Re: [RBW] Re: New RBW fork crown?

2014-11-26 Thread lungimsam
Are you talking about that drawing above the breakfast plate?
Looks more like a lugged aheadset stem to me.

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[RBW] Re: Hub Area Rack, new versus old?

2014-11-26 Thread Michael Hechmer
I tried to buy the HAR last summer and missed out by a day and have ben 
waiting for them to come back in stock.  However, with the added hoop I 
wonder if the rack will fit with a Mark's Mini or a small Nitto?  I don't 
want to give up that rack, I just want something that will go on and off 
the bike quickly and not interfere with either the small rack or the roof 
top tandem carrier.  Does anyone know if the new rack will work that way?


On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 12:59:45 PM UTC-5, Shoji Takahashi wrote:
> I've got ver1 HAR+HUB. They've stayed on my Hunqapillar since I got them 
> in July(?). 
> I use them for grocery hauling, and holding picnic stuff and toys when I'm 
> riding with kids. Solid w/o hoop. I'll let my inner weight weenie take 
> pride in knowing that I'm saving a few unnecessary grams, though Bill has 
> outdone me there. :)
> shoji
> On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 12:38:54 PM UTC-5, Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> Hi John
>> I own a non-hoop HA Rack like you and I heard what you heard, that they 
>> planned to offer a retrofit hoop.  The only extra detail that I know is 
>> that this design was driven by Mark.  I bet the smartest info will come 
>> from him.  Email mark at rivbike dot com and I'm sure he'll let you know 
>> status.  
>> FWIW, I scrubbed off the lower mushroom things on my rack, and I don't 
>> feel the particular need to set up a hoop. 
>> Bill
>> On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 9:15:06 AM UTC-8, John Phillips wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>   Has there been any more talk of Riv selling hoops for the older 
>>> (last July's) version of the HAR? 
>>> I notice the hub area racks have been re-designed and are quite a bit 
>>> different from the ones that came out last summer.
>>> Shortly after I purchased mine, Riv said they were going to come out 
>>> with a version with the hoop, and hoops for the first HAR's, but I haven't 
>>> heard anything more about it.
>>> I'd appreciate it if anyone has heard anything they can share.
>>> Thanks,
>>> John

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Re: [RBW] Re: Oregon Outback and water

2014-11-26 Thread Deacon Patrick
That is precisely why I gave riding time rather than distance. There is a 
huge difference between 25 miles depending on if it is: mountainous single 
track, rolling desert dirt roads, or paved roads. Then adding in rider 
differences, and the equation spreads out even more.

Regardless, if anyone does find themselves having to conserve water, 
breathe only through your nose. You lose dramatically less that way. I nose 
breathe all the time except when climbing at higher altitudes (usually 
starting at 11k feet). Since making the shift, I use 1/3 less water than 
without. Also, being low carb helps. For every gram of carbs processed, the 
body needs 3 grams of water (and ends up retaining that weight as well, 
that's part of why weight comes off so dramatically early on with a shift 
to low carb diet).

With abandon,

On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 10:32:17 PM UTC-7, Anne Paulson wrote:
> One time when I was touring up in far northern California I started 
> off the day with three full water bottles. Come mid-afternoon, they 
> were empty, but I figured I only had 12-14 flattish miles, so I didn't 
> go down to the Feather River to treat water. Stupid move. I had 14 
> miles through the desert into a headwind with no water. It was 
> miserable, and when I finally found a bar, I just sat at the bar while 
> the bartender fed me glass after glass of water before I could even 
> think about anything else. 
> The Oregon Outback is high desert, often with headwinds. I probably 
> wouldn't die if I rode for five hours there without water, but I 
> certainly don't want to do the experiment. And I'm a lot slower than 
> Jan, so I need to adjust my water stops and water reservoirs 
> accordingly. 
> On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 7:17 AM, Deacon Patrick  > wrote: 
> > Jan's point is excellent, and I'll say that most of us, regardless of 
> > conditions, could likely bike for five or more hours if need be without 
> > water. I've run in 100˚F+ Utah desert for over eight hours at high 
> summer 
> > with 44 oz of water. 
> -- 
> -- Anne Paulson 
> It isn't a contest. Enjoy the ride. 

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[RBW] Re: Hub Area Rack, new versus old?

2014-11-26 Thread Michael Hechmer
One more thing.  I was planning on using this rack with my small Arkel 
front panniers.  It looks like they should fit.  Does anyone know otherwise?


On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 6:26:45 AM UTC-5, Michael Hechmer wrote:
> I tried to buy the HAR last summer and missed out by a day and have ben 
> waiting for them to come back in stock.  However, with the added hoop I 
> wonder if the rack will fit with a Mark's Mini or a small Nitto?  I don't 
> want to give up that rack, I just want something that will go on and off 
> the bike quickly and not interfere with either the small rack or the roof 
> top tandem carrier.  Does anyone know if the new rack will work that way?
> Michael
> On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 12:59:45 PM UTC-5, Shoji Takahashi wrote:
>> I've got ver1 HAR+HUB. They've stayed on my Hunqapillar since I got them 
>> in July(?). 
>> I use them for grocery hauling, and holding picnic stuff and toys when 
>> I'm riding with kids. Solid w/o hoop. I'll let my inner weight weenie take 
>> pride in knowing that I'm saving a few unnecessary grams, though Bill has 
>> outdone me there. :)
>> shoji
>> On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 12:38:54 PM UTC-5, Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>> Hi John
>>> I own a non-hoop HA Rack like you and I heard what you heard, that they 
>>> planned to offer a retrofit hoop.  The only extra detail that I know is 
>>> that this design was driven by Mark.  I bet the smartest info will come 
>>> from him.  Email mark at rivbike dot com and I'm sure he'll let you know 
>>> status.  
>>> FWIW, I scrubbed off the lower mushroom things on my rack, and I don't 
>>> feel the particular need to set up a hoop. 
>>> Bill
>>> On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 9:15:06 AM UTC-8, John Phillips wrote:

   Has there been any more talk of Riv selling hoops for the older 
 (last July's) version of the HAR? 

 I notice the hub area racks have been re-designed and are quite a bit 
 different from the ones that came out last summer.

 Shortly after I purchased mine, Riv said they were going to come out 
 with a version with the hoop, and hoops for the first HAR's, but I haven't 
 heard anything more about it.

 I'd appreciate it if anyone has heard anything they can share.




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[RBW] Re: New RBW fork crown?

2014-11-26 Thread lungimsam
Shock fork lug?
That "bolt" looking thing in the top doesn't have allen hex shape, so maybe 
it is the inflation thingy on a shock fork. A lugged shock fork crown.

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[RBW] Re: The Great Workshop Cleaning! Much Stuff FS.

2014-11-26 Thread 'Jack' via RBW Owners Bunch
Michael, I have heard nothing from you since I claimed the B&M Ixon light 
last week. I also sent you a PM several days back. If someone else has 
bought the light or you no longer want to sell it, please let me know.

On Thursday, November 20, 2014 4:55:01 PM UTC-5, whiskeyding wrote:

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[RBW] Re: What components do you wish RBW would start "making"?

2014-11-26 Thread Kieran J
I wouldn't mind seeing a more deliberate/integrated front rack/LG Wald 
basket combo. A lot of people seem fine with using zip ties to attach the 
Wald to a Nitto or porteur front rack, but it always seemed like a 
workaround for a real solution that didn't exist. Wald is MUSA, no? Maybe 
work with them to produce a sturdy purpose-built support and attachment 

Earlier in the thread people mention the less-than-ideal front-loaded 
handling of Rivs, but you certainly do see a lot of people using the LG 
front basket set-up, including a lot of Riv staff. Personally, I absolutely 
love this type of schtuff-carrying arrangement.


On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 6:20:05 PM UTC-5, lungimsam wrote:
> Since they are not componenteurs, but they do have their own Silver line 
> and bag line, etc.
> I'll start:
> *Decaleurs.* I have recently been searching for decaleurs, and there seem 
> to be slim pickin's in the bike biz these days. 5 total I have found.
> 1 inexpensive and 1 mid point pricing models that all have mixed reviews, 
> and 3 very expensive ones with seemingly no reviews I have found.
> So it would be cool if RBW came out with their own decaleur to offer. The 
> bike industry needs another decaleur model.

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[RBW] New to me Atlantis

2014-11-26 Thread ascpgh
Very nice Chris! I fully get the scrambler look reference.

Andy Cheatham

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[RBW] Re: New to me Atlantis

2014-11-26 Thread ascpgh
Tony, my recallection of those hollow, plastic lowest-end SIS thumb shifters is 
their palpable flex when being shifted. My mind knew I moved them enough, but 
my ears and feet telling me it has't happened yet. I would have volunteered a 
set of NOS XC Expert thumb shifters to the purp-aluki to improve the 
experience, albeit in friction mode. They would be a tactile improvement as 
will the Paul's Thumbies.

Andy Cheatham

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[RBW] Re: Hub Area Rack, new versus old?

2014-11-26 Thread Shoji Takahashi
Hi Michael,
I'm pretty sure that the hoop will not interfere with the Nitto Mini or 
Mark's rack. Here's a look at the HAR v1 and Nitto Mini. I'm guessing that 
the only difference with HAR v2 is the hoop tab-- if that's the case, this 
pic shows that HAR won't interfere with the front rack.

I'm not familiar with the Arkel front panniers. If you'd like certain 
measurements of the HAR v1, I'd be happy to help. 

Happy Thanksgiving,

On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 6:26:45 AM UTC-5, Michael Hechmer wrote:
> I tried to buy the HAR last summer and missed out by a day and have ben 
> waiting for them to come back in stock.  However, with the added hoop I 
> wonder if the rack will fit with a Mark's Mini or a small Nitto?  I don't 
> want to give up that rack, I just want something that will go on and off 
> the bike quickly and not interfere with either the small rack or the roof 
> top tandem carrier.  Does anyone know if the new rack will work that way?
> Michael
> On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 12:59:45 PM UTC-5, Shoji Takahashi wrote:
>> I've got ver1 HAR+HUB. They've stayed on my Hunqapillar since I got them 
>> in July(?). 
>> I use them for grocery hauling, and holding picnic stuff and toys when 
>> I'm riding with kids. Solid w/o hoop. I'll let my inner weight weenie take 
>> pride in knowing that I'm saving a few unnecessary grams, though Bill has 
>> outdone me there. :)
>> shoji
>> On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 12:38:54 PM UTC-5, Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>> Hi John
>>> I own a non-hoop HA Rack like you and I heard what you heard, that they 
>>> planned to offer a retrofit hoop.  The only extra detail that I know is 
>>> that this design was driven by Mark.  I bet the smartest info will come 
>>> from him.  Email mark at rivbike dot com and I'm sure he'll let you know 
>>> status.  
>>> FWIW, I scrubbed off the lower mushroom things on my rack, and I don't 
>>> feel the particular need to set up a hoop. 
>>> Bill
>>> On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 9:15:06 AM UTC-8, John Phillips wrote:

   Has there been any more talk of Riv selling hoops for the older 
 (last July's) version of the HAR? 

 I notice the hub area racks have been re-designed and are quite a bit 
 different from the ones that came out last summer.

 Shortly after I purchased mine, Riv said they were going to come out 
 with a version with the hoop, and hoops for the first HAR's, but I haven't 
 heard anything more about it.

 I'd appreciate it if anyone has heard anything they can share.




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[RBW] Re: New RBW fork crown?

2014-11-26 Thread BSWP
Could be, an alternate means of joining fork tubes to crown. I wonder how 
hard to make a fork and crown and steerer and head tube that could all 
accept and pass through a wire from a dyno hub? It would be a neat way to 
get the voltage back through the frame and to a rear light. With an offramp 
at the crown to power a front light, too.

- Andrew, Berkeley

On Monday, November 24, 2014 2:55:50 PM UTC-8, Z wrote:
> Looks like a half-crown sneak peek in the Thanksgiving Blug post... Or am 
> I crazy?

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[RBW] Re: FS: Sackville Slickersack/Platrack Combo and Ruthworks Randonneur Bag

2014-11-26 Thread Michael Ullmer
Bump and price drop

Sackville Slickersack/Platrack Combo - $150 shipped

On Sunday, November 23, 2014 10:06:21 PM UTC-8, Michael Ullmer wrote:
> I have two bags that have seen little use over the past few months and 
> it's time to pass them on to someone else.
> Sackville Slickersack/Platrack Combo - $160 shipped
> --I got this combo from someone else on this list. I used it for a few 
> months but have switched over to using a shopsack and basket on my commuter 
> bikes. I made a few modifications to the bag after I got it. First, I 
> spraypainted the choroplast black and taped over it so the spraypaint 
> doesn't scratch away. I liked the black background in the bag as opposed to 
> the white. I also performed the Andy Schmidt modification and added turn 
> clasps to the bottom of the bag instead of the regular snaps, this makes it 
> easier to attach the bag to the rack. The stays that are included are 
> uncut, but are slightly bent though they worked fine for me. You can see it 
> in the pictures. Also, there are no extra included rack bolts, but these 
> can be ordered from Riv.
> Ruthworks Randonneur Bag - $190 shipped
> --I bought this thinking it might replace my Acorn bag, but I prefer the 
> added capacity of my Acorn Boxy Rando bag. Anyways, this bag measures 
> 11x7x5 without the dimensions of the 3d pockets. There are 3d pockets on 
> either side of the bag, two on the rear and one on the front. There is also 
> a zippered pocket on the inside lid of the bag as can be seen in the 
> picture. The bag has straps to attach it either directly to your 
> handlebars, or it can be mounted to a rack with a decaleur as well. It has 
> not been drilled for a decaleur yet. There is a stabilizing cord included 
> that can go under the bag, but I didn't end up using it. It's truly a 
> beautiful bag and should be getting use. I have a matching rear bag that I 
> bought with this bag that I use daily, it's wonderful, Eli does some great 
> work. 
> Contact me off-list if interested and if you have any other questions or 
> need more pictures please let me know!
> Mike
> Seattle

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[RBW] Re: New RBW fork crown?

2014-11-26 Thread Shoji Takahashi
It could be a lug for segmented fork. That would permit a really big 
tire... maybe fat-bike sized tire? (Not sure if Riv would go for disc 

It could also be used for segmented seat stays.
Like this one, but lugged. (Would also require oval stays...)


On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 11:14:11 AM UTC-5, BSWP wrote:
> Could be, an alternate means of joining fork tubes to crown. I wonder how 
> hard to make a fork and crown and steerer and head tube that could all 
> accept and pass through a wire from a dyno hub? It would be a neat way to 
> get the voltage back through the frame and to a rear light. With an offramp 
> at the crown to power a front light, too.
> - Andrew, Berkeley
> On Monday, November 24, 2014 2:55:50 PM UTC-8, Z wrote:
>> Looks like a half-crown sneak peek in the Thanksgiving Blug post... Or am 
>> I crazy?

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Re: [RBW] Re: Oregon Outback and water

2014-11-26 Thread Jan Heine
My water consumption depends very much on the temperature. In the early 
morning, I often ride 50+ miles on half a bottle. (I usually start rides 
well-hydrated.) If it's very hot and dry, I may drink a bottle every 10 
miles. Listening to my body is key to completing challenging rides.

I also don't plan to ride for 5 hours without water. However, I also don't 
limit myself by the fear of discomfort. If I have a 5% chance of being very 
uncomfortable, but not seriously hurting myself, then that is a risk I am 
willing to take in exchange for an unforgettable experience.

Jan Heine
Bicycle Quarterly

Follow our blog at

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[RBW] Re: Speaking of Stem Shifters...

2014-11-26 Thread Bill Lindsay
If they don't pull enough cable, you'll hate them (like mavic/simplex 
downtube shifters don't pull quite enough cable for modern cassettes).  If 
they pull enough cable I bet you'll like them.  Getting a decent quality 
cable with the right end is going to be a little tricky.  I'd absolutely 
give it a shot.  

On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 6:19:27 PM UTC-8, Pondero wrote:
> Nudged by Bill's inspiration, I ordered stem shifter mounts from Riv for 
> my Atlantis.  Then, in a classic timing move by me, I remembered I had some 
> stem shifters way back in my parts pile...somewhere.  I found them and 
> cleaned them up a bit...
> ...and wondered, because they are bodacious, whether these things would 
> shift a modern 9spd cassette.  Any suggestions?
> The lever for the rear has a delightful ratchet, and the lever for the 
> front is pure friction.
> Chris Johnson
> Sanger, Texas

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Re: [RBW] What components do you wish RBW would start "making"?

2014-11-26 Thread Montclair BobbyB
Would love to see some high-quality retro-style friction thumb shifters and 
bar-end shifters.  The old polished aluminum Shimano m700 and Suntour XC 
shifters from the mid-80s were far superior to any friction thumb shifters 
available today, including the Paul bases with add-your-own shifters.  

I'd also like to see remakes of the old Suntour Barcons (or the Shimano 
spring-loaded bar-ends).  The current Shimano bar-end shifters by comparison 
are simply awful-feeling... There's simply no comparison.  

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Re: [RBW] What components do you wish RBW would start "making"?

2014-11-26 Thread Patrick Moore
+ 1 for this. The Nitto mount RBW sells, or used to sell, is no good for
modern saddles with rails that -- unlike those of the B17 -- are not
vertical at the rear: when mounted on, say, a Flite, the Nitto angles
downward, severely cutting into the space above the rear tire. Design it to
clamp to the saddle rails, thus obviating the need for clutter on the
seatpost. Such a bracket ought to be very easy and cheap to make -- I've
made my own crude versions that require no brazing or welding; my brother
has made better ones by brazing up old fork ends.

Another: A nice pump head, but less outrageously priced (ie, only modestly
outrageously priced) as the Hiroshi one.

And the biggie: a *nice* largish saddle wedge (no tweed, dammi!) that
mounts with no saddle loops -- a larger Banana Bag that can hold a 28 oz
Rivendell bottle.

On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 8:03 PM, Tim McNamara  wrote:

> A better saddlebag mount for Carradice style saddlebags.  The saddlebag
> loops on saddles, the Nitto QR mount, the Bagman, etc. all leave a lot to
> be desired.  All of them allow the bag to sway and move around which is not
> good when climbing out of the saddle.
> Jobst Brandt had one on his bike in later years that held the bag rigidly
> away from the saddle.  It was sort of like  stoker stem clamped to the seat
> post with the extension pointing back and a T shape at the end for the
> saddle and stabilizer loops.  Great idea.
> --
> You rece

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[RBW] Re: What components do you wish RBW would start "making"?

2014-11-26 Thread Mark Reimer
Agreed. I like using zip-ties to attach my Wald basket to the Nitto Campee 
front rack on my Atlantis, primarily because I can cut them and remove the 
basket in about ten seconds if I'd prefer to use my Swift Ozette bag. 

Regardless of which setup I'm using, I find the Atlantis handles like a 
dream with a heavy and high front load. I even strapped a 40 pound bag of 
woodstove pellets to the rack, which was so tall that half the bag was 
above my already high handlebars. I was able to cruise home on snowy trails 
without an issue. It could be that I'm just so used to more aggressive 
frame geo that the Atlantis feels great by comparison, but I've never felt 
it needed improvement. I can ride with no-hands with a loaded basket/Ozette 
without running into flip-flip issues too. 

On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 8:44:03 AM UTC-6, Kieran J wrote:
> I wouldn't mind seeing a more deliberate/integrated front rack/LG Wald 
> basket combo. A lot of people seem fine with using zip ties to attach the 
> Wald to a Nitto or porteur front rack, but it always seemed like a 
> workaround for a real solution that didn't exist. Wald is MUSA, no? Maybe 
> work with them to produce a sturdy purpose-built support and attachment 
> system?
> Earlier in the thread people mention the less-than-ideal front-loaded 
> handling of Rivs, but you certainly do see a lot of people using the LG 
> front basket set-up, including a lot of Riv staff. Personally, I absolutely 
> love this type of schtuff-carrying arrangement.
> KJ
> On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 6:20:05 PM UTC-5, lungimsam wrote:
>> Since they are not componenteurs, but they do have their own Silver line 
>> and bag line, etc.
>> I'll start:
>> *Decaleurs.* I have recently been searching for decaleurs, and there 
>> seem to be slim pickin's in the bike biz these days. 5 total I have found.
>> 1 inexpensive and 1 mid point pricing models that all have mixed reviews, 
>> and 3 very expensive ones with seemingly no reviews I have found.
>> So it would be cool if RBW came out with their own decaleur to offer. The 
>> bike industry needs another decaleur model.

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[RBW] Re: FS: Sackville Slickersack/Platrack Combo and Ruthworks Randonneur Bag

2014-11-26 Thread Benz, Sunnyvale, CA
Email sent to Michael...

On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 8:19:40 AM UTC-8, Michael Ullmer wrote:
> Bump and price drop
> Sackville Slickersack/Platrack Combo - $150 shipped
> On Sunday, November 23, 2014 10:06:21 PM UTC-8, Michael Ullmer wrote:
>> I have two bags that have seen little use over the past few months and 
>> it's time to pass them on to someone else.
>> Sackville Slickersack/Platrack Combo - $160 shipped
>> --I got this combo from someone else on this list. I used it for a few 
>> months but have switched over to using a shopsack and basket on my commuter 
>> bikes. I made a few modifications to the bag after I got it. First, I 
>> spraypainted the choroplast black and taped over it so the spraypaint 
>> doesn't scratch away. I liked the black background in the bag as opposed to 
>> the white. I also performed the Andy Schmidt modification and added turn 
>> clasps to the bottom of the bag instead of the regular snaps, this makes it 
>> easier to attach the bag to the rack. The stays that are included are 
>> uncut, but are slightly bent though they worked fine for me. You can see it 
>> in the pictures. Also, there are no extra included rack bolts, but these 
>> can be ordered from Riv.
>> Ruthworks Randonneur Bag - $190 shipped
>> --I bought this thinking it might replace my Acorn bag, but I prefer the 
>> added capacity of my Acorn Boxy Rando bag. Anyways, this bag measures 
>> 11x7x5 without the dimensions of the 3d pockets. There are 3d pockets on 
>> either side of the bag, two on the rear and one on the front. There is also 
>> a zippered pocket on the inside lid of the bag as can be seen in the 
>> picture. The bag has straps to attach it either directly to your 
>> handlebars, or it can be mounted to a rack with a decaleur as well. It has 
>> not been drilled for a decaleur yet. There is a stabilizing cord included 
>> that can go under the bag, but I didn't end up using it. It's truly a 
>> beautiful bag and should be getting use. I have a matching rear bag that I 
>> bought with this bag that I use daily, it's wonderful, Eli does some great 
>> work. 
>> Contact me off-list if interested and if you have any other questions or 
>> need more pictures please let me know!
>> Mike
>> Seattle

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[RBW] What components do you wish RBW would start "making"?

2014-11-26 Thread Philip Williamson
Cunningham drop bars. 

Everyone who gets into making flared drops has to redesign them to eliminate 
some imaginary flaw. I like the originals, and would buy a pair. 
I'd even buy a bullnose version! 


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Re: [RBW] What components do you wish RBW would start "making"?

2014-11-26 Thread Tim Gavin
The wide-flare Nitto RM-014 Dirt Drop is pretty darn close, but it's only
available in a 31.8 mm clamp diameter!  Maybe Riv could get them to make a
batch with 25.4 or 26.0 clamp diamter, in heat treated aluminum.  I'd buy a

Once I realized that none of my bikes could fit the RM-014 (no 1" threaded
stem in 31.8 clamp, without ugly adapters), I used them on a
90s-MTB-turned-all-rounder for my girlfriend.  She loves them; I quote her,
"these bars changed my life!".

For now, I'm pretty happy on the medium-flare B135 Randonneur bars.

On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 11:31 AM, Philip Williamson <> wrote:

> Cunningham drop bars.
> Everyone who gets into making flared drops has to redesign them to
> eliminate some imaginary flaw. I like the originals, and would buy a pair.
> I'd even buy a bullnose version!
> Philip
> --
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[RBW] Re: Mini-Grant-Sandwiches

2014-11-26 Thread Ron Mc
I'm surprised this thread hasn't drifted yet to fish tacos - oh, never 
mind, I just did  

On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 9:50:03 AM UTC-6, Deacon Patrick wrote:
> We love ours! That sucker has POWER!
> Butter and butter milk from cream (Amazing how much better this tastes 
> than bought butter, even from the same company). Use 100% grass fed dairy 
> if possible. 
> Pumpkin/squash/turnip/other veggies puree for pies, puddings, custards, 
> etc.
> Liverwurst
> Ice cream (cream poured over froze blueberries and blended. Wow)
> Smoothies (my wife and kids do that more than me).
> Poser-Babaganooch by blending red olives and whatever else. Stunning stuff.
> Easy prep for fermented salsa (way too easy to over blend though. Takes a 
> light touch).
> That's what I can think of for now. Clearly, Bobby, you are a genius for 
> recognizing the wonder of putting a lawn mower engine on your kitchen 
> counter. Way to go! Grin.
> With abandon,
> Patrick
> On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 8:33:52 AM UTC-7, Montclair BobbyB wrote:
>> Hey just curious... Anyone amongst the bacon eating low carb devotees 
>> also Vitamix owners?  My Vitamix just arrived yesterday, purchases during a 
>> moment of weakness (or clarity?) at the Philly Bike Expo, and I already 
>> have concocted a few variations of green smoothies...just because I can. 
>>  But I'd really love to put greater thought behind it and hear how/if 
>> others are augmenting their diet with blended food.  Thx, BB

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Re: [RBW] Re: Oregon Outback and water

2014-11-26 Thread Anne Paulson
I'm not going to limit myself-- I'm going to do the Oregon Outback.
And I'd say that there is, not a 5% chance, but a 100% chance, that at
some point I'll be very uncomfortable.

But I'm going to carry extra water. I'd rather arrive back with water
to spare than ride 14 miles in the desert into a headwind. And if that
makes me slower-- well, take a look at my sig. I'm not racing. I just
want to have fun. (Not meaning to imply that racers aren't having fun,
but I'm a tourist.)

On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 8:24 AM, Jan Heine  wrote:
> My water consumption depends very much on the temperature. In the early
> morning, I often ride 50+ miles on half a bottle. (I usually start rides
> well-hydrated.) If it's very hot and dry, I may drink a bottle every 10
> miles. Listening to my body is key to completing challenging rides.
> I also don't plan to ride for 5 hours without water. However, I also don't
> limit myself by the fear of discomfort. If I have a 5% chance of being very
> uncomfortable, but not seriously hurting myself, then that is a risk I am
> willing to take in exchange for an unforgettable experience.
> Jan Heine
> Editor
> Bicycle Quarterly
> Follow our blog at
> --
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-- Anne Paulson

It isn't a contest. Enjoy the ride.

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[RBW] Web Special frames

2014-11-26 Thread justinaugust
1 Betty and 2 SimpleOnes. They promised more, including ProtoJoes on Tumblr and 

The 58cm SimpleOne I have for sale is a deal!!


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[RBW] Re: Speaking of Stem Shifters...

2014-11-26 Thread Pondero
Thanks, guys.

No commitments yet.  I'll look at the purchased product, along with my 
in-hand option, do a few mental calculations (shifter diameter and angle of 
travel comparisons), and make a decision.  If it doesn't appear that I have 
a decent chance of success, I'll probably opt for something I know works.

The old Suntours are still bodacious and kind of match the theme for this 

Chris Johnson
Sanger, Texas

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Re: [RBW] What components do you wish RBW would start "making"?

2014-11-26 Thread David Yu Greenblatt

How does RM-014 compare to the old WTB-Specialized-Nitto RM-2? I've got an RM-2 
on my Rawland rSogn and like it. 

David G in San Diego

> On Nov 26, 2014, at 9:40 AM, Tim Gavin  wrote:
> The wide-flare Nitto RM-014 Dirt Drop is pretty darn close, but it's only 
> available in a 31.8 mm clamp diameter!  Maybe Riv could get them to make a 
> batch with 25.4 or 26.0 clamp diamter, in heat treated aluminum.  I'd buy a 
> couple!
> Once I realized that none of my bikes could fit the RM-014 (no 1" threaded 
> stem in 31.8 clamp, without ugly adapters), I used them on a 
> 90s-MTB-turned-all-rounder for my girlfriend.  She loves them; I quote her, 
> "these bars changed my life!".  
> For now, I'm pretty happy on the medium-flare B135 Randonneur bars.
>> On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 11:31 AM, Philip Williamson 
>>  wrote:
>> Cunningham drop bars.
>> Everyone who gets into making flared drops has to redesign them to eliminate 
>> some imaginary flaw. I like the originals, and would buy a pair.
>> I'd even buy a bullnose version!
>> Philip
>> --
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[RBW] Re: New to me Atlantis

2014-11-26 Thread Pondero

I considered the thumbies and the stem shifter approach together.  When 
Bill posted his stem shifter photo in the other thread, it nudged me in 
that direction and the order was placed.  The other factor is when I 
installed my SA three speed shifter on the stem of my Quickbeam, I liked it 
quite a bit.  So stem shifting is the first round, and thumbies are a 
backup plan.

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[RBW] Old Steel Bicycles

2014-11-26 Thread Eric Norris
Just poking around the old intertubes, and ended up reading about Tommy Godwin, 
who set the still-unbroken record for most miles ridden in a year (75,065), way 
back in 1939!

Tommy’s bike was a 35-pound steel Raleigh, equipped with a 
then-state-of-the-art Sturmey Archer 4-speed hub. There are a number of photos 
of Tommy and his bike on the Tommy Godwin tribute web site ( 
), and I was struck how much his bike resembles my 
1972 Motobecane,* also equipped with a Sturmey Archer hub (3-speed).  

Here’s a side-by-side comparison: 

Tommy’s accomplishment, which has stood for 75 years and may never be beaten, 
shows how much can be done a “primitive” bicycle. I’m inspired to take the 
Motobecane out for a ride.

* Formerly Patrick Moore’s

—Eric N
Twitter: @campyonlyguy

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[RBW] Re: Mini-Grant-Sandwiches

2014-11-26 Thread Deacon Patrick
No fish taco (We've done those with guac. and fermented salsa and cheese -- 
amazing! No shell though). Today's lunch was Crown Prince Kipper Steaks, 
Raw Sharp Cheddar, and Garlic stuffed Olives make an amazing lunch. I added 
some fresh ground chili pepper on the Kippers. Wow. Amazing. 

With abandon,

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Re: [RBW] Re: Oregon Outback and water

2014-11-26 Thread Jan Heine

You don't sound like somebody who is limiting herself. I was thinking about 
the people who write to me asking how I can ride these rides and not be 

The precautions you plan to take are good ones. It's one thing to follow 
your dream, and an entirely different thing to be foolhardy. 

Funny thing about being tourists – I consider myself a cyclotourist, too. I 
stopped numerous times to take photos during the Oregon Outback. I had a 
choice between carrying a spare tire or my camera. It was an easy 
decision... When I raced, I carried neither!

I hope to meet you at next year's Oregon Outback. I am sure you'll find the 
ride enjoyable and rewarding.

Jan Heine
Bicycle Quarterly

Follow our blog at

On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 9:50:14 AM UTC-8, Anne Paulson wrote:
> I'm not going to limit myself-- I'm going to do the Oregon Outback. 
> And I'd say that there is, not a 5% chance, but a 100% chance, that at 
> some point I'll be very uncomfortable. 
> But I'm going to carry extra water. I'd rather arrive back with water 
> to spare than ride 14 miles in the desert into a headwind. And if that 
> makes me slower-- well, take a look at my sig. I'm not racing. I just 
> want to have fun. (Not meaning to imply that racers aren't having fun, 
> but I'm a tourist.) 
> On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 8:24 AM, Jan Heine  > wrote: 
> > My water consumption depends very much on the temperature. In the early 
> > morning, I often ride 50+ miles on half a bottle. (I usually start rides 
> > well-hydrated.) If it's very hot and dry, I may drink a bottle every 10 
> > miles. Listening to my body is key to completing challenging rides. 
> > 
> > I also don't plan to ride for 5 hours without water. However, I also 
> don't 
> > limit myself by the fear of discomfort. If I have a 5% chance of being 
> very 
> > uncomfortable, but not seriously hurting myself, then that is a risk I 
> am 
> > willing to take in exchange for an unforgettable experience. 
> > 
> > Jan Heine 
> > Editor 
> > Bicycle Quarterly 
> > 
> > 
> > Follow our blog at 
> > 
> > -- 
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> -- 
> -- Anne Paulson 
> It isn't a contest. Enjoy the ride. 

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[RBW] I rode the Clem Smith proto this morning

2014-11-26 Thread James Warren
It was smooth and stable and comfortable and responsive, the way all Rivs are. 
It's going to be a great bike. And tire clearance. Wow! Hunq-like.

-Jim W.

Sent from my iPhone

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[RBW] Re: Hub Area Rack, new versus old?

2014-11-26 Thread John Phillips
Mark at Riv confirmed that there will be no hoop for the older HAR's, but 
he didn't think it would be necessary.

How much weight are you people loading into your HAR's? 

Someone told me theirs had started to work it's way loose while holding 
only a down sleeping bag.

Maybe lots of Locktite on the bolt threads is a good idea? 


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[RBW] Re: Web Special frames

2014-11-26 Thread Kieran J
There's a 52 Bomba on there now too.


On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 1:44:38 PM UTC-5, wrote:
> 1 Betty and 2 SimpleOnes. They promised more, including ProtoJoes on 
> Tumblr and Instagram. 
> The 58cm SimpleOne I have for sale is a deal!! 
> -J

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[RBW] Re: New to me Atlantis

2014-11-26 Thread Tony DeFilippo
Andy - Thanks for the thought on the NOS XC Expert shifters, I'm sure they 
would improve the experience a ton.  I was willing to use those cheapie 
SIS's because I knew it was temporary but I'll start messing around with it 
again after Christmas.

Chris - Sounds great, I picked up on the stem shifting thread after my last 
post.  I definitely like how stem shifters minimize the cable run and open 
up the bars.  I wish I like downtube shifters like you have on the Saluki 
but I can't get used to the reach down that far.

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[RBW] To Live & Ride in LA (Riv Sighting)

2014-11-26 Thread Hugh Smitham
While making my way to work in bumper to bumper traffic on Glendale
Boulevard wishing I was on my Riv rather than in my Miata (if your gonna
drive it's a fun ride) roadster...I spied an Orange Sam with canvas saddle
bags. I slowed and we had a brief exchange while I frustrated other
motorists. So we quickly exchanged names.

Matthew said he and his wife went to Riv Hq where the staff lent them 2
loaded bikes worth $$ and off they road on a test ride. Matthew exclaimed
what a great company! I concur.

Rivendell Bicycle Works an ever expanding niche that continues to bless.

   Los Angeles, CA

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[RBW] Product placement coup by Riv in Consumer Reports review of Ford Transit Connect van

2014-11-26 Thread eflayer

Could not quite believe I was seeing an Atlantis? with mustache in the back 
of this van. Am I seeing things?

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Re: [RBW] Product placement coup by Riv in Consumer Reports review of Ford Transit Connect van

2014-11-26 Thread Chris Chen
That's kind of a rivvy kind of auto too. You know, no DVD player and all. :)

On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 4:43 PM, eflayer  wrote:

> Could not quite believe I was seeing an Atlantis? with mustache in the
> back of this van. Am I seeing things?
> --
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"I want the kind of six pack you can't drink." -- Micah

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Re: [RBW] Product placement coup by Riv in Consumer Reports review of Ford Transit Connect van

2014-11-26 Thread Eric Norris
A Rivendell with V brakes?!

Eric N
Twitter: @CampyOnlyGuy

> On Nov 26, 2014, at 5:02 PM, Deacon Patrick  wrote:
> Great find! So no one else need endure ads and the first while on the video, 
> attached is the photo (if I have a clue what I'm doing):
> With abandon,
> Patrick
> -- 
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Re: [RBW] Product placement coup by Riv in Consumer Reports review of Ford Transit Connect van

2014-11-26 Thread Chris Chen
Curved chainstays too! :)

On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 5:10 PM, Eric Norris  wrote:

> A Rivendell with V brakes?!
> Eric N
> Twitter: @CampyOnlyGuy
> On Nov 26, 2014, at 5:02 PM, Deacon Patrick  wrote:
> Great find! So no one else need endure ads and the first while on the
> video, attached is the photo (if I have a clue what I'm doing):
> With abandon,
> Patrick
> --
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"I want the kind of six pack you can't drink." -- Micah

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Re: [RBW] Product placement coup by Riv in Consumer Reports review of Ford Transit Connect van

2014-11-26 Thread Mike Williams
Whoa!   Weird,  good spot

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 26, 2014, at 4:43 PM, eflayer  wrote:
> Could not quite believe I was seeing an Atlantis? with mustache in the back 
> of this van. Am I seeing things?
> -- 
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Re: [RBW] Product placement coup by Riv in Consumer Reports review of Ford Transit Connect van

2014-11-26 Thread 'Marcus80' via RBW Owners Bunch
Not curved chainstays.crank arm optical illusion.

On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 8:15:05 PM UTC-5, Christopher Chen wrote:
> Curved chainstays too! :)
> On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 5:10 PM, Eric Norris  > wrote:
>> A Rivendell with V brakes?!
>> Eric N
>> Twitter: @CampyOnlyGuy
>> On Nov 26, 2014, at 5:02 PM, Deacon Patrick > > wrote:
>> Great find! So no one else need endure ads and the first while on the 
>> video, attached is the photo (if I have a clue what I'm doing):
>> With abandon,
>> Patrick
>> -- 
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> -- 
> "I want the kind of six pack you can't drink." -- Micah

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[RBW] Longshot WTB IRC stem shifter mount

2014-11-26 Thread Frank Brose
Title says it all. Only shifter system I haven't tried (since the 70's). 
 I'm working on a winter project and it's time for a new twist. Please 
reply offlist.

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[RBW] Cheviot Sighting in Vancouver, BC

2014-11-26 Thread Cecily Walker
Try to ignore how they spelled Rivendell..

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Re: [RBW] Product placement coup by Riv in Consumer Reports review of Ford Transit Connect van

2014-11-26 Thread BSWP
Any taller a frame, and it wouldn't fit so neatly up against the ceiling 

And yes, many's the Riv, though not Manny's Riv, that have Vee's and 

- Andrew, Berkeley

On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 5:10:08 PM UTC-8, Eric Norris wrote:
> A Rivendell with V brakes?!
> Eric N
> Twitter: @CampyOnlyGuy

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[RBW] Re: I rode the Clem Smith proto this morning

2014-11-26 Thread 'Chris Lampe 2' via RBW Owners Bunch
I'm still confused as to whether this will be sole as a frameset only.  Did 
this come up in conversation?  

Also, what size did you ride?  

On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 1:48:04 PM UTC-6, James Warren wrote:
> It was smooth and stable and comfortable and responsive, the way all Rivs 
> are. It's going to be a great bike. And tire clearance. Wow! Hunq-like. 
> -Jim W. 
> Sent from my iPhone

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[RBW] Re: I rode the Clem Smith proto this morning

2014-11-26 Thread hsmitham
So jealous. Clearance how much Clarence? 


On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 11:48:04 AM UTC-8, James Warren wrote:
> It was smooth and stable and comfortable and responsive, the way all Rivs 
> are. It's going to be a great bike. And tire clearance. Wow! Hunq-like.
> -Jim W.
> Sent from my iPhone

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Re: [RBW] Product placement coup by Riv in Consumer Reports review of Ford Transit Connect van

2014-11-26 Thread Anne Paulson
I don't know why they say bikes can't stand up in a minivan.

When I bought our Honda Odyssey, my son was still a stoker kid. We
rode up on the tandem to the dealer for the test drive. The first
thing we did, before the test drive, was try putting the bike in the
van. It fit easily:  I could pick up the bike and roll it into the
van. I put that tandem in the car often after we bought the car, when
my son and I would ride somewhere to meet my husband. Later I'd put my
single bike standing up in the van right next to my son's hockey
goalie gear when I took him to hockey practice.

Tandem riders sometimes think of a minivan as a tandem accessory.

On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 6:14 PM, BSWP  wrote:
> Any taller a frame, and it wouldn't fit so neatly up against the ceiling
> liner.
> And yes, many's the Riv, though not Manny's Riv, that have Vee's and
> Mini-Vee's
> - Andrew, Berkeley
> On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 5:10:08 PM UTC-8, Eric Norris wrote:
>> A Rivendell with V brakes?!
>> Eric N
>> Twitter: @CampyOnlyGuy
> --
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-- Anne Paulson

It isn't a contest. Enjoy the ride.

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[RBW] Re: Cheviot Sighting in Vancouver, BC

2014-11-26 Thread hsmitham
Now I like that idea. I also love Vancouver but have yet to cycle around the 
lovely city...perhaps this Summer? 

 Los Angeles, CA 

On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 5:53:28 PM UTC-8, Cecily Walker wrote:
> Try to ignore how they spelled Rivendell..

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Re: [RBW] Product placement coup by Riv in Consumer Reports review of Ford Transit Connect van

2014-11-26 Thread Thomas Nezovich
Look again Marcus:  there is an Atlantis head badge!  I carry my Rivs in a 
Honda Element in a similar fashion but I remove the front wheel and attach the 
fork  to a fork holder fastened to a piece of decking board.

I have been considering the Transit Connect for when I need to replace my 
Element.  I'm encouraged now.

My Atlantis occasionally wears  V brakes but usually Paul cantis.

Tom Nezovich in Cleveland

On Nov 26, 2014, at 8:51 PM, 'Marcus80' via RBW Owners Bunch wrote:

> Not curved chainstays.crank arm optical illusion.
> On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 8:15:05 PM UTC-5, Christopher Chen wrote:
> Curved chainstays too! :)
> On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 5:10 PM, Eric Norris  wrote:
> A Rivendell with V brakes?!
> Eric N
> Twitter: @CampyOnlyGuy
> On Nov 26, 2014, at 5:02 PM, Deacon Patrick  wrote:
>> Great find! So no one else need endure ads and the first while on the video, 
>> attached is the photo (if I have a clue what I'm doing):
>> With abandon,
>> Patrick
>> -- 
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> -- 
> "I want the kind of six pack you can't drink." -- Micah
> -- 
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Re: [RBW] Re: I rode the Clem Smith proto this morning

2014-11-26 Thread James Warren
This visit today did not add any info about that; I didn't think of asking. I 
generally ride frames in the 60's, and on this I didn't have to raise the 
seatpost too much higher so I'm guessing it was the 59 cm. it fit me all right. 
Bosco bar. My typical Riv size is 64 or 65 in the 2-degree TT slope models, so 
59 in the 6-degree slope models is pretty close.

I believe the Clem Protovelo I rode is the only one they have available right 
now, so I think right now it's one size must fit all.

Happy Thanksgiving,
Jim W.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 26, 2014, at 6:24 PM, "'Chris Lampe 2' via RBW Owners Bunch" 

> I'm still confused as to whether this will be sole as a frameset only.  Did 
> this come up in conversation?  
> Also, what size did you ride?  
> On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 1:48:04 PM UTC-6, James Warren wrote:
> It was smooth and stable and comfortable and responsive, the way all Rivs 
> are. It's going to be a great bike. And tire clearance. Wow! Hunq-like. 
> -Jim W. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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Re: [RBW] Re: I rode the Clem Smith proto this morning

2014-11-26 Thread James Warren
Enough for 700x55.
It looked like the Hunqapillar in the Clearance department.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 26, 2014, at 6:28 PM, hsmitham  wrote:

> So jealous. Clearance how much Clarence? 
> ~Hugh
> On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 11:48:04 AM UTC-8, James Warren wrote:
>> It was smooth and stable and comfortable and responsive, the way all Rivs 
>> are. It's going to be a great bike. And tire clearance. Wow! Hunq-like.
>> -Jim W.
>> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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Re: [RBW] Re: I rode the Clem Smith proto this morning

2014-11-26 Thread justinaugust
It's got the clearance to run the interference. 


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Re: [RBW] Product placement coup by Riv in Consumer Reports review of Ford Transit Connect van

2014-11-26 Thread 'Mark Adey' via RBW Owners Bunch
No, I know it's an Atlantis the curved chain stay is the optical illusion

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 26, 2014, at 9:33 PM, Thomas Nezovich  wrote:
> Look again Marcus:  there is an Atlantis head badge!  I carry my Rivs in a 
> Honda Element in a similar fashion but I remove the front wheel and attach 
> the fork  to a fork holder fastened to a piece of decking board.
> I have been considering the Transit Connect for when I need to replace my 
> Element.  I'm encouraged now.
> My Atlantis occasionally wears  V brakes but usually Paul cantis.
> Tom Nezovich in Cleveland
>> On Nov 26, 2014, at 8:51 PM, 'Marcus80' via RBW Owners Bunch wrote:
>> Not curved chainstays.crank arm optical illusion.
>>> On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 8:15:05 PM UTC-5, Christopher Chen wrote:
>>> Curved chainstays too! :)
 On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 5:10 PM, Eric Norris  wrote:
 A Rivendell with V brakes?!
 Eric N
 Twitter: @CampyOnlyGuy
> On Nov 26, 2014, at 5:02 PM, Deacon Patrick  wrote:
> Great find! So no one else need endure ads and the first while on the 
> video, attached is the photo (if I have a clue what I'm doing):
> With abandon,
> Patrick
> -- 
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>>> -- 
>>> "I want the kind of six pack you can't drink." -- Micah
>> -- 
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>> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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[RBW] Re: Web Special frames

2014-11-26 Thread rw1911
Are these listed under Web Specials > Frame Specials on the Riv site?  All 
I'm seeing is the same Chevoit that's been up for awhile...  maybe they're 
selling quick?

On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 3:20:57 PM UTC-5, Kieran J wrote:
> There's a 52 Bomba on there now too.
> KJ
> On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 1:44:38 PM UTC-5, 
> wrote:
>> 1 Betty and 2 SimpleOnes. They promised more, including ProtoJoes on 
>> Tumblr and Instagram. 
>> The 58cm SimpleOne I have for sale is a deal!! 
>> -J

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[RBW] Re: Web Special frames

2014-11-26 Thread Bill Lindsay

The 56cm Simple one is gone, but there are still three specials remaining

On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 8:50:52 PM UTC-8, rw1911 wrote:
> Are these listed under Web Specials > Frame Specials on the Riv site?  All 
> I'm seeing is the same Chevoit that's been up for awhile...  maybe they're 
> selling quick?
> On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 3:20:57 PM UTC-5, Kieran J wrote:
>> There's a 52 Bomba on there now too.
>> KJ
>> On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 1:44:38 PM UTC-5, 
>> wrote:
>>> 1 Betty and 2 SimpleOnes. They promised more, including ProtoJoes on 
>>> Tumblr and Instagram. 
>>> The 58cm SimpleOne I have for sale is a deal!! 
>>> -J

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[RBW] Re: Yet _even more_ travel coffee questions!

2014-11-26 Thread hsmitham
Been on a coffee hiatus but the aromatic roasted beans have pulled me back in! 
So I've been putting together a travel coffee setup of late. 

1. Got the Aeropress.
2. Good beans, but wouldn't mind some of Keven's "Under Water"roast.
3. Kettle & Stove.

The last piece of the kit...I was thinking about a portable grinder. Any 

I was thinking of this one.

lastly, I can see where the benefits of a collapsible pour over system would be 
easier to transport. Damn if the Aeropress doesn't make a fine cup o' Joe.

 Los Angeles, CA 

On Sunday, November 23, 2014 9:38:05 AM UTC-8, Roger wrote:
> As a continuation of this last winter/spring's thread "Yet more travel coffee 
> questions!", it seems the Helix Coffee Dripper sold by Ocean Air and others 
> is coming onto the scene. Do any of us here have much experience with it that 
> they could share?
> For myself, I don't put paper or plastic into the path of my hot coffee, so 
> it would take a metal travel filter to make this filter holder happen, but 
> maybe that's available ... or tinker-able (!) Still, except for the paper, 
> I'm very intrigued by this elegant solution.

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Re: [RBW] Product placement coup by Riv in Consumer Reports review of Ford Transit Connect van

2014-11-26 Thread lungimsam
Tony DeFillipo's Atlantis had curvy chainstays. I saw it. I think they come 
that way based on Tonys.

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Re: [RBW] Product placement coup by Riv in Consumer Reports review of Ford Transit Connect van

2014-11-26 Thread lungimsam
If I remember right, Tony DeFillipo's Atlantis had curvy chainstays. 

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Re: [RBW] Re: Yet _even more_ travel coffee questions!

2014-11-26 Thread Dan McNamara
That is the grinder to have, IMO. Fits (mostly) inside the Aeropress plunger. 
Good grind quality. 


> On Nov 26, 2014, at 9:45 PM, hsmitham  wrote:
> Been on a coffee hiatus but the aromatic roasted beans have pulled me back 
> in! So I've been putting together a travel coffee setup of late. 
> 1. Got the Aeropress.
> 2. Good beans, but wouldn't mind some of Keven's "Under Water"roast.
> 3. Kettle & Stove.
> The last piece of the kit...I was thinking about a portable grinder. Any 
> suggestions? 
> I was thinking of this one.
> lastly, I can see where the benefits of a collapsible pour over system would 
> be easier to transport. Damn if the Aeropress doesn't make a fine cup o' Joe.
> ~Hugh
> Los Angeles, CA 
>> On Sunday, November 23, 2014 9:38:05 AM UTC-8, Roger wrote:
>> As a continuation of this last winter/spring's thread "Yet more travel 
>> coffee questions!", it seems the Helix Coffee Dripper sold by Ocean Air and 
>> others is coming onto the scene. Do any of us here have much experience with 
>> it that they could share?
>> For myself, I don't put paper or plastic into the path of my hot coffee, so 
>> it would take a metal travel filter to make this filter holder happen, but 
>> maybe that's available ... or tinker-able (!) Still, except for the paper, 
>> I'm very intrigued by this elegant solution.
> -- 
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