Re: [RBW] Craigslist, etc 2023

2023-11-13 Thread Jim M.
On Monday, November 13, 2023 at 8:02:06 AM UTC-8 wrote:

52cm CLEM "L"

This one has been abused. I have never seen a Rivendell bicycle with so 
many scratches. YIKES !

Take a close look at Grant's Clem and Appaloosa on the staff bike pages.  

jim m
walnut creek

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[RBW] Re: WTB: parts for Proteus project road bike

2023-11-26 Thread Jim M.
If you want racy, I have a very nice set of Mavic tubular wheels on Dura 
Ace hubs that I used to use for Eroica. I believe the rear is about 125, 
but if you're interested, I'll go measure.

jim m
walnut creek

On Thursday, November 23, 2023 at 4:20:37 PM UTC-8 Lesli Larson wrote:

> I just purchased a lovely, steel, 48 cm Proteus road frame  from on eBay. 
>  I'm planning to build it up as a fenderless, sporty road bike for day 
> riding (in lieu of re-retrofitting my original Rivendell custom back into 
> road duty after a conversion into more of a porteur). 
> I have a lovely TA crank for the bike plus brake levers and bars. 
> I'm in search of a 700c/650b wheelset that works for 120-125 spacing, 
> front and rear derailleurs, and long reach or rim brakes.
> If you have nice parts at home in need of a new home, let me know. I'd 
> rather shop from this group than hunt and peck on eBay.
> Best,
> Lesli Larson
> Eugene, Oregon

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Re: [RBW] Re: SF RB-1 looking very nice

2023-12-21 Thread Jim M.
Here's the '93 catalog page showing Superbe Pro 

What I remember is that the RB-1 had good performance at a lower price than 
Colnago, Paramount, Medici, LandShark, Pinarello, Olmo, Basso, Cinelli 
(among others) that I would see at USCF races in California back in the 
late 80s to early 90s.  

As to RB-1 vs Roadini, do as Bill said, buy the one that appeals the most 
and save up for the other.

jim mather
walnut creek, ca

On Thursday, December 21, 2023 at 2:53:23 PM UTC-8 Patrick Moore wrote:

> Now this is an interesting challenge. The RB1 had a good reputation 
> amongst the competition for its performance.
> Is it better than many other mid-level road bikes of its period? If yes, 
> why? (Formal and not agent or material causes; that is, what do you feel 
> when you ride it that makes it better?)
> Now I'd agree with Armand's sentiments if applied to the XO-1 (and 
> cousins) (and I don't disagree with him about the RB-1; I have never ridden 
> a RB-1.) But as to the XO series, I did ride a 1992 XO-1 extensively, and I 
> do think it was a very innovative design but an immature execution compared 
> to later 26" wheel customs Grant designed and to the, say, Sam (owned a 
> first-ed) and, I expect, to other later Rivendell "all 'round" or country 
> bikes.
> On Thu, Dec 21, 2023 at 3:32 PM Armand Kizirian  
> wrote:
>> I'd say the "1" in the RB-1 and "Bridgestone" in the name Bridgestone is 
>> about the most desirable things out of that bike. Do a blind test with it 
>> and any of the exceptionally similar roadbikes from the era and I doubt you 
>> can tell the difference. 
>> I'd take the bike that the designer made with an additional 35+ years of 
>> experience (Grant). 
>> On Thursday, December 21, 2023 at 2:21:09 PM UTC-8 wrote:
>>> That very well could be. I'm sure there's a '93 Bridgestone Catalog 
>>> somewhere out there with the full specs. For some reason I thought that the 
>>> Superbe Pro were spec'd on both red and yellow versions but it could just 
>>> be the red one.
>>> On Thu, Dec 21, 2023 at 2:02 PM Ryan  wrote:
 Iirc I thought it was the yellow rb1 that 
 came with sti while the red had those superbe brakes in 1993

 On Thursday, December 21, 2023 at 3:49:52 PM UTC-6 Brian Cunningham 

> Must've been too good of a deal. In the 90 minutes since your post, 
> Irving, the listing has been removed.
> On Thursday, December 21, 2023 at 12:11:09 PM UTC-8 Irving wrote:
>> If you're looking for something:
>> - 57cm-ish
>> - steel frame
>> - wide tired, rim brake
>> - in San Francisco
>> - something along the lines of a Roadini or RB-1
>> - cheaper than both of the aforementioned frames 
>> You may be interested in this neat Waterford that popped up: 
>> Irving
>> SF, CA
>> On Thursday, December 21, 2023 at 7:01:37 AM UTC-8 
>> wrote:
>>> I owned a Red '93 RB-1 and it died in a car crash that put me in the 
>>> hospital for days and in rehab for months. I loved that bike and should 
>>> have been more aggressive about using it so that when it died it 
>>> wouldn't 
>>> have hurt so much.
>>> Having said that, it's nowhere as versatile a bike as my current 
>>> Roadini. The default gearing on the RB-1 was way too high for most 
>>> cyclists, and there's some toe clip overlap while the Roadini has none. 
>>> The Roadini would probably have withstood Richard Mlyrnarik's pedaling 
>>> for 
>>> longer than a season (he cracked his RB-1 in a year of riding) The 
>>> longer 
>>> chainstays of the Roadini means it descends better, and the Roadini 
>>> won't 
>>> climb any worse. The yellow RB-1 came with STIs and I've killed the 
>>> 8-speed 
>>> STIs once and won't ride them again (indexing doesn't agree with me). 
>>> Despite the Craiglist declaration, I believe the yellow RB-1 came with 
>>> Suntour Superbe Pro brakes rather than Shimano 600 ones. But the 
>>> Shimano 
>>> 600 dual pivots are better, so that's not an issue.
>>> All in all, if I had the opportunity to exchange my Roadini for a 
>>> '93 RB-1, I wouldn't. The RB-1 was a nice bike, but not as nice as what 
>>> I've built up my Roadini to be.
>>> On Wednesday, December 20, 2023 at 11:48:22 AM UTC-8 
>>> wrote:

 The seller said he’d go as low as $1600. There’s gotta be some 
 opinions here. I have debated 90s road bike vs Roadini in previous 
 and I’m still cons

[RBW] Re: Favorite Bay Area S24Os?

2024-01-23 Thread Jim M.
This being the Riv list, I'm surprised no one has mentioned Mt Diablo. 
There are sanctioned campgrounds, but there is a lot of space for 
unsanctioned camping. Just don't light a campfire at the unsanctioned 

jim mather
walnut creek ca

On Tuesday, January 23, 2024 at 7:33:28 AM UTC-8 Pancake wrote:

> Bothe in Calistoga. Good hike and bike campsite always available. Though 
> this will be a better option as the Vine Trail continues to be extende, 
> otherwise you get some time on Silverado Trail which is nice but … yeah, 
> cars.
> On Monday, January 22, 2024 at 3:30:29 PM UTC-8 christian poppell wrote:
>> Hey Jesse,
>> I've visited Samuel P many times via bike. Pre 2020, hiker biker site at 
>> Samuel P was no reservation required. Even when the hiker/biker was "full" 
>> there was always enough room to squeeze in. The best part of sharing the 
>> site with others is hearing their stories. Some were overnighters like me, 
>> others were from Europe and hiking up the California coast. You might want 
>> to check on the policies of the state park as many things have changed 
>> since 2020.
>> Riding to go camping was a revelation for me. I could ride to a 
>> destination, sleep, then ride back which doubled the distance between 
>> points I could ride in a day. It sounds silly writing it out but was 
>> totally mind blowing at the time as all my rides prior were planned around 
>> getting back to where I started. 
>> Here's a write up I did back in 2017 about riding up to Samuel P on a 
>> Quickbeam.
>> Please give us an update after your trip. always enjoy reading others 
>> ride reports :)
>> Christian
>> Phoenix, AZ
>> On Monday, January 22, 2024 at 2:40:02 PM UTC-7 
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks! I was able to a camp reservation in Feb for Angel Isand, i'll 
>>> report back on how it went. 
>>> Donzaemon - I think most "require" a reservation, but some do have first 
>>> some site for bikers/hikers. A few friends also let me know that they have 
>>> never had an issue showing up during the week. Weekends are probably a 
>>> different story.
>>> On Sunday, January 21, 2024 at 1:04:36 PM UTC-8 Donzaemon wrote:
 Does one need a reservation to camp there? Trying to plan a trip there 
 this spring and most of the weekend slots are gone.


 On Sunday, January 21, 2024 at 10:43:26 AM UTC-8 Cyclofiend Jim wrote:

> Angel Island is an oft-overlooked destination. 
> SP Taylor State Park (though in a valley and tends to be a bit damp)
> China Camp State Park
> On Sunday, January 21, 2024 at 10:31:42 AM UTC-8 
> wrote:
>> Hello! I am hoping to do a lot more quick overnight trips this year 
>> and was wondering if people had favorite rides and camp spots in the bay 
>> area? I have a few Marin sites on my list (Pantoll, Hawk).
>> I live in SF, but not opposed to taking bart as part of the trip.

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Re: [RBW] Re: Nitto Basket Rack: is it too heavy?

2022-10-21 Thread Jim M.
Looks good. Easier to wheelie too. 

jim m
walnut creek

On Friday, October 21, 2022 at 7:20:28 PM UTC-7 Jason Fuller wrote:

> YY
> On Fri., Oct. 21, 2022, 7:16 p.m. Leah Peterson,  
> wrote:
>> Jason: like this? Y/N.
>> 🙃Leah
>> [image: image2.jpeg]
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 21, 2022, at 6:40 PM, Chris Halasz  wrote:
>> I'll chime in here that in the past few months the front rack was 
>> removed from my Sam and front basket relocated to the rear rack. 
>> The change in the handling of the bike with the 10+lb 'dynamic' load was 
>> welcome, while the passenger is willingly accepting the somewhat obstructed 
>> view. I keep telling her there's less chance of a bug zinging her in the 
>> face now! 
>> [image: Sam_Front_Rack.jpeg]
>> [image: Sam_Rear_Rack.jpeg]
>> A Riv Shiny Rack is on its way to provide a little more margin to the 
>> load. Done with heavy front loads for now. 
>> Cheers, 
>> Chris 
>> On Friday, October 21, 2022 at 7:29:08 AM UTC-7 Roberta wrote:
>>> It looks GREAT. I’m not surprised that you’re going with the more is 
>>> more triangle idea—it will be fab!
>>> Similar to my commuter setup and I love it so I think you will too. It’s 
>>> freeing to get excess weight off the front.
>>>  How do you like it?
>>> On Friday, October 14, 2022 at 8:30:28 PM UTC-4 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
>>> wrote:
>>>> I picked up my bike today. I had the work done yesterday but when I got 
>>>> home I realized the rear dyno light wasn’t illuminating. Back I went, and 
>>>> since the shop was working on the light, I begged them to fix the wiring 
>>>> job they had done. The wires were bunched up and zip tied with black zip 
>>>> ties right behind my head tube. Really unsightly. I brought my raspberry 
>>>> Platypus along to illustrate a beautiful wiring job. I told them I’d pay 
>>>> them all over again for labor (to their credit, they tried not to accept, 
>>>> but I think it was fair to pay again because they were redoing the wiring 
>>>> for cosmetic reasons) if we could just mirror the red bike’s wiring. They 
>>>> studied the racing Platypus and snapped some photos. Then, they got to 
>>>> work. 
>>>> There was some problem with the connection for the rear light, so they 
>>>> replaced it. And there was an extra connection behind the headlight, so 
>>>> they eliminated it. They zip-tied the wires to the cables that run 
>>>> alongside the down tube. They secured the extra wire near the kickstand 
>>>> plate instead of by the pretty lugs at the head tube. Nice and hidden. 
>>>> This 
>>>> is not the bike I’m precious about, but I still like it to look pretty. 
>>>> The 
>>>> shop did a really nice job; I bet they will do their zip ties to the 
>>>> cables 
>>>> from now on. There really isn’t any drawback that I can see and it is so 
>>>> aesthetically pleasing. If I ever get access to mint-colored zip ties I’ll 
>>>> replace the black ones.
>>>> [image: image0.jpeg]
>>>> [image: image9.jpeg]
>>>> [image: image1.jpeg]
>>>> Here it is, bare naked:
>>>> [image: image8.jpeg]
>>>> I put the basket on the rack and hung the bags. It feels very different 
>>>> without the weight on the front end, but I think I love it. I have had 
>>>> zero 
>>>> time to ride tonight, but should weather cooperate, I’ll test it out this 
>>>> weekend. I really, REALLY love that I no longer deal with wheel flop. 
>>>> [image: image4.jpeg]
>>>> The reflector on the side of the Ron’s bag needs a new home. To be 
>>>> determined.
>>>> [image: image5.jpeg]
>>>> [image: image6.jpeg]
>>>> Thanks for all your help and posts on this thread! It is fun to 
>>>> reconfigure a bike in ways that might better serve.
>>>> Leah 
>>>> On Oct 14, 2022, at 5:22 PM, Leah Peterson  wrote:
>>>> Joe, isn’t it the truth? I got it all put right now, I think! More on 
>>>> that later. I’m headed out to dinner…

Re: [RBW] Bombadil and Hunqapillar origins: The definitive thread

2022-12-12 Thread Jim M.
Our peerless site admin has a whole Bombadil page 
here:, which goes back to RR 
39 and the prot-velo Bombas.

jim m
walnut creek, ca

On Monday, December 12, 2022 at 1:06:23 PM UTC-8 Marty Gierke, Stewartstown 
PA wrote:

> I may have shared this years ago, but when the idea of a diagatube Hunq 
> was floated out there, I took the liberty of photoshopping the concept 
> based on the double top tube model. That led to a conversation with Grant 
> and a whole bunch of quick iterations for different paint and graphic 
> details. Here is the complete series. You may notice I eventually used the 
> tire graphics to keep track of which was which - I think it ended at #22. I 
> am a rank amateur when it comes to photoshop, but it was close enough at 
> the time. Crazy to look back now and imagine how different it could have 
> been. Have fun browsing the pics! See if you can spot the nifty details 
> like an extra seat tube badge on a couple of them. (I still like that 
> idea.) 
> Hunqapillar Concepts 
> <>
> Marty
> On Monday, December 12, 2022 at 3:50:17 PM UTC-5 
> wrote:
>> I have that poster signed by Grant and framed.
>> Fair winds,
>> Captain Conway Bennett
>> 239.877.4119 <(239)%20877-4119>
>> On Mon, Dec 12, 2022, 2:23 PM Eric Marth  wrote:
>>> I'm enjoying the discussion, pics and details! 
>>> Does anyone have a higher-res version of this absurd Hunq poster? 
>>> [image: 440ebc01ea30bd8ba7f7e5328708bea2--urban-life-bicycle-art.jpg]
>>> On Monday, December 12, 2022 at 3:11:30 PM UTC-5 Coal Bee Rye Anne wrote:
>>>> This is certainly an interesting and complex question and I am in no 
>>>> position to provide any answers or guidance but think it's further 
>>>> complicated by overall cost changes over time and how it's been mentioned 
>>>> before how some of the Tolkien models like Bombadil & Legolas essentially 
>>>> became off menu, non-custom customs - wasn't it something like a stock geo 
>>>> Nobilette built but non-Joe Bell paint frame so significantly less than a 
>>>> full custom and more of a made-to-order with the custom builder... in 
>>>> other 
>>>> words, were they ever actually being made in the same exact place, even 
>>>> when both were MUSA?  
>>>> Years ago before acquiring my 65cm Clem H I actually posed a similar 
>>>> question to Will regarding the Waterford made A.Homer Hilsen vs. Waterford 
>>>> made 64cm Sam Hillborne, which was the only MUSA made Hillborne size at 
>>>> the 
>>>> time, and had me wondering what, if anything, would ultimately make the 
>>>> two 
>>>> differ in overall cost/value/performance when considering a made to order 
>>>> canti-equipped countrybike with both options going through Waterford.  I 
>>>> was just over the recommended pbh range for the production 62cm Hillborne 
>>>> and understood going to Waterford for a 64cm Sam would essentially 
>>>> eliminate the value gained from the Taiwan production Sam's so I really 
>>>> was 
>>>> just looking to verify whether the ultimate difference may more or less 
>>>> boil down to a visual one with the sloping Hillborne vs. the more 
>>>> horizontal Homer, if overall costs and tubing at that size would 
>>>> effectively balance out.  The whole discussion ended up being moot since 
>>>> this was in fact right at the time the 64cm Sam was already pulled and 
>>>> they 
>>>> just hadn't gotten around the updating the site yet to reflect the changes 
>>>> and Riv's recommendation became a 67cm AHH by default.  Of course, the 
>>>> 65cm 
>>>> Clem H was also about to be released and ultimately meet my value based 
>>>> mega size Rivendell biking needs.
>>>> Brian Cole
>>>> Lawrence NJ
>>>> On Monday, December 12, 2022 at 2:29:05 PM UTC-5 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I've often wondered what made the Hunq the "less expensive Bombadil" 
>>>>> given the tubing being as Grant calls "the most expensive tubes around".  
>>>>> I'm assuming it was based on it being MIT and the Bomba being a MUSA 

[RBW] Grant interview on Path Less Pedaled

2023-07-11 Thread Jim M.
I found this worth an hour:

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Re: [RBW] Grant interview on Path Less Pedaled

2023-07-11 Thread Jim M.
On Tuesday, July 11, 2023 at 8:25:46 AM UTC-7 Patrick Moore wrote:

Jim: The link led me to an advertorial on a spice subscription service and 
I don't see (at first glance) on the site a feature interview with Grant.

Youtube snuck one by me, I guess. Thanks to Ted for correcting the link.

jim m
walnut creek 

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Re: [RBW] Grant interview on Path Less Pedaled

2023-07-11 Thread Jim M.
Apparently I can't edit the original post, so I deleted it. As Ted posted, 
here is the correct link to an interview of Grant by Path Less Pedaled, in 
which they discuss the disappearance of mechanical shifters, etc.:

jim m
walnut creek

On Tuesday, July 11, 2023 at 8:28:00 AM UTC-7 wrote:

> I had started watching this last night. Great interview but not something 
> to be watched while laying in bed unless one wishes to fall asleep ;)
> Correct Link ->
> On Tue, Jul 11, 2023 at 11:25 AM Patrick Moore  wrote:
>> Jim: The link led me to an advertorial on a spice subscription service 
>> and I don't see (at first glance) on the site a feature interview with 
>> Grant.
>> On Tue, Jul 11, 2023 at 9:18 AM Jim M.  wrote:
>>> I found this worth an hour: 
>>> -- 
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>>> <>
>>> .
>> -- 
>> ---
>> Patrick Moore
>> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum
>> -- 
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>> .
> -- 
> Ted Wood < >

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[RBW] Re: Triple to double conversion

2023-07-14 Thread Jim M.
I used the Ritchey as a double with a 44/32, and a 32 low in the rear. 
Worked great. I don't remember the bb but it was probably 110. I have no 
experience with the Suntour, but I found 94 bcd to be more flexible for my 
needs than 110.

jim m
walnut creek
[image: 6773347072_3155c76616_w.jpg]

On Friday, July 14, 2023 at 2:01:22 PM UTC-7 maxcr wrote:

> I have a couple of fun cranksets and I'm contemplating a few ideas for 
> which I'd love your input.
> Crankset 1. Ritchey Logic Compact crankset with 42/32/22 chainrings 94/58 
> bcd.
> Crankset 2. Suntour XC Pro crankset with 46/36/24 chainrings power 
> ring 110/74 bcd (I actually bought a few things with this, mtn thumb 
> shifters (7 spd), rear derailleur, rear hub, freewheel - all XC Pro)
> I'm perfectly content with the Sugino triple 46/36/24 on my Bombadil and I 
> actually have nothing against triples, but I'm contemplating converting one 
> of the cranksets above to a double just because who doesn't need a project 
> to tinker with your Riv?
> The bike is a do-it-all All Rounder, so I want to have wide gearing range, 
> something like a 42/32 double with a 12-36 cassette would accomplish that 
> for me. A 46/36 might not quite cut it, but I could go low low 36-24 too.
> Anyway back to converting a triple into a double. As I understand it, 
> there are a few ways to do that:
> 1) Remove the big chainring (potentially swap it for a chainguard) and 
> call it a day (or change some chainrings)
> 2) Remove the little chainring and call it a day (or change some 
> chainrings after)
> But... not so fast. If I go with option 1 without the chain guard do I 
> need new / shorter chainring bolts? If so, which ones do I get? Are these 
> universal?
> Are the pros/cons of either option? Will I run into Q-factor issues, 
> chainline and chainstay / derailer problems? I had read this on an old 
> post: "my Bomba and I suppose a Hunqa frame you are limited to a 36t middle 
> unless you get a wider BB."
> So, what about the bottom bracket? Do I need to go narrower to get the 
> right chainline? Or wider to fit the 32?
> I tracked down a few conversations from way back, here and in other 
> forums. It seems like the original suggested bottom bracket for these 
> cranks are:
> 1) Ritchey Logic Double - 110-113mm (this is probably close to what's in 
> there now)
> 2) Suntour XC Pro - Suntour Greaseguard 122.5mm (I managed to get my hands 
> on one of these)
> For the Ritchey as a double (when removing the inner ring) I heard people 
> suggesting a Phil 98mm BB which I cannot find. Another alternative is using 
> a 103mm with some hacks <>
> For the Suntour, I have no idea what is required in terms of BB. Maybe you 
> just have to try a few.
> What does the collective knowledge here recommend? Ritchey or Suntour? 
> Remove the outer or the inner?
> Thanks
> Max

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[RBW] Re: Triple to double conversion

2023-07-14 Thread Jim M.
And if you went with removing the inner ring, you'd need single speed chain 
ring bolts for the middle ring. Not difficult to find.

On Friday, July 14, 2023 at 3:37:39 PM UTC-7 Jim M. wrote:

> I used the Ritchey as a double with a 44/32, and a 32 low in the rear. 
> Worked great. I don't remember the bb but it was probably 110. I have no 
> experience with the Suntour, but I found 94 bcd to be more flexible for my 
> needs than 110.
> jim m
> walnut creek
> [image: 6773347072_3155c76616_w.jpg]
> On Friday, July 14, 2023 at 2:01:22 PM UTC-7 maxcr wrote:
>> I have a couple of fun cranksets and I'm contemplating a few ideas for 
>> which I'd love your input.
>> Crankset 1. Ritchey Logic Compact crankset with 42/32/22 chainrings 94/58 
>> bcd.
>> Crankset 2. Suntour XC Pro crankset with 46/36/24 chainrings power 
>> ring 110/74 bcd (I actually bought a few things with this, mtn thumb 
>> shifters (7 spd), rear derailleur, rear hub, freewheel - all XC Pro)
>> I'm perfectly content with the Sugino triple 46/36/24 on my Bombadil and 
>> I actually have nothing against triples, but I'm contemplating converting 
>> one of the cranksets above to a double just because who doesn't need a 
>> project to tinker with your Riv?
>> The bike is a do-it-all All Rounder, so I want to have wide gearing 
>> range, something like a 42/32 double with a 12-36 cassette would accomplish 
>> that for me. A 46/36 might not quite cut it, but I could go low low 36-24 
>> too.
>> Anyway back to converting a triple into a double. As I understand it, 
>> there are a few ways to do that:
>> 1) Remove the big chainring (potentially swap it for a chainguard) and 
>> call it a day (or change some chainrings)
>> 2) Remove the little chainring and call it a day (or change some 
>> chainrings after)
>> But... not so fast. If I go with option 1 without the chain guard do I 
>> need new / shorter chainring bolts? If so, which ones do I get? Are these 
>> universal?
>> Are the pros/cons of either option? Will I run into Q-factor issues, 
>> chainline and chainstay / derailer problems? I had read this on an old 
>> post: "my Bomba and I suppose a Hunqa frame you are limited to a 36t middle 
>> unless you get a wider BB."
>> So, what about the bottom bracket? Do I need to go narrower to get the 
>> right chainline? Or wider to fit the 32?
>> I tracked down a few conversations from way back, here and in other 
>> forums. It seems like the original suggested bottom bracket for these 
>> cranks are:
>> 1) Ritchey Logic Double - 110-113mm (this is probably close to what's in 
>> there now)
>> 2) Suntour XC Pro - Suntour Greaseguard 122.5mm (I managed to get my 
>> hands on one of these)
>> For the Ritchey as a double (when removing the inner ring) I heard people 
>> suggesting a Phil 98mm BB which I cannot find. Another alternative is using 
>> a 103mm with some hacks <>
>> For the Suntour, I have no idea what is required in terms of BB. Maybe 
>> you just have to try a few.
>> What does the collective knowledge here recommend? Ritchey or Suntour? 
>> Remove the outer or the inner?
>> Thanks
>> Max

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Re: [RBW] Re: Roaduno

2023-07-16 Thread Jim M.
On Sunday, July 16, 2023 at 9:48:42 AM UTC-7 Eric Daume wrote:

- adjusting the wheel position doesn't affect the rim brake position nearly 
as much (nice for manual gear changes).

- QR can hold the axle *better* because of the angle of the dropout--the 
chain isn't just pulling the wheel straight in the dropout, some component 
of the force is going into the angled wall of the dropout.

 Well, Riv's ss designs have angled track ends so you can move the wheel 
without changing brake position. Riv track ends are also longer than 
typical forward facing dropouts so you get more room for adjustment. 

jim m
walnut creek

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Re: [RBW] Re: Wanted post worries

2023-07-16 Thread Jim M.
On Sunday, July 16, 2023 at 12:41:33 PM UTC-7 wrote:

How is it that you're getting to a list of members? What does it look like?

Try here:

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[RBW] Re: The Official Introduction of RoadeoRosa

2024-02-19 Thread Jim M.
Great build! That'll be eye-catching on PBP!

jim mather
walnut creek

On Monday, February 19, 2024 at 8:27:37 PM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> Here she is.  RoadeoRosa is complete
> Frame set: Nobilette built Rivendell Roadeo.  Cantilever posts.  Legolas 
> fork crown.  Cane Creek 40 headset
> Wheelset:  HED Ardennes RA Black.  Stampede Pass Extralight tires.  TPU 
> tubes.  12-27 Dura Ace 10sp cassette.  Tune skewers
> Drivetrain:  Rene Herse Crankset 46/30.  White Industries Ti 108mm bottom 
> bracket.  Look Keo Carbon Ceramic Pedals.  Dura Ace 7900 F Der, R Der, Down 
> tube shifters.  KMC chain
> Components:  Rene Herse cantilevers. Jagwire Elite cables and housing. 
>  Soba Noodle bars.  Nobilette stem.  Campagnolo Athena EPS brake levers 
> (electronics removed).  Dura Ace 7900 seat post.  Fizik Arione 00 saddle
> Accessories:  Rene Herse Fenders.  Arundel carbon H2O cages.  Rene Herse 
> pump.  Spurcycle Bell.  Rene Herse UD-2 front rack
> total weight 20.2lbs.  9.16kg
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA

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[RBW] Re: New bike decision (help!)

2024-02-24 Thread Jim M.
Get the Platy if it's your favorite. Any Riv can be ridden anywhere. The 
limiting factor to me is tire size -- is 50mm enough for what you want? If 
not, wait for Susie.

happy trails!
jim mather
walnut creek

On Saturday, February 24, 2024 at 8:51:21 AM UTC-8 Gregger wrote:

> Long time listener, first time caller.  
> It's a bit hard to tell if you lovely folks on this forum enjoy or loathe 
> these "help me pick a bike" posts - there are a lot of them - but I really 
> would greatly appreciate your input on my situation.  I bought a Leo 
> Roadini a while back (my first Riv) and love it for pavement and gravel 
> roads.  I now want to look into a trail bike for everything from dirt paths 
> to midwestern single track (grounded and cautious - I'm 62 years).
> So, I'm torn between a Platypus (love the aesthetics) and a Clem L (the 
> ride experience is evidently sublime?). Or should I wait for the new 
> stouter Susie to arrive (did I mention I weigh 205 lbs?).  I only ride for 
> exercise a couple of hours a day, so no lugging weight on racks or bags . . 
> .  would I overwhelm the Platypus frame in the woods?  Would the Clem have 
> the ground clearance for roots and rocks?  
> Obviously the Susie would be the safe and conservative choice, but I'm not 
> a very patient person (this May? Any guarantees?), and I really do love the 
> purple Platypus available currently.  The Clem L would offer a slightly 
> larger tire clearance, and the low(ish) bottom bracket height would likely 
> be sufficient 94.3 % of the time; and tig welds are just fine with me 
> (sorry for the hurt feelings).
> Or, a forth option - to be truly difficult, should I keep riding my Surly 
> Krampus in the woods and continue to risk wiping out and injuring myself - 
> it just demands to be ridden with abandon, and I scare myself.  That's my 
> problem I guess, not the bike's.
> Thank you so much in advance.  I know I've probably left out relevant 
> information, but I've tried to keep this somewhat short.  Fail.

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[RBW] Re: Trip Report: Death Valley February 2024

2024-03-04 Thread Jim M.
Great report and photos! Thanks for sharing.

jim m
walnut creek

On Sunday, March 3, 2024 at 8:33:37 PM UTC-8 Diana H wrote:

> Is there a way to post photo's? I tried to post just a single photo and 
> kept getting error's that the message was too long. So here is a link to 
> some photo's.
> On Sunday, March 3, 2024 at 8:19:20 PM UTC-8 Diana H wrote:
>> Map: 
>> Total miles: ~165 miles 
>> Total Elevation Gain: ~14,400 ft 
>> *Intro: *
>> The inspiration for this route came from the Echo-Titus 
>> Canyon <>, but Titus 
>> Canyon is currently closed to all traffic (including bicycles), so we were 
>> looking for a way to extend our tip another day. We added Rhyolite Canyon 
>> <> from the Dirty 
>> Freehub.
>> *Bicycles*
>> Diana’s Bike - 2022 Platypus (50 cm, 38x24 crank, 650Bx43mm GravelKing SK 
>> Knobby tires, Nitto Choco handlebar, and a 9-speed cassette)
>> Ran’s Bike – 2023 Kona Sutra (stock parts except the tubeless 2.1 inch 
>> tires)
>> Mikes Bike – 2022 Salsa Cutthroat (stock parts, 2.2 inch tubeless tires)
>> *Day 1. Rhyolite Rumble*
>> Total Miles: 46
>> Average Speed 8.6mph
>> We drove from Reno to Spicer Ranch. Spicer Ranch is an amazing campground 
>> and the owner runs it entirely on donations. Clean bathrooms, hot showers, 
>> picnic tables, what else could you ask for? Please donate if you stay here. 
>> Our plan today was to ride load-less and ease our way into the trip. We 
>> arrived at Spicer Ranch a little after 10am and were biking by 10:45am. The 
>> first few miles went by quickly and we passed by several old mines. There 
>> is endless gravel to ride out here and you could easily spend the day 
>> exploring mine to mine. The road is pretty tough in places, but this is how 
>> it will be the entire trip.
>> The excitement of beginning our adventure (and being unloaded) had us 
>> riding fast. We had great views riding toward Grapevine Mountains on 
>> amazingly packed gravel. I would get a flat somewhere along here but 
>> patched it up and moved on. 
>> The views would continue but the road would deteriorate into more sand 
>> than gravel and had us pushing on a few occasions. Ran took a spill during 
>> a moment of lapsed attention when his tire hit the side of a wash. Luckily 
>> it was a slow fall and Ran would ride away with minor scratches. Later on 
>> in the day we hit some washboards and I was going too fast and I got a 
>> pinch flat. Patched that too, but the pinch flat happened right next to the 
>> valve and the patch didn’t hold. Replaced the whole tube just before 
>> Rhyolite. This whole time we saw nobody else on the trails.
>> Rhyolite Ghost town is very interesting and they have a lot of eccentric 
>> statues/sculptures. Worth a visit here if you find yourself in the area. 
>> There were a lot of tourists here and it was little jarring after spending 
>> the whole day by ourselves. 
>> The night caught us and to try to get back to camp quicker, we abstained 
>> from the gravel and rode back on highway 95. This was very unpleasant as 
>> it’s a 2-lane highway with 70 mph speed limits. Most everybody passed us 
>> with as much room as they could spare, and we could always hop onto the 
>> gravel sides if we needed. Once back at Spicer Ranch, we set up camp, ate 
>> our dinners, and all fell into peaceful sleep.
>> *Day 2: Spicer Ranch à Chloride City à Furnace Creek à Echo Canyon*
>> Total Mileage: 66 Miles
>> Max Speed: 34.5mph
>> Average: 8.7mph
>> This was a physically hard day!  We wanted more gravel riding today, so 
>> we decided to take Chloride City Road to meet up with Death Valley Road. 
>> The road to Chloride City is all uphill, riding on somewhat loose gravel, 
>> and many parts so sandy some pushing was needed again. The scenery did not 
>> disappoint though! Mike found a license plate from 1932! We harbored 
>> thoughts of going to see Chloride City Ghost Town, but upon seeing that 
>> Chloride City was another 2000 feet of elevation gain and having just 
>> climbed a very difficult 1500 feet, we opted t

Re: [RBW] Re: FS 61 cm Roadeo f/f/hs

2024-03-09 Thread Jim M.
I'm surprised this hasn't sold, given all the excitement about Bill's 
Roadeo Rosa. Mike's is half the price of a new one and no 2-year wait. 

jim mather
walnut creek

On Saturday, March 2, 2024 at 5:07:27 PM UTC-8 wrote:

> All of them if you can. Thanks!
> On Sat, Mar 2, 2024 at 5:06 PM Mike Godwin  wrote:
>> Hi Josh
>> Let me know which photos, or all of them and will happily send them along.
>> Mike SLO CA
>> -- 
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[RBW] Re: How similar are the Bridgestone Atlantis (1), XO-1, All Rounder, Toyo Atlantis?

2024-03-12 Thread Jim M.
Great looking bike! 

Bridgestone Atlantis was pre-Grant, designed by a Bridgestone employee in 
Japan who took inspiration from French constructeurs, so a different kind 
of bike than the others you mentioned. There's a Riv Reader article about 
it that I cannot find at the moment but will post later.

Why no more? No one has raced one since John Stamstad, no demand, steel and 
559 wheels are dead? All of the above? 

jim mather
walnut creek

On Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 2:22:57 PM UTC-7 NYCbikeguy wrote:

> I'd like to defer this question to all of you knowledgeable riv owners out 
> there-
> I want to know how these frames evolved, what's different/the same, and 
> are there any modern equivalents in terms of frame geometry? and finally... 
> what's stopping frame builders from building this sort of cross between 
> road/MTB on 26 inch wheels?
> pic for enjoyment. (insta @autodidactic_bikemechanic)
> [image: IMG_5314.jpg]
> Best,
> IY

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[RBW] Re: How similar are the Bridgestone Atlantis (1), XO-1, All Rounder, Toyo Atlantis?

2024-03-12 Thread Jim M.
Ah, here it is on Cyclofiend's website:

On Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 3:47:12 PM UTC-7 Jim M. wrote:

> Great looking bike! 
> Bridgestone Atlantis was pre-Grant, designed by a Bridgestone employee in 
> Japan who took inspiration from French constructeurs, so a different kind 
> of bike than the others you mentioned. There's a Riv Reader article about 
> it that I cannot find at the moment but will post later.
> Why no more? No one has raced one since John Stamstad, no demand, steel 
> and 559 wheels are dead? All of the above? 
> jim mather
> walnut creek
> On Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 2:22:57 PM UTC-7 NYCbikeguy wrote:
>> I'd like to defer this question to all of you knowledgeable riv owners 
>> out there-
>> I want to know how these frames evolved, what's different/the same, and 
>> are there any modern equivalents in terms of frame geometry? and finally... 
>> what's stopping frame builders from building this sort of cross between 
>> road/MTB on 26 inch wheels?
>> pic for enjoyment. (insta @autodidactic_bikemechanic)
>> [image: IMG_5314.jpg]
>> Best,
>> IY

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[RBW] Re: Ride Report: The Queen's Ransom (Sort of)

2024-03-16 Thread Jim M.
Great report and photos! Deserts are beautiful this time of year.

jim m
walnut creek

On Friday, March 15, 2024 at 8:34:47 PM UTC-7 John Rinker wrote:

> Matthias, Water is definitely a concern as you move through that wonderful 
> landscape. For the first couple of days we were near parks and human 
> dwellings so we could fill up pretty regularly. My modus operendi is 
> usually to drink a bottle of water whenever I find a place to refill. We 
> asked a couple of very kind people as we rode by their yards (Always a 
> great excuse for a fun conversation!) Once we left Superior and headed into 
> the open desert things got a little more tricky. Luckily, as mentioned, 
> there had been rain so Telegraph creek and Arnette creek were flowing. As 
> we headed a little further south water became more scarce. Our turn-around 
> point was a few miles before the rain catcher on the AZT, but we made it 
> back to Picketpost trailhead where we were able to refill due to the 
> kindness of strangers. From here back to Mesa you are once again frequently 
> near inhabited places where water is plentiful.
> Kim, Thanks for your kind words. Hopefully the report inspires similar 
> adventures.
> Steve, Yes, the Southwest is exotic for sure, but I've been eyeing up a 
> ride in your neck of the woods; out in the Ashville area. Looks pretty 
> beautiful! 
> Brian, I completely agree. Parts of the ride are strenuous, but worth 
> every calorie spent push the bike up those remote trails. When you've been 
> to Tuscon, have you ridden in the Sky Islands? Super amazing riding!
> Cheers, John
> On Friday, March 15, 2024 at 7:31:05 AM UTC-7 wrote:
>> Thanks for the photos and report John! I have some friends that moved to 
>> Tucson in 2020 and have been lucky enough to get down to visit them each 
>> year since. The riding in the Sonora is wonderful! We sliced off a portion 
>> of the Gila River Ramble a few years ago but bailed early as we had some 
>> folks that turned out to be in way over their heads. Can confirm the riding 
>> is extremely strenuous, but the scenery is worth every hike a bike! I've 
>> been itching to get back and complete it since.
>> Brian
>> On Friday, March 15, 2024 at 8:04:52 AM UTC-5 wrote:
>>> John, excellent!  Nice photos too. Thanks for sharing your experience 
>>> with us. As a South-easterner (North Carolina) I find the Southwest 
>>> exotically beautiful - and in particular, the Sonoran desert. 
>>> Steve
>>> On Friday, March 15, 2024 at 7:15:30 AM UTC-4 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Great ride report, thanks! 
>>>> Can you please expound a bit on what  you did for water? 
>>>> That cannot have been trivial, looking at those pictures.
>>>> cheers -mathias
>>>> On Friday, March 15, 2024 at 12:26:32 AM UTC-4 John Rinker wrote:
>>>>> Yes,  Diana, it's a very special desert indeed! 
>>>>> To attach photos I used the 'Insert Photo Attachment' tool at the 
>>>>> bottom. If your photos are too large of a file size, you will continue to 
>>>>> get the message you have been getting. Here are the export settings 
>>>>> (Apple 
>>>>> Photos) I use for my photos which come out to about 500-600 KB each. Hope 
>>>>> this helps.
>>>>> [image: Screen Shot 2024-03-14 at 9.21.05 PM.png]
>>>>> Cheers, John
>>>>> On Thursday, March 14, 2024 at 5:47:24 PM UTC-7 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I love the Sonoran desert! Can't wait to move back. Thanks for the 
>>>>>> great pictures. How did you attach them to your message? When I tried I 
>>>>>> got 
>>>>>> nonstop errors saying my message was too large.
>>>>>> On Thursday, March 14, 2024 at 4:43:17 PM UTC-7 John Rinker wrote:
>>>>>>> [image: IMG_0444.jpeg]
>>>>>>> In mid-February my friend and I put our skis away for a couple of 
>>>>>>> weeks and headed to the Sonoran desert for a roll through that 
>>>>>>> beautiful 
>>>>>>> landscape. Weeks of rain preceding our trip left a carpet of green 
>>>>>>> through 

Re: [RBW] It's New Bike What?

2024-03-24 Thread Jim M.
Wow, great looking bike and wonderful build! Makes me want a custom too.

jim m
walnut creek ca

On Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 10:46:15 AM UTC-7 Corwin Zechar wrote:

> Hi Patrick -
> Thanks for the info. I grabbed those pedals.
> I don't think you are a snob. My wife calls me a snob - but I tell her I 
> just know what I like, and don't feel bad about going after it. I define a 
> snob as someone with strong preferences who looks down on others that do 
> not share their preferences.
> Regards,
> Corwin
> On Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 11:53:45 AM UTC-7 Patrick Moore wrote:
>> Thanks, Corwin. I'm a pedal snob and love lightweight SPD-type pedals, 
>> and there's a (earlier version?) pair of Micros on eBay for $25, but I just 
>> read reviews of the Micros and apparently their cleats and SPD cleats 
>> aren't compatible; too bad, since I have SPDs on all my bikes now. 
>> Bike Radar weighed the Micro version they reviewed at 208 grams, lighter 
>> even than the old Xpedo titanium spindle pedals with 180 lb weight limit in 
>> my pedal stash, and a good 5 oz lighter than my go-to Dura Ace spds.
>> On Sat, Mar 23, 2024 at 12:30 PM Corwin Zechar  wrote:
>>> Hi Patrick -
>>> Love the Richey Micros. They are one-sided and weighted to be in the 
>>> optimal position when you want to clip in.
>>> I've had lots of Schwalbe tires. I get flats on almost every ride with 
>>> G-Ones. But the Hurricanes have never flatted. I have them on three bikes 
>>> now: Hubbuhubbuh, Custom and Quickbeam. I really like the cushy ride of 
>>> supple tires. But a tire that flats nearly every time I ride is of no use 
>>> to me. Reliability is very important to me.
>>> Regards,
>>> CZ
>>> On Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 11:03:40 AM UTC-7 Patrick Moore wrote:
>>>> Lovely and intriguing! Certainly an eclectic build -- that's a 
>>>> positive. How do you like the Hurricanes and the Ritchey Micros?
>>>> On Sat, Mar 23, 2024 at 10:42 AM John Bokman  wrote:
>>>>> That ride looks like so much fun! Love the color pop of the Red brakes 
>>>>> on Purple frameset. Reminds me of days on my 1994 Maroon mustached XO-3. 
>>>>> Also my 1990 MB2 (because it was also purple). Thanks for posting Corwin.
>>>>> John
>>>>> On Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 3:30:25 AM UTC-7 Eric Daume wrote:
>>>>>> Looks great, and I love the color, and the fat tires with 
>>>>>> the Albastache combo.
>>>>>> I think you win the Riv with the lowest bars award!
>>>>>> Eric
>>>>>> On Sat, Mar 23, 2024 at 2:03 AM Corwin Zechar  
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> It's definitely not new bike day. That was back in the first week of 
>>>>>>> February. Not even New Bike Month. So it's New Bike Quarter?
>>>>>>> Anyway, I picked up my much anticipated and long-awaited custom 
>>>>>>> Rivendell last month. Some interesting aspects include:
>>>>>>> 1) SRAM drop bar levers mounted on opposite sides (with respect to 
>>>>>>> normal drop bar mounting) on Nitto Albastache bars - as suggested by 
>>>>>>> Bill 
>>>>>>> Lindsay.
>>>>>>> 2) A Fizik Aliante Gamma saddle recovered by Mick Peel in Australia 
>>>>>>> and sporting the Rivendell logo.
>>>>>>> 3) A Rich Lesnik built wheelset with Onyx hubs and Velocity Quill 
>>>>>>> rims.
>>>>>>> 4) SRAM rear derailer and SRAM bar-end shifters.
>>>>>>> 5) Shimano Ultegra 6650 compact double crankset with TA Specialities 
>>>>>>> chainrings
>>>>>>> 6) Chris King bottom bracket with outboard bearings.
>>>>>>> 7) DT Swiss skewers.
>>>>>>> 8) Custom lug carving by Mark Nobilette.
>>>>>>> 9) Ritchey Micro Road 

Re: [RBW] Re: Long Chainstays - What Problem/Deficiency Do They Solve?

2024-03-31 Thread Jim M.
Jones and Esker are 2 makers who are bringing long wb to market. I'm sure 
there are others. 

jim m
walnut creek, ca


On Sunday, March 31, 2024 at 5:32:54 PM UTC-7 John Hawrylak, Woodstown NJ 

> Eric
> Thanks for the RBW explanation.  I vaguely remember it, but didn’t think 
> he would increase then C/S so much
> I see Grant’s point:  it’s more an improvement vs a problem solver.  
> I see the ‘tall rider’ issue, longer seat tubes increase the saddle 
> setback.  However, I’m 5’6” and my frames are all 21”, so I couldn’t even 
> ride a 25”, let along know how the increased 3cm setback effects the rider
> I see the weight distribution/stability effects.   
> John Hawrylak
> Woodstown NJ
> *From:*  *On 
> Behalf Of *Eric Daume
> *Sent:* Sunday, March 31, 2024 8:15 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [RBW] Re: Long Chainstays - What Problem/Deficiency Do 
> They Solve?
> If you want Riv's explanation, it's here:
> Eric
> On Sun, Mar 31, 2024 at 8:02 PM 'John Hawrylak' via RBW Owners Bunch <
>> wrote:
> Bill
> I would say “solve some objective problem not addressed by all other 
> bikes *or be an improvement* by all other bikes”  regardless of the 
> logical/philosophical issue of Rivendells existing or nor.
> Also, I think most of us would agree “all other bikes” would the bikes you 
> see in Trek store, a Fuji store, a Specialized store, a Crust website, a 
> Walmart sporting goods section, etc.  I am not thinking about designs which 
> may exist in the world where bikes are used in lieu of motorized vehicles 
> and not just as a recreational diversion.
> John Hawrylak
> Woodstown NJ
> *From:*  *On 
> Behalf Of *William Lindsay
> *Sent:* Sunday, March 31, 2024 6:57 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [RBW] Re: Long Chainstays - What Problem/Deficiency Do 
> They Solve?
> John
> OK so you are saying that every bike on earth that is currently available 
> are all in one group and Rivendells are not in that group.  In order  to be 
> allowed to exist a Rivendell must either conform with the first group’s 
> designs or solve some objective problem not addressed by all other bikes.  
> Is that it?  
> BL in EC
> On Sun, Mar 31, 2024 at 3:43 PM 'John Hawrylak' via RBW Owners Bunch <
>> wrote:
> Bill
> Good challenge, what I was thinking is what problem with bikes is the long 
> C/S solving?  I thought it was a straight forward question.
> I suggest *eliminate* “in bike design” and problems or current 
> deficiencies refer to the current bikes available.Another way of saying 
> it is what “improvements” in bicycles result from the Long C/S.  
> So far the responses indicate Long C/S improve
> Overall handling, seems to apply to all surfaces.
> Comfort, especially from bumps in the surface.
> Climbing and Descending single track type trails (like the ones in the RBW 
> pictures on Mt Diablo).  The climbing improvement appears to due to 
> improved weight distribution vs improved bio-mechanical items.
> John Hawrylak
> Woodstown NJ
> *From:*  *On 
> Behalf Of *Bill Lindsay
> *Sent:* Sunday, March 31, 2024 5:19 PM
> *To:* RBW Owners Bunch 
> *Subject:* [RBW] Re: Long Chainstays - What Problem/Deficiency Do They 
> Solve?
> The OP asked: "*What problem or current deficiency in bike design is 
> Grant solving by using long chain stays"*
> What exactly is this entity you call "bike design"?  If you can define 
> that, perhaps I can respond to your question (emphatically stated with FOUR 
> question marks)
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA
> On Sunday, March 31, 2024 at 10:50:18 AM UTC-7 John Hawrylak, Woodstown 
> NJ wrote:
> Enjoyed reading the thread "Anyone else not a fan of long chainstays?", 
> especially Bill L's explanation of the RBW bike design philosophy.   Seems 
> the prevailing thought is long stays are better for
> upright riding
> single track type trails (vs a Rails to Trails type trail)

Re: [RBW] Re: Eroica California

2024-04-03 Thread Jim M.
I rode it on my Eisentraut with period appropriate Campy Nuovo Record and 
30mm tubular tires. As I recall, they allow newer lugged steel bikes, and I 
definitely saw a few Rivs. There were several folks from this list and 
I-BOB. There's a bike expo and Concours for people to show off their rides, 
which is great if you like looking at old steel bikes. There were awards 
for things like best original Cinelli. Central coast Calif has a lot of 
beautiful areas for riding. They partnered with local wineries to route 
through vineyard roads, so there was a lot of strade bianche. Riv content 
-- I met George Mount, who used to race against Grant back in the day, and 
I met Andy Hampsten, who has extolled Jack Brown tires. 

jim m
walnut creek

On Wednesday, April 3, 2024 at 11:05:59 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> If I decide to gear way lower, I'll swap over a vintage compact double.  I 
> have a Sugino AT triple converted to Guard/46/30.  
> BL in EC
> On Wednesday, April 3, 2024 at 7:59:12 AM UTC-7 Keith Weaver wrote:
>> Bill, 
>> I also have a brown Gran Premio! I especially like the Suntour symmetric 
>> shifters. Univega was the brand sold in my childhood bike store, so when I 
>> saw mine in a used bike shop, I had to have it. They'll always have a soft 
>> spot in my heart. If I were to ride mine in the CA Eroica, I think I'd need 
>> some lower gearing, maybe the Velo Orange 46-30 crankset.
>> Cheers,
>> Keith
>> On Tue, Apr 2, 2024 at 7:28 PM Bill Lindsay  wrote:
>>> I've got the bike for it, and I'm just waiting for the stars to align to 
>>> do the ride.  My "Eroica Bike" is a time capsule 1983 Univega Gran Premio.  
>>> I've got ~700 miles on it, and will not have any issue using it for an 
>>> Eroica day.  
>>> BL in EC
>>> On Tuesday, April 2, 2024 at 9:41:21 AM UTC-7 wrote:
>>>> Curious if anyone on this forum is also a Vintage enthusiast and has 
>>>> interest in the Eroica event that is run on the Central Coast of 
>>>> California. I've ridden it a few times on my PX-10... its a great ride, 
>>>> although the organization that runs the event has had its ups and downs 
>>>> over the years. Currently, the website lists September 22, 2024 as the run 
>>>> date, but the registration button leads to last year's sign-updoes 
>>>> anyone have any better intel? 
>>> -- 
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[RBW] Re: 34 T cassette deraailleur clearance

2024-04-14 Thread Jim M.
If you want to try to make the Chorus work, you could reverse the b screw 
to add a little more reach, or you could try a Wolf Tooth Roadlink hanger 
extender. I've used the Roadlink with good results.

jim m
walnut creek ca

On Sunday, April 14, 2024 at 3:02:47 PM UTC-7 Nick A. wrote:

> Hey there Bernard. Not sure about the answer to your first question but 
> shifting under load always kinda changes the situation a bit in my 
> experience. As for the Altus, I'm running an 11-34 10s cassette via 
> friction and it works a treat. 
> Happy shifting!
> Nick in FC
> On Sunday, April 14, 2024 at 5:30:52 PM UTC-4 Bernard Duhon wrote:
>> Brain Trust,
>> I have a 34 tooth 9 speed cassette recently installed.
>> Am friction shifting
>> Have a campy chorus 10 speed rear derailleur that just barely clears the 
>> 34 th tooth.
>> Bought a Shimano Altus Rd M310 in anticipation of the chorus not clearing 
>> the 34th tooth. 
>> Grant P said the Altus will friction to 9 sp tho designed to index 7 & 8.
>> Two questions
>>1. I am looking for trouble by have the Campy derailleur that barely 
>>clears the largest cassette?
>>2. Will the Altus provide greater clearance?. 

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[RBW] Re: Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-20 Thread Jim M.
I think the Roadeo is the raciest road bike Riv has made. I've seen one 
56cm that was built up to 18.5 lbs with pedals. But if you're looking 
beyond the weight weenie category, there are lots of other options. 
Rambouillet, Redwood, and Romulus come to mind. And if you're not fixed on 
700 wheels, you've got the Hilsen, Saluki, and Bleriot. I had a road 
wheelset for my Legolas, which I used for club rides and randonneuring. I 
wouldn't hesitate to put drop bars on my Bleriot and turn it into a 
randonneur too. And how could I forget the Hillborne? Also very roadable. 
There's a 51 dropbar Homer on the web special 
if that's your size.

jim m
walnut creek ca

On Saturday, April 20, 2024 at 12:33:50 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> I’m starting to wonder about a roadbike. But it has to be a Rivendell 
> roadbike because I’m loyal and all that. Anyway, I don’t know that the 
> Roadini really offers enough of a change for me. I have no idea what is 
> going on with the Gallup. Then there’s the Roadeo - that one looks great 
> but there’s a 2 year wait, unless I can find one used. Which would be 
> ideal. 
> Who rides their Rivbike in club rides and what do you ride? Who has a 
> Roadeo that never gets ridden and wants to sell it? I don’t even know what 
> size I’d be but I’m an 81 PBH. Must I ride drop bars? I never have before. 
> I know nothing about any of this. Clearly.
> Note: I still like my raspberry Platypus for club riding but it does take 
> a toll on me in wind. I recently got a shorter-height, longer-reach stem 
> which marginally helped, but our high spring winds are taking it out of me. 
> I did a club ride yesterday with my women’s group and my heart rate was in 
> the 170s the whole 26.3 miles. It was brutal. Everyone else agreed it was a 
> hard ride, but I felt like it was harder on me than them, and I’m the 
> youngest and probably the most fit. 
> Leah

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[RBW] Re: Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-22 Thread Jim M.
Raspberry Roadeo is definitely the last bike  you'll ever need. Have Bill 
help pick a good used bike for the wait.

jim m
walnut creek

On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 7:34:20 PM UTC-7 Nick A. wrote:

> "Me: Well…not necessarily. I have to weigh out all the pros and cons, you 
> see."
> Lol yep. To quote The Dude, "the ins, the outs, the what-have-yous..."
> Also one enjoying this conversation.
> Nick "definitely totally haven't had to talk about bikes in this way with 
> my partner who shares a life with an eccentric" in Falls Church VA
> On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 9:48:46 PM UTC-4 Jay wrote:
>> I haven’t read all the posts (so many, wow!) but I suggest trying a bike 
>> with drop bars to see if it’s a possibility for you.  A friend, or an lbs 
>> perhaps.  If the bike fits you well the bars might feel great, or something 
>> you think can grown on you with time.  Bad fit and likely the bars wouldn’t 
>> feel good, so that wouldn’t be a fair assessment.
>> I love my newish Roadini.
>> Good luck!
>> On Saturday, April 20, 2024 at 3:33:50 PM UTC-4 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
>> wrote:
>>> I’m starting to wonder about a roadbike. But it has to be a Rivendell 
>>> roadbike because I’m loyal and all that. Anyway, I don’t know that the 
>>> Roadini really offers enough of a change for me. I have no idea what is 
>>> going on with the Gallup. Then there’s the Roadeo - that one looks great 
>>> but there’s a 2 year wait, unless I can find one used. Which would be 
>>> ideal. 
>>> Who rides their Rivbike in club rides and what do you ride? Who has a 
>>> Roadeo that never gets ridden and wants to sell it? I don’t even know what 
>>> size I’d be but I’m an 81 PBH. Must I ride drop bars? I never have before. 
>>> I know nothing about any of this. Clearly.
>>> Note: I still like my raspberry Platypus for club riding but it does 
>>> take a toll on me in wind. I recently got a shorter-height, longer-reach 
>>> stem which marginally helped, but our high spring winds are taking it out 
>>> of me. I did a club ride yesterday with my women’s group and my heart rate 
>>> was in the 170s the whole 26.3 miles. It was brutal. Everyone else agreed 
>>> it was a hard ride, but I felt like it was harder on me than them, and I’m 
>>> the youngest and probably the most fit. 
>>> Leah

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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-04-23 Thread Jim M.
I think 38s are great for a 200 pounder like me, but if you weigh 110 like 
my daughter, they are overkill, and she does fine with 32s or even 28s. And 
I gotta admit, I've got 30s on my road bike and they feel good. My road 
bike is set up optimally for smooth road riding, I've got other bikes for 
rougher stuff. If you can have more than one bike, I don't see the sense in 
trying to make everyone of them an all rounder.

jim m
walnut creek riv iconoclast

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:22:20 PM UTC-7 Corwin Zechar wrote:

> My orange creamsicle (the fastest color) Ram is currently wearing 38mm 
> Schwalbe Marathon Racers. The Racers are mounted on skinny Mavic Open Pro 
> rims, but still measure 37.25mm. I would wager, I could mount a pair of 
> Schwalbe 40mm tires on the Ram with adequate clearance.
> I ride the Ram and my Custom Rivendell (wearing 40mm tires) on club rides, 
> keep up with much younger riders, and highly recommend 38 and 40mm tires 
> for road riding. As a matter of fact, my Hubbuhubbuh wears Schwalbe 
> Hurricanes which measure 71mm mounted on Velocity Cliffhangers. My wife 
> refuses to ride anything but roads and we regularly pass most other bikes 
> we encounter.
> Nothing wrong with riding wider tires.
> Regards,
> Corwin
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 1:54:03 PM UTC-7 George Schick wrote:
>> Agreed.  I own a 54cm Ram and it's equipped with fenders.  The max tire 
>> that works in this set up is a 32mm.  But without fenders one might be able 
>> to get 35mm or more on the wheels, but I still don't recommend it for a 
>> "road bike".  While wider tires may be a good thing for general riding 
>> purposes they would not work out as well as smaller diameter tires for road 
>> riding and for what she'll probably soon be using it for like or not, club 
>> rides where she will be burning up the pavement with it.
>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:33:25 PM UTC-5 Johnny Alien wrote:
>>> The Romulus was essentially just the Rambouillet and I fit Kojaks on it. 
>>> Those are stated to be 35 but I think they were actually more like 36. With 
>>> that in mind it worked but I am not sure I would have been able to or 
>>> wanted to go to 38's. It was probably possible though.
>>> Interesting that in reviewing some of those pages Grant said that the 
>>> AHH and Rambouillet are the same with the only exception being that the AHH 
>>> takes larger tires. I'm not sure I ever knew that before. I thought the AHH 
>>> was the same as the Saluki with only the 650B vs 700C tires being the 
>>> difference at the beginning.
>>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 4:26:17 PM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:
>>>> Yep, according to that Riv chart, up to 38mm.  But I don't recommend 
>>>> going there because they will increase your SOH.  And you don't really 
>>>> need 
>>>> any tires of that size anyway if you have a road bike that you're going to 
>>>> be riding on paved roads - 32mm or so would be good enough.
>>>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 3:13:08 PM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> …which would give me room for that larger tire!
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> On Apr 23, 2024, at 4:09 PM, George Schick  wrote:
>>>>> Hmm... according to a geometry chart for the Romulus 
>>>>> a 55cm Rom should 
>>>>> have a "typical  PBH" of between 79-80 and a 57cm for those with PBH's of 
>>>>> 81-83.  So...disagreeing as I do with Grant about "going larger is 
>>>>> better" 
>>>>> on frame size, I'd say that this bike would be perfect.
>>>>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 2:55:13 PM UTC-5 wrote:
>>>>>> The Romulus had a different geometry with a much misleading frame 
>>>>>> sizing. Here's the geometry: 
>>>>>> Looks like if you were 5' 10", that'll put you onto a 59cm Romulus. 
>>>>>> Unusual compared to today's Roadini sizing, but the Romulus also has a 
>>>>>> lower BB. I would buy it. If Leah doesn't want it let me know and I'd 

Re: [RBW] The 3x1 road bike. Anticipating some of your RoadUNO builds

2024-04-27 Thread Jim M.
Quickbeam came with 40/32 chainrings. The fork ends were long enough to 
cover the 8-t difference.

On Saturday, April 27, 2024 at 11:42:41 AM UTC-7 Patrick Moore wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 27, 2024 at 11:40 AM Patrick Moore  wrote:
>> ... With horizontals or track ends and a good steel internal cam QR you 
>> could have yourself a very good time without the need for a lousy (and FWIW 
>> considerably less that I paid for my TF hub). A  44 X 17/20/24 would give 
>> you 70", 60", and 50", a good spread with relatively unobtrusive hardware 
>> and bulk.
> Well, not quite, as you'd need very long dropouts/track ends indeed to 
> accommodate 7 teeth: almost a good *usable* Inch of axle travel -- usable 
> travel is not at all the same as theoretical travel. And as for a chain 
> tensioner: with a single rear cog and 3 rings your tensioner would not have 
> to move laterally as the chain was shifted, while 2 or 3 cogs would require 
> chain tensioner re-alignment. So I've argued myself into agreeing with the 
> 3X1 idea. Only, the ideal system for 3 wide ratio gears is the IGH.

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[RBW] Re: Hwy 1 Closures

2024-06-04 Thread Jim M.
My understanding and Caltrans website says closure is south of Nepenthe.
"Is closed from Limekiln State Park to 14.3 mi south of Big Sur /at Lime 
Creek/ (Monterey Co) - Due to emergency repairs - Motorists are advised to 
use an alternate route route"

On Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 1:58:33 PM UTC-7 wrote:

> Does anyone know if it’s currently possible to ride as far as the village 
> of Big Sur? Or to Nepenthe?
> Thanks! 
> —Eric N

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Re: [RBW] Re: 3-speeding Quickbeams and SimpleOnes

2023-06-18 Thread Jim M.
My QB came with a double chainring and flip flop hub, so that was far 
easier for multi-speeding than a new S-A hub and wheel would have been. And 
I know it's only about a pound difference between an AW and a Shimano 
flip-flop hub, but I'm weenie enough not to want that extra weight. But if 
I had an AW wheel, I certainly would have tried it.

jim m
walnut creek

On Sunday, June 18, 2023 at 5:47:05 PM UTC-7 wrote:

> I did like my little White Industries Dos ENO freewheel when I was 
> commuting in Santa Fe. Bigger cog for uphill going to work, and little one 
> for a fast ride home. I just ran across it in a box of parts and may need 
> to find a home for it. Couldn't change while moving but it worked for me at 
> that time.
> On Sunday, June 18, 2023 at 2:06:02 PM UTC-7 Patrick Moore wrote:
>> Very good point, and one I had not considered. Yes, much easier to add 
>> rings and fd and tensioner than an IGH, and even simpler than adding 3 rear 
>> cogs since that would in most cases also require a wheel build (unless you 
>> find a rare 3-speed freewheel and respace and redish your rear wheel.
>> Patrick Moore, very acutely realizing the benefit of 1 or 2 lower gears 
>> in ABQ, NM.
>> On Sun, Jun 18, 2023 at 3:03 PM Joe Bernard  wrote:
>>> I think what happens is people like the bike, then gradually realize one 
>>> or two lower gears might be nice. For most of us adding a derailer and 
>>> tensioner is a simpler path than having the rear wheel rebuilt (folks who 
>>> build their own wheels can disregard). 
>>> On Sunday, June 18, 2023 at 1:57:29 PM UTC-7 Patrick Moore wrote:
>>>> There have been threads recently about 2- and 3-speeding Quickbeams and 
>>>> SimpleOnes using multiple chainrings, front derailleur, and rear chain 
>>>> takeup device. I'm curious why people don't use Sturmey Archer AWs? The AW 
>>>> has (per late '90s study by the Human Powered Vehicle Association) as 
>>>> little drag as a clean, well set up derailleur system, and an IGH 
>>>> preserves 
>>>> the simplicity and clean aesthetic of a ss or fixed gear, barring a small 
>>>> cable and shift mechanism.
>>>> Pray, why the choice of multiple rings, fd, and rear tensioner? Is it 
>>>> the big jumps in the AW gearing?
>>>> Long ago (1990 IIRC) I set up a beater Schwinn 3 speed as a poor man's 
>>>> mountain bike (my companion's Diamond Back was recent with only 6 rear 
>>>> cogs) with a 36 to ring to give, with the 18 t AW cog, 69", 52", and 39" 
>>>> gears, and it did good service on 1 well-remembered ride on very hilly 
>>>> jeep 
>>>> tracks -- and an aside: the Ashtabula crank was a miracle of cheap and 
>>>> durable manufacturing compared to the cottered system.
>>>> But 69"-52"-39" is a very useful gear spread.
>>>> -- 
>>>> ---
>>>> Patrick Moore
>>>> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum
>>>> -- 
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>>> .
>> -- 
>> ---
>> Patrick Moore
>> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

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[RBW] FS: Bags, Sackville, Chrome, Carradice

2024-06-15 Thread Jim M.
All bags are used, in good shape, not beat or stained. Sackville and Barley 
have seen some randonees and touring, others were used for bike commuting.

Shipping price added to price listed below / Pics here:

Sackville handlebar bag $100 (I don't remember model name but they don't 
make it any longer), magnetic top closure, comes with nifty Nitto bar 

Sackville Grabsack, $40

Carradice Barley, $75

Chrome messenger backpack $50 (not sure which model, but from back when 
they sewed in San Francisco)

TImbuk2 classic messenger shoulder bag, medium, $50 (also from back when 
they sewed in San Francisco)

happy trails!
jim m
walnut creek, ca

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[RBW] Re: FS: Bags, Sackville, Chrome, Carradice

2024-06-15 Thread Jim M.
New link:

On Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 11:56:12 AM UTC-7 Jim M. wrote:

> All bags are used, in good shape, not beat or stained. Sackville and 
> Barley have seen some randonees and touring, others were used for bike 
> commuting.
> Shipping price added to price listed below / Pics here: 
> Sackville handlebar bag $100 (I don't remember model name but they don't 
> make it any longer), magnetic top closure, comes with nifty Nitto bar 
> mount   
> Sackville Grabsack, $40
> Carradice Barley, $75
> Chrome messenger backpack $50 (not sure which model, but from back when 
> they sewed in San Francisco)
> TImbuk2 classic messenger shoulder bag, medium, $50 (also from back when 
> they sewed in San Francisco)
> happy trails!
> jim m
> walnut creek, ca

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[RBW] Re: FS: Bags, Sackville, Chrome, Carradice

2024-06-15 Thread Jim M.
Barley is gone.

On Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 12:06:11 PM UTC-7 Jim M. wrote:

> New link: 
> On Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 11:56:12 AM UTC-7 Jim M. wrote:
>> All bags are used, in good shape, not beat or stained. Sackville and 
>> Barley have seen some randonees and touring, others were used for bike 
>> commuting.
>> Shipping price added to price listed below / Pics here: 
>> Sackville handlebar bag $100 (I don't remember model name but they don't 
>> make it any longer), magnetic top closure, comes with nifty Nitto bar 
>> mount   
>> Sackville Grabsack, $40
>> Carradice Barley, $75
>> Chrome messenger backpack $50 (not sure which model, but from back when 
>> they sewed in San Francisco)
>> TImbuk2 classic messenger shoulder bag, medium, $50 (also from back when 
>> they sewed in San Francisco)
>> happy trails!
>> jim m
>> walnut creek, ca

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Re: [RBW] Re: FS: Bags, Sackville, Chrome, Carradice

2024-06-15 Thread Jim M.
Sackville bar bag is gone. 

On Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 1:59:36 PM UTC-7 Patrick Moore wrote:

> The Nitto bar bag bracket is a very neat and compact design; I had one 
> long ago with an early-Rivendell-sold boxy bar bag that, I think but am not 
> completely certain, was made by Carradice. That bar bag plus the bracket 
> for $100 is a good deal.
> Patrick "sorry, I don't use bar bags, but if I did " Moore
> On Sat, Jun 15, 2024 at 2:49 PM Jim M.  wrote:
>> Barley is gone.
>> On Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 12:06:11 PM UTC-7 Jim M. wrote:
>>> New link: 
>>> On Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 11:56:12 AM UTC-7 Jim M. wrote:
>>>> All bags are used, in good shape, not beat or stained. Sackville and 
>>>> Barley have seen some randonees and touring, others were used for bike 
>>>> commuting.
>>>> Shipping price added to price listed below / Pics here: 
>>>> Sackville handlebar bag $100 (I don't remember model name but they 
>>>> don't make it any longer), magnetic top closure, comes with nifty Nitto 
>>>> bar 
>>>> mount   
>>>> Sackville Grabsack, $40
>>>> Carradice Barley, $75
>>>> Chrome messenger backpack $50 (not sure which model, but from back when 
>>>> they sewed in San Francisco)
>>>> TImbuk2 classic messenger shoulder bag, medium, $50 (also from back 
>>>> when they sewed in San Francisco)
>>>> happy trails!
>>>> jim m
>>>> walnut creek, ca
>>> -- 
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>> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> <>
>> .
> -- 
> Patrick Moore
> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum
> ---
> Executive resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, letters, and other writing 
> services
> ---
> *When thou didst not, savage, k**now thine own meaning,*
> *But wouldst gabble like a** thing most brutish,*
> *I endowed thy purposes w**ith words that made them known.*

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Re: [RBW] Santa Cruz Randonneurs 200k ride report

2024-06-26 Thread Jim M.
Thanks for a great report! I'll be rooting for your 2027 PBP. Maybe you and 
Bill L can both rep Riv there.

jim m
walnut creek

On Monday, June 24, 2024 at 9:19:23 PM UTC-7 Keith P. wrote:

> “ham and cheese croissant as well as a chocolate croissant”
> This is true cycling fuel - only to be followed by an almond croissant an 
> hour later.
> k.
> On Jun 24, 2024, at 7:37 PM, Toshi Takeuchi  wrote:
> Last Saturday I rode the SCR 200k that rides up to Half Moon Bay and back 
> to Santa Cruz, including some miles through San Gregorio/Stage Rd., 
> Pescadero/Haskins Hill etc.
> I think the best part of the ride was that 8 of the 9 riders stuck 
> together throughout the ride and finished the ride together.  This made it 
> a great opportunity to ride with friends and make several new friends.
> One of the riders, Jim, rode one of the early Riv road bikes (color red) 
> and I was riding my red Roadeo, so we had a good presence there.  (Many 
> would argue that our red bikes are not as fast as orange ones, but 
> nevertheless...)
> The morning started out foggy on the coast, and unlike the previous ride a 
> few weeks earlier, I neglected to wipe my lenses with the anti-fog wipes, 
> which were effective the previous ride; so unfortunately, I had to 
> windshield wiper my lenses with my fingers throughout my jaunt up the coast.
> One of my ride mates, Ioannis, didn't know about these anti-fog wipes, and 
> they work quite well.  They became especially popular during COVID times 
> when masks would cause glasses to fog up, and these wipes helped prevent 
> that. 
> Although the temperatures got into the 90s inland, by the coast, it was 
> extremely pleasant, especially after the fog burned off mid-morning.  We 
> stopped by a bakery in Half Moon Bay, where it was nice and sunny, and I 
> ate a delicious ham and cheese croissant as well as a chocolate croissant, 
> although in this case, the savory one hit the spot better.  As I mentioned 
> previously, I am seriously considering PBP 2027, and feel confident that 
> savory croissants can fuel my ride very well.  I'll have to see how I feel 
> about that after riding 300 miles, but I remain hopeful.
> Usually one of the best parts of the day is when we ride down the coast 
> back to Santa Cruz with a tailwind, and we were not disappointed on our 
> return down the beautiful coast.  A couple spots had some lingering fog 
> that added to the coastal scenery with rugged beaches to the right and some 
> beautiful meadows on our left.
> I'm thinking that either I should have easier access to my phone, or I 
> should bring my camera along, especially on the 200k so I can document the 
> beautiful views as I ride.
> The 200k is always an enjoyable ride distance because you usually get to 
> end in the daylight and have an opportunity to enjoy a nice dinner 
> afterwards.  Many of us ate some good Mexican food after the ride, and 
> despite a little traffic getting out of Santa Cruz, we took our time and 
> enjoyed the rest of the evening.
> I definitely want to give thanks to my fellow riders, whose company made 
> the day go by smoothly and delightfully.
> Toshi in Oakland, CA
> -- 
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[RBW] Re: WTB: 58cm top tube road-ish/all-rounder frameset

2024-07-04 Thread Jim M.
58 A. Homer Hilsen just posted on 

On Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 11:19:42 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> k.
> I recommend you type "Rosco-Bubbe Road" into the search bar, and find the 
> bike that CMR (Chris) is selling.  I used to own it and I can vouch that 
> it's a sneaky nice bike.  It may not be expensive enough, but it's a good 
> bike.
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA
> On Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 9:56:19 AM UTC-7 wrote:
>> Looking for a frameset with around a 58cm top tube (effective). 
>> Preferably steel, lugged/fillet brazed
>> Clearance for 38-42mm tires, bigger could be fine too
>> Gently sloping top tube a plus
>> No disc brakes!
>> Will be built up as a relaxed road/all-rounder. A Rivendell or something 
>> Riv-ish would be perfect. Let me know what you have! 
>> Thanks,
>> -k. 

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Re: [RBW] Craigslist, etc 2024

2024-07-17 Thread Jim M.
Hmm, the ad says 700 wheels. Weren't All-Rounders 26"?

On Wednesday, July 17, 2024 at 2:39:21 PM UTC-7 Chris Halasz wrote:

> Rivendell All-Rounder 60cm - $1,500 (santa clara)
> On Sunday, July 14, 2024 at 7:53:19 AM UTC-7 Chris Halasz wrote:
>> 55cm Platypus, complete bike with racks, buyer asking $2450, and willing 
>> to ship worldwide. 
>> On Friday, July 12, 2024 at 11:21:29 AM UTC-7 MoVelo wrote:
>>> Jeff
>>> If you are unsuccessful in connecting with this buyer I have a blue 58 
>>> frame and fork that I am about to advertise on the list. I haven't decided 
>>> what to ask for it. If that size works for you and your interested let me 
>>> know.
>>> Thanks
>>> James Poulson
>>> On Friday, July 12, 2024 at 8:35:55 AM UTC-5 
>>> wrote:

 I've been trying to contact this seller but haven't heard back yet. Oh 
 man, I would like to have this. Anyone have any luck getting thru?

 On Friday 12 July 2024 at 08:12:45 UTC-5 Josh C wrote:

> Nice price on a 60cm Sam 
> On Sunday, July 7, 2024 at 5:04:48 PM UTC-4 
> wrote:
>> I so badly wish this was a 58/59. Hell, even 60!
>> This is exactly what I want to be riding this summer!
>> What size tire will it clear? 28s?
>> P. W.
>> ~
>> (917) 514-2207
>> ~
>> On Jul 7, 2024, at 1:19 PM, donavanm  wrote:
>> On Friday, July 5, 2024 at 5:05:32 PM UTC-7 Josh C wrote:
>> 63cm Roadeo. Don't see these every day. Good price IMO. 
>>  This is mine. I can provide more photos if anyones interested, or a 
>> test ride in seattle. As mentioned i just dont ride it these days.
>> I also have a 61cm simpleone that Ill be listing once I take some 
>> pics tomorrow. Im keeping my quickbeam, and Ill be down to 7 other bikes…
>> -- 
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[RBW] Re: WTB: Handlebar

2024-08-02 Thread Jim M.
Well, you need to at least tell us what you decided on.

On Friday, August 2, 2024 at 8:52:08 AM UTC-7 Edwin W wrote:

> I am all set, thank you all so much for your help.
> Edwin

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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Roadbike Curious

2024-08-18 Thread Jim M.
On Sunday, August 18, 2024 at 6:02:08 PM UTC-7 wrote:

Having test ridden both Roadini and Homers, they're anything but twitchy. 

In my experience, handling is a subjective judgement. One person's nimble 
is another's twitchy, and you can't make a blanket statement that a certain 
bike isn't twitchy. It wouldn't surprise me if someone who rides Platys or 
Susies finds a Homer twitchy. I used to ride a 3Rensho and find all my Rivs 
stable in comparison. Of course, I also think that after spending some time 
on a Homer, one's subjective experience of its handling could possibly 

happy trails
jim m
walnut creek

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[RBW] Re: Bullmoose Alternatives

2024-08-26 Thread Jim M.
I have found to be very helpful. I replaced my last 
bullmoose with Ritchey Kyote bars, and I've also used Surly Open bars but 
if that Bull bar had been available, I would have tried it.

jim m
walnut creek

On Monday, August 26, 2024 at 11:49:35 AM UTC-7 maxcr wrote:

> Have you seen the bullbar? I have it on my Atlantis and really like it
> Max
> On Monday, August 26, 2024 at 2:46:49 PM UTC-4 Ginz wrote:
>> I should have said similar sweep angle and overall extension, which 
>> is roughly negative by a few centimeters!
>> On Monday, August 26, 2024 at 2:41:39 PM UTC-4 Ginz wrote:
>>> Hello Everyone,
>>> I know that Bullmoose has be discussed quite a bit around here.
>>> I have the 150mm extension bullmoose from Rivendell.  The rise, 
>>> especially on my Hunqapiller with the stem slammed, is a bit too much.
>>> Has anyone come up with a stem/bar combination that is both similar to 
>>> the sweep of the Bullmoose as well as off road appropariate, but with much 
>>> less overall rise?
>>> Thanks for any suggestions.
>>> Eric

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[RBW] Re: Long Chainstays - What Problem/Deficiency Do They Solve?

2024-09-09 Thread Jim M.
Well said! And other makers are doing it, a couple examples I know of are 
the Jones LWB and the Esker Hayduke LSV, but I'm sure there are others.

jim m
walnut creek

On Monday, September 9, 2024 at 1:48:26 PM UTC-7 Mackenzy Albright wrote:

As many others mentioned above and the previous thread - for a particular 
sort of riding the wheelbase increases stability, ride quality, and 
traction immensely. When I first started tinkering with an upright fit I 
found short wheelbase bikes to be too light in the front climbing and 
leaning forward reduced traction. I've found since switching that the long 
wheel base allows a degree of upright riding that still allows a somewhat 
nimble ride, and increase confidence in traction going up and down steep 
and loose sections of trail, and in general less chatter.  I really like 
the way I can lean into descents in loose terrain with confidence. It's 
really a large improvement on the ATB (all terrain bike / hillibike) that 
isn't time trial driven.

For cons (again as mentioned) - most places aren't that bike friendly for 
storage / locking in the first place. May as well be tandem. For really 
technical riding popping the front up over obstacles (curbs / roots / small 
trees) is much more unintuitive. However - I wouldn't exactly pick 
Clementine for this sort of riding. I'd much more likely pop through the 
step through while rolling, grab the down tube, pop over, and jump back on 
CX style. 

I think Grant is absolutely opening up a conversation that we all too often 
get sucked into racing based trends and rarely look outside the box. I'll 
beat this poor dead horse - but definitely think that the larger industry 
will pick up on longer wheelbase bikes for certain types of riding and 
terrain - just maybe not Clem Smith Jr length. 

On Sunday, September 8, 2024 at 9:27:00 AM UTC-7 Nick Payne wrote:

One potential problem with long chainstays is trying to fit the bike in 
spaces designed around standard bike dimensions. For example, when our 
house was built, I got the builder to install a rack along the side of the 
garage so that that our bikes could be hung from their front or rear 
wheels, and set the height so that the longest of my bikes had two or three 
inches clearance to the floor. Any higher and my wife has problems lifting 
her bikes onto the hooks. But the Appaloosa I bought back in 2021 is so 
long that I can't hang it from the front wheel as the back wheel hits the 
ground with the bike a long way from vertical - the only way to hang it is 
by the rear wheel with the front wheel turned quite a bit sideways, but 
that doesn't work so well if I have other bikes on either side. Same 
problem on Swiss and Austrian trains, where the height of the hooks in 
carriages for hanging your bike is insufficient for these long chainstays. 
Not a problem with bikes on regional trains in Italy, as you just wheel 
your bike on and park it at the side of the carrriage. However, at Brescia 
railway station this morning, I had to carry my bike up and down the stairs 
to get to our platform, as even with the front wheel turned, the lifts were 
not long enough for an Appaloosa. My wife's bike fitted no problem.

Nick Payne

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[RBW] Re: Anyone using a RBW Nitto Basket Rack on a Clem H?

2020-04-18 Thread Jim M.

Late to the party, but here's my 52 Clem H with Nitto basket rack. Handles 
fine with a load in my opinion, and I've tried it with no hands fine too.

jim m

wc, ca


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[RBW] Re: Cherry Blossoms Season!

2020-04-18 Thread Jim M.
Great thread and beautiful photos, Takashi! Here's a native to the Mt 
Diablo region, the Purple Chinese Lantern, also called Innocence.

happy trails,
jim m
wc, ca


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Re: [RBW] Re: daily post ur riv

2020-05-08 Thread Jim M.
On Friday, May 8, 2020 at 10:08:49 AM UTC-7, DHans wrote:
> That’s a nice looking Clem. Would you mind posting your build specs since 
> this doesn’t look to be a Riv complete? I like the idea of a 1x drivetrain. 
> Thanks, Doug. I built it with stuff I had in the parts box. 
Sugino crank (not sure which), with a Blackspire 46t ring. Probably Shimano 
bb. VP Vice pedals
Ultegra 9-sp rear der with a Deore trigger shifter, prob Shimano 
Nitto Dirt Drop with Soma Osprey bars, Ergon grips
Sunrace levers with Shimano DX v-brakes
Ritchey WCS seat post (it was the only 27.0 that I had), with a Selle 
Anatomica Titanico
Rich-built wheels from a Riv prototype: Sphinx Rigida front, Velocity Atlas 
(?) rear with LX hubs; Conti Tour Ride (tough and cheap and roll well 
Most expensive splurge: Nitto basket rack, with Wald medium

I like it. Rides like a RIv.

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Re: [RBW] Just Pics from Your Good Ride Thread

2020-05-27 Thread Jim M.
In the foothills of Mt. Diablo:

[image: 2020-05-16-16-29-13.jpeg] 

*Now I re-examine philosophies and religions,*

*  They may prove well in lecture-rooms, yet not prove at all under the*

*  spacious clouds and along the landscape and flowing currents.*

Excerpt from “Song of the Open Road”, Walt Whitman

jim m

walnut creek

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[RBW] Re: Just Pics from Your Good Ride Thread

2020-05-27 Thread Jim M.
Nice, Paul! Is that part of a sculpture garden, or a nuclear research 

jim m

On Wednesday, May 27, 2020 at 2:09:06 PM UTC-7, Paul in Dallas wrote:
> Out on it now for 5 or 6 miles.
> Paul in Dallas 
> [image: Image]

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Re: [RBW] Sunglasses

2020-05-31 Thread Jim M.
I'm a big fan of the Wiley-X line, which I take to my optometrist for 
prescription lenses. They're pretty near bombproof, and they come in a 
range of sizes and styles. I don't even need a leash on the style I 
mountain bike in. They fit snugly without being too tight.

jim m
wc, ca

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Re: [RBW] Favorite Rivendell model names?

2020-06-05 Thread Jim M.
On Friday, June 5, 2020 at 9:24:42 AM UTC-7, MCT wrote:
> I always liked Yves Gomes.  I always wanted one, but never pulled the 
> trigger.  
> Matt in OKC
One just showed up on CL:

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[RBW] Re: List Status Thoughts: So... here we are Saturday morning

2020-06-07 Thread Jim M.
On Sunday, June 7, 2020 at 11:22:08 AM UTC-7, Deacon Patrick wrote:
> I propose a monthly or quarterly "Calm Colloquy for Summer 2020"

A big "no" vote from me on that proposal. Polite discourse has always been 
a list requirement, and the list can't even keep to that guideline over the 
subject of helmets. Way too many internet hotheads on the list (and in the 
world) to start a thread that purposely contains potentially incendiary 

Thanks, Jim, and Happy Trails everyone!
jim m
walnut creek, ca

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[RBW] Re: Racing Klunkers on Repack Road

2020-06-11 Thread Jim M.
On Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 8:33:59 PM UTC-7, Philip Williamson wrote:
> Next Rivmoot we should time-trial Clems down Repack.
> See if you can beat Gary Fisher's time. Amazing that it's still a record 
given the "advances" in mountain bikes, though it also speaks to what a 
fantastically skilled rider he was.

jim m
walnut creek, ca

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[RBW] Re: Single-speed country bike(?)

2020-07-03 Thread Jim M.
On Saturday, June 27, 2020 at 2:02:48 PM UTC-7, Tully Lanter wrote:
> I seem to recall a mention of a single-speed country bike in the works, 
> but can't for the life of me find the thread. It may have been a few months 
> ago.
> By single-speed, do you mean a bike with track ends on the back? And how 
big of a tire is country for you? If you can find one, the QB and SO both 
make fine country bikes in my opinion, and take at least 45cm tires. I used 
to ride my QB all around the trails and fire roads of Mt Diablo with 45s. 
To be honest, with a ss, I did a fair share of hiking with it too. Or you 
can use any Riv with either a White Eno, or a chain tensioner, as Will did 
with his Hunq.

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[RBW] Re: Riv ripples in the bike world

2020-07-12 Thread Jim M.
Mike Sinyard, stealing great ideas since 1981!

On Sunday, July 12, 2020 at 4:57:02 PM UTC-7, Fullylugged wrote:
> While prepping for a FB live class this week on steering, I happened to 
> look up the geometry for the 2020 TREK Domane.  Here's the latest and 
> newest development in the race world:   
> "First and foremost, consider the tire size. The original Domane came with 
> 25mm-wide tires, but the new Domane has 32mm-wide ones as standard 
> equipment, with Trek’s official blessing for tires up to 38mm-wide front 
> and rear. When fenders are installed to the neatly hidden mounts, that 
> figure creeps down to a still-generous 35mm."  Hmm, sounds an awful lot 
> like the spec for the 2003 Rambouillet :)  Mine came with 32mm rubber and 
> can take up to 1 1/2" too!.  That Grant, such a trailblazer! 
> Tailwinds, 
> Bruce

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[RBW] Re: Increasing Spring Tension - Rear Derailleur

2021-04-06 Thread Jim M.
I would suggest replacing the spring with from an XT or XTR. You can get a 
new spring for $5 or so.

When I had too much slap and occasional thrown chain from an LX (which 
worked fine otherwise), I switched to an XT  derailer and the problems 
disappeared. I assume it's mostly the chain tension that helps.

jim m
walnut creek, ca

On Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at 11:33:18 AM UTC-7 Matthew P wrote:

> Hi Ken,
> I'm curious. Why do you leave the clutch de-activated? Are there downsides 
> to using the clutch?
> Thanks
> -Matthew
> On Monday, April 5, 2021 at 4:36:27 PM UTC-7 KenP wrote:
>> I changed my derailler to one of the newer Shimano shadow; it has a 
>> clutch switch, but I leave said switch off and it still provides more wrap 
>> and tension than my older derrailler.   It's not rapid rise thouigh.  I'm 
>> running 30 34 52 in front and 11-28 in back. 9 speed.
>> KenP
>> On Monday, April 5, 2021 at 8:05:15 AM UTC-4 J Schwartz wrote:
>>> Greetings
>>> I have a couple of older long cage Deore LX, 9-speed Rapid Rise rear 
>>> derailleurs in great shape on 2 bikes.
>>> RD-M580 SGS
>>> Given the longer chainstays and hence longer chain on my Appa, I'm 
>>> thinking it may be advisable to try to increase the spring tension on one 
>>> of them.
>>> I take the bike off-road a lot and there's a lot of slap.  I could 
>>> change up components but I want to try this first.
>>> It's my understanding the spring tension can be increased by placing the 
>>> spring end into a different hole in the derailleur cage.
>>> However, from my limited internet research on this, it appears that this 
>>> particular derailleur may only provide 1 hole and therefore no 
>>> adjustability.
>>> There's not a lot of info on the Shimano site for this mech.
>>> So, I'm coming to the group before taking the derailleur apart.
>>> Does anyone know if that particular derailleur allows spring tension to 
>>> be increased?
>>> Thank you
>>> J Schwartz

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[RBW] Re: Hunqs. How do I know what year mine is?

2021-04-07 Thread Jim M.
Here's a link to the Wayback Machine for Rivbike in 2010 when the Hunq was 

"The Hunqapillar frame is an interesting mix of materials and 
co-conspirators. It's made in Taiwan by a team of builders trained by Tetsu 
Ishigaki, of Toyo. The main tubes are the most expensive steel tubing we 
could find anywhere --- Japanese Kaisei 8630 heat-treated. The seat and 
chainstays are excellent Taiwan CrMo. The fork is made in Japan by Tetsu 
Ishigaki at Toyo."

jim m
walnut creek, ca

On Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 8:04:54 AM UTC-7 J Schwartz wrote:

> I could be wrong about this, but does anyone seem to remember reading one 
> of GP's posts about them using Kasei tubing on those first grey/maroon (and 
> grey/orange) Hunqs?
> On Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 11:02:21 AM UTC-4 Charlie R wrote:
>> I pre-ordered one of the original Hunqapillars.  From what I can recall, 
>> the Hunquapillar was the first Taiwan built Rivendell bicycle after 
>> Rivendell left Toyo Japan.  It might have even been a Toyo Taiwan shop.  I 
>> don't believe any were made by Toyo Japan.   There was a long wait period 
>> and when I finally received the bicycle, Keven told me it was made by 
>> Waterford because the order from Taiwan was just taking to long.  I 
>> remember checking the serial number and it fit with the Waterford scheme.  
>> Subsequent batches were made in Taiwan at least for a while and might have 
>> reverted back to Waterford when the batch orders stopped.  
>> The bike was the gray maroon colors.  I have a picture somewhere which I 
>> will try to find.  I will also try to find my original receipt.  A fellow 
>> list member now owns the bike.
>> On Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 10:08:44 AM UTC-4 John M wrote:
>>> [image: right dropout.jpg]
>>> This was from my Hunqapillar with serial number "M14008".  Which I had 
>>> assumed meant the eighth frame produced in 2014 at Waterford.
>>> On Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 2:50:11 AM UTC-6 Ed Fausto wrote:
>>>> Hi Joe,  would you know how to determine if the frame is made in Toyo 
>>>> or Waterford?
>>>> On Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 2:24:42 PM UTC+8 Joe Bernard wrote:
>>>>> That's correct, the first ones had orange and are very rare, then 
>>>>> kidney bean, then they went to the green frames. To my knowledge all are 
>>>>> Toyo or Waterford. 
>>>>> On Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at 11:04:29 PM UTC-7 Chris L wrote:
>>>>>> I wonder if my Hunqapillar might be a prototype, and that's what the 
>>>>>> "p" designates?  
>>>>>> On Flickr, there are several photos of the 54 cm prototype, painted 
>>>>>> gray with orange head tube.  The photos clearly show the pump peg 
>>>>>> painted 
>>>>>> gray, with white lining around it, which matches my bike.  The only 
>>>>>> other 
>>>>>> gray/orange 54cm Hunq I'm aware of, has the pump peg the color of the 
>>>>>> head 
>>>>>> tube (ie, orange), as does every Hunqapillar, in any color, in a random 
>>>>>> sample from my collection of Hunq photos.  The prototype has an orange 
>>>>>> ring 
>>>>>> at the bottom of the seat tube lug, while mine is a somewhat sloppy 
>>>>>> white.  
>>>>>> I have always assumed all of (very few) orange trim Hunq's came from 
>>>>>> that first batch.  Maybe that is not the case.  
>>>>>> On Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 12:42:33 AM UTC-5 Chris L wrote:
>>>>>>> I would be curious, as well.  My Hunqapillar is from the very first 
>>>>>>> batch and I'm not even sure what year that was.  2011?  Taiwan?  I've 
>>>>>>> heard 
>>>>>>> of Toyo and Wisconsin Hunqapillars but I'm assuming that first batch 
>>>>>>> was 
>>>>>>> from Taiwan.
>>>>>>> I have four different Hunqapillar brochures, one of which specifies 
>>>>>>> the brand and number of the main tubes, but I have no idea if that 

[RBW] Re: Hunqs. How do I know what year mine is?

2021-04-07 Thread Jim M.
I believe yours was built in 2012, and if you look at the Wayback 
the 2012 website shows the Hunq without the cream seat tube rectangle.

jim m
walnut creek, ca

On Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 4:19:57 PM UTC-7 Nikko in Oakland wrote:

> Hm, anybody know the history past the gray ones?
> I have a green Hunqapillar with no cream accent on the seat tube. Serial 
> would be either...
> P12088 or F12088. There are too many coats of paint over it, and I can't 
> exactly tell what the numbers/letters are. 
> On Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 10:45:04 AM UTC-7 Joe Bernard wrote:
>> Huh, I guess my Riv memory ain't what it used to be, I seem to have 
>> transposed Toyo-trained to Toyo-built. I know nothing! 
>> On Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 8:29:53 AM UTC-7 Jim M. wrote:
>>> Here's a link to the Wayback Machine for Rivbike in 2010 when the Hunq 
>>> was new: 
>>> "The Hunqapillar frame is an interesting mix of materials and 
>>> co-conspirators. It's made in Taiwan by a team of builders trained by Tetsu 
>>> Ishigaki, of Toyo. The main tubes are the most expensive steel tubing we 
>>> could find anywhere --- Japanese Kaisei 8630 heat-treated. The seat and 
>>> chainstays are excellent Taiwan CrMo. The fork is made in Japan by Tetsu 
>>> Ishigaki at Toyo."
>>> jim m
>>> walnut creek, ca
>>> On Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 8:04:54 AM UTC-7 J Schwartz wrote:
>>>> I could be wrong about this, but does anyone seem to remember reading 
>>>> one of GP's posts about them using Kasei tubing on those first grey/maroon 
>>>> (and grey/orange) Hunqs?
>>>> On Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 11:02:21 AM UTC-4 Charlie R wrote:
>>>>> I pre-ordered one of the original Hunqapillars.  From what I can 
>>>>> recall, the Hunquapillar was the first Taiwan built Rivendell bicycle 
>>>>> after 
>>>>> Rivendell left Toyo Japan.  It might have even been a Toyo Taiwan shop.  
>>>>> I 
>>>>> don't believe any were made by Toyo Japan.   There was a long wait period 
>>>>> and when I finally received the bicycle, Keven told me it was made by 
>>>>> Waterford because the order from Taiwan was just taking to long.  I 
>>>>> remember checking the serial number and it fit with the Waterford scheme. 
>>>>> Subsequent batches were made in Taiwan at least for a while and might 
>>>>> have 
>>>>> reverted back to Waterford when the batch orders stopped.  
>>>>> The bike was the gray maroon colors.  I have a picture somewhere which 
>>>>> I will try to find.  I will also try to find my original receipt.  A 
>>>>> fellow 
>>>>> list member now owns the bike.
>>>>> On Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 10:08:44 AM UTC-4 John M wrote:
>>>>>> [image: right dropout.jpg]
>>>>>> This was from my Hunqapillar with serial number "M14008".  Which I 
>>>>>> had assumed meant the eighth frame produced in 2014 at Waterford.
>>>>>> On Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 2:50:11 AM UTC-6 Ed Fausto wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Joe,  would you know how to determine if the frame is made in 
>>>>>>> Toyo or Waterford?
>>>>>>> On Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 2:24:42 PM UTC+8 Joe Bernard wrote:
>>>>>>>> That's correct, the first ones had orange and are very rare, then 
>>>>>>>> kidney bean, then they went to the green frames. To my knowledge all 
>>>>>>>> are 
>>>>>>>> Toyo or Waterford. 
>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at 11:04:29 PM UTC-7 Chris L wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I wonder if my Hunqapillar might be a prototype, and that's what 
>>>>>>>>> the "p" designates?  

Re: [RBW] WTB: A Rivendell

2021-05-13 Thread Jim M.
Hike the Appalachian Trail and then ride it back. ;-)

jim m
walnut creek ca

On Thursday, May 13, 2021 at 12:17:38 PM UTC-7 Doug H. wrote:

> I saw that one. He prefers not ship but it's on my radar.
> Doug
> On Thursday, May 13, 2021 at 2:43:34 PM UTC-4 Matthew Williams wrote:
>> Sam Hillborne
>> 55cm
>> $2250
>> Bustins Island, ME
>> On May 13, 2021, at 11:37 AM, Doug H.  wrote:
>> The title is vague but I've been looking for a complete or frame for some 
>> time. The Atlantis, Clem H or Appaloosa would seem to fit the bill for me. 
>> Obviously these are not readily available. If you have a Clem H 52, 
>> Atlantis 53 or Appaloosa 54/55 I would be interested. Or, a Sam Hillborne 
>> might work as well.
>> Thank you,
>> Doug
>> Athens, GA
>> 706-614-3592 <(706)%20614-3592>
>> -- 
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>> <>
>> .

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[RBW] Re: Which Riv. mixte has the shortest chainstays?

2021-05-16 Thread Jim M.
Glorius, Betty Foy, and Yves Gomez were all made before the current long 
chainstay era. Great, beautiful bikes, but good look finding one. After 
that it would be the Cheviot. For comparison, a 55cm Chev has 50cm 
chainstays, whereas a 56 Susie has 54.

jim m
walnut creek, ca

On Sunday, May 16, 2021 at 7:06:24 AM UTC-7 Joel S wrote:

> Does this also equate to wheelbase?
> I store my bikes in the basement in winter and Sunroom the other seasons. 
>  Long bikes can be a problem. 
> Thanks. 

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[RBW] Re: Which Riv. mixte has the shortest chainstays?

2021-05-30 Thread Jim M.
Matthew just posted this Wilbury, in case you didn't see it:

They don't come available very often.

On Monday, May 17, 2021 at 12:37:49 PM UTC-7 Linda G wrote:

> I share Joel's concerns about long chainstays and wheelbase. The geometry 
> on the Platypus has not been posted by Rivendell except for some labelled 
> frame diagrams on Instagram which are hard to read. The 50 Platypus appears 
> to have a chainstay of 53 and wheelbase of 120.6. That's compared to a 45 
> chainstay on the 50 cheviot. The effective top tube on the Cheviot is 57.5 
> compared to what looks like 61.5 on the Platypus, if I am reading the 
> blurry diagram correctly. So the Platypus 50 is somewhere between 4 and 5 
> inches longer than the Cheviot 50, if my calculations are correct.
> Linda
> On Sunday, May 16, 2021 at 7:06:24 AM UTC-7 Joel S wrote:
>> Does this also equate to wheelbase?
>> I store my bikes in the basement in winter and Sunroom the other seasons. 
>>  Long bikes can be a problem. 
>> Thanks. 

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Re: [RBW] Fattest Tire on a QB?

2021-06-19 Thread Jim M.
On Friday, June 18, 2021 at 8:27:21 PM UTC-7 Paul Brodek wrote:

> Holy Moly, a Paul Flatbed? Sorry for the semi-zombie revival, and thread 
> drift and all that, but how'd that Flatbed work for you, Jim? 

Form was superior to function, so it didn't last long. Also, the stated 
weight limit was pretty low, from what I remember. Pretty sure I sold that 
to a list member quite a while ago.

jim m
walnut creek, ca 

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[RBW] Re: Rapid rise polarizing

2021-07-13 Thread Jim M.
The main advantage I find with Rapid Rise is that it shifts to a lower gear 
much more easily when you're pedaling uphill, which I've found more useful 
on steep mountain bike routes than with road biking. I've had an RR 
derailleur on one bike and standard on another and in my experience I never 
had a problem going back and forth. I echo Bill's comment that shifting is 
pretty simple on a bike whichever direction you're going.

jim m
walnut creek

On Tuesday, July 13, 2021 at 10:54:20 AM UTC-7 Joe Bernard wrote:

> Sorry, low-normal. RapidRise. That thing. 
> On Tuesday, July 13, 2021 at 10:43:29 AM UTC-7 Joe Bernard wrote:
>> I read Question 1 as info about high-normal derailers in general, not 
>> info on the one Grant is working on. 
>> On Tuesday, July 13, 2021 at 8:53:02 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>> Sam Perez asked three questions, but has only received answers to the 
>>> third of the three.  I'll attempt to answer all three:
>>> 1.  Why is there so little info on rapid rise RD?
>>> I think there is too much.  Grant is genuinely excited about the project 
>>> and I think he can't help but share a little.  If it were me I'd keep 
>>> silent on it until it exists to buy.  It may never happen, so pushing info 
>>> and then killing it will be a bummer.  Also, so many people are willing to 
>>> bellyache about Rapid Rise, why invite all the bellyachers to badmouth a 
>>> part that doesn't exist yet?
>>> 2.   why is it so polarizing?
>>> I don't know for sure, but I have a ton of ideas, too long a list to get 
>>> into.  It is confusing to me how popular it is to badmouth the Rapid Rise 
>>> RD.  I think it's the contrarian position now to say you like Rapid Rise.
>>> 3.  Any experience thoughts insights?
>>> Lots of experience, lots of thoughts.  Up to you if they qualify as 
>>> insights.  I bought up a bunch of M760 rear derailers when they were going 
>>> out of production.  That RD is on 4 of my 18 builds, and I have no trouble 
>>> remembering how to shift any of my bikes.  Maybe it's because I'm a 
>>> mechanic that I understand how things work.  Maybe it's because I have a 
>>> lot of bikes and use them all a lot that I can remember how to use each of 
>>> them, despite their differences.  Maybe it's because each of my builds is 
>>> different and because I've really carefully executed each build that each 
>>> bike for me has a "profile" that I have no problem recalling.  I imagine a 
>>> lot of people prefer to use their bike without much thought.  For some 
>>> people, a great compliment for a bicycle is that it 'disappears'.  For 
>>> others, it's something like "I don't want to be bothered remembering that 
>>> backwards shifting.  I just want to ride my bike"
>>> I think shifting gears on a bicycle is dead-simple no matter what you 
>>> use.  I think getting wrapped around the axle between different shifting 
>>> approaches is kind of crazy.  It's like handwringing about tying your 
>>> shoes, because slip-ons are so much simpler.  It's all simple.  Use what 
>>> you want to use and enjoy your ride!
>>> Bill Lindsay
>>> El Cerrito, CA
>>> On Monday, July 12, 2021 at 10:08:30 PM UTC-7 Sam Perez wrote:
>>>> Hey guys, 
>>>> Why is there so little info on rapid rise RD and why is it so 
>>>> polarizing. Sources include bike snob grants blog and random internet 
>>>> sources. Takeaways were finicky and needing frequent adjustment but also 
>>>> great concept and easy down shifting. Any experience thoughts insights? 
>>>> Thanks

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[RBW] Re: Pigeonholed in Bicycle Philosophy

2022-03-06 Thread Jim M.
Racing is not a bad thing, and there are plenty of arguments for the 
benefits of athletic competition.  What I think is unfortunate is how 
competition focused the bike industry has become, which really addresses 
only a small part of the bicycling world. For those of us old enough to 
remember Bikecentennial, the industry back then pushed touring, at least 
for a short time.  

Grant was a good amateur racer and won, IIRC, the Mt Diablo hill climb at 
least once. Long time RBW'er Mark -- greatly responsible for the Legolas 
and Roadeo -- was a national cyclocross champ. At Bridgestone, Grant helped 
design the RB1 and MB1. The RB1 was a budget racer that could compete with 
the Italian bikes, and the MB1 was one of the best early NORBA racers.  
Racing experience certainly shaped Grant's current approach, even if he has 
moved away from competition.

I raced bikes, but as I got older, having my stem slammed all the way down 
became uncomfortable. Fortunately I talked with Grant around that time, and 
he got me to raise bars and widen tires. 

If you want to try bike racing, go for it. It doesn't have to be one or the 
other, though if you want to be competitive a lot of your riding becomes 
"training", especially during the season. If you don't know whether you're 
drawn to competition, you probably aren't, I'd guess. If you are drawn to 
compete, it could be a different sport, and you could continue to "just 
ride" the RBW way.

jim m
walnut creek, ca


On Saturday, March 5, 2022 at 8:48:32 AM UTC-8 wrote:

> Dear RBW Owners Bunch, 
> This is my first post here, so hello! I have been struggling with my own 
> perception of my interests in bicycles lately, and I thought you might be 
> able to help me parse out my thoughts and ease my feelings. 
> In the past year, my seemingly unattainable fascination with bicycles 
> quickly solidified into a more practical part of my life than I could have 
> imagined. It began as I vowed to stop driving and speculated some updates 
> to my first bike, which was an old mountain bike I received from a friend 
> five years ago. I gave up on the updates when someone at the local bike 
> co-op said the changes wouldn't be worthwhile, and I internalized it. A few 
> months later, I took the plunge and bought my first big kid bike: a 
> new-to-me Velo Orange Polyvalent. During the summer, I embarked on a 
> thirty-day-long tour across Montana, where I met brilliant people, saw a 
> new part of the world, and shook down my new bike. Soon afterward, I 
> departed for a research project to measure the impacts of wildfires on 
> trout and stream invertebrates, and I discovered the joys of bike fishing 
> in my spare time. In the fall, I began to work as an advocate for 
> alternative transportation at my university, but I was disappointed in the 
> fact that I was the only student advocate who rode a bicycle. Then, I gave 
> my old bike, complete with alternative handlebars and a basket, to my best 
> friend, and it is so joyful to hear stories of their adventures. Most 
> recently, I read Grant's book *Just Ride*, which clarified my 
> understanding of his ideas, and I began to volunteer as a mechanic at my 
> local bike co-op. I have been struggling to fulfill my desire to tinker 
> with my own bikes, so it is awesome to put my time toward my community and 
> help others fall in love with bicycles in the process. 
> All this to say, I stumbled across Rivendell during my search for 
> alternative handlebars, and I was quickly drawn into the standards of 
> optimism, utility, and beauty that you, or we (please interject if I 
> missense the collective attitude), embrace in bicycles and the world. 
> However, there are a couple of issues I have been struggling with lately.   
> My first concern has to do with my own consumer habits, which I often 
> excuse as curiosity. My journey into more “serious" cycling has involved a 
> number of significant purchases. I don’t see an end in sight because there 
> are so many neat things to try. Albatross and Towel Rack bars have been 
> calling my name lately (I can’t decide which one to try because their 
> suggested stem lengths are inversely proportionate). Don’t get me started 
> on all of the bags and tires, bits and bobs. Will it ever end?
> The other issue is less immediate, at least in a physical sense. I’m 
> relatively young. I just turned 20. If I lean into the unracer's mindset 
> now, will I miss out on something? Did I skip my formative bicycle 
> experiences and arrive at the ultimate form decades too early? Will I watch 
> my athleticism and socially demanded competitive spirit slip away?
> Anyway, enough about me. What do you think?
> Sincerely,
> Brot

[RBW] FS: 56 Bombadil double top tube

2022-07-12 Thread Jim M.
Up for sale is my Bombadil, which was a prototype I bought from Riv. It was 
originally in bare steel but in 2019 an errant stick bent the derailer 
hanger. RBW sent it to Steve Rex to be straightened and aligned, and then 
it went to D&D for the paint job.   Here's a pic from Shell Ridge:

This is a 56cm with a 584 wheelset built by Rich. I'm 6'1" with an 89.5 
PBH, and it's always felt a little smaller than ideal for me. Riv Silver 
double crank 34x24, Shimano derailers, 9-sp cassette, Microshift thumbies 
(really nice friction shifting), Nitto UI-12 stem with Jones loop bars.

Asking $3000 and priority goes to local transaction.

jim mather
walnut creek

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[RBW] Re: FS: 56 Bombadil double top tube

2022-07-13 Thread Jim M.
Stan's ZTR rims, from when they still made rim brake rims. Set up tubeless 
currently with Schwalbe G Ones. The cranks are the idiosyncratic RBW 173's.

On Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at 4:01:45 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> I still hold out hope that my Orange powdercoated 56cm Bombadil with 
> matching orange bullmoose bars will make its way back to me on the 
> third-hand market.  This cool bluey could fill that slot nicely...
> good luck with sale.  It's a beaut!
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA
> P.S.: Mainly curiosity for me, but what are the rims, and what's the crank 
> arm length?
> On Tuesday, July 12, 2022 at 8:08:47 PM UTC-7 Jim M. wrote:
>> Up for sale is my Bombadil, which was a prototype I bought from Riv. It 
>> was originally in bare steel but in 2019 an errant stick bent the derailer 
>> hanger. RBW sent it to Steve Rex to be straightened and aligned, and then 
>> it went to D&D for the paint job.   Here's a pic from Shell Ridge:
>> This is a 56cm with a 584 wheelset built by Rich. I'm 6'1" with an 89.5 
>> PBH, and it's always felt a little smaller than ideal for me. Riv Silver 
>> double crank 34x24, Shimano derailers, 9-sp cassette, Microshift thumbies 
>> (really nice friction shifting), Nitto UI-12 stem with Jones loop bars.
>> Asking $3000 and priority goes to local transaction.
>> cheers
>> jim mather
>> walnut creek

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[RBW] Re: FS: 56 Bombadil double top tube

2022-07-13 Thread Jim M.
Sold locally. Thanks for your interest and better luck next time!

On Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at 11:15:38 AM UTC-7 Jim M. wrote:

> Stan's ZTR rims, from when they still made rim brake rims. Set up tubeless 
> currently with Schwalbe G Ones. The cranks are the idiosyncratic RBW 173's.
> On Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at 4:01:45 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> I still hold out hope that my Orange powdercoated 56cm Bombadil with 
>> matching orange bullmoose bars will make its way back to me on the 
>> third-hand market.  This cool bluey could fill that slot nicely...
>> good luck with sale.  It's a beaut!
>> Bill Lindsay
>> El Cerrito, CA
>> P.S.: Mainly curiosity for me, but what are the rims, and what's the 
>> crank arm length?
>> On Tuesday, July 12, 2022 at 8:08:47 PM UTC-7 Jim M. wrote:
>>> Up for sale is my Bombadil, which was a prototype I bought from Riv. It 
>>> was originally in bare steel but in 2019 an errant stick bent the derailer 
>>> hanger. RBW sent it to Steve Rex to be straightened and aligned, and then 
>>> it went to D&D for the paint job.   Here's a pic from Shell Ridge:
>>> This is a 56cm with a 584 wheelset built by Rich. I'm 6'1" with an 89.5 
>>> PBH, and it's always felt a little smaller than ideal for me. Riv Silver 
>>> double crank 34x24, Shimano derailers, 9-sp cassette, Microshift thumbies 
>>> (really nice friction shifting), Nitto UI-12 stem with Jones loop bars.
>>> Asking $3000 and priority goes to local transaction.
>>> cheers
>>> jim mather
>>> walnut creek

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Re: [RBW] Re: Best hat for sun protection while walking? -- Not too off-topic

2020-12-12 Thread Jim M.
On Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 6:55:30 PM UTC-8 Patrick Moore wrote:

> Thanks. This looks likely: 
> But tell me, why is it worth 3X the price of this one? 
> I wear a 7 7/8 hat, and although OR XL "fits", it's a pretty snug fit. I 
really like my Tilley Airflo. It comes in my size and fits perfectly. The 
air flow is quite impressive. Here in Walnut Creek, we have plenty of 90+ 
summer days, and the Tilley works great in a hot dry climate. The fit is so 
good and the air flow is so efficient, that I'm not forced to use the chin 
strap until gusts get more than 25mph or so. The OR will blow off at much 
lower wind speeds. I was skeptical and avoided the Tilley price for a long 
time, but I'm sold now. As a plus, it floats, and it rolls up small with no 
harm if you need to stuff it into a pack.

big head jim
walnut creek, ca

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Re: [RBW] Re: Weight question / I'm obviously confused

2021-01-10 Thread Jim M.
On Saturday, January 9, 2021 at 8:24:28 PM UTC-8 Jim Whorton wrote:

> I'm not sure why I picked up the pipe, Jason.  It seemed like a good 
> pipe.  
I have a pipe like that (slightly shorter) to use as a cheater bar. 

I have the same pbh and bought a 52 Clem H that was on sale. It was too 
small though I fit the theoretical range. I should have gotten the 59. I 
support the suggestions of better tires/lower pressure. I think you'll feel 
a big difference. I really liked the Clem other than the sizing.

jim m
walnut creek

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Re: [RBW] Re: Has anyone ever made a Rivendell custom step-through?

2021-01-25 Thread Jim M.
On Monday, January 25, 2021 at 12:07:32 PM UTC-8 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

>  hasn’t Europe ridden such bikes for a million years? Are they all 
> overbuilt tanks with nothing lightweight in the mix at all?
There are some lightweight mixtes built by constructeurs, but the step 
throughs are all tanks.  

jim m
walnut creek

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Re: [RBW] Re: Has anyone ever made a Rivendell custom step-through?

2021-01-25 Thread Jim M.
On Monday, January 25, 2021 at 2:51:55 PM UTC-8 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> Really! Can you tell us more about this? I just have no knowledge of mixte 
> vs step-thru engineering. I’m fascinated. Please do share with us if you 
> have any more knowledge on the matter.
I'm not an expert in vintage mixtes, but I do know that Gitane, Peugeot, 
Motobecane, and Raleigh all made very nice mixtes from 531 in the 70s. I 
had one from Gitan for my daughter that was a very nice ride. I believe 
Miyata or Fuji made some from Tange Prestige too. Here are some customs: 
one from Rene Herse; and 
one from a British builder, Major 

I'm sure Grant could explain, but I imagine that without the mixte diagonal 
tube, the stepthrough needs stouter tubing. But hey, you might as well call 
and ask what he says about a lightweight stepthrough.

jim m
walnut creek

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Re: [RBW] Re: WTB: large Riv All Rounder 26” wheels

2021-02-11 Thread Jim M.
Well, Mt Airy bikes has had a 59 for at least 10 years. It's bike number 
3804, and you can search for it here:

I've been very tempted by this bike but he was always asking more than I 
wanted to pay. 

good luck
jim m
walnut creek, ca

On Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 10:33:12 AM UTC-8 Steven Sweedler wrote:

> If it only had 26” wheels 
> On Thu, Feb 11, 2021 at 11:32 AM Matthew Williams  
> wrote:
>> Here you go:
>> Sam Hillborne All-Rounder
>> 59cm
>> $1800
>> Indianapolis, IN
>> [image: 00b0b_iYzRTdsdfFR_1320MM_1200x900.jpg]
>> On Wednesday, February 10, 2021 at 1:02:47 PM UTC-8 Steven Sweedler wrote:
>>> Apologies for the cross post, this is my annual appeal looking for my 
>>> holy grail. 60 cm square or close, will consider any and all, frame set 
>>> preferred. Steve
>>> Tucson
>>> -- 
>>> Steven Sweedler
>>> Plymouth, New Hampshire
>> -- 
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>> <>
>> .
> -- 
> Steven Sweedler
> Plymouth, New Hampshire

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[RBW] Anyone missing a Romulus in So Cal?

2021-02-23 Thread Jim M.
Ad smells a bit funny, but you do get a "500 doller headset".

Also this ad:
which offers "Fully Loaded With Campanaro italian Parts"

jim m
walnut creek, ca

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[RBW] Re: Convert to Tubeless?

2021-03-05 Thread Jim M.
Tubeless tape isn't very expensive. As mentioned I'd use it over Gorilla. 
And inflation can be difficult with a standard pump. I have a small 
compressor, and I also have a Topeak Joeblow Booster, which allows you to 
pump a chamber to high psi and let it out in one blast to seat tubeless 
tires. Works well in my experience. 

Soap water on the bead helps seat. Also, the tires will probably leak 
sealant out the sidewall until they are sealed, so you'll see little white 
specks. You may need to use a couple of extra shots of sealant the first 

jim m
tubeless in walnut creek

On Friday, March 5, 2021 at 7:45:30 PM UTC-8 eddietheflay wrote:

> i would say make yourself ready for asking yourself why you decided to go 
> tubeless :). the learning curve in my garage was hours long. get ready for 
> tight tires (Conti 5000) that are impossible to get on rim. or get ready 
> for loose tires (GravelKing Slicks) that are impossibly loose and 
> challenging to set the beads. tight tires make it easier to set the beads. 
> loose tires are a pain in the butt to set the beads. regardless you might 
> be successful with a standard floor pump but there's a high likelihood 
> you'll need CO2 or compressor or an a cannister like an Airshot. the tough 
> ones need a strong and quick blast of air. without the blast get ready for 
> anger.
> On Friday, March 5, 2021 at 5:21:14 PM UTC-8 David Person wrote:
>> I will say that if you use Gorilla tape, it is a bitch to clean up the 
>> rim when you remove it.  Lots of residue left on the rim that will need to 
>> be stripped off with acetone.  Analog sells tubeless tape at a very 
>> reasonable price.  One roll will do at least a dozen wheels.
>> On Thursday, March 4, 2021 at 11:01:37 PM UTC-8 Nick Payne wrote:
>>> I'd say so-called tubeless-compatible tyres aren't necessary unless you 
>>> need to buy new tyres. For several years now I've been running Hutchinson 
>>> Confrérie des 650B tyres tubeless on one bike (Velocity A23 rims) and Grand 
>>> Bois Lierre tubeless on another (MCFK i25 hookless rims), and although 
>>> neither model of tyre is rated as tubeless, I've had zero problems.
>>> Nick

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[RBW] Re: What's your favorite painting of a Bombadil?

2021-03-20 Thread Jim M.
Most of the prototypes that I saw were clearcoat, but Grant's proto was 
blue. You can see it on Cyclofiend's Bombadil 

My proto was clearcoat but metal will corrode under clearcoat, and so I 
eventually got it repainted as posted above.

There is also a Flickr Bombadil group which offers a rainbow of possible 

The bike was introduced in Riv Reader 41, but I don't have a copy of that. 
The prototype was shown in RR39. I don't remember the color of the first 
production Bombadils, but at some point they were offered with the buyer's 
choice of powdercoat color, or wet paint for a $200 upcharge (circa 2010).

jim m
walnut creek, ca

On Friday, March 19, 2021 at 8:57:32 PM UTC-7 Jim M. wrote:

> I'm kinda partial to mine, painted by Rick at D&D. I just need some blue 
> suede cycling sneakers.
> jim m
> walnut creek, ca
> [image: blue bomba.jpg]
> On Friday, March 19, 2021 at 8:05:33 PM UTC-7 WilletM wrote:
>> Good luck making a tough decision on covering up that eye-catching raw 
>> finish.  I struggled with a similar decision in the opposite direction with 
>> my Proto-Bombadil.  It was (and still is) creamsicle orange, though it was 
>> reportedly raw when new.  It came to me with a well-worn and nicked up but 
>> still very professionally done orange/cream paint job.  As I have a strong 
>> bias towards leaving frames looking "vintage" when the paint still 
>> adequately protects the metal, I decided to stay with the orange cream and 
>> just touch it up extensively with a fairly close Tangerine Orange Pearl 
>> color from Subaru that I probably read about here somewhere.  But I did get 
>> a replacement decal set from Riv just in case plans change and I decide to 
>> take it back to raw.
>> [image: Protovelo1.jpg]
>> On a different frame, a "real" Bombadil that I got here from Jamison B 
>> last year, it has the original orange/cream paint job, but the orange is 
>> not of the creamsicle variety.  Instead, it is (according to Jamison, who 
>> was the original owner) an Imron color called persimmon.  I'm currently 
>> building that frame up and will be touching up the nicks eventually, though 
>> with a slightly different shade of orange than the other one.  I was able 
>> to order replacement top-mount decals for the Bombadil last October from 
>> Spencer at Rivendell.
>> I will look forward to seeing "action" pics of your (eventual) new paint 
>> job, which I suspect will involve streams, bridges, and trees dripping with 
>> moss if your previous postings are any guide.  
>> [image: mail.jpg]
>> Willet M.
>> Carbondale, CO
>> On Friday, March 19, 2021 at 6:27:47 PM UTC-6 Jason Fuller wrote:
>>> So, many of you are probably aware of the Bombadil that lives within my 
>>> realm of belongings thanks to Joe having taken it in and then releasing it 
>>> back into the wild. I, as many of you, love the clearcoat-over-raw finish 
>>> that it has.  I'm 50% sure I want to keep it this way, even though it 
>>> provides sub-optimal corrosion protection, and just touch up problem areas 
>>> as they arise. 
>>> But I'm also 50% sure I want to strip it back down to a frame, have it 
>>> restored and frame-saver'd, and professionally painted. Timeline on this 
>>> wouldn't be immediate - probably next year, or the year after that, but I 
>>> like to plan ahead. To my chagrin in this group I would not be sending it 
>>> to Joe Bell because I'm in Canada and it would be like $400 in shipping 
>>> alone, plus I'm local to Chris Dekerf who has a very capable paint studio 
>>> that does lots of impressive custom work (all of Chromag's locally made 
>>> frames, for instance).  
>>> I absolutely would be doing a proper two-color paintjob with all the lug 
>>> detailing that a MUSA Rivendell has, and I want the color selection to look 
>>> like a natural choice for the Bombadil - it doesn't have to be a Rivendell 
>>> colour, but I want it to look like it could easily have been in 2009.  I 
>>> also wouldn't do this unless I can get the proper decals to apply after, 
>>> though Riv never responds to my emails so I'll probably need to give them a 
>>> call on this. 
>>> I am gravitating towards greens and greys at the moment.  Ideas include: 
>>> - Classic Hunq green 
>>> - Vaughn'

[RBW] Re: Looking for the Riv Reader article on Triangulation

2021-03-23 Thread Jim M.
There's an article called "Trusses" in RR 32 by Kevin Moore, a structural 
engineer. If you need a copy let me know.

jim m
walnut creek, ca

On Monday, March 22, 2021 at 4:49:18 PM UTC-7 Joe Bernard wrote:

> Look way back, it's in one of the first ones. In fact I think it's in 
> No.1, which would be after No. 0. 
> On Monday, March 22, 2021 at 4:44:01 PM UTC-7 reynoldslugs wrote:
>> I remember the Reader had an article dealing with the concept that 
>> triangulation makes lots of things stronger, e.g., bridges and bicycles.  
>> I've scoured my old Readers but can't find the article.  
>> Would anyone be able to kindly direct me where I can find it?
>> it's for an engineer friend who's teaching the concept of triangulation.
>> thank you,
>> Max Beach
>> Santa Rosa CA

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[RBW] Re: Looking for the Riv Reader article on Triangulation

2021-03-23 Thread Jim M.
32 is from 2004, so pretty ancient history at this point. ;-)

On Tuesday, March 23, 2021 at 1:22:29 PM UTC-7 Joe Bernard wrote:

> It's in 32?? My bad, my memory of when I read that article is WAY wrong. 
> This is not unusual for me! 🤪
> On Tuesday, March 23, 2021 at 12:56:40 PM UTC-7 Jim M. wrote:
>> There's an article called "Trusses" in RR 32 by Kevin Moore, a structural 
>> engineer. If you need a copy let me know.
>> jim m
>> walnut creek, ca
>> On Monday, March 22, 2021 at 4:49:18 PM UTC-7 Joe Bernard wrote:
>>> Look way back, it's in one of the first ones. In fact I think it's 
>>> in No.1, which would be after No. 0. 
>>> On Monday, March 22, 2021 at 4:44:01 PM UTC-7 reynoldslugs wrote:
>>>> I remember the Reader had an article dealing with the concept that 
>>>> triangulation makes lots of things stronger, e.g., bridges and bicycles.  
>>>> I've scoured my old Readers but can't find the article.  
>>>> Would anyone be able to kindly direct me where I can find it?
>>>> it's for an engineer friend who's teaching the concept of triangulation.
>>>> thank you,
>>>> Max Beach
>>>> Santa Rosa CA

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Re: [RBW] Fattest Tire on a QB?

2021-03-31 Thread Jim M.
On Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 3:42:50 PM UTC-7 greenteadrinkers wrote:

> Running 700C X 42 Hurricane Ridge  
> <>

We don't want link to the tires, we want a link to pictures of the QB with 
the tires. I'm sure it looks great.

jim m
walnut creek 

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[RBW] Re: Any former paper boys (or girls) on this list?

2021-09-08 Thread Jim M.
Late 60s to early 70s in San Diego; very occasional rain in winter, but 
otherwise no weather problems. There was a Schwinn Paperboy bike that got 
sold as kids aged out of paper delivery. That was a stout bike with a big 
basket on front and a rack in back to hold the canvas panniers. On Sunday, 
I had to go back to my garage and load up again because of the size of the 
paper. Looking back, the fact that they had kids going around collecting at 
the end of the month seems ludicrous. Most people were nice, but there were 
always a few a-holes that treated you poorly or begrudged the subscription 
price ($1.50 per month, iirc). The route let me save up for my first 
10-speed, a Schwinn Continental, which was used by me until it got stolen 
when I was a young adult.

jim m
walnut creek, ca

On Wednesday, September 8, 2021 at 8:33:39 AM UTC-7 Lefebeaver wrote:

> I delivered papers 6 days a week for the Portsmouth (NH) Herald. I went by 
> bicycle unless the snow was very, very deep. I think it's influenced my 
> lifelong attitude, which jives with the Riv philosophy, that a bicycle 
> should be outfitted to be as robust and useful as possible, and carry 
> anything. And I could go right out this afternoon on my Atlantis and 
> deliver papers - it's perfectly set up for it! 
> On Monday, September 6, 2021 at 12:11:33 PM UTC-4 Patrick Moore wrote:
>> Dave Moulton has an interesting little post on his blog today about
>> the disappearance of the paper boy. I don't recall ever having seen
>> one except (always!) in movies, but then we lived when I was a boy in
>> the US in what was still a semi rural area, and the rest of the time
>> overseas. All the newspaper deliverers I've seen have been middle aged
>> people in cars.
>> I do recall working followup for the 1990 census on a bike! (I did
>> similar work for the 1980 census in my car in a very rural part of NW
>> Georgia; now that was interesting -- like Deliverance except that the
>> people were very nice, even though I was -- to them -- a Yankee
>> Oriental who was asking way too many personal questions.)
>> -- 
>> ---
>> Patrick Moore
>> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

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[RBW] Re: If you have a minute, please read this

2011-03-02 Thread Jim M.

On Mar 2, 6:31 pm, Rob Harrison  wrote:
> •  no way no how one member of a board and four of his employees can make a 
> decision that changes how the assets of a non-profit can be distributed. 
> (Only board members can do this, and it has to be at least a majority if not 
> unanimous.)

If you read the NY Times article, you'll see that his 4 employees were
members of the Smile Train board. With 5 votes, I'm assuming he had a
majority to do what he wanted. I work a lot in the non-profit world
and it is not unusual for  subtantial donors to stack the board in
their favor.

> •  no way no how one member of a board can fire the Executive Director or any 
> other officer of the corporation. (Same reason as above.)

Again, with a majority of board votes, Wang probably got the firings
approved. Saying he personally fired them is probably just over
dramatizing the situation, though it wouldn't surprise me if he
delivered the news personally. If you consider Wang's financial
troubles, and his corrupt history as CEO of Computer Associates, I'd
say it's disturbing that he would come out of this merger with 2/3 of
Smile Train's assets under his control in a new "non-profit".

jim m
wc ca

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[RBW] Re: Lay-aways

2011-03-03 Thread Jim M.
I stopped by RBW today. Keven said the 1st 2 lay-aways have been
reserved. One's a Simpleone and the other is a Hilsen. Neither are
mine. I'd go for a Hunq probably.

And on the topic of worst sellers, after Grant wrote that post, the
Grab Bags sold out.

jim m
wc ca

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[RBW] Re: Smile Train Update -- Merger Cancelled

2011-03-07 Thread Jim M.
For those following the story, the NY Times reports today that the
merger is off:

jim m
wc ca

On Mar 6, 10:26 am, bicyclebill  wrote:
> John,
> No offense taken, so no apology needed.  As a follower of several
> bicycle forums, I was just surprised to find this topic being aired in
> this venue.  I tend to look to these groups for technical advice,
> fellow Riv and vintage owners bikes and experiences, etc.  I'm
> actually very sympathetic to charitable programs and typically ride 2
> or 3 charity events each year (e.g. PanMass Challenge, The Prouty,
> D2R2, etc.), so I don't begrudge the cause.  Anyway, good luck and
> keep up the good work.
> Bill
> On Mar 3, 3:10 pm, John Bennett  wrote:
> > Thanks, Jim. Apologies, Bicycle Bill.
> > We try hard not to start anything here that is not RBW-specific, and
> > maybe this is  borderline, I don't know.
> > That said, it was something we thought was important, and we wanted to
> > get it out as quickly as possible because many of our customers have
> > given generously to SmileTrain, and figured folks might be reading
> > this forum more often than checking our web logs.
> > As Jim said, we wanted to be ahead of the story, and pro-active in
> > covering the changes at a charity that we feel strongly about, and
> > have promoted on our web site (which is extremely RBW-specific, in
> > case you haven't visited it recently).
> > Now, back to the regularly scheduled program, already in progress
> > Thank you!
> > John at Rivendell
> > On Mar 3, 10:59 am, CycloFiend  wrote:
> > > on 3/3/11 8:56 AM, bicyclebill at wrote:
> > > > Am I alone in trying to understand the relevance of this thread to
> > > > this group?  However noble in its purpose, is this the right forum?
> > > I've  let this run because John @ Rivbike started it, and it directly
> > > relates to one of the primary Rivendell Bicycle Works supported charities.
> > > There have also been a number of sales and "matching" agreements on
> > > Rivendell products which benefitted Smile Train.  Not least of which is 
> > > the
> > > recent Grilver-colored Sam auction.
> > > My opinion was that it's better to let it run and provide information to
> > > this group, which is highly Riv-centric, rather than have the information
> > > appear through a back-channel which might make it look as though RBW was
> > > less proactive in terms of monitoring a charity they have actively 
> > > promoted.
> > > Still feel that way, and as long as the discussion remains centered here -
> > > i.e. providing specific information about this issue - rather than 
> > > spiraling
> > > off into general opinions about non-profits/etc., I'm ok with it.  In 
> > > fact,
> > > since a few of the RBW items I've bought have benefited the organization,
> > > and I was made aware of it through RBW, it's been interesting to gain this
> > > info.
> > > - Jim / List Admin
> > > --
> > > Jim Edgar
> > >
> > > Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries -
> > > Current Classics - Cross Bikes
> > > Singlespeed - Working Bikes
> > > Workshops of the iBob's
> > > Send In Your Photos! - Here's how:
> > > "My nighttime attitude is anyone can run you down and get away with it.
> > > That's why I don't even own a bike light or one of those godawful 
> > > reflective
> > > suits.  Because if you've put yourself in a position where someone has to
> > > see you in order for you to be've already blown it."
> > > -- Neal Stephenson, "Zodiac"- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Re: Grant refers to this helmet guy for some reason

2011-03-18 Thread Jim M.
Did anyone notice Jim's post:

This thread should fade away. Let it go; you're not going to convince
each other.

Anyone get a new bike lately? How about lovely spring rides?

All the rain in Walnut Creek this year convinced me to put fenders on
for the first time. They're on my '87 MB-1, which has mustache bars
(as opposed to the original dirt drops), and 1.5" tires. I was
prepared to be disappointed by the performance of the 559's on the
road, but I'm acutally quite pleased at how quick the bike feels and
how well it handles. When I put a new headset on, there just wasn't
enough room for a cable hanger, which puzzled me. I found the old
catalog from Sheldon's site, and it turns out the original bike had a
hole in the stem that acted as the cable stop. I carefully drilled a
small hole in the stem and, voila, a cable stop.

jim m
wc ca

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[RBW] Re: simpleone

2011-03-21 Thread Jim M.
Yes, it's the LOTR copyright. They can also no longer use the name
Legolas, though I don't know if they were planning to make any more of
those. The Qbeam is one of my all time favorite bikes, and the S'one
rides the same in my opinion. You can build it up any way you'd like.
My QB still has the double front because I've been too busy to
simplify it. On back I have a 16 freewheel on one side and a 16 fixed
on the other, so I don't really use the manual shifting much.

jim m
wc ca

On Mar 21, 6:35 pm, jandrews_nyc  wrote:
> Does anyone know why it's not just going to be called the Quickbeam
> again?  Given that the geometry is "nearly identical" and that now
> it's back to canti's, what else is different?  Don't get me wrong...I
> like the name Simpleone.  I like saying it with an Italian accent like
> one would say marscarpone.  I just want to know more about it.  The
> page on the Riv site mentions single speed riding, but nothing about
> the double chainrings up front.  Is the manual 2-speed / 4-speed not
> really part of this bike's design?  I think I'm going to purchase a
> frame-set in the next couple of days.

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[RBW] Re: Moustache Friendly Handlebar/Rando bag Suggestions...

2011-03-24 Thread Jim M.
I think the bar tube is a low-cost option works well with m-bars. It
straps on close to the stem, which is not a very useable hand position
with mustache bars. Here's my older, non-vegan version on my Qbeam:

jim m
wc ca

On Mar 24, 9:21 am, EastBayGuy  wrote:
> Hi Everyone
> Curious if anyone has any suggestions and or pictures of a moustache
> friendly handlebar/Rando Bag. Any Thoughts would be appreciated.
> Cheers!
> Dustin G
> WC Ca

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[RBW] Re: FS: Carradice Bike Bureau, Rivendell Ribbit Brakes

2011-04-02 Thread Jim M.
I'll take the bike bureau if it's still available.


On Apr 2, 6:32 am, Justin August  wrote:
> Hi guys-
> Selling a couple things.
> Carradice Bike Bureau - 50 bucks. Right side version.
> Bought used on here for the same price I believe. It's good, works
> fine - just not what I need right now.
> Rivendell Ribbit Cantis. - $40 for the pair.
> Some wear from install but overall in fine condition.
> Contact me off-list!
> -Justin

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[RBW] Re: Rivendell chicas

2011-04-04 Thread Jim M.
Nice to hear. Too bad they don't post their reports here. Are we that

jim m
wc ca

On Apr 2, 7:36 pm, Anne Paulson  wrote:
> On the Cinderella Classic today, my Roadeo didn't feel all alone among
> all those carbon fiber thingies. I saw three Rambouillets and a
> beautiful sage green custom (really sage green, not the Bianchi color
> of the Atlantis). The Cinderella is for women only-- glad to see other
> Rivendell chicas.
> --
> -- Anne Paulson
> My hovercraft is full of eels

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[RBW] Re: Which retro derailleur for a Bombadil?

2011-04-06 Thread Jim M.
I put an XC Pro from a '91 MB-1 on my '87 MB-1 and it shifts great. I
also have Suntour Cyclones on a pair of old Treks that both work well.
And, come to think of it, I have a Superbe RD that I plan on using for
something. I like the old Suntour and they've always worked great for

jim m
wc ca

On Apr 5, 3:49 pm, Kip Otteson  wrote:
> Just curious about your opinions.  I've looked a little on eBay and
> I've found many Suntour XC Pro and XC Expert derailleurs and thumb
> shifters there.  By many I mean 5 or so.  I remember back in the day,
> 1988/89, that friends that were really into mountain biking loved the
> Suntour stuff.  I currently have a Nooodle bar on the Bombadil and am
> thinking about moving my current dirt drop bar setup to my wife's
> Heron and going with a Bullmoose Bar.  I'd put the thumb shifters on
> the new set up and get rid of my squeaky Deore derailleur in the
> process.  I saw the XT rear for sale on the list and I'd buy it today,
> but I was wondering what you guys/gals thought?  I want to get a 7
> speed rear wheel built up by Riv so that would be the wheel it would
> work with.  If I put the derailleur on my bike right now (9 speed)
> would it work if I just use friction mode?
> Thanks for your insight and opinions.
> Kip Otteson
> Chiang Mai, Thailand

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[RBW] Flickr Legola group

2011-04-12 Thread Jim M.
Martin started a Legolas group here:

Only 3 lonely Legolas (Legoli?) so far, including the only 2 copper
colored ones. How about adding some more pics, or are Legolas owners
too bashful, too busy riding?

jim m
wc ca

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[RBW] Re: Flickr Legola group

2011-04-13 Thread Jim M.
I thought it was closer to 100 because, IIRC, there was a 2nd run. Now
I'll have to check.

jim m
wc ca

On Apr 13, 10:09 am, CycloFiend  wrote:
> on 4/12/11 1:38 PM, Jim M. at wrote:
> I think on a percentage basis, that could be a pretty significant number.  I
> know of three, plus yours and the ones which were (thankfully?) not the
> right size in the Frame Specials section of the site.  Not sure how many of
> those bicycles got built, but I'd be surprised if it was more than 30.

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[RBW] Re: Flickr Legola group

2011-04-15 Thread Jim M.
There were 3 runs of Legolas. The first 30 were by Nobilette, and then
2 runs from Waterford. Mark and Grant both said there are "around 80"

As for tubing, the Legolas and Roadeo have the same tubing for top and
seat tubes, fork blades and chain stays. The Legolas downtube is
slightly heavier at .7/.5/.7 vs .65/.45/65 for the Roadeo.

Yeah, I was surprised by how light those tubes are too.

jim m
wc ca

On Apr 14, 10:01 am, CycloFiend  wrote:
> on 4/13/11 1:03 PM, Jim M. at wrote:
> > I thought it was closer to 100 because, IIRC, there was a 2nd run. Now
> > I'll have to check.
> Let me know what you find out - I do recall two separate calls for orders,
> about 2 years apart.
> I'm going to take 44 in the pool. ;^)
> - J

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[RBW] Re: new tool rolls

2011-04-15 Thread Jim M.
I stopped by and picked one up today. Olive is now gone, but they have
some left in grid grey.

jim m
wc ca

On Apr 14, 12:16 pm, William  wrote:
> But the Olive ones are available now.  Now I can bag match!  Woohoo!
> On Apr 13, 6:17 pm, Leslie  wrote:
> > Dang, the khaki ones are already gone

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[RBW] Re: Flickr Legola group

2011-04-15 Thread Jim M.
Here's the correct link to the group pics:

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[RBW] Re: Flickr Legola group

2011-04-16 Thread Jim M.
On Apr 16, 9:06 am, Mojo  wrote:
> Thanks for the info Jim. So now they are measuring tube thickness to
> the nearest 0.05 mm? Really?

Mark showed me the spec sheet sent to the builder and that was what it

On Apr 16, 7:39 am, Michael_S  wrote:
> so what are tubing thicknesses for the Ram, are they heavier?  I am
> seriously thnking of making a Ram-olas ( or is it Leg-bouillet) as I
> am not a caliper brake person. I seem to recall that the tubing
> thickness increased with larger sizes, starting at 58.

Don't know about the Ram but I believe the Roadeo is a little thinner
gauge. Go for it. Chris Kostman's Roadeo is used all over, so I'm sure
a Ram can handle it too.

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[RBW] Re: Any Plans For A New RBW Wool Jeresy?

2011-04-19 Thread Jim M.
For a while RBW said they couldn't find a good source but the last
time I asked, they said they found a supplier and there will be a new

On Apr 19, 7:15 am, Larry Powers  wrote:
> I know that this list is monitored by certain people at RBW so I am posting 
> this here.  Are there any plans for another run of wool RBW jerseys?  My blue 
> and green ones are getting kind of old and I am in the market for a new one.  
> I like the graphics of the RBW jersies and that would be my first choice if 
> available.   If there are plans to do a run this year then I will gladly wait 
> but if not I will need to purchase something else pretty soon.  Maybe a nice 
> dark red or deep yellow jersey.
> Thanks.
> Larry Powers
> Get a bicycle.  You will not regret it if you live. - Mark Twain

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[RBW] Re: seems to be down

2011-04-19 Thread Jim M.
It's back up:

On Apr 19, 8:44 am, Philip Williamson 
> Rats! I wanted to see the slimey green!
> 8:43am, 4-19-11
>  Philip
>  Philip

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[RBW] Re: Yesterday's Ride to Napa

2011-04-24 Thread Jim M.
Cool video as always, Eric! Are you going to shoot the PBP too?

On Apr 24, 5:29 pm, Eric Norris  wrote:
> --Eric

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[RBW] Re: Creeper Trail jaunt

2011-04-25 Thread Jim M.
Nice write-up! Sounds to me like you're ready for the metric. Maybe
start snacking earlier to avoid the bonk.

jim m
wc ca

On Apr 24, 8:27 pm, Leslie  wrote:
> I took Friday off to go for a ride, but the weather wasn't quite
> pleasant that day, but promised to be better.  (Forecast for Friday
> hadn't been good, but I was being optimistic.)  Yesterday and today
> have been beautiful here, though.
> So yesterday, put the Rambouillet and my son's Motobecane cross bike
> on the rack, took off for Damascus to ride the Creeper...
> For those of you not familiar with, the Virginia Creeper Trail is a 34-
> mi rails-to-trail path in southwestern Virginia.  One end of it is in
> Abingdon, Damascus is close to the middle, and the top of it is at
> Whitetop.  (
> Virginia_Creeper_Trail#Riding_the_Virginia_Creeper_Trail)
> The good thing about the Creeper is that it's beautiful.  The downside
> is its popularity.   Large crowds will flock to it, rent a bike for
> the day, have a shuttle take them to the top at Whitetop Station, then
> they have a coasting 17-mile downhill bike ride, then one flat mile
> back to Damascus.   They often treat it like it's a one-way path, not
> noticing people that are actually pedaling up.   The Abingdon-Damascus
> half (16-mi-long) is usually less crowded, is rolling through
> farmland, whereas the Whitetop-Damascus half (18-mi) is through
> forest.
> I've done the downhill bit before myself, playing tourguide for
> visiting groups, talking about the geology, natural history of the
> area.  But since I've started taking riding more seriously over the
> past couple of years, I've begun riding instead of using the
> shuttles.   To date, I'd usually broken it up into pieces.  I'd
> started in Abingdon, ridden to Damascus, then back to Abingdon.
> Likewise, I'd started in Damascus, ridden up Whitetop, then back down
> to Damascus.    Each trip ends up being 32 to 36 miles long (depending
> on which parking lot you start from, if you go past the Whitetop
> Station on to the NC state line, etc.).
> But yesterday, I wanted to attempt to do it all.  And, not just a one-
> way trip, but, to cover the whole trail, there and back.   But, I
> didn't want to be risky either.   So, we started in Damascus, rode up
> to Abingdon, then back down to Damascus, through town, and on towards
> Whitetop.
> Trip started well.  The path is a combination of graveled near the
> trailheadish areas, but dirt-path when further from access points.
> First thing I noticed, is the difference in tires.  Last summer, I'd
> had 32 Paselas on the Ram.   After slashing my sidewall, I'd swapped,
> and put on RuffyTuffys, so my fenders would fit.  I'd been liking the
> Ruffys on my other road rides and paved bike trails, but really
> noticed the decrease in floatation on the sandier patches we'd
> occasionally hit.   Not too bad on the Damascus-Abingdon leg,
> though.   Had a Hillborne pass us going the other way, and spotted a
> gal on a blue Rambouillet at the Abingdon trailhead. Promptly turned
> around, and part way back we passed the Hillborne going the other
> way.   Ran into a friend who'd paused on one of the numerous trestles,
> admiring the view, we chatted for a few before we rolled on.
> Once back to Damascus, rode the flat out of town alongside Hwy 58
> towards Whitetop, then you cross Hwy 91 beside the intersection with
> 58, and start to climb.   Pretty quick, having the first thirty-some
> miles behind us, we were feeling it when we started up.   And, started
> hitting more sandy patches...  as much as I like to pick on the fact
> that 'mountain bikes' are overkill on this trail, I have to admit that
> a fatter tire would have been better.  I could peel the fenders off, I
> suppose, and go with even bigger than my previous 32s, but, I admit to
> liking having my fenders on there when you cross puddles in the
> trail... you spot people with stripes up their back, but not
> I...  :)
> But, as much as I was enjoying the ride, it was starting to grind.  We
> made it to Taylor's Valley, and I was wanting to make it to Green Cove
> (the community before you reach the top at Whitetop), but, I bonked.
> I reached a point where I told Alex, we need to stop.   Munched our
> bananas and granola bars, downed a good bit of water, rested for ten
> minutes, fifteen minutes or so.   Then, pointed our bikes back
> downhill.   When we made it back to the truck in Damascus, we'd done
> 52 miles.  If, if I'd managed to get on up to Whitetop before turning
> around, we'd have done 68, so, yeah, were about 8mi short of the end
> of t

[RBW] Re: Which Riv for..... ???

2011-05-02 Thread Jim M.
Danny has great skills, that's for sure. If Riv's were my only choice,
the smallest Betty for standover clearance and lighter weight.

But that's a bit like asking what Riv would I choose for this:

I'm really happy with my 2 Rivs but I'm happy with my non-Riv's too.
Now if they really made the Sauron that Sheldon Brown created, I'd get
another Riv.  ;-)

jim m
wc ca

On May 2, 8:51 pm, Leslie  wrote:
> Okay, this evening I was bouncing through old tunes I liked on
> YouTube, and happened back across an earlier bicycle video of Danny
> MacAskill from a couple of years ago that I'd really enjoyed (with a
> cool tune), but that led to a newer video from him I'd not yet seen
> before...
> So that began my current pondering...  what Rivendell would be what
> you'd want to use if you were trying stuff like this?   Would you want
> a Bombadil or a Hunqapillar, or would that be too heavy?  Would a
> mixte be a better choice?  Perhaps a Betty Foy w/ a trimmed down seat-
> tube?

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[RBW] Re: Which Riv for..... ???

2011-05-03 Thread Jim M.
Sauron link:

On May 2, 9:54 pm, "Jim M."  wrote:
> Now if they really made the Sauron that Sheldon Brown created, I'd get
> another Riv.  ;-)

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[RBW] Re: bars for a simpleone?

2011-05-05 Thread Jim M.
On May 4, 4:06 pm, andrew hill  wrote:
> also wondering about albatross - anyone have pics of those on a QB?

Here's mine with Albatross:

I've also used bullmoose and mustache bars on it. All of those bars
have their good points, but I always come back to Salsa Bell Lap
cyclocross bars. I also have a long torso and relatively short legs.
I'd suggest that if you haven't found drop bars you like, it's
probably a fit issue and not a bar issue.

QB/Simpleone's are great bikes. Enjoy!

jim m
wc ca

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[RBW] Re: Inquiry re Sagging Selle AnAtomica

2011-05-23 Thread Jim M.
My S.A. stretched over 3 months of riding until I had the tension bolt
extended to its maximum, at which point it stabilized. (I weigh 220
fwiw). It's certainly thinner leather than any Brooks or Ideale I've
seen. I'm amazed that you have one that hasn't stretched. My
experience is typical from every S.A. rider I know.

On May 23, 9:26 pm, reynoldslugs  wrote:
> After just a few rides on a brand-new Selle Anatomica, it looks like
> our old mule (Gladys) with a deeply swayed back.  The manufacturer's
> website seems to say, don't worry about the way this looks, just
> tighten it up a bit at a time until it's comfortable.
> I'm willing to follow the manufacturer's advice, but i'm pretty
> certain I've never seen a leather saddle sag and splay like this
> anytime in the last 30+ years of riding Ideales and Brooks.  Moreover,
> I have what is supposed to be the identical saddle (different color)
> on my Roadeo, and have not had any sagging at all.
> Anyone else experience this with the Anatomicas, or have words of
> advice/wisdom?
> FWIW, I'm a Clyde and this is their Clyde model, ostensibly.
> thanks.
> RL

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[RBW] Re: 2011 San Francisco Randonneurs Populaires!

2011-06-03 Thread Jim M.
I'm out of town in June but I'll make October 1st. And then, I hope, a
200k, 300k, and the LRL next year.

jim m

On Jun 2, 3:29 pm, RonLau  wrote:
> JimG posted this on FB and I am copying this here.  If you have time,
> please join us.  Going to be a fun ride.
> "Mark your calendars! In 2011, SFR will host two populaire rides: June
> 25th, and Oct. 1st. The San Francisco Randonneurs is a club that hosts
> rides known as brevets. Normally, our rides begin at distances of
> 200km and go up from there..."

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