> From: "Timothy Murphy" <gayle...@eircom.net>
> I've install Fedora-23 beta from a KDE Live USB stick,
> and it seems to be working fine.
> The installation went quickly with no problems.
> However, on running "sudo dnf update",
> all 542 packages were downloaded OK,
> but then dnf hung after a few cleanups, at
>   Cleanup: initial-setup-0.3.35-1.fc23.x86_64

If it was the last item of the transaction then your system should be
fine. Probably some plugin hanged - like leaves plugin.

> I ran "sudo dnf clean all" and then update again,
> but it just tells me
>   Nothing to do.
>   Complete!

This is different cleanup. You don't have to call it.

> Is there any way of completing the cleanup?
> Or is that unnecessary?

I believe that it's not a bug problem. You should be fine,
maybe some plugin didn't write something or the package
was not written into dnf database.

Next time you experience this give DNF a few more minutes,
then report it, please [1] with /var/log/rpm.dnf.log
and /var/log/dnf.log attached.

[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/enter_bug.cgi?product=Fedora&component=dnf

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