In order to be valid, any Last Will and Testament still has to be printed, 
signed, and witnessed.  Recognition of electronic versions is still not in the 
works by legislation.  Find your printed original Will, take it to a wills & 
trust lawyer, and have him/her produce a codicil that makes the updated 
changes.  Keep the original and the original of the codicil together in a safe 
place. DOES NOT and has never stored copies of your documents.  They 
exist only on your computer(s) or cloud storage that you have attended.

On December 3, 2019 at 6:52:58 AM, Wade Smart ( wrote:

Keith, first - this is a public list to people all over the world.  
Do not ever post personal information on a public list.  

Second, all your documents are stored on your pc and if  
it was destroyed, if you do not have a backup, your documents  
are unfortunately lost.  

Registered Linux User: #480675  
Registered Linux Machine: #408606  
Linux since June 2005  

On Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 7:45 AM KEITH PAICE  
<> wrote:  
> Dear sir, I used the Original Open site for many years. However I recently 
> have had my PC. destroyed. How can I now get access to the original Open 
> Office which contains various letters & documents which are mainly associated 
> with my current Last Will & Testament. These documents need to be updated. 
> Therefor I am desperate to be able to locate these files.  
> My Details are. Name : Keith John Paice. E-Mail : k.j.paice@btinternet. com  
> Can you tell me how I can access these files held on These 
> document were entered on Open Office at least 6 years ago.  
> I look forward to you reply & hopefully what I need to do to access my 
> documents held in Original Open Office. Regards,  
> Keith. Paice. UK Tele number. 01454320415  
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android  

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