Re: Cancel Subscription Please

2024-09-30 Thread David Belina
Please help me in cancelling my subscription to AO 
Professional. I didn’t realize this was a subscription based product.

Thank you!
Marti Sutton
Sent from my iPad

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Re: List of manufacturers preloading OpenOffice?

2024-11-28 Thread David Belina
You are missing the value of having a turnkey solution that 
just works and
doesn't need the user to manually install anything.

In any case, mine was a rethorical question as I'm launching a line of Mini
PCs with Apache Open Office preloaded across the whole product line:
Windows, LinuxMint and Elementary OS.

We still don't sell in the USA. But stay tuned.


On Thu, Nov 28, 2024, 13:48 David Belina <> wrote:

> Many PC builders would find no value in pre-loading it as OpenOffice 
> free for the user/buyer to download and install.
> Easier to just let them download and install.
> (Some operating system vendors - Linux - do offer it as a part of the
> Linux package.)
> On November 27, 2024 at 1:40:56 PM, Fernando Cassia 
> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Is there a list of PC builders and/or manufacturers preloading Apache
> OpenOffice somewhere?
> On the wiki, perhaps?
> FC

Re: List of manufacturers preloading OpenOffice?

2024-11-28 Thread David Belina
Hi there,

Is there a list of PC builders and/or manufacturers preloading Apache
OpenOffice somewhere?
On the wiki, perhaps?


Re: New computer

2024-11-19 Thread David Belina
I had Open Office on my old computer.  When it died I got a new 
one an downloaded Open Office but I have to sign up as new.  How can I access 
my old files that have spreadsheets and other documents that I created?

Re: [AOO-Templates]

2018-06-06 Thread David Belina
What platform was it created by and what program?  Sounds like a permissions 
problem.  Were you the original creator in Apache?

On June 6, 2018 at 11:12:19 AM, Jim Adams ( wrote:

I am trying to add items to a document that is saved and I cannot. I get a 
message saying I cannot? How do I override this??  

Sent from Mail for Windows 10  

Re: Question about your user manual

2018-06-15 Thread David Belina
I have the same problem with some web browsers.  Try highlighting the stuff you 
withs to copy and the use control - c (ctl-C) to copy and the in the document 
you with to insert it into : position the cursor where you want to insert the 
stuff and hit CTL-V to paste it.  These are old unix hotkeys but they still 
work on Mac And windows as well as linux.


On June 15, 2018 at 2:45:05 PM, Doug Cox ( wrote:

I appreciate the response. I pulled the manual down from the Brother web site 
so if there is another then I am not sure why this was the only manual to pull 
down. The problem I have is if I copy a segment from a web site and then try to 
paste into your writer program it will not let me paste the information unless 
I try many times picking various spots in the copy part. It is like I have to 
keep going back and right clicking copy and then go back to the writer program 
and try to paste and it will not let me until some random try and then I can 
paste it. I do not understand why it is so hard to copy and paste. I know it is 
capable of doing the task, but I do not understand why it is so hard to make it 
possible to do this. I am just trying to figure out why or what I am doing 
wrong that this has to be so difficult of a task to do. Thank you.  

On Friday, June 15, 2018, 12:20:08 AM PDT, DaveB  wrote:  

Responses are given in-line with your original message.  

 Original Message   
From: Douglas Cox   
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2018 21:01:04 -0700  

I pulled down the user manual for the program.  

No, you downloaded a 2005 edition of the user guide for version 2 of the 
original software called, before it became Apache OpenOffice.  

I am trying to figure out why is it so damn hard to copy and paste from online 
items to your word program.  

When you say "word program", you most likely mean the "Writer" word processing 
component of the software.  

Upon looking through your user manual I figured out why, it is because in the 
index of this user manual you cannot even keep the same context to what you 
should be defining.  

No, it is because you were reading a version 2.0 user guide which did not 
relate to the current (4.1.5) version of the software.  

I refer you to 
page 465 or 499 in the pull down this is what you have in your user manual 

long haired  
Maine Coon  
Long haired  
.. User Guide for 2.x465Index  
semi long haired  
Maine Coon  
Norwegian Forest  
American Shorthair  
120, 1  

I cannot even find a search area to put in where to find copy and paste  

You downloaded a PDF file, so your PDF reader software will provide this search 

as your user manual is more confusing and disorganized as any manual I have 
ever seen, and I developed many manuals for the Army. But the worst is that 
when I go to those pages it is not about the cats it is a typing example. I 
still cannot find out why it is so hard to copy and paste things to your word 

You haven't indicated what difficulty you were experiencing with copy and 
paste, or what "things" you are copying from and how you are pasting them into 

Thanks. Douglas Cox  

If you would care to write back to this mailing list with details of:  

- Which version of the software you are using.  

- What you are trying to copy from (eg. a web page, another type of document, 

- If possible, provide a link to the source to be copied from.  

- How you are trying to paste the clipboard content into Writer (eg. Ctrl+V key 
combination, menu "Edit -> Paste Special...", etc.)  
- What you expect the copy - paste result to b

Re: Question about your user manual

2018-06-16 Thread David Belina
Thank you for the additional tip!!


On June 15, 2018 at 11:43:19 PM, Julian Thomas ( wrote:

> On Jun 15, 2018, at 17:21, David Belina  wrote:  
> I have the same problem with some web browsers. Try highlighting the stuff 
> you withs to copy and the use control - c (ctl-C) to copy and the in the 
> document you with to insert it into : position the cursor where you want to 
> insert the stuff and hit CTL-V to paste it. These are old unix hotkeys but 
> they still work on Mac And windows as well as linux.  

On a Mac, use Cmd-C and Cmd-V. However, on Mac [not sure about other 
environments] you might need to use Cmd-Shift-V and select unformatted text so 
that the website formatting isn’t dumped into your page.  

Julian Thomas -  

Since when do we have to agree with people to defend them from injustice? - 
Lillian Hellman  

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Re: Excel

2018-08-10 Thread David Belina
Excel for an iPad requires a subscription to Microsoft Office 360.

On August 10, 2018 at 9:45:12 AM, Matthias Seidel ( 

Am 10.08.2018 um 15:52 schrieb Andrew Pitonyak:  
> My assumption is that you are not really asking how to install Excel,  
> since that is a Microsoft product and this is a mailing list for  
> OpenOffice products... I assume, therefore, that you desire to install  
> Apache OpenOffice and that you desire to use Calc.  
> The only answer as of now assumes that you really want to install  
> Excel and says "sorry, we do not support that here".  
> So, despite the fact that I rarely use apple products, and most of my  
> interactions with iPads and iPhones have been very negative, perhaps I  
> should answer.  
> If you look here:  
> It states that the only way to install apps on your pad is to use the  
> App store and that neither OpenOffice nor LibreOffice are on the app  
> store.  

He could install Office 700, which is an OpenOffice port for iOS.  

There is a free edition (Lite):  

and a payed version for $3,99:  

These ports are from the same guy who makes AndrOpen Office for Android.  


> If you really do want excel:  
> There is apparently another app called "Numbers" that is well rated,  
> but I did not look into it.  
> On 2018-08-09 21:52, Michael Lass wrote:  
>> Sent from my iPad Please help me get Excel hooked up to my I pad  
>> or is this possible?  
>> Thank you very much !  
>> -  
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:  
>> For additional commands, e-mail:  
> -  
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:  
> For additional commands, e-mail:  

Re: Recently Discovered

2018-08-24 Thread David Belina
These are extra-value DVD’s as they usually add some other programs to the DVD. 
 You get the “convenience “ of having a DVD (not having to have a big pipe to 
download and the extra program) so I guess that’s how they say they are not 
violating the Open Office License.

But if the DVD is corrupt- buyer beware.

On August 24, 2018 at 5:37:48 AM, C. Knopper ( wrote:

Dear Open Office Team,  

I recently Discovered that Somebody seems to sell your Open source Software  
over Amazon as a package in a DVD for 35 Euro. Here ist the Link

Hope the Link Works. Let me know If this is actually intended to sell Open  
source on a DVD.  

Best regards.  

Re: List subscription

2018-11-10 Thread David Belina
Sorry, I meant Brian Barker i.e. no blocking!

On November 10, 2018 at 3:03:59 PM, Dbelina ( wrote:

I agree with wade  

> On Nov 10, 2018 at 1:30 PM,> 
> wrote:  
> Le 10/11/2018 à 19:32, M Henri Day a écrit :  
> > Den fre 9 nov. 2018 kl 20:48 skrev Brian Barker  
> > :  
> >  
> >> At 15:03 07/11/2018 -0600, Wade Smart wrote:  
> >>> Why can't this list block non-registered users?  
> >> I'm sure it can, but I trust it won't. If the list is to provide a  
> >> first level of support for beginning users, it is unfair and  
> >> counterproductive to require them to go through the hoops of  
> >> subscribing, confirming their subscription, and presumably  
> >> unsubscribing later. In addition, the list would be swamped with  
> >> confused replies to other people's enquiries that such users wrongly  
> >> assume had been addressed to them individually!  
> >>  
> >> Let's continue to make life easy for those who ask for help, at the  
> >> expense of a little more care necessary from those offering help.  
> >>  
> >> Brian Barker  
> >  
> > +1 to Brian  
> >  
> > Henri  
> +1.  
> Add a filter to your mail client so that it tags the mail containing the 
> string "Delivered-To: moderator" in the header (without quotes).  
> Hagar  
> -  
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:  
> For additional commands, e-mail:  

Re: PDF form text input font/size

2019-01-22 Thread David Belina
In Design mode if you left double click the field, about 2/3ds of the way down 
you can find font and colors/etc.  The UI people really did this backwards of 
what Word, etc users are used to doing (right click for variations of the box).

Not sure about the Field name, unless you use the option in the dialog box 
opened as above.

On January 22, 2019 at 7:08:58 PM, Craig Russell ( wrote:


I'm re-working a pdf form created via OpenOffice and saved as PDF.  

I've attached the document here but don't know if this list accepts large-ish 

One trouble with this form is that I don't know how to control the input field 
text font/size. I'd like to specify that the fields be filled with Courier 12 

Many of the filled documents have text that is just to big for the fields. And 
some are colored purple!  

Is there a way to specify the font/size/color? I don't see an option for this 
when in design mode. If I highlight the form field, the options on the right 
menu are Properties: Width: 5.9" and Keep ratio. Styles and Formatting have no 

And as long as I'm working on this form, I'd like to be able to choose the text 
in the document that is highlighted when the user is in a form field. For 
example, when the user is entering data in the Full Name field, I'd like "Full 
name" to be highlighted. As it is, just "name" is highlighted.  

Any help appreciated.  


Craig L Russell  
Secretary, Apache Software Foundation  

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Re: Downloading Open Office Calc and Text program.

2019-01-29 Thread David Belina
Open office is Apache open office.  Download the entire suite (just do it) at:

On January 29, 2019 at 4:16:52 PM, Robert Cadden ( wrote:

I recently purchased a new Mac with the Mojave OS after using the Snow Leopard 
OS for many years. I put all my open office records on a thumb drive thinking I 
would just download compatible Open Office spreadsheet and text programs and 
I’d be able to continue accessing my old Open Office docs. I am able to open 
the Open Office text files by using Text Edit, which I am not fond of using, 
and of course I can’t open my Open Office spreadsheets with TextEdit. Neither 
can I open them with the Apple Numbers program.  

Obviously the solution is to download new Open Office spreadsheet and text 
programs that are backwards compatible with my Open Office files. However, I 
can’t seem to find.the correct site to download what I need. I go to the 
“Official Open Office” site and the program I can download is one about maps. 
Can you help me with this problem?  

Thank you.  

Robert Cadden

Re: Question about OpenOffice

2019-02-15 Thread David Belina
Save as will only let you password the entire presentation.  Security is 
usually only set up using the operating system built-in file password security.

BTW:  I once tried to set up a system that did a variant of what you want but 
it was unsustainable.  

On February 14, 2019 at 2:08:11 AM, Demin, Konstantin ( 

Good afternoon. I have a question about LibreOffice. Is it possible to provide 
users with different levels of access to slides in presentation? That is, for 
example, one user can edit the first 3 slides by entering a certain password, 
for example, the next 3, and so on. Thanks.  

RE: Open Office Icon on Desktop does not show your blue and white seabird logo

2019-03-05 Thread David Belina
The only official download site is here:

Anything else is a fake.


On March 5, 2019 at 11:26:46 AM, Tom Giaccherini ( wrote:


Thanks very much for your time and advice. 

Could you suggest a link for downloading the authentic version of verison 4.1.6 
that will place the blue and white logo on my desktop after it is installed? My 
PC runs Windows 7. 

I really like the birds. 

Have a Great Week, 

-Original Message- 
From: Regina Henschel [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2019 7:30 AM 
Subject: Re: Open Office Icon on Desktop does not show your blue and white 
seabird logo 

Hello Tom, 

Tom Giaccherini schrieb am 05-Mar-19 um 15:26: 
> Hello: 
> I just installed the newest version of Open Office. The icon on my desktop 
> is a rectangle that looks like a page of white paper with a folded corner. 
> A blue square is inside, and lots of very small squares reside inside the 
> blue square. 
> What happened to your circular icon with the white birds against the blue 
> circle? How do I place that icon on my desktop? 

Where do you have downloaded the software? 

What is written in Help > About? 

I have got a version 4.1.6 and that has a round, blue icon with two 
white birds. It is likely, that you do not have got our original OpenOffice. 

Kind regards 

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Re: OpenOffice 4 email?

2019-03-08 Thread David Belina
No it does not include an e-mail app.

On March 8, 2019 at 1:44:49 PM, ( wrote:

Yesterda, I installed OpenOffice 4. 

Does it include email app? 

If so, how to step-by-step instruction from begin to end? 

I could not find that app. 


Re: ODF Files Created by HP Laserjet 1110A Scanner

2019-03-12 Thread David Belina
Were they originally scanned to OCR into OO or as just a jpg?

On March 12, 2019 at 11:30:32 AM, Vic Bermudez ( wrote:

 HP Laserjet 1100A 

Re: OpenOffice 4 email?

2019-03-12 Thread David Belina
Those are abbreviations for the various languages .  EN-SGB is British Englis, 
EN-US = American.  Download the appropriate one for you.

On March 12, 2019 at 5:00:26 PM, John Skjerven ( wrote:

I down loaded the above "--/60.53/.60.5.3. Then entire column of  
choices that were 2, 3 digits and a letter to two. How do I know which  
choice to click?  

John Skjerven  
Home 480 473 4819  
Cell 480 695 0777  
2611 E Bear Creek Ln, Phoenix, AZ 85024  

On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 2:10 PM JD  wrote:  

> Hey cj-gs,  
> you could install the Thunderbird Email Client application  
> to send/receive emails.  
> Latest release: download from  
> Highest number current release is  
> <>60.5.3  
> <>  
> Higher than that are all in Beta phase.  
> On 03/08/2019 01:55 PM, David Belina wrote:  
> > No it does not include an e-mail app.  
> >  
> >  
> >  
> > On March 8, 2019 at 1:44:49 PM, ( wrote:  
> >  
> >  
> >  
> > Yesterda, I installed OpenOffice 4.  
> >  
> > Does it include email app?  
> >  
> > If so, how to step-by-step instruction from begin to end?  
> >  
> > I could not find that app.  
> >  
> >  
> >  
> > C  
> >  
> >  
> -  
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:  
> For additional commands, e-mail:  

Re: Is there a way to change the assigned attributes when using Find & Replace function in AOO-Calc Spreadsheets?

2019-03-14 Thread David Belina
The way the data is displayed in any spreadsheet is determined by the 
formatting which is linked to cell/row/column and not the particular data.  The 
search and replace function searches the data not the format.

You might be able to write a script (in excel you do this in vbs (visual basic) 
but I’m not sure in OO.

The question is what you want to highlight.  If it is a summary or other 
function you eventually want to arrive at - you can just format the last result 

On March 14, 2019 at 9:24:27 AM, WA.TWORSX via AOL 
( wrote:

AOO415m1(Build:9789)  -  Rev. 1817496  
2017-12-11 17:25  

Desktop Windows 10-64 Home  


I am trying to change the attributes on data that exists within an AOO  
Calc cell when using the Find & Replace function. For example, if the  
cell presently shows:  


I want it to be replaced with:  

*    Goes*  

That is, add the *bold* attribute to the existing data.  

In the Find & Replace dialogue window, I have selected:  Fewer Options,  
with none of the boxes checked.  I have also selected: Search in:  
"Values" (near the bottom of that window).  

Is there a way to change / replace the assigned attributes when using  
Find & Replace function in AOO-Calc Spreadsheets?  



Re: Extension gDriveOOo and oneDriveOOo

2019-03-28 Thread David Belina
The links lead to a access denied message.

What are you trying to publicize.  Then people could search on the site.

On March 28, 2019 at 6:48:55 PM, Pierre Vacher ( wrote:


Can you publish these 2 extensions:  

Thank you in advance  

Re: postscript

2019-04-07 Thread David Belina

On April 7, 2019 at 4:58:03 AM, Seva Khalsa ( wrote:

Hi. I downloaded 4.1.6 for MacOS. 

It looks like it Writer does not export to .ps, postscript. Is this correct? 


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Re: Inquiry

2019-04-18 Thread David Belina
Open Office is free as in "free beer”, the is it is free for everybody to use.  
No charge for anyone.

On April 18, 2019 at 2:49:02 AM, M Henri Day ( wrote:

Den tors 18 apr. 2019 kl 09:28 skrev I. Bromberg :  

> Hello,  
> We're asking today if we can your Open Office package too  
> as a company to use free cost ?  
> Should this be chargeable for companies,  
> then share you please tell me the price and conditions.  
> Thank you in advance for your reply.  
> =  
> Wir fragen heute, ob wir auch Ihr Open Office-Paket  
> als Unternehmen kostenlos nutzen können ?  
> Sollte dies für Unternehmen kostenpflichtig sein,  
> teilen Sie mir bitte den Preis und die Konditionen mit.  
> Vielen Dank im Voraus für ihre Antwort  
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Best regards,  
> *Iris Bromberg*  
> Verkauf/Buchhaltung/Versand  
> sale/accounts/dispatch  
> Walter Bauch GmbH  
> Elbestraße 28/29  
> D -12045 Berlin/Germany  
> Tel.: +49(0)30 624 76 74  
> FAX: +49(0)30 624 91 69  
> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Berlin  
> Handelsregister: Registergericht Berlin 93 HRB 7975  
> Geschäftsführer: Dirk Bischof  
> UST-Id.Nr. DE 136 684 672  
> WICHTIGER HINWEIS: Diese E-Mail ist vertraulich und nur für den  
> angegebenen Empfänger bestimmt.  
> Zugriff , Bekanntmachung, Vervielfältigung oder Verbreitung des Inhaltes  
> von Dritten ist verboten und kann  
> kriminelle Handlung sein. Bitte löschen Sie diese E-Mail, wenn Sie nicht  
> der Empfänger sind  
> und benachrichtigen Sie den Absender.  
> IMPORTANT NOTICE: This Email is confidential and is for the intended  
> recipient only. Access, disclosure,  
> copying, or distribution on any of it by anyone else is prohibited and may  
> be a criminal offence. Please  
> delete if obtained in error and email confirmation to the sender.  
> *Wir haben Betriebsferien vom 19.04.19 bis einschl. **26.04.19*  
> *We have vacation from 19.04.19 until 26.04.19 inclusive*  

Apache OpenOffice is free to use even for businesses.  

Apache OpenOffice ist sogar für Unternehmen kostenlos.  


Re: Hilfestellung

2019-04-26 Thread David Belina
Verwenden Sie Windows?

On April 26, 2019 at 3:51:08 AM, Anita Krisch ( wrote:

Meine XLS Dateien die ich über Email erhalte, werden nicht automatisch von open 
office geöffnet. 
Können Sie mir helfen. 

Re: Tajik Hunspell Dictionary

2019-04-30 Thread David Belina
Maybe here?

On April 30, 2019 at 11:19:55 AM, Ф ( wrote:

You can fix this reference, or no you have another link  

Tajik Hunspell Dictionary  

Re: Can't print from Open Office

2019-05-12 Thread David Belina
Sounds like the printer queue or link on your computer is misconfigured.  
Delete it in your OS (whatever is appropriate) and reinstall the printer on 
your computer

On May 12, 2019 at 12:45:12 PM, Karen Ewell ( wrote:

I thought it was my printer at first, but it is printing just fine from other 
sites. I've checked to make sure my printer is listed in Open Office as the 
default printer, did printer updates, even installed the latest version of Open 
Office, and my printer is still spitting out blank paper when I try to print 
documents saved in this program. I have read just about every forum on the 
internet on how to fix this problem and nothing is working. Do you have any 
other ideas? It concerns me that I have a lot of documents saved in this 
program and now can't access them. Any help you could give me would be greatly 

Thank you.  

Karen DiTullio-Ewell

Re: not installing on macbook pro

2019-05-15 Thread David Belina
Mac’s don’t like apps from non-Apple store installs.  Google “install non-apple 
app on MacBook” to find out how to bypass the apple lockout.  It is something 
about using “allow non-apple apps to install on Mac"

On May 15, 2019 at 1:02:50 PM, Greg Gonzalez ( wrote:


I downloaded the application OPEN OFFICE; not installing.  

I get error message about app not approved by Apple Store ...???  

What do you suggest i do?  

Thank you  


Re: Compatibility with EndNote

2019-06-19 Thread David Belina
Looks like EndNote will only integrate with certain versions of Word and 
OpenOffice does not offer  Word integration features.


(gave me nightmares about trying to integrate Microsoft office  to IBM software)

On June 17, 2019 at 12:47:26 PM, Jean-Francois Hardy ( 


Is it possible to use EndNote (a reference manager) with Open Office?  

Thank you!  


Envoyé de ma tablette/sent from my tablet  

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Re: Trouble downloading update please help

2019-07-16 Thread David Belina
Where are you trying to download from, what operating system are you using and 

Sorry for shouting but your message is less than what anyone can guess at to 
try to help you.

On July 16, 2019 at 10:02:30 PM, Ruth Deerfield ( 

Sent from my iPhone 

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Re: File

2019-07-25 Thread David Belina
Here is a link for install on the ChromeBook:

On July 25, 2019 at 11:01:24 AM, Raymond Bastien ( 

I'm wondering if you might be able to give me some direction. 
I've downloaded your product on to my chrome notebook and I can not get it 
to open. I'm assuming I am missing something. Could you help? 
Thank you. 
Raymond Bastien. 

Re: A Question about drafting pictures from ODG to PDF and then to a Comprehensive E-Book Format

2019-08-26 Thread David Belina
A difference in raster vs vector graphics?

I found this: 

As of 1.5.x versions of Scribus, you can now import PDFs as vector graphics 
files. Previously, all you could do would have been to rasterize a PDF into an 
image frame. This leaves you with some limited and in some cases less than 
ideal ways you can edit the frame. Now with the ability to bring PDFs as 
vectors, you will be able to use the vector editing abilities already built-in 
to Scribus. Here I want to go through an example of how this might be useful.
As of 1.5.x versions of Scribus, you can now import PDFs as vector graphics 
files. Previously, all you could do would have been to rasterize a PDF into an 
image frame. This leaves you with some limited and in some cases less than 
ideal ways you can edit the frame. Now with the ability to bring PDFs as 
vectors, you will be able to use the vector editing abilities already built-in 
to Scribus. Here I want to go through an example of how t

As of 1.5.x versions of Scribus, you can now import PDFs as vector graphics 
files. Previously, all you could do would have been to rasterize a PDF into an 
image frame. This leaves you with some limited and in some cases less than 
ideal ways you can edit the frame. Now with the ability to bring PDFs as 
vectors, you will be able to use the vector editing abilities already built-in 
to Scribus. Here I want to go through an example of ho

@ this linl:

On August 26, 2019 at 3:53:09 PM, David Nordahl ( wrote:

Dear Apache Open Office:  

My name is David, and I have a troubleshooting/concern(s) on how to take some 
diagrams and convert into PDF (which I know how to do), and then place with the 
entire PDF into E-Book formats.  

I have been searching for a way to do this, and the Graphs/Diagrams/Pictures 
will not transfer over.  

In other words, the Graphs that are in my ApachOpenOffice.odg will go into PDF 
(like normal) but they do not transfer to eBook when I review the text, it does 
not show up.  

I am Using Scribus 1.4.7 right now, freebie software, and PDFSimpli does not 
bridge the gap/jump.  

I have tried ODG > Microsoft Word > PDF (or PDF back to Microsoft Word) > 
E-Book Format Scribus…  
But how come the graphs will not transfer//And how do I not redo all my work 
from ODG all over again?  

Is there a Flowchart for these conversions or does everyone redo their 
ApacheDraw ODG Diagrams? Help!  

Prefer to do this the short way first!, Again any feedback is a great great 

From an Inspired Beginning E-Commerce E-Book Developer!  
David K. Nordahl  
E-mail is best  

Sent from Mail for Windows 10  

Re: A Question about drafting pictures from ODG to PDF and then to a Comprehensive E-Book Format

2019-08-26 Thread David Belina
Sorry abut the triple import of the quote.

On August 26, 2019 at 4:11:37 PM, David Belina ( wrote:

A difference in raster vs vector graphics?  

I found this:   

As of 1.5.x versions of Scribus, you can now import PDFs as vector graphics 
files. Previously, all you could do would have been to rasterize a PDF into an 
image frame. This leaves you with some limited and in some cases less than 
ideal ways you can edit the frame. Now with the ability to bring PDFs as 
vectors, you will be able to use the vector editing abilities already built-in 
to Scribus. Here I want to go through an example of how this might be useful.  
As of 1.5.x versions of Scribus, you can now import PDFs as vector graphics 
files. Previously, all you could do would have been to rasterize a PDF into an 
image frame. This leaves you with some limited and in some cases less than 
ideal ways you can edit the frame. Now with the ability to bring PDFs as 
vectors, you will be able to use the vector editing abilities already built-in 
to Scribus. Here I want to go through an example of how t  

As of 1.5.x versions of Scribus, you can now import PDFs as vector graphics 
files. Previously, all you could do would have been to rasterize a PDF into an 
image frame. This leaves you with some limited and in some cases less than 
ideal ways you can edit the frame. Now with the ability to bring PDFs as 
vectors, you will be able to use the vector editing abilities already built-in 
to Scribus. Here I want to go through an example of ho  

@ this linl:  

On August 26, 2019 at 3:53:09 PM, David Nordahl ( wrote: 

Dear Apache Open Office:  

My name is David, and I have a troubleshooting/concern(s) on how to take some 
diagrams and convert into PDF (which I know how to do), and then place with the 
entire PDF into E-Book formats.  

I have been searching for a way to do this, and the Graphs/Diagrams/Pictures 
will not transfer over.  

In other words, the Graphs that are in my ApachOpenOffice.odg will go into PDF 
(like normal) but they do not transfer to eBook when I review the text, it does 
not show up.  

I am Using Scribus 1.4.7 right now, freebie software, and PDFSimpli does not 
bridge the gap/jump.  

I have tried ODG > Microsoft Word > PDF (or PDF back to Microsoft Word) > 
E-Book Format Scribus…  
But how come the graphs will not transfer//And how do I not redo all my work 
from ODG all over again?  

Is there a Flowchart for these conversions or does everyone redo their 
ApacheDraw ODG Diagrams? Help!  

Prefer to do this the short way first!, Again any feedback is a great great 

From an Inspired Beginning E-Commerce E-Book Developer!  
David K. Nordahl  
E-mail is best  

Sent from Mail for Windows 10  

Re: .wps files

2019-09-03 Thread David Belina
Documentation says this:

Current versions of will open WordPerfect files. However, you 
cannot save to WordPerfect formats from

On September 3, 2019 at 4:20:54 PM, S Knecht ( wrote:

Can OpenOffice read .wps files? Thank you. 

Sent from Mail for Windows 10 

Re: dictionary fails to find obvious typos

2019-09-17 Thread David Belina
My version of 
OpenOffice (4.1.6) flags both of the mis-spelled words and suggests the proper 
spelling.  Srock install/update of OpenOffice to the latest version).


On September 17, 2019 at 5:49:19 PM, DCollins ( wrote:

helping the people they serve get their needs met with beautiful, 
intuitve and usable tools. 

Re: Will I Lose My Files

2019-09-23 Thread David Belina

On September 23, 2019 at 9:03:25 AM, Frank Guasto ( 

If I update/download the new version of OpenOffice, will I lose any files or 
spreadsheets I’ve Created?  

Sent from my iPhone  

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Re: Problem Downloading Open Office

2019-10-04 Thread David Belina
SourceForge is the place people put software that is open source.  It is 
perfectly safe (at least for OpenOffice).  I am running mine download of 
OpenOffice on a Mac and Windows and virus checks on both came out negative for 
viruses or malware.

Dave B.

On October 4, 2019 at 10:46:12 AM, Don Karp ( wrote:


But when I use this it transfers me to Source Forge.  
My Mac says it is an unknown company and will not open it.  
There are ways to get Mac to recognize this, but I checked this company and  
fear malware.  

Any other places to download, please?  

Don Karp  

On Fri, Oct 4, 2019 at 2:23 AM Rory O'Farrell  wrote:  

> On Fri, 4 Oct 2019 09:49:59 +0200  
> Andrea Vt  wrote:  
> > Just try the official site:  
> >  
> >  
> Probably this is due to the Gatekeeper application that Apple is supplying  
> with your computer.  
> Read Q05/A05 in  
> RoryOF  
> >  
> >  
> > Am 04.10.2019 um 04:42 schrieb Don Karp:  
> > > Hi--  
> > >  
> > > When I tried downloading from Source Forge and SoftIonic, my Mac  
> wouldn't  
> > > allow because from an unrecognized source.  
> > >  
> > > I looked up reviews from those sources and got some bad reviews.  
> > >  
> > > Is there any other way I can download without risk, please?  
> > >  
> > >  
> > > --  
> > > <  
> >  
> > > Don Karp  
> > >  
> > > <  
> >  
> > >  
> > >  
> > >  
> >  
> > -  
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:  
> > For additional commands, e-mail:  
> >  
> --  
> Rory O'Farrell   
> -  
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:  
> For additional commands, e-mail:  

Re: Problem Downloading Open Office

2019-10-04 Thread David Belina
Oops.  Are you referring to the Mac not wanting to install software not 
downloaded from the Apple Store?  What you need to do depends on what error 
message you get from your Mac.

You can disable the Apple gatekeeper by opening a Terminal Window on your Mac;
typing:   sudo spctl --master-disable    
there are two dashes before the word master
install OpenOffice
then type:   sudo spctl --master-enable
You have to use an administrator grade  password  (if it’s your Mac and you 
petit up new then it is your password.

Dave B.

On October 4, 2019 at 10:46:12 AM, Don Karp ( ) wrote:


But when I use this it transfers me to Source Forge.
My Mac says it is an unknown company and will not open it.
There are ways to get Mac to recognize this, but I checked this company and
fear malware.

Any other places to download, please?

Don Karp

On Fri, Oct 4, 2019 at 2:23 AM Rory O'Farrell  wrote:

> On Fri, 4 Oct 2019 09:49:59 +0200
> Andrea Vt  wrote:
> > Just try the official site:
> >
> >
> Probably this is due to the Gatekeeper application that Apple is supplying
> with your computer.
> Read Q05/A05 in
> RoryOF
> >
> >
> > Am 04.10.2019 um 04:42 schrieb Don Karp:
> > > Hi--
> > >
> > > When I tried downloading from Source Forge and SoftIonic, my Mac
> wouldn't
> > > allow because from an unrecognized source.
> > >
> > > I looked up reviews from those sources and got some bad reviews.
> > >
> > > Is there any other way I can download without risk, please?
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > <
> >
> > > Don Karp
> > >
> > > <
> >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> > For additional commands, e-mail:
> >
> --
> Rory O'Farrell 
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Update question

2019-10-08 Thread David Belina
I just downloaded and installed and it overwrote the old version after the 
usual Mac warning about the program already exists.

On October 8, 2019 at 6:21:25 PM, David Robley ( wrote:

Just download the new version from 
and install it. You may need to uninstall the old version first - I'm 
not sure if Mac needs that done. Make sure you read the installation 
guides linked from that page - on the right under the heading Documentation. 

On 9/10/19 1:46 am, Richard & Mary Lee Supulver wrote: 
> I have Open Office 4.1.4 and want to update to the latest I understand is 
> 4.1.7 on MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6. 
> Do I update the existing or download the new version and replace? 
> Thanks, 
> Sidney Supulver 
> - 
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: 
> For additional commands, e-mail: 

David Robley 

Where is Carmen, San Diego? 

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For additional commands, e-mail: 

Re: Fwd: Apache

2019-10-19 Thread David Belina
Your message is blank

On October 19, 2019 at 9:51:32 AM, John McManus ( 

Here is what it says when I try to verify the download.
John McManus

-- Forwarded message -
From: John McManus 
Date: Sat, Oct 19, 2019 at 11:46 AM
Subject: Apache
To: John McManus 

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Fwd: Error

2019-10-19 Thread David Belina
As I said, your message (showing the error?) is blank.

but it is not compatible with my system.  What is your system.  OpenOffice 
works on most OS’s.  Did you download the 32bit or the 64bit version and get an 
error installing.  Download the other and try it.

As to the original error (ca’t open files), what did you change before you 
found you couldn’t open files and what do you mean exactly "about not opening 
file”.  Can’t find, program never starts up, etc.

On October 19, 2019 at 9:51:13 AM, John McManus ( 

but it is not compatible with my system

Re: open office software SPREADSHEETS

2019-10-24 Thread David Belina has this:

The first step in sorting data is to select the data that you want to sort. To 
sort the data in Table 1, select the cells from A1 to G16—if you include the 
column headers, indicate this in the sort dialog. Use Data > Sort to open the 
Sort dialog. You can sort by up to three columns or rows at a time.

the link is:

On October 24, 2019 at 8:30:01 AM, John Clipper ( 

how to sort data in Col A 

Re: Mac systemCatalina

2019-10-27 Thread David Belina
Mine works right now as long as you know how to avoid the Mac “signature” 
glitch.  Try this:
Open Finder and find the app you want to install. Next, press the Control key 
and click to open the app. This opens a right-click contextual menu where you 
can select Open to open a dialog box that will let you override Sierra's 
reservations about its source.

The other issue is that Catalina only runs 64-bit apps.  Install OO 4.1.7 from 

Pick your language and your OS.

On October 27, 2019 at 5:51:36 PM, Helen Robson 
( wrote:

When will OpenOffice be updated soon can use it with Mac System Catalina?  
Thank you  
H Robson  

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Re: Problemas con la actualización a iOS catalina

2019-10-28 Thread David Belina

On October 28, 2019 at 6:06:27 AM, Eduardo fernandez de caleya 
( wrote:

Hola, me encuentro con el problema que al instalar la actualización de mi mac a 
iOS catalina, ya no me funciona Open Office. Hay alguna solución a éste 
problema o existe Open Office para mac iOS catalina?, gracias  

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Re: Open Office

2019-11-04 Thread David Belina
Are you on Windows or Linux?  Are you trying to open an existing document from 
another computer or creating a new one?

On November 4, 2019 at 1:39:19 AM, Megan Van Zyl ( wrote:

Sent from Mail for Windows 10  
Good Day  

I have loaded open office to my daughter’s slim book and she is unable to use 
the word program. It keeps freezing. Once the document has been recovered then 
it is not responding.  

I have removed Open Office and reloaded it.  

Please could you assist me  

Many thanks  

Re: Just upgraded to MAC Catalina and it does not work

2019-11-05 Thread David Belina
Here is the GateKeeper solution:

This is the Apple Gatekeeper problem. see Q05/A05 in 

for details of how to get around this. The same tutorial also has many other 
useful suggestions for OpenOffice on an Apple Mac. 

On November 5, 2019 at 10:03:55 AM, Rory O'Farrell ( wrote:

On Tue, 5 Nov 2019 11:52:05 -0500  
Marni Bowen  wrote:  

> Hello to Whom It May Concern,  
> Is there going to be a patch for the new MAC OS X Catalina which is 64bit so 
> the 32 bit version no longer works. All my work invoices are on this platform 
> and I can no longer access them HELP please.  
> Thank you in advance,  
> Marni Bowen  

Simply download and install the 64 bit version for Mac. Tell Apple Gatekeeper 
to permit OpenOffice install.  

I'm not a Mac user so cannot give detailed instructions on how to tell 
Gatekeeper, but I know that is what one has to do.  

Rory O'Farrell   

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Re: Open Office

2019-11-06 Thread David Belina
Macs now insist on verifying software that has not come from the AppleStore 
with this “error” message.

This error appears due to the Gatekeeper security feature included with OS X 
10.8 (Mountain Lion) and later.

To bypass this, open System Preferences and click Security & Privacy. Chang

For newer operating systems (OS X 10.13 and up), the app you're installing will 
appear under the "Allow apps downloaded from" menu. Click "Open Anyway" next to 
this and your software installer will launch.

Hope this helps

On November 6, 2019 at 1:36:19 PM, Ruby Jones ( 


I have an Apple MacBook Pro and I have downloaded the Apache Open Office 
programme. However, when I try to open it I am getting the following error 
message.  Please can you confirm that there is no malware in this download and 
that this is just a normal response from Apple because the download has not 
come from their App Store.  If you can confirm that then I will amend the 
security in my computer.  Thanks

I have tried chatting to Apple Support who could to help.  My MacBook Pro is 
using version 10.15.1

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards
Ruby Jones
United Kingdom.

Re: new password for Extensions please

2019-11-07 Thread David Belina
There is no password required for any OpenOffice Download or browsing for such. 
 Are you sure you are trying:

On November 7, 2019 at 8:12:40 AM, Beth Golden ( wrote:

the Extension page is not recognizing my password, when I tried to reset it  
numerous times, it fails. I tried to create a new account but my email  
(this one) is already registered. What a loop!  
thanks for helping  

Re: I would like to open an account in

2019-11-14 Thread David Belina
It’s a problem and the solution is supposed to be doing what you just did.  But 
users can’t solve the problem, only the admins can and there is no contact 
information for them.

Do you just want to download?  If so you don’t have to have an account.

On November 13, 2019 at 10:29:37 PM, Mohammad Abid Farooq 
( wrote:

Good day,  
My name is Abid Farooq and I wish to open an account at your website  
mentioned above ( But when i fill online form, a  
message appears that contact admin because unable to send email for further  

Please guide me in this regard.  

Thank you,  

Abid Farooq  

Re: "Recovery failed" warning on each relaunch of iMac and Openoffice

2019-11-20 Thread David Belina
Do you come Open Office before you shutdown the Mac.

If you don’t (even if you “lock “ the file, OpenOffice tries to recover because 
it thinks the Open office file is still open.

On November 20, 2019 at 8:44:47 PM, paulranger ( 

I have OpenOffice 4.1.6 installed on iMac (late 2009) running OS X Yosemite 
10.10.5. Having experienced malware previously which corrupted software and 
files on my iMac, I always mark my AOO spreadsheet file “Orders”, covering 
order history in the “Finder/Get Info” window and ticking the “Locked” box in 
that window, prior to ’shutdown'.  

Every time I (re)launch OS X 10.10.5, a window in AOO 4.1.6 opens saying “Press 
‘Start Recovery’ to start recovery process of… the file. Note! the AOO “Orders” 
file had been marked “Locked”, upon previous shutdown.  

When I press the “Start Recovery” button, status indicates “Recovery failed”. 
The file opens but, being unsure whether the file is still valid, I have 
renamed the “Orders” file with the latest opening date several times. When THAT 
renamed file opens, the same uncertainty applies to the renamed file: - is it a 
valid file under renamed title or not. Has the data been saved at that previous 

I am grateful for any advice you may offer.  

Sincerely, PaulRanger1 (I think).  

P.S. My registration details (Username: PaulRanger1, email address: , Password: 
F10rence) from 26 September 2014 are no longer accepted at  

P.P.S. Accordingly, Brian, it seems I must again "choose to broadcast this to 
the masses”. Sorry.  

Re: Database Wizard

2019-11-21 Thread David Belina
As to USB stick usage:

For setup, just answer yes to all prompts if you want the default configuration.

as to USB drives and how to use them:

USB flash drives can withstand between 10,000 to 100,000 write/erase cycles, 
depending on the memory technology used. When the limit is reached, some 
portion of the memory may not function properly, leading to lost of data and 
As to set up, just answering yes to all prompts no to all the prompts should 
give you a default configuration.


On November 21, 2019 at 10:08:47 AM, Alan Pearce 
( wrote:

I can't answer your question but from information I have gleaned from another 
group, working on thumb drives/usb sticks isn't a good idea as apparently they 
don't like long term multiple access. So download to your pc and carry out your 
work then upload to store seems to be the answer. But I am no expert.Cheers,Alan

 Original message 
From: James Wheeler   
Date: 21/11/2019 14:30 (GMT+00:00)  
Subject: Database Wizard  

I have recently purchased a new computer and installed OpenOffice. It’s asking 
me if I want to create a new database or use an existing?  I have a thumb drive 
full of documents that are in OpenOffice format and all that I want to do is 
plug in the thumb drive and continue working on the files that are already 
there. What is the simplest way to set this program up?Thanks,Jim   
unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscribe@openoffice.apache.orgFor additional 
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Re: OpenOffice 4.1.7: No page borders

2019-11-23 Thread David Belina
What are the margins (on the Format>page main menu) set at?

On November 23, 2019 at 4:34:49 PM, JD ( wrote:

I tried to create a document without any left, right, top, or bottom 
borders via 


which I set to 0. 

But the editor keep starting text at .5 inch offset from the left page's 
edge, and wraps at .5 inch offset 
from right page's edge. 

How do I prevent this from happening? 


Re: can not open OpenOffice

2019-11-25 Thread David Belina
Probably need to download and install the 64-bit version of OO.  It should 
install gracefully over the 32-bit I think that you hav now.

On the green banner click the Mac OS to get a selection drop-down and select 
the 64-bit version.

Dave B.

On November 25, 2019 at 2:24:21 PM, Bill Alles ( 

Hello.  I recently updated my Mac to Catalina version 10.15.1 and since doing 
so, I have not been able to open the OpenOffice program. It tells me to contact 
the developer, so that is why I am writing. Please advise as to what needs to 
be done so that I can access the OpenOffice program again.Thank you for your 
assistance,                                                  Bill  

Re: can not open OpenOffice

2019-11-25 Thread David Belina
Sorry, the Mac version which will download install the 64-bit version of 1.7

On November 25, 2019 at 2:24:21 PM, Bill Alles ( 

Hello.  I recently updated my Mac to Catalina version 10.15.1 and since doing 
so, I have not been able to open the OpenOffice program. It tells me to contact 
the developer, so that is why I am writing. Please advise as to what needs to 
be done so that I can access the OpenOffice program again.Thank you for your 
assistance,                                                  Bill  

Re: Inquiry

2019-11-27 Thread David Belina
Yes.  I’m running it now.

On November 27, 2019 at 12:41:59 PM, ( wrote:

Is the latest version of Open Office compatible with the new Mac Catalina 
operating system? Thank you.  
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Re: Question about license

2019-11-29 Thread David Belina
Its free for anyone to use for anything.

On November 29, 2019 at 8:02:31 AM, Gavrilo Knezevic ( wrote:


Is it possible to use your application for business purpose? 



Re: Original Open Office.

2019-12-03 Thread David Belina
In order to be valid, any Last Will and Testament still has to be printed, 
signed, and witnessed.  Recognition of electronic versions is still not in the 
works by legislation.  Find your printed original Will, take it to a wills & 
trust lawyer, and have him/her produce a codicil that makes the updated 
changes.  Keep the original and the original of the codicil together in a safe 
place. DOES NOT and has never stored copies of your documents.  They 
exist only on your computer(s) or cloud storage that you have attended.

On December 3, 2019 at 6:52:58 AM, Wade Smart ( wrote:

Keith, first - this is a public list to people all over the world.  
Do not ever post personal information on a public list.  

Second, all your documents are stored on your pc and if  
it was destroyed, if you do not have a backup, your documents  
are unfortunately lost.  

Registered Linux User: #480675  
Registered Linux Machine: #408606  
Linux since June 2005  

On Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 7:45 AM KEITH PAICE  
> Dear sir, I used the Original Open site for many years. However I recently 
> have had my PC. destroyed. How can I now get access to the original Open 
> Office which contains various letters & documents which are mainly associated 
> with my current Last Will & Testament. These documents need to be updated. 
> Therefor I am desperate to be able to locate these files.  
> My Details are. Name : Keith John Paice. E-Mail : k.j.paice@btinternet. com  
> Can you tell me how I can access these files held on These 
> document were entered on Open Office at least 6 years ago.  
> I look forward to you reply & hopefully what I need to do to access my 
> documents held in Original Open Office. Regards,  
> Keith. Paice. UK Tele number. 01454320415  
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android  

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Re: Subject matter of unwanted PUAs

2019-12-03 Thread David Belina
A Pua is nit a virus - it is a “Potentially unwanted application - keyword 
“potentially unwanted”. see the ClamAV web site.  My virus checker doesn’t see 
OpenOffice as a problem.

On December 3, 2019 at 2:28:12 PM, Prophecy Legend Symbole 
( wrote:

After running a comprehensive scan for viruses on my hard drive, I find  
several PUA so-called threats that is coming from either LibreOffice or  
OpenOffice.  I use clamtk as my anti-virus tool to scan.  Why do these  
office suites have PUA Viruses?  Can they be cleansed?  

-Prophecy Legend Symbole  

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Re: Mac 64 bit OS

2019-12-11 Thread David Belina
The only download on the web site ) for the Mac is 64-bit.  
There is no 32-bit version.

God knows what other sites try to give/sell you.

On December 11, 2019 at 2:46:33 AM, Wade Smart ( wrote:

Registered Linux User: #480675  
Registered Linux Machine: #408606  
Linux since June 2005  

On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 2:21 AM Kelly Camp  wrote:  
> Do you have an open office product using 64 bit Mac as now Apple will be 
> using from now on.  
> -  
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:  
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Re: technical support: windows 10 home hangs after installing office 4.1.7- will not restart

2019-12-13 Thread David Belina
You may have been trapped with a Microsoft Windows update which some of my 
machine ran at about this time today.  Blew up the OpenOffice presentation 
which was running, but it started ok after the updatee finished.  The only thin 
you can do is wait for 5 to 6 hours and see if it finally finishes.

On December 13, 2019 at 5:07:07 PM, Andrew ( 

Hi, I am new to openoffice.  
Just downloaded 4.1.7 which went fine.  
Then msg said needs to do a restart so I clicked ok...  
Then the screen says `preparing to configure windows    don`t turn off your 
It has been like this for an hour+ with the rotating icon (white circles) going 
My wifi is fine (if it is needed) as I am using my android tablet to send this 

HELP is desperately needed... :-(  


Re: Update

2019-12-14 Thread David Belina
Download 64-bit OO from

On December 14, 2019 at 7:35:58 AM, MASAAKI ITO ( wrote:


Need to update OpenOfiice to gain acceptability with MAC Catalina.  

Please advise on updating procedure.  

Thank you.  

M. Ito  

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Re: Question Please

2019-12-15 Thread David Belina
Download and install the 64-bit version at:

Catalina doesn’t support any 32-bit version of an application.

On December 15, 2019 at 3:56:56 PM, APRIL ROSSI ( 

Good Day~  
I’m having difficulty accessing my open office application I believe due to 
upgrading to Catalina from Mojave. How can we find resolution? Is an update 
coming or do I need to switch back to Mojave to retrieve my open office 
Needless to say time is of the essence as I utilize this application very 
What do you suggest?  
In Application~  
April Rossi  
Sent from my iPhone  

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Re: Need help in foreign language (Cambodia)

2019-12-21 Thread David Belina
the Khimer translation of the relevant paragraph from Google translator is:

កម្មវិធី Apache OpenOffice ៤.១.៧ នឹងត្រូវបានដាក់ទង់ដោយកន្លែងច្រកទ្វារចូលក្នុង 
macOS ។ នេះគឺជាមុខងារដើម្បីជួយការពារប្រឆាំងនឹងមេរោគនៅលើប្រព័ន្ធ macOS ។
សម្រាប់ប្រព័ន្ធប្រតិបត្តិការ OS X រហូតដល់ទៅ ១០,១១ 'El Capitan'៖ 
 Mac App ដំណើរការ។ សូមមើលអត្ថបទគាំទ្ររបស់ម៉ាក់។
សម្រាប់ macOS 10.12 'សៀរ៉ា': 
ជ្រើសបើកពីកំពូលនៃម៉ឺនុយបរិបទដែលលេចឡើង។ ចុចបើកក្នុងប្រអប់។ 
នេះគឺជាការចាំបាច់នៅពេលដែលអ្នកបើកដំណើរការកម្មវិធី Apache OpenOffice ។
ដោយសារតែមានកំហុសដែលគេស្គាល់នៅក្នុងការតំឡើង Oracle Java នៃកម្មវិធី Apache 
OpenOffice នៅលើ macOS ដែលមិនមានកេរតំណែល Apple Java 6 ដែលបានតំឡើងនឹងមិនអាចស្គាល់ 
Oracle Java 7 និង 8 បានទេប្រសិនបើមិនអាចតំឡើង Java 9 
បានជាងតំឡើងជំនាន់កេរ្តិ៍តំណែលរបស់ ផ្លែប៉ោមចាវ៉ាពីតំណភ្ជាប់ខាងក្រោម៖ 
កេរដំណែលផ្លែប៉ោមចាវ៉ា ៦. 

On December 21, 2019 at 4:51:22 PM, Keith N. McKenna 
( wrote:

On 12/21/2019 6:25 PM, Peter Kovacs wrote:  
> Hello all,  
> I need help with a user on Facebook.  
> He speaks not very well English, and has issues with the gatekeeper on his 
> Mac.  
> He seems to be from Cambodia (Google translate claim)  
> It would be cool if someone can jump in who speaks Cambodian or can point me 
> to a Cambodian Ressource how to handle the gatekeeper.  
> I already posted the link to the English forum with the article. (we had a 
> wiki article somewhere but I could not find it)  
> Thanks  
> All the best  
> Peter  

I can't help you with Cambodian, but the English instructions for  
gatekeeper are in the 4.1.7 release Notes:
There are 2 sets of instructions one for Up to 10.11 and another for  
10.12. That should really be 10.12 and up. I will change that in the  
Release Notes and in the Template.  


Re: corrupted.....Apache Open Office Spreadsheet.......(Text Import)

2019-12-30 Thread David Belina
Sounds like you have changed something in your computer.  When you tried to 
open the file from the file manager of your os, did it try to “recover” the 
file.  If it did and you canceled the recovery, try to open it again and do the 

Dave B.

On December 30, 2019 at 8:51:58 AM, James Jenkins ( 
wrote: file in "Apache Openoffice Spreadsheet", I've had  
this file over a couple years, it worked perfectly, and now another  
files has red wavy lines as if there not spelled correctly:  

_when I open I get "Text Import":_  

        TEXT IMPORT ...unicode, default English USA  

        FROM...Row 1  

        SEPARATED BY...semicolon, space,  text delimiter  

        OTHER OPTIONS...(nothing here)  

        FIELDS...gray and a  # (1)  

This started (I think) when I used the Tool-Bar (reverse input arrow), I  
used it 3-4 times  

As I was emailing this to you, I tried to open my four other spreadsheet  
files that I use every day for over a couple years... now there not  
opening.  Need help One of these file goes to my doctor  
regarding my health condition, and the other is business related. The  
more I tried to the Open Office "Start Bar" will not  
openprogressively getting worse the more I attempt to open the  
spreadsheet the worse it gets.  

James L. Jenkins  

Re: IOS Catalina

2020-01-08 Thread David Belina
The older OO versions are 32-bit where’s Apple is forcing only 64-bit apps 
Catalina.  You have to download the latest version of OO from here and install 
it.  You won’t loose your files.

Choose the  “mac X (version >= 10.7 (DMG)”   it’s the top one with the DMG 
language.  It’s 64-bit to satisfy Apple.

Dave B.

On January 8, 2020 at 7:51:10 AM, chuck ef ( wrote:

When I upgraded to Catalina, OO worked fine. What version of OS did you migrate 
from? What version of OO are you using? When you say “not working,” describe 
what is happening.  

Again, OO works fine on Catalina on my 2017 iMac.  

Get Outlook for iOS  
From: Trine Marie Hovind   
Sent: Wednesday, January 8, 2020 6:47:32 AM  
Subject: IOS Catalina  


How can I get my mac to cooperate with Open Office? After upgrading to Catalina 
it does not work anymore.  

Kind regards  

Trine Marie Hovind  

Re: Using Apache Open Office as an assistant to my industry.

2020-01-12 Thread David Belina
Open Office uses the Apache License so there probably isn’t an issue for you.

Read more about the license on Wikipedia:

Dave B.

On January 12, 2020 at 4:48:58 PM, Dont_be Naive 
( wrote:

I would like to use Apache Open Office spreadsheet as the Program to build and 
sell an animal control industry estimating program. My customers would be 
required to download and use Apache Open Office to use the estimating templates 
I wish to create. I would appreciate your approval, to create and sell this 
industry estimating product.   
Thank you!  
Keith O'Conner2650 State Route 56New Marshfield Ohio 45766email 
dontbe_naive@yahoo.comphone USA 740 664   

Re: How to configure OpenOffice Securely

2020-01-28 Thread David Belina
It’s pretty simple:

Only download and install the software from the “official” site:

Do not search for the software and download it from anyplace else.

On January 28, 2020 at 9:13:28 AM, Adari, Milind ( wrote:



Looking for information/guide on how to install OpenOffice as securely as 



Milind Adari

The Associated Press

Information Security

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copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this 
communication in error, please notify The Associated Press immediately by 
telephone at +1-212-621-1500 and delete this email. Thank you.

Re: [AOO-Templates]

2020-02-03 Thread David Belina
What does this have to do with OpenOffice?

On February 3, 2020 at 6:38:11 AM, Richard ( 

Re: danish langues

2020-02-03 Thread David Belina

On February 3, 2020 at 10:10:47 AM, Niels Nørgaard ( wrote:

Hi Openoffice !  

Want your instructions in danish, how to do it ?  

Regards Niels

Re: update open office 4.1

2020-02-06 Thread David Belina
This message cannot be solved.

What host?

On February 6, 2020 at 1:42:05 AM, Max Tuggle 
( wrote:

Host name cannot be resolved 

Sent from Mail for Windows 10 

Re: Downloading Open Office and Verification

2020-02-08 Thread David Belina
Are you on a Mac with Catalina installed as the latest OS?

If so, Apple requires that you go through an extra step to install (not just 

Try these instructions:

Do not download Open Office from anyplace other than

On February 8, 2020 at 1:01:59 PM, Carol Reese1 ( wrote:

I have not yet downloaded Open Office because I’m not clear on what is needed. 
Is ‘Verification of Integrity’ required? Or can I just download Open Office? I 
can’t understand exactly what to do to verify.  
Thanks :)  

Re: Downloading Open Office and Verification

2020-02-08 Thread David Belina
Follow what Rory says.  Verifying is usually a redundant set since most 
browsers check the CRC when the have finished downloading.  The SHA MD5 
whatever are if you are downloading from a site you do not trust and think the 
official site had been altered.

On February 8, 2020 at 2:30:59 PM, Rory O'Farrell ( wrote:

On Sat, 8 Feb 2020 21:10:23 + (UTC)  
Carol  wrote:  

> Thanks for the help!  I was on a Mac but I will be putting Open Office on our 
> PC with Windows 10.  The instructions on 'Verification' seems complicated.  
> In a message dated 2/8/2020 3:14:52 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
> writes:  
> Are you on a Mac with Catalina installed as the latest OS?  
> If so, Apple requires that you go through an extra step to install (not just 
> download0.  
> Try these instructions: 
> Do not download Open Office from anyplace other than  
> On February 8, 2020 at 1:01:59 PM, Carol Reese1 ( 
> wrote:  
> I have not yet downloaded Open Office because I’m not clear on what is 
> needed. Is ‘Verification of Integrity’ required? Or can I just download Open 
> Office? I can’t understand exactly what to do to verify.   
> Thanks :)  

Be aware that a different version is needed for Windows. Select that from the 
URL you have been given. Normally in Windows the built-in file checking is 
adequate; when in Windows you double click the download it will (99.9% of time, 
depending on how good your Internet connection is) install or complain. If it 
complains you have a bad download and should try again.  

Rory O'Farrell   

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Re: Installation Problems

2020-02-13 Thread David Belina
Did you download the file from  I don’t know of any version of 
OO that uses a CD disk.

Latest version is 4.1.7 (

If you paid for the version (very obsolete) that you are trying to install, you 
got ripped off.  Open Office is free.


On February 13, 2020 at 10:35:13 AM, Gilbert Gabrielsen 
( wrote:

My name is Gilbert Gabrielsen. I have been having trouble installing your  
software. Every time I try I get a message to insert the Open  
3.2 disk. I thought the problem might be with the version I had on my  
computer so I uninstalled it and tried to install a new version. Same  
problem. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.  

Gilbert Gabrielsen  

RE: Open Office calculator

2020-02-14 Thread David Belina
I did an internet search and a LibraOffice error solution might solve your
problem if you are on Windows (LibreOffice and Open Office share some basic
When I had this problem just now, it was due to my having activated
controlled folder access in the ransomware protection settings of Windows
Security. (I suppose we shouldn't be surprised Microsoft includes
LibreOffice among "hostile applications.") When I deactivated this, the
problem went away. The fastest way to get to this setting is to enter
"Ransomware protection" or "Controlled folder access" in the Windows 10
search bar.

On February 14, 2020 at 9:13:09 AM, RJ (

Hi Peter,

Yes have used the save as option, which produced the same input output

Have tried saving the contents into a new spreadsheet but again this
produces an error and cannot be saved.

Have gone through the forum but nothing there cures the problem.

Have looked into windows defender and cannot see where I can allow open
office access to folders. Is this location hidden somewhere?

Any other ideas?

Thanks for your help and looking forward to hearing from you.



Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Rory O'Farrell
Sent: 13 February 2020 19:32
Cc: RJ
Subject: Re: Open Office calculator

On Thu, 13 Feb 2020 20:17:41 +0100
Peter Kovacs  wrote:

> Hi Jon,
> Have you tried to use the "save as" option?
> If that is working for some reason your file probably has a copy
> protection activated.
> Peter

Most likely it is a Windows Defender problem. You need to tell it to allow
OpenOffice have access to folders in which it is to write.

See [url][/url] for
help on this.


> Am 13.02.20 um 19:53 schrieb RJ:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have been using Open Office calculator without problems for quite a
long time.
> >
> > However suddenly my work will not save and an error notice appears
stating “General input/output error while accessing”
> >
> > How can I repair this error and get back to work?
> >
> > An early response would be much appreciated
> >
> > Thanking you in advance
> >
> > Jon
> >
> >
> > Sent from Mail for Windows 10
> >
> >
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Rory O'Farrell 

RE: Open Office calculator

2020-02-15 Thread David Belina
I was just forwarding a post I found on the internet that seemed to apply
to your situation, so I don’t know if you can add the ransomeware feature
back.  perhaps if you try it and (now that you know how to disable it), and
then post a reply here about your experience to help other that might have
a similar situation?

On February 15, 2020 at 10:14:26 AM, RJ ( wrote:

Hi David,

Many thanks, deactivating ransom protection allowed my spreadsheet work to
continue (what a relief!).

Did you reactivate the ransom protection afterwards?

Thanks Again


Sent from Mail <> for Windows

*From: *David Belina 
*Sent: *15 February 2020 03:51
*To: *rj ;
*Subject: *RE: Open Office calculator

I did an internet search and a LibraOffice error solution might solve your
problem if you are on Windows (LibreOffice and Open Office share some basic

When I had this problem just now, it was due to my having activated
controlled folder access in the ransomware protection settings of Windows
Security. (I suppose we shouldn't be surprised Microsoft includes
LibreOffice among "hostile applications.") When I deactivated this, the
problem went away. The fastest way to get to this setting is to enter
"Ransomware protection" or "Controlled folder access" in the Windows 10
search bar.

On February 14, 2020 at 9:13:09 AM, RJ (

Hi Peter,

Yes have used the save as option, which produced the same input output

Have tried saving the contents into a new spreadsheet but again this
produces an error and cannot be saved.

Have gone through the forum but nothing there cures the problem.

Have looked into windows defender and cannot see where I can allow open
office access to folders. Is this location hidden somewhere?

Any other ideas?

Thanks for your help and looking forward to hearing from you.



Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Rory O'Farrell
Sent: 13 February 2020 19:32
Cc: RJ
Subject: Re: Open Office calculator

On Thu, 13 Feb 2020 20:17:41 +0100
Peter Kovacs  wrote:

> Hi Jon,
> Have you tried to use the "save as" option?
> If that is working for some reason your file probably has a copy
> protection activated.
> Peter

Most likely it is a Windows Defender problem. You need to tell it to allow
OpenOffice have access to folders in which it is to write.

See [url][/url] for
help on this.


> Am 13.02.20 um 19:53 schrieb RJ:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have been using Open Office calculator without problems for quite a
long time.
> >
> > However suddenly my work will not save and an error notice appears
stating “General input/output error while accessing”
> >
> > How can I repair this error and get back to work?
> >
> > An early response would be much appreciated
> >
> > Thanking you in advance
> >
> > Jon
> >
> >
> > Sent from Mail for Windows 10
> >
> >
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Rory O'Farrell 

RE: Installation Problems.

2020-02-24 Thread David Belina is download only.

On February 24, 2020 at 1:19:26 PM, Geoffrey Hartwell 
( wrote:

Am I right that OO 4.1.7 can be installed from the URL There's a British/US option to choose 
among many languages. No Discs.  

Yours aye,  
-Original Message-  
From: Peter Kovacs []  
Sent: 24 February 2020 20:01  
To:; Gilbert Gabrielsen 
Subject: Re: Installation Problems.  


do you have the CD with OpenOffice Version 3.2?  

All the Best  


Am 24.02.20 um 20:30 schrieb Gilbert Gabrielsen:  
> I am a long time user of Open Office. I recently tried to install ver.  
> 4.1.7. I had some problems so I decided to remove the old version and  
> install the newer one. Every time I try I get this message 'The  
> feature you are trying to use is on a CD-ROM or other removable disk that is 
> not  
> available. Insert the 'Open' 3.2 disk and click ok'. Any  
> help you can give me with this problem would be appreciated. This is  
> my second request. Gilbert Gabrielsen at  

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Re: Hello

2020-02-27 Thread David Belina is a domain for sale by goDaddy so I don’t know how you could paste 
anything to it.

On February 27, 2020 at 12:18:52 PM, 
( wrote:

Ok ive been using Microsoft Office 2003  

I dident know newer versions of Microsoft office cant copy/paste from word to  

- Original Message -  
From: Keith N. McKenna   
Sent: Thu, 27 Feb 2020 20:55:52 +0200 (SAST)  
Subject: Re: Hello  

On 2/27/2020 10:26 AM, wrote:  
> Hi ive been using Microsoft Office Word for years and i could always copy the 
> text to a photo program like to make a photo of it, i had to use 
> your program witch is the best by far since i'm using Windows 10, but i cant 
> seem to make text into a photo from OpenOffice like i did with Microsoft 
> Office Word, its very important for this to work please.  


I just downloaded the latest free version of and it will not  
accept past text. If you use the paste command from the edit menu it  
does nothing but if you use Ctl+V you get a message back telling you  
there is no image on the clipboard. I tried with Apache OpenOffice and  
with text from a .docx file created in Microsoft Office 365. I never  
used before so cannot speak to what may have changed, but it  
appears that currently it will only except an image as input.  


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Re: []

2020-02-28 Thread David Belina
At 18:13 27/02/2020 -0700, David Belina wrote:
> is a domain for sale by goDaddy so I don't know how you 
>could paste anything to it.


Brian Barker  

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Re: Langage Extension

2020-02-29 Thread David Belina

On February 29, 2020 at 11:24:01 AM, Chris CHANTOISEAU 
( wrote:

Bonjour je cherche des extensions en espagnol pour Open Office Writer.  
Avez-vous prévu cette extension prochainement.  
Merci pour votre réponse.  

Provenance : Courrier pour 
Windows 10  

Re: Help with document

2020-03-04 Thread David Belina
Unless your university specifically said it was either in Open Office format 
(and was it a spreadsheet rather than a document?), Open Office might nor have 
recognized the “import” when it was saving - especially if it happened in other 
Perhaps your University should be advised of the problem.

Apach Open Office is not a company like Microsoft.  The is no company to 
contact for help, just the mailing list that has been trying to help (and a few 
really dedicated people on that list).

Dave B.
On March 4, 2020 at 1:23:24 PM, Bella Dowthwaite ( 


Thank you for all of the replies. I didn’t realise this was going to a mailing 
list, I was just trying to contact the company itself for online support. 

I had saved it in .odt format, and it was a template (document) given by my 
university for me to fill in. The same thing happened (column disappearing) 
when I used it on other applications too.  

Anyway, I have typed up my answers in the disappearing column in a seperate 
document now, without using the template. I think the document was just 
uneditable in open office.  

Thank you again for the replies I appreciate it.  


> On 5 Mar 2020, at 2:39 am, Alan B  wrote:  
> Is the template publicly available? If yes, please indicate where it can be  
> found so some testing can be done.  
> Also, to help replicate your conditions when testing, what version of  
> OpenOffice are you using and what kind of computer (Windows, include  
> version, i.e. 7, 10, etc., Mac, something else?)  
> Thank you.  
> On Wed, Mar 4, 2020 at 3:18 AM Bella Dowthwaite   
> wrote:  
>> Hello,  
>> I am an Open Office user and am having a big issue with a document.  
>> I downloaded a template for university studies, filled it in, and then  
>> when I closed it and re-opened it (I had already saved it as is) a whole  
>> column in the template had disappeared, full of my written work.  
>> I downloaded the template and filled in the column again on a new  
>> document, but when I closed it again and reopened it the same thing has  
>> happened. A whole column of writing had disappears and I cannot find it  
>> anywhere.  
>> I have lost a lot of work and am very concerned.  
>> Please let me know how to resolve this.  
>> Call on 0434672500 if possible.  
>> Thank you kindly  
>> Bella Dowthwaite  
>> -  
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:  
>> For additional commands, e-mail:  
> --  
> Alan Boba  
> CISSP, CCENT, ITIL v3 Foundations 2011  

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Re: Saving in other formats like .tif/.tiff

2020-03-17 Thread David Belina
Open Office is not a photo or graphics editor or designer so I don’t see what 
point the would be for saving in graphics formats like .tif.

On March 17, 2020 at 6:58:12 PM, Kevin M. Wilson ( wrote:

Will there ever be other formats that can be saved in OF?  


Sent from Mail for Windows 10  

Re: Catalina

2020-03-18 Thread David Belina
The default download site is:

use the version that says >.=10.7 as that is the 64bit version that you need 
for Catalina.

On March 18, 2020 at 4:50:31 PM, Roger Curnow ( wrote:

Is there an Open Office which runs on a Mac running 64 bit Catalina ?  
where can i find it ?  
Roger Curnow  

Re: Your product is the worst ever. Twice already, you cut out and lost my book that took me hours to upload. I will be on facebook making sure everyone on my friends list, almost 5,000 people, know a

2020-03-19 Thread David Belina
Open Office has nothing to do with uploading a book.  It only does editing and 
hands off the document to your email account to send or to your OS to save. You 
might as well blame your Microsoft Windows 10 for your problem.

I’m sorry ythat you think you have to blast 5K people beforee investigating 
what the problem really might be.

On March 19, 2020 at 12:21:56 PM, laurie purcell ( 

Sent from Mail for Windows 10  

Re: Microsoft has converted my OpenOffice documents

2020-03-23 Thread David Belina
Will this work for you?

I'm out of touch with modern versions of Windows, bu the traditional method of 
setting File associations is to right click on a file of the type you wish to 
associate, then from the popup choose "Open with" and select the file you wish 
to open that type. At the bottom of the window should be an "Always open with" 
link (words to that effect). Best to choose this.

On March 23, 2020 at 5:52:01 PM, Wade Smart ( wrote:

Right click on the document - select Open With and select OpenOffice.  

Registered Linux User: #480675  
Registered Linux Machine: #408606  
Linux since June 2005  

On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 6:47 PM David Chambers  
> Dear support  
> I use and love your Open Office!  
> I have used it for a few years, and donated at times, to keep it free (Open)  
> Documents which I have created for my use, like account numbers, financial 
> info, etc.  
> are now in my document file folder as W for Word File.  
> Clicking it to view and maybe print or edit, takes me to Word (which I don’t 
> have/ use  
> and ask my to enter my credentials or purchase it!  
> Why has this happened, and how do I fix it?  
> I’ve always had a PC with Windows, and haven’t encountered this before.  
> Thank you!  
> David Chambers  
> Djc3654@  
> Sent from my iPhone  
> -  
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:  
> For additional commands, e-mail:  

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Re: Time Sheet

2020-03-26 Thread David Belina
Or hi-lite the column using your mouse and right-click and select Format.  
(note: This is no difference from the way I format cells in Excel)

On March 26, 2020 at 5:33:58 PM, Richard Beeston ( wrote:

Hi Jan  

At the top of the column above line 1 there is usually a letter from A - Z  
or similar  

Right click on the letter and it should come up with a "option box that ha  
Format Cells. Click on this button and another box will come up with other  
options that has some or all of the following options Date, Time, Currency  
Number Custom etc Click on the number option if you just want ordinary  
numbers and it will give you further options as to where you want decimal  
places or click on the time and it will arrange the times for you. Then save  
the spreadsheet  

Hope this helps  
Richard Beeston  

-Original Message-  
From: Jan Macdonald  
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2020 9:20 AM  
Subject: Time Sheet  

Hello OpenOffice,  

Wow ~ this is one complicated program. During my career I used Excel, what  
a breeze. Then for a fun part-time job post-retirement I was directed to use  
OpenOffice. It’s a challenge!  

I have a time sheet that is showing the $ sign in the hour column. So for  
example if I worked five hours it displays $5.00. How can I remove the  
dollar sign and still have the format add my hours?  

Thank you!  

Jan MacDonald  
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Re: Time Sheet

2020-03-27 Thread David Belina

Try just selecting Number as that seems to be what you want.  Does your screen 
look like the attached?

On March 27, 2020 at 2:47:46 PM, Jan Macdonald ( wrote:

Hello Johnny,  

My time sheet was originally in Excel and must have been automatically 
formatted to OpenOffice when I originally saved it on my Mac. So possibly the 
dollar sign could have defaulted from this transition? When the spreadsheet is 
open I go to format ~ cell protection ~ numbers, then I have a list starting 

User ~ defined  

I have no idea how to change this as I’ve tried several things to no avail. All 
I need the time sheet column to do is add up my hours and not display a dollar 
sign. If you know how to change this please share. If not no worries.  

Thank you!  


> On Mar 27, 2020, at 12:34 PM, Johnny Rosenberg  
> wrote:  
> Den fre 27 mars 2020 kl 00:00 skrev Jan Macdonald :  
>> Hello OpenOffice,  
>> Wow ~ this is one complicated program. During my career I used Excel,  
>> what a breeze. Then for a fun part-time job post-retirement I was directed  
>> to use OpenOffice. It’s a challenge!  
>> I have a time sheet that is showing the $ sign in the hour column. So for  
>> example if I worked five hours it displays $5.00. How can I remove the  
>> dollar sign and still have the format add my hours?  
> You do it exactly the same way as you do it in Excel, so this should be a  
> breeze too.  
> Kind regards  
> Johnny Rosenberg  
>> Thank you!  
>> Jan MacDonald  
>> -  
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Re: It does not connect to the server

2020-03-28 Thread David Belina
can anyone tell me how to solve the attached problem?
Thanks, Salvo.

Inviato da Posta per Windows 10

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Re: Open Office Draw Documents

2020-04-01 Thread David Belina
Sounds like you may have a memory issue if you have lots of drawing in one 
file.  I had that issue with the OO Presentations on a Intel computer with just 
4 GB of memory.  I had to up the settings for memory 
(Options>OpenOffice>Memory) and change the memory per object (in Graphics Cache 
and undo.  That stopped OO Presenttions from crashing on me.

On April 1, 2020 at 2:10:42 PM, lisa winter ( wrote:

Technical Support  

RE: Problems with a Draw Document or Documents  

To whom it may concern:  

Hello, I am contacting you today because I have been using Apache Open Office 
for multiple years now and have always loved it. I also have used Microsoft 
Office Pro for years and I have to say that I have enjoyed the options and 
functionality of Apache more. Although for several months now as I am working 
on my Open Office Draw documents they will just close on me at random. It is at 
different time intervals. Sometimes and hour, sometimes two, it is always 
different. And a lot of the time I will lose work that I spent a lot of time 
on. And a weird thing about that is that you know at random it will save the 
document while your using it. Well when it shuts down on me, even though it had 
went through the process of saving it automatically , when I reopen it the 
progress is not there.  

Now in the last two days it is worse, I am only on the document for minutes and 
it is shutting down on me. I have searched forums, asked several questions, and 
still have not gotten any correct answers to my problem. I am contacting you 
directly because I have seen other people who have the same issue, and 
basically I am freaking out, and this shutting down stuff is interfering with 
me moving forward on my work.. I do not want to have to work with any other 
program at this point, but I will have to do so if I cannot figure this out.  

I am thinking maybe it is because I have added to many slides to a file, or too 
many different fonts, I do not know. Those reasons don’t seem correct and I 
hope we can come to a conclusion. Please Please will you help me.  
Feel free to call me at 503.200.8722.  

You will not only be helping me, but I will post the answer or I am sure you 
will also, but this will help multiple other community members. It will make 
thousands of people very happy, and will keep them as devoted users of this 

Thank you so much for taking a look at this problem.  


Lisa Winter  

Sent from Mail for Windows 10  

Re: Option to Google Products

2020-04-12 Thread David Belina
Open Office would be a great option for you.  Most of the office products 
(Google, Microsoft, etc) have many of the same features and work pretty much 
the same without a huge learning curve for the basic functions so OpenOffice 
should be a relatively painless transition.  The only problem I see is that, if 
you are sharing files with others, be sure to save in a format other than .odt 
or.odp, etc as things like Preview on a Mac will not open them.

On April 12, 2020 at 11:04:52 AM, William Ennis ( 


I’m looking for an option to Google products. I am not a business user so I 
only make use of a few Google products such as Gmail, Google Doc and Google 
Sheets. I am also a senior citizen which makes means I don’t use a lot of the 
various program available to me and I use Apple products (Mac OS and iOS) on my 

If you think Apache Open Office is not a good option for me that’s OK.  

Thank you  

Re: System requirements

2020-04-13 Thread David Belina
Don’t need them.

On April 12, 2020 at 11:40:39 PM, Brandon Pomeroy ( wrote:

Does open office require the installation of Microsoft Visual C++ 
redistributables (present in installed programs) in Windows 10 to run properly 
or can these be uninstalled? Thank you.  

Brandon Pomeroy  

Re: Cancel subscription

2020-04-16 Thread David Belina
Whoever told  you got the idea that there is a subscription for  Open Office 
was lying to you.  Just delete it if you don’t want to use it.

Wer Ihnen gesagt hat, dass es ein Abonnement für Open Office gibt, hat Sie 
angelogen. Löschen Sie es einfach, wenn Sie es nicht verwenden möchten.

On April 16, 2020 at 2:46:34 PM, Andrea ( wrote:

Am 16.04.2020 um 22:21 schrieb John Dillon:  
> I am not finding your product to be reliable or useful and wish to cancel my 
> subscription.  
> Sent from Mail for Windows 10 
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Re: It Is Time for Me to Generate an Updated Telephone-Addressbook

2020-04-17 Thread David Belina
A database is probably overkill unless you are trying to take an 
attribute/column that has a one-to-many relationship to an individual (person 
has many, many phone number or a company has many, many rmployees with many, 
many  different addresses or phone number or bosses or subordinates, i.e. a 
directory for all IBM employee’s (100,000 or 300,000 different entries).

Decide what you want to track, name the columns/fields in the order of what you 
think you would search on and build a Calc spreadsheet.  Name the columns with 
meaningful labels.

On April 17, 2020 at 2:59:55 PM, Vince@GMAIL ( wrote:


I am staying at home and have time on my hands, so I think this might be  
a good time to generate an updated telephone/address book in a PC format.  

Can anyone suggest a "relatively" simple database template for tracking  
Names, Postal Addresses, Telephone numbers-House, Telephone  
numbers-Cell, Telephone numbers-Businesses, Medical offices' data, etc?  

I started by exporting my Contacts from the GMAIL website for my one email account, and have that data now on my WIN10-x64 desktop  
PC as a .CSV file (to Excel).  I also plan to eventually enter the data  
from a paper telephone/address book into a database.  I am not certain  
which to use, (vers 4.1.5) AOO-Calc or AOO-Base.  I also have Libre  
Office (Version: (x64)  
Build ID: 60da17e045e08f1793c57c00ba83cdfce946d0aa) installed, but am  
even less skilled with its operation.  

1. Should I go with AOO-Calc or attempt to learn more about AOO-Base  
for this project?  
2. Any suggestion for a template file would be appreciated.  

Thanks for reading this.  

Regards and stay safe,  


Re: download

2020-04-26 Thread David Belina
You want to the wrong place to download the official version.


Use the default OS x  version (its the 64-bit you need for Catalina) and select 
the language you want to download (if you want a language different than 
English (not the Download Language pack button).

Hopefully this works for you.

On April 26, 2020 at 11:19:38 AM, Allan Menachem ( wrote:

i have iMac catalina os operating system but cant install 
appreciate help or suggestions  
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Re: Adobe OO for Linux...?

2020-04-27 Thread David Belina
Thanks for the suggestions as to where to download Apache 
X_64 for Linux Mageia (RPM version). I got a GZ file which I unzipped 
into a folder that contained a gazillion rpm files. I don't know what to 
do next. Should I ask this on a Mageia forum?


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Re: openoffice

2020-05-05 Thread David Belina

Problem: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7 is not available for OS X (version <= 10.6) 
Solution: Please select version 4.0.1.

On May 5, 2020 at 10:11:19 AM, Peter Kovacs ( wrote:

Requirement for OpenOffice are AFAIK:


OS X 10.7 (Lion) or higher
Intel Processor
Free memory of 512 MB RAM
400 MB available disk space
1024 x 768 pixel or higher resolution with 16.7 million colors

Am 05.05.20 um 17:53 schrieb Marco Destro:

goodmornig i’ve a little problem,there is the possibility to have open office 
for this kind of old configuration? 
thanks best regards

Dott. Marco Destro
Strada Ca’ della terra 69/m
27100 Pavia
339 6178290

Re: Email App from Openoffice

2020-05-12 Thread David Belina
Since Gmail is an imap or browser connected mail server, you would have to ba 
able to call an email app that uses map and would login to gmail (any map email 
app should do) or you would have to have a browser url string which sends the 
browser to gmail with your user name and password (probably in the clear - not 
good) to get to it.  I suggest you just set up Mail (on your Mac) (i use 
Airmail, my wife uses Outlook and I have no idea what my son is using!) and use 
it as was set forth below.

On May 12, 2020 at 12:52:26 PM, Chuck Spalding ( wrote:

I have the "opposite" question: I *want* the behavior the original poster  

How do I configure OpenOffice (on a Mac) to use Gmail as the mail  
"application"? The method suggested to the OP doesn't seem applicable,  
since Gmail is accessed through a browser—that is, the "application" is the  

I tried putting the path to the browser in Preferences > Internet > E-mail  
> E-mail program, but that didn't work (which is not surprising).  

(For the record, I do not have the Apple Mail application configured, since  
I never use it.)  

Thanks in advance for any help.  


On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 6:56 AM Martin Groenescheij   

> On 12/05/2020 10:55, Anan Narang wrote:  
> > Hi  
> >  
> > I have been using open office for a while on my macbook, on most of the  
> files i have client contact emails, usually when i click on these email  
> address, the apple mail application open up for me to continue writing the  
> emails to selected email address from the .ods file, however this seems to  
> have changed i recently downloaded new version of open office, and when i  
> now click the email address links on the file instead of apple mail opening  
> up the web browser open with my gmail account.  
> >  
> > How do i change this back to opening to Apple mail  
> From the Help File "On UNIX systems, specifies the e-mail program to  
> use when you send the current document as e-mail."  
> Go to Preferences -> Internet -> E-mail and browse to your desired mail  
> application  


Re: Connecting to database remotely

2020-05-16 Thread David Belina
Open Office has 64-bit versions so using a 64-bit version of Java with it would 
make the instructions just as valid.

On May 16, 2020 at 7:59:52 AM, Joost Andrae ( wrote:


if you have installed a 32 bit java (I would recommend Java 8 in this 
case and it should be 32 bit because OpenOffice is 32 bit) and you've 
connected OpenOffice with the installed Java via menu item 
then you can setup a JDBC remote connection to your database 

click on "Database" on the OpenOffice dashboard 
check the "connect to an existing database" radio button 
then click on "Next >>>" button 

place your cursor into the field "Datasource URL" and press the F1 key 
where this kind of unified resource locator (URL) is discribed more 
deeply (eg. mysql://hostname:port/database_name) 

If you run both your desktop PC and your notebook within the same 
network you have to check the IP address (or hostname) of your system 
you want to connect to 

Checking the IP address of this system: 
press the Windows button (start menu) 
type cmd and open the command line 
type ipconfig /ALL 
note the IPv4 address because this is the address you have to add to the 
hostname part of the datasource URL 

You have to know the port address of the database and you have to know 
the name (eg. accounting) of your database you want to connect to. 

Maybe you need to install a database driver on your client system. This 
driver has to be selected then. 

An alternate variant can be the connection using a ODBC connection 
This connection has to be configured within the ODBC settings dialog 
(search for ODBC in Windows system settings). Once set up within your 
Windows system the configuration within OpenOffice is quite similar. 

Kind regards, Joost 

Am 16.05.2020 um 09:50 schrieb Jose Molina: 
> Im trying to connect to a database created on my laptop running on windows 10 
> pro and trying to connect it so I can open it on my desktop running on 
> windows 10 home. How does one do that, exactly? 
> Sent from my iPhone 

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Re: Open office won't work on Apple update

2020-05-16 Thread David Belina
You have to download and install the Open Office 64-bit version (the new Mac OS 
won’t let you use 32-bit programs - that is why you have the circle with the 

Download the installation software ( and 
just make sure the box above “Download full installation” say OS X (version 
>-10.7) (DMG) and do the download and then open the file you downloaded.  (what 
I just told you is the version you see if you used a browser on a Mac).

On May 16, 2020 at 4:31:43 PM, Beverly Jackson ( wrote:

I am hopeful that someone can help me with a problem. I have recently installed 
the newest Apple update, and now my OpenOffice will no longer work. On the icon 
for OpenOffice, I now have a circle with a slash across it and I don’t know 
what to do. I am an older woman who is not very computer savvy and with the 
isolation I can’t have one of my children help with this. If you or someone out 
there can be of assistance, I would be most grateful  

Thank you in advance.  

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Re: Java Version

2020-05-19 Thread David Belina
One practical advantage is that the 64-bit version works in Mac Caralina?

On May 19, 2020 at 1:12:18 PM, BMCS ( wrote:

My responses are given in-line with your original message.  

*From:* Vince@GMAIL []  
*Sent:* Tuesday, May 19, 2020, 18:17 UTC  
*To:* AOO Mail List  
*Subject:* Java Version  

> Hello Group:  
> My Windows 10 Home is used on a 64-bit architecture DELL desktop.  
> I recently downloaded and installed Libre Office software.  So, now I  
> have both packages:  
> 1. Apache Open Office: AOO415m1(Build:9789)  -  Rev. 1817496  
>    2017-12-11 17:25 (This is AOO 32-bit version.)  
> 2. Libre Office: Version: (x64)  
>    Build ID: dd0751754f11728f69b42ee2af66670068624673  
Unless there is a very good reason not to, you should update both to the  
latest versions.  
> The two JREs available to me are:  
> 1. jre-8u201-windows-i586  
> 2. jre-8u241-windows-x64  
Again update both to jre-8u251  
> Given that a 32-bit java and a 64-bit java should/must not be  
> installed on the same machine/partition.  
Where did you acquire this misinformation. For years I have had both 32  
& 64 bit JRE installed and never encountered any issues.  
> I therefore must remove one of the JREs from my machine.    Or,  
> install and run the AOO 64-bit version, and keep the JRE-64 bit. But I  
> am uncertain if I would loose any of my 32-bit AOO existing files  
> and/or templates.  
Provided you tell AOO to use the 32bit JRE and LO to use the 64bit JRE  
it will not be a problem for you. Hint: Tools->Options->OpenOffice->Java  
> How should I proceed if I go ahead with the 64-bit AOO installation?   
> Will I loose any 32-bit AOO files/templates?  
> Are there any practical advantages included in AOO-64 over AOO-32?  
Not sure what you mean by this.  
> Your suggestions will be appreciated.  
> Thanks for reading this. Stay well and be safe.  
> VinceB.  
Hope this helps.  


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Re: MAC OS - Still cannot eliminate OO icon from Mac desktop when program running

2020-05-26 Thread David Belina
Send your instructions to the UU site.  Their present instructions suggest all 
you have to do is drag the .dmg file to the App directory, not open and 
eventually extract the .app to the App directory.

On May 26, 2020 at 11:44:57 AM, Chuck Spalding ( wrote:


It appears that that you are opening the OpenOffice program from within the  
downloaded dmg file (i.e., from the window described below). That file  
contains a virtual disk that contains the program and other files. You are  
supposed to copy the OpenOffice program from that virtual disk to the  
Applications folder on your computer.  

The steps for installing OpenOffice on a Mac are as follows:  

1. Download the OpenOffice distribution file  

2. Double click on the icon for the dmg file (i.e., wherever it got  
downloaded to), which will (a) mount the virtual disk contained in the dmg  
file, which creates an "OpenOffice" icon on the desktop, and (b) display  
the virtual disk's contents in a window named "OpenOffice" (which is the  
"screen" referenced in the instructions that you quoted).  

3. *In that "OpenOffice" window*, drag the "" icon to the  
"Applications" icon (also in that window—it is an alias for the actual  
Applications folder). (You appear to have dragged the "OpenOffice" icon  
from the desktop to the Applications folder, which is not the same  
thing—different name and different source location.)  

4. Close the "OpenOffice" window.  

5. Select (single-click) the "OpenOffice" icon on the desktop, and select  
File > Eject "OpenOffice". (You could also right click [or hold down  
Control and left click] on that icon and select Eject "OpenOffice" from the  
menu that is displayed.)  

6. Drag the downloaded dmg file to the Trash (or save it somewhere for  
[unlikely] future use).  

Then, to use OpenOffice, double click on its icon in the Applications  

If you want to avoid having to go to the Applications folder (or the  
Launcher?) each time you want to use OpenOffice, you can keep its icon in  
the Dock permanently.  

I hope this helps,  


P.S. For the record, I have not looked at the instructions posted on the  
OpenOffice website.  

Re: Telephone Number Formatting

2020-05-30 Thread David Belina
I think this YouTube may answer most of your question:

On May 30, 2020 at 9:41:34 AM, WA.TWORSX via AOL 
( wrote:

I have a Calc file that presently has telephone numbersexisting within a 
column. They were previously imported from a source that used the 
following format: 800 555 1234, and some cells are blank. 

How can I reformat the column and all existing numbers within the column 
to be in the form: (800) 555-1234? 

Be well; stay safe. 


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Re: ODP: need help fixing or restoring a file

2020-06-06 Thread David Belina
Has whoever or anyone the current version of AOO 
Download in China US Language Pack ?
Emc-0004 Windows 10

Wysłano: Friday, June 5, 2020 8:42 PM
Temat: need help fixing or restoring a file


I've tried looking on Community Support Forum and am not having success.

I am running HP Windows Vista to create and edit this document in Open 
Office 4.1.3. Thus far, it's been the only document I've had difficulty with. 
Maybe it's important to know the document was originally created (same computer 
and OO version) april 28, 2016 and has been saved and added to since that date. 
Recently, within the past week or so, I opened the document, added an entry, 
then I believe closed and saved the document. I unplugged the computer to move 
it to another room. When I attempted to open the document (which was 
approximately 14 pages in length??), it now shows up as row upon row of 
###. And a message box comes up asking for ASCII Filter Options. No matter 
what I seem to put in (I'm in United States, Massachusetts) it still comes up 
with #.

On the Community Support page posts from maybe 2016, it said to try 
opening a new blank document and then choose Insert file. Still . I've 
tried to cut a portion of the  into a new OO document but that doesn't fix 
the problem either.

I've uninstalled the 4.1.3 version. I attempted to install the 4.1.7? 
version but I don't know if this is correct or what operating system to choose. 
Should I just look for the 4.1.3 version and try reinstalling that - hoping 
that will fix my ### document problem??

Thank you,
Mary Lippoth

Re: crashed every 15 min

2020-06-07 Thread David Belina
Some information would be helpful, OO version, OS and version, what your are 
trying to do with a spreadsheet.

Otherwise you are just whistling into the wind.

On June 7, 2020 at 1:14:21 PM, Stephen Griffith 
( wrote:

my open office (excel) crashed about every 15 min 

  1   2   >