SV: Latency

2012-04-27 Thread Jens Rantil
Hi Alek,

I think someone else is more suited to answer the question about why it is in 
this particular order. My guess is that, in general, an insert will not do any 
read, an read will have to consolidate reads from multiple (R) machines and an 
update will perform a read and then a write. However, do note that the might be 
in a different order of latency depending on what consistency requirements (see 
below) you send to them, how big the objects are etc.

Note that you can tune both your writes (that is, both inserts and updates) 
using W and dW (see and your GETs 
using R (see depending on your 
consistency requirements. So, if you could live with getting slightly older 
data, but would like to get it really fast, your should set R=1 for GETs.

For more information about eventual consistency, have a look here:


[] För Alek Morfi
Skickat: den 27 april 2012 05:02
Till: riak
Ämne: Latency


I have done a benchmark in Riak and I find that Insert a new record has the 
lowest latency and Get's latecy (seek a record by key) is the middle one (in 
terms of latency) and Update  command has the highest latency.
Latency means the amount of time that each operation takes to complete.

What is the reason of this order?
How can I reduce the GET latency? (I know It might cause an increase in Insert 

riak-users mailing list

Issue with Riak Install from Source under SUSE SLES 11 SP11 Version S390

2012-04-27 Thread claudef
Dear colleagues,

Trying to install the RIAK package under a  SUSE SLES 11 SP11 Version 
S390. I've downloaded the .tar.gz install file from the BASHO site. First 
I've installed the Erlang package with the --with-ssl option and 
recompiled the openssl package with the "shared" option, as requested by 
the Erlang procedure. 

Using the "make rel" command, I see a successful build running on the 
screen, until a point where the install tries to connect to the GITHUB, 
throwing an error like this: 
test -z "/opt/riak/riak-1.1.2/deps/eleveldb/c_src/system/share/doc/snappy" 
|| /bin/mkdir -p 
 /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ChangeLog COPYING INSTALL NEWS README 
test -z "/opt/riak/riak-1.1.2/deps/eleveldb/c_src/system/include" || 
/bin/mkdir -p "/opt/riak/riak-1.1.2/deps/eleveldb/c_src/system/include"
 /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 snappy.h snappy-sinksource.h 
snappy-stubs-public.h snappy-c.h 
make[2]: Leaving directory 
make[1]: Leaving directory 

fatal: unable to connect to[0:]: errno=Connection refused

Cloning into 'leveldb'...
ERROR: Command [compile] failed!
make: *** [rel] Error 1
The riak executable was not yet created under the /bin. 

Is there a way to avoid a connect to GITHUB during the package build from 
source, or could you give me a pointer what is causing the connection to 
be refused, as our firewall is configured for outgoing HTTP connections 
(which port and protocol does it use?). 

Thanks in advance for your feedback and support.


Claude Falbriard 
Certified IT Specialist L2 - Middleware
AMS Hortolândia / SP - Brazil
phone:+55 19 9837 0789
cell: +55 13 8117 3316
riak-users mailing list

Re: Upgrade to 1.1.2 problems

2012-04-27 Thread Phil Sorber

Confirmed that was the problem. Made that change and the rolling
upgrade went smoothly. Thanks for your help!

On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 10:18 AM, Phil Sorber  wrote:
> Joe,
> I think you hit the nail on the head. We install from your released
> deb's, but we deploy via chef and have the config generated from a
> template. I am going to set up another test this morning and I will
> let you know how it goes.
> Thanks.
> On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 7:38 PM, Joseph Blomstedt  wrote:
>> Phil,
>> Given the following lines,
>>>         {reason,
>>>          {{badmatch,{'EXIT',noproc}},
>>>           [{riak_core_vnode_proxy,call,2},
>> I'm inclined to think this is an issue with the new vnode routing
>> layer introduced in Riak 1.1. On your Riak 1.1.2 node, make sure your
>> app.config does not contain {legacy_vnode_routing, false} in the
>> riak_core section. If it does, either delete the line or change it to
>> false. If this was the issue, you should set it back to false after
>> upgrading the rest of your cluster.
>> Also, if this turns out to be the issue, could you please let me know
>> how you performed the upgrade? Our official packages are supposed to
>> be designed so that they retain your old app.config file when
>> installed over an existing Riak installation (and thus, this line
>> would have been missing from the 1.0.3 config). It would be useful to
>> know if you used an official package and the app.config was
>> overwritten, or if you manually setup your app.config and simply
>> missed this option.
>> On the plus side, the next release of Riak should include built-in
>> capability negotiation that should remove the need for users to have
>> to manually deal with legacy, mapred, listkeys, etc settings during an
>> upgrade.
>> -Joe
>> On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 2:05 PM, Phil Sorber  wrote:
>>> We have a 4 node riak 1.0.0 cluster running in production that we want
>>> to upgrade to 1.1.2. We set up a test environment that closely mimic's
>>> the production one. As close as we possibly can with ec2 hosts. First
>>> attempt to jump from 1.0.0 -> 1.1.2 failed. We took into account the
>>> mapred_system issue and the listkeys_backpressure issue. We decided to
>>> try 1.0.0 -> 1.0.3 since that would involve the mapred_system issue
>>> only. That upgrade worked. We then tried to upgrade 1.0.3 -> 1.1.2 and
>>> had similar problems. Details below.
>>> --
>>> # riak-admin transfers
>>> Attempting to restart script through sudo -u riak
>>> 'riak@' waiting to handoff 14 partitions
>>> --
>>> Sometimes this would show as many as 48 transfers. Always from the
>>> node that we upgraded. It would eventually show no transfers left. The
>>> upgrade from 1.0.0 -> 1.0.3 didn't do this.
>>> We tested a link walking query that is similar to what we run in
>>> production. On 2 of the 3 nodes still running 1.0.3 it worked fine. On
>>> the 3rd node, this happened:
>>> Curl run on 1.0.3 node:
>>> --
>>> curl -v http://localhost:8098/riak/email_address/,_,1
>>> * About to connect() to localhost port 8098 (#0)
>>> *   Trying connected
>>> * Connected to localhost ( port 8098 (#0)
 GET /riak/email_address/,_,1 HTTP/1.1
 User-Agent: curl/7.19.7 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7 
 OpenSSL/0.9.8k zlib/ libidn/1.15
 Host: localhost:8098
 Accept: */*

>>> < HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
>>> < Server: MochiWeb/1.1 WebMachine/1.9.0 (someone had painted it blue)
>>> < Expires: Wed, 25 Apr 2012 20:55:30 GMT
>>> < Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2012 20:45:30 GMT
>>> < Content-Type: text/html
>>> < Content-Length: 2068
>>> <
>>> 500 Internal Server
>>> ErrorInternal Server ErrorThe server
>>> encountered an error while processing this request:{error,
>>>  {error,
>>>  {badmatch,
>>>   {eoi,[],
>>>    [{{reduce,0},
>>>      {trace,
>>>       [error],
>>>       {error,
>>>        [{module,riak_kv_w_reduce},
>>>         {partition,1438665674247607560106752257205091097473808596992},
>>>         {details,
>>>          [{fitting,
>>>            {fitting,<0.848.0>,#Ref<>,
>>>             #Fun,1}},
>>>           {name,{reduce,0}},
>>>           {module,riak_kv_w_reduce},
>>>           {arg,{rct,#Fun,none}},
>>>           {output,
>>>            {fitting,<0.847.0>,#Ref<>,
>>>             #Fun,
>>>             #Fun}},
>>>           {options,
>>>            [{sink,{fitting,<0.119.0>,#Ref<>,sink,undefined}},
>>>             {log,sink},
>>>             {trace,
>>>              {set,1,16,16,8,80,48,
>>>               {[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]},
>>>               {{[],[],[error],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]},
>>>           {q_limit,64}]},
>>>         {reason,
>>>          {{badmatch,{'EXIT',noproc}},
>>>           [{riak_core_vnode_proxy,call,2},
>>>            {riak_pipe_vnode,queue_work_send,4},
>>>            {riak_pipe_vnode,queue_wor

RE: preflist_exhausted error

2012-04-27 Thread Sati, Mohit
Hello All,

After creating the index for all keys:

Index creation:

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-riak-index-day_int: 20110723" \
http://localhost:8098/riak/tagg_dsquery/ -d ""

Index Verfication:
curl http://localhost:8098/buckets/tagg_dsquery/index/day_int/20110723

I was able to issue range queries. For dates 07/23 - 07/30 the query runs fine. 
Previously, this was not working. I could not go beyond 1 day. But as the data 
grows in the later months, i cannot issue a week range. I'm getting the same 
"preflist_exhausted" error. The number of records have grown in Oct, Nov, Jan, 
Feb etc. How do you deal with the data growth?


From: Sean Cribbs []
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 11:58 AM
To: Sati, Mohit
Subject: Re: preflist_exhausted error


Be aware that key filters are just a thin layer on top of full-bucket key 
listings. You'd be better off storing the field you want to filter in a 
secondary index, which more efficiently supports range queries (note that only 
the LevelDB storage engine currently supports secondary indexes). Barring that, 
you could use the special "$key" index for a range query on the key.

On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 1:07 PM, Sati, Mohit>> wrote:
Hello All,

I'm getting the below error in my queries. I'm using riak 1.1.1

Riak Version:

$rpm -qa | grep riak

Riak Error:

HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Server: MochiWeb/1.1 WebMachine/1.9.0 (someone had painted it blue)
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2012 16:58:53 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 625

My query is doing a range scan. I can only get data for 1 day. For 2 or more 
days it is throwing the error posted above.

{"inputs":{ "bucket":"tagg_dsquery",
  [["starts_with", "dsquery-us_prm"]],
[["tokenize", "-", 5], ["greater_than_eq", "20120312"]],
[["tokenize", "-", 5], ["less_than_eq", "20120314"]]

app.config changes:
map_js_vm_count - increased to 32,64,128 and 256 but not helping
js_max_vm_mem - increased to 32,64,128,256,512 and 1024.
js_thread_stack - increased to 64,128,256,512,1024 and 2048 (cannot go beyond) 
- riak would not start

Can anyone help me to debug this issue. My queries cannot go beyond 1 day


riak-users mailing list

Sean Cribbs>>
Software Engineer
Basho Technologies, Inc.

riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak Core EDocs

2012-04-27 Thread Mark Phillips
On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 3:37 PM, Jordan West  wrote:

> We are beginning to use Riak Core and I noticed there are no edocs for the
> project (or perhaps I just couldn't find them?). While its only one or two
> engineers working on the project this is not a big issue but as we get more
> eyes on it having more documentation would be a big win. Edocs would
> probably be a pretty quick and easy start. For example, having basic
> documentation around methods like `riak_core_vnode:reply/2` and types like
> `sender()` & `sender_type()` would be a big help. I suppose we could
> generate them ourselves but having something officially kept up to date and
> hosted by Basho would be awesome.
Here's a Friday gift for you:

Caveat: these aren't perfectly up to date yet. We'll be updating
them incrementally (and also publishing them for other repos) but there
will be a bunch of comments that are out of date at the moment.

Enjoy. Contributions Welcome. :)


> Cheers,
> Jordan
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
riak-users mailing list

Re: Issue with Riak Install from Source under SUSE SLES 11 SP11 Version S390

2012-04-27 Thread Kelly McLaughlin
Hi Claude. Most git servers use port 9418. If you are able to open that port on 
your firewall it should work. Alternatively if you look for files in the riak 
directory and its subdirectories called 'rebar.config' and edit those and 
change the git urls to be "http://..."; instead of "git://..." then it should 
use port 80 to clone the needed repos instead of 9418. Hopefully one of those 
will get you up and running. Cheers.


On Apr 27, 2012, at 12:31 PM, wrote:

> Dear colleagues, 
> Trying to install the RIAK package under a  SUSE SLES 11 SP11 Version S390. 
> I've downloaded the .tar.gz install file from the BASHO site. First I've 
> installed the Erlang package with the --with-ssl option and recompiled the 
> openssl package with the "shared" option, as requested by the Erlang 
> procedure. 
> Using the "make rel" command, I see a successful build running on the screen, 
> until a point where the install tries to connect to the GITHUB, throwing an 
> error like this: 
> test -z "/opt/riak/riak-1.1.2/deps/eleveldb/c_src/system/share/doc/snappy" || 
> /bin/mkdir -p 
> "/opt/riak/riak-1.1.2/deps/eleveldb/c_src/system/share/doc/snappy" 
>  /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ChangeLog COPYING INSTALL NEWS README 
> format_description.txt 
> '/opt/riak/riak-1.1.2/deps/eleveldb/c_src/system/share/doc/snappy' 
> test -z "/opt/riak/riak-1.1.2/deps/eleveldb/c_src/system/include" || 
> /bin/mkdir -p "/opt/riak/riak-1.1.2/deps/eleveldb/c_src/system/include" 
>  /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 snappy.h snappy-sinksource.h 
> snappy-stubs-public.h snappy-c.h 
> '/opt/riak/riak-1.1.2/deps/eleveldb/c_src/system/include' 
> make[2]: Leaving directory 
> `/opt/riak/riak-1.1.2/deps/eleveldb/c_src/snappy-1.0.4' 
> make[1]: Leaving directory 
> `/opt/riak/riak-1.1.2/deps/eleveldb/c_src/snappy-1.0.4' 
> fatal: unable to connect to 
>[0:]: errno=Connection refused 
> Cloning into 'leveldb'... 
> ERROR: Command [compile] failed! 
> make: *** [rel] Error 1 
> The riak executable was not yet created under the /bin. 
> Question:   
> -- 
> Is there a way to avoid a connect to GITHUB during the package build from 
> source, or could you give me a pointer what is causing the connection to be 
> refused, as our firewall is configured for outgoing HTTP connections (which 
> port and protocol does it use?). 
> Thanks in advance for your feedback and support. 
> Regards, 
> Claude   
> Claude Falbriard 
> Certified IT Specialist L2 - Middleware
> AMS Hortolândia / SP - Brazil
> phone:+55 19 9837 0789
> cell: +55 13 8117 3316
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Riak Recap for April 24 - 26

2012-04-27 Thread Mark Phillips
Evening, Morning, Afternoon to All -

Huge Recap from the last few days: blog posts, slide decks, new code, and

Have a great weekend.


Riak Recap for April 24 - 27

1) Today's Recap is dedicated to John Leach. Here's why:

* He posted his slides from the Riak Leeds meetup that happened last week
* He wrote a blog post about how Brightbox is using Riak Search --->
* He also released riak-syslog which lets you send your syslog messages
into Riak for searching in Riak Search --->

2) Manuel Rubio wrote his second blog post about Riak, this one a follow up
to his initial overview.

* Read (in Spanish) here --->

3) Pavlo Baron released a slide deck in which Riak features prominently.

* Check it out here --->

4) Pavlo also wrote a blog post about the riak_mongo code he and Kresten
have been writing.

* Read here --->

5) Boundary wrote another blog post about Kobayashi, their distributed
analytics database that makes use of Riak.

* Read here --->

6) The team at Prezi released a slide deck with some details on how and why
they are using Riak.

* Slides here --->

7) Sean Cribbs added a ton of information about Secondary Indexes to the
Ruby Client Wiki.

* Fall in love with documentation again here --->

8) Shanley Kane wrote a piece for the Basho Blog about why your production
Riak clusters should have at least five nodes.

* Read here --->

9) The team at Three Pillar Global wrote the first of three blog posts all
about Riak's MapReduce

* Read here --->

10) Karl Seguin wrote blog post about Riak's documentation and where he
thinks we should take it.

* Read here --->
riak-users mailing list

Re: Issue with Riak Install from Source under SUSE SLES 11 SP11 Version S390

2012-04-27 Thread Jared Morrow

The issue is not in the rebar.config file for eleveldb, but in a file that 
fetches the original C++ source for leveldb.   To fix your issue, simply unpack 
the riak source as you already did then:

$ cd deps/eleveldb

And then make the following changes to 'c_src/':

--- c_src/ 22:06:31.0 -0600
+++ c_src/ 2012-04-27 22:07:49.0 -0600
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 if [ ! -d leveldb ]; then
-git clone git://
+git clone
 (cd leveldb && git checkout $LEVELDB_VSN)
Then return to the top-level source directory for Riak and run 'make' and 
things should be better.


On Apr 27, 2012, at 12:31 PM, wrote:

> Dear colleagues, 
> Trying to install the RIAK package under a  SUSE SLES 11 SP11 Version S390. 
> I've downloaded the .tar.gz install file from the BASHO site. First I've 
> installed the Erlang package with the --with-ssl option and recompiled the 
> openssl package with the "shared" option, as requested by the Erlang 
> procedure. 
> Using the "make rel" command, I see a successful build running on the screen, 
> until a point where the install tries to connect to the GITHUB, throwing an 
> error like this: 
> test -z "/opt/riak/riak-1.1.2/deps/eleveldb/c_src/system/share/doc/snappy" || 
> /bin/mkdir -p 
> "/opt/riak/riak-1.1.2/deps/eleveldb/c_src/system/share/doc/snappy" 
>  /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ChangeLog COPYING INSTALL NEWS README 
> format_description.txt 
> '/opt/riak/riak-1.1.2/deps/eleveldb/c_src/system/share/doc/snappy' 
> test -z "/opt/riak/riak-1.1.2/deps/eleveldb/c_src/system/include" || 
> /bin/mkdir -p "/opt/riak/riak-1.1.2/deps/eleveldb/c_src/system/include" 
>  /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 snappy.h snappy-sinksource.h 
> snappy-stubs-public.h snappy-c.h 
> '/opt/riak/riak-1.1.2/deps/eleveldb/c_src/system/include' 
> make[2]: Leaving directory 
> `/opt/riak/riak-1.1.2/deps/eleveldb/c_src/snappy-1.0.4' 
> make[1]: Leaving directory 
> `/opt/riak/riak-1.1.2/deps/eleveldb/c_src/snappy-1.0.4' 
> fatal: unable to connect to 
>[0:]: errno=Connection refused 
> Cloning into 'leveldb'... 
> ERROR: Command [compile] failed! 
> make: *** [rel] Error 1 
> The riak executable was not yet created under the /bin. 
> Question:   
> -- 
> Is there a way to avoid a connect to GITHUB during the package build from 
> source, or could you give me a pointer what is causing the connection to be 
> refused, as our firewall is configured for outgoing HTTP connections (which 
> port and protocol does it use?). 
> Thanks in advance for your feedback and support. 
> Regards, 
> Claude   
> Claude Falbriard 
> Certified IT Specialist L2 - Middleware
> AMS Hortolândia / SP - Brazil
> phone:+55 19 9837 0789
> cell: +55 13 8117 3316
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: Intermittent MapReduce crashes (reserve_vm)

2012-04-27 Thread Brian Conway
Any ideas? Using JS for MapReduce, I'm currently unable to do anything
except trivial tasks without these crashes, so I must be doing
something wrong. I'm fine with slow results (it is virtualized on
commodity hardware, after all), but intermittent VM errors don't seem
right. Thanks in advance.

Brian Conway

On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 12:23 AM, Brian Conway  wrote:
> I have a test cluster of 3 nodes running locally (virtualized), with
> default configuration + eleveldb. The nodes have plenty of ram and
> never hit swap. I've already bumped up the JS VM count (8 -> 24) after
> getting preflist_exhausted errors, and I now get the follow
> intermittently when posting to /mapred:
> $ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:
> application/json" -d @volume.js
> {"phase":3,"error":"{noproc,{gen_server,call,[riak_kv_js_map,{reserve_vm,<11534.1650.0>},infinity]}}","input":"{ok,{r_object,<<\"vol\">>,<<\"6724_2012-01-21_18\">>,[{r_content,{dict,4,16,16,8,80,48,{[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]},{{[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[[<<\"content-type\">>,97,112,112,108,105,99,97,116,105,111,110,47,106,115,111,110],[<<\"X-Riak-VTag\">>,52,68,111,85,117,98,80,99,106,114,79,106,71,115,107,118,85,67,88,117,68,107]],[[<<\"index\">>]],[],[[<<\"X-Riak-Last-Modified\">>|{1335,385687,399828}]],[],[]}}},<<\"{\"dlid\":
> \"1\", \"rate\": \"0.08\", \"cnid\":
> \"...\">>}],...},...}","type":"exit","stack":"[{gen_server,call,3},{riak_kv_js_manager,blocking_dispatch,4},{riak_kv_mrc_map,map_js,3},{riak_kv_mrc_map,process,3},{riak_pipe_vnode_worker,process_input,3},{riak_pipe_vnode_worker,wait_for_input,2},{gen_fsm,handle_msg,7},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3}]"}
> This only seems to happen every two or three attempts, the rest
> complete successfully. Doing the same with Python and protocol buffers
> also gives inconsistent results. Those attempts sometimes work and
> sometimes throws off errors that are either the same as above, or like
> these (may be unrelated):
> ...
>  File 
> "/home/bconway/scratch/riakenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/riak/transports/",
> line 535, in recv_pkt
>    % len(nmsglen))
> riak.RiakError: 'Socket returned short packet length 3 - expected 4'
> ...
>  File 
> "/home/bconway/scratch/riakenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/riak/transports/",
> line 535, in recv_pkt
>    % len(nmsglen))
> riak.RiakError: 'Socket returned short packet length 1 - expected 4'
> The MapReduce itself is wide but fairly simple: 10 user bucket-key
> pairs, a few layers of links, and dump the final data:
> $ cat volume.js
> {"inputs":[["user","1672_2012-01"],["user","2672_2012-01"],["user","3672_2012-01"],["user","4672_2012-01"],["user","5672_2012-01"],["user","6672_2012-01"],["user","672_2012-01"],["user","6723_2012-01"],["user","6724_2012-01"],["user","6725_2012-01"]],
>  "query":[{"link":{"tag":"day"}},
>          {"link":{"tag":"usage"}},
>          {"link":{"tag":"contact"}},
>          {"map":{
>              "language":"javascript",
>              "name":"Riak.mapValuesJson"
>          }}
>         ]
> }
> The logs are fairly chatty, let me know what else I should add:
> ** Reason for termination ==
> ** 
> {{{badmatch,[]},[{riak_kv_js_manager,needs_reload,2},{riak_kv_js_manager,handle_call,3},{gen_server,handle_msg,5},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3}]},{gen_server,call,[riak_kv_js_map,{mark_idle,<0.1756.0>},infinity]}}
> 2012-04-26 00:18:18 =CRASH REPORT
>  crasher:
>    initial call: riak_kv_js_vm:init/1
>    pid: <0.1756.0>
>    registered_name: []
>    exception exit:
> {{{badmatch,[]},[{riak_kv_js_manager,needs_reload,2},{riak_kv_js_manager,handle_call,3},{gen_server,handle_msg,5},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3}]},{gen_server,call,[riak_kv_js_map,{mark_idle,<0.1756.0>},infinity]}}
>      in function  gen_server:terminate/6
>      in call from proc_lib:init_p_do_apply/3
>    ancestors: [riak_kv_js_sup,riak_kv_sup,<0.256.0>]
>    messages: 
> [{'DOWN',#Ref<>,process,<0.1753.0>,{timeout,{gen_server,call,[<0.1764.0>,{checkout_to,<0.2736.0>},1000]}}}]
>    links: [<0.275.0>]
>    dictionary: []
>    trap_exit: false
>    status: running
>    heap_size: 1597
>    stack_size: 24
>    reductions: 627539
>  neighbours:
> Thanks for any help.
> Brian Conway

riak-users mailing list