Re: Constant vnode crashes after disk corruption

2012-04-19 Thread Nico Meyer

Hi Bogunov!

Simple truncation of the bitcask files won't trigger this error, since 
bitcask will notice that the last written entry is truncated and ignore 
it. In this case a 'not found' is returned to the layer above bitcask. 
If on the other hand, an entry (not necessarily the last one written) 
has the right length but the checksum that bitcask writes with each 
entry does not match this error is returned as such. The layer above 
bitcask (riak_kv_vnode) doesn't handle this case, and therefore chrashes.
Of course a checksum error in the middle of the file means the file is 
corrupted. But if the only way to resolve the problem, is to delete the 
whole file, bitcask might a well pretend the key was not found (an maybe 
delete it internally). That way at least the rest of the file might be 
still usable.

I think what happend in my case, is that the file had the right length 
to fully contain the last entry, but the data was not fully written. 
This is what you get and rightly deserve for using ext4 as the 
filesystem :-(.

But still I would think chrashing the vnode if the bitcask files are 
corrupted is always the wrong behaviour. At the very least an error 
should be returned to the node performing the get, to fail fast in the 
case where R is set to N. Otherwise the request hangs until the timeout 
is reached, wich is 60 second by default.


Am 19.04.2012 11:19, schrieb Bogunov:
Actually you get same error if you try to copy bitcask directory while 
writing in it, so i assume any not completely-written bitcask file can 
cause it. Easy way looks like dropping bitcask directory .

On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 2:26 PM, Nico Meyer > wrote:

Oh, I forgot to mention:

My workaround was to patch riak_kv_bitcask_backend to map all
errors to {error,not_found}. Which begs the question if the
'get/3' function of any backend should ever return anything other than
{ok, Value, State} and {error, not_found, State} if it isn't
handled by riak_kv_vnode.

BTW: I think the -spec() for get/3 is wrong both in
riak_kv_bitcask_backend and riak_kv_eleveldb_backend. It states a
possible return value of the form '{ok, not_found, state()}' for
the not_found case, instead of the actually returned form '{error,
not_found, state()}'


Am 18.04.2012 12:18, schrieb Nico Meyer:


I just encountered a problem with one of our Riak nodes, which
is caused by a bug in either the disk controller or the
firmware of our SSD disks.
Anyway, the obvious symptom is, that all writes to the disks
suddenly fail, which of course leads to truncated bitcask
files. However, this time the files got corrupted in a way,
that lead to CRC errors while fetching keys from bitcask. This
in turn leads to a crash of the vnode everytime such a key is
read. So the log is filled with these messages:

11:55:52.621 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.23175.3> with 0
neighbours crashed with reason: no case clause matching

in riak_kv_vnode:prepare_put/3

Also those keys cannot be (over)written, since a put without
last_write_wins set to true does a get first internally.
I think the cause of the error should be obvious to anyone
familiar with the riak internals. Otherwise I can provide more


riak-users mailing list

Riak Adoption - What can we do better?

2012-04-19 Thread Mark Phillips
At this point Riak has been deployed thousands of times. This is excellent,
but as you can imagine we here at Basho feel this is just the tip of the
iceberg. We want everyone to be running Riak. The software obviously needs
to solve enough problems for people to want to deploy it. However, we need
to get the software into developers' hands before this happens.  So the
question is:

What can we be doing better?

I'm not talking so much about features in Riak itself. I'm more interested
in the other resources, tools, docs, processes, etc., that you think we
need to put in place or refine to take the Riak community from 1000s of
users to 100,000s of users. By virtue of being on this list, you've all
spent some time using or investigating Riak. As such, you're opinions and
experiences would be very valuable.

Any comments, ideas, or thoughts you had would be great. On or off-list
will work.

Thanks for your time. Long live the vnode!

riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak Adoption - What can we do better?

2012-04-19 Thread Zabrane Mickael
+1 for a solid book on advanced Riak usage.


On Apr 19, 2012, at 7:31 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

> At this point Riak has been deployed thousands of times. This is excellent, 
> but as you can imagine we here at Basho feel this is just the tip of the 
> iceberg. We want everyone to be running Riak. The software obviously needs to 
> solve enough problems for people to want to deploy it. However, we need to 
> get the software into developers' hands before this happens.  So the question 
> is:
> What can we be doing better?
> I'm not talking so much about features in Riak itself. I'm more interested in 
> the other resources, tools, docs, processes, etc., that you think we need to 
> put in place or refine to take the Riak community from 1000s of users to 
> 100,000s of users. By virtue of being on this list, you've all spent some 
> time using or investigating Riak. As such, you're opinions and experiences 
> would be very valuable.
> Any comments, ideas, or thoughts you had would be great. On or off-list will 
> work. 
> Thanks for your time. Long live the vnode!
> Mark 
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak Adoption - What can we do better?

2012-04-19 Thread Vladislav Gorodetskiy
I'd buy the book on advanced usage of Riak. Also, I'd attend Basho
Chats in the EU.


On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 8:31 PM, Mark Phillips  wrote:
> At this point Riak has been deployed thousands of times. This is excellent,
> but as you can imagine we here at Basho feel this is just the tip of the
> iceberg. We want everyone to be running Riak. The software obviously needs
> to solve enough problems for people to want to deploy it. However, we need
> to get the software into developers' hands before this happens.  So the
> question is:
> What can we be doing better?
> I'm not talking so much about features in Riak itself. I'm more interested
> in the other resources, tools, docs, processes, etc., that you think we need
> to put in place or refine to take the Riak community from 1000s of users to
> 100,000s of users. By virtue of being on this list, you've all spent some
> time using or investigating Riak. As such, you're opinions and experiences
> would be very valuable.
> Any comments, ideas, or thoughts you had would be great. On or off-list will
> work.
> Thanks for your time. Long live the vnode!
> Mark
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak Adoption - What can we do better?

2012-04-19 Thread Swinney, Austin
Hi Mark,

The developers I work with would really like to see protocol buffers worked 
into the PHP client library.  The release of the PB enabled C client made them 
happy as they could use that to upgrade the PHP client.  Who knows how long 
before they can get to that.  Until then, it is difficult for us to move Riak 
from back-end tasks to front-end work.  They feel a protocol buffer interface 
would be more efficient, so it seems like an area for improvement.

Thanks for asking!


On Apr 19, 2012, at 1:31 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

At this point Riak has been deployed thousands of times. This is excellent, but 
as you can imagine we here at Basho feel this is just the tip of the iceberg. 
We want everyone to be running Riak. The software obviously needs to solve 
enough problems for people to want to deploy it. However, we need to get the 
software into developers' hands before this happens.  So the question is:

What can we be doing better?

I'm not talking so much about features in Riak itself. I'm more interested in 
the other resources, tools, docs, processes, etc., that you think we need to 
put in place or refine to take the Riak community from 1000s of users to 
100,000s of users. By virtue of being on this list, you've all spent some time 
using or investigating Riak. As such, you're opinions and experiences would be 
very valuable.

Any comments, ideas, or thoughts you had would be great. On or off-list will 

Thanks for your time. Long live the vnode!


riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak Adoption - What can we do better?

2012-04-19 Thread Evan Kinney
Upvote for a book like this. 

I've spent a good deal of my time when evaluating Riak searching the Googles 
(and perusing the Basho git repo - thanks for that, by the way) for information 
like this. This list is a great resource (and so is the wiki, for that matter) 
but having a set of defined and sanctioned "best practices," as it were, in 
such an easily-avaialble and accessible form would be killer. I'm sure Packt 
(or maybe even O'Reilly!) would love to pick up something like this.

Heck, I'd even offer to help write it; my love affair for Riak is already at a 
ridiculous level as it is.

A good example of this is the MySQL Cluster project. I'm intimately familiar 
with its internals, as I've written many patches for the engine... but it's 
hard to explain to other people (especially management). Alex Davies published 
a book through Packt that explains everything and even gives advanced 
performance tips and scenarios. I keep this on my bookshelf in my office and 
hand it to anyone who comes to me asking about NDB stuff.

Evan Kinney
Systems Architect, Research and Development
SAS Institute Inc.

P.S.: This is what part of the alphabet would look like
  if "Q" and "R" were eliminated.

On Apr 19, 2012, at 1:37 PM, Zabrane Mickael wrote:

> +1 for a solid book on advanced Riak usage.
> Regards,
> Zabrane
> On Apr 19, 2012, at 7:31 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:
>> At this point Riak has been deployed thousands of times. This is excellent, 
>> but as you can imagine we here at Basho feel this is just the tip of the 
>> iceberg. We want everyone to be running Riak. The software obviously needs 
>> to solve enough problems for people to want to deploy it. However, we need 
>> to get the software into developers' hands before this happens.  So the 
>> question is:
>> What can we be doing better?
>> I'm not talking so much about features in Riak itself. I'm more interested 
>> in the other resources, tools, docs, processes, etc., that you think we need 
>> to put in place or refine to take the Riak community from 1000s of users to 
>> 100,000s of users. By virtue of being on this list, you've all spent some 
>> time using or investigating Riak. As such, you're opinions and experiences 
>> would be very valuable.
>> Any comments, ideas, or thoughts you had would be great. On or off-list will 
>> work. 
>> Thanks for your time. Long live the vnode!
>> Mark 
>> ___
>> riak-users mailing list
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak Adoption - What can we do better?

2012-04-19 Thread Jason J. W. Williams
On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 11:37 AM, Zabrane Mickael  wrote:
> +1 for a solid book on advanced Riak usage.

Better marketing of Mathias' excellent Riak Handbook would definitely
help...would be great if it showed up on Amazon at least if not

Someday replication making it into the community version would be
really's one of the few areas where Cassandra has a leg up.
Makes it easier to sell/stand up a resilient proof-of-concept across
availability zones and then buy support when the installation is grown
to support more production load.


riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak Adoption - What can we do better?

2012-04-19 Thread Alexander Sicular
In a word: screencasts. 

Short, easy to digest, 2-5min screencasts on:


-Usage via curl

-Step by step walk through of all params in app.conf

-Search. setting up index, querying index via command line. Explanation of 
various analyzers. 

-Secondary Index usage. Curl examples. 

The whole thing could be done as a series With each cast its own "chapter." 
update the content when something significant changes. Like the changes in 
app.conf in 1.1.x.


@siculars on twitter

Sent from my iRotaryPhone

On Apr 19, 2012, at 13:31, Mark Phillips  wrote:

> At this point Riak has been deployed thousands of times. This is excellent, 
> but as you can imagine we here at Basho feel this is just the tip of the 
> iceberg. We want everyone to be running Riak. The software obviously needs to 
> solve enough problems for people to want to deploy it. However, we need to 
> get the software into developers' hands before this happens.  So the question 
> is:
> What can we be doing better?
> I'm not talking so much about features in Riak itself. I'm more interested in 
> the other resources, tools, docs, processes, etc., that you think we need to 
> put in place or refine to take the Riak community from 1000s of users to 
> 100,000s of users. By virtue of being on this list, you've all spent some 
> time using or investigating Riak. As such, you're opinions and experiences 
> would be very valuable.
> Any comments, ideas, or thoughts you had would be great. On or off-list will 
> work. 
> Thanks for your time. Long live the vnode!
> Mark 
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak Adoption - What can we do better?

2012-04-19 Thread Alexander Sicular
+1 for Mathias' book. It rocks. But I still think that an even more advanced 
book will only get so much of an audience. 

The masses like to be shown. They don't like to read. Frankly, that means 

@siculars on twitter

Sent from my iRotaryPhone

On Apr 19, 2012, at 13:54, "Jason J. W. Williams"  

> On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 11:37 AM, Zabrane Mickael  wrote:
>> +1 for a solid book on advanced Riak usage.
> Better marketing of Mathias' excellent Riak Handbook would definitely
> help...would be great if it showed up on Amazon at least if not
> Someday replication making it into the community version would be
> really's one of the few areas where Cassandra has a leg up.
> Makes it easier to sell/stand up a resilient proof-of-concept across
> availability zones and then buy support when the installation is grown
> to support more production load.
> -J
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak Adoption - What can we do better?

2012-04-19 Thread Vladislav Gorodetskiy
A bunch of screencasts is available on Vimeo channel of Basho at by the way.

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 8:53 PM, Alexander Sicular  wrote:
> In a word: screencasts.
> Short, easy to digest, 2-5min screencasts on:
> -Installation
> -Usage via curl
> -Step by step walk through of all params in app.conf
> -Search. setting up index, querying index via command line. Explanation of
> various analyzers.
> -Secondary Index usage. Curl examples.
> The whole thing could be done as a series With each cast its own "chapter."
> update the content when something significant changes. Like the changes in
> app.conf in 1.1.x.
> Godspeed,
> Alexander
> @siculars on twitter
> Sent from my iRotaryPhone
> On Apr 19, 2012, at 13:31, Mark Phillips  wrote:
> At this point Riak has been deployed thousands of times. This is excellent,
> but as you can imagine we here at Basho feel this is just the tip of the
> iceberg. We want everyone to be running Riak. The software obviously needs
> to solve enough problems for people to want to deploy it. However, we need
> to get the software into developers' hands before this happens.  So the
> question is:
> What can we be doing better?
> I'm not talking so much about features in Riak itself. I'm more interested
> in the other resources, tools, docs, processes, etc., that you think we need
> to put in place or refine to take the Riak community from 1000s of users to
> 100,000s of users. By virtue of being on this list, you've all spent some
> time using or investigating Riak. As such, you're opinions and experiences
> would be very valuable.
> Any comments, ideas, or thoughts you had would be great. On or off-list will
> work.
> Thanks for your time. Long live the vnode!
> Mark
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak Adoption - What can we do better?

2012-04-19 Thread Mathias Meyer
Thanks for the praise of my book. I'm curious though, what does "advanced" 
entail for you guys? I'm continuously working on updates for the book, and I'm 
happy to look at things that you think are missing, but it'd be great to have 
some more concrete examples of what you think a book on advanced Riak usage 
should cover.


Cheers, Mathias 

On Thursday, 19. April 2012 at 19:57, Alexander Sicular wrote:

> +1 for Mathias' book. It rocks. But I still think that an even more advanced 
> book will only get so much of an audience. 
> The masses like to be shown. They don't like to read. Frankly, that means 
> screencasts. 
> @siculars on twitter
> Sent from my iRotaryPhone
> On Apr 19, 2012, at 13:54, "Jason J. W. Williams"  (> wrote:
> > On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 11:37 AM, Zabrane Mickael  > (> wrote:
> > > +1 for a solid book on advanced Riak usage.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Better marketing of Mathias' excellent Riak Handbook would definitely
> > help...would be great if it showed up on Amazon at least if not
> > (
> > 
> > Someday replication making it into the community version would be
> > really's one of the few areas where Cassandra has a leg up.
> > Makes it easier to sell/stand up a resilient proof-of-concept across
> > availability zones and then buy support when the installation is grown
> > to support more production load.
> > 
> > -J
> > 
> > ___
> > riak-users mailing list
> > (
> >
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> (

riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak Adoption - What can we do better?

2012-04-19 Thread Dmitry Demeshchuk
The problem of any book is Riak rapid evolution.

Sometimes very cool and important features are added within a minor
release. That's generally okay, but I wouldn't read even a half-year
old book, it will contain very outdated information.

I'd add some cross-referencing between code (or features in general)
and the docs related to them (especially wiki pages of course).
Currently, wiki cannot keep up with the code, and probably releasing
docs updates along with pull requests could help that.

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 9:53 PM, Evan Kinney  wrote:
> Upvote for a book like this.
> I've spent a good deal of my time when evaluating Riak searching the Googles 
> (and perusing the Basho git repo - thanks for that, by the way) for 
> information like this. This list is a great resource (and so is the wiki, for 
> that matter) but having a set of defined and sanctioned "best practices," as 
> it were, in such an easily-avaialble and accessible form would be killer. I'm 
> sure Packt (or maybe even O'Reilly!) would love to pick up something like 
> this.
> Heck, I'd even offer to help write it; my love affair for Riak is already at 
> a ridiculous level as it is.
> A good example of this is the MySQL Cluster project. I'm intimately familiar 
> with its internals, as I've written many patches for the engine... but it's 
> hard to explain to other people (especially management). Alex Davies 
> published a book through Packt that explains everything and even gives 
> advanced performance tips and scenarios. I keep this on my bookshelf in my 
> office and hand it to anyone who comes to me asking about NDB stuff.
> ---
> Evan Kinney
> Systems Architect, Research and Development
> SAS Institute Inc.
> P.S.: This is what part of the alphabet would look like
>      if "Q" and "R" were eliminated.
> On Apr 19, 2012, at 1:37 PM, Zabrane Mickael wrote:
>> +1 for a solid book on advanced Riak usage.
>> Regards,
>> Zabrane
>> On Apr 19, 2012, at 7:31 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:
>>> At this point Riak has been deployed thousands of times. This is excellent, 
>>> but as you can imagine we here at Basho feel this is just the tip of the 
>>> iceberg. We want everyone to be running Riak. The software obviously needs 
>>> to solve enough problems for people to want to deploy it. However, we need 
>>> to get the software into developers' hands before this happens.  So the 
>>> question is:
>>> What can we be doing better?
>>> I'm not talking so much about features in Riak itself. I'm more interested 
>>> in the other resources, tools, docs, processes, etc., that you think we 
>>> need to put in place or refine to take the Riak community from 1000s of 
>>> users to 100,000s of users. By virtue of being on this list, you've all 
>>> spent some time using or investigating Riak. As such, you're opinions and 
>>> experiences would be very valuable.
>>> Any comments, ideas, or thoughts you had would be great. On or off-list 
>>> will work.
>>> Thanks for your time. Long live the vnode!
>>> Mark
>>> ___
>>> riak-users mailing list
>> ___
>> riak-users mailing list
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

Best regards,
Dmitry Demeshchuk

riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak Adoption - What can we do better?

2012-04-19 Thread Bogunov
Some tutorials like "how to write a blog, e-commerce shop, forum, social
network, etc. using riak". People are actually afraid to use it for
something they haven't seen it was used for be cause it seems quite compex
in common.

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 10:00 PM, Dmitry Demeshchuk wrote:

> The problem of any book is Riak rapid evolution.
> Sometimes very cool and important features are added within a minor
> release. That's generally okay, but I wouldn't read even a half-year
> old book, it will contain very outdated information.
> I'd add some cross-referencing between code (or features in general)
> and the docs related to them (especially wiki pages of course).
> Currently, wiki cannot keep up with the code, and probably releasing
> docs updates along with pull requests could help that.
> On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 9:53 PM, Evan Kinney  wrote:
> > Upvote for a book like this.
> >
> > I've spent a good deal of my time when evaluating Riak searching the
> Googles (and perusing the Basho git repo - thanks for that, by the way) for
> information like this. This list is a great resource (and so is the wiki,
> for that matter) but having a set of defined and sanctioned "best
> practices," as it were, in such an easily-avaialble and accessible form
> would be killer. I'm sure Packt (or maybe even O'Reilly!) would love to
> pick up something like this.
> >
> > Heck, I'd even offer to help write it; my love affair for Riak is
> already at a ridiculous level as it is.
> >
> > A good example of this is the MySQL Cluster project. I'm intimately
> familiar with its internals, as I've written many patches for the engine...
> but it's hard to explain to other people (especially management). Alex
> Davies published a book through Packt that explains everything and even
> gives advanced performance tips and scenarios. I keep this on my bookshelf
> in my office and hand it to anyone who comes to me asking about NDB stuff.
> >
> >
> > ---
> > Evan Kinney
> > Systems Architect, Research and Development
> > SAS Institute Inc.
> >
> > P.S.: This is what part of the alphabet would look like
> >  if "Q" and "R" were eliminated.
> >
> >
> > On Apr 19, 2012, at 1:37 PM, Zabrane Mickael wrote:
> >
> >> +1 for a solid book on advanced Riak usage.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Zabrane
> >>
> >>
> >> On Apr 19, 2012, at 7:31 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:
> >>
> >>> At this point Riak has been deployed thousands of times. This is
> excellent, but as you can imagine we here at Basho feel this is just the
> tip of the iceberg. We want everyone to be running Riak. The software
> obviously needs to solve enough problems for people to want to deploy it.
> However, we need to get the software into developers' hands before this
> happens.  So the question is:
> >>>
> >>> What can we be doing better?
> >>>
> >>> I'm not talking so much about features in Riak itself. I'm more
> interested in the other resources, tools, docs, processes, etc., that you
> think we need to put in place or refine to take the Riak community from
> 1000s of users to 100,000s of users. By virtue of being on this list,
> you've all spent some time using or investigating Riak. As such, you're
> opinions and experiences would be very valuable.
> >>>
> >>> Any comments, ideas, or thoughts you had would be great. On or
> off-list will work.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks for your time. Long live the vnode!
> >>>
> >>> Mark
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> ___
> >>> riak-users mailing list
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >> ___
> >> riak-users mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > riak-users mailing list
> >
> >
> --
> Best regards,
> Dmitry Demeshchuk
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

skype: i.bogunov
phone: +7 903 131 8499
Regards, Bogunov Ilya
riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak Adoption - What can we do better?

2012-04-19 Thread Alexander Sicular
Re. code cross reference two bite sized functions I would specifically 
highlight would be: 

chash function. an in depth dissection of it, how you could change it, and/or 
abuse it and what ramifications would that have for key distribution around the 
cluster. IMHO this is like one of the key functions in the entire distributed 

The auto key generator function. how you could replace that with a valid random 
GUID generator. 

@siculars on twitter

Sent from my iRotaryPhone

On Apr 19, 2012, at 14:00, Dmitry Demeshchuk  wrote:

> The problem of any book is Riak rapid evolution.
> Sometimes very cool and important features are added within a minor
> release. That's generally okay, but I wouldn't read even a half-year
> old book, it will contain very outdated information.
> I'd add some cross-referencing between code (or features in general)
> and the docs related to them (especially wiki pages of course).
> Currently, wiki cannot keep up with the code, and probably releasing
> docs updates along with pull requests could help that.
> On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 9:53 PM, Evan Kinney  wrote:
>> Upvote for a book like this.
>> I've spent a good deal of my time when evaluating Riak searching the Googles 
>> (and perusing the Basho git repo - thanks for that, by the way) for 
>> information like this. This list is a great resource (and so is the wiki, 
>> for that matter) but having a set of defined and sanctioned "best 
>> practices," as it were, in such an easily-avaialble and accessible form 
>> would be killer. I'm sure Packt (or maybe even O'Reilly!) would love to pick 
>> up something like this.
>> Heck, I'd even offer to help write it; my love affair for Riak is already at 
>> a ridiculous level as it is.
>> A good example of this is the MySQL Cluster project. I'm intimately familiar 
>> with its internals, as I've written many patches for the engine... but it's 
>> hard to explain to other people (especially management). Alex Davies 
>> published a book through Packt that explains everything and even gives 
>> advanced performance tips and scenarios. I keep this on my bookshelf in my 
>> office and hand it to anyone who comes to me asking about NDB stuff.
>> ---
>> Evan Kinney
>> Systems Architect, Research and Development
>> SAS Institute Inc.
>> P.S.: This is what part of the alphabet would look like
>>  if "Q" and "R" were eliminated.
>> On Apr 19, 2012, at 1:37 PM, Zabrane Mickael wrote:
>>> +1 for a solid book on advanced Riak usage.
>>> Regards,
>>> Zabrane
>>> On Apr 19, 2012, at 7:31 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:
 At this point Riak has been deployed thousands of times. This is 
 excellent, but as you can imagine we here at Basho feel this is just the 
 tip of the iceberg. We want everyone to be running Riak. The software 
 obviously needs to solve enough problems for people to want to deploy it. 
 However, we need to get the software into developers' hands before this 
 happens.  So the question is:
 What can we be doing better?
 I'm not talking so much about features in Riak itself. I'm more interested 
 in the other resources, tools, docs, processes, etc., that you think we 
 need to put in place or refine to take the Riak community from 1000s of 
 users to 100,000s of users. By virtue of being on this list, you've all 
 spent some time using or investigating Riak. As such, you're opinions and 
 experiences would be very valuable.
 Any comments, ideas, or thoughts you had would be great. On or off-list 
 will work.
 Thanks for your time. Long live the vnode!
 riak-users mailing list
>>> ___
>>> riak-users mailing list
>> ___
>> riak-users mailing list
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Dmitry Demeshchuk
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak Adoption - What can we do better?

2012-04-19 Thread Alexander Sicular
More posts/ talks on actual use cases, agreed. The funny thing is that riak is 
actually one of the dead simplest nosql systems out there. There really isn't 
much you need to know to use it or set it up. 

Believe it or not that may be a draw back cause there isn't that much to say 
about it in practice. Although Mathias did find a way to fill a book and I have 
bloviated my way through many a presentation on it. The depth is often revealed 
in a more academic setting. 

@siculars on twitter

Sent from my iRotaryPhone

On Apr 19, 2012, at 14:21, Bogunov  wrote:

> Some tutorials like "how to write a blog, e-commerce shop, forum, social 
> network, etc. using riak". People are actually afraid to use it for something 
> they haven't seen it was used for be cause it seems quite compex in common.
> On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 10:00 PM, Dmitry Demeshchuk  
> wrote:
> The problem of any book is Riak rapid evolution.
> Sometimes very cool and important features are added within a minor
> release. That's generally okay, but I wouldn't read even a half-year
> old book, it will contain very outdated information.
> I'd add some cross-referencing between code (or features in general)
> and the docs related to them (especially wiki pages of course).
> Currently, wiki cannot keep up with the code, and probably releasing
> docs updates along with pull requests could help that.
> On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 9:53 PM, Evan Kinney  wrote:
> > Upvote for a book like this.
> >
> > I've spent a good deal of my time when evaluating Riak searching the 
> > Googles (and perusing the Basho git repo - thanks for that, by the way) for 
> > information like this. This list is a great resource (and so is the wiki, 
> > for that matter) but having a set of defined and sanctioned "best 
> > practices," as it were, in such an easily-avaialble and accessible form 
> > would be killer. I'm sure Packt (or maybe even O'Reilly!) would love to 
> > pick up something like this.
> >
> > Heck, I'd even offer to help write it; my love affair for Riak is already 
> > at a ridiculous level as it is.
> >
> > A good example of this is the MySQL Cluster project. I'm intimately 
> > familiar with its internals, as I've written many patches for the engine... 
> > but it's hard to explain to other people (especially management). Alex 
> > Davies published a book through Packt that explains everything and even 
> > gives advanced performance tips and scenarios. I keep this on my bookshelf 
> > in my office and hand it to anyone who comes to me asking about NDB stuff.
> >
> >
> > ---
> > Evan Kinney
> > Systems Architect, Research and Development
> > SAS Institute Inc.
> >
> > P.S.: This is what part of the alphabet would look like
> >  if "Q" and "R" were eliminated.
> >
> >
> > On Apr 19, 2012, at 1:37 PM, Zabrane Mickael wrote:
> >
> >> +1 for a solid book on advanced Riak usage.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Zabrane
> >>
> >>
> >> On Apr 19, 2012, at 7:31 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:
> >>
> >>> At this point Riak has been deployed thousands of times. This is 
> >>> excellent, but as you can imagine we here at Basho feel this is just the 
> >>> tip of the iceberg. We want everyone to be running Riak. The software 
> >>> obviously needs to solve enough problems for people to want to deploy it. 
> >>> However, we need to get the software into developers' hands before this 
> >>> happens.  So the question is:
> >>>
> >>> What can we be doing better?
> >>>
> >>> I'm not talking so much about features in Riak itself. I'm more 
> >>> interested in the other resources, tools, docs, processes, etc., that you 
> >>> think we need to put in place or refine to take the Riak community from 
> >>> 1000s of users to 100,000s of users. By virtue of being on this list, 
> >>> you've all spent some time using or investigating Riak. As such, you're 
> >>> opinions and experiences would be very valuable.
> >>>
> >>> Any comments, ideas, or thoughts you had would be great. On or off-list 
> >>> will work.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks for your time. Long live the vnode!
> >>>
> >>> Mark
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> ___
> >>> riak-users mailing list
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >> ___
> >> riak-users mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > riak-users mailing list
> >
> >
> --
> Best regards,
> Dmitry Demeshchuk
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> -- 
> email: bogu...@gmai

Re: Riak Adoption - What can we do better?

2012-04-19 Thread Jeremiah Peschka
On this note, I think a lot of people would appreciate data modeling examples 
and scenarios. One of the biggest barriers to adoption for many new data 
storage mechanisms is wrapping your brain around "How would I build XYZ with 
this?" The idea of "blog/store/forum/whatever with Riak" is a good start. Some 
problems naturally lend themselves to key/value data storage and some don't. 
Highlighting these with examples for real world practice would make it a lot 
easier to build up a body of practical operational knowledge.

Jeremiah Peschka - Managing Director, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
Microsoft SQL Server MVP

On Apr 19, 2012, at 11:37 AM, Alexander Sicular wrote:

> More posts/ talks on actual use cases, agreed. The funny thing is that riak 
> is actually one of the dead simplest nosql systems out there. There really 
> isn't much you need to know to use it or set it up. 
> Believe it or not that may be a draw back cause there isn't that much to say 
> about it in practice. Although Mathias did find a way to fill a book and I 
> have bloviated my way through many a presentation on it. The depth is often 
> revealed in a more academic setting. 
> @siculars on twitter
> Sent from my iRotaryPhone
> On Apr 19, 2012, at 14:21, Bogunov  wrote:
>> Some tutorials like "how to write a blog, e-commerce shop, forum, social 
>> network, etc. using riak". People are actually afraid to use it for 
>> something they haven't seen it was used for be cause it seems quite compex 
>> in common.
>> On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 10:00 PM, Dmitry Demeshchuk  
>> wrote:
>> The problem of any book is Riak rapid evolution.
>> Sometimes very cool and important features are added within a minor
>> release. That's generally okay, but I wouldn't read even a half-year
>> old book, it will contain very outdated information.
>> I'd add some cross-referencing between code (or features in general)
>> and the docs related to them (especially wiki pages of course).
>> Currently, wiki cannot keep up with the code, and probably releasing
>> docs updates along with pull requests could help that.
>> On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 9:53 PM, Evan Kinney  wrote:
>> > Upvote for a book like this.
>> >
>> > I've spent a good deal of my time when evaluating Riak searching the 
>> > Googles (and perusing the Basho git repo - thanks for that, by the way) 
>> > for information like this. This list is a great resource (and so is the 
>> > wiki, for that matter) but having a set of defined and sanctioned "best 
>> > practices," as it were, in such an easily-avaialble and accessible form 
>> > would be killer. I'm sure Packt (or maybe even O'Reilly!) would love to 
>> > pick up something like this.
>> >
>> > Heck, I'd even offer to help write it; my love affair for Riak is already 
>> > at a ridiculous level as it is.
>> >
>> > A good example of this is the MySQL Cluster project. I'm intimately 
>> > familiar with its internals, as I've written many patches for the 
>> > engine... but it's hard to explain to other people (especially 
>> > management). Alex Davies published a book through Packt that explains 
>> > everything and even gives advanced performance tips and scenarios. I keep 
>> > this on my bookshelf in my office and hand it to anyone who comes to me 
>> > asking about NDB stuff.
>> >
>> >
>> > ---
>> > Evan Kinney
>> > Systems Architect, Research and Development
>> > SAS Institute Inc.
>> >
>> > P.S.: This is what part of the alphabet would look like
>> >  if "Q" and "R" were eliminated.
>> >
>> >
>> > On Apr 19, 2012, at 1:37 PM, Zabrane Mickael wrote:
>> >
>> >> +1 for a solid book on advanced Riak usage.
>> >>
>> >> Regards,
>> >> Zabrane
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On Apr 19, 2012, at 7:31 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> At this point Riak has been deployed thousands of times. This is 
>> >>> excellent, but as you can imagine we here at Basho feel this is just the 
>> >>> tip of the iceberg. We want everyone to be running Riak. The software 
>> >>> obviously needs to solve enough problems for people to want to deploy 
>> >>> it. However, we need to get the software into developers' hands before 
>> >>> this happens.  So the question is:
>> >>>
>> >>> What can we be doing better?
>> >>>
>> >>> I'm not talking so much about features in Riak itself. I'm more 
>> >>> interested in the other resources, tools, docs, processes, etc., that 
>> >>> you think we need to put in place or refine to take the Riak community 
>> >>> from 1000s of users to 100,000s of users. By virtue of being on this 
>> >>> list, you've all spent some time using or investigating Riak. As such, 
>> >>> you're opinions and experiences would be very valuable.
>> >>>
>> >>> Any comments, ideas, or thoughts you had would be great. On or off-list 
>> >>> will work.
>> >>>
>> >>> Thanks for your time. Long live the vnode!
>> >>>
>> >>> Mark
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> __

Re: Riak Adoption - What can we do better?

2012-04-19 Thread Tilman Holschuh

+1 for data modelling examples and scenarios

- Tilman

On 12-04-19 11:40 AM, Jeremiah Peschka wrote:

On this note, I think a lot of people would appreciate data modeling examples and scenarios. One of 
the biggest barriers to adoption for many new data storage mechanisms is wrapping your brain around 
"How would I build XYZ with this?" The idea of "blog/store/forum/whatever with 
Riak" is a good start. Some problems naturally lend themselves to key/value data storage and 
some don't. Highlighting these with examples for real world practice would make it a lot easier to 
build up a body of practical operational knowledge.

Jeremiah Peschka - Managing Director, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
Microsoft SQL Server MVP

On Apr 19, 2012, at 11:37 AM, Alexander Sicular wrote:

More posts/ talks on actual use cases, agreed. The funny thing is that riak is 
actually one of the dead simplest nosql systems out there. There really isn't 
much you need to know to use it or set it up.

Believe it or not that may be a draw back cause there isn't that much to say 
about it in practice. Although Mathias did find a way to fill a book and I have 
bloviated my way through many a presentation on it. The depth is often revealed 
in a more academic setting.

@siculars on twitter

Sent from my iRotaryPhone

On Apr 19, 2012, at 14:21, Bogunov  wrote:

Some tutorials like "how to write a blog, e-commerce shop, forum, social network, 
etc. using riak". People are actually afraid to use it for something they haven't 
seen it was used for be cause it seems quite compex in common.

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 10:00 PM, Dmitry Demeshchuk  
The problem of any book is Riak rapid evolution.

Sometimes very cool and important features are added within a minor
release. That's generally okay, but I wouldn't read even a half-year
old book, it will contain very outdated information.

I'd add some cross-referencing between code (or features in general)
and the docs related to them (especially wiki pages of course).
Currently, wiki cannot keep up with the code, and probably releasing
docs updates along with pull requests could help that.

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 9:53 PM, Evan Kinney  wrote:

Upvote for a book like this.

I've spent a good deal of my time when evaluating Riak searching the Googles (and 
perusing the Basho git repo - thanks for that, by the way) for information like this. 
This list is a great resource (and so is the wiki, for that matter) but having a set of 
defined and sanctioned "best practices," as it were, in such an 
easily-avaialble and accessible form would be killer. I'm sure Packt (or maybe even 
O'Reilly!) would love to pick up something like this.

Heck, I'd even offer to help write it; my love affair for Riak is already at a 
ridiculous level as it is.

A good example of this is the MySQL Cluster project. I'm intimately familiar 
with its internals, as I've written many patches for the engine... but it's 
hard to explain to other people (especially management). Alex Davies published 
a book through Packt that explains everything and even gives advanced 
performance tips and scenarios. I keep this on my bookshelf in my office and 
hand it to anyone who comes to me asking about NDB stuff.

Evan Kinney
Systems Architect, Research and Development
SAS Institute Inc.

P.S.: This is what part of the alphabet would look like
  if "Q" and "R" were eliminated.

On Apr 19, 2012, at 1:37 PM, Zabrane Mickael wrote:

+1 for a solid book on advanced Riak usage.


On Apr 19, 2012, at 7:31 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

At this point Riak has been deployed thousands of times. This is excellent, but 
as you can imagine we here at Basho feel this is just the tip of the iceberg. 
We want everyone to be running Riak. The software obviously needs to solve 
enough problems for people to want to deploy it. However, we need to get the 
software into developers' hands before this happens.  So the question is:

What can we be doing better?

I'm not talking so much about features in Riak itself. I'm more interested in 
the other resources, tools, docs, processes, etc., that you think we need to 
put in place or refine to take the Riak community from 1000s of users to 
100,000s of users. By virtue of being on this list, you've all spent some time 
using or investigating Riak. As such, you're opinions and experiences would be 
very valuable.

Any comments, ideas, or thoughts you had would be great. On or off-list will 

Thanks for your time. Long live the vnode!


riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list


Re: Riak Adoption - What can we do better?

2012-04-19 Thread Göran Krampe

On 04/19/2012 07:31 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

What can we be doing better?

I'm not talking so much about features in Riak itself. I'm more
interested in the other resources, tools, docs, processes, etc., that

I may have missed it, but my customer is using CouchDB (guilty for 
introducing it) and regarding a move to Riak one question that was 
raised is the lack of a "Riak workbench". CouchDB has something very 
simple, the Futon, but it is also lacking IMHO.

So I think lots of developers feel a bit intimidated by the fact that 
they can't easily "browse and query" the db and do simple manipulations 
etc. A good solid tool for that would probably be of great help for 

And yes, I agree, it is not really important for real production use of 
Riak, but we are talking about *adoption* and then it's fairly important.

regards, Göran

riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak Adoption - What can we do better?

2012-04-19 Thread Brian Knox
An officially supported first class C and C++ api!  I know I've harped on
that one on the mailing list and twitter before - and releasing the alpha
code that was available was a start.. so please know it was appreciated.
However, if C / C++ were, today, a fully supported reliable client library
I'd be testing Riak for serious consideration right now... and I want to be
able to do that.   I like riak. :)

riak-users mailing list

Riak Core EDocs

2012-04-19 Thread Jordan West
We are beginning to use Riak Core and I noticed there are no edocs for the
project (or perhaps I just couldn't find them?). While its only one or two
engineers working on the project this is not a big issue but as we get more
eyes on it having more documentation would be a big win. Edocs would
probably be a pretty quick and easy start. For example, having basic
documentation around methods like `riak_core_vnode:reply/2` and types like
`sender()` & `sender_type()` would be a big help. I suppose we could
generate them ourselves but having something officially kept up to date and
hosted by Basho would be awesome.


riak-users mailing list

debugging riak behavior by looking at the network

2012-04-19 Thread Dietrich Featherston
Hey guys,

I just wrote a new blog post debugging some issues I'm seeing with riak by
looking at the network. Lots of words and pretty pictures here:

What seems to be happening is that cleanup tasks in our app eventually
become the primary workload of the cluster (our app is using the
riak-java-client+pb 1.0.3 btw). Those cleanup tasks look like the following.

1. Look in the 2i $key index for keys that fall within a known range (never
really takes more than 7s or so)
2. Sequentially delete those keys from the app (takes several minutes in
the worst case)

Eventually this becomes the primary workload of the cluster and individual
deletion latencies grow (more detailed measurements on the shape of this
degradation are forthcoming if that is helpful).

We are using riak 1.1 directly from the eleveldb backend. The
eleveldb specific configuration follows, but
fiddling with these settings hasn't noticeably impacted behavior we've
seen. Planning to set delete_mode to immediate and see if that helps.

Here's some other info that might be helpful but feel free to ask for
anything else.

N = 3 (changing to 2) on 9 physical nodes w 32GB memory each

Our leveldb config looks like this:

 %% eLevelDB Config
 {eleveldb, [
 {data_root, "/srv/riak/leveldb"},
 {max_open_files, 400},
 {block_size, 262144},
 {cache_size, 1932735280},
 {sync, false}

Changes we've considered making to avoid the need for cleanup tasks:
- use the bitcask backend and have it handle key expiration for us (can't
because our keys definitely won't fit in memory)
- round-robin keys to avoid cleanup tasks and make the applications smart
enough to translate logical keys (time) into stored keys (0-N) -- this is
time-series data. unsure how leveldb would respond to overwriting keys this
- write a custom backend or riak_core app for storage

Comments appreciated as I dig into this.

riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak Adoption - What can we do better?

2012-04-19 Thread Mark Phillips
Awesome feedback. Much appreciated.

For those of you just joining us, here's the list of suggestions I've
received so far (off and on-list responses). If there's a number next to
the item, it means it was suggested more than once.

Keep it coming. (I'm going to hold off on addressing each of these for the


Riak Adoption Suggestions:

* "Official/advanced" book or more official best practices resources (5)
* More technical blog posts from the basho team
* Meetups in the EU (BashoChats)
* Virtual Riak Hackathon/Coding competition of sorts
* Client Work
* Add PB Interface to PHP Client
* Mature C/C++ Client
* Add MultiDC Repl to OSS Riak
* Short Screencasts (2)
* Installation
* Usage via curl
 * Step by step with app.config
* Search
* Setting up and index
 * Querying
* Analyzers
* Secondary indexes
* Faster docs updates and/or some cross references within code and docs
* Docs (3)
* Use Case Tutorials
* Blog
 * e-commerce shop
* forum
* social network
 * Session storage
* User/Meta Data storage
* Notifications/Messaging
 * Data modeling
* Examples
* Scenarios
* Riak Workbench - something that actually lets you "look at your data" (a
la Futon)

2012/4/19 Brian Knox 

> An officially supported first class C and C++ api!  I know I've harped on
> that one on the mailing list and twitter before - and releasing the alpha
> code that was available was a start.. so please know it was appreciated.
> However, if C / C++ were, today, a fully supported reliable client library
> I'd be testing Riak for serious consideration right now... and I want to be
> able to do that.   I like riak. :)
> Brian
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak Adoption - What can we do better?

2012-04-19 Thread Christiano Anderson
A book about Riak (both paid and freely distributed as PDF are good
idea), more snippets, articles, hands on tutorial, screencast and more

If you want to spread out Riak to other countries, documentation in
other languages is a good idea (Portuguese, spanish, french, japanese,
chinese, and so on)...


Christiano Anderson |

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 2:31 PM, Mark Phillips  wrote:
> At this point Riak has been deployed thousands of times. This is excellent,
> but as you can imagine we here at Basho feel this is just the tip of the
> iceberg. We want everyone to be running Riak. The software obviously needs
> to solve enough problems for people to want to deploy it. However, we need
> to get the software into developers' hands before this happens.  So the
> question is:
> What can we be doing better?
> I'm not talking so much about features in Riak itself. I'm more interested
> in the other resources, tools, docs, processes, etc., that you think we need
> to put in place or refine to take the Riak community from 1000s of users to
> 100,000s of users. By virtue of being on this list, you've all spent some
> time using or investigating Riak. As such, you're opinions and experiences
> would be very valuable.
> Any comments, ideas, or thoughts you had would be great. On or off-list will
> work.
> Thanks for your time. Long live the vnode!
> Mark
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak Adoption - What can we do better?

2012-04-19 Thread Daniil Churikov
I wonder why you all ask a book, when there is no any docs on most wanted
features at all, or they are outdated. E.g. to find how to use 2i queries in
erlang i dive into sources, not docs. I really like riak, but look for
example on mongodb docs, it is solid and useful, you could easily find any
topic you intresting in. Make it better for use and you will get what you

View this message in context:
Sent from the Riak Users mailing list archive at

riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak Adoption - What can we do better?

2012-04-19 Thread Jeremy Raymond
+1 for better online docs (wiki). I also don't read them anymore and
also go to the source to figure out what to do or ask on the list.
Also using the Erlang client.


On Apr 19, 2012, at 11:31 PM, Daniil Churikov  wrote:

> I wonder why you all ask a book, when there is no any docs on most wanted
> features at all, or they are outdated. E.g. to find how to use 2i queries in
> erlang i dive into sources, not docs. I really like riak, but look for
> example on mongodb docs, it is solid and useful, you could easily find any
> topic you intresting in. Make it better for use and you will get what you
> want.
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the Riak Users mailing list archive at
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list