That is precisely why I gave riding time rather than distance. There is a 
huge difference between 25 miles depending on if it is: mountainous single 
track, rolling desert dirt roads, or paved roads. Then adding in rider 
differences, and the equation spreads out even more.

Regardless, if anyone does find themselves having to conserve water, 
breathe only through your nose. You lose dramatically less that way. I nose 
breathe all the time except when climbing at higher altitudes (usually 
starting at 11k feet). Since making the shift, I use 1/3 less water than 
without. Also, being low carb helps. For every gram of carbs processed, the 
body needs 3 grams of water (and ends up retaining that weight as well, 
that's part of why weight comes off so dramatically early on with a shift 
to low carb diet).

With abandon,

On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 10:32:17 PM UTC-7, Anne Paulson wrote:
> One time when I was touring up in far northern California I started 
> off the day with three full water bottles. Come mid-afternoon, they 
> were empty, but I figured I only had 12-14 flattish miles, so I didn't 
> go down to the Feather River to treat water. Stupid move. I had 14 
> miles through the desert into a headwind with no water. It was 
> miserable, and when I finally found a bar, I just sat at the bar while 
> the bartender fed me glass after glass of water before I could even 
> think about anything else. 
> The Oregon Outback is high desert, often with headwinds. I probably 
> wouldn't die if I rode for five hours there without water, but I 
> certainly don't want to do the experiment. And I'm a lot slower than 
> Jan, so I need to adjust my water stops and water reservoirs 
> accordingly. 
> On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 7:17 AM, Deacon Patrick < 
> <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > Jan's point is excellent, and I'll say that most of us, regardless of 
> > conditions, could likely bike for five or more hours if need be without 
> > water. I've run in 100˚F+ Utah desert for over eight hours at high 
> summer 
> > with 44 oz of water. 
> -- 
> -- Anne Paulson 
> It isn't a contest. Enjoy the ride. 

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