Gordon Messmer <gordon.mess...@gmail.com> writes:
> On 10/08/2015 11:21 PM, Wolfgang S. Rupprecht wrote:
>> Hacking routes as one of the other replies suggested will only solve
>> half the problem.  The packet gets flung in the right direction.  The
>> problem is that the return packet won't be accepted.  In fact the arp
>> reply won't even happen.
> That's not quite correct.  The problem is not that the packets
> wouldn't be accepted by your client, or that your client would not
> reply to ARP requests.  The Buffalo device at would accept
> packets from your client (unless rp_filter is enabled and it had no
> default route, but let's ignore that), but it would lack a route back
> to the client.  The Buffalo device would never send an ARP request,
> nor would it send packets in return.

Yea, I realized that after sending off the msg.  It would never even
send that arp request because it wouldn't see the src address as a local
network hence no arp.


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