Here is the GateKeeper solution:

This is the Apple Gatekeeper problem. see Q05/A05 in 

for details of how to get around this. The same tutorial also has many other 
useful suggestions for OpenOffice on an Apple Mac. 

On November 5, 2019 at 10:03:55 AM, Rory O'Farrell ( wrote:

On Tue, 5 Nov 2019 11:52:05 -0500  
Marni Bowen <> wrote:  

> Hello to Whom It May Concern,  
> Is there going to be a patch for the new MAC OS X Catalina which is 64bit so 
> the 32 bit version no longer works. All my work invoices are on this platform 
> and I can no longer access them HELP please.  
> Thank you in advance,  
> Marni Bowen  

Simply download and install the 64 bit version for Mac. Tell Apple Gatekeeper 
to permit OpenOffice install.  

I'm not a Mac user so cannot give detailed instructions on how to tell 
Gatekeeper, but I know that is what one has to do.  

Rory O'Farrell <>  

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