainboards that have incorrect PIR, MP, tables that are correct in ACPI. The fact that so many functions, for correct operation, need ACPI. It's a mess. ACPI suc

Re: [9fans] texlive port to plan 9

2009-03-09 Thread ron minnich
On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 7:35 AM, xiantingmanbu wrote: > Is there anyone porting TexLive to Plan 9? Plan 9 hasn't so many tex- > related programs. Tex and MF is not enough. > > one option before you go to that level of pain: use Plan 9's - x11 emulator - linux emulator and see if texlive "just wor

[9fans] small node

2009-03-10 Thread ron minnich

Re: [9fans] Can compile Plan9 C compiler for windows10?

2021-03-28 Thread ron minnich
Nxm built kencen toolchain on Linux. We could build all of plan9 on Linux. You might be able to start there and produce .Exe's. Not tested for quite some time now. Derived from nix. On Sun, Mar 28, 2021, 6:17 AM wrote: > uh inferno's 8c compiles .exe file? >

Re: [9fans] Transfer of Plan 9 to the Plan 9 Foundation

2021-03-31 Thread ron minnich
The LPL is dead. It died when all the Plan 9 IP was transferred to the foundation. Nokia is out of the picture. So let's realign this discussion a bit. The Plan 9 source formerly owned by Nokia is owned by the foundation. That source is released under the MIT license. As for the inclusion of sou

Re: [9fans] licence question

2022-01-29 Thread ron minnich
"Why do you think p9f asked for a relicensing of plan9 while it was already gpl licensed a few years ago ? Both are redistributable but the MIT version is also usable for closed source commercial projects while the GPL version is not. Does this matter ? Yes of course it matters for people or compan

Re: [9fans] licence question

2022-01-30 Thread ron minnich
On Sat, Jan 29, 2022 at 6:19 PM ibrahim via 9fans <> wrote: > As far as I recall OpenBSD (Theo dR) was interested in BSD licensed compilers > at that time and that didn't happen. That happened about 10 years earlier. The effort I am talking about with jmk was 2013; the dustup with

Re: [9fans] licence question

2022-02-02 Thread ron minnich
This one statement: "Berkeley stopped their distribution of BSD systems right after they were forced to remove the toolchain." is completely wrong. I just asked the people who were there, on TUHS, and they confirmed my memory: DARPA funding for BSD support ended in 1995, and that was probably the b

Re: [9fans] 9p server to multiply 9p messages?

2022-05-28 Thread ron minnich
not for 9p, but in 1993, when Gene Kim interned with me at the Supercomputing Research Center, we did this:, similar in spirit to your idea. The core idea was th

Re: [9fans] 9p server to multiply 9p messages?

2022-05-31 Thread ron minnich
On Mon, May 30, 2022 at 12:21 AM Bakul Shah wrote: > 9p itself is low performance but that is a separate issue. Bakul, what are the units? It might be helpful to quantify this statement. Are you possibly conflating Plan 9 file systems being slow and 9p being slow? As Rob pointed out in 2013, "If

Re: [9fans] 9p server to multiply 9p messages?

2022-06-01 Thread ron minnich
On Tue, May 31, 2022 at 11:29 AM hiro <> wrote: > > so virtiofs is not using 9p any more? > > and with 10 million parallel requests, why shouldn't 9p be able to > deliver 10GB/s ?! Everyone always says this. I used to say it too. 9p requires a certain degree of ordering -- as Andr

[9fans] possible factotum device?

2022-09-21 Thread ron minnich we got handed these at OSFC. The app it comes with: which they use to implement an ssh agent. The device looks like a serial. It's a lattice FPGA and the bitstream (which you can ch

Re: [9fans] How can I compile c code written for plan9 in ANIS C compiler

2022-10-11 Thread ron minnich
we used the coccinnelle tool (spatch) to convert about 1.4M lines of Plan 9 code to C11 for harvey. It was not perfect, but it did get a lot right. This even got pretty complex: in amd64 Plan 9, r14 and r15 are dedicated to up and mach. This is not portable, so we wanted to make it explicit. So in

Re: [9fans] How can I compile c code written for plan9 in ANIS C compiler

2022-10-11 Thread ron minnich
(...){ <+... m->d ...+> } @@ function mr.f; position mr.p; @@ f@p(...) { ++ Mach *m = machp(); ... } spatch is pretty amazing. On Tue, Oct 11, 2022 at 12:32 PM ron minnich wrote: > we used the coccinnelle tool (spatch) to convert about 1.4M lines of Plan > 9 code to C11 for har

Re: [9fans] A few questions about 9p

2022-11-04 Thread ron minnich
Tflush is harder than it looks, given that it is part of a giant race condition. Will you get the R for the message you are flushing right after you send Tflush? What happens at the server? It's fun. Perhaps one of the biggest uses of 9p, globally, was google's gvisor, which runs an unimaginably l

[9fans] openat()

2024-04-05 Thread ron minnich
One of the folks I worked with, when we pulled a big chunk of plan 9 into akaros, commented that he had implemented openat on akaros. I don't want this to turn into a debate on the merits of openat; I am more curious: if you went to implement openat on Plan 9, how would you go about it? I have a f

Re: [9fans] openat()

2024-04-05 Thread ron minnich
024, 22:12 Gorka Guardiola wrote: >> >>> ¿Isn't that fd2path, strcat and open? >>> Or am I misunderstanding something? >>> >>> On Fri, Apr 5, 2024, 21:51 ron minnich wrote: >>> >>>> One of the folks I worked with, when we pulled a

Re: [9fans] openat()

2024-04-06 Thread ron minnich
openat gives you the effect of 'cd path; open file' without having to cd. I don't see a lot of benefit to it unless you're opening a lot of files at that path. My first reaction, assuming you have a lot of files in that directory, was something like bind /dir /n/x and then just open /n/x/file... f

Re: [9fans] troll paper

2024-04-17 Thread ron minnich
The author of the paper not only helped get the conference going this year, he worked hard this and last year to make sure our youtube channel worked. He also has done a lot of work to get faculty from U. Bamberg in Germany on board. The author was a major part of making IWP9 2024 go so well. He'

Re: [9fans] Balancing Progress and Accessibility in the Plan 9 Community. (Was: [9fans] Interoperating between 9legacy and 9front)

2024-05-12 Thread ron minnich
On Sun, May 12, 2024 at 8:53 PM ibrahim via 9fans <> wrote: > Not a single developer who uses plan9 for distributed systems, commercial > products will dare to use a system like 9front as the sources. The reason > is quite simple : > > You ignore copyrights as you please and distrib

Re: [9fans] Balancing Progress and Accessibility in the Plan 9 Community. (Was: [9fans] Interoperating between 9legacy and 9front)

2024-05-12 Thread ron minnich
On Sun, May 12, 2024 at 10:55 PM ibrahim via 9fans <> wrote: > > > Please correct me if I'm wrong. > Permalink > > In my opinion? you are wrong. And that's as far as I will stay involved in this d

Re: [9fans] Inferno: starting a process in a stopped state

2024-07-24 Thread ron minnich
I put a 1:jump 1 At the start, when I need to do this and have no other way. On Mon, Jul 22, 2024 at 01:28 Edouard Klein wrote: > Hi ! > > I'm writing dis assembly, and I would like to debug my program right > from the entrypoint. > > I intend to use the /prog filesystem for that, thanks to

Re: [9fans] APE: a further note.

2010-04-16 Thread ron minnich
-T is great. But Python can't be built with it. Python explicitly creates functions with type signatures that don't match and this makes -T very unhappy. Just a warning: it's good to turn it on, but there are cases where it will lead to an error that is not an error (depending on how you define er

Re: [9fans] 9vx crashing

2010-04-21 Thread ron minnich
On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 1:39 AM, Balwinder S Dheeman wrote: > Try That's neat, I'm going to have to try it now :-) ron

Re: [9fans] 9vx crashing

2010-04-21 Thread ron minnich
randomly changing build options is one approach to debugging but not always effective :-) ron

Re: [9fans] BUG!!! in Plan9 compiler!

2010-04-23 Thread ron minnich
On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 1:08 PM, Bakul Shah wrote: > > If so, I consider it a bug; particularly as there is no > overflow involved anywhere. > > r1 2147482110 r2 -1537 ron

[9fans] tracing considered helpful

2010-04-23 Thread ron minnich
So here's the latest tracing from my syscall tracer. I was wondering why hg seemed to just hang: 314 ssh Open 0xf9473 001883d4/"/sys/lib/openssh/ssh_known_hosts" = -1 '/sys/lib/openssh' does not exist 0x11a74091c8339610 0x11a74091c83a1238 314 ssh Errstr 0xfc3b6 0x15c7c0/"" 128 = 0 "" 0x11a

[9fans] A simple experiment

2010-04-27 Thread ron minnich
I had interest in being able to see plan 9 source at Part of the driver was my continuing inability to get replica to work well at home, and part just a need to tinker :-) So, I created an empty repo at, and then did t

Re: [9fans] A simple experiment

2010-04-27 Thread ron minnich
On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 10:49 AM, erik quanstrom wrote: > is plan 9 really that complicated that bisect is a useful tool? > perhaps i'm still in the dark ages, but i've done fine with > diff(1) and history(1). Not good enough for me. > > perhaps the key difference is that i sync with sources by

Re: [9fans] A simple experiment

2010-04-27 Thread ron minnich
On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 10:59 AM, erik quanstrom wrote: > it would be interesting to try.  if hg can push in parallel, it > could be competitive.  fetching the iso, decompressing the iso, > etc are not free.  and you can't push anything until after step > 2.  talk about killer latency. pulling a

Re: [9fans] A simple experiment

2010-04-27 Thread ron minnich
On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 12:03 PM, Skip Tavakkolian <> wrote: >> My experiments have shown that copying a large file via HTTP is >> significantly faster than copying the same file via 9P. > > were you using fcp? > > i'm curious as to where the differences could come from, since the >

Re: [9fans] Any plan9'ers at ESC in San Jose this week?

2010-04-27 Thread ron minnich
On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 9:18 PM, Joseph Stewart wrote: > (ESC = Embedded Systems Conference... and apologies in advance for the > cross-posts you may see) I'm near san jose shall we all get together? ron

Re: [9fans] A simple experiment

2010-04-28 Thread ron minnich
On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 11:00 AM, erik quanstrom wrote: > unless you've got some sort of interrupt or cpu bottleneck, > i don't see what message size has to do with this issue.  the > real issue is the # of messages outstanding. Trivially, it always matters: what if msize is 1? There's always a

Re: [9fans] A simple experiment

2010-04-28 Thread ron minnich
On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 1:36 PM, Francisco J Ballesteros wrote: > That's similar to a Tget in op with unlimited replies. The difference adds on > quickly. neat, I need to study op more than I did :-) ron

Re: [9fans] A simple experiment

2010-04-28 Thread ron minnich
On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 2:05 PM, EBo wrote: > cool.  Is Tstream integrated back into 9p and publicly available? no, it's an experiment at this point. there are other ideas out there, and I should have paid more attention to op as nemo points out :-) the main point was to see what was possible,

Re: [9fans] A simple experiment

2010-04-29 Thread ron minnich
On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 8:03 AM, David Leimbach wrote: > 9P doesn't require any flow control?  That doesn't seem right :-)  But then > again it doesn't stream, at least in the traditional way I think of > streaming.  To stream you typically need flow control, so 9P isn't good for > streaming in t

Re: [9fans] A simple experiment

2010-04-29 Thread ron minnich
On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 5:40 AM, roger peppe wrote: > what happens if the consumer is slow and the Rstream writer > blocks? how do you stop all the other replies on the connection > waiting for the consumer to get on with it? there are not replies -- the rstream is a reply. If the consumer is sl

Re: [9fans] A simple experiment

2010-04-29 Thread ron minnich
On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 8:06 AM, David Leimbach wrote: > I'm totally undecided on this, but just asking the question to make sure > everyone feels good about adding streaming to 9P, which seems to indicate a > need to add flow control as well. the problem of multiplexing several streams onto one

Re: [9fans] A simple experiment

2010-04-29 Thread ron minnich
On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 10:08 AM, Bakul Shah wrote: > Short of a sliding window that is as large as the capacity of > the pipe, you can't expect to keep it full.  As usual one has > to trade off simplicity vs performance. > > I do hope 9p evolves. > > The problem revealed by fcp is worse than th

Re: [9fans] 9vx and ubuntu 10.04LTS

2010-05-01 Thread ron minnich
what kernel version is it nowadays? ron

Re: [9fans] 9vx and ubuntu 10.04LTS

2010-05-01 Thread ron minnich
On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 1:53 PM, Charles Forsyth wrote: > 2.6.32-21-generic according to uname -a > > hmm. I'm running 9vx just fine on 2.6.33 -- a non-ubongo version. I wonder if some ubuntu patch to the kernel has broken something? Blast. if you do an ldd on it what libc etc. is it depending on

Re: [9fans] 9vx and ubuntu 10.04LTS

2010-05-01 Thread ron minnich
On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 10:48 PM, Vinu Rajashekhar wrote: > The address shown by ldd can even vary from run to run, for the same file - yeah it's a feechur. But still all my libs are living in high half of 32-bit space on a running instance. The two LOAD segments on my 9vx are : LOAD

Re: [9fans] iwp94e proceedings

2010-05-02 Thread ron minnich
On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 10:52 PM, James Chapman wrote: > Hi Erik, > > I think the Currying paper appears twice. In the second case it > appears instead of the other paper by Ron Minnich et al. that's an unintended glitch; if you want the trace device paper i can send it ron

Re: [9fans] Distributed Pipelines

2010-05-04 Thread ron minnich
On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 3:46 PM, Jorden M wrote: > Did anyone experiment with using sliding windows in IL? Could help. The question I have, based on probably not enough knowledge: how much of what IL was intended to do is remedied by IPV6? One thing I recall is that a big problem with v4 was that

[9fans] lguest

2010-05-04 Thread ron minnich
well, the interface churn rule for Linux continues to apply. My lguest port won't work on newer kernels. To try to keep up, I've created this project: And hope to have an up-to-date 9lguest ready today or tomorrow once I squash some more issues. I'll try to

Re: [9fans] Distributed Pipelines

2010-05-04 Thread ron minnich
On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 11:16 AM, erik quanstrom wrote: > i believe that it is tcp that doesn't preserve record boundaries, not > ip. Let me rephrase. My understanding is that tcp on v6 preserves record boundaries. Is that wrong? ron

[9fans] lguest and 2.6.33

2010-05-04 Thread ron minnich
well, I have a version "working", in the sense that there is less corruption than before on output :-) Anyone is welcome to take a look. Hey, you can even point out what I did wrong :-) ron

[9fans] lguest back again

2010-05-04 Thread ron minnich
OK, lguest support is back and working. and commited. Console I/O is a tad more efficient. Since we're using this port for the HARE project I expect we'll continue to clean it up, so if anyone wants anything let me know. ron

Re: [9fans] Almost immediate ISO Boot Failure

2010-05-04 Thread ron minnich
On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 2:23 AM, hiro <> wrote: > The more interesting question is: who doesn't agree, and why? > > On 5/4/10, Pavel Klinkovsky wrote: >>> maybe it is time to try to pack-port some of Erik's stuff to the canonical >>> source. >> I fully agree. >> >> Pavel The a

Re: [9fans] lguest back again

2010-05-04 Thread ron minnich
On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 4:58 AM, David Leimbach wrote: > is lguest the "winning" linux kernel technology of it's category today? It really depends on what you want. For us, and what we need, lguest wins. See this paper to see why. But

Re: [9fans] (Re: BibTex collections of all 4 proceedings)

2010-05-06 Thread ron minnich
Me too. I thought 4 was great. I keep wanting to have a workshop here: It's stunning and SF is right over the bridge. This time around we could emphasize hacking more than talks, and let people show us what they've got. Would love to see

Re: [9fans] (Re: BibTex collections of all 4 proceedings)

2010-05-06 Thread ron minnich
On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 4:01 PM, erik quanstrom wrote: > > are you gonna host? Actually, the big question to start is: what are people willing to pay? We have a lot of students, for example. IWP9 4 was a bargain. I've had one experience with a workshop priced out of people's ability to reach or

Re: [9fans] 3-button mouse

2010-05-06 Thread ron minnich
On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 3:24 AM, Joseph Xu wrote: > I've never tried these (can't justify spending >$100) but they look really > nice. > > > I'll let you know how it works, once I saw it was customized to hand size that made the dea

Re: [9fans] (Re: BibTex collections of all 4 proceedings)

2010-05-06 Thread ron minnich
On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 11:12 AM, Skip Tavakkolian <> wrote: > >> *Weekday overnight accommodations are not available from September to June. > > this will mean peak season airfares and very tight deadline. The food looked good but this weekday overnight thing is a deal breaker. L

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