I'd buy the book on advanced usage of Riak. Also, I'd attend Basho
Chats in the EU.


On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 8:31 PM, Mark Phillips <m...@basho.com> wrote:
> At this point Riak has been deployed thousands of times. This is excellent,
> but as you can imagine we here at Basho feel this is just the tip of the
> iceberg. We want everyone to be running Riak. The software obviously needs
> to solve enough problems for people to want to deploy it. However, we need
> to get the software into developers' hands before this happens.  So the
> question is:
> What can we be doing better?
> I'm not talking so much about features in Riak itself. I'm more interested
> in the other resources, tools, docs, processes, etc., that you think we need
> to put in place or refine to take the Riak community from 1000s of users to
> 100,000s of users. By virtue of being on this list, you've all spent some
> time using or investigating Riak. As such, you're opinions and experiences
> would be very valuable.
> Any comments, ideas, or thoughts you had would be great. On or off-list will
> work.
> Thanks for your time. Long live the vnode!
> Mark
> twitter.com/pharkmillups
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