Hi Alek,

I think someone else is more suited to answer the question about why it is in 
this particular order. My guess is that, in general, an insert will not do any 
read, an read will have to consolidate reads from multiple (R) machines and an 
update will perform a read and then a write. However, do note that the might be 
in a different order of latency depending on what consistency requirements (see 
below) you send to them, how big the objects are etc.

Note that you can tune both your writes (that is, both inserts and updates) 
using W and dW (see http://wiki.basho.com/HTTP-Store-Object.html) and your GETs 
using R (see http://wiki.basho.com/HTTP-Fetch-Object.html) depending on your 
consistency requirements. So, if you could live with getting slightly older 
data, but would like to get it really fast, your should set R=1 for GETs.

For more information about eventual consistency, have a look here: 


Från: riak-users-boun...@lists.basho.com 
[mailto:riak-users-boun...@lists.basho.com] För Alek Morfi
Skickat: den 27 april 2012 05:02
Till: riak
Ämne: Latency


I have done a benchmark in Riak and I find that Insert a new record has the 
lowest latency and Get's latecy (seek a record by key) is the middle one (in 
terms of latency) and Update  command has the highest latency.
Latency means the amount of time that each operation takes to complete.

What is the reason of this order?
How can I reduce the GET latency? (I know It might cause an increase in Insert 

riak-users mailing list
  • Latency Alek Morfi
    • SV: Latency Jens Rantil

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