On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 3:37 PM, Jordan West <jorda...@gmail.com> wrote:

> We are beginning to use Riak Core and I noticed there are no edocs for the
> project (or perhaps I just couldn't find them?). While its only one or two
> engineers working on the project this is not a big issue but as we get more
> eyes on it having more documentation would be a big win. Edocs would
> probably be a pretty quick and easy start. For example, having basic
> documentation around methods like `riak_core_vnode:reply/2` and types like
> `sender()` & `sender_type()` would be a big help. I suppose we could
> generate them ourselves but having something officially kept up to date and
> hosted by Basho would be awesome.
Here's a Friday gift for you:


Caveat: these aren't perfectly up to date yet. We'll be updating
them incrementally (and also publishing them for other repos) but there
will be a bunch of comments that are out of date at the moment.

Enjoy. Contributions Welcome. :)


> Cheers,
> Jordan
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