[RBW] Re: New Sam-haver with rack questions!

2016-06-23 Thread Jon Craig
Well that was a disaster. :D

Yeah, the VO constructeur front rack won't work on a Sam, at least not for 
someone with my level of skills (admittedly next to nil!)

The shape of the tang just doesn't work.  It's got that down-bend in it, 
that when placed through the brake caliper, causes the whole thing to push 
down and rub on the tire.  Not to mention you can't really insert it 
through far enough because of the aforementioned down-bend.

Luckily I decided to dry-fit it before removing the hang tag and little 
bundle of hardware, so returning it was easy enough.

I'll just use the rear rack for now, and perhaps wait until a Mark's rack 
doesn't seem expensive.

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Re: [RBW] Re: New Sam-haver with rack questions!

2016-06-23 Thread Steve Palincsar

On 06/23/2016 06:57 AM, Jon Craig wrote:

I'll just use the rear rack for now, and perhaps wait until a Mark's 
rack doesn't seem expensive.

Perhaps if you check on prices for a custom rack...

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Re: [RBW] Re: Remember Islabikes?

2016-06-23 Thread 'Mark in Beacon' via RBW Owners Bunch

As a recent purchaser of an Islabikes Beinn 24, I got a promo email in my 
box this morning. The secret is out! Looks like they are ready to take the 
children's pro bike racing circuit by storm! Looks super bad-hiney!

* The Pro Series from Islabikes* 

  Over the last year we’ve secretly been working on a brand new 
range of
  children’s bicycles that takes Islabikes’ reputation for 
proportional and
  holistic design into an even higher realm. Having seen how 
  owners customize and modify their bikes for competition, we 
decided to
  create the ultimate race bikes for our young riders.

  The result is the Pro Series: a range of bikes that utilize 
all of our cutting
  edge research, design and development from the last ten years 
to create
  the most advanced children’s bikes we've ever put into 
production. With
  proportional custom features such as full carbon-fiber forks, 
our very own
  Islabikes tires and high end components, the Pro Series are 
the ultimate
  children’s race bikes for competitive young riders.

Just figured I'd give all of you looking to mold the next Tejay van 
Garderen or Peter Sagan the heads-up. Get to an "even higher realm." 
(Certainly a higher price realm.) This will save parents from all those 
time-consuming modifications and customizations that Islabikes has been 
watching them make, like whittling down that full size carbon fork to fit 
on their kids' competition bike. 

*This is a public service announcement and is for entertainment purposes 
only. No intolerance of any kind should be implied, only normal opinions, 
along with possibly a smidge of facetiousness and satire of the type 
allowed under the first amendment. If intolerance is implied, it shall be 
solely the responsibility of the implier (even if not named Vlad). Opinions 
differing from the above opinions are permissible and may be expressed 
where allowed by law or in my kitchen if you are visiting. P*
*urchase of a pro series children's bicycle from Islabikes will not impact 
your RBW membership in any way, except to possibly limit your ability to 
purchase a Rivendell any time soon thereafter. Other restrictions may 
apply. Dealer surcharges, titles and taxes not included. Don't be too 
serious, it creates extra wind drag. Enjoy the ride!*

> this thread makes me a little less of a riv fan :p :p

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Re: [RBW] Re: New Sam-haver with rack questions!

2016-06-23 Thread Jon Craig
HAHA, that should do the trick.

Though apparently I'm in a different income bracket than the rest of the 
people here, as after spending $5,200, the $140 for a rack seems 
expensive... as I just spent $5,200! :D

On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 7:09:16 AM UTC-4, Steve Palincsar wrote:
> On 06/23/2016 06:57 AM, Jon Craig wrote: 
> > 
> > I'll just use the rear rack for now, and perhaps wait until a Mark's 
> > rack doesn't seem expensive. 
> Perhaps if you check on prices for a custom rack... 

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[RBW] Roadeo tubing

2016-06-23 Thread Daniel Jackson
Anybody know what tubing Riv specs on the Roadeo these days?

Vermont's Northeast Kingdom

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Re: [RBW] Re: New Sam-haver with rack questions!

2016-06-23 Thread drew
If it's not necessary immediately, keep an eye on the list. Good stuff with 
generous prices pops up all the time. 
And if you can drop 5k on bikes at one time, you're better off than most people 
I know. 

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Re: [RBW] Re: New Sam-haver with rack questions!

2016-06-23 Thread Jon Craig
Eh, it wasn't the best decision we've ever made.  But, Sams are available 
in the quantities they're available in, and basically only once a year.

Bicycling together is an important fun/bonding activity for my wife and 
myself, and our prior bikes were not proving to be the fun, carefree 
experience we'd wanted.  So we did this.  It is painful, especially since 
the prior bikes sit unsold, and they're painfully valuable too.

But, you only live once, and not for that long - and this was important to 
us, so it's done. )

On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 7:35:32 AM UTC-4, drew wrote:
> If it's not necessary immediately, keep an eye on the list. Good stuff 
> with generous prices pops up all the time. 
> And if you can drop 5k on bikes at one time, you're better off than most 
> people I know. 

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Re: [RBW] Re: Nine Speed Index Setup

2016-06-23 Thread Scott Henry
Ha, here is a photo of my son riding our tandem solo.
But from the back seat.

If you can see instgram photos...


On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 6:27 PM, Steve Palincsar  wrote:

> In fact, a month or so after I first got a tandem, we were on Marthas
> Vineyard.  I was riding with my daughter as child stoker, and we stopped
> for a minute.  I didn't know it, but she climbed down (getting up to the
> saddle was a bit like climbing up monkey bars for her) while my attention
> was elsewhere.  I started off riding, and next thing there she is running
> down the road next to the bike yelling at me to stop.  It took many years
> before I lived that one down...

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[RBW] Re: Spikes, Pedals, Shins

2016-06-23 Thread Michael Morrissey
I love the VP Vice pedals so much that I bought 3 pairs of them.  I'm 
pretty clumsy, but I've only scraped my shins once or twice.  They did 
really scrape up my nice leather shoes once when I was riding to work.  I 
decided to never again ride with those shoes.

Has anyone tried the VP Aim pedals or the VP Harrier pedals???  I'm curious.



On Monday, May 23, 2016 at 4:29:02 PM UTC-4, Ryan Ray wrote:
> Hey there,
> I have clipless pedals and shoes and most of the things in the shoes ruse 
> article don't really ring true for me. Clipless pedals are great and the 
> longer the ride, the better they are for me. However whenever I put 
> clipless pedals on a bike that is the bike I never ride, so I use VP-001 
> and VP vice pedals and have for years.
> Unfortunately my shins are absolutely scarred by near constant scrapes. 
> Walking my bike. Walking by my bike. Moving near my bike. My wife even drew 
> blood trying to get her bike near mine.
> I've started by removing (attempting to, some were stuck) the super sharp 
> headless threaded spikes from the Vice pedals but does anyone else have any 
> other suggestions?
> - Ryan

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Re: [RBW] RE: RE: RBW Listers Take Over The West Point Inn, June 24 & 25 - Join us there!!! Proposed Ride.

2016-06-23 Thread René Sterental
I got sick yesterday, and am trying to recover. As of now, I'm not sure how
it will evolve and in what condition I'll be on Saturday morning. What a


On Monday, June 20, 2016, James Warren  wrote:

> Err on the side of big tires and mountainbikishness.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 11, 2016, at 9:32 PM, René Sterental  > wrote:
> Is this a ride better suited for the Homer or for the Atlantis?Assumingn
> can do it all? May have to bail out as outlined previously. Might be too
> much climbing for moi.
> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, René Sterental  > wrote:
>> Thanks! I will.
>> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, cyclotourist  wrote:
>>> René, glad you can make it There is a big lot at Pantoll, but it
>>> fills up on the weekend. The ride is starting early, so shouldn't be a
>>> problem. I think it's $8 for day/24 hr parking. From the lot at Pantoll,
>>> it's two miles to the Inn, so budget time for that.
>>> Here's the route to the Inn: https://goo.gl/maps/aK7V9Zo2Tex
>>> This is what it looks like for most of the way:
>>> https://www.flickr.com/photos/cyclotourist/23752943436/in/album-72157661872299170/
>>> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 5:13 PM, René Sterental 
>>> wrote:
 Marked the location. Is there parking there?

 On Saturday, June 11, 2016, René Sterental  wrote:

> No. From Palo Alto.
> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, Hugh Smitham 
> wrote:
>> Rene,
>> Are you coming from Sacramento?
>> Here's the route
>> to Pantoll Ranger Station.
>> ~Hugh
>> “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep
>> moving.” ― Albert Einstein
>> http://velocipeedemusings.com/
>> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 4:32 PM, René Sterental 
>> wrote:
>>> If driving on Saturday, can you tell me or send me a Google map
>>> location to know where to park? I don't know the area.
>>> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, David Stein 
>>> wrote:
 Yes, correct…coming up Saturday ;)

 On Jun 11, 2016, at 3:45 PM, Hugh Smitham 

 Hi David,

 You mean to say you're coming up Saturday. Look forward to seeing
 for dinner.


 “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep
 moving.” ― Albert Einstein


 On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 3:26 PM, David Stein 

> Looks awesome but I won't be staying Friday and plan on coming up
> Sunday. I may try and meet you at the musuem and ride bike if you 
> have a
> loose time frame of when you'll be there, but more than likely I'll 
> just
> head up old railroad grade mid to late afternoon to make it for 
> dinner if
> anyone wants to join me for that (will either drive and leave from 
> mill
> valley, or ferry over to sausalito and ride up from there).
> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 2:58 PM, Curtis McKenzie <
> cmcy...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hugh,
>> Sign me up for this one. Thank you for planning this.
>> Curtis
>> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, Hugh Smitham 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Sean,
>>> Sorry for the delay in responding.
>>> Since I haven't gotten really zip for feedback regarding my
>>> latest route update I'm going to presume that the route is a go. 
>>> For those
>>> that feel the full 43 miles would be too much I suggest taking San 
>>> Geronimo
>>> Ridge just before mile marker 12 which will cut out the Pine 
>>> Mountain loop
>>> but will cut out 9 miles, you still get the Repack descent and we 
>>> can all
>>> meet up at the Museum. To take in account the time differential 
>>> those that
>>> head to Fairfax early can grab a bite to eat in town while the Pine
>>> Mountain crew eat out on the trail.
>>>  In terms of time I think a 8am roll out would work. That gives
>>> us 9 hours to ride visit the museum and get back to the Inn around 
>>> 5pm.
>>> How's that sound (crickets) to ya' all.
>>> ~Hugh
>>> “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must
>>> keep moving.” ― Albert Ein

Re: [RBW] Re: New Sam-haver with rack questions!

2016-06-23 Thread Scott Henry
I just ordered one of the VO constructeur racks, I haven't installed it
yet, just a dry fit.Mine is taking the place of a Mark's rack.
Anyway, that tang on the VO rack is designed to fit a mount under the
steering tube or to a Daruma (which was included in mine)I can't recall
if the Sam has a under-steerer fender mount, I don't think so though.   So
you will need this daruma, like I said, mine was included with my rack

Here are the rack mount instructions :

Give it a go, that VO rack should mount up to a Sam fairly easily.

On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 6:57 AM, Jon Craig  wrote:

> Well that was a disaster. :D
> Yeah, the VO constructeur front rack won't work on a Sam, at least not for
> someone with my level of skills (admittedly next to nil!)
> The shape of the tang just doesn't work.  It's got that down-bend in it,
> that when placed through the brake caliper, causes the whole thing to push
> down and rub on the tire.  Not to mention you can't really insert it
> through far enough because of the aforementioned down-bend.
> Luckily I decided to dry-fit it before removing the hang tag and little
> bundle of hardware, so returning it was easy enough.
> I'll just use the rear rack for now, and perhaps wait until a Mark's rack
> doesn't seem expensive.
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: New Sam-haver with rack questions!

2016-06-23 Thread Minh
i had to go downstairs and double-check my VO rack install, i bent mine to 
curve up and over the caliper and mounted it to the frontside of the fork 
(between the brake), but my bike was an old one so getting it under the 
fork crown would not have been possible.  

this is the hazard of racks, none of them are universal plug and play, i 
would hazard to guess that the VO racks fit easier on the VO frames in the 
same way that the Nitto racks fit easier on Rivendells.  

And as far as cost, i've seen Mark's racks trade hands here for $80-$100 so 
around the price of a VO rack.

On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 8:39:04 AM UTC-4, Skenry wrote:
> I just ordered one of the VO constructeur racks, I haven't installed it 
> yet, just a dry fit.Mine is taking the place of a Mark's rack.
> Anyway, that tang on the VO rack is designed to fit a mount under the 
> steering tube or to a Daruma (which was included in mine)I can't recall 
> if the Sam has a under-steerer fender mount, I don't think so though.   So 
> you will need this daruma, like I said, mine was included with my rack
> http://store.velo-orange.com/index.php/vo-fork-crown-eye-bolt-for-fenders-and-racks-fork-crown-daruma.html
> Here are the rack mount instructions : 
> http://support.velo-orange.com/pdf/FrontRack.pdf
> Give it a go, that VO rack should mount up to a Sam fairly easily.
> Scott

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Re: [RBW] Re: New Sam-haver with rack questions!

2016-06-23 Thread Jon Craig
That's good - but again - I have a huge credit at a LBS so anything from 
QBP (inc. VO stuff) is "free" to me. 

That's the problem.  But the V-O rack just would not work.  Ah well.

On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 8:55:45 AM UTC-4, Minh wrote:
> And as far as cost, i've seen Mark's racks trade hands here for $80-$100 
> so around the price of a VO rack.

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[RBW] Re: New Sam-haver with rack questions!

2016-06-23 Thread David Banzer
I'm fairly certain QBP carries Nitto products if you have credit at your 
I'll mention again that Soma's aluminum front rack at around $30 or so 
would definitely do the trick.
Check with your LBS about what other distributors they have. I know mine 
has accounts with several, some take longer than others but they can get 
pretty much anything I need.

On Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 8:17:40 AM UTC-5, Jon Craig wrote:
> Eh, it was either this or wait a long time, as like I said, I have a 
> sizable credit at one of my LBS's - so I can get whatever I want for "free" 
> but it has to be something QBP has, which basically means the only thing 
> that really suits is the VO constructeur.
> I guess I'll see how it all fits when the rack arrives.  If there's any 
> violence/etc required I'll give up and wait I suppose.  I don't have the 
> skills or the tools to modify steel!
> On Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 2:38:56 PM UTC-4, Minh wrote:
>> i've not installed on my sam, but have installed on a side-pull-braked 
>> bike, for me (and it was a similiar sized bike to my sam) i had to cut some 
>> of the bottom tangs off as i wanted to use one of the holes farther up and 
>> the tangs interfered at the drop-outs.  
>> you also have to bend that fork tang quite a bit to clear the front 
>> brakes.  the daruma option will eat up space under the fork crown, so not a 
>> perfect solution.
>> i'd still investigate drew's suggestion as that's a much cleaner install 
>> than the tang behind the brake.
>> would not have been my first choice given your stated requirements, but 
>> good luck!
>> On Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 8:40:43 AM UTC-4, Jon Craig wrote:
>>> O_o
>>> Sounds advanced.
>>> I'll see how it looks/works/feels "stock" first.  
>>> On Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 8:37:00 AM UTC-4, drew wrote:

 You could also use the surly hardware with the vo constructeur to go 
 laterally to the midfork eyelets and cut off the tang altogether. 

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[RBW] Re: New Sam-haver with rack questions!

2016-06-23 Thread Jon Craig
Only a very few Nitto products are carried by QBP.  One of the front racks 
is for canti bikes only, and the other, not sure if it would fit.

Only Rivendell is allowed to sell the Mark's, since the Mark it's named 
for... is a Rivendell employee. :D

On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 9:08:22 AM UTC-4, David Banzer wrote:
> I'm fairly certain QBP carries Nitto products if you have credit at your 
> LBS. 

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[RBW] FS: Many Things! BB's, Headset, & Brake Levers

2016-06-23 Thread Keith Muller
XTR 68x113mm BB is sold

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Re: [RBW] RE: RE: RBW Listers Take Over The West Point Inn, June 24 & 25 - Join us there!!! Proposed Ride.

2016-06-23 Thread Curtis McKenzie
Wishing you a speedy recovery


On Thursday, June 23, 2016, René Sterental  wrote:

> I got sick yesterday, and am trying to recover. As of now, I'm not sure
> how it will evolve and in what condition I'll be on Saturday morning. What
> a bummer!
> René
> On Monday, June 20, 2016, James Warren  > wrote:
>> Err on the side of big tires and mountainbikishness.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jun 11, 2016, at 9:32 PM, René Sterental  wrote:
>> Is this a ride better suited for the Homer or for the Atlantis?Assumingn
>> can do it all? May have to bail out as outlined previously. Might be too
>> much climbing for moi.
>> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, René Sterental  wrote:
>>> Thanks! I will.
>>> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, cyclotourist  wrote:
 René, glad you can make it There is a big lot at Pantoll, but it
 fills up on the weekend. The ride is starting early, so shouldn't be a
 problem. I think it's $8 for day/24 hr parking. From the lot at Pantoll,
 it's two miles to the Inn, so budget time for that.

 Here's the route to the Inn: https://goo.gl/maps/aK7V9Zo2Tex
 This is what it looks like for most of the way:

 On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 5:13 PM, René Sterental 

> Marked the location. Is there parking there?
> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, René Sterental 
> wrote:
>> No. From Palo Alto.
>> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, Hugh Smitham 
>> wrote:
>>> Rene,
>>> Are you coming from Sacramento?
>>> Here's the route
>>> to Pantoll Ranger Station.
>>> ~Hugh
>>> “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep
>>> moving.” ― Albert Einstein
>>> http://velocipeedemusings.com/
>>> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 4:32 PM, René Sterental >> > wrote:
 If driving on Saturday, can you tell me or send me a Google map
 location to know where to park? I don't know the area.

 On Saturday, June 11, 2016, David Stein 

> Yes, correct…coming up Saturday ;)
> On Jun 11, 2016, at 3:45 PM, Hugh Smitham 
> wrote:
> Hi David,
> You mean to say you're coming up Saturday. Look forward to seeing
> for dinner.
> ~Hugh
> “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must
> keep moving.” ― Albert Einstein
> http://velocipeedemusings.com/
> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 3:26 PM, David Stein  > wrote:
>> Looks awesome but I won't be staying Friday and plan on coming up
>> Sunday. I may try and meet you at the musuem and ride bike if you 
>> have a
>> loose time frame of when you'll be there, but more than likely I'll 
>> just
>> head up old railroad grade mid to late afternoon to make it for 
>> dinner if
>> anyone wants to join me for that (will either drive and leave from 
>> mill
>> valley, or ferry over to sausalito and ride up from there).
>> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 2:58 PM, Curtis McKenzie <
>> cmcy...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hugh,
>>> Sign me up for this one. Thank you for planning this.
>>> Curtis
>>> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, Hugh Smitham 
>>> wrote:
 Hi Sean,

 Sorry for the delay in responding.

 Since I haven't gotten really zip for feedback regarding my
 latest route update I'm going to presume that the route is a go. 
 For those
 that feel the full 43 miles would be too much I suggest taking San 
 Ridge just before mile marker 12 which will cut out the Pine 
 Mountain loop
 but will cut out 9 miles, you still get the Repack descent and we 
 can all
 meet up at the Museum. To take in account the time differential 
 those that
 head to Fairfax early can grab a bite to eat in town while the Pine
 Mountain crew eat out on the trail.

  In terms of time I think a 8am roll out would work. That gives
 us 9 hours to ride visit the museum and get back to the In

[RBW] Roadeo tubing

2016-06-23 Thread Abcyclehank
I think it is still steel.  JK.

West Michigan

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Re: [RBW] Roadeo tubing

2016-06-23 Thread Tim Gavin
Are there any indications that it has changed?  Grant said it's a mix of
Reynolds 725 and True Temper OX Platinum, with .65/.45/.65 butting in the
top tube and down tube.

On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 9:16 AM, Abcyclehank  wrote:

> I think it is still steel.  JK.
> Ryan
> West Michigan
> --
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Re: [RBW] Roadeo tubing

2016-06-23 Thread Tim Gavin

On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 9:20 AM, Tim Gavin 

> Are there any indications that it has changed?  Grant said it's a mix of
> Reynolds 725 and True Temper OX Platinum, with .65/.45/.65 butting in the
> top tube and down tube.
> On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 9:16 AM, Abcyclehank  wrote:
>> I think it is still steel.  JK.
>> Ryan
>> West Michigan
>> --
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[RBW] Re: Wife asked me to go on a 2 week bike tour, help!!

2016-06-23 Thread Jayme Frye
What does she have for a ride? Will you outfit her with a nice fat tire 
steed like your FATlantis or new Crust? Although I have yet to due an epic 
tour with my wife we have worked up to some sub 24 trips now that she has a 
bike she is comfortable with. It took several tries before she found the 
right fit. This thanks to a women owned and run bike shop. 


On Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 2:21:20 PM UTC-5, Mark Reimer wrote:
> A few years back I built up a new bike for my wife as a surprise. It was a 
> Surly Cross Check with Jack brown 33.3 tires, Nitto Albatross bars, a small 
> wald basket, ladies Brook's B17, etc. Very classy build. Black frame, all 
> silver parts. I was hoping a nice, well fitting comfortable bike would 
> promote more riding together, which it has to a degree. We've done a few 
> longer rides together and last summer did our first overnighter, which she 
> loved. She's always said that long distance touring probably isn't her 
> thing, but after we've completed a couple motorcycle tours and backcountry 
> hiking trips together it seems she's developed the urge to transition to 
> bicycles... maybe all my cycling adventures have inspired some 
> self-propelled wanderlust too, who knows. 
> Point is, we're sitting on the couch earlier in the week and she says "I 
> want to take two weeks off next summer and go on a cycling tour with you".
> I felt like I was electrocuted! That's basically my dream. 
> So here's my questions. I'm well aware of the fact that what I like to do 
> on a tour isn't what a lot of other people would like to do. I look for 
> single track and dirt roads, don't mind rough terrain and not showering for 
> a week. I like doing 100-200km in a day. I love the idea of spending five 
> hours climbing a mountain and then screaming down the other side as fast as 
> I can possibly go. 
> If we did that, I don't think she'd ever tour with me again... 
> For those of you who've toured with your spouse, or with friends who 
> aren't as nutty as you in general, what worked? What advice do you have for 
> daily distance, elevation, road surface, etc? I know this will be highly 
> individual and vary widely based on personal preferences, age, appetite for 
> adventure, budgets, etc. For reference, my wife Cindy has done some 100km 
> rides and enjoyed them, but I think that would be a bit much for day after 
> day mileage. She likes gravel roads, but not trails. Enjoys hiking up 
> mountains, but is nervous to attempt cycling up one. She's always been hard 
> on the brakes all the way down any hill, but she's since acquired her 
> motorcycle license, so all that 100km/h time in the saddle is sure to help 
> alleviate the fear of speed. 
> Thus far the best idea we've come up with together is going to 
> Newfoundland and touring the western edge. It's a 450km one-way ride that 
> crosses Gros Morne National Park, where we would stop to hike for a day or 
> two. 450km isn't enough distance for 2 weeks in my opinion. I'd like 
> something closer to 750. That way we can have some 100km days, some 30km 
> days, a few rest days, etc. So maybe doing this 450km route plus something 
> extra. Camping mostly, with a hostel/B&B every 4-5 days to stay fresh, 
> mentally and physically. I think it'd have a nice mix of rolling coastal 
> roads with light traffic, no high-mountain passes but still some climbing, 
> and some good spots to stop for a day.
> Any advice is welcomed!

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Re: [RBW] Re: New Sam-haver with rack questions!

2016-06-23 Thread Tim Gavin

Congrats on the Sams!

You can get the Nitto M18 through QBP for $135.  It would fit great on a
Sam, just be mindful that the tang to the brake bolt isn't that strong (as
discussed in another thread).  A safety strap to the handlebar is

On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 8:10 AM, Jon Craig  wrote:

> Only a very few Nitto products are carried by QBP.  One of the front racks
> is for canti bikes only, and the other, not sure if it would fit.
> Only Rivendell is allowed to sell the Mark's, since the Mark it's named
> for... is a Rivendell employee. :D
> On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 9:08:22 AM UTC-4, David Banzer wrote:
>> I'm fairly certain QBP carries Nitto products if you have credit at your
>> LBS.
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Nine Speed Index Setup

2016-06-23 Thread Shoji Takahashi
Hey Scott,
With a set of Boscos, that tandem-as-solo will fit him just fine! Long 
chain stays when you need 'em (sit as pilot); short chain stays when you 
need to pop wheelies (sit as stoker). 

happy riding,

On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 8:00:36 AM UTC-4, Skenry wrote:
> Ha, here is a photo of my son riding our tandem solo.
> But from the back seat.
> If you can see instgram photos...
> https://www.instagram.com/p/2XFCNvINiK/?taken-by=skenry&hl=en
> Scott
> On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 6:27 PM, Steve Palincsar  > wrote:
>> In fact, a month or so after I first got a tandem, we were on Marthas 
>> Vineyard.  I was riding with my daughter as child stoker, and we stopped 
>> for a minute.  I didn't know it, but she climbed down (getting up to the 
>> saddle was a bit like climbing up monkey bars for her) while my attention 
>> was elsewhere.  I started off riding, and next thing there she is running 
>> down the road next to the bike yelling at me to stop.  It took many years 
>> before I lived that one down...

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[RBW] Neat made-by-Nitto Simworks front rack

2016-06-23 Thread Zach Duval
Though made for canti attachment, is there any reason this would not be 
advisable for attachment to a Sam's mid-fork eyelets?


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Re: [RBW] Re: Soma San Marcos questions....

2016-06-23 Thread Alex Wirth- Owner, Yellow Haus Bicycles
What Reed said x1000we are rather fortunate to have someone in the industry 
that has his or her integrity fully intact.

It's a rarity to say the least.

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[RBW] RE: RE: RBW Listers Take Over The West Point Inn, June 24 & 25 - Join us there!!! Proposed Ride.

2016-06-23 Thread Curtis McKenzie
Wishing you a speedy recovery


On Thursday, June 23, 2016, René Sterental > wrote:

> I got sick yesterday, and am trying to recover. As of now, I'm not sure
> how it will evolve and in what condition I'll be on Saturday morning. What
> a bummer!
> René
> On Monday, June 20, 2016, James Warren  wrote:
>> Err on the side of big tires and mountainbikishness.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jun 11, 2016, at 9:32 PM, René Sterental  wrote:
>> Is this a ride better suited for the Homer or for the Atlantis?Assumingn
>> can do it all? May have to bail out as outlined previously. Might be too
>> much climbing for moi.
>> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, René Sterental  wrote:
>>> Thanks! I will.
>>> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, cyclotourist  wrote:
 René, glad you can make it There is a big lot at Pantoll, but it
 fills up on the weekend. The ride is starting early, so shouldn't be a
 problem. I think it's $8 for day/24 hr parking. From the lot at Pantoll,
 it's two miles to the Inn, so budget time for that.

 Here's the route to the Inn: https://goo.gl/maps/aK7V9Zo2Tex
 This is what it looks like for most of the way:

 On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 5:13 PM, René Sterental 

> Marked the location. Is there parking there?
> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, René Sterental 
> wrote:
>> No. From Palo Alto.
>> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, Hugh Smitham 
>> wrote:
>>> Rene,
>>> Are you coming from Sacramento?
>>> Here's the route
>>> to Pantoll Ranger Station.
>>> ~Hugh
>>> “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep
>>> moving.” ― Albert Einstein
>>> http://velocipeedemusings.com/
>>> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 4:32 PM, René Sterental >> > wrote:
 If driving on Saturday, can you tell me or send me a Google map
 location to know where to park? I don't know the area.

 On Saturday, June 11, 2016, David Stein 

> Yes, correct…coming up Saturday ;)
> On Jun 11, 2016, at 3:45 PM, Hugh Smitham 
> wrote:
> Hi David,
> You mean to say you're coming up Saturday. Look forward to seeing
> for dinner.
> ~Hugh
> “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must
> keep moving.” ― Albert Einstein
> http://velocipeedemusings.com/
> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 3:26 PM, David Stein  > wrote:
>> Looks awesome but I won't be staying Friday and plan on coming up
>> Sunday. I may try and meet you at the musuem and ride bike if you 
>> have a
>> loose time frame of when you'll be there, but more than likely I'll 
>> just
>> head up old railroad grade mid to late afternoon to make it for 
>> dinner if
>> anyone wants to join me for that (will either drive and leave from 
>> mill
>> valley, or ferry over to sausalito and ride up from there).
>> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 2:58 PM, Curtis McKenzie <
>> cmcy...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hugh,
>>> Sign me up for this one. Thank you for planning this.
>>> Curtis
>>> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, Hugh Smitham 
>>> wrote:
 Hi Sean,

 Sorry for the delay in responding.

 Since I haven't gotten really zip for feedback regarding my
 latest route update I'm going to presume that the route is a go. 
 For those
 that feel the full 43 miles would be too much I suggest taking San 
 Ridge just before mile marker 12 which will cut out the Pine 
 Mountain loop
 but will cut out 9 miles, you still get the Repack descent and we 
 can all
 meet up at the Museum. To take in account the time differential 
 those that
 head to Fairfax early can grab a bite to eat in town while the Pine
 Mountain crew eat out on the trail.

  In terms of time I think a 8am roll out would work. That gives
 us 9 hours to ride visit the museum and get back to the Inn

Re: [RBW] Neat made-by-Nitto Simworks front rack

2016-06-23 Thread Tim Gavin
I bet you could attach it to the mid-fork eyelets by using some shorty
struts.  http://www.rivbike.com/product-p/rh1-20024.htm
They're not chromed, though.

Based on the design of the rack, it looks like it should be mounted to the
eyelets on top of the fork ends, not the ones behind the axle.

On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 9:44 AM, Zach Duval  wrote:

> Though made for canti attachment, is there any reason this would not be
> advisable for attachment to a Sam's mid-fork eyelets?
> https://sim.works/collections/others-simworks-by-nitto/products/potluck-rack?variant=16532777027#
> --
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[RBW] Re: Neat made-by-Nitto Simworks front rack

2016-06-23 Thread Philip Kim
it should work. Though, I think those might be made for 700 wheels, just 
judging by pictures on the internet. So it might sit a bit high.

On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 10:44:10 AM UTC-4, Zach Duval wrote:
> Though made for canti attachment, is there any reason this would not be 
> advisable for attachment to a Sam's mid-fork eyelets?
> https://sim.works/collections/others-simworks-by-nitto/products/potluck-rack?variant=16532777027#

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[RBW] X-post WTB - ISO Mavic 501 rear skewer

2016-06-23 Thread Ryan Fleming
Subject line says it all. In  new to good condition ...no rust if 
possible...will buy front and rear so you don't have an orphan skewer

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[RBW] Covered Bridge Metric Century, Lancaster PA 8/21

2016-06-23 Thread JohnS
Anyone interested in joining me for the Covered Bridge Metric Century in 
Lancaster PA on 8/21? I had rode it about 7 years ago and it was a blast. 
Very well organized with course marshals at most intersections waving the 
riders on, almost non stop riding, plus you get to cross a bunch of covered 
bridges. As I recall mostly rolling hills with a long climb just before the 
mid point rest stop. At this time I'm planning to ride my Salsa Casseroll, 
but would consider riding my 2 speed QB if we build a Riv contingency. I 
would advise registering soon if you want to go. Details at...



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Re: [RBW] RE: RE: RBW Listers Take Over The West Point Inn, June 24 & 25 - Join us there!!! Proposed Ride.

2016-06-23 Thread René Sterental
Thanks! I'm totally bummed out.

On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 7:45 AM, Curtis McKenzie  wrote:

> Rene,
> Wishing you a speedy recovery
> Curtis
> On Thursday, June 23, 2016, René Sterental  wrote:
>> I got sick yesterday, and am trying to recover. As of now, I'm not sure
>> how it will evolve and in what condition I'll be on Saturday morning. What
>> a bummer!
>> René
>> On Monday, June 20, 2016, James Warren  wrote:
>>> Err on the side of big tires and mountainbikishness.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jun 11, 2016, at 9:32 PM, René Sterental  wrote:
>>> Is this a ride better suited for the Homer or for the Atlantis?Assumingn
>>> can do it all? May have to bail out as outlined previously. Might be too
>>> much climbing for moi.
>>> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, René Sterental  wrote:
 Thanks! I will.

 On Saturday, June 11, 2016, cyclotourist 

> René, glad you can make it There is a big lot at Pantoll, but it
> fills up on the weekend. The ride is starting early, so shouldn't be a
> problem. I think it's $8 for day/24 hr parking. From the lot at Pantoll,
> it's two miles to the Inn, so budget time for that.
> Here's the route to the Inn: https://goo.gl/maps/aK7V9Zo2Tex
> This is what it looks like for most of the way:
> https://www.flickr.com/photos/cyclotourist/23752943436/in/album-72157661872299170/
> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 5:13 PM, René Sterental 
> wrote:
>> Marked the location. Is there parking there?
>> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, René Sterental 
>> wrote:
>>> No. From Palo Alto.
>>> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, Hugh Smitham 
>>> wrote:

 Are you coming from Sacramento?

 Here's the route
 to Pantoll Ranger Station.


 “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep
 moving.” ― Albert Einstein


 On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 4:32 PM, René Sterental <
 orthie...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If driving on Saturday, can you tell me or send me a Google map
> location to know where to park? I don't know the area.
> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, David Stein 
> wrote:
>> Yes, correct…coming up Saturday ;)
>> On Jun 11, 2016, at 3:45 PM, Hugh Smitham 
>> wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> You mean to say you're coming up Saturday. Look forward to seeing
>> for dinner.
>> ~Hugh
>> “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must
>> keep moving.” ― Albert Einstein
>> http://velocipeedemusings.com/
>> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 3:26 PM, David Stein <
>> davecst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Looks awesome but I won't be staying Friday and plan on coming
>>> up Sunday. I may try and meet you at the musuem and ride bike if 
>>> you have a
>>> loose time frame of when you'll be there, but more than likely I'll 
>>> just
>>> head up old railroad grade mid to late afternoon to make it for 
>>> dinner if
>>> anyone wants to join me for that (will either drive and leave from 
>>> mill
>>> valley, or ferry over to sausalito and ride up from there).
>>> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 2:58 PM, Curtis McKenzie <
>>> cmcy...@gmail.com> wrote:

 Sign me up for this one. Thank you for planning this.


 On Saturday, June 11, 2016, Hugh Smitham 

> Hi Sean,
> Sorry for the delay in responding.
> Since I haven't gotten really zip for feedback regarding my
> latest route update I'm going to presume that the route is a go. 
> For those
> that feel the full 43 miles would be too much I suggest taking 
> San Geronimo
> Ridge just before mile marker 12 which will cut out the Pine 
> Mountain loop
> but will cut out 9 miles, you still get the Repack descent and we 
> can all
> meet up at the Museum. To take in account the time differential 
> those that

Re: [RBW] Roadeo tubing

2016-06-23 Thread Ryan Fleming
However, if True Temper is no longer supplying frame tubing after this 
year, that spec may change once everyone's inventory is exhausted.Knowing 
Grant, I am sure that he'll come up with a suitable substitute

On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 9:20:31 AM UTC-5, Tim Gavin wrote:
> http://ramblings.cyclofiend.com/?p=376
> On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 9:20 AM, Tim Gavin  > wrote:
>> Are there any indications that it has changed?  Grant said it's a mix of 
>> Reynolds 725 and True Temper OX Platinum, with .65/.45/.65 butting in the 
>> top tube and down tube.
>> On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 9:16 AM, Abcyclehank > > wrote:
>>> I think it is still steel.  JK.
>>> Ryan
>>> West Michigan
>>> --
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[RBW] Neat made-by-Nitto Simworks front rack

2016-06-23 Thread Bill Lindsay
Absolutely it should work fine. If your Sam has the batwing double eyelet fork 
tips, for sure. It wouldn't work on an old 700c Sam like mine because I only 
have eyelets on the underside of the fork tips. I've had my hands on that rack 
so let me know if you need any other advice. 

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[RBW] Re: Neat made-by-Nitto Simworks front rack

2016-06-23 Thread Jeremy Tavan
I just ordered one of these for my Clem and will report back how that goes. 
It looks like it has a nice mounting point for the dynamo light and I like 
the overall look.


On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 8:47:49 AM UTC-7, Bill Lindsay wrote:
> Absolutely it should work fine. If your Sam has the batwing double eyelet 
> fork tips, for sure. It wouldn't work on an old 700c Sam like mine because 
> I only have eyelets on the underside of the fork tips. I've had my hands on 
> that rack so let me know if you need any other advice. 

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Re: [RBW] RE: RE: RBW Listers Take Over The West Point Inn, June 24 & 25 - Join us there!!! Proposed Ride.

2016-06-23 Thread Hugh Smitham
Bummer! Sorry you're not feeling well.  Feel better soon.


“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep
moving.” ― Albert Einstein


On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 5:31 AM, René Sterental  wrote:

> I got sick yesterday, and am trying to recover. As of now, I'm not sure
> how it will evolve and in what condition I'll be on Saturday morning. What
> a bummer!
> René
> On Monday, June 20, 2016, James Warren  wrote:
>> Err on the side of big tires and mountainbikishness.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jun 11, 2016, at 9:32 PM, René Sterental  wrote:
>> Is this a ride better suited for the Homer or for the Atlantis?Assumingn
>> can do it all? May have to bail out as outlined previously. Might be too
>> much climbing for moi.
>> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, René Sterental  wrote:
>>> Thanks! I will.
>>> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, cyclotourist  wrote:
 René, glad you can make it There is a big lot at Pantoll, but it
 fills up on the weekend. The ride is starting early, so shouldn't be a
 problem. I think it's $8 for day/24 hr parking. From the lot at Pantoll,
 it's two miles to the Inn, so budget time for that.

 Here's the route to the Inn: https://goo.gl/maps/aK7V9Zo2Tex
 This is what it looks like for most of the way:

 On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 5:13 PM, René Sterental 

> Marked the location. Is there parking there?
> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, René Sterental 
> wrote:
>> No. From Palo Alto.
>> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, Hugh Smitham 
>> wrote:
>>> Rene,
>>> Are you coming from Sacramento?
>>> Here's the route
>>> to Pantoll Ranger Station.
>>> ~Hugh
>>> “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep
>>> moving.” ― Albert Einstein
>>> http://velocipeedemusings.com/
>>> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 4:32 PM, René Sterental >> > wrote:
 If driving on Saturday, can you tell me or send me a Google map
 location to know where to park? I don't know the area.

 On Saturday, June 11, 2016, David Stein 

> Yes, correct…coming up Saturday ;)
> On Jun 11, 2016, at 3:45 PM, Hugh Smitham 
> wrote:
> Hi David,
> You mean to say you're coming up Saturday. Look forward to seeing
> for dinner.
> ~Hugh
> “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must
> keep moving.” ― Albert Einstein
> http://velocipeedemusings.com/
> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 3:26 PM, David Stein  > wrote:
>> Looks awesome but I won't be staying Friday and plan on coming up
>> Sunday. I may try and meet you at the musuem and ride bike if you 
>> have a
>> loose time frame of when you'll be there, but more than likely I'll 
>> just
>> head up old railroad grade mid to late afternoon to make it for 
>> dinner if
>> anyone wants to join me for that (will either drive and leave from 
>> mill
>> valley, or ferry over to sausalito and ride up from there).
>> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 2:58 PM, Curtis McKenzie <
>> cmcy...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hugh,
>>> Sign me up for this one. Thank you for planning this.
>>> Curtis
>>> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, Hugh Smitham 
>>> wrote:
 Hi Sean,

 Sorry for the delay in responding.

 Since I haven't gotten really zip for feedback regarding my
 latest route update I'm going to presume that the route is a go. 
 For those
 that feel the full 43 miles would be too much I suggest taking San 
 Ridge just before mile marker 12 which will cut out the Pine 
 Mountain loop
 but will cut out 9 miles, you still get the Repack descent and we 
 can all
 meet up at the Museum. To take in account the time differential 
 those that
 head to Fairfax early can grab a bite to eat in town while the Pine
 Mountain crew eat out on the trail.

[RBW] Neat made-by-Nitto Simworks front rack

2016-06-23 Thread Zach Duval
Cool, Bill. Does there appear to be adequate clearance between the top platform 
and pannier rail? It looks tight for roll-top panniers from the photos.

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Visit this group at https://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

[RBW] Re: Spikes, Pedals, Shins

2016-06-23 Thread John

I have silver VP Harriers on my AHH. I opened them up to grease them before 
I put them on, and they don't look like they would be super durable. Check 
their spindle for grease before you put them on your bike.

They appear less durable that the VP Vice pedals, but have a larger 

Comparing VP Vice pedals to VP Harriers reminds me of someone choosing 
between a medium or large Wald's basket for a Mark's rack. Maybe the larger 
platform is not the wisest choice.  

I recently picked up a pair of DMR Vaults on sale, and their effective 
shoe/pedal interface is nearly the same as the VP Harriers, and they look 
like they will hold up to more use/abuse.  (I have way too many sets of 

Plus the Vaults have more pin options to customize your grip: from nippy 
baby Velociraptor up to ravenous, leg-chewing daddy Velociraptor. Or you 
can go the vegetarian route, and use Hold Fast straps. And Vaults come in 
more colors, from sedate to garish.

If a heavier, crazier, reckless friend asked me, I would recommend the DMR 
Vaults or VP Vice pedals over the VP Harriers.


> Has anyone tried the VP Aim pedals or the VP Harrier pedals???  I'm 
> curious.
> http://www.bikerumor.com/2015/02/12/vp-aims-to-bite-into-platform-market-with-new-light-thin-and-affordable-pedals/
> m
> On Monday, May 23, 2016 at 4:29:02 PM UTC-4, Ryan Ray wrote:
>> Hey there,
>> I have clipless pedals and shoes and most of the things in the shoes ruse 
>> article don't really ring true for me. Clipless pedals are great and the 
>> longer the ride, the better they are for me. However whenever I put 
>> clipless pedals on a bike that is the bike I never ride, so I use VP-001 
>> and VP vice pedals and have for years.
>> Unfortunately my shins are absolutely scarred by near constant scrapes. 
>> Walking my bike. Walking by my bike. Moving near my bike. My wife even drew 
>> blood trying to get her bike near mine.
>> I've started by removing (attempting to, some were stuck) the super sharp 
>> headless threaded spikes from the Vice pedals but does anyone else have any 
>> other suggestions?
>> - Ryan

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Owners Bunch" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com.
Visit this group at https://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

Re: [RBW] RE: RE: RBW Listers Take Over The West Point Inn, June 24 & 25 - Join us there!!! Proposed Ride.

2016-06-23 Thread cyclotourist
I can really say that's open to anyone. I think we'll have a lot of
food. If you want to just come by and say hi, please do!!!

On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 9:40 AM, cyclotourist  wrote:
> If you feel up to it, just come up for dinner Saturday night! Around
> 6:00, just hang out, see the sights.
> On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 8:28 AM, René Sterental  wrote:
>> Thanks! I'm totally bummed out.
>> On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 7:45 AM, Curtis McKenzie  wrote:
>>> Rene,
>>> Wishing you a speedy recovery
>>> Curtis
>>> On Thursday, June 23, 2016, René Sterental  wrote:

 I got sick yesterday, and am trying to recover. As of now, I'm not sure
 how it will evolve and in what condition I'll be on Saturday morning. What 


 On Monday, June 20, 2016, James Warren  wrote:
> Err on the side of big tires and mountainbikishness.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 11, 2016, at 9:32 PM, René Sterental  wrote:
> Is this a ride better suited for the Homer or for the Atlantis?Assumingn
> can do it all? May have to bail out as outlined previously. Might be too
> much climbing for moi.
> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, René Sterental  wrote:
>> Thanks! I will.
>> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, cyclotourist 
>> wrote:
>>> René, glad you can make it There is a big lot at Pantoll, but it
>>> fills up on the weekend. The ride is starting early, so shouldn't be a
>>> problem. I think it's $8 for day/24 hr parking. From the lot at Pantoll,
>>> it's two miles to the Inn, so budget time for that.
>>> Here's the route to the Inn: https://goo.gl/maps/aK7V9Zo2Tex
>>> This is what it looks like for most of the way:
>>> https://www.flickr.com/photos/cyclotourist/23752943436/in/album-72157661872299170/
>>> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 5:13 PM, René Sterental 
>>> wrote:

 Marked the location. Is there parking there?

 On Saturday, June 11, 2016, René Sterental 
> No. From Palo Alto.
> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, Hugh Smitham 
> wrote:
>> Rene,
>> Are you coming from Sacramento?
>> Here's the route to Pantoll Ranger Station.
>> ~Hugh
>> “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep
>> moving.” ― Albert Einstein
>> http://velocipeedemusings.com/
>> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 4:32 PM, René Sterental
>>  wrote:
>>> If driving on Saturday, can you tell me or send me a Google map
>>> location to know where to park? I don't know the area.
>>> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, David Stein 
>>> wrote:

 Yes, correct…coming up Saturday ;)

 On Jun 11, 2016, at 3:45 PM, Hugh Smitham 

 Hi David,

 You mean to say you're coming up Saturday. Look forward to seeing
 for dinner.


 “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must
 keep moving.” ― Albert Einstein


 On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 3:26 PM, David Stein
> Looks awesome but I won't be staying Friday and plan on coming
> up Sunday. I may try and meet you at the musuem and ride bike if 
> you have a
> loose time frame of when you'll be there, but more than likely 
> I'll just
> head up old railroad grade mid to late afternoon to make it for 
> dinner if
> anyone wants to join me for that (will either drive and leave 
> from mill
> valley, or ferry over to sausalito and ride up from there).
> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 2:58 PM, Curtis McKenzie
>  wrote:
>> Hugh,
>> Sign me up for this one. Thank you for planning this.
>> Curtis
>> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, Hugh Smitham
>>  wrote:
>>> Hi Sean,
>>> Sorry for the delay in responding.
>>> Since I haven't gotten really zip for feedback regarding my
>>> latest route update I'm going to presume that the route is a 
>>> go. For those
>>> that feel the full 43 miles would be too much I suggest taking 
>>> San Geronimo
>>> Ridge just before mile marker 12 whi

Re: [RBW] RE: RE: RBW Listers Take Over The West Point Inn, June 24 & 25 - Join us there!!! Proposed Ride.

2016-06-23 Thread cyclotourist
If you feel up to it, just come up for dinner Saturday night! Around
6:00, just hang out, see the sights.

On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 8:28 AM, René Sterental  wrote:
> Thanks! I'm totally bummed out.
> On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 7:45 AM, Curtis McKenzie  wrote:
>> Rene,
>> Wishing you a speedy recovery
>> Curtis
>> On Thursday, June 23, 2016, René Sterental  wrote:
>>> I got sick yesterday, and am trying to recover. As of now, I'm not sure
>>> how it will evolve and in what condition I'll be on Saturday morning. What a
>>> bummer!
>>> René
>>> On Monday, June 20, 2016, James Warren  wrote:

 Err on the side of big tires and mountainbikishness.

 Sent from my iPhone

 On Jun 11, 2016, at 9:32 PM, René Sterental  wrote:

 Is this a ride better suited for the Homer or for the Atlantis?Assumingn
 can do it all? May have to bail out as outlined previously. Might be too
 much climbing for moi.

 On Saturday, June 11, 2016, René Sterental  wrote:
> Thanks! I will.
> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, cyclotourist 
> wrote:
>> René, glad you can make it There is a big lot at Pantoll, but it
>> fills up on the weekend. The ride is starting early, so shouldn't be a
>> problem. I think it's $8 for day/24 hr parking. From the lot at Pantoll,
>> it's two miles to the Inn, so budget time for that.
>> Here's the route to the Inn: https://goo.gl/maps/aK7V9Zo2Tex
>> This is what it looks like for most of the way:
>> https://www.flickr.com/photos/cyclotourist/23752943436/in/album-72157661872299170/
>> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 5:13 PM, René Sterental 
>> wrote:
>>> Marked the location. Is there parking there?
>>> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, René Sterental 
>>> wrote:

 No. From Palo Alto.

 On Saturday, June 11, 2016, Hugh Smitham 
> Rene,
> Are you coming from Sacramento?
> Here's the route to Pantoll Ranger Station.
> ~Hugh
> “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep
> moving.” ― Albert Einstein
> http://velocipeedemusings.com/
> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 4:32 PM, René Sterental
>  wrote:
>> If driving on Saturday, can you tell me or send me a Google map
>> location to know where to park? I don't know the area.
>> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, David Stein 
>> wrote:
>>> Yes, correct…coming up Saturday ;)
>>> On Jun 11, 2016, at 3:45 PM, Hugh Smitham 
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi David,
>>> You mean to say you're coming up Saturday. Look forward to seeing
>>> for dinner.
>>> ~Hugh
>>> “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must
>>> keep moving.” ― Albert Einstein
>>> http://velocipeedemusings.com/
>>> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 3:26 PM, David Stein
>>>  wrote:

 Looks awesome but I won't be staying Friday and plan on coming
 up Sunday. I may try and meet you at the musuem and ride bike if 
 you have a
 loose time frame of when you'll be there, but more than likely 
 I'll just
 head up old railroad grade mid to late afternoon to make it for 
 dinner if
 anyone wants to join me for that (will either drive and leave from 
 valley, or ferry over to sausalito and ride up from there).

 On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 2:58 PM, Curtis McKenzie
> Hugh,
> Sign me up for this one. Thank you for planning this.
> Curtis
> On Saturday, June 11, 2016, Hugh Smitham
>  wrote:
>> Hi Sean,
>> Sorry for the delay in responding.
>> Since I haven't gotten really zip for feedback regarding my
>> latest route update I'm going to presume that the route is a go. 
>> For those
>> that feel the full 43 miles would be too much I suggest taking 
>> San Geronimo
>> Ridge just before mile marker 12 which will cut out the Pine 
>> Mountain loop
>> but will cut out 9 miles, you still get the Repack descent and 
>> we can all
>> meet up at the Museum. To take in account the time differential 
>> those that
>> head to Fairfax early can grab a bite to eat in town wh

[RBW] Re: Spikes, Pedals, Shins

2016-06-23 Thread Ron Mc
after striking a pedal and wrecking my ankle over winter on my 
low-clearance Raleigh, I went to narrow Blackspire El Gordos.  
They have 8 stubby spikes on each side, unlikely to mark your shin, and are 
good touring pedals for ice-skate feet.  I just knocked 35 mi on it this 
A bit wider version (though still a reasonable 92mm narrow) with many more 
stubby spikes is the Big Slim.  
These still aren't what you want for aggressive downhill (those are the 
sticky cut-you spikes), but good touring platforms.  

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Re: [RBW] Re: Spikes, Pedals, Shins

2016-06-23 Thread Ryan Ray
I prefer my VICE pedals now that I removed the sharp spikes. Protip: remove
the sharp spikes BEFORE you use them.

For my VP-001s I just screwed in the sharp pins (specially the interior
ones) so they don't stick out so much.

- Ryan

On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 10:08 AM Ron Mc  wrote:

> after striking a pedal and wrecking my ankle over winter on my
> low-clearance Raleigh, I went to narrow Blackspire El Gordos.
> They have 8 stubby spikes on each side, unlikely to mark your shin, and
> are good touring pedals for ice-skate feet.  I just knocked 35 mi on it
> this morning.
> A bit wider version (though still a reasonable 92mm narrow) with many more
> stubby spikes is the Big Slim.
> These still aren't what you want for aggressive downhill (those are the
> sticky cut-you spikes), but good touring platforms.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the
> Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> To unsubscribe from this topic, visit
> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/rbw-owners-bunch/Zf0ibOBUAaQ/unsubscribe
> .
> To unsubscribe from this group and all its topics, send an email to
> rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com.
> Visit this group at https://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch.
> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

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Re: [RBW] RE: RE: RBW Listers Take Over The West Point Inn, June 24 & 25 - Join us there!!! Proposed Ride.

2016-06-23 Thread Surlyprof
I was going to try to make it for the Saturday ride and hang out for dinner.  
Sounds like it is more of a potluck?  If so, what can I bring?


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[RBW] Neat made-by-Nitto Simworks front rack

2016-06-23 Thread Surlyprof
I've gotten over that (fork) hump using a nylon or aluminum spacer.  Not ideal 
once you try adding fenders on top of that. Becomes quite the stack for one 


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Re: [RBW] Re: eCLEM

2016-06-23 Thread Surlyprof

This isn't your eClem on CL is it?  

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Re: [RBW] Re: Spikes, Pedals, Shins

2016-06-23 Thread René Sterental
I've been using the Vaults on all my bikes for the last couple of years.
They're wonderful and I have their marks on my legs.


On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 9:33 AM, John  wrote:

> Hi,
> I have silver VP Harriers on my AHH. I opened them up to grease them
> before I put them on, and they don't look like they would be super durable.
> Check their spindle for grease before you put them on your bike.
> They appear less durable that the VP Vice pedals, but have a larger
> platform.
> Comparing VP Vice pedals to VP Harriers reminds me of someone choosing
> between a medium or large Wald's basket for a Mark's rack. Maybe the larger
> platform is not the wisest choice.
> I recently picked up a pair of DMR Vaults on sale, and their effective
> shoe/pedal interface is nearly the same as the VP Harriers, and they look
> like they will hold up to more use/abuse.  (I have way too many sets of
> pedals)
> Plus the Vaults have more pin options to customize your grip: from nippy
> baby Velociraptor up to ravenous, leg-chewing daddy Velociraptor. Or you
> can go the vegetarian route, and use Hold Fast straps. And Vaults come in
> more colors, from sedate to garish.
> If a heavier, crazier, reckless friend asked me, I would recommend the DMR
> Vaults or VP Vice pedals over the VP Harriers.
> John
>> Has anyone tried the VP Aim pedals or the VP Harrier pedals???  I'm
>> curious.
>> http://www.bikerumor.com/2015/02/12/vp-aims-to-bite-into-platform-market-with-new-light-thin-and-affordable-pedals/
>> m
>> On Monday, May 23, 2016 at 4:29:02 PM UTC-4, Ryan Ray wrote:
>>> Hey there,
>>> I have clipless pedals and shoes and most of the things in the shoes
>>> ruse article don't really ring true for me. Clipless pedals are great and
>>> the longer the ride, the better they are for me. However whenever I put
>>> clipless pedals on a bike that is the bike I never ride, so I use VP-001
>>> and VP vice pedals and have for years.
>>> Unfortunately my shins are absolutely scarred by near constant scrapes.
>>> Walking my bike. Walking by my bike. Moving near my bike. My wife even drew
>>> blood trying to get her bike near mine.
>>> I've started by removing (attempting to, some were stuck) the super
>>> sharp headless threaded spikes from the Vice pedals but does anyone else
>>> have any other suggestions?
>>> - Ryan
>> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com.
> Visit this group at https://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch.
> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

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Re: [RBW] Re: Spikes, Pedals, Shins

2016-06-23 Thread René Sterental
May need to look at customizing the pins... :-)

On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 11:00 AM, René Sterental 

> I've been using the Vaults on all my bikes for the last couple of years.
> They're wonderful and I have their marks on my legs.
> René
> On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 9:33 AM, John  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have silver VP Harriers on my AHH. I opened them up to grease them
>> before I put them on, and they don't look like they would be super durable.
>> Check their spindle for grease before you put them on your bike.
>> They appear less durable that the VP Vice pedals, but have a larger
>> platform.
>> Comparing VP Vice pedals to VP Harriers reminds me of someone choosing
>> between a medium or large Wald's basket for a Mark's rack. Maybe the larger
>> platform is not the wisest choice.
>> I recently picked up a pair of DMR Vaults on sale, and their effective
>> shoe/pedal interface is nearly the same as the VP Harriers, and they look
>> like they will hold up to more use/abuse.  (I have way too many sets of
>> pedals)
>> Plus the Vaults have more pin options to customize your grip: from nippy
>> baby Velociraptor up to ravenous, leg-chewing daddy Velociraptor. Or you
>> can go the vegetarian route, and use Hold Fast straps. And Vaults come in
>> more colors, from sedate to garish.
>> If a heavier, crazier, reckless friend asked me, I would recommend the
>> DMR Vaults or VP Vice pedals over the VP Harriers.
>> John
>>> Has anyone tried the VP Aim pedals or the VP Harrier pedals???  I'm
>>> curious.
>>> http://www.bikerumor.com/2015/02/12/vp-aims-to-bite-into-platform-market-with-new-light-thin-and-affordable-pedals/
>>> m
>>> On Monday, May 23, 2016 at 4:29:02 PM UTC-4, Ryan Ray wrote:

 Hey there,

 I have clipless pedals and shoes and most of the things in the shoes
 ruse article don't really ring true for me. Clipless pedals are great and
 the longer the ride, the better they are for me. However whenever I put
 clipless pedals on a bike that is the bike I never ride, so I use VP-001
 and VP vice pedals and have for years.
 Unfortunately my shins are absolutely scarred by near constant scrapes.
 Walking my bike. Walking by my bike. Moving near my bike. My wife even drew
 blood trying to get her bike near mine.

 I've started by removing (attempting to, some were stuck) the super
 sharp headless threaded spikes from the Vice pedals but does anyone else
 have any other suggestions?

 - Ryan

>>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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>> email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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Re: [RBW] Covered Bridge Metric Century, Lancaster PA 8/21

2016-06-23 Thread Steve Palincsar

On 06/23/2016 11:13 AM, JohnS wrote:
Anyone interested in joining me for the Covered Bridge Metric Century 
in Lancaster PA on 8/21? I had rode it about 7 years ago and it was a 
blast. Very well organized with course marshals at most intersections 
waving the riders on, almost non stop riding, plus you get to cross a 
bunch of covered bridges. As I recall mostly rolling hills with a long 
climb just before the mid point rest stop. At this time I'm planning 
to ride my Salsa Casseroll, but would consider riding my 2 speed QB if 
we build a Riv contingency. I would advise registering soon if you 
want to go. Details at...


I'll be there, and this year, as I have done for several years past, 
will be leading a ride with members of my bike club on the Saturday before.

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[RBW] Re: Neat made-by-Nitto Simworks front rack

2016-06-23 Thread Bill Lindsay
Zach Duval wrote:
> Cool, Bill. Does there appear to be adequate clearance between the top 
> platform and pannier rail? It looks tight for roll-top panniers from the 
> photos.

I only test fit my small Hub Area Rack Panniers and decided they would work 
OK.  I didn't try mounting my rolltop Ortliebs.  Adequate is in the eye of 
the beholder at any rate.  haha 

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[RBW] Re: Neat made-by-Nitto Simworks front rack

2016-06-23 Thread Bill Lindsay
Surlyprof wrote:
> I've gotten over that (fork) hump using a nylon or aluminum spacer.  Not 
> ideal once you try adding fenders on top of that. Becomes quite the stack 
> for one bolt.
> John

The hump of the forkleg itself is not the issue I was referring to.  A 
big-wheeled 700c bike has a pretty large wheel diameter, and that rack 
mounted that low would have the top platform interfere with the tire 

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[RBW] Re: Covered Bridge Metric Century, Lancaster PA 8/21

2016-06-23 Thread Lungimsam
I'm hopefully going. 

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[RBW] Re: Definitely Unracer

2016-06-23 Thread John
Very, very cool!

Made my day!  :)


On Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 9:33:30 PM UTC-7, Surlyprof wrote:
> This from one of my students:
> https://67.media.tumblr.com/fbaa675db8155f4396db75369ec67676/tumblr_o91t03wOle1uke22ao1_400.gif
> John

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Re: [RBW] Re: eCLEM

2016-06-23 Thread Joe Bernard
Yeah, it's kind of a lark in the unlikely event that someone wants to pay that. 
I'm trying to finance a new blue Appaloosa I hadn't planned on buying (which 
I'm on the way to RBW to pick up right now). I'm just going to let the ad 
lapse, though..I'm pretty fond of that eCLEM, and will be happy to keep it. 

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Re: [RBW] Re: Nine Speed Index Setup

2016-06-23 Thread Michael Hechmer
Yep, all I would need would be the extra long version of the silver shifters

On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 10:30:22 AM UTC-4, Shoji Takahashi wrote:
> Hey Scott,
> With a set of Boscos, that tandem-as-solo will fit him just fine! Long 
> chain stays when you need 'em (sit as pilot); short chain stays when you 
> need to pop wheelies (sit as stoker). 
> happy riding,
> shoji
> On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 8:00:36 AM UTC-4, Skenry wrote:
>> Ha, here is a photo of my son riding our tandem solo.
>> But from the back seat.
>> If you can see instgram photos...
>> https://www.instagram.com/p/2XFCNvINiK/?taken-by=skenry&hl=en
>> Scott
>> On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 6:27 PM, Steve Palincsar  wrote:
>>> In fact, a month or so after I first got a tandem, we were on Marthas 
>>> Vineyard.  I was riding with my daughter as child stoker, and we stopped 
>>> for a minute.  I didn't know it, but she climbed down (getting up to the 
>>> saddle was a bit like climbing up monkey bars for her) while my attention 
>>> was elsewhere.  I started off riding, and next thing there she is running 
>>> down the road next to the bike yelling at me to stop.  It took many years 
>>> before I lived that one down...

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[RBW] Re: Wife asked me to go on a 2 week bike tour, help!!

2016-06-23 Thread Julian

That's great -- my advice, as someone who toured for a long time before I 
met my wife (who was a non-cyclist when we married), and then progressing 
with her going from none to week-long to six-week + tours, as well as 
observing a number of couples who have stayed with us as Warm Showers 
guests, is that you need to be in tune with what is working for her and 
what is not. 

In my case on the first longer tour I said to my wife "if this is not fun 
for more than a day or two in a row we can stop, hop a train/bus, etc.," 
 and I repeated that several times during the tour. She told me later this 
gave her  the possible out she needed to know was possible (but did not 
choose) during a few long, cold climbs and a couple of nights of lousy 
camps. At the end of our first long tour, during a slog in 50 degree 
driving rain, she grinned, and said to me "where will we go next year." 
 Although she deferred most of the planning/logistics to me, I did include 
her and ask for her opinion, and incorporated her needs/desires -- the 
resulting trips have been great -- perhaps not exactly what I've had done 
on my own, but at the end of the day far better IMHO. 

I also recommend not setting distances/goals too tightly -- play it as it 
goes -- with a few exceptions, there no "need" to go on if things are bad 
(weather, stomach, bike, whatever) -- better to relax and deal with the 
issue and go on the next day feeling good. We've seen a couple or two with 
schedules overly ambitious for one of the two (not always the wife), and it 
never looks or sounds like fun -- it's a vacation, not the Bataan death 

For my wife, daily showers are a near must -- and the B&B/motel every 4 or 
5 nights was great for her to recharge from the camping (she's not a huge 
camping fan, YMMV), and I've got to admit that despite a number of 
wild-camping stink-when-you-come-out trips in my past, going "civilized" is 
pretty great. 

With luck, you'll both have a great time and you'll discover, to echo the 
1970's Bikecentennial  poster "The touring companion you've always wanted 
is in your house every day."

Have a great time planning and touring together! 

Julian Westerhout
Bloomington, IL 

On Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 2:21:20 PM UTC-5, Mark Reimer wrote:
> A few years back I built up a new bike for my wife as a surprise. It was a 
> Surly Cross Check with Jack brown 33.3 tires, Nitto Albatross bars, a small 
> wald basket, ladies Brook's B17, etc. Very classy build. Black frame, all 
> silver parts. I was hoping a nice, well fitting comfortable bike would 
> promote more riding together, which it has to a degree. We've done a few 
> longer rides together and last summer did our first overnighter, which she 
> loved. She's always said that long distance touring probably isn't her 
> thing, but after we've completed a couple motorcycle tours and backcountry 
> hiking trips together it seems she's developed the urge to transition to 
> bicycles... maybe all my cycling adventures have inspired some 
> self-propelled wanderlust too, who knows. 
> Point is, we're sitting on the couch earlier in the week and she says "I 
> want to take two weeks off next summer and go on a cycling tour with you".
> I felt like I was electrocuted! That's basically my dream. 
> So here's my questions. I'm well aware of the fact that what I like to do 
> on a tour isn't what a lot of other people would like to do. I look for 
> single track and dirt roads, don't mind rough terrain and not showering for 
> a week. I like doing 100-200km in a day. I love the idea of spending five 
> hours climbing a mountain and then screaming down the other side as fast as 
> I can possibly go. 
> If we did that, I don't think she'd ever tour with me again... 
> For those of you who've toured with your spouse, or with friends who 
> aren't as nutty as you in general, what worked? What advice do you have for 
> daily distance, elevation, road surface, etc? I know this will be highly 
> individual and vary widely based on personal preferences, age, appetite for 
> adventure, budgets, etc. For reference, my wife Cindy has done some 100km 
> rides and enjoyed them, but I think that would be a bit much for day after 
> day mileage. She likes gravel roads, but not trails. Enjoys hiking up 
> mountains, but is nervous to attempt cycling up one. She's always been hard 
> on the brakes all the way down any hill, but she's since acquired her 
> motorcycle license, so all that 100km/h time in the saddle is sure to help 
> alleviate the fear of speed. 
> Thus far the best idea we've come up with together is going to 
> Newfoundland and touring the western edge. It's a 450km one-way ride that 
> crosses Gros Morne National Park, where we would stop to hike for a day or 
> two. 450km isn't enough distance for 2 weeks in my opinion. I'd like 
> something closer to 750. That way we can have some 100km days, some 30km 
> days, a few rest days, etc. So maybe

Re: [RBW] RE: RE: RBW Listers Take Over The West Point Inn, June 24 & 25 - Join us there!!! Proposed Ride.

2016-06-23 Thread Curtis McKenzie

On the road to Samuel P Taylor from Fairfax. Parked at Fairfax Cyclery.
Looking forward to seeing all of you tomorrow.

Curtis and Jeff

On Thursday, June 23, 2016, Surlyprof  wrote:

> I was going to try to make it for the Saturday ride and hang out for
> dinner.  Sounds like it is more of a potluck?  If so, what can I bring?
> John
> --
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[RBW] Re: Clem Smith Jr, 7 month and 2200 miles in

2016-06-23 Thread El Sapo
Mark, I understand what you're saying about your hand placement. With me, I 
have the stock grips and in my "normal" riding position, my hands are in 
front of the grips. The brake clamp bolt is under my palms most of the 
time. That's right about the middle of the gripping area. Sliding my 
hands forward from there for a sportier feel or for riding into the wind, 
and moving them back on the grips for more upright riding. 

At some point I'm going to clean that gripping area up. Get a different 
brake that doesn't have a bolt placed up top, ditch the grips and wrap the 
bars all the way to the downturn with the same material. Grant suggested 
that I move the shift levers forward onto the downturn but they don't 
bother my hands where they are. 

That's a cool picture of the postman. Those old style brakes kept the 
handlebar grip area clear of clamps/mounting devices. Hu.   

On Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 7:30:51 PM UTC-7, Mark in Beacon wrote:

> Cool pix. Relaxed, Very Relaxed, Fairly Sporty. Sounds like shopping for 
> jeans! I still get confused, but that's another story.
> I have the stock Bosco Bullmoose Bars featuring the stock, complete build 
> grips. I moved the bars up and down a bit  once or twice and they seem fine 
> about where they ended up, though a little higher or lower would probably 
> be okay as well.
> Like 'em a lot. I ride holding the grips with my pointer finger wrapped 
> around the brake 78%, full regular grip 20%, and out in front but with 
> thumbs kinda hooked into the corner made by the bullmoose 2%. I rode most 
> of the way across the bridge on the way home in this last position (except 
> when passing people) which also has the meat of the palms resting 
> partially on the Vs (slight variation: thumbs out of corner, aligned with 
> fingers, hands slightly further from center, running up against the rise). 
> A fun change and fast, rotates my hip nicely and helps the legs really 
> pump. I also change my body relationship to the bars by standing, and by 
> microshifts on the saddle (went from a Brooks Flyer over to a VO Mod 8 
> during the recent sale, digging it so far, apparently I like the extra rear 
> estate).
> I like the angle the bars are set at just fine. I'm not overly picky about 
> these things in general. Lucky for me my body usually adjusts quite nicely 
> and I'm good to go. I could clear a third/fourth position I guess by 
> shifting my bell and mirror (shifters are on the stem) but I don't have a 
> need. Maybe if I were doing a century? As it is, I can pedal along regular, 
> or stand a minute and throw 'em around a bit, or do the lean forward 
> time-trial-y thing--it's all good and pretty much natural. The Clementine 
> is a big, beefy, substantial bike, and the Bosco Bulls do a good job of 
> wrangling it. Kinda like they were made for each other. Which in fact they 
> were! Nice how that works.
> Patrick, I think the twitchy thing is, they are riding a big bike (can't 
> recall if theirs have front racks/baskets?) and their upper bodies are not 
> fully matured, so going closer to the steering axis, combined with leaning 
> forward, is going to be maybe a little hard to control for them. I would 
> guess they will grow into an alternate position or two, but in any case, 
> just because one uses mostly a single basic grip does not mean you'll go 
> numb or strained, the body finds ways to shift things. Even the difference 
> between a finger around the brake bracket and the five-finger grip puts 
> muscles in a whole different posture. As does standing, or turning, etc. 
> Sometimes I'll just concentrate on an aligned spinal posture, drop the 
> shoulders and elbows, and that creates a difference right there. My 
> grandmother's brother rode a bicycle all day for most of his life 
> delivering the mail in rural Ireland with a basic upright handlebar (more 
> of an Albatross than a Bosco).
> On Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 4:46:00 PM UTC-4, Zed Martinez wrote:
>> Hey Patrick. I have a picture here for reference: 
>> https://www.flickr.com/photos/zedmartinez/25692901481/
>> I think if I had the extra 2cm the bullmoose does I would find the 
>> knobs/flats grips too far away for me to really maximize their comfort. 
>> There was definitely a point in the adjustment where they were too far away 
>> (oddly because they were too h

Re: [RBW] Re: Lost Boys Ride Rivendells

2016-06-23 Thread Dave at Rivendell
You got it!  Dipsea & Coastal Trail in Marin. Thanks for the nice notes, it 
was a fun day and Jay did a great job there. 
Hope you don't mean these lost boys 
. No vampires harmed in the 


On Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 9:02:24 PM UTC-7, cyclot...@gmail.com wrote:
> I spy the Coastal Trail. 
> On Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 7:35 PM, Deacon Patrick  > wrote: 
> > “To die will be an awfully big adventure.” 
> > 
> > With abandon, 
> > Patrick 
> > 
> > 
> > On Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 8:09:06 PM UTC-6, Mark in Beacon wrote: 
> >> 
> >> Yes, but uh-oh, right before the awesome grilling footage, a bicycle 
> >> careening down the road with a fagot of branches precariously perched 
> on a 
> >> front basket! Dangerous! Wait, Rivendell doesn't sell sticks--at least 
> not 
> >> yet. (But do its axes come with a warning that you could chop off a 
> toe?) I 
> >> don't see a key, but shouldn't they tell people not to fly a kite with 
> a key 
> >> attached, just in case? Oops, wrong thread! Nice little video. You can 
> see 
> >> how place inspires design. 
> >> 
> >> On Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 9:00:44 PM UTC-4, Deacon Patrick wrote: 
> >>> 
> >>> https://vimeo.com/171478451 
> >>> 
> >>> With abandon, 
> >>> Patrick 
> >>> 
> >>> www.OurHolyConception.org 
> >>> www.MindYourHeadCoop.org 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> > -- 
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> -- 
> Cheers, 
> David 
> Member, Supreme Council of Cyberspace 
> "it isn't a contest. Just enjoy the ride." - Seth Vidal 

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[RBW] A bit offtopic discussion of RivBike's shipping times

2016-06-23 Thread Belopsky
Ordered gloves, ferrules, a couple washers..

$9 for surepost.

And estimate delivery? July 1st. Ridiculous, right?

All of those items would fit into a flat rate envelope and be here in 3 
days vis USPS.

Grant, hope you and others are listening.

Thoughts everyone?

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[RBW] Re: A bit offtopic discussion of RivBike's shipping times

2016-06-23 Thread Zed Martinez
I work for a company that does internet and mail-order. We don't use USPS 
for much of anything unless the customer signs off on it because even when 
you have a tracking and guarantee they're not worth much if the package 
gets lost or delayed, and delayed packages are much more the norm than not 
when we do use them. UPS and FedEx cost more, but their tracking works and 
they have much more accountability when something goes wrong. If Riv's 
experience has been similar in the least I don't blame them for choosing 
safe but expensive, I'd do the same thing.

On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 6:22:49 PM UTC-4, Belopsky wrote:
> Ordered gloves, ferrules, a couple washers..
> $9 for surepost.
> And estimate delivery? July 1st. Ridiculous, right?
> All of those items would fit into a flat rate envelope and be here in 3 
> days vis USPS.
> Grant, hope you and others are listening.
> Thoughts everyone?

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[RBW] Re: Neat made-by-Nitto Simworks front rack

2016-06-23 Thread Michael Hechmer
It should work.  It will sit a tad hi and you will need a different pair of 
struts.  It will make getting your hand or tool into the brake for 
adjustments a bit awkward.

On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 10:44:10 AM UTC-4, Zach Duval wrote:
> Though made for canti attachment, is there any reason this would not be 
> advisable for attachment to a Sam's mid-fork eyelets?
> https://sim.works/collections/others-simworks-by-nitto/products/potluck-rack?variant=16532777027#

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Re: [RBW] Re: Lost Boys Ride Rivendells

2016-06-23 Thread Deacon Patrick
I presumed the crawling out from the ground through the trunk of a tree was 
a Peter Pan reference?

With abandon,

On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 3:49:52 PM UTC-6, Dave at Rivendell wrote:
> You got it!  Dipsea & Coastal Trail in Marin. Thanks for the nice notes, 
> it was a fun day and Jay did a great job there. 
> Hope you don't mean these lost boys 
> . No vampires harmed in the 
> making. 
> -Dave
> On Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 9:02:24 PM UTC-7, cyclot...@gmail.com wrote:
>> I spy the Coastal Trail. 
>> On Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 7:35 PM, Deacon Patrick  
>> wrote: 
>> > “To die will be an awfully big adventure.” 
>> > 
>> > With abandon, 
>> > Patrick 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > On Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 8:09:06 PM UTC-6, Mark in Beacon wrote: 
>> >> 
>> >> Yes, but uh-oh, right before the awesome grilling footage, a bicycle 
>> >> careening down the road with a fagot of branches precariously perched 
>> on a 
>> >> front basket! Dangerous! Wait, Rivendell doesn't sell sticks--at least 
>> not 
>> >> yet. (But do its axes come with a warning that you could chop off a 
>> toe?) I 
>> >> don't see a key, but shouldn't they tell people not to fly a kite with 
>> a key 
>> >> attached, just in case? Oops, wrong thread! Nice little video. You can 
>> see 
>> >> how place inspires design. 
>> >> 
>> >> On Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 9:00:44 PM UTC-4, Deacon Patrick wrote: 
>> >>> 
>> >>> https://vimeo.com/171478451 
>> >>> 
>> >>> With abandon, 
>> >>> Patrick 
>> >>> 
>> >>> www.OurHolyConception.org 
>> >>> www.MindYourHeadCoop.org 
>> >>> 
>> >>> 
>> > -- 
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>> > email to rbw-owners-bun...@googlegroups.com. 
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>> > Visit this group at https://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch. 
>> > For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout. 
>> -- 
>> Cheers, 
>> David 
>> Member, Supreme Council of Cyberspace 
>> "it isn't a contest. Just enjoy the ride." - Seth Vidal 

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[RBW] Re: Neat made-by-Nitto Simworks front rack

2016-06-23 Thread Frank Brose

Can anybody show me or point me to a picture of one of these mounted on a 
26" or 650b bicycle? 

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[RBW] Re: A bit offtopic discussion of RivBike's shipping times

2016-06-23 Thread Minh
While i agree with your basic premise, if i were running a company and 
shipped a lot, it would be more efficient just to send everything by one 
shipper (in this case UPS) instead of splitting between USPS and UPS and 
managing the differences between the two.  By the estimate i assume you are 
on the east coast as that's how long a package from RBW takes to get to me 
via UPS ground.  

So i don't have a problem with this but i've been ordering from them for 
years and take this into account when ordering.  They also have a web page 
where they lay out in detail what to expect in terms of shipping, 
http://www.rivbike.com/help_answer.asp?ID=11#278, so if that doesn't work 
for you then you don't order from them, i feel that RBW have always been ok 
with people buying from other places if it makes more sense (closer to you, 
local etc).  

On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 6:22:49 PM UTC-4, Belopsky wrote:
> Ordered gloves, ferrules, a couple washers..
> $9 for surepost.
> And estimate delivery? July 1st. Ridiculous, right?
> All of those items would fit into a flat rate envelope and be here in 3 
> days vis USPS.
> Grant, hope you and others are listening.
> Thoughts everyone?

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[RBW] Re: A bit offtopic discussion of RivBike's shipping times

2016-06-23 Thread ian m
I too worked shipping/receiving for an e-commerce company for a number of 
years in addition to frequent purchasing of goods online (mostly records) 
like most of us in the past decade.

UPS/FedEx and the like are necessary for our post-Amazon web buyer. Most 
online shoppers now MUST now when their package will ship, when it does 
ship, and where it is any and every moment prior to it arriving at their 
doorstep. Which is a sad, sad reality. I've never been so frustrated as I 
have in dealing with either company (primarily UPS) and their terrible 
customer service and general lack of interest in the state in which your 
package arrives. But they track well and will pay out insurance IF AND ONLY 
IF you pay for it above $100. Not sure of Riv's policy for such but I 
imagine they have to declare the value of bikes being shipped because the 
alternative is a nightmare. I'm sure it's passed along. Delayed packages 
though, hoo boy. Good luck getting a package on time with UPS in the 
holiday season, especially if there is poor weather. They don't pay out for 
that even on "guaranteed" 1-day, 2-day, &c shipments.

USPS has always been perfectly fine in my experience. Records are 
notoriously fragile items and I have received some very shoddily packaged 
with no problems. Of course, others have different experiences. But for the 
price and the speed they can't be beat. Never had to deal with a claim 
through them so can't speak to that.

I do wish Riv and similar offered the option of a slower USPS method but at 
some point it stops being worth it for them to jump through the hoops, 
which can also be said for those of us buying a few small things to support 
them and waiting 8 days because we live across the country (imagine the 
horror of living abroad!). But such is life.

On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 6:22:49 PM UTC-4, Belopsky wrote:
> Ordered gloves, ferrules, a couple washers..
> $9 for surepost.
> And estimate delivery? July 1st. Ridiculous, right?
> All of those items would fit into a flat rate envelope and be here in 3 
> days vis USPS.
> Grant, hope you and others are listening.
> Thoughts everyone?

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[RBW] Re: Covered Bridge Metric Century, Lancaster PA 8/21

2016-06-23 Thread Brian Campbell
Gonna try and get there this year

On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 4:02:26 PM UTC-4, Lungimsam wrote:
> I'm hopefully going. 

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[RBW] Re: Covered Bridge Metric Century, Lancaster PA 8/21

2016-06-23 Thread kielsun

I'd be super interested in this! I'm in Baltimore, so it's very doable. Would 
be tons of fun to ride with other Rivs.


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[RBW] Re: Covered Bridge Metric Century, Lancaster PA 8/21

2016-06-23 Thread 'Jack' via RBW Owners Bunch
I'm signed up, I think this will be the tenth consecutive year I've done 
it. It's a good ride, well organized with great scenery. I usually ride my 

Keep me posted, it would be good to see a few other Riv bikes on this one! 

On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 11:13:39 AM UTC-4, JohnS wrote:

> Anyone interested in joining me for the Covered Bridge Metric Century in 
> Lancaster PA on 8/21? 

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[RBW] Re: Covered Bridge Metric Century, Lancaster PA 8/21

2016-06-23 Thread Kevin Lindsey
I'm registered but riding with another group.  I'll be on my Hunqapillar 
and will keep my eyes peeled for other Rivs.

On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 11:13:39 AM UTC-4, JohnS wrote:
> Anyone interested in joining me for the Covered Bridge Metric Century in 
> Lancaster PA on 8/21? I had rode it about 7 years ago and it was a blast. 
> Very well organized with course marshals at most intersections waving the 
> riders on, almost non stop riding, plus you get to cross a bunch of covered 
> bridges. As I recall mostly rolling hills with a long climb just before the 
> mid point rest stop. At this time I'm planning to ride my Salsa Casseroll, 
> but would consider riding my 2 speed QB if we build a Riv contingency. I 
> would advise registering soon if you want to go. Details at...
> http://lancasterbikeclub.net/cbmc.html
> Thanks,
> JohnS

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[RBW] Re: Covered Bridge Metric Century, Lancaster PA 8/21

2016-06-23 Thread kielsun
OK, I'm signed up. (Slight meander: I'm also hoping to do the Seagull Century 
in October if anyone's interested.)

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[RBW] Re: A bit offtopic discussion of RivBike's shipping times

2016-06-23 Thread Belopsky
Good points thus far, but I still believe USPS is a good additional service 
for Riv to use. I've always had great experience. I just hope my gloves 
come sooner than estimated, as I leave for a trip July 1st..,a little too 
close for comfort but unfortunately no one else seems to have the crochet 
gloves that will arrive sooner either

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[RBW] Re: Definitely Unracer

2016-06-23 Thread Jack Barnes
Would benefit from longer chainstays and Bosco bars though!

On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 1:09:46 PM UTC-7, John wrote:
> Very, very cool!
> Made my day!  :)
> John
> On Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 9:33:30 PM UTC-7, Surlyprof wrote:
>> This from one of my students:
>> https://67.media.tumblr.com/fbaa675db8155f4396db75369ec67676/tumblr_o91t03wOle1uke22ao1_400.gif
>> John

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[RBW] Re: A bit offtopic discussion of RivBike's shipping times

2016-06-23 Thread dstein
Did you contact Rivendell? They're very responsive and will listen to 
feedback. Won't do anything for your oder in transit but that's the best 
place to get your voice heard for customer feedback.

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[RBW] Re: A bit offtopic discussion of RivBike's shipping times

2016-06-23 Thread Eric Karnes
Agreed. I won't ship anything via USPS anymore. A few months back, they 
managed to loose three out of four of my packages within the space of three 
weeks. The first two were from Amazon and they refunded my money. But the 
third was from a small mail order shop who wouldn't (and likely couldn't 
afford to) refund the order and suggested I call USPS. I've submitted 
forms, talked with them on the phone, sent tons of emails with the tracking 
number. Nothing. 75 dollars down the drain.

I don't think this is really Riv's fault. I've found they always pack and 
ship promptly (though my stuff has usually come via UPS). And in the end, 
I'd prefer a nine day wait and have it actually get to me than a 25% chance 
of it showing up in three.


On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 6:42:54 PM UTC-4, Zed Martinez wrote:
> I work for a company that does internet and mail-order. We don't use USPS 
> for much of anything unless the customer signs off on it because even when 
> you have a tracking and guarantee they're not worth much if the package 
> gets lost or delayed, and delayed packages are much more the norm than not 
> when we do use them. UPS and FedEx cost more, but their tracking works and 
> they have much more accountability when something goes wrong. If Riv's 
> experience has been similar in the least I don't blame them for choosing 
> safe but expensive, I'd do the same thing.
> On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 6:22:49 PM UTC-4, Belopsky wrote:
>> Ordered gloves, ferrules, a couple washers..
>> $9 for surepost.
>> And estimate delivery? July 1st. Ridiculous, right?
>> All of those items would fit into a flat rate envelope and be here in 3 
>> days vis USPS.
>> Grant, hope you and others are listening.
>> Thoughts everyone?

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[RBW] PSA: 60cm Quickbeam in Austin

2016-06-23 Thread Mike Packard

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Re: [RBW] Re: A bit offtopic discussion of RivBike's shipping times

2016-06-23 Thread David Hallerman
Of course, as the original poster noted, his package was being shipped 
via "Surepost" -- which literally does split the shipment between UPS 
(first) and USPS (second) and does not manage the differences between 
the two. (I know, Minh, you meant something else by "managing the 

So in the end, Surepost also relies on the USPS, but just costs more.

Not a great method since it offers the greater cost of UPS with the 
lesser speed of USPS First Class (not Priority).

On 6/23/16 7:43 PM, Minh wrote:
While i agree with your basic premise, if i were running a company and 
shipped a lot, it would be more efficient just to send everything by 
one shipper (in this case UPS) instead of splitting between USPS and 
UPS and managing the differences between the two.  By the estimate i 
assume you are on the east coast as that's how long a package from RBW 
takes to get to me via UPS ground.

So i don't have a problem with this but i've been ordering from them 
for years and take this into account when ordering.  They also have a 
web page where they lay out in detail what to expect in terms of 
shipping, http://www.rivbike.com/help_answer.asp?ID=11#278, so if that 
doesn't work for you then you don't order from them, i feel that RBW 
have always been ok with people buying from other places if it makes 
more sense (closer to you, local etc).

On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 6:22:49 PM UTC-4, Belopsky wrote:

Ordered gloves, ferrules, a couple washers..

$9 for surepost.

And estimate delivery? July 1st. Ridiculous, right?

All of those items would fit into a flat rate envelope and be here
in 3 days vis USPS.

Grant, hope you and others are listening.

Thoughts everyone?

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[RBW] Re: Covered Bridge Metric Century, Lancaster PA 8/21

2016-06-23 Thread Lungimsam
Im hopefully at seagull too. Transfered my tegistration from last year.

Maybe bring Sam or Bleriot.

We could have a Rivendell critical mass and block up the route!!! Ha ha

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[RBW] Re: Covered Bridge Metric Century, Lancaster PA 8/21

2016-06-23 Thread Lungimsam
Bay to Bay century is this sunday in chestertown too

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[RBW] FS - Minimotos, Albatross, Silver shifters, C17 Cambium, BG rack

2016-06-23 Thread RobbeR49
I've got a few things for sale, everything is pretty lightly used, probably 
no more than 500 miles on anything, if that.

Paul Mini Motos, silver (unpolished), full bike's worth $135

Cambium C17 Natural - taken on two short test rides, just didn't work for 
me. Tiny chain grease smudge on it $110

Nitto Albatross bar, Cro-Mo, 55cm $40

Silver Shifters, Bar-end $65

Tektro CR720 silver, full bikes worth $30

MKS touring pedals $20

Bruce Gordon rear touring rack, blue powdercoat $130 

Prices all include shipping CONUS. 
Contact off-list, Paypal personal please unless you're local to Columbus, 

Here's some pics of some of the stuff, send me a message if you want more 
or any particular item 

-Nick Roberts

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Re: [RBW] Re: A bit offtopic discussion of RivBike's shipping times

2016-06-23 Thread drew
I've never had an issue with usps. I always thought this was a "we are a small 
business and it isn't financially viable to encourage small purchases that we 
then have to ship out." 

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Re: [RBW] Re: A bit offtopic discussion of RivBike's shipping times

2016-06-23 Thread Lungimsam
Did RBW say that?

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[RBW] Bay to Bay century Chestertown MD this Sunday.

2016-06-23 Thread Lungimsam
Anyone going? Would love to chat bikes along the way. Im hoping to go on my 

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[RBW] Appaloosa Build

2016-06-23 Thread Joe Bernard
That's a lovely bike, especially with those vintage XTR cranks. I was at RBW HQ 
today and saw a mustard double-tuber like yours..just gorgeous. 

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[RBW] Custom queue

2016-06-23 Thread Eric
Saw the post on the blug about the $200 off the price of a custom and it's 
tempting! Anyone throwing down?

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[RBW] Another new Appaloosa

2016-06-23 Thread Joe Bernard
The deed is done! As mentioned elsewhere, I saw a blue Joe with green-wrapped 
Noodles at the Bike Snob Book Talk ride last weekend, and went kind of bonkers 
over it. Which was weird because I thought I preferred mustard, I supposedly 
gave up dropbars, and a 51 with drops should be too big for me. Well it fit and 
I loved it, but I already had my money down for a mustard 52 CLEM. 

Well I couldn't get it out of my head (thank you, ELO) and I was in the middle 
of a week off work, so I decided to ride my eCLEM to RBWHQ on Tuesday to show 
of my bike, pick up a basket, and oh golly just maybe take another look at Blue 
Joe. I took it for another spin, and we tossed around the idea of whether it 
was actually for sale or not (it's a non-listed demo), and the conclusion was 
maybe it was if maybe I decided I wanted it sometime maybe. 

Well two more days went by, then Roman and I had a little chat and it became 
readily apparent that this particular build in this gorgeous non-returning 
color was going to find its way to my HQ. So I found the bus schedule, got thee 
hence to Walnut Creek, bought that baby, and rode it home!

Isn't it pretty? Nitto stem and post, 44cm Noodles, Silver bar-ends, Shimano 
levers and (CX-70?) cantis, Brooks B17 ti (I brought that on the bus), Sugino 
triple, Claris fd, Deore rear, Synergy hubs and rims, Continental DoubleFighter 
2.0 tires. 
It rides like buttah.


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[RBW] Another new Appaloosa

2016-06-23 Thread Joe Bernard

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[RBW] Another new Appaloosa

2016-06-23 Thread Bill Lindsay
I like the bike. I don't like the lighting in your photo. HALF APPROVE

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[RBW] Re: A bit offtopic discussion of RivBike's shipping times

2016-06-23 Thread Hugh Smitham
Never had a problem with shipping USPS ever. I can't say the same of Fedex. 
Maybe it's different for a business. USPS has decent tracking the last time 
I used there services. They've never delayed or lost anything so I don't 
know what they're like to run a claim through. The 9$ does seem high for 
such small items but if it's going to the East coast? In terms of time if 
it shipped today that's six days including Saturday which seems like a bit 

On Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 3:22:49 PM UTC-7, Belopsky wrote:
> Ordered gloves, ferrules, a couple washers..
> $9 for surepost.
> And estimate delivery? July 1st. Ridiculous, right?
> All of those items would fit into a flat rate envelope and be here in 3 
> days vis USPS.
> Grant, hope you and others are listening.
> Thoughts everyone?

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