[RBW] Re: Relic-ed guitars and Pre-Beausaged Rivendells...

2012-09-22 Thread Philip Williamson
OCD takes many forms, but I'm with you and DougP. "I certainly hope not." 
I like the weathered look, but one of the attractions of a used piece of 
good gear is that it's significantly cheaper than a mint version. The idea 
of 'brassing' a Leica makes me kind of angry. 

Really good question for the list. I think there IS a market for 
pre-weathered fine bicycles, but not amongst current Rivendell owners. 
Which is nice, because it would expand their market, but it sucks because 
we'd be inundated with nouvelles riches and their faux authentique 
velocipedes. My friend is an amazing woodworker, and he's spent a fair 
amount of time fake-aging pretty furniture he made: drilling little worm 
holes, banging, sanding and scuffing, in order to give "authenticity" to 
pieces. It's not his choice - his best work is making things from actual 
salvaged wood and steel.

People crave authenticity. If you can fake that, you've got it made.

On Friday, September 21, 2012 10:18:42 PM UTC-7, Benz, Sunnyvale, CA wrote:
> I'm OCD so I like my bikes as pristine as possible, although I can 
> understand and accept beausage if said beausage is obtained in the line of 
> duty. Battle scars if you will. To me, however ugly I find beausage 
> (remember: OCD), they at least remind me of the times and good times I had 
> with the bike.
> Thus, I cannot really understand the relic'ed option. Why would I want to 
> pay extra for an essentially banged up item that I have no history with? I 
> know this mentality exists outside of guitars. For example, a dude in Japan 
> is charging hundreds of dollars to "brass" black paint Leicas, so they look 
> like heavily-used pro equipment. I suppose the brassed look can be nice, 
> but it's not really authentic and I'm old enough to not care about image.
> Anyway, to answer your question, I'm fairly sure there's a market for such 
> a product, although I'll hazard a guess that it's small and probably 
> transient. But then again, I do not belong to the demographic that relic'ed 
> guitars and Leicas are created for.
> BTW, I see the aged range from Brooks quite differently. The Brooks are 
> aged in the sense that they're pre-softened for immediate comfort. These 
> don't look used and the user still has to break in and mold the saddles to 
> her/his butt.
> On Friday, September 21, 2012 6:54:30 PM UTC-7, lungimsam wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> You all have been around Riv-culture longer than I. I was wondering what 
>> your opinion is of Rivendell having a custom line of factory relic-ed 
>> (beausaged, in Riv-speak) frames one day. Is there a market for it?
>> Let me explain:
>> In the guitar and bass instrument retail world, makers manufacture 
>> special lines of their instruments, called "relic-ed", for high prices.
>> People seem to lust over these and pay thousands upon thousands for them.
>> The reliced versions have chipped, worn off paint, down to bare wood; 
>> aged hardware (rusted and oxidized metal parts); and discolored, "aged" 
>> plastic parts. This is done at the factory on a new instrument.
>> So, you can have a guitar that looks well played and 40 years old, if you 
>> think that looks nice.
>> Personally, I prefer to do all "relicing" myself to my instruments (and 
>> bikes), through years of lovingly playing (riding) and using them. So I 
>> like to buy new, standard models.
>> But there is a *HUGE* market for this in the guitar world.
>> Is there a market for this in the Rivendell world?
>> Would you buy a Rivendell, made with dinged paint, environmentally worn 
>> components, gassed gumwalls, and discolored plastic parts, for a more 
>> "artistic" look? Everything functions perfectly, of course.
>> I wouldn't, as I like leaving my mark on things myself.
>> Just wondering if you think there is a market for these kind of models. 
>> Pre-Beausaged bikes.
>> Looks like Brooks has already started doing this with their saddles, as 
>> they have an aged, line, I think.

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Re: [RBW] New Kid's Bikes

2012-09-22 Thread Philip Williamson
The few one-piece cranks I've experienced were pretty reliable, which isn't 
surprising, since there aren't very many pieces involved. If it bugs you, 
you can get a $15(?) kit to put a square-taper BB into an American BB 


On Friday, September 21, 2012 8:08:38 AM UTC-7, Peter M wrote:
> Hmm, It has honestly been a while since I rode one but I just remember the 
> locknut always coming loose when me and my brother would go out for a long 
> ride and it spilling loose balls everywhere when I went to work on it, but 
> maybe it was user error. The upshot was I learned how to wrench a bike and 
> re-pack a set of bearings when I was about 8-9 years old. 
> On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 11:02 AM, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery <
> thil...@gmail.com > wrote:
>> I disagree: One piece cranks are easy to adjust and reliable enough...and 
>> best of all for a kids bike, they're pretty much indestructible! Of course, 
>> if I get these bikes for my kids, I'll be upgrading to Rene Herse cranks.
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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>> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/rbw-owners-bunch/-/llvALDz2yWsJ.
>> To post to this group, send email to 
>> rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
>> .
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>> rbw-owners-bun...@googlegroups.com .
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.

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Re: [RBW] New Kid's Bikes

2012-09-22 Thread Philip Williamson
Those bikes look pretty fine. If I were making bikes, they'd look a lot 
like the Linus bikes.


On Friday, September 21, 2012 7:37:30 AM UTC-7, cyclot...@gmail.com wrote:
> THANKS Pete! Linus looks to be filling quite a niche. I'm wishing them the 
> best!
> On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 7:33 AM, Peter Pesce 
> > wrote:
>> Many here are often lamenting the lack of good kids bikes.
>> Apparently Linus showed a couple of new kid's models at Interbike this 
>> week:
>> http://pbs.twimg.com/media/A3RfCWhCYAAXeq7.jpg:large 
>> I wasn't there, so I have no info on pricing, availability or sizing. 
>> Just saw this on Twitter and thought the Bunch would be interested.
>> Pete in CT
>>  -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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>> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/rbw-owners-bunch/-/TBIz4yjECpMJ.
>> To post to this group, send email to 
>> rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
>> .
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> rbw-owners-bun...@googlegroups.com .
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.
> -- 
> Cheers,
> David
> Redlands, CA
> **
> "Osama Bin Laden is dead. GM is alive." -- *Joe Biden*

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[RBW] Re: Relic-ed guitars and Pre-Beausaged Rivendells...

2012-09-22 Thread Matt Beebe
This is like pre-faded jeans, but for bikes.I loathe the idea myself 
and hope it dies before it can be born.The whole point of wear and tear 
on a well-loved bike is that it tells stories.  A daily lock-up at the 
same spot in the same bike rack, or a scratch you got while heaving your 
bike up a scree in Lilooet BC.Pre-worn guitars are a zeitgeist of a 
fake, throw-away society, and if people ever play them the music sucks on 
principle alone.

On Friday, September 21, 2012 9:54:30 PM UTC-4, lungimsam wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> You all have been around Riv-culture longer than I. I was wondering what 
> your opinion is of Rivendell having a custom line of factory relic-ed 
> (beausaged, in Riv-speak) frames one day. Is there a market for it?
> Let me explain:
> In the guitar and bass instrument retail world, makers manufacture special 
> lines of their instruments, called "relic-ed", for high prices.
> People seem to lust over these and pay thousands upon thousands for them.
> The reliced versions have chipped, worn off paint, down to bare wood; aged 
> hardware (rusted and oxidized metal parts); and discolored, "aged" plastic 
> parts. This is done at the factory on a new instrument.
> So, you can have a guitar that looks well played and 40 years old, if you 
> think that looks nice.
> Personally, I prefer to do all "relicing" myself to my instruments (and 
> bikes), through years of lovingly playing (riding) and using them. So I 
> like to buy new, standard models.
> But there is a *HUGE* market for this in the guitar world.
> Is there a market for this in the Rivendell world?
> Would you buy a Rivendell, made with dinged paint, environmentally worn 
> components, gassed gumwalls, and discolored plastic parts, for a more 
> "artistic" look? Everything functions perfectly, of course.
> I wouldn't, as I like leaving my mark on things myself.
> Just wondering if you think there is a market for these kind of models. 
> Pre-Beausaged bikes.
> Looks like Brooks has already started doing this with their saddles, as 
> they have an aged, line, I think.

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[RBW] Re: OK...dumb question...how do the Silver Shifters really work?

2012-09-22 Thread Matt Beebe
I've had mine apart when one of them failed after many miles.They 
ratchet in one direction, using a spring and pawl on a toothed 'cog', and 
slide with friction in the other direction, like a normal friction shifter 
(whereas a ratcheting wrench does not slide).On my old silvers that 
had worn out, it turned out the pawl, which is tiny, had worn to the point 
of not being able to grab the teeth anymore. 

I love these shifters though, and use them on the downtube usually, except 
on my mountain bike.

On Friday, September 21, 2012 9:39:30 PM UTC-4, Jay LePree wrote:
> I use ratchet wrenches, and they all have a button to press or depress to 
> change the direction of the ratchet to allow movement in one direction and 
> allow grip or non-movement in another.  The Silvers do not move under hard 
> pedaling (like traditional friction shifters) which is their benefit, but 
> allow easy gear changes in either direction.  I want to take one apart, but 
> don't want to destroy it.  Can some one explain or send a diagram?  Off 
> list replies are fine.
> The shifters are truly magical.
> Best,
> Jay
> Demarest, NJ

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[RBW] Re: OK...dumb question...how do the Silver Shifters really work?

2012-09-22 Thread Matt Beebe
P.S.  In other words, the toothed cog is frictioned by the tightness of the 
mount screw, whereas the lever body is free-floating, and hence easy to 
move, but only in one direction-  when the pawl is not engaged/pushing the 

On Saturday, September 22, 2012 6:08:57 AM UTC-4, Matt Beebe wrote:
> I've had mine apart when one of them failed after many miles.They 
> ratchet in one direction, using a spring and pawl on a toothed 'cog', and 
> slide with friction in the other direction, like a normal friction shifter 
> (whereas a ratcheting wrench does not slide).On my old silvers that 
> had worn out, it turned out the pawl, which is tiny, had worn to the point 
> of not being able to grab the teeth anymore. 
> I love these shifters though, and use them on the downtube usually, except 
> on my mountain bike.
> On Friday, September 21, 2012 9:39:30 PM UTC-4, Jay LePree wrote:
>> I use ratchet wrenches, and they all have a button to press or depress to 
>> change the direction of the ratchet to allow movement in one direction and 
>> allow grip or non-movement in another.  The Silvers do not move under hard 
>> pedaling (like traditional friction shifters) which is their benefit, but 
>> allow easy gear changes in either direction.  I want to take one apart, but 
>> don't want to destroy it.  Can some one explain or send a diagram?  Off 
>> list replies are fine.
>> The shifters are truly magical.
>> Best,
>> Jay
>> Demarest, NJ

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[RBW] Re: OK...dumb question...how do the Silver Shifters really work?

2012-09-22 Thread Jay LePree
Thanks Matt:

That makes sense.  It must be that the ratchet engages against the 
direction most likely to slip.

I appreciate your time.


On Saturday, September 22, 2012 6:12:38 AM UTC-4, Matt Beebe wrote:
> P.S.  In other words, the toothed cog is frictioned by the tightness of 
> the mount screw, whereas the lever body is free-floating, and hence easy to 
> move, but only in one direction-  when the pawl is not engaged/pushing the 
> cog.
> On Saturday, September 22, 2012 6:08:57 AM UTC-4, Matt Beebe wrote:
>> I've had mine apart when one of them failed after many miles.They 
>> ratchet in one direction, using a spring and pawl on a toothed 'cog', and 
>> slide with friction in the other direction, like a normal friction shifter 
>> (whereas a ratcheting wrench does not slide).On my old silvers that 
>> had worn out, it turned out the pawl, which is tiny, had worn to the point 
>> of not being able to grab the teeth anymore. 
>> I love these shifters though, and use them on the downtube usually, 
>> except on my mountain bike.
>> On Friday, September 21, 2012 9:39:30 PM UTC-4, Jay LePree wrote:
>>> I use ratchet wrenches, and they all have a button to press or depress 
>>> to change the direction of the ratchet to allow movement in one direction 
>>> and allow grip or non-movement in another.  The Silvers do not move under 
>>> hard pedaling (like traditional friction shifters) which is their benefit, 
>>> but allow easy gear changes in either direction.  I want to take one apart, 
>>> but don't want to destroy it.  Can some one explain or send a diagram?  Off 
>>> list replies are fine.
>>> The shifters are truly magical.
>>> Best,
>>> Jay
>>> Demarest, NJ

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Re: [RBW] New Kid's Bikes

2012-09-22 Thread cyclotourist
Apparently they are being sold, I saw one in the wild last weekend:

On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 12:36 AM, Philip Williamson <
philip.william...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Those bikes look pretty fine. If I were making bikes, they'd look a lot
> like the Linus bikes.
> Philip
> www.biketinker.com
> On Friday, September 21, 2012 7:37:30 AM UTC-7, cyclot...@gmail.com wrote:
>> THANKS Pete! Linus looks to be filling quite a niche. I'm wishing them
>> the best!
>> On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 7:33 AM, Peter Pesce  wrote:
>>> Many here are often lamenting the lack of good kids bikes.
>>> Apparently Linus showed a couple of new kid's models at Interbike this
>>> week:
>>> http://pbs.twimg.com/media/**A3RfCWhCYAAXeq7.jpg:large
>>> I wasn't there, so I have no info on pricing, availability or sizing.
>>> Just saw this on Twitter and thought the Bunch would be interested.
>>> Pete in CT
>>>  --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>> Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>>> To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/**
>>> msg/rbw-owners-bunch/-/**TBIz4yjECpMJ
>>> .
>>> To post to this group, send email to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.**com.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to rbw-owners-bun...@**
>>> googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/**
>>> group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en
>>> .
>> --
>> Cheers,
>> David
>> Redlands, CA
>> **
>> "Osama Bin Laden is dead. GM is alive." -- *Joe Biden*
>>   --
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Redlands, CA

"Osama Bin Laden is dead. GM is alive." -- *Joe Biden*

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Re: [RBW] New Kid's Bikes

2012-09-22 Thread PATRICK MOORE
I agree that the Ashtabula crank is an excellent design, even if usually
rather crudely executed. They certainly served Schwinn well in its lower
models. Frankly, I think they are ideal for children -- cheap, sturdy, very
large bearing area, easy to work on if they need fixing. I do sometimes
wonder about Q -- they seem to be inherently wider than separate spindle
and crankarm types. Certainly they are better than the cottered design, at
least for kid's bikes.

 Having installed a "cotterless" adaptor on an Ashtabula shell, I
personally don't see much advantage for a child's bike. All I got from my
conversion was cool factor and a narrower Q

On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 1:34 AM, Philip Williamson <
philip.william...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The few one-piece cranks I've experienced were pretty reliable, which
> isn't surprising, since there aren't very many pieces involved. If it bugs
> you, you can get a $15(?) kit to put a square-taper BB into an American BB
> shell.
> Philip
> www.biketinker.com
> On Friday, September 21, 2012 8:08:38 AM UTC-7, Peter M wrote:
>> Hmm, It has honestly been a while since I rode one but I just remember
>> the locknut always coming loose when me and my brother would go out for a
>> long ride and it spilling loose balls everywhere when I went to work on it,
>> but maybe it was user error. The upshot was I learned how to wrench a bike
>> and re-pack a set of bearings when I was about 8-9 years old.
>> On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 11:02 AM, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery <
>> thil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I disagree: One piece cranks are easy to adjust and reliable
>>> enough...and best of all for a kids bike, they're pretty much
>>> indestructible! Of course, if I get these bikes for my kids, I'll be
>>> upgrading to Rene Herse cranks.
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>> Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>>> To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/**
>>> msg/rbw-owners-bunch/-/**llvALDz2yWsJ
>>> .
>>> To post to this group, send email to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.**com.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to rbw-owners-bun...@**
>>> googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/**
>>> group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en
>>> .
>>  --
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"Believe nothing until it has been officially denied."
   -- Claude Cockburn

Patrick Moore, Albuquerque, NM, USA
For professional resumes, contact Patrick Moore, ACRW

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Re: [RBW] Re: Relic-ed guitars and Pre-Beausaged Rivendells...

2012-09-22 Thread PATRICK MOORE
Well put, and Philip's snipe put it just right.

This is all conjecture, right? No one at Riv has spoken of such a
faux-beausaged line? Please? It is a sign of pure marketing and I remember
what Grant said long ago, "We are product driven, not market driven."

On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 3:57 AM, Matt Beebe  wrote:

> This is like pre-faded jeans, but for bikes.I loathe the idea myself
> and hope it dies before it can be born.The whole point of wear and tear
> on a well-loved bike is that it tells stories.  A daily lock-up at the
> same spot in the same bike rack, or a scratch you got while heaving your
> bike up a scree in Lilooet BC.Pre-worn guitars are a zeitgeist of a
> fake, throw-away society, and if people ever play them the music sucks on
> principle alone.
> On Friday, September 21, 2012 9:54:30 PM UTC-4, lungimsam wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> You all have been around Riv-culture longer than I. I was wondering what
>> your opinion is of Rivendell having a custom line of factory relic-ed
>> (beausaged, in Riv-speak) frames one day. Is there a market for it?
>> Let me explain:
>> In the guitar and bass instrument retail world, makers manufacture
>> special lines of their instruments, called "relic-ed", for high prices.
>> People seem to lust over these and pay thousands upon thousands for them.
>> The reliced versions have chipped, worn off paint, down to bare wood;
>> aged hardware (rusted and oxidized metal parts); and discolored, "aged"
>> plastic parts. This is done at the factory on a new instrument.
>> So, you can have a guitar that looks well played and 40 years old, if you
>> think that looks nice.
>> Personally, I prefer to do all "relicing" myself to my instruments (and
>> bikes), through years of lovingly playing (riding) and using them. So I
>> like to buy new, standard models.
>> But there is a *HUGE* market for this in the guitar world.
>> Is there a market for this in the Rivendell world?
>> Would you buy a Rivendell, made with dinged paint, environmentally worn
>> components, gassed gumwalls, and discolored plastic parts, for a more
>> "artistic" look? Everything functions perfectly, of course.
>> I wouldn't, as I like leaving my mark on things myself.
>> Just wondering if you think there is a market for these kind of models.
>> Pre-Beausaged bikes.
>> Looks like Brooks has already started doing this with their saddles, as
>> they have an aged, line, I think.
>  --
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> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.

"Believe nothing until it has been officially denied."
   -- Claude Cockburn

Patrick Moore, Albuquerque, NM, USA
For professional resumes, contact Patrick Moore, ACRW

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[RBW] Things I wish Rivendell still sold..

2012-09-22 Thread Manuel Acosta
Kinda sad that I missed out on what I believe was the "Golden Years" of 
Rivendell products. Not saying that their products aren't Golden now. It's 
just that I always end up finding Rivendell products on ebay that were sold 
years before I even found the website.  With that these are things I wish 
Rivendell sold still.

Rivendell wool jersey! < Always feel like when I find one my size on 
ebay they go for 4 !times the original price. I like pockets on my back I 
feel for biking it's the easy accessible place to grab things. Also they 
make for great places for hiding bananas 

Aussie leather slipper wool socks << I had two pairs of these that were a 
size too big for me but I would still regularly used on camping trips. I 
loved them! But after a couple of washing the leather bottoms were done. 
When I went back to try to get them

Wool Uno pocket shirt<--- I remember seeing these on the website and 
thinking how smart it was but never jumped on it because I was a poor 
college student. Now Rapha sells one for like 80 dollars! I felt they were 
a smart design that was way before their time. 

Rivendell Brooks saddle? <-- I've seen these floating around the internet 
from time to time. I thought it was a neat idea. 

Anyone else have other things they wish Rivendell still sold?

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[RBW] Re: Things I wish Rivendell still sold..

2012-09-22 Thread lungimsam

> I wish they still sold Rambouillets.
> Also Silver Brakes.

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Re: [RBW] Things I wish Rivendell still sold..

2012-09-22 Thread PATRICK MOORE
Their original line of relatively inexpensive, relatively crude saddlebags
-- perhaps there was only one, just a little larger tho' a different shape
than the Banana Bag. I don't even know the name. I had one but gave it to
my brother, alas. No leather: the thing was tied up with canvas straps and
made from very heavy Filson cloth with a thick cotton drawstring neck.

Nitto "Aero" and Pearl stems. Does anyone have a 8 cm Pearl to sell or

On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 8:27 AM, Manuel Acosta  wrote:

> Kinda sad that I missed out on what I believe was the "Golden Years" of
> Rivendell products. Not saying that their products aren't Golden now. It's
> just that I always end up finding Rivendell products on ebay that were sold
> years before I even found the website.  With that these are things I wish
> Rivendell sold still.
> Rivendell wool jersey! < Always feel like when I find one my size on
> ebay they go for 4 !times the original price. I like pockets on my back I
> feel for biking it's the easy accessible place to grab things. Also they
> make for great places for hiding bananas
> Aussie leather slipper wool socks << I had two pairs of these that were a
> size too big for me but I would still regularly used on camping trips. I
> loved them! But after a couple of washing the leather bottoms were done.
> When I went back to try to get them
> Wool Uno pocket shirt<--- I remember seeing these on the website and
> thinking how smart it was but never jumped on it because I was a poor
> college student. Now Rapha sells one for like 80 dollars! I felt they were
> a smart design that was way before their time.
> Rivendell Brooks saddle? <-- I've seen these floating around the internet
> from time to time. I thought it was a neat idea.
> Anyone else have other things they wish Rivendell still sold?
>  --
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"Believe nothing until it has been officially denied."
   -- Claude Cockburn

Patrick Moore, Albuquerque, NM, USA
For professional resumes, contact Patrick Moore, ACRW

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[RBW] Re: Relic-ed guitars and Pre-Beausaged Rivendells...

2012-09-22 Thread lungimsam

> Noone at Riv said anything about this (that I know of).

> I am just tossing the notion out there for discussion.

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[RBW] Re: Relic-ed guitars and Pre-Beausaged Rivendells...

2012-09-22 Thread lungimsam

> By "talked about", I mean I haven't read/heard/seen/caught wind 
> of/intercepted carrier pidgeon, etc.
> I am just tossing this idea out there for fun discussion.

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Re: [RBW] Things I wish Rivendell still sold..

2012-09-22 Thread Toshi Takeuchi
I'd also love a Riv wool jersey. Maybe it's racer-like, but I like keeping
my valuables/ID on my body and the back jersey pocket is much better than
pants pockets.

I missed getting the headbadge fridge magnets. I think they might make a
comeback at some point...


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Re: [RBW] Re: Ancient Rivendell

2012-09-22 Thread Marc Irwin
Yep, the strut is welded in place.  The stem has to come off with the bars.


On Friday, September 21, 2012 7:40:48 PM UTC-4, Rex Kerr wrote:
> The strut looks permanent... how would you remove them from the stem clamp?
> On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 9:04 PM, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery <
> thil...@gmail.com > wrote:
>> I'd ride it!
>> On Monday, September 10, 2012 3:00:14 PM UTC-5, Marc Irwin wrote:
>>>   A local bar held a Vintage Bike Rally/swap this past Saturday.  Amidst 
>>> the other stuff I found this ancient Riv like bike with prototype bosco 
>>> bars.
>>> Nobody could tell me the make or year, but you know, the more things 
>>> change
>>> Marc
>>  -- 
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Re: [RBW] Re: First-time bicycle assembly advice

2012-09-22 Thread Jim M.

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[RBW] Re: Things I wish Rivendell still sold..

2012-09-22 Thread David Spranger
Bullmoose bars!

Charlotte, NC

On Saturday, September 22, 2012 10:27:43 AM UTC-4, Manuel Acosta wrote:
> Kinda sad that I missed out on what I believe was the "Golden Years" of 
> Rivendell products. Not saying that their products aren't Golden now. It's 
> just that I always end up finding Rivendell products on ebay that were sold 
> years before I even found the website.  With that these are things I wish 
> Rivendell sold still.
> Rivendell wool jersey! < Always feel like when I find one my size on 
> ebay they go for 4 !times the original price. I like pockets on my back I 
> feel for biking it's the easy accessible place to grab things. Also they 
> make for great places for hiding bananas 
> Aussie leather slipper wool socks << I had two pairs of these that were a 
> size too big for me but I would still regularly used on camping trips. I 
> loved them! But after a couple of washing the leather bottoms were done. 
> When I went back to try to get them
> Wool Uno pocket shirt<--- I remember seeing these on the website and 
> thinking how smart it was but never jumped on it because I was a poor 
> college student. Now Rapha sells one for like 80 dollars! I felt they were 
> a smart design that was way before their time. 
> Rivendell Brooks saddle? <-- I've seen these floating around the internet 
> from time to time. I thought it was a neat idea. 
> Anyone else have other things they wish Rivendell still sold?

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[RBW] Re: Things I wish Rivendell still sold..

2012-09-22 Thread Zack
The Rain Pants.  I wish I had picked them up.  I was always like "I am not 
sure about the orange."  

After having spent a ton of time riding in the rain, orange is PERFECT. 
 Deep regret on not picking them up.

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[RBW] Odd question about Hunq

2012-09-22 Thread PATRICK MOORE
If anyone has experience riding the Hunquapillar off road with 60s, AND
riding a fatbike (Pugsley in particular) I've got questions for you that I
don't want to clutter up the list with. Si placet?

"Believe nothing until it has been officially denied."
   -- Claude Cockburn

Patrick Moore, Albuquerque, NM, USA
For professional resumes, contact Patrick Moore, ACRW

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Re: [RBW] Things I wish Rivendell still sold..

2012-09-22 Thread ted
Many things Nitto (including Pearl stems in most all sizes) are readily 
available from Ben's / Milwaukee cycles. Their pricing seems similar to RBW 
where there is overlap, and all my dealings with them have been great. When 
I can get what I want from RBW I usually do. But for things they don't 
carry, Ben's is great.

Regarding the more RBW driven products that have gone missing, I am hoping 
the rain pants return this winter (when it rains here in nor cal). When 
they were discontinued I got the impression that a revised version was in 
the works. Perhaps the jacket will see the light of day sometime soon too. 

On Saturday, September 22, 2012 7:39:36 AM UTC-7, Patrick Moore wrote:
> Their original line of relatively inexpensive, relatively crude saddlebags 
> -- perhaps there was only one, just a little larger tho' a different shape 
> than the Banana Bag. I don't even know the name. I had one but gave it to 
> my brother, alas. No leather: the thing was tied up with canvas straps and 
> made from very heavy Filson cloth with a thick cotton drawstring neck.
> Nitto "Aero" and Pearl stems. Does anyone have a 8 cm Pearl to sell or 
> trade?
> On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 8:27 AM, Manuel Acosta 
> > wrote:
>> Kinda sad that I missed out on what I believe was the "Golden Years" of 
>> Rivendell products. Not saying that their products aren't Golden now. It's 
>> just that I always end up finding Rivendell products on ebay that were sold 
>> years before I even found the website.  With that these are things I wish 
>> Rivendell sold still.
>> Rivendell wool jersey! < Always feel like when I find one my size on 
>> ebay they go for 4 !times the original price. I like pockets on my back I 
>> feel for biking it's the easy accessible place to grab things. Also they 
>> make for great places for hiding bananas 
>> Aussie leather slipper wool socks << I had two pairs of these that were a 
>> size too big for me but I would still regularly used on camping trips. I 
>> loved them! But after a couple of washing the leather bottoms were done. 
>> When I went back to try to get them
>> Wool Uno pocket shirt<--- I remember seeing these on the website and 
>> thinking how smart it was but never jumped on it because I was a poor 
>> college student. Now Rapha sells one for like 80 dollars! I felt they were 
>> a smart design that was way before their time. 
>> Rivendell Brooks saddle? <-- I've seen these floating around the internet 
>> from time to time. I thought it was a neat idea. 
>> Anyone else have other things they wish Rivendell still sold?
>>  -- 
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>> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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>> To post to this group, send email to 
>> rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
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>> rbw-owners-bun...@googlegroups.com .
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.
> -- 
> "Believe nothing until it has been officially denied."
>-- Claude Cockburn
> -
> Patrick Moore, Albuquerque, NM, USA
> For professional resumes, contact Patrick Moore, ACRW
> http://resumespecialties.com/index.html
> -

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[RBW] 60cm Green Quickbeam on Clist - Washington DC

2012-09-22 Thread lungimsam

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[RBW] Re: 60cm Green Quickbeam on Clist - Washington DC

2012-09-22 Thread lungimsam
ps- I don't know the person fixed on selling this one. Just thought I would 
af-fix it to the forum in case anyone is fixated on looking into buying one 
and maybe fixing it up.

On Saturday, September 22, 2012 1:22:02 PM UTC-4, lungimsam wrote:

> http://washingtondc.craigslist.org/doc/bik/3274669619.html

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[RBW] Re: Things I wish Rivendell still sold..

2012-09-22 Thread BSWP

My Nitto race cages all came from RBW.

Though I certainly understand why both are no longer carried.

Very glad that front racks, Wald baskets, and ShopSacks are still carried.

- Andrew, Berkeley

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[RBW] Which bike next....?

2012-09-22 Thread Tim
I knew this would happen. I've long term/temporarily relocated to 
Connecticut, 2-3 years, and I come back to KC every three weeks or so. 
Therefore, since most of my time is in CT, I took the AHH and the new Hunqa 
with me. So, I get home this weekend and have only the Cannondale, too 
small , go fast, with 23mm tires, to ride. What a difference! Although I 
got used to it, I know I need a more Riv-ish bike here at home. So, I'm 
really considering a LHT. What are the opinions out there about the Surly, 
and how does their sizing compare to a Riv? I will probably eventually get 
a Roadeo, or a custom Riv, but I'm not ready for that investment yet, and 
for now the LHT seems like it would be a good, comparatively low cost 
alternative. What say you guys? Thanks.


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Re: [RBW] Re: First-time bicycle assembly advice

2012-09-22 Thread Philip Williamson
You tested it. Couldn't do it. Must be hard. I will take your experience as 
a data point, no more. 
On a built bike, for me, dozens of times, gravity made it easier. The 
derailleur and chain were not a factor.

Philip "Don't I have a bike to ride?" Williamson

On Friday, September 21, 2012 8:54:38 PM UTC-7, Michael Richters wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 2:17 PM, Philip Williamson 
> > wrote: 
> > I won't try to put an unshod wheel into a bare frame if the dropouts 
> need 
> > spreading. It's easy with a built bike, less so without. 
> What would make it easier with a fully-assembled bike?  If anything, I 
> would expect it to be marginally easier with the bare frame, since one 
> wouldn't need to deal with the chain and derailleur.  At any rate, 
> this hypothesis does not appear to have been tested, at least not 
> based on the contents of this discussion. 

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Re: [RBW] Which bike next....?

2012-09-22 Thread Anne Paulson
A LHT is a fine bike, but it's not a Roadeo-ish bike. The LHT is very
like an Atlantis. Do you want a more road-y bike like the Roadeo, or a
more all-purpose bike like the Atlantis?

On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 11:20 AM, Tim  wrote:
> I knew this would happen. I've long term/temporarily relocated to
> Connecticut, 2-3 years, and I come back to KC every three weeks or so.
> Therefore, since most of my time is in CT, I took the AHH and the new Hunqa
> with me. So, I get home this weekend and have only the Cannondale, too small
> , go fast, with 23mm tires, to ride. What a difference! Although I got used
> to it, I know I need a more Riv-ish bike here at home. So, I'm really
> considering a LHT. What are the opinions out there about the Surly, and how
> does their sizing compare to a Riv? I will probably eventually get a Roadeo,
> or a custom Riv, but I'm not ready for that investment yet, and for now the
> LHT seems like it would be a good, comparatively low cost alternative. What
> say you guys? Thanks.
> Peace,
> Tim
> --
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-- Anne Paulson

My hovercraft is full of eels

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[RBW] Re: Which bike next....?

2012-09-22 Thread Tony Lockhart
I started out with an LHT but traded up to a Sam Hillborne 2-3 years ago. 
I'm not sure what size Riv you ride now but I'd bet Surly has a comparable 
size (I had a 56cm LHT and currently have a 56cm Sam). I am really pleased 
with the quality of Surly bikes. I've had a Cross Check, Steamroller, and 
LHT--they've all been really awesome bikes. And given that a while Surly 
bike is around the cost of a Riv frame, it's a no-brainer. You should take 
a Pacer out for a test ride because they accommodate tires up to 32mm. This 
bike is definitely more fun to ride than an LHT. Try to test ride an LHT as 
well because you can also get them with 26 inch wheels.

On Saturday, September 22, 2012 11:20:12 AM UTC-7, Tim wrote:
> I knew this would happen. I've long term/temporarily relocated to 
> Connecticut, 2-3 years, and I come back to KC every three weeks or so. 
> Therefore, since most of my time is in CT, I took the AHH and the new Hunqa 
> with me. So, I get home this weekend and have only the Cannondale, too 
> small , go fast, with 23mm tires, to ride. What a difference! Although I 
> got used to it, I know I need a more Riv-ish bike here at home. So, I'm 
> really considering a LHT. What are the opinions out there about the Surly, 
> and how does their sizing compare to a Riv? I will probably eventually get 
> a Roadeo, or a custom Riv, but I'm not ready for that investment yet, and 
> for now the LHT seems like it would be a good, comparatively low cost 
> alternative. What say you guys? Thanks.
> Peace,
> Tim

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[RBW] Re: Which bike next....?

2012-09-22 Thread Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery
My opinion: The LHT is the best heavy-duty touring/all-rounder bike made, 
at any price. Others are prettier, or have fancier parts, but the LHT hits 
all the function targets as well as anything, and with solid parts that are 
relatively easy to replace or service on the road. You shouldn't feel like 
the LHT is in any way a "downgrade" or a "poor man's" anything, except 
perhaps compared to the classic lugged cosmetics of your favorite Riv.

As for sizing, I'd suggest following Riv's guideline for sizing the 
Atlantis, then go one size smaller for the LHT. While it's often advisable 
to go as big as possible with a quill-stem bike, I suggest erring on the 
smaller side with a bike with a threadless steerer like the LHT (leave the 
steerer long, initially).

On Saturday, September 22, 2012 1:20:12 PM UTC-5, Tim wrote:
> I knew this would happen. I've long term/temporarily relocated to 
> Connecticut, 2-3 years, and I come back to KC every three weeks or so. 
> Therefore, since most of my time is in CT, I took the AHH and the new Hunqa 
> with me. So, I get home this weekend and have only the Cannondale, too 
> small , go fast, with 23mm tires, to ride. What a difference! Although I 
> got used to it, I know I need a more Riv-ish bike here at home. So, I'm 
> really considering a LHT. What are the opinions out there about the Surly, 
> and how does their sizing compare to a Riv? I will probably eventually get 
> a Roadeo, or a custom Riv, but I'm not ready for that investment yet, and 
> for now the LHT seems like it would be a good, comparatively low cost 
> alternative. What say you guys? Thanks.
> Peace,
> Tim

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[RBW] Mustache Bars FS

2012-09-22 Thread Eric Norris
NIce set of alloy mustache bars that came as original equipment on a Dahon 
bike. 25.4 clamp diameter (same as most Nitto stems), 52cm c-c width. Very 
little use. Bright pebbled finish.

$40 shipped in the CONUS.

Tried my best to like these bars, but as my recent appeal for help setting them 
up proves, you either love these bars or you don't.

Photos here: 


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Re: [RBW] Which bike next....?

2012-09-22 Thread Robert Zeidler
In what town in our fair state have you settled?

Sent from my iPad

On Sep 22, 2012, at 2:20 PM, Tim  wrote:

> I knew this would happen. I've long term/temporarily relocated to 
> Connecticut, 2-3 years, and I come back to KC every three weeks or so. 
> Therefore, since most of my time is in CT, I took the AHH and the new Hunqa 
> with me. So, I get home this weekend and have only the Cannondale, too small 
> , go fast, with 23mm tires, to ride. What a difference! Although I got used 
> to it, I know I need a more Riv-ish bike here at home. So, I'm really 
> considering a LHT. What are the opinions out there about the Surly, and how 
> does their sizing compare to a Riv? I will probably eventually get a Roadeo, 
> or a custom Riv, but I'm not ready for that investment yet, and for now the 
> LHT seems like it would be a good, comparatively low cost alternative. What 
> say you guys? Thanks.
> Peace,
> Tim
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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> rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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> http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.

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Re: [RBW] Re: Which bike next....?

2012-09-22 Thread Steve Palincsar
On Sat, 2012-09-22 at 12:46 -0700, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery wrote:
> My opinion: The LHT is the best heavy-duty touring/all-rounder bike
> made, at any price. Others are prettier, or have fancier parts, but
> the LHT hits all the function targets as well as anything, and with
> solid parts that are relatively easy to replace or service on the
> road. You shouldn't feel like the LHT is in any way a "downgrade" or a
> "poor man's" anything, except perhaps compared to the classic lugged
> cosmetics of your favorite Riv.
> As for sizing, I'd suggest following Riv's guideline for sizing the
> Atlantis, then go one size smaller for the LHT. While it's often
> advisable to go as big as possible with a quill-stem bike, I suggest
> erring on the smaller side with a bike with a threadless steerer like
> the LHT (leave the steerer long, initially).

Why?  I truly don't understand.

Getting a smaller size frame means for the same handlebar position you
will have to have more steerer exposed, and not only is there only so
much steerer available, but also there are limits (both structural and
aesthetic) as to how much steerer you can or should have exposed.  

I should think getting the smaller of the two frames would be preferred
only if you are looking for a lower handlebar position, and the head
tube on the larger frame would limit how low you could go -- and in that
case, I believe some have suggested taking a saw to the head tube,
especially if it has an extension.

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Re: [RBW] Re: Which bike next....?

2012-09-22 Thread Michael Hechmer
I think the answer to "Why?"  lies in where you like the bars, relative to 
the seat, and the size of your upper body.  For example.  Riv sizing chart 
puts me between a 62 & a 64 and the common wisdom says buy a 64.  But I 
like my bars about 2 cm below the seat, so I am just about perfect on the 
62, and even my 61 cm Trek 620 works just fine.  If I preferred the bars 2 
cm above the seat the 62 cm Ram would still work with lots of quill and the 
61 cm Trek might be pushing it.  In that case the 64 cm bike would be right 

I agree with the post that the LHT isa good alternative to the Atlantis, 
but not to the Rodeo.  If you are looking for something with a ride 
comparable to the Rodeo both SOMA & Surly offer lower cost road bikes with 
a livelier ride.  If it were me I would keep my nose on Ebay for a good 
road frame, circa 1975 -1990.  But you do have to be careful to scope out 
the geometry pretty carefully.  Or I would post a WTB here and on the 
Lifestyles list. 

On Saturday, September 22, 2012 4:38:14 PM UTC-4, Steve Palincsar wrote:
> On Sat, 2012-09-22 at 12:46 -0700, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery wrote: 
> > My opinion: The LHT is the best heavy-duty touring/all-rounder bike 
> > made, at any price. Others are prettier, or have fancier parts, but 
> > the LHT hits all the function targets as well as anything, and with 
> > solid parts that are relatively easy to replace or service on the 
> > road. You shouldn't feel like the LHT is in any way a "downgrade" or a 
> > "poor man's" anything, except perhaps compared to the classic lugged 
> > cosmetics of your favorite Riv. 
> > 
> > As for sizing, I'd suggest following Riv's guideline for sizing the 
> > Atlantis, then go one size smaller for the LHT. While it's often 
> > advisable to go as big as possible with a quill-stem bike, I suggest 
> > erring on the smaller side with a bike with a threadless steerer like 
> > the LHT (leave the steerer long, initially). 
> Why?  I truly don't understand. 
> Getting a smaller size frame means for the same handlebar position you 
> will have to have more steerer exposed, and not only is there only so 
> much steerer available, but also there are limits (both structural and 
> aesthetic) as to how much steerer you can or should have exposed.   
> I should think getting the smaller of the two frames would be preferred 
> only if you are looking for a lower handlebar position, and the head 
> tube on the larger frame would limit how low you could go -- and in that 
> case, I believe some have suggested taking a saw to the head tube, 
> especially if it has an extension. 

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[RBW] Max tire on a Rambouillet?

2012-09-22 Thread Me
Anyone know how big a tire will fit a 58 Rambouillet?  I would like to put a 
nice comfy cross tire on for mixed surface loops.

Sent from my iPad

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Re: [RBW] Max tire on a Rambouillet?

2012-09-22 Thread Steve Palincsar
On Sat, 2012-09-22 at 15:12 -0600, Me wrote:
> Hi,
> Anyone know how big a tire will fit a 58 Rambouillet?  I would like to put a 
> nice comfy cross tire on for mixed surface loops.

With or without fenders?

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Re: [RBW] Max tire on a Rambouillet?

2012-09-22 Thread Steve Palincsar
On Sat, 2012-09-22 at 15:12 -0600, Me wrote:
> Hi,
> Anyone know how big a tire will fit a 58 Rambouillet?  I would like to put a 
> nice comfy cross tire on for mixed surface loops.


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[RBW] Re: What do you use for saddle/seatpost security on your Rivendell?

2012-09-22 Thread Rob
Thanks Adam! Perfect. Just placed an order. 

On Tuesday, September 18, 2012 8:31:24 PM UTC-7, Adam wrote:
> http://www.bicyclebolts.com/collections/bicycle_bolts 

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[RBW] Re: Which bike next....?

2012-09-22 Thread IanA
People like the Cross Check too - and now they've come out (or are coming 
out with) with a Single Speed version.  The SS is the same frame, just 
specc'd complete as a single speed.

On Saturday, September 22, 2012 12:20:12 PM UTC-6, Tim wrote:
> I knew this would happen. I've long term/temporarily relocated to 
> Connecticut, 2-3 years, and I come back to KC every three weeks or so. 
> Therefore, since most of my time is in CT, I took the AHH and the new Hunqa 
> with me. So, I get home this weekend and have only the Cannondale, too 
> small , go fast, with 23mm tires, to ride. What a difference! Although I 
> got used to it, I know I need a more Riv-ish bike here at home. So, I'm 
> really considering a LHT. What are the opinions out there about the Surly, 
> and how does their sizing compare to a Riv? I will probably eventually get 
> a Roadeo, or a custom Riv, but I'm not ready for that investment yet, and 
> for now the LHT seems like it would be a good, comparatively low cost 
> alternative. What say you guys? Thanks.
> Peace,
> Tim

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[RBW] Re: Another coroplast bar bag

2012-09-22 Thread Rob
Nicely done! I need to give this a try. 
Rob in Seattle

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Re: [RBW] Max tire on a Rambouillet?

2012-09-22 Thread Bruce Herbitter
It takes a 38mm tire without fenders or a 35 mm tire with. That per the
original Ram ad pages. I printed them out when I bought my bike.

Jim's chart also shows the max tire size for the 26" Rams as 1.3". I can
tell you that mine rides great with Pasela 1.5" tires all day, every day.

On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 4:22 PM, Steve Palincsar  wrote:

> On Sat, 2012-09-22 at 15:12 -0600, Me wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Anyone know how big a tire will fit a 58 Rambouillet?  I would like to
> put a nice comfy cross tire on for mixed surface loops.
> http://www.cyclofiend.com/rbw/geometry.html#rambouillet
> --
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[RBW] Re: Seattle S24O group trip, could be awesome

2012-09-22 Thread Rob
It's after Labor Day...back-to-school routine is starting to get 
settled...weather still looking pretty decent... Anyone still thinking 
about a S24O to Fay Bainbridge con bambino (in my case) or otherwise? I am. 
Hope to wrap up a current project deadline and be available by next weekend 
(Sept 29-30), and weekends thereafter. 

Rob in Seattle

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Re: [RBW] Max tire on a Rambouillet?

2012-09-22 Thread Steve Palincsar
On Sat, 2012-09-22 at 17:03 -0500, Bruce Herbitter wrote:
> It takes a 38mm tire without fenders or a 35 mm tire with. That per
> the original Ram ad pages. I printed them out when I bought my bike.

I think 35mm with fenders is more than a little optimistic.  Mine was a
60 cm.  I found I could barely get a 28mm tire past the brakes, and when
I did there was little space between the tire and the fender.

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Re: [RBW] Max tire on a Rambouillet?

2012-09-22 Thread David Spranger
I ride 35mm tires with fenders on my Rambouillet. No issues.

Charlotte, NC

On Saturday, September 22, 2012 6:20:33 PM UTC-4, Steve Palincsar wrote:
> On Sat, 2012-09-22 at 17:03 -0500, Bruce Herbitter wrote: 
> > It takes a 38mm tire without fenders or a 35 mm tire with. That per 
> > the original Ram ad pages. I printed them out when I bought my bike. 
> I think 35mm with fenders is more than a little optimistic.  Mine was a 
> 60 cm.  I found I could barely get a 28mm tire past the brakes, and when 
> I did there was little space between the tire and the fender. 

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[RBW] Re: Things I wish Rivendell still sold..

2012-09-22 Thread GeorgeS
The sear sucker shorts!

On Saturday, September 22, 2012 12:50:17 PM UTC-5, BSWP wrote:
> QuickBeams!
> My Nitto race cages all came from RBW.
> Though I certainly understand why both are no longer carried.
> Very glad that front racks, Wald baskets, and ShopSacks are still carried.
> - Andrew, Berkeley

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[RBW] Re: FS: Sam H., 60cm, Orange canti version

2012-09-22 Thread Dan
Thought I'd bump this once and add photo links before it heads to ebay. 
 Thanks, Dan


On Monday, September 17, 2012 9:55:08 PM UTC-5, LF wrote:
> Got pics?  What is included?  Back channel is fine.
> Best, Larry

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Re: [RBW] Max tire on a Rambouillet?

2012-09-22 Thread Dan McNamara
I have no problem with 35mm tires & fenders on my 58cm Ram although I ditched 
the original Shimano brakes for the Tektro big mouths. 



Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 22, 2012, at 3:20 PM, Steve Palincsar  wrote:

> On Sat, 2012-09-22 at 17:03 -0500, Bruce Herbitter wrote:
>> It takes a 38mm tire without fenders or a 35 mm tire with. That per
>> the original Ram ad pages. I printed them out when I bought my bike.
> I think 35mm with fenders is more than a little optimistic.  Mine was a
> 60 cm.  I found I could barely get a 28mm tire past the brakes, and when
> I did there was little space between the tire and the fender.
> -- 
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[RBW] Re: Max tire on a Rambouillet?

2012-09-22 Thread Michael_S
I think there was some variation that occurred in the manufacture  of each 
bike. My green 58cm frame would fit a Jack Brown in the front but with only 
3-4mm of clearance to the Tektro brakes. The back would easily fit a 38mm 
tire.  I sold it because I wanted to fit bigger tires.

Carlsbad Ca.

On Saturday, September 22, 2012 2:10:39 PM UTC-7, tim whalen colorado 
springs wrote:
> Hi, 
> Anyone know how big a tire will fit a 58 Rambouillet?  I would like to put 
> a nice comfy cross tire on for mixed surface loops. 
> Thanks, 
> Tim 
> Sent from my iPad

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[RBW] Re: Which bike next....?

2012-09-22 Thread Michael_S
The Soma Double Cross is a nice bike too, Soma Fab. sells a lot of Riv type 
stuff too.  Or Black Mountain Cycles cross bike. Both will fit some nice 
fat (45mm) tires. Both are lighter and nicer ( IMO) then the LHT for most 
all purpose riding.

Carlsbad Ca.

> Peace,
> Tim

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Re: [RBW] Re: Which bike next....?

2012-09-22 Thread Toshi Takeuchi
I have a Surly Pacer, and that would be more roadish and now comes in a
complete bike--best of all, they are great candidates for a 650b
conversion. The LHT is also an excellent bike. When my friends can't spring
for a Riv, I steer them toward a Surly.


On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 4:34 PM, Michael_S wrote:

> The Soma Double Cross is a nice bike too, Soma Fab. sells a lot of Riv
> type stuff too.  Or Black Mountain Cycles cross bike. Both will fit some
> nice fat (45mm) tires. Both are lighter and nicer ( IMO) then the LHT for
> most all purpose riding.
> ~mike
> Carlsbad Ca.
>> Peace,
>> Tim
>  --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Which bike next....?

2012-09-22 Thread Joe Bernard
How's about a San Marcos?

Joe Bernard
Vallejo, CA.

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[RBW] Re: Which bike next....?

2012-09-22 Thread William
If you need a roadish bike that will take wider tires, consider the Road 
Frame by Black Mountain Cycles.  I like mine a great deal


On Saturday, September 22, 2012 11:20:12 AM UTC-7, Tim wrote:
> I knew this would happen. I've long term/temporarily relocated to 
> Connecticut, 2-3 years, and I come back to KC every three weeks or so. 
> Therefore, since most of my time is in CT, I took the AHH and the new Hunqa 
> with me. So, I get home this weekend and have only the Cannondale, too 
> small , go fast, with 23mm tires, to ride. What a difference! Although I 
> got used to it, I know I need a more Riv-ish bike here at home. So, I'm 
> really considering a LHT. What are the opinions out there about the Surly, 
> and how does their sizing compare to a Riv? I will probably eventually get 
> a Roadeo, or a custom Riv, but I'm not ready for that investment yet, and 
> for now the LHT seems like it would be a good, comparatively low cost 
> alternative. What say you guys? Thanks.
> Peace,
> Tim

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[RBW] Re: Which bike next....?

2012-09-22 Thread William
I really like my black mountain cycles road frame.  He also sells a monster 
cross.  Very affordable.  


On Saturday, September 22, 2012 11:20:12 AM UTC-7, Tim wrote:
> I knew this would happen. I've long term/temporarily relocated to 
> Connecticut, 2-3 years, and I come back to KC every three weeks or so. 
> Therefore, since most of my time is in CT, I took the AHH and the new Hunqa 
> with me. So, I get home this weekend and have only the Cannondale, too 
> small , go fast, with 23mm tires, to ride. What a difference! Although I 
> got used to it, I know I need a more Riv-ish bike here at home. So, I'm 
> really considering a LHT. What are the opinions out there about the Surly, 
> and how does their sizing compare to a Riv? I will probably eventually get 
> a Roadeo, or a custom Riv, but I'm not ready for that investment yet, and 
> for now the LHT seems like it would be a good, comparatively low cost 
> alternative. What say you guys? Thanks.
> Peace,
> Tim

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Re: [RBW] Re: Things I wish Rivendell still sold..

2012-09-22 Thread Peter Morgano
I would love a Jersey just to wear around, honestly. Oh and check out this
timely ebay listing

On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 7:00 PM, GeorgeS  wrote:

> The sear sucker shorts!
> GeorgeS
> On Saturday, September 22, 2012 12:50:17 PM UTC-5, BSWP wrote:
>> QuickBeams!
>> My Nitto race cages all came from RBW.
>> Though I certainly understand why both are no longer carried.
>> Very glad that front racks, Wald baskets, and ShopSacks are still carried.
>> - Andrew, Berkeley
>  --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Which bike next....?

2012-09-22 Thread Peter Morgano
Uhhh, those are nice motorcycles, really. But maybe a different link? :)

On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 9:03 PM, William  wrote:

> If you need a roadish bike that will take wider tires, consider the Road
> Frame by Black Mountain Cycles.  I like mine a great deal
> www.blackmountaincycles.com
> On Saturday, September 22, 2012 11:20:12 AM UTC-7, Tim wrote:
>> I knew this would happen. I've long term/temporarily relocated to
>> Connecticut, 2-3 years, and I come back to KC every three weeks or so.
>> Therefore, since most of my time is in CT, I took the AHH and the new Hunqa
>> with me. So, I get home this weekend and have only the Cannondale, too
>> small , go fast, with 23mm tires, to ride. What a difference! Although I
>> got used to it, I know I need a more Riv-ish bike here at home. So, I'm
>> really considering a LHT. What are the opinions out there about the Surly,
>> and how does their sizing compare to a Riv? I will probably eventually get
>> a Roadeo, or a custom Riv, but I'm not ready for that investment yet, and
>> for now the LHT seems like it would be a good, comparatively low cost
>> alternative. What say you guys? Thanks.
>> Peace,
>> Tim
>  --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Which bike next....?

2012-09-22 Thread Bertin753
I would look closely at a Soma Smoothie (or the SS ES if you want overized 
tubing. Cheap and per reports a very nice ride.

Patrick Moore

On Sep 22, 2012, at 5:45 PM, Toshi Takeuchi  wrote:

> I have a Surly Pacer, and that would be more roadish and now comes in a 
> complete bike--best of all, they are great candidates for a 650b conversion. 
> The LHT is also an excellent bike. When my friends can't spring for a Riv, I 
> steer them toward a Surly.
> Toshi
> On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 4:34 PM, Michael_S  wrote:
> The Soma Double Cross is a nice bike too, Soma Fab. sells a lot of Riv type 
> stuff too.  Or Black Mountain Cycles cross bike. Both will fit some nice fat 
> (45mm) tires. Both are lighter and nicer ( IMO) then the LHT for most all 
> purpose riding.
> ~mike
> Carlsbad Ca.
> Peace,
> Tim
> -- 
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> rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit this group at 
> http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.
> -- 
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Re: [RBW] Re: Which bike next....?

2012-09-22 Thread Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery
Steve P: all LHT steelers are the same length. This means you can get the bars 
at the same height on a 56 cm as you can on a 64 cm. As you mentioned, the 
exposed steerer and spacer stack is the difference. With a quill stem, you can 
get the bars higher on a larger frame, which is one reason why Riv suggests 
larger frame sizes. 

But let's say you're between two LHT sizes. Most people want the bars closer, 
not farther. If you go slightly smaller on the frame size, you can put on a 
slightly longer stem if needed. If you have a big frame and a short stem, you 
can't necessarily go shorter. Again, bar height doesn't vary between frame 

Also, the way frames are measured varies between Riv and Surly. A 58 Atlantis 
is closer to a 56 LHT than it is to a 58 LHT, for example.

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[RBW] FS oddsnsods

2012-09-22 Thread SurlyTex
Originally had intended to post my Nitto Rando 177 bars but didn't get them 
cleaned up in time (RBW ready). Other goodies:

All goods can be viewed at http://texluavullcyclingforsale.blogspot.com/.

*Surly Troll frame\fork 16" $300
*Salsa MotoAce BellLap  1"/44cm $20
*ITM SuperItalia Pro260 1"/42cm $30
*Kinesis 6061Alum 'Litespeed' cross fork $50 obo

Troll frame in very good condition. Used June-Aug. Decided to go with larger 
LHT for touring.


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[RBW] Headwinds bummer....need tips...

2012-09-22 Thread lungimsam
Rode to church and back today. I started thinkingIs one of my brakes 
dragging? What is going on here?
Then it dawned on me that the wind was blasting in my face on just about 
every road I was on.
This week there have been alot of headwinds here in Maryland. Sure does 
make it frustrating. Going all out and just draggin' along.
Anyone have any tips for tackling headwinds?

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[RBW] How do you tourists do it?

2012-09-22 Thread lungimsam
I have a hard time on hills with minimal commute loads. I probably have 
only 4lbs on the rack.
I was thinking "How do those touring riders manage?".
I can't imagine pedalling with 40lbs. on the bike.
How do you do it? You just have to take it slow and easy?

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Re: [RBW] Re: Another coroplast bar bag

2012-09-22 Thread Peter Morgano
Good article on bonding corroplast, I was thinking of doing one with no
visible outside tape, since I am an OCD person like that.


On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 5:51 PM, Rob  wrote:

> Nicely done! I need to give this a try.
> Rob in Seattle
> --
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Re: [RBW] Headwinds bummer....need tips...

2012-09-22 Thread Peter Morgano
College Football, cold beer and some pretzels is how I battled bad weather

On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 11:33 PM, lungimsam  wrote:

> Rode to church and back today. I started thinkingIs one of my brakes
> dragging? What is going on here?
> Then it dawned on me that the wind was blasting in my face on just about
> every road I was on.
> This week there have been alot of headwinds here in Maryland. Sure does
> make it frustrating. Going all out and just draggin' along.
> Anyone have any tips for tackling headwinds?
> --
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Re: [RBW] How do you tourists do it?

2012-09-22 Thread Anne Paulson
Low gears. I did a trip this summer, with a full load, that had
something like 180,000 feet of climbing. Average of like 3000 feet a
day. And I probably had more than 40 pounds of stuff; I usually do.

Slow, steady, low gears. That's the trick. And the other trick is
mental: if you know you're going to be climbing this hill for the next
two hours, you just get down to it and go.

On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 8:36 PM, lungimsam  wrote:
> I have a hard time on hills with minimal commute loads. I probably have only
> 4lbs on the rack.
> I was thinking "How do those touring riders manage?".
> I can't imagine pedalling with 40lbs. on the bike.
> How do you do it? You just have to take it slow and easy?
> --
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-- Anne Paulson

My hovercraft is full of eels

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[RBW] How do you tourists do it?

2012-09-22 Thread Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery
90% of hill climbing is half mental.

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Re: [RBW] How do you tourists do it?

2012-09-22 Thread Dave

What's the other half?!

On 9/22/2012 8:50 PM, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery wrote:

90% of hill climbing is half mental.

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[RBW] Re: Seattle S24O group trip, could be awesome

2012-09-22 Thread Scot Brooks
Hey Rob, I'm still up for it! Next weekend I'll be out at Klaloch, but 
weekends afterward are totally free. Let's rally the troops and make it 

On Saturday, September 22, 2012 3:04:43 PM UTC-7, Rob wrote:
> It's after Labor Day...back-to-school routine is starting to get 
> settled...weather still looking pretty decent... Anyone still thinking 
> about a S24O to Fay Bainbridge con bambino (in my case) or otherwise? I am. 
> Hope to wrap up a current project deadline and be available by next weekend 
> (Sept 29-30), and weekends thereafter. 
> Rob in Seattle

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[RBW] Dawn of the Hunqapillar

2012-09-22 Thread soapscum
While I'm still smarting from the loss of my beloved Hillborne (long story, 
things happen, ends well), I'm more than a little consoled by the addition 
of a 54cm Hunqapillar in my life. It's built up from the parts from my Sam; 
virtually everything moved right over, right down to the Honjos (an aside: 
fenders took longer than the rest of the build all together and the front 
fender line is still a work in progress). I rode out to Golden Gardens to 
snap some pix of it's virginal purity, which if you're interested you can 
find here:


It's a lovely riding bicycle.

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Re: [RBW] Dawn of the Hunqapillar

2012-09-22 Thread Dave
I test-rode a Hunq built like this at RBW last month.  It was a true 
revelation.  Enjoy!

On 9/22/2012 9:43 PM, Peter Morgano wrote:

Man that green is purty out in the sun, Bravo!

On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 12:35 AM, soapscum > wrote:

While I'm still smarting from the loss of my beloved Hillborne
(long story, things happen, ends well), I'm more than a little
consoled by the addition of a 54cm Hunqapillar in my life. It's
built up from the parts from my Sam; virtually everything moved
right over, right down to the Honjos (an aside: fenders took
longer than the rest of the build all together and the front
fender line is still a work in progress). I rode out to Golden
Gardens to snap some pix of it's virginal purity, which if you're
interested you can find here:


It's a lovely riding bicycle.
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[RBW] Re: Dawn of the Hunqapillar

2012-09-22 Thread rw1911
Nice!  love the idea of a Hunqapillar, but I'm between sizes (54-58)
and not sure I could do the diagonal tube of the 58.  Comparison to
your Hillborne?

On Sep 23, 12:35 am, soapscum  wrote:
> While I'm still smarting from the loss of my beloved Hillborne (long story,
> things happen, ends well), I'm more than a little consoled by the addition
> of a 54cm Hunqapillar in my life. It's built up from the parts from my Sam;
> virtually everything moved right over, right down to the Honjos (an aside:
> fenders took longer than the rest of the build all together and the front
> fender line is still a work in progress). I rode out to Golden Gardens to
> snap some pix of it's virginal purity, which if you're interested you can
> find here:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/45524179@N08/sets/72157631600410033/
> It's a lovely riding bicycle.

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[RBW] Re: Headwinds bummer....need tips...

2012-09-22 Thread ted
get low, minimize frontal area, plan to work harder and go slower

On Sep 22, 8:33 pm, lungimsam  wrote:
> Rode to church and back today. I started thinkingIs one of my brakes
> dragging? What is going on here?
> Then it dawned on me that the wind was blasting in my face on just about
> every road I was on.
> This week there have been alot of headwinds here in Maryland. Sure does
> make it frustrating. Going all out and just draggin' along.
> Anyone have any tips for tackling headwinds?

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[RBW] Re: Which bike next....?

2012-09-22 Thread ted
Jim, please elaborate on how the frame measurement methods differ. The
Surly web site seems to indicate measured center to top, which I
thought was the RBW convention as well.

On Sep 22, 7:14 pm, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery 
> Steve P: all LHT steelers are the same length. This means you can get the 
> bars at the same height on a 56 cm as you can on a 64 cm. As you mentioned, 
> the exposed steerer and spacer stack is the difference. With a quill stem, 
> you can get the bars higher on a larger frame, which is one reason why Riv 
> suggests larger frame sizes.
> But let's say you're between two LHT sizes. Most people want the bars closer, 
> not farther. If you go slightly smaller on the frame size, you can put on a 
> slightly longer stem if needed. If you have a big frame and a short stem, you 
> can't necessarily go shorter. Again, bar height doesn't vary between frame 
> sizes.
> Also, the way frames are measured varies between Riv and Surly. A 58 Atlantis 
> is closer to a 56 LHT than it is to a 58 LHT, for example.

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[RBW] Re: Dawn of the Hunqapillar

2012-09-22 Thread Michael_S
same here... we need a 56!  And that green is beautiful too.

Carlsbad Ca.

On Saturday, September 22, 2012 10:11:55 PM UTC-7, rw1911 wrote:
> Nice!  love the idea of a Hunqapillar, but I'm between sizes (54-58) 
> and not sure I could do the diagonal tube of the 58.  Comparison to 
> your Hillborne? 

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Re: [RBW] Re: Dawn of the Hunqapillar

2012-09-22 Thread Brian Hanson
Get the 54cm - long top tube makes it bigger.  I rode both and liked the
54cm just fine - I didn't notice the 58 being stiffer with the extra tube.
 I think it's down to esthetics, but they have very similar reaches.  With
50mm tires, the standover of the 54cm is very similar to my Hilsen.  Love
this bike!  Nice setup.  Mine rides like it's on rails, and nothing beats
the roar of the hunqapillar!


Seattle, WA

On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 10:57 PM, Michael_S wrote:

> same here... we need a 56!  And that green is beautiful too.
> ~mike
> Carlsbad Ca.
> On Saturday, September 22, 2012 10:11:55 PM UTC-7, rw1911 wrote:
>> Nice!  love the idea of a Hunqapillar, but I'm between sizes (54-58)
>> and not sure I could do the diagonal tube of the 58.  Comparison to
>> your Hillborne?
>>  --
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