Re: Spam removal (was: Re: $spam_subject)

2020-07-27 Thread Patrick O'Callaghan
On Sun, 2020-07-26 at 21:28 -0400, Todd Zullinger wrote:
> George N. White III wrote:
> > On Sun, 26 Jul 2020 at 18:40, Patrick O'Callaghan 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > > On Sun, 2020-07-26 at 19:57 +, ravi fieldengineer wrote:
> [Snipped spam content, it's bad enough they got it on the
> list once.  I also changed the subject.  If that breaks
> anyone's threading -- you need a better mail client. :)]
> > > Can someone stamp on this please?
> > 
> > The sender used a gmail address.   It could be spoofed or stolen or just
> > violating Google TOS.   I forward such mails to who have
> > more resources to sort things out and can take the appropriate action.
> That's certainly good to do.  And much appreciated if you
> (and/or anyone else) have done that in this case.
> For an account whose only post to the list is spam, I also
> take the approach of unsubscribing it.  If it's a legitmate
> account, they can contact the list admins to tell us.  [Yes,
> I could mark the account as moderated instead, but that puts
> needless burden on the list admins.  If this were an account
> with has non-spam posts, that would be more appropriate.]
> Also, I can't recall _ever_ being contacted in such an
> instance, so I'm fairly confident that unsubscribing these
> accounts is unlikely to be harming (m)any legitimate users.
> And that saves the other ~5600 members from getting more
> spam.

Agreed. Thanks Todd.

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Re: Various bugs with the new 5.7 kernel on Fedora 32

2020-07-27 Thread Sreyan Chakravarty

On 7/26/20 11:56 PM, stan via users wrote:

That is the problem with the dnf technique, it doesn't give the actual
package name, you have to put it together manually.

On my system I ran the following convoluted command in order to isolate
a single kernel.
rpm -qa | grep ^kernel | grep 5\.8 | grep rc5 | less

Thank you once again. Your technique worked like a charm.

Here is the command I used:

    sudo dnf remove $(rpm -qa | grep ^kernel | grep 5\.7)

Did the trick perfectly. Only have 2 stable 5.6 kernels now.

I did have a couple lingering questions though:

What is the difference between dnf and rpm ? When do I use dnf over rpm 
and vice versa ? Shouldn't DNF be able to do everything that rpm does ?

What is reason for the existence of both ?

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Re: Various bugs with the new 5.7 kernel on Fedora 32

2020-07-27 Thread Sreyan Chakravarty

On 7/27/20 12:23 AM, Todd Zullinger wrote:

Refer to the "SPECIFYING PACKAGES" section in the dnf man
page.  It explains the syntax options you can use to specify
a , which is used by many dnf commands, like
dnf remove.

The doc is all good but without some real examples I find it difficult 
to translate the doc to actual commands.

But that's probably because I am a noob and not use to reading docs 
seriously yet.

Perhaps this is a minor point, but it's good to get in the
habit of escaping shell wildcard characters, like '*' in the
above command.

I didn't know that. I will do that from now on, thanks.

As you'll find in the man page, dnf accepts glob patterns,
which are much like shell glob patterns.  You can use them
to remove all 5.7 kernels, something like:

 $ sudo dnf remove 'kernel*-5.7.*'

Would this have had the same effect as:

    sudo dnf remove $(rpm -qa | grep ^kernel | grep 5\.7)


Similarly, you can use the patterns to avoid the need for
the pipe to grep above (which also didn't need the -i
option, as your argument is numeric):

 $ sudo dnf list installed 'kernel*-5.7.*'
Yeah I tried this but this does not give the name of the packages in a 
way I can use in 'dnf remove' command, thus it was not very helpful.

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Re: Various bugs with the new 5.7 kernel on Fedora 32

2020-07-27 Thread Sreyan Chakravarty

On 7/27/20 12:51 AM, Samuel Sieb wrote:
You didn't give the output from dnf, but I assume that it only let you 
remove the kernel metapackage because you can't remove the running kernel.

I don't know what I removed at first, but it did remove something 
according to DNF.

A better command, at least for removal purposes would be "rpm -qa | 
grep kernel". 

I wonder why this isn't in the doc somewhere.

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Re: Various bugs with the new 5.7 kernel on Fedora 32

2020-07-27 Thread Sreyan Chakravarty

On 7/27/20 12:53 AM, Samuel Sieb wrote:

A "lot" of bugs?

Yeah, I have linked a full pastebin of errors in the first message of 
this thread.

Don't get be wrong, 5.6 also had errors at startup according to 
journalctl -b, but nothing as basic as not being able to initialize swap 
or mounting the /boot/efi directory.

There are also other kernel modules that failed loading at startup.

Hope 5.7 becomes more stable soon.

How did you create that swap file?

Via fallocate and then running mkswap on it.

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Re: Various bugs with the new 5.7 kernel on Fedora 32

2020-07-27 Thread Sreyan Chakravarty

On 7/27/20 1:15 AM, Dave Ulrick wrote:
In my opinion, this is a pretty easy workaround. I'll stick with the 
5.7 kernel unless I run into other issues.

5.7 could not mount /boot/efi in my case.

Also there was a message :

Failed Loading Kernel Modules

In my case I need it to be more stable before I use it daily.

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Re: Various bugs with the new 5.7 kernel on Fedora 32

2020-07-27 Thread Sreyan Chakravarty

On 7/27/20 1:49 AM, Samuel Sieb wrote:
Interesting, I've only ever used "dd" to create swap files.  Anyway, 
if you do run into this problem, there's a very simple fix.
If this was the only problem I may have reconsidered, but even /boot/efi 
was not mounted on my system and God knows what other kernel modules 
were not loaded.

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Re: Where are the microcode updates for Crosstalk in F32 ?

2020-07-27 Thread Sreyan Chakravarty
On Wed, Jul 1, 2020 at 12:36 AM stan via users <> wrote:

> In Intel's defense, they have to be very cautious with updating the
> microcode.  I imagine that getting it wrong could have consequences up
> to and including bricking the machine.  Or it could introduce another
> subtle vulnerability.  This isn't something that's coded and thrown in
> over night.
Ok just providing some closure.

It seems the microcode has been reverted back to its last stable version.
Not sure if "last stable version" means protection against SRDBS or not.

It was done due to stability concerns identified by Intel.

Here are the updates from the Github issue:

No idea if this will be fixed at all.
Sreyan Chakravarty
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Re: video in Firefox not streaming

2020-07-27 Thread Anil Felipe Duggirala

On 7/26/20 5:41 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:

On 2020-07-27 05:37, Jerry James wrote:
Have you installed ffmpeg? See upthread. 

Maybe the OP is not familiar with rpmfusion?  It may be helpful to tell him he 
can enable
rpmfusion repos by the command  (all on one line)

sudo dnf install$(rpm -E 
-E %fedora).noarch.rpm

And then

dnf install ffmpeg

This will allow the embedded play (jwplay) of the site (Russian 
Television) to work.

Thank you. I will try to install ffmpeg as you propose. I have just 
never had to install ffmpeg before to get this type of thing to work.

I am aware of rpmfusion, I was just trying to avoid installing any extra 
repositories in my system, since I want to keep it as stable as possible 
for my work tasks.

thank you again.
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Re: video in Firefox not streaming

2020-07-27 Thread Ed Greshko
On 2020-07-27 21:43, Anil Felipe Duggirala wrote:
> On 7/26/20 5:41 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
>> On 2020-07-27 05:37, Jerry James wrote:
>>> Have you installed ffmpeg? See upthread. 
>> Maybe the OP is not familiar with rpmfusion?  It may be helpful to tell him 
>> he can enable
>> rpmfusion repos by the command  (all on one line)
>> sudo dnf install 
>>$(rpm -E 
>> %fedora).noarch.rpm 
>>  -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
>> And then
>> dnf install ffmpeg
>> This will allow the embedded play (jwplay) of the site (Russian 
>> Television) to work.
> Thank you. I will try to install ffmpeg as you propose. I have just never had 
> to install ffmpeg before to get this type of thing to work.
> I am aware of rpmfusion, I was just trying to avoid installing any extra 
> repositories in my system, since I want to keep it as stable as possible for 
> my work tasks.
> thank you again.

Well, I did verify that even the FF downloaded from mozilla requires ffmpeg in 
order to play the video
when the embedded JW Player is served by the website.

Also, in the years I've used rpmfusion to add functionality I've not 
experienced any instability caused by it.

The key to getting good answers is to ask good questions.
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Re: NFS4: CentOS 7 client with a Fedora 32 server

2020-07-27 Thread Braden McDaniel
On Thu, 2020-07-16 at 10:03 +0800, Ed Greshko wrote:
> On 2020-07-15 22:20, Braden McDaniel wrote:
> > I'd like to support a CentOS 7 client from a Fedora 32 NFS4 server.
> >  Other Fedora 32 clients can mount the volume just fine using:
> > 
> >$ mount -t nfs4 my-server:/my-export-root/foo /foo
> > 
> > But when I try this from a CentOS 7 client, I get:
> > 
> >mount.nfs4: Operation not permitted
> > 
> > Is there any bit of configuration I can do on the client and/or
> > server
> > to make this work, short of allowing fallback to pre-4 NFS
> > versions?
> I think you need to show a bit more of your configuration.  I just
> configured a nfs server on an
> F32 system and was able to mount on a centos7 system just fine.
> [egreshko@cos7 ~]$ cat /etc/centos-release
> CentOS Linux release 7.7.1908 (Core)
> [egreshko@cos7 ~]$ sudo mount f32k:/home/egreshko /mnt
> [egreshko@cos7 ~]$ df
> Filesystem  1K-blocksUsed Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/mapper/centos-root  29861636 4256540  25605096  15% /
> /dev/vda1 1038336  164476873860  16% /boot
> f32k:/home/egreshko  29296640 8147200  19638272  30% /mnt
> Or are you asking a different question.

Maybe. :-)

I am asking specifically about NFS4.  It is not obvious from your
example that the remote volume is being mounted using NFS4.

As for my configuration, in /etc/nfs.conf, I have set:


Apart from that, it has the Fedora 32 installation defaults.

/etc/exports looks like:

   /my-export-root/foo *(rw)

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to turn up any useful log messages
on either side.

Braden McDaniel 
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Re: Various bugs with the new 5.7 kernel on Fedora 32

2020-07-27 Thread stan via users
On Mon, 27 Jul 2020 17:46:30 +0530
Sreyan Chakravarty  wrote:

> Did the trick perfectly. Only have 2 stable 5.6 kernels now.


> What is the difference between dnf and rpm ? When do I use dnf over
> rpm and vice versa ? Shouldn't DNF be able to do everything that rpm
> does ?
> What is reason for the existence of both ?

rpm is the main database of packages on the system.  dnf sits on top of
rpm and provides more functionality and ease of use, as well as more
protection from making errors.

dnf can do (almost) everything rpm does, and more.  In this case it
would have been possible to run a repoquery with formatting to create
the actual package name as output, but it would have been a lot more

rpm keeps track of low level details and is the authority for packages
on the system, dnf provides abstraction to make package handling easier
for the user (packagekit takes that abstraction even further). I would
not use rpm, except in an emergency, to install or remove a package, I
would use dnf.  It is safer.  But rpm is great for quick queries,
though I sometimes use dnf search depending on what I am looking for.
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Re: NFS4: CentOS 7 client with a Fedora 32 server

2020-07-27 Thread Ed Greshko
On 2020-07-27 22:03, Braden McDaniel wrote:
> On Thu, 2020-07-16 at 10:03 +0800, Ed Greshko wrote:
>> On 2020-07-15 22:20, Braden McDaniel wrote:
>>> I'd like to support a CentOS 7 client from a Fedora 32 NFS4 server.
>>>  Other Fedora 32 clients can mount the volume just fine using:
>>>$ mount -t nfs4 my-server:/my-export-root/foo /foo
>>> But when I try this from a CentOS 7 client, I get:
>>>mount.nfs4: Operation not permitted
>>> Is there any bit of configuration I can do on the client and/or
>>> server
>>> to make this work, short of allowing fallback to pre-4 NFS
>>> versions?
>> I think you need to show a bit more of your configuration.  I just
>> configured a nfs server on an
>> F32 system and was able to mount on a centos7 system just fine.
>> [egreshko@cos7 ~]$ cat /etc/centos-release
>> CentOS Linux release 7.7.1908 (Core)
>> [egreshko@cos7 ~]$ sudo mount f32k:/home/egreshko /mnt
>> [egreshko@cos7 ~]$ df
>> Filesystem  1K-blocksUsed Available Use% Mounted on
>> /dev/mapper/centos-root  29861636 4256540  25605096  15% /
>> /dev/vda1 1038336  164476873860  16% /boot
>> f32k:/home/egreshko  29296640 8147200  19638272  30% /mnt
>> Or are you asking a different question.
> Maybe. :-)
> I am asking specifically about NFS4.  It is not obvious from your
> example that the remote volume is being mounted using NFS4.

Yes, I am using NFS4.  On the centos client

[egreshko@cos7 ~]$ df
Filesystem  1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/centos-root  29861636 4524940  25336696  16% /
/dev/vda1 1038336  205688    832648  20% /boot
f32k:/home/egreshko  29296640 8154368  19631104  30% /mnt

[egreshko@cos7 ~]$ mount | grep home
f32k:/home/egreshko on /mnt type nfs4 

> As for my configuration, in /etc/nfs.conf, I have set:

I have not altered the nfs.conf.  I see no need to do that.

> Apart from that, it has the Fedora 32 installation defaults.
> /etc/exports looks like:
>/my-export-root/foo *(rw)

For my exports on the F32 side I have...


> Unfortunately, I haven't been able to turn up any useful log messages
> on either side.

The key to getting good answers is to ask good questions.
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Re: Various bugs with the new 5.7 kernel on Fedora 32

2020-07-27 Thread Todd Zullinger
Sreyan Chakravarty wrote:
> On 7/27/20 12:23 AM, Todd Zullinger wrote:
>> Refer to the "SPECIFYING PACKAGES" section in the dnf man
>> page.  It explains the syntax options you can use to
>> specify a , which is used by many dnf
>> commands, like dnf remove.
> The doc is all good but without some real examples I find
> it difficult to translate the doc to actual commands.
> But that's probably because I am a noob and not use to
> reading docs seriously yet.

Yeah, I can still remember that.  And it still happens to me
with some documentation. :)

In the example below, I used kernel*-5.7.* as the package
spec.  To turn that into an example which helps illustrate
the man page, let's break it up...

The subsection "NEVRA Matching" lists the forms dnf accepts.
For kernel*-5.7.*, we're matching the name-[epoch:]version
form (the '[epoch:]' portion means it's optional to provide
the Epoch portion (that's the E in NEVRA¹).

So kernel* is the Name part and 5.7.* is the Version part in
the specification.  As both have globs in them, we look at
the Globs section which says:

*  Matches any number of characters.

That's what allows the package-spec to match all the kernel
subpackages.  (In theory, you could list them all out using
the '{}' notation -- but I think that's either buggy or
incorrect documentation.  It likely relies on the shell's
brace expansion rather than dnf's.)

We do the same '*' glob to match kernel patch releases like
5.7.9 or 5.7.10.  We could use 5.7* there, but then it would
match 5.70 (and any other 5.7x version).  While that isn't a
real problem in this case, with one extra '.' the pattern
can be explicit about what we want.

¹ The others are Name, Version, Release, and Architecture,
  just to be be clear.

>> As you'll find in the man page, dnf accepts glob patterns,
>> which are much like shell glob patterns.  You can use them
>> to remove all 5.7 kernels, something like:
>>  $ sudo dnf remove 'kernel*-5.7.*'
> Would this have had the same effect as:
>     sudo dnf remove $(rpm -qa | grep ^kernel | grep 5\.7)
> ??

Indeed.  And without the cost of forking several
subprocesses.  (Those extra subprocesses don't cost enough
to matter here, but in some cases they can be much more
expensive.  I try to avoid them when I can easily do so and
where doing so doesn't come at the expense of readability of
the resulting command line.)

Similar to dnf, rpm's query option (-q or --query) accepts
globs.  So if I were doing rpm -qa, I'd drop the first grep
pattern and use:

rpm -qa 'kernel*' | grep -- '-5\.7'

I think it's worth noting that the grep pattern should be
quoted too, or otherwise escaped so the '\' makes it to
grep.  As written (grep 5\.7), the pattern which grep gets
after the shell parses it is 5.7.  Since '.' is a regular
expression metacharacter which means "any character", 'grep
5\.7' would match 5N7, 507, and all sorts of things.  Again,
that doesn't happen to cause false positives in this case,
but that's relying a bit too much on luck and it _will_ burn
you some day.

>> Similarly, you can use the patterns to avoid the need for
>> the pipe to grep above (which also didn't need the -i
>> option, as your argument is numeric):
>>  $ sudo dnf list installed 'kernel*-5.7.*'
> Yeah I tried this but this does not give the name of the packages in a way I
> can use in 'dnf remove' command, thus it was not very helpful.

That's the thing, you can use the same pattern to dnf
remove, so you don't have to futz around copying and pasting
the output at all.  That's both error-prone and waste of
time. :)

If you _do_ need such output from dnf, you can control the
format a lot more using the repoquery subcommand.  It
accepts the --qf (or --queryformat) option.  With that, you
can format the output almost any way you'd like.  The
default output from repoquery is much more suitable already:

$ sudo dnf repoquery --installed 'kernel*-5.7*'

The --qf option could be used as:

--qf "%{name}-%{version}-%{release}"

But that's common enough that there's a shortcut to it, the
--nvr option:

$ sudo dnf repoquery --installed --nvr 'kernel*-5.7*'

The --qf / --queryformat option in dnf behaves almost
exactly like the corresponding option in rpm.  In dnf, there
are a few additional query tags, like the repo a package
comes from, which rpm does not have.  But they're pretty
close to identical in most respects.

Hope that's helpful.  It should give you some concrete
examples to think of while reading the man page.  And then
you can experiment with dnf list or dnf repoquery to see how
the patterns apply.

P.S.: Unlike some other mail lists, we tend not to include
each other in the To or Cc fields for replies.  The list
requires a subscription to post, so anyone who has sent a
message is a member and can read replies via the list. :)


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Re: NFS4: CentOS 7 client with a Fedora 32 server

2020-07-27 Thread Tom H
On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 4:04 PM Braden McDaniel  wrote:
> As for my configuration, in /etc/nfs.conf, I have set:
> Apart from that, it has the Fedora 32 installation defaults.
> /etc/exports looks like:
> /my-export-root/foo *(rw)

With the above, you mount with "mount nfs_server:/my-export-root/foo

WIth nfsv4, if you specify "/my-export-root/foo *(rw,fsid=0)" in
"/etc/exports", you mount with "mount nfs_server:/
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Re: SPDIF sound in F32

2020-07-27 Thread Greg Woods
On Sun, Jul 26, 2020 at 11:32 PM Samuel Sieb  wrote:

> > mythtv@seveneves ~]$ amixer -c0 scontrols
> > Simple mixer control 'PCM',0
> > Simple mixer control 'PCM Capture Source',0
> > Simple mixer control 'PCM',1
> > Simple mixer control 'PCM',2
> Maybe I should have asked for the more verbose option.  It's probably
> one of these.

mythtv@seveneves ~]$ amixer -c0 controls
numid=10,iface=CARD,name='Clock Source 21 Validity'
numid=15,iface=CARD,name='Clock Source 22 Validity'
numid=18,iface=CARD,name='Clock Source 23 Validity'
numid=30,iface=CARD,name='Clock Source 24 Validity'
numid=35,iface=CARD,name='Clock Source 25 Validity'
numid=16,iface=CARD,name='Headphone - Output Jack'
numid=19,iface=CARD,name='IEC958 In - Output Jack'
numid=36,iface=CARD,name='Keep Interface'
numid=24,iface=CARD,name='Line - Input Jack'
numid=20,iface=CARD,name='Mic - Input Jack'
numid=31,iface=CARD,name='Mic - Input Jack',index=1
numid=11,iface=CARD,name='Speaker - Output Jack'
numid=7,iface=MIXER,name='PCM Playback Switch'
numid=12,iface=MIXER,name='PCM Playback Switch',index=1
numid=17,iface=MIXER,name='PCM Playback Switch',index=2
numid=8,iface=MIXER,name='PCM Playback Volume'
numid=13,iface=MIXER,name='PCM Playback Volume',index=1
numid=29,iface=MIXER,name='PCM Capture Source'
numid=27,iface=MIXER,name='PCM Capture Switch'
numid=28,iface=MIXER,name='PCM Capture Volume'
numid=25,iface=MIXER,name='Line Capture Switch'
numid=26,iface=MIXER,name='Line Capture Volume'
numid=21,iface=MIXER,name='Mic Capture Switch'
numid=32,iface=MIXER,name='Mic Capture Switch',index=1
numid=22,iface=MIXER,name='Mic Capture Volume'
numid=33,iface=MIXER,name='Mic Capture Volume',index=1
numid=23,iface=MIXER,name='Auto Gain Control'
numid=34,iface=MIXER,name='Auto Gain Control',index=1
numid=9,iface=MIXER,name='Input Gain Pad Control'
numid=14,iface=MIXER,name='Input Gain Pad Control',index=1
numid=5,iface=PCM,name='Capture Channel Map'
numid=1,iface=PCM,name='Playback Channel Map'
numid=6,iface=PCM,name='Capture Channel Map',device=1
numid=2,iface=PCM,name='Playback Channel Map',device=1
numid=3,iface=PCM,name='Playback Channel Map',device=2
numid=4,iface=PCM,name='Playback Channel Map',device=3

I wanted to use "cset ... unmute", because the iec958 device seems to be
muted by default sometimes, but I couldn't figure out how to specify that
control. The amixer man page says:

 cset   ...
  Sets  the card control contents. The identifier has these
  nents: iface, name, index, device, subdevice,  numid.  The
  argument specifies the value of control.

...but I couldn't figure out correct values for all these components. My
attempts always got:

[mythtv@seveneves ~]$ amixer cset numid=19,iface=CARD,name='IEC958 In -
Output Jack' unmute
amixer: Cannot find the given element from control default

 > $ aplay -D iec958:CARD=SoundCard,DEV=0
> Add "-vv" or "-vvv" to the command to be able to tell if it's actually
> sending something.  Also, try this command with "DEV=1" as well.

Using DEV=1, I get:

 [mythtv@seveneves ~]$ aplay -vv -D iec958:CARD=SoundCard,DEV=1
aplay: main:830: audio open error: No such file or directory

Using -vv on the DEV=0 version does show the "meter" with the pound signs
bouncing up and down, so it thinks it's sending something. But the optical
cable is not lit. I did check the obvious and the stupid, and it does
appear to be fully seated into the card. While I was at it, I also tried
using a different optical cable that I know is good, but still no sound.

If you
> still don't hear anything, then run alsamixer and turn up all of those
> PCM outputs and try both of them again.

Turning them all up in alsamixer was the first thing I tried. They are all
maxed out.

> It's strange that pulseaudio and ALSA know about the digital output, but
> you can't select it.

That is not an encouraging sign, but I have learned more about how this
stuff works from this conversation than I ever knew before, so there is a
lot I don't know.

> Something that I should have asked earlier though
> is whether or not the optical cable is lit up.

Funny, I thought of this as I was going to sleep last night. I guess it's
evidence that I spent too much time on this yesterday and got too
frustrated; my brain was not working very well. I should have thought of
that much earlier.

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Re: Various bugs with the new 5.7 kernel on Fedora 32

2020-07-27 Thread Samuel Sieb

On 7/27/20 5:29 AM, Sreyan Chakravarty wrote:

On 7/27/20 1:15 AM, Dave Ulrick wrote:
In my opinion, this is a pretty easy workaround. I'll stick with the 
5.7 kernel unless I run into other issues.

5.7 could not mount /boot/efi in my case.

Also there was a message :

Failed Loading Kernel Modules

I've had that message for a very long time on many computers.  It hasn't 
had any effect and I haven't bothered investigating what it's trying to 

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Re: Various bugs with the new 5.7 kernel on Fedora 32

2020-07-27 Thread Samuel Sieb

On 7/27/20 7:17 AM, stan via users wrote:

On Mon, 27 Jul 2020 17:46:30 +0530
Sreyan Chakravarty  wrote:

Did the trick perfectly. Only have 2 stable 5.6 kernels now.


What is the difference between dnf and rpm ? When do I use dnf over
rpm and vice versa ? Shouldn't DNF be able to do everything that rpm
does ?

What is reason for the existence of both ?

rpm is the main database of packages on the system.  dnf sits on top of
rpm and provides more functionality and ease of use, as well as more
protection from making errors.

More specifically, dnf uses rpm for the actual package management 
operations.  dnf provides the dependency resolving and package downloading.

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Re: Various bugs with the new 5.7 kernel on Fedora 32

2020-07-27 Thread Sreyan Chakravarty
On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 11:05 PM Samuel Sieb  wrote:

> I've had that message for a very long time on many computers.  It hasn't
> had any effect and I haven't bothered investigating what it's trying to
> load.

Well have tried accessing the /boot/efi directory on computers that you did
receive this error on. Could you cd into the directories ?

Sreyan Chakravarty
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Re: Various bugs with the new 5.7 kernel on Fedora 32

2020-07-27 Thread Samuel Sieb

On 7/27/20 12:00 PM, Sreyan Chakravarty wrote:
On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 11:05 PM Samuel Sieb > wrote:

I've had that message for a very long time on many computers.  It
had any effect and I haven't bothered investigating what it's trying to

Well have tried accessing the /boot/efi directory on computers that you 
did receive this error on. Could you cd into the directories ?

I've never had a problem with /boot/efi getting mounted and that won't 
have anything to do with the module loading error.  You need to check 
your logs to see what's going on.  I didn't see anything relevant in 
what you posted so far.

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Re: video in Firefox not streaming

2020-07-27 Thread Anil Felipe Duggirala

Well, I did verify that even the FF downloaded from mozilla requires 
ffmpeg in order to play the video

when the embedded JW Player is served by the website.

I don't believe that this is an issue with required plugins at this 
point. As a new example, the video in 
(screenshot, does not load in my 
Firefox. However, using the developer tools in Firefox, I downloaded the 
embedded video (.mp4) from the link I saw in the Inspector. I was able 
to play this downloaded video in the default video player in Fedora with 

So I would appreciate if someone tells me if this means that this is not 
a codec issue, but maybe some permissions issue or something else thats 
happening with Firefox,

thank you!

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Re: video in Firefox not streaming

2020-07-27 Thread stan via users
On Mon, 27 Jul 2020 15:08:32 -0500
Anil Felipe Duggirala  wrote:

> I don't believe that this is an issue with required plugins at this 
> point. As a new example, the video in
> (screenshot

> So I would appreciate if someone tells me if this means that this is
> not a codec issue, but maybe some permissions issue or something else
> thats happening with Firefox,

That video plays without issue here in both the system version of
firefox, 78.02, and the firefox nightly I usually run.  In fact, it
plays without the website even having javascript enabled.  The only
relevant add on is open264, though I do have lots of audio and video
packages installed from rpmfusion because I also build mplayer from
source.  I'm not a good tester for your issue, just a data point
indicating that it is possible.

Have you checked in edit->preferences for anything related,
particularly privacy and security?
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Re: video in Firefox not streaming

2020-07-27 Thread Ed Greshko
On 2020-07-28 04:08, Anil Felipe Duggirala wrote:
>> Well, I did verify that even the FF downloaded from mozilla requires ffmpeg 
>> in order to play the video
>> when the embedded JW Player is served by the website.
> I don't believe that this is an issue with required plugins at this point. As 
> a new example, the video in (screenshot 
>, does not load in my Firefox. However, 
> using the developer tools in Firefox, I downloaded the embedded video (.mp4) 
> from the link I saw in the Inspector. I was able to play this downloaded 
> video in the default video player in Fedora with Gnome.
> So I would appreciate if someone tells me if this means that this is not a 
> codec issue, but maybe some permissions issue or something else thats 
> happening with Firefox,
> thank you!

Plays fine here on a Virtual Machine and FF to which only the open264 plugin 
was installed/enabled and
ffmpeg was installed.  The VM is pretty much standard Fedora 32 with no 
additional video stuff installed.
Disabling the open264 plugin has no effect.  The video plays fine.

The key to getting good answers is to ask good questions.
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Re: video in Firefox not streaming

2020-07-27 Thread Ed Greshko
On 2020-07-28 04:08, Anil Felipe Duggirala wrote:
>> Well, I did verify that even the FF downloaded from mozilla requires ffmpeg 
>> in order to play the video
>> when the embedded JW Player is served by the website.
> I don't believe that this is an issue with required plugins at this point. As 
> a new example, the video in (screenshot 
>, does not load in my Firefox. However, 
> using the developer tools in Firefox, I downloaded the embedded video (.mp4) 
> from the link I saw in the Inspector. I was able to play this downloaded 
> video in the default video player in Fedora with Gnome.
> So I would appreciate if someone tells me if this means that this is not a 
> codec issue, but maybe some permissions issue or something else thats 
> happening with Firefox,

FWIW, I have fired up another VM which is 100% stock Fedora 32.  The open264 
plugin is disabled
and there is no ffmpeg installed.  Result it that the video does not play.

If I were to add rpmfusion and install ffmpeg I am sure it will work.

So, have you installed ffmpeg?  If not, then I can't be of any more assistance.

The key to getting good answers is to ask good questions.
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touchpad driver - F32

2020-07-27 Thread Geoffrey Leach
Touchpad stopped working with version 32 (perhaps earlier?) At one
point there was an configuration required, but that appears to
have become irrelevant. Is there a FAQ?
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Re: touchpad driver - F32

2020-07-27 Thread Geoffrey Leach
Add'l info.

Running XFCE. Touchpad is not listed in the Mouse page, so presumably
the touchpad is broken?

On Mon, 27 Jul 2020 14:44:09 -0700
Geoffrey Leach  wrote:

> Touchpad stopped working with version 32 (perhaps earlier?) At one
> point there was an configuration required, but that appears to
> have become irrelevant. Is there a FAQ?
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Re: touchpad driver - F32

2020-07-27 Thread Samuel Sieb

On 7/27/20 3:07 PM, Geoffrey Leach wrote:

Running XFCE. Touchpad is not listed in the Mouse page, so presumably
the touchpad is broken?

Check if your keyboard has a disable touchpad button.
Check in the BIOS settings if there's a touchpad setting for smart. 
Sometimes that one doesn't work with Linux.

Check in /proc/bus/input/devices to see if you can see your touchpad listed.

Do you remember what the X config setting was that you had before?
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Re: SPDIF sound in F32

2020-07-27 Thread Greg Woods
There has been a completely new development in this saga. One thing I had
also been investigating was to see if I could somehow get surround sound
through the onboard Intel sound chip. This chip does not have a iec958
(optical) device however, so it wasn't going to work directly with my
receiver. As a temporary workaround I was attempting to at least get stereo
sound going through the line out of this chip, and it was not working,
despite the fact that it worked fine on another machine in the house with
an identical motherboard. Then I remembered that the UEFI has settings for
the onboard devices, and by default the onboard audio is set to "Auto",
which it turns out means Enabled unless there is a sound card installed. So
that's why it didn't work on the machine with the Xonar card installed. I
changed it to Enabled and I got stereo sound. I can also now see four
separate HDMI sound devices in aplay. So I played around with some of the
things I have learned recently, and it turns out that this chip can do
surround sound via HDMI, and since the TV that the system is hooked up to
can pass that on to the receiver, I decided to try it, and it mostly works.
I say "mostly" because when I run the 5.1 surround sound test in MythTV, it
does front left, center, front right just fine, but "surround right" means
both rear speakers at reduced volume, and "surround left" means both rear
speakers at normal volume. That's of course not how surround sound is
supposed to work, so I still have a few things to look into there
(including things like settings on the TV).

So I'm still interested in trying to get the iec958 device on the Xonar
card to work, because I expect I'd get better quality sound that way, but
the urgency is reduced.

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Re: SPDIF sound in F32

2020-07-27 Thread Samuel Sieb

On 7/27/20 8:13 AM, Greg Woods wrote:

mythtv@seveneves ~]$ amixer -c0 controls
numid=19,iface=CARD,name='IEC958 In - Output Jack'

That's promising.  Try:
amixer -c0 sset 'IEC958 In - Output Jack' on
Now that you've enabled the onboard sound card, it might have changed 
the numbering, so if that gives an error, try "-c1" instead.  Hopefully, 
the optical port lights up after that.

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