> used the cphist program from http://www.quanstro.net/plan9/history.pdf
> and wrote a /dev/(bin)time faking fileserver
> (/n/sources/contrib/cinap_lenrek/delorean) that fools cwfs and replica
> about the current time, but does not confuse cron and fossil. you
very sneaky! i love it.
thanks for
> hmmm... as i'm thinking of it... this is broken... if for example
> you want to do a devopy, you always have to type end before it starts
> doing its work right? but init will continue and try to mount it wich
> will fail in this case panic the kernel.
i'm not sure why devcopy would be usefu
what's going on here isn't immediately obvious to me.
maybe it should be. any ideas would be appreciated.
i have a machine that is very happy with a mv50xx
controller, usb and ether0 all sitting on irq 11.
chula# cat /dev/irqalloc
3 0 debugpt
7 0 mathemu
> Hello everyone,
> I just realized there are no 'continue' and 'next' commands in rc. Is
> there any way to e.g. quit the loop when one wants?
there are some workarounds, but in the end i added a break
statement to rc. inside rc's machine, i implemented break as
jump to the statement after th
> I have seen the situation you've described in other operating systems
> and it's often been H/W related and not due to the OS itself. In the
> situations I've seen such problems were caused by the way the bios
> assigns irq's. Though seemingly un-necesasry, I have solved similar problem
> by simp
i put a freshed copy of rc with a break
statement up on sources. it also has
history and allows newlines within lists
like so
there's also a printenv function. which
does not print the environment, but rather
rc's picture of the environment in the
same format as
; grep openfont `{find . | grep '\.[ch]$'} | grep "
> Hi,
> I use ttf2subf'ed fonts on my lcd, only program that doesn't obay the
> current rio font settings is stats. I have added the code below which
> not only obeys the current rio settings but also addes support for
> specifying new font with -
On Tue May 12 11:20:33 EDT 2009, lu...@ionkov.net wrote:
> If you add more index sections, you have to rebuild the index using
> venti/buildindex.
does buildindex revisit all the data?
are there any pactice/experience-style writups out there from
folks with large venti setups?
- erik
> venti/buildindex [ -B blockcachesize ] [ -Z ] venti.conf tmp
> but execute buildindex with no arguments and you get
> usage: buildindex [-bd] [-i isect]... [-M imem] venti.conf
> options -b -d -i -M are not described in the man page and I have no
> idea what they are supposed to do (alth
> Why is cfs in the kernel and not a userlevel program?
i don't know. but by putting cfs in the kernel, you can use the kernel's
built-in concurrency. cfs predates the thread library.
> I guess there might be performance issues also, though these would
> be swamped by the performance improvment
On Wed May 13 16:00:35 EDT 2009, lu...@proxima.alt.za wrote:
> This is on a conventional 386 system. Compiling the linker (vl)
> failed. It could be caused by local changes, but I can't see how.
> Can anyone confirm?
vc is able to compile vl here. unless your source is different,
i don't see
i put a new version of imap4d up on sources that should
eliminate uid sequence error messages with outlook.
(and the oh-so-helpful dialog boxes that go with them.)
thunderbird and apple mail don't seem to care about this
for those who care, the problem is ...
each imap message is identifi
On Tue May 19 08:25:47 EDT 2009, kokam...@hera.eonet.ne.jp wrote:
> What is the most important difference between the two?
> Would you please post it to 9fans?
i sent a more complete answer off list (which i've lost).
the main difference is that with nupas you don't have to
load the entire mailbox
> Hi !
> It seems that Plan9 boot loader doesn't support modern hardware from IBM :(
> May be someone from IBM can help :)
> P.S.: I have some IBM HS21 servers and I wish to use Plan9 on them.
> 2009/5/19 nocturnal
pci (or linux lspci -n) output would be helpful.
- erik
On Wed May 20 06:57:14 EDT 2009, uai...@gmail.com wrote:
> I have an xd(1) question. Am I wrong or xd gets the byte ordering wrong?
no. xd is correct. if you're running on an intel,
you're running on a little-endian machine which
means that numbers are stored in the reverse order
they are writte
i pushed out a small update to upas/fs that should be a big help
for mailboxes with >5000 messages. with my test mailbox of
8868 messages, the old fs requires 41mb to read the mailbox
and the new just 12mb. it also shaved the startup time from
18s to 3s.
the gnarly details:
upas/fs uses 1 Hash
without getting to deep in the details of the pool
library, the reallocation loop aux/acidleak sends
realloc off the deep end.
here's an example; i've added an abort so i can see
how big acidleak is getting
rb2; ps -a | grep xyz
xyz 151040:29 0:0245132K Pread
On Thu May 21 12:39:00 EDT 2009, r...@swtch.com wrote:
> > obviously the Brdline loop in main is reallocating data and block
> > so they don't fit in their previous buckets and pool sbrk's more
> > memory. it would seem that pool is missing the fact that
> It's probably a combination of data an
> behavior with upas/fs, especially when opening and closing multiple
> mailboxes.
sorry. that's not clear. *serially* opening and closing mailboxes. only
one mail box is open at a time. apple mail, for example, opens every
mailbox you've got every 5 minutes and checks it. apple mail doesn'
> part is requiring the array to be contiguous in the
> first place, but you can't qsort a linked list.
i've sidestepped this problem a few times by building a
linked list and later building an array to sort. then, if
necessary, relinking the list. the big allocation is then
done only once.
!/bin/upas/marshal -s 'Re: [9fans] aux/acidleak pool pathology' -R
/mail/fs/mbox/272 9fans@9fans.net
> >> if upas/fs is allocating arbitrarily large buffers,
> >> then its allocation behavior is broken too.
> >
> > there are a fixed number of large buffers. up to 15 messages
> > and mdir uses dir
> Ok so i'm hearing a lot of "unsupported" here.
> I just wanted to mention that when it boots up from the CD it shows boot
> devices: fd0 so it seems like only floppy is recognized.
> This could be because this DVD-drive is kinda glitchy, FreeBSD had issues
> with it too when i installed it but
> > pci (or linux lspci -n) output would be helpful.
> >
> > - erik
> >
> > lspci -n from IBM HS21
> 00:1f.2 0101: 8086:2680 (rev 09)
i have a couple of cpu servers that use similar hardware.
(at least the 63xxesb southbridge).
the ide driver works with ide drives and the ahci driver
On Fri May 22 10:29:54 EDT 2009, lu...@proxima.alt.za wrote:
> Is it unreasonable for me to rejoice that P9P compiles without (much)
> trouble on the Yeeloong (Orchid) Notebook from Lemote? I started acme
> and superficial use suggests that it will work on this particular MIPS
> architecture witho
On Fri May 22 12:54:27 EDT 2009, joelcsalo...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 10:13 PM, erik quanstrom
> wrote:
> > unfortunately, i think this will just encourage users to
> > aim for 10 messages in their inbox.
> Have you ever pointed an IMAP client a
> On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 9:34 AM, Rudolf Sykora
> wrote:
> > (why does this happen SO OFTEN?)
> warning: complaining about something you get for free is
> counter-productive. Unless, of course, you are also offering to help
> in some way.
> ron
there's web-only access at http://sources
On Sat May 23 02:16:59 EDT 2009, szhil...@gmail.com wrote:
> I have an PCI expansion unit. Adaptec Inc ASC-29320ALP Ultra320 SCSI
> Controller is lpuggit in it, and second port is free :) It's not a
> problem... Problem is with LSI Logic LSISAS1064ET PCI-Express Fusion-MPT
> SAS :)
the lsi 1068
> cdfs(4) contains a paragraph in BUGS that reads:
> Closing a just-written DVD-R track can take minutes while
> the drive burns the unused part of the track reservation
> (for the whole disc). Thus only a single DVD-R track can be
> written on a DVD-R disc;
> I think, I need to add some quirks in /sys/src/boot/pc/sd{ata|bios}.c
i think instead you need to add this line
case case (0x1183<<16)|0x1039: /* SiS 966 */
to sdata.c after the existing sis entry.
> and /sys/src/9/pc/sdata.c as well. I however, am wondering, where the
> /sys/src/9/p
i've rolled all the upas changes into a contrib package,
quanstro/nupas. unfortunately, it's not as clean an
installation as i would like. i'm sure there will be some
rough edges. problems reports and suggestions for cleaning
things up are welcome.
there is a few steps to prepare for this pac
a coraid employee noticed the following odd behavior
from nedmail
> Do you think it's intentional that h doesn't move dot in nedmail?
> For example, I can do "3s foo", and dot moves to 3. Then I can
> say "d" to delete message 3.
> If I say "3h", though, I can't just use "d" to delete mess
On Mon Jun 1 16:01:01 EDT 2009, st...@quintile.net wrote:
> > Do you think it's intentional that h doesn't move dot in nedmail?
> The way I usually use it I would not expect h to move dot.
> here is a typical senario for me:
> I view the email
> realise the formatting of the t
On Mon Jun 1 16:48:00 EDT 2009, st...@quintile.net wrote:
> > by the way, why h and not H?
> yep, you are right, I was too hasty in my email.
but h would work, but only if there is no sender.
for example, if you had a multipart that's not a
if it weren't for the quirks,
On Thu May 28 19:07:48 EDT 2009, r...@swtch.com wrote:
> On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 4:08 AM, Gregory Pavelcak
> wrote:
> > If you write the eqn-word for a greek letter, "GAMMA" for
> > example; eqn passes the unicode character (the output of
> > Alt-*G) to troff. If, on the other hand, you type Alt-*
On Mon Jun 1 15:16:00 EDT 2009, m...@acm.jhu.edu wrote:
> > Now, how do I test, benchmark and, or profile this radeon driver against
> > a generic one?
> IIRC, there was a port of some of xscreensaver's hacks to Plan 9. The
> munch hack and hyperglenda should get a good bit faster. They might
> Hmm. I submitted a patch so that fonts would apply to resword
> rather than making it so that they don't apply to greek letters,
> and I'm not even sure I did that right.
> diff -c /sys/src/cmd/eqn/text.c /usr/gp/sys/src/cmd/eqn/text.c
> /sys/src/cmd/eqn/text.c:83,89 - /usr/gp/sys/src/cmd/eqn/
On Mon Jun 1 21:20:38 EDT 2009, m...@acm.jhu.edu wrote:
> As I understand, the sb600 series has the RS480 IGP, which is a
> stripped-down r300 (missing some TnL h/w, vertex shaders). The 2D
> parts of the Linux radeonfb look pretty similar between the r300 and
> the rs480, so I'd go with yes.
> erik,
> You're reply and some reflection convinced me that my first
> approach is just wrong. I don't understand the next-to-last
> paragraph though. I tried creating gktbl and making the change
> you suggest to text.c, and it seems to work. Why does
> isalpharune() need changing?
in trans(),
sorry to hear things aren't working.
> % 9fs sources
> % cd /n/sources/contrib/quanstro/root/sys/src/9/pc
> % cp sdata.c sdiahci.c ahci.h /sys/src/9/pc
> % cd ../port
> % cp devsd.c sd.h sdloop.c /sys/src/9/port
> % cd ../../libfis
> % mkdir /sys/src/libfis
> % cp fis.h mkfile /sys/src/libfis
> %
> For example, for lines with 8 characters and the ? operator:
> ^$
just to clarify (sorry if i'm being pedantic):
that will mach lines with *up to* 8 characters. (including
blank lines) "^$" will match lines with exactly 8
- erik
On Wed Jun 3 19:41:39 EDT 2009, n...@lsub.org wrote:
> I have a ssam script that does the work. But it's not really streaming.
> El 04/06/2009, a las 1:36, jrm8...@gmail.com escribió:
> > Speaking of regexes in Plan 9, did the "structural awk" or "stream
> > sam" Rob dreamed of in the SE pa
> correctly copied in pc/sdscsi.c (and /sys/include/fis.h). Btw: these
> drivers seem much more complete and robust than those in the
> distribution
thank you. my hope is that it will be included in the distribution.
i'm not sure if i've recapped this on the list or not. there are a
couple of
On Thu Jun 4 05:11:02 EDT 2009, fors...@terzarima.net wrote:
> anyone else ever seen things like this from fossil? it seems a bit wayward...
> # on the fossil console, after `disk full' returned in errors:
> main: df
> main: 10,046,783,488 used + 35,180,756,598,784 free = 6,431,293,440
> It does. That doesn't build either :(
there is very little source code there. why not dump the configure
goo and use p9p instead?
- erik
On Mon Jun 1 21:20:38 EDT 2009, m...@acm.jhu.edu wrote:
> As I understand, the sb600 series has the RS480 IGP, which is a
> stripped-down r300 (missing some TnL h/w, vertex shaders). The 2D
> parts of the Linux radeonfb look pretty similar between the r300 and
> the rs480, so I'd go with yes.
On Fri Jun 5 01:21:25 EDT 2009, eeke...@fastmail.fm wrote:
> On Thu, 4 Jun 2009 17:23:08 -0700
> Russ Cox wrote:
> > On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 4:58 PM, Ethan Grammatikidis
> > wrote:
> > > I run a plan 9 cpu server in Qemu and use drawterm to connect from the
> > > Linux host.
> > > I thought
On Fri Jun 5 10:19:22 EDT 2009, ano...@gmail.com wrote:
> i've got a cwfs based on an old fs(4). it gets used infrequently;
> about a month and a haf ago it sufferend a power outage and i just
> left it off, since i'd not touched it for a few weeks before that.
> today i brought the thing back
On Thu Jun 4 17:58:15 EDT 2009, jrm8...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 3:27 PM, erik quanstrom wrote:
> >>
> >> It does. That doesn't build either :(
> >>
> >
> > there is very little source code there. why not dump the configure
> below). The machine has no mass storage device of any kind, nor an
> optical drive. It does have a VGA interface and is connected to a
> keyboard and mouse by the onboard PS/2 connectors. It is not using
> USB at all. I have disabled pretty much everything except the
> graphics adapter and et
On Fri Jun 5 22:03:29 EDT 2009, jrm8...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> Someone on contrib has a gmap (not the shell script one that was
> mentioned recently, the older(?) one done in C). I made the following
> stupid script to help start gmap at a user-specified address. Gmap
> only understands coord
> Hmm, I don't think so. There basically are no other peripherals in
> the machine, and I disabled everything except the Ethernet and video
> in the BIOS with the same results. My suspicion is that the interrupt
> vector isn't being initialized properly.
i think there are two general possiblitie
> I should note that the machine can successfully boot (and run) OpenBSD
> via PXE (by first loading the OpenBSD PXE loader and then loading and
> booting an OpenBSD miniroot), so I don't think it's a hardware
> problem. That the clock doesn't seem to be interrupting at all and
> that I pulled a n
> Longer analysis: Based on your advice, I started playing around in
> 9pxeload to disable things and see if I could run with just the clock
> enabled. That worked. Then, I started to put things back in; I got
> to the point where I realized that the rtl8169init() function wasn't
> returning corr
On Sun Jun 7 11:02:51 EDT 2009, o...@eigenstate.org wrote:
> On Thu, 4 Jun 2009 20:05:01 -0400
> Dan Cross wrote:
> > I'm sure. This is something that I would be interested in revisiting;
> > do you have any pointers to particularly relevant information? I
> > wonder how nicely these tree
On Mon Jun 8 11:44:06 EDT 2009, pavel.klinkov...@gmail.com wrote:
> I install the newest Plan9 image (2009-06-08) in my old IBM ThinkPad
> T30.
> I connected a USB mouse. But it works crazy (gliding just vertically,
> randomly, no effect of buttons).
> Can you someone help me? Thanks in advance
> Formatting the USB drive is tricky though.
what do you mean by formatting? if you mean that usb/disk
doesn't do partitions, you can use sdloop or partfs to get around
that. it wouldn't be too hard to extend usbfat: to automagicly
configure /dev/sdu[0-f].
- erik
> Didn't say impossible, I said tricky.
here's the code. it's not hard at all. the meat of
the code just is one line. the rest is error checking.
a very similar script would turn all aoe devices into
sd devices via sdaoe, though i always end up doing
that by hand.
- erik#!/bin/rc
# turn us
On Tue Jun 9 13:28:55 EDT 2009, mirtchov...@gmail.com wrote:
> I think I've mentioned this before, but on a few of my synthetic file
> systems here I'm using what you describe to slice a database by
> specific orderings. For example, I have a (long) list of resources
> which I'm managing in a part
On Tue Jun 9 14:15:29 EDT 2009, n...@lsub.org wrote:
> With mail2fs I leave messages alone and use all kinds of mail lists
> that contain just relative paths to actual messages. Perhaps nupas
> could do the same.
i think that essential strategy is a winner. upas would use
.idx files.
On Tue Jun 9 14:50:58 EDT 2009, bpisu...@cs.indiana.edu wrote:
> Interesting read:
> http://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2009/6/28495-whither-sockets/fulltext
> If I am right, the filesystem based networking interface offered by Plan 9
> has the three limitations discussed here:
> * performance over
> still a hash. i'm not doing anything particularly clever for speed,
> and it shows in places. listing large directories is the slowest
> operation by far, as it would be for most cases where several thousand
> "stat" structures would have to be dynamically created for each entry
> in a directory.
> On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 1:16 PM, erik quanstrom wrote:
> >> still a hash. i'm not doing anything particularly clever for speed,
> >> and it shows in places.
> I lied a bit here: in some cases, for example where a particular query
> would involve going
On Tue Jun 9 17:20:12 EDT 2009, ge...@plan9.bell-labs.com wrote:
> I've just pushed out kernel sources and binaries to incorporate
> Aki's mtrr and vesa changes. The combination makes monitor=vesa
> run quite a bit faster; we saw a factor of three speed improvement
> in one case.
> It's still
On Tue Jun 9 19:30:32 EDT 2009, m...@acm.jhu.edu wrote:
> > On Tue Jun 9 17:20:12 EDT 2009, ge...@plan9.bell-labs.com wrote:
> >> I've just pushed out kernel sources and binaries to incorporate
> >> Aki's mtrr and vesa changes. The combination makes monitor=vesa
> >> run quite a bit faster; we s
On Tue Jun 9 19:22:39 EDT 2009, bpisu...@cs.indiana.edu wrote:
> Well, select() or alt might or might not be required depending on whether
> you want your thread to wait till the read operation waiting
> for data from the network completes.
your thread will always wait until any system call co
> i don't think i understand what you're getting at.
> it could be that the blog was getting at the fact that select
> funnels a bunch of independent i/o down to one process.
> it's an effective technique when (a) threads are not available
> and (b) processing is very fast.
ack. but, you can sele
On Thu Jun 11 04:12:13 EDT 2009, eris.discor...@gmail.com wrote:
> > i don't think i understand what you're getting at.
> > it could be that the blog was getting at the fact that select
> > funnels a bunch of independent i/o down to one process.
> > it's an effective technique when (a) threads are
On Wed Jun 10 18:52:19 EDT 2009, bpisu...@cs.indiana.edu wrote:
> > Did you do this on Plan 9 or bring some of the filesystem sanity of another
> > OS?
> Actually my work was based on 9P based synthetic filesystems
> implemented using Npfs (see
> http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dcb7zf48_503q
> I might as well repeat myself: choice of strategy depends on the
> application. Given choice programmers can decide on which strategy or
> combination of strategies works best. Without choice, well, they will just
> live with what's available.
this is a very deep philosophical divide between
> > i think you're trying to argue that — a priori — choice is good?
> I believe it is. How many of us are using strictly RISC machines on our
> desks today? Extending the set of available primitives and adding to the
> complexity of each primitive both are natural steps in the development of
On Thu Jun 11 18:39:02 EDT 2009, jrm8...@gmail.com wrote:
> That doesn't help. Ridiculously complex or not, I have a mutt that can
> talk to gmail via smtp. I've tried following the basic guide on the
> wiki for getting smtp to work, but it is plan9-specific and not very
> instructive.
i ported al
> > I've just pushed out kernel sources and binaries to incorporate
> > Aki's mtrr and vesa changes. The combination makes monitor=vesa
> > run quite a bit faster; we saw a factor of three speed improvement
> > in one case.
> >
> > It's still limited to a single processor, but we've got someone
> > I thought you might want a "ctl" file into which you write the
> > representation you want and that magically creates a new file or
> > directory.
> Sure, but if *each* file can have more than one representation then
> where's the best place for the ctl thing to be? In each subdirectory?
> This is how TLS is done. Either %gs or %fs are setup so that a
> prefixed instruction will use the TLS address range.
all the world's a vax. er, wrong century. all the world's
an x86.
> The basic idea is: when segment translation is done anyway, let's
> exploit it and get guest code memor
-r act as a resolver only: send `recursive' queries, asking
the other servers to complete lookups. If present,
/env/DNSSERVER must be a space-separated list of such
DNS servers' IP addresses, otherwise optional ndb(6) dns
On Mon Jun 15 09:33:40 EDT 2009, roo...@gmail.com wrote:
> echo ip_dns_server > /env/DNSSERVER
why would you do it this way instead of
- erik
i ran astro -k a 3 times, a few minutes apart
on the same machine. the results are suprising
The sun sets at 20:47:50 EDT
The sun sets at 20:47:49 EDT
The sun sets at 20:47:43 EDT
Comet rises at 23:02:57 EDT
Comet rises at 23:03:06 EDT
Comet rises at 23:03:02 EDT
can anyone explain why i don't
On Mon Jun 15 20:21:36 EDT 2009, aris...@ar.aichi-u.ac.jp wrote:
> Hello Geoff,
> I am glad if mtrr makes effect only to single processor
> until the mtrr can support multi-core processor.
> Kenji Arisawa
mtrrs work on any number of processors. it is plan 9's
vesa which does not.
- erik
On Mon Jun 15 15:50:11 EDT 2009, mirtchov...@gmail.com wrote:
> most likely "astro" needs to be taught a bit about maths ;)
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drE5cHe6c3s
judging from the video, it's too much maths what's the problem.
- erik
On Mon Jun 15 22:36:14 EDT 2009, jrm8...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 3:43 PM, andrey
> mirtchovski wrote:
> > most likely "astro" needs to be taught a bit about maths ;)
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drE5cHe6c3s
> >
> What *was* that?
proof that the british have a superi
> note that this won't work if the filenames contain white space.
> (i still regret the fact that white space became allowable in file names)
using ws in filenames is a fossil-only problem;
kfs, cwfs and ken's fs won't allow it.
fortunately, fossil is easy to fix
> So what happens when you drawterm from a un*x box or access a VFAT partition?
nothing. i'm running ken's fs, so from drawterm i have
; echo > 'silly file'
; lc silly*
'silly file'
; cd /tmp
; echo > 'silly file'
silly file: rc: can't open: 'sill
> if you are trying to disallow space you'd have
> to fiddle with every file server you could possibly
> talk to, or you'd have to edit the kernel.
> the barn door has been open for a decade.
my point was only that i agree with roger; spaces in
filenames are a pain and it would be best not
to let
> >The Evolution of Conciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.doc
> it's not worth worrying about for that book (i think it's `Origin' not
> `Evolution')
> i am astounded it keeps resurfacing.
those crazy nebraskans.
- erik
> I forgot, / is actually illegal. I'm almost (but not quite) certain that \0
> is legal, and if I understand my emacs correctly you may be able to type it
> as ctrl-space. It displays as ^@ in emacs.
what system call do you use to create a file with \0 in the name?
i'm not really keeping up,
> Forgot to add that I've only seen one error on the console during all of this:
> /boot/fossil: could not write super block; waiting 10 seconds
> /boot/fossil: blistAlloc: called on clean block.
is that once, or every time?
- erik
> It seems to only happen once per boot, but not necessarily when fossil
> starts responding--I've seen it a couple hours after booting, which
> the filesystem tends to go away at night.
the failure is somewhere in blockWrite. since blockWrite
calls diskWrite and diskWrite just queues up i/o to s
On Thu Jun 18 18:55:30 EDT 2009, slawmas...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 4:01 PM, erik quanstrom wrote:
> >
> > > I forgot, / is actually illegal. I'm almost (but not quite) certain that
> > > \0 is legal, and if I understand my emacs correctly you
> I remember a lot of people installing plan9 on this motherboard so I
> know it should work.
this motherboard has been a pain in the neck.
- erik
> I think the matches clause is right, but it could be totally broken.
> I'm trying to get the C version of gmap to talk directly to the
> plumber on a 'coordinate' port. If anyone has some pointers, I'd be
> glad to hear them.
- erik
> but "ls -l /mail/ratify > debug.log" gives me nothing. It looks like
> upas/smtpd cannot access /mail/ratify. How do I get ratfs to work?
since smtpd runs as none if you're starting it from listen in
the typical way, i was going to suggest that a process running
as none might not have sufficient
On Sun Jun 21 07:59:52 EDT 2009, 9f...@hamnavoe.com wrote:
> > Forgot to add that I've only seen one error on the console during all of
> > this:
> > /boot/fossil: could not write super block; waiting 10 seconds
> > /boot/fossil: blistAlloc: called on clean block.
> I get a few of these nearly
if anyone else is using the myricom ethernet driver,
could you contact me off list?
- erik
> looks like it's related to the error above. you might want to downgrade to
> http://swtch.com/plan9port/plan9port-20090609.tgz
fortune tells me
The most effective debugging tool is still careful thought,
coupled with judiciously placed print statements.
-Kernighan, 1978
i don't think t
On Tue Jun 23 11:23:14 EDT 2009, uai...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry for the lazy question, but sometimes "it's easier to post to
> 9fans than to think" or to seek for info.
> Is there any crontab equivalent in plan 9? I mean, is there a way to
> execute something regularly at a given time period
> it seems I still do not fully understand namespaces.
> But this sequence seems strange to me:
> cdfs -d /dev/sdD0
> unmount /mnt/cd
> ...everything is OK.
> cdfs -d /dev/sdD0
> unmount /mnt
> ...I unmounted wrong directory...
> cdfs -d /dev/sdD0
> cdfs: openscsi '/dev/sdD0': '/dev/
> So I went ahead and reinstalled fossil and venti--this time I went
> with a RAID-10 configuration on the Coraid.
for data integrety, raid 5 is a better solution because
on a raid 10, if one block is wrong, it's a coin flip as
to which one is correct (if any). with raid 5, it's possible
to deter
> Not directly related to the topic here, but this has always bugged me
> about running Venti on mirrored or raided disks.
> When a block on a mirrored pair doesn't match the block on its
> partner, the mirroring layer has no idea which one is right, but Venti
> does. Some way to export this rea
> /boot/fossil: cacheLocalData: addr=155039 type got 0 exp 0: tag got
> 19383bf exp 11383bf
> /boot/fossil: cacheLocalData: addr=155167 type got 0 exp 0: tag got
> 19383bf exp 11383bf
am i wrong in thinking that it would be an error to have the same tag at
two different addresses?
- erik
> > does venti even keep scores on the bloom filter blocks and the icache?
> no, but those are soft data and can be reconstructed.
being the paranoid type, i worry about this. does the
rebuild rate on a large (say, 1tb) venti make this a
practical strategy?
- erik
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