ah found one. This was for one instance of where mach was used. It basically says if mach is used in a function, put a declaration of m at the start of the function.
@mr exists@ typedef Mach; // only needed once per semantic patch idexpression Mach *m; function f; position p; identifier d; @@ f@p(...){ <+... m->d ...+> } @@ function mr.f; position mr.p; @@ f@p(...) { ++ Mach *m = machp(); ... } spatch is pretty amazing. On Tue, Oct 11, 2022 at 12:32 PM ron minnich <rminn...@gmail.com> wrote: > we used the coccinnelle tool (spatch) to convert about 1.4M lines of Plan > 9 code to C11 for harvey. It was not perfect, but it did get a lot right. > > This even got pretty complex: in amd64 Plan 9, r14 and r15 are dedicated > to up and mach. > This is not portable, so we wanted to make it explicit. So in any function > that used up, for example, we had an spatch to add Proc *up = externup(); > declaration to those functions. spatch is powerful. references to m-> > where replaced with machp(). > > We also removed the embedded lock structs, with spatches like this: > @ @ > expression E; > @@ > -incref(E) > +incref(&E->ref) > > This actually *maybe* found a bug, in which there was an ambiguity when a > struct contained two embedded lock (e.g. Lock and Qlock) types and the > compiler had to pick the right one to apply the lock/unlock to. It looked > to us like Plan 9 might have picked the wrong one, but we were never sure. > > anyway, this is one path to converting plan 9 code. Or you can just go to > https://github.com/Harvey-OS/harvey/tree/GPL-C11, where it already is > done. > > > > On Mon, Oct 10, 2022 at 1:52 AM Steve Simon <st...@quintile.net> wrote: > >> re: p9p for windows >> >> Sean Quinlan did a p9p-line port for windows called 9pm, It was seen (it >> seems) as a port of sam with some simple command line tools >> rather than a complete plan9 toolkit. its available here: >> https://netlib.org/research/ as sam.exe >> >> There was an attempt at a p9p for windows by Russ Cox, it was a very >> elegant solution having a p9p dll but suffererd from fragility >> (a bug in the dll took all your p9p applications down), and split brain >> problems (p9p applications understood plan9 style binds and mounts, >> native windows applications did not. As a result development stalled. >> >> Its possible that this could be re-awakened using a windows IFS >> (Installable File System) driver to allow windows applications to see a >> plan9 style file structure (the 9: drive :-) and perhaps starting p9p as >> a windows service. This sounds neat but would be a considerable >> amount of work. >> >> This is available here: >> https://web.archive.org/web/20070221202050/http://swtch.com/usr/local/plan9/9pm/README >> >> There was a later implementation by Michael Teichgräber which is a >> complete port of plan9ports to windows, in a similar style to the >> posix implementations, this works very well, though, like outher p9p >> implementations it has a bit of a split brain feel to it. >> >> This is here: https://github.com/knieriem/pf9 >> >> I took a rather different approach as I used plan9 as my desktop for >> years but needed windows for some work related applications. >> >> I did a minimal port of the plan9 command line applications to wondows >> and wrote a cpu(1) line client and server which allowed me to >> warp a plan9 terminal to MS windows, in the same directory but running >> rc(1); I also used remote desktop to get a modern web browser. >> This was very comfortable environment for what i needed. >> >> This is here http://www.quintile.net/magic/webls?dir=/quintile.net/pkg >> 9win.tbz >> >> These days I work on a Mac so plan9ports does all I need, and sadly I >> hardly ever touch real plan9 any more :-( >> >> -Steve >> >> >> >> > I think there are two ports of plan 9 utilities to windows, one of them >> includes old (2nd ed?), and other one is a more modern port. >> > >> > https://code.google.com/archive/p/plan9port-windows >> >> ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/T422378fc25787720-Mef61e79840761b466a422d9a Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription