Re: dnf hangs - looking for advice

2015-10-09 Thread Honza Šilhan
> From: "Timothy Murphy" 
> I've install Fedora-23 beta from a KDE Live USB stick,
> and it seems to be working fine.
> The installation went quickly with no problems.
> However, on running "sudo dnf update",
> all 542 packages were downloaded OK,
> but then dnf hung after a few cleanups, at
>   Cleanup: initial-setup-0.3.35-1.fc23.x86_64

If it was the last item of the transaction then your system should be
fine. Probably some plugin hanged - like leaves plugin.

> I ran "sudo dnf clean all" and then update again,
> but it just tells me
>   Nothing to do.
>   Complete!

This is different cleanup. You don't have to call it.

> Is there any way of completing the cleanup?
> Or is that unnecessary?

I believe that it's not a bug problem. You should be fine,
maybe some plugin didn't write something or the package
was not written into dnf database.

Next time you experience this give DNF a few more minutes,
then report it, please [1] with /var/log/rpm.dnf.log
and /var/log/dnf.log attached.


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Re: YouTube videos in full-screen mode block Firefox

2015-10-09 Thread Ian Malone
On 8 October 2015 at 20:49, Joe Zeff  wrote:
> On 10/08/2015 12:30 PM, Fred Smith wrote:
>> Gee, I get nervous when I have a dozen tabs open... :)
> I don't think I've ever had as many as half that open at once; can't see the
> point, either.

I currently have 7. Admittedly two are blank right now. One is playing
radio, one is displaying a standard operating procedure, another is a
website used for that SOP, yet another (which I could probably close
now) is a data repository and the final one is this email. The day is
still fairly early. If I'm researching a topic I may have six or more
open just for that, a page of search results and five or so pages at
any one time which might be relevant.

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looking for a good "git/gerrit on fedora" online tutorial

2015-10-09 Thread Robert P. J. Day

  i've offered to put together a basic presentation on how to set up
git and gerrit (in my case, on fedora), and i've collected a few
moderately decent tutorials that i can cannibalize to get the final
result, but if there's something already out there that covers that
topic, that would be just ducky.

  i'm after something that both sets up the server side and databases,
then shows developers how to check out and configure to start using
gerrit as part of their workflow.

  i have a good chunk of this already, but has anyone already written
something like this specifically for fedora? thanks.



Robert P. J. Day Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA


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Re: YouTube videos in full-screen mode block Firefox

2015-10-09 Thread Suvayu Ali
On Thu, Oct 08, 2015 at 07:35:20PM +0100, Paul Smith wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 7:13 PM, Joe Zeff  wrote:
> >>
> >> Thanks, Doug. It gets full-screen immediately, but with the image and
> >> sound both frozen for one minute or so. Also Firefox freezes for the
> >> same time.
> >
> > Does the window go dark?  If so, that indicates that Firefox is very, very
> > busy; if not, either you don't have things set for that or it's something
> > else causing this.
> Thanks, Joe. You pointed to the right direction: too many open tabs
> (hundreds, I mean) were causing the issue.

My hunch is you were swapping which caused the issue.  Hundreds of tabs
should not be a problem.  I regularly have that many tabs open without
any problems (197 at the moment).  It could be one of the tabs was
consuming a lot of memory forcing FF to swapping.



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Re: install custom rpm package: failed dependencies

2015-10-09 Thread stan
On Thu, 8 Oct 2015 22:11:12 +0200
arnaud gaboury  wrote:


I think you will have much better response with the fedora devel list
for this question.  I see people there regularly discussing issues like

I don't have a signup address, as I read it via newsreader Pan from
gmane.  But you should be able to find it from the Fedora website.  On
gmane it is called linux.redhat.fedora.devel.
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Re: install custom rpm package: failed dependencies

2015-10-09 Thread stan
On Thu, 8 Oct 2015 22:11:12 +0200
arnaud gaboury  wrote:

Ha!  I just went to the group to find the email address, and I saw your
post there.  I guess you can ignore my previous post as noise.

Here's the address to sign up for anyone else interested.
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Re: install custom rpm package: failed dependencies

2015-10-09 Thread stan
On Fri, 9 Oct 2015 07:42:02 -0700
stan  wrote:

> On Thu, 8 Oct 2015 22:11:12 +0200
> arnaud gaboury  wrote:
> Ha!  I just went to the group to find the email address, and I saw
> your post there.  I guess you can ignore my previous post as noise.

Okay.  I just read the thread, and I see you got no joy there, as your
question was considered inappropriate. There are people occasionally on
this list that are skilled in spec files. (I'm not)  Perhaps one of
them will help you.
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Re: Fedora 21 and Chromebook 15

2015-10-09 Thread stan
On Thu, 8 Oct 2015 17:56:42 -0400
Gary Mann  wrote:

> Hello
> I recently purchased a Acer CB5-571-58HF and installed Fedora 21 on it
> using MATE as my window manager. Everything seems to run perfectly.
> However, I'm really annoyed with the keyboard because everything I've
> tried doesn't seem to work... After a couple of updates it seems like
> the volume and brightness keys work by default. What I really want
> though, is a home, end, delete, pageup/down, and insert buttons. I've
> tried setting these buttons up behind xbindkeys or xmodmap, and for
> whatever reason, it doesn't seem to work everywhere.
> For example, the default keyboard schema supports pressing Shift + Up
> as PageUp, Shift + Down as PageDown. These two combinations will work
> in mate-terminal, however if I try to use them in google-chrome, or
> pretty much anything else they don't. Also, Shift + Left is Home, but
> using it in a terminal instead will shift the view all the way to the
> top of the buffer instead of moving the cursor to the beginning of
> the line, this is also the same for Shift + Right, which is Prior, it
> instead is used to move the view all the way to the bottom of the
> buffer.
> I would love to get Shift + BackSpace as Delete and Ctrl + Shift +
> BackSpace as Insert, but I've not had any luck doing so with xmodmap
> or xbindkeys...
> Has anyone used a Chromebook on Fedora and experienced similar
> issues, and if so would you be able to provide any details on how you
> corrected them, pertaining to the keyboard schema?
> Thanks.

I don't have this hardware and haven't solved your problem.  But I have
a workaround to suggest.  You could go into the X kbmap that you use,
and add the keymappings you want to have directly.  The intl version of
the kbmap, has all modifiers enabled, so you might find some
combinations that are irrelevant to you, and overwrite them with your

There is obviously a learning curve to do it this way.  This is what
xbindkeys or xmodmap should be doing, and hiding from you, but aren't,
for some reason.  Maybe they will work if you enable the intl keyboard,
and then modify mappings you won't need.

An even more involved solution is to create a custom keymap, a major
undertaking even if you copy your current keymapping and modify it.
The advantage is that you can transfer it to your next iteration of
Fedora, while with the simpler solution you will have to edit the kbmap
file every time you upgrade.
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Re: Change ip address -

2015-10-09 Thread Gordon Messmer

On 10/08/2015 11:21 PM, Wolfgang S. Rupprecht wrote:

Hacking routes as one of the other replies suggested will only solve
half the problem.  The packet gets flung in the right direction.  The
problem is that the return packet won't be accepted.  In fact the arp
reply won't even happen.

That's not quite correct.  The problem is not that the packets wouldn't 
be accepted by your client, or that your client would not reply to ARP 
requests.  The Buffalo device at would accept packets from your 
client (unless rp_filter is enabled and it had no default route, but 
let's ignore that), but it would lack a route back to the client.  The 
Buffalo device would never send an ARP request, nor would it send 
packets in return.

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Re: install custom rpm package: failed dependencies

2015-10-09 Thread arnaud gaboury
On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 4:52 PM, stan  wrote:
> On Fri, 9 Oct 2015 07:42:02 -0700
> stan  wrote:
>> On Thu, 8 Oct 2015 22:11:12 +0200
>> arnaud gaboury  wrote:
>> Ha!  I just went to the group to find the email address, and I saw
>> your post there.  I guess you can ignore my previous post as noise.
> Okay.  I just read the thread, and I see you got no joy there, as your
> question was considered inappropriate. There are people occasionally on
> this list that are skilled in spec files. (I'm not)  Perhaps one of
> them will help you.

Thank you for your answers. Yes, I have been bumped from devel to
users. I knew for sure it would be difficult to find an answer here,
thus why I posted @devels.

I found a way to solve my issue. Furthermore, someone from devel list
replied me privatly and gave me some hint. Unfortunately, no one could
benefit from the solutions...sad.
To sum up, best in fact was to post in devel list, even if some found
my post inapropriate.
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Re: Change ip address -

2015-10-09 Thread Wolfgang S. Rupprecht

Gordon Messmer  writes:
> On 10/08/2015 11:21 PM, Wolfgang S. Rupprecht wrote:
>> Hacking routes as one of the other replies suggested will only solve
>> half the problem.  The packet gets flung in the right direction.  The
>> problem is that the return packet won't be accepted.  In fact the arp
>> reply won't even happen.
> That's not quite correct.  The problem is not that the packets
> wouldn't be accepted by your client, or that your client would not
> reply to ARP requests.  The Buffalo device at would accept
> packets from your client (unless rp_filter is enabled and it had no
> default route, but let's ignore that), but it would lack a route back
> to the client.  The Buffalo device would never send an ARP request,
> nor would it send packets in return.

Yea, I realized that after sending off the msg.  It would never even
send that arp request because it wouldn't see the src address as a local
network hence no arp.


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Re: Memroy invasion

2015-10-09 Thread Matthew Miller
On Fri, Oct 02, 2015 at 11:50:48PM +0200, Patrick Dupre wrote:
> Running only firefox, htop indicates: an occupation of 14.6 of the 
> memory and of 11.5% for gnome-shell (actually 1.4 G/ 3G of RAM).
> This slows down the machine without clear explanation.
> Actually, it becomes a lot worst as soon as I run xmgrace for example.
> I run fc21

Instead of using htop, could you show your results with smem? Run
`smem -k` for human-friendly units. To see specifically gnome-shell or

 smem -P gnome-shell$ -k
 smem -P firefox$ -k

Look at the USS and PSS values USS is, roughly, memory which
wouldn't be used if just that process weren't running. PSS divides
shared memory among processes using it.

FWIW, on my F23 system right now, up for six days, I get this for gnome-shell:

  PID User Command Swap  USS  PSS  RSS 
 1947 mattdm   /usr/bin/gnome-shell   0   164.1M   177.4M   219.8M 

Matthew Miller

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Re: starting to look at the cloud...

2015-10-09 Thread Matthew Miller
On Mon, Oct 05, 2015 at 06:06:56PM -0400, bruce wrote:
> My goal, to get a bit of exposure to how to do basic
> dns/provisioning/monitoring of multiple instances. To be able to craft
> (quickly) whatever has to be created to be able to spin up/down, have
> a couple of separate apps running on different instances, and having
> them interact with a test db, that kind of thing..
> In order to get the above, gotta climb the learning curve. Keep in
> mind, I'm not looking to dive into sysadmin stuff any more than I need
> to!!!
> So, any pointers on where to turn to for initial docs/stuff to look over..

If you're just jumping in right now, I highly recommend looking at Red
Hat's Project Atomic  (and, hey, it's on
topic after all - Fedora Atomic Host).

This focuses on the app deployment story, not just "basically a hosted
vm, but with an api instead of a web control panel". And it sounds like
you're looking for the full deal. :)

Matthew Miller

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Re: Something is weird about Firefox 41…

2015-10-09 Thread Matthew Miller
On Sat, Oct 03, 2015 at 09:35:28PM -0400, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
> After I installed the FF 41 update, many – but not all – web sites
> appear to end up getting formatted to a fixed width. Resizing the
> browser window does not rewrap the content, but just centers it,
> with the same effective content width, by adding large, empty,
> margins on both sides.

I'm not seeing this. Have you tried with all extensions disabled?

Matthew Miller

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gnome-shell-extension-openweather not working

2015-10-09 Thread Andre Robatino
For most of the past day, gnome-shell-extension-openweather is not working,
and it just says "Loading" when clicking on it. If I go to the website, and
enter the zip code for my city, it shows the forecast, but the city link is
just ""; which points to "City of London,
GB". Was there an API change or something?

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