[RBW] Re: new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread Esteban
Those sweaters look fantastic.  I love a big scratchy sweater.  I have
one from Abercrombie & Fitch, from back when it was a men's store and
not a dark disco full of photos of half-naked teenagers like it is

Can't wait to see more of these.

San Diego, Calif.

On Feb 4, 9:32 pm, Seth Vidal  wrote:
> http://www.rivbike.com/blogs/news_post/324
> For the rivhq gang - does anyone know the type of sheep the wool comes
> from?  Inquiring minds (like my knitting significant other) want to
> know.
> I'm curious where they're being made.
> Love the ben franklin sweater. Will probably buy 2 of them just for me.
> -sv

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[RBW] Re: new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread JoelMatthews
Not sure, but you see these Swaledale sheep everywhere in the UK:


The earlier version of the sweater was made by a small outfit in

On Feb 4, 11:32 pm, Seth Vidal  wrote:
> http://www.rivbike.com/blogs/news_post/324
> For the rivhq gang - does anyone know the type of sheep the wool comes
> from?  Inquiring minds (like my knitting significant other) want to
> know.
> I'm curious where they're being made.
> Love the ben franklin sweater. Will probably buy 2 of them just for me.
> -sv

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[RBW] Re: VO/Rivendell Cross Blog Post

2011-02-05 Thread Erik C

On Feb 4, 9:50 am, Peter Pesce  wrote:
> Can anything sum up the two shops better than the "soap swap"?
> "Grant gave me a bar of the pine tar soap he sells. I can't say I was
> taken by the scent, reminiscent of a forest fire, though it's very
> very effective and definitely manly.  I sent Grant a chunk of Savon de
> Marseille, an artisanal and traditional French olive oil based soap."

Haha! This is so true. Great way to sum them up.

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[RBW] Re: new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread Mitch Browne
I can vouch for Wooly Warm functionality.

I picked up a vest and pull over at the Riv garage sale this year.
They were strictly impulse buys.

Turns out the vest has become a regular part of my bike / work wear.
It's just a loose enough weave that it makes a great ventilating /
insulating layer between my nylon vest and t-shirt on my 6am 40-55
degree commutes to campus. I have a sleeveless wool riv pull over but
it's too warm.

Wooly Warm "Slay the Shivers". The ticket.

- Mitch - San Luis Obispo, CA

On Feb 5, 5:06 am, JoelMatthews  wrote:
> Not sure, but you see these Swaledale sheep everywhere in the UK:
> http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikip...
> The earlier version of the sweater was made by a small outfit in
> England.
> On Feb 4, 11:32 pm, Seth Vidal  wrote:
> >http://www.rivbike.com/blogs/news_post/324
> > For the rivhq gang - does anyone know the type of sheep the wool comes
> > from?  Inquiring minds (like my knitting significant other) want to
> > know.
> > I'm curious where they're being made.
> > Love the ben franklin sweater. Will probably buy 2 of them just for me.
> > -sv

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[RBW] Re: new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread Frank
Seems like there was some sort of description about the wool and the
sheep in an older print catalogue, but I can't swear to it.  I think
they were made in Scotland.

I wear the vest and a button-collar long-sleeve version all the time
in Seattle; they're three season garments.  They look great, wear
well, and fit sensibly.  I had a cardigan, but was told to send it
back for a replacement due to a batch with very crooked "plackets".
Mine was crooked, I sent it back, they didn't reorder, and I ended up
(disappointed) with a credit.

I'll buy a cardigan certainly, and perhaps another vest. My vest has
one pocket in back, and I never put jank in it as all my bikes have
bags somewhere. The long-sleeve has three pockets, but I like the idea
that these v2 units sound as if they'll be pocket free. I'm just
thrilled that they'll be ready. In time. For summer.  Perhaps they'll
accept pre-orders, as it might be difficult to actually pull the
trigger in June or July.

On Feb 4, 9:32 pm, Seth Vidal  wrote:
> http://www.rivbike.com/blogs/news_post/324
> For the rivhq gang - does anyone know the type of sheep the wool comes
> from?  Inquiring minds (like my knitting significant other) want to
> know.
> I'm curious where they're being made.
> Love the ben franklin sweater. Will probably buy 2 of them just for me.
> -sv

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[RBW] Re: New Wool Synaptic Cycles Cycling Caps

2011-02-05 Thread Steve
Nice work!  Are those ear flaps I see on the cap in the photo?


On Feb 4, 10:37 pm, Joe Bartoe  wrote:
> I apologize for the commercialness of this announcement, but I designed these 
> with y'all in mind (the logo was even designed by our a fellow Riv/Bober-Jon 
> Grant):
> See the description and pics here:
> http://synapticcycles.com/2011/02/new-wool-cycling-caps/
> Please contact me directly if interested. I have limited supply initially and 
> I am still trying to work out the kinks in my online store.
> Thanks,
> Joe
> Joe Bartoe
> Synaptic Cycles Bicycle Rentals, Inc.www.synapticcycles.com
> 949-374-6079

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[RBW] Re: new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread Pondero
"Your fashion-conscious teenager wouldn't be caught dead in this, and
would rather not be seen with you when you’re wearing it. That’s how
good it looks."

I'm sold.

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RE: [RBW] Re: New Wool Synaptic Cycles Cycling Caps

2011-02-05 Thread Joe Bartoe

Hi Steve,

Those are not earflaps. Walz does make and earflap style and if you'd like one, 
I can see about ordering up one for you. It will be $36 instead of $30.


Joe Bartoe

Synaptic Cycles Bicycle Rentals, Inc.


> Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2011 06:10:47 -0800
> Subject: [RBW] Re: New Wool Synaptic Cycles Cycling Caps
> From: sring...@gmail.com
> To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
> Nice work!  Are those ear flaps I see on the cap in the photo?
> Steve
> On Feb 4, 10:37 pm, Joe Bartoe  wrote:
> > I apologize for the commercialness of this announcement, but I designed 
> > these with y'all in mind (the logo was even designed by our a fellow 
> > Riv/Bober-Jon Grant):
> >
> > See the description and pics here:
> >
> > http://synapticcycles.com/2011/02/new-wool-cycling-caps/
> >
> > Please contact me directly if interested. I have limited supply initially 
> > and I am still trying to work out the kinks in my online store.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Joe
> >
> > Joe Bartoe
> >
> > Synaptic Cycles Bicycle Rentals, Inc.www.synapticcycles.com
> >
> > 949-374-6079
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
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> http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.

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[RBW] Re: Protovelo with paint

2011-02-05 Thread Earl Grey
Love the cream accents on the fork ends!


On Feb 5, 12:43 pm, rw1911  wrote:
> While I think the RPC is really cool, the new paint is beautiful!  I
> would have never thought of dark brown with blue decals; but it's
> unique and very nice combination.
> On Feb 4, 1:57 pm, Esteban  wrote:
> > As many of you know, I've been happily riding my Nobilette-made
> > Protovelo since 2008 in RCP.  Time for paint!
> > I was originally considering Pea-Sage Green, seriously considered one-
> > color Navy, and went with chocolate brown and creme accents - as it is
> > a Rivendell after all, if a prototype.  Perhaps professorial?  The Riv
> > painter does a great job!
> >http://www.flickr.com/photos/25671211@N02/5415949833/in/set-721576047...
> > Running it for the So Cal Riv Ride with Hetres, then onto fenders and
> > perhaps Lierres.
> >http://veloflaneur.wordpress.com/2011/02/04/color-is-nice/
> > Esteban
> > San Diego, Calif.

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[RBW] Re: new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread grant
There are some bluish strands of wool, so I'd say at least some of the
wool is from Swaledales that are kin to the one show below. Made in
England, same guys making them, and I'll get the skinny on the rest of
the wool. It is "far from merino." Some kind of wirey, wolf-proof
sheep, I'm sure.


On Feb 5, 5:06 am, JoelMatthews  wrote:
> Not sure, but you see these Swaledale sheep everywhere in the UK:
> http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikip...
> The earlier version of the sweater was made by a small outfit in
> England.
> On Feb 4, 11:32 pm, Seth Vidal  wrote:
> >http://www.rivbike.com/blogs/news_post/324
> > For the rivhq gang - does anyone know the type of sheep the wool comes
> > from?  Inquiring minds (like my knitting significant other) want to
> > know.
> > I'm curious where they're being made.
> > Love the ben franklin sweater. Will probably buy 2 of them just for me.
> > -sv

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[RBW] Re: New Touring Wheelset question

2011-02-05 Thread kavalk
I had a set of 40h Phil Wood/Super Champion 58s back in the early 80s
built up at Braxton's Bicycle Shop.  The spokes were 14 gauge non-
butted DT.  Never got over that two of the spokes broke at the
end on the non-freewheel side.  I would guess it was a manufacturing
error when the threads were turned and not the torsional stress of
the wheel.

The wheels were on a custom Jim Merz with chrome plated chrome moly
front and rear racks.  Twenty-nine pounds of rolling Columbus SP
thunder!  Yes, I loved the bike.  Sadly I never got a chance to tour
on it.
It has since been sold by the foolish owner, never to be seen again.

On Feb 4, 11:55 am, JoelMatthews  wrote:
> Dave:
> >  However, aren't 40h hubs (Phil or otherwise) generally quite a bit more 
> > expensive than 36h Shimano XT's?
> That is a good point.  While 40h rims are not more expensive, if you
> are buying new hubs the market for 40h is small enough you will pay
> premium.  NOS (and even good condition used) MaxiCar hubs are always
> going to come at cost.  I did not think about current manufacturers
> when I posted my earlier reply.
> > taking the TIME for the actual experience. Sadly, for some people,
> > planning and buying gear is the extent of their progress towards their
> > dream trip. That said, I also think that planning and buying gear are
> > fun and valid parts of the overall experience of adventuring - but
> > they're not THE adventure.
> Also a good point.  I will heartily recommend MaxiCars to anyone who
> can find a set.  That said, the lack of MaxiCars should never keep
> someone from going on tour!
> On Feb 4, 10:19 am, Dave Craig  wrote:> Joel
> > I agree. It is a matter of preference. I love having nice parts on my
> > bikes whenever possible. Perhaps you are also right that the weight of
> > 4 more spokes is insignificant. I haven't compared the weights of my
> > 40h and 36h rear wheels, so I don't know. I also agree that choosing
> > what goes into your panniers is the most significant factor in overall
> > weight (other than body weight). However, aren't 40h hubs (Phil or
> > otherwise) generally quite a bit more expensive than 36h Shimano XT's?
> > The latter work just fine for extended touring. For folks on any kind
> > of a budget, who want to have strong, functional gear, it makes sense
> > not to overbuild with expensive parts when less expensive, but good
> > quality parts will do.
> > In my field (adventure/outdoor education), I see a lot of folks,
> > mainly middle-aged people like me, who delay their dream adventures in
> > order to purchase the "best" tools for those adventures. The cost for
> > many is having to work longer to pay for the experience instead of
> > taking the TIME for the actual experience. Sadly, for some people,
> > planning and buying gear is the extent of their progress towards their
> > dream trip. That said, I also think that planning and buying gear are
> > fun and valid parts of the overall experience of adventuring - but
> > they're not THE adventure.
> > OK, I'm ranging waaay off topic here and I'll stop.
> > Gary, did you get your answer??
> > Dave
> > On Feb 4, 8:49 am, JoelMatthews  wrote:
> > > > I agree with Dave... the 40 and 48 hole rims seem like overkill. I've
> > > > done week long tours on handbuilt 32h wheels.
> > > It is a matter of preference.  40h rims are not more expensive than
> > > 36h.  A lot of choices on what goes into the panniers are going to
> > > have far more impact on weight than 4 spokes.
> > > I certainly do not think having 40h wheels are a critical for my
> > > completing a tour.  But overkill meaning what?  Not like I have lost
> > > anything having them.  As my 40h wheels are built around smooth
> > > rolling Maxicar hubs, I get a plush ride few wheelsets can match.
> > > On Feb 4, 9:38 am, Michael_S  wrote:
> > > > I agree with Dave... the 40 and 48 hole rims seem like overkill. I've
> > > > done week long tours on handbuilt 32h wheels. I weigh about 190lbs .If
> > > > you use good stiff rims ( Dyad's in my case), thr right spokes and fat
> > > > tires a 36 hole rim is plenty.
> > > > ~Mike
> > > > On Feb 4, 7:29 am, Dave Craig  wrote:
> > > > > Gary
> > > > > I weigh 205 and I run the stock 26" rims on my Long Haul Trucker with
> > > > > Schwalbe Marathon Supremes (26x50). As I wrote in another post, the
> > > > > fatter tires are now my choice for all loaded tours.
> > > > > I know you didn't ask about your choice of 40h rims, but I thought I
> > > > > might add some unsolicited advice. I have never had a well-built, 36-
> > > > > hole wheel fail on a tour - poor stock rims, yes - but not handbuilt
> > > > > wheels. I think lots of folks make the assumption that more is better
> > > > > for expeditioning. A 40 hole rim seems way overbuilt for front wheels
> > > > > for someone your size. With a 26-inch wheel, 40h in the rear also
> > > > > seems excessive. Here's another consideration: I had a 

[RBW] Re: Atlantis seatpost binder bolt & nut size

2011-02-05 Thread Kelly Sleeper
I'm impressed my idea of keeping things together is raiding the kitchen 
cabinet and grabbing a breakfast bowl while the wife isn't looking and 
running to the garage and leaving it on a tv dinner tray where things 
accumulate and try to make sure all things land there.  Then as I put things 
back together I just hope for the best. :)
Sorry I don't know the size of the nut and bolt you need... I was just in 
awe of your organization skills.  

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[RBW] Re: new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread Jim Cloud
I guess my view will be considered contrarian, but I've had more than
enough scratchy wool sweaters in my lifetime.  In the last couple of
years I've purchased several merino wool garments.  Some of them
cycling specific, but quite wearable off the bike, especially a Sugoi
Wallaroo 290 long sleeve jersey.  It's a comfy (non-scratchy!) jersey
that I've been wearing a great deal during the unseasonably cold
winter we're experiencing in Southeast Arizona.   Here's a link to the
Sugoi site that shows the jersey:

I think the vest that Rivendell is planning to source, however, is a
garment that would be quite useful over a jersey for additional

Jim Cloud
Tucson, AZ

On Feb 4, 10:32 pm, Seth Vidal  wrote:
> http://www.rivbike.com/blogs/news_post/324
> For the rivhq gang - does anyone know the type of sheep the wool comes
> from?  Inquiring minds (like my knitting significant other) want to

> know.
> I'm curious where they're being made.
> Love the ben franklin sweater. Will probably buy 2 of them just for me.
> -sv

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Re: [RBW] new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread PATRICK MOORE
June I want a vest *now* -- if they get rid of the shoulder wings.

I lucked into a high-neck, button front pullover from Riv's original wool
product portfolio (good bus-speak buzzword, that) that is very nice for
cycling, but for everyday wear a vest suits me better.

On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 10:32 PM, Seth Vidal  wrote:

> http://www.rivbike.com/blogs/news_post/324
> For the rivhq gang - does anyone know the type of sheep the wool comes
> from?  Inquiring minds (like my knitting significant other) want to
> know.
> I'm curious where they're being made.
> Love the ben franklin sweater. Will probably buy 2 of them just for me.
> -sv
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> .
> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.

Patrick Moore
Albuquerque, NM
For professional resumes, contact
Patrick Moore, ACRW at resumespecialt...@gmail.com

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Re: [RBW] Re: Atlantis seatpost binder bolt & nut size

2011-02-05 Thread Rene Sterental
6mm IIRC... the length you can measure, I don't remember now.


Sent from my iPhone 4

On Feb 5, 2011, at 8:36 AM, Kelly Sleeper  wrote:

I'm impressed my idea of keeping things together is raiding the kitchen
cabinet and grabbing a breakfast bowl while the wife isn't looking and
running to the garage and leaving it on a tv dinner tray where things
accumulate and try to make sure all things land there.  Then as I put things
back together I just hope for the best. :)

Sorry I don't know the size of the nut and bolt you need... I was just in
awe of your organization skills.


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Re: [RBW] new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread Glenn Ammons
On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 12:32 AM, Seth Vidal  wrote:
> http://www.rivbike.com/blogs/news_post/324

I like the rear pockets on my old button-up, which is in need of some
serious darning.  Will any of the new sweaters have rear pockets?


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[RBW] Re: Atlantis seatpost binder bolt & nut size

2011-02-05 Thread Dave Craig

I believe that's a stainless M6 hex head approx 19mm long - don't
forget the stainless nylock nut to match - I carry a spare in my
touring pack.


On Feb 4, 9:24 pm, Wally  wrote:
> For a nice quiet winter project, I took apart my Atlantis to clean it
> really well and somehow managed to misplace the seatpost binder bolt
> and nut.
> I know, you would have thought I'd have put all of the small parts in
> little zip loc bags and marked each of them with a Sharpie where they
> went, right? Well,I did. But the bag with the seatpost binder bolt is
> gone.
> Does anyone know off the top of their head (no need to disassemble
> your bike) what the proper size of that nut and bolt are?
> Thanks for your help!
> Wally
> p.s.: And yes, I'm sure the bolt will turn up just the moment I return
> from the store with a replacement.

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Re: [RBW] new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread Anne Paulson
On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 9:32 PM, Seth Vidal  wrote:
> http://www.rivbike.com/blogs/news_post/324

I love the commando sweater. This wool has thicker fibers than merino,
which makes it scratchy but also should make it wear longer. As soon
as they're available, I'm buying a commando sweater for my son, who is
always wearing a sweater, usually with holes in the elbows because he
wears them out.

-- Anne Paulson

My hovercraft is full of eels

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Re: [RBW] Re: new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread Doug Van Cleve
Howdy folks.

I was always sorry I didn't get one of the original vests, so this is good
news :^)  However, that vest looks like a sweater with the arms cut off and
the holes hemmed.  It doesn't appear to fit at all in the shoulders.  Also,
I would have liked to see the pockets.  They are handly for a wallet or
keys, even if the bike has a bag of some sort.  It isn't like having
a/pocket(s) makes it hideous off the bike.  Being a cyclist, I don't mind if
my stuff looks a bit "bikey".

Regards, Doug

On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 9:38 AM, Jim Cloud  wrote:

> I guess my view will be considered contrarian, but I've had more than
> enough scratchy wool sweaters in my lifetime.  In the last couple of
> years I've purchased several merino wool garments.  Some of them
> cycling specific, but quite wearable off the bike, especially a Sugoi
> Wallaroo 290 long sleeve jersey.  It's a comfy (non-scratchy!) jersey
> that I've been wearing a great deal during the unseasonably cold
> winter we're experiencing in Southeast Arizona.   Here's a link to the
> Sugoi site that shows the jersey:
> http://www.sugoi.com/usa/eng/Products/Bike/Men/Details/1447-68301U-Wallaroo-290-L-S-Jersey
> I think the vest that Rivendell is planning to source, however, is a
> garment that would be quite useful over a jersey for additional
> warmth.
> Jim Cloud
> Tucson, AZ

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Re: [RBW] new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread Doug Van Cleve
Ah, should have replied to this one ;^)

I second the pockets request.  I always wondered why the old sweater had 3
but the vest only had one (3 is better).  Also, could the placket go a bit
lower and have a couple more buttons?


On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 10:21 AM, Glenn Ammons wrote:

> On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 12:32 AM, Seth Vidal  wrote:
> > http://www.rivbike.com/blogs/news_post/324
> I like the rear pockets on my old button-up, which is in need of some
> serious darning.  Will any of the new sweaters have rear pockets?
> --glenn

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Re: [RBW] Re: new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread Anne Paulson
On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 5:06 AM, JoelMatthews  wrote:
> Not sure, but you see these Swaledale sheep everywhere in the UK:

Swaledales are white. The sweaters are dark gray.

Maybe a Balwen sheep, or a Hebridean sheep? Those are both black long
wool sheep from Scotland.

-- Anne Paulson

My hovercraft is full of eels

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[RBW] Re: new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread Jim Cloud
I agree that pockets at the back of the vest would increase its
utility.  Here's some photos from Lesli Larson's Flickr Archival
Clothing photostream that show the earlier version of the Rivendell
vest:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/archivalclothing/3251797465/in/photostream/
Lesli's Flickr site, by the way, is a treasure trove of traditional
and very classy apparel.

Jim Cloud
Tucson, AZ

On Feb 5, 10:41 am, Doug Van Cleve  wrote:
> Ah, should have replied to this one ;^)
> I second the pockets request.  I always wondered why the old sweater had 3
> but the vest only had one (3 is better).  Also, could the placket go a bit
> lower and have a couple more buttons?
> Doug
> On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 10:21 AM, Glenn Ammons wrote:
> > On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 12:32 AM, Seth Vidal  wrote:
> > >http://www.rivbike.com/blogs/news_post/324
> > I like the rear pockets on my old button-up, which is in need of some
> > serious darning.  Will any of the new sweaters have rear pockets?
> > --glenn

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Re: [RBW] new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread PATRICK MOORE
Add one more for rear pockets; and, for that matter, for chest pockets.

On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 10:41 AM, Doug Van Cleve  wrote:

> Ah, should have replied to this one ;^)
> I second the pockets request.  I always wondered why the old sweater had 3
> but the vest only had one (3 is better).  Also, could the placket go a bit
> lower and have a couple more buttons?
> Doug
> On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 10:21 AM, Glenn Ammons wrote:
>> On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 12:32 AM, Seth Vidal  wrote:
>> > http://www.rivbike.com/blogs/news_post/324
>> I like the rear pockets on my old button-up, which is in need of some
>> serious darning.  Will any of the new sweaters have rear pockets?
>> --glenn
>  --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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> To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> .
> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/rbw-owners-bunch?hl=en.

Patrick Moore
Albuquerque, NM
For professional resumes, contact
Patrick Moore, ACRW at resumespecialt...@gmail.com

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Re: [RBW] Re: new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread Anne Paulson
On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 9:56 AM, Jim Cloud  wrote:
> I agree that pockets at the back of the vest would increase its
> utility.  Here's some photos from Lesli Larson's Flickr Archival
> Clothing photostream that show the earlier version of the Rivendell
> vest:  
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/archivalclothing/3251797465/in/photostream/

On the one hand, useful. On the other hand, really ugly. Really really
ugly-- that narrow patch pocket is awful.

So it's a balance: do you want a sweater that's useful on the bike,
but looks ridiculous when you're not riding?

The armholes on the earlier version of the vest are way better. For
the newer version, it looks like the sweater designer had never
designed a vest-- vests need a different armhole, deeper and curved.
You can see in the pictures that the armhole is too high, so it
wrinkles. I'd cut the shoulders in too; I think it looks better.

-- Anne Paulson

My hovercraft is full of eels

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Re: [RBW] Re: new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread Seth Vidal
On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 1:17 PM, Anne Paulson  wrote:
> On the one hand, useful. On the other hand, really ugly. Really really
> ugly-- that narrow patch pocket is awful.
> So it's a balance: do you want a sweater that's useful on the bike,
> but looks ridiculous when you're not riding?
> The armholes on the earlier version of the vest are way better. For
> the newer version, it looks like the sweater designer had never
> designed a vest-- vests need a different armhole, deeper and curved.
> You can see in the pictures that the armhole is too high, so it
> wrinkles. I'd cut the shoulders in too; I think it looks better.

I agree about the vest shoulders/armholes.

the pocket in the rear doesn't matter much to me one way or the other.

The patch pockets on the front of the cardigan look fine w/me. If they
want to rotate the pocket opening 90degrees so you can put your hands
it from behind, that'd be just fine, too.


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Re: [RBW] Re: new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread Seth Vidal
On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 11:26 AM, grant  wrote:
> There are some bluish strands of wool, so I'd say at least some of the
> wool is from Swaledales that are kin to the one show below. Made in
> England, same guys making them, and I'll get the skinny on the rest of
> the wool. It is "far from merino." Some kind of wirey, wolf-proof
> sheep, I'm sure.

 thanks for looking into it. There's a knitter in this house who will
be happy to know more about the variety of sheep.

Oh and the knitter also told me to tell you thank you for not having
them made from merino wool.

By doing so you're encouraging more of polyculture in sheep which is
beneficial to the genetic health of sheep.

Also since the sheep seem to come from the yorkshires we're referring
to it as James Herriot Wool. :)


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[RBW] Re: new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread newenglandbike
-1 for pockets on the back, but then again I prefer either my pants
pockets or my bike for carrying things, in handlebar bag, basket or
saddlebag or whatever.

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[RBW] Re: new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread Thomas Lynn Skean
Well, these look fantastic. I love them all and especially the
cardigan. I missed any earlier round(s) of this kind of sweater. So I
don't have the slightest idea how much these things might cost. But if
there's an appropriate size for me (XXL as in the t-shirts/sweatshirt,
not XXL as in wool tops), I will definitely get at least one.

Thomas Lynn Skean

On Feb 5, 12:31 pm, Seth Vidal  wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 11:26 AM, grant  wrote:
> > There are some bluish strands of wool, so I'd say at least some of the
> > wool is from Swaledales that are kin to the one show below. Made in
> > England, same guys making them, and I'll get the skinny on the rest of
> > the wool. It is "far from merino." Some kind of wirey, wolf-proof
> > sheep, I'm sure.
> Grant,
>  thanks for looking into it. There's a knitter in this house who will
> be happy to know more about the variety of sheep.
> Oh and the knitter also told me to tell you thank you for not having
> them made from merino wool.
> By doing so you're encouraging more of polyculture in sheep which is
> beneficial to the genetic health of sheep.
> Also since the sheep seem to come from the yorkshires we're referring
> to it as James Herriot Wool. :)
> -sv

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Re: [RBW] Re: new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread William Pustow

  You're not the only one. Before I purchased my first Rivendell i was warned 
about the Grant Petersen cult and this just proves that it is real:
Grant; "We have this really scratchy sweater to sell you."
Cult members: "Oh thank you, Grant! We wouldn't want to wear something 

   Don't get me wrong, I have 3 Riv's and love them. Now the Rivendell 
sweatshirt - Oh thank you Grant!

Louisville, Ky

Louisville, Ky
On Feb 5, 2011, at 11:38 AM, Jim Cloud wrote:

> I guess my view will be considered contrarian, but I've had more than
> enough scratchy wool sweaters in my lifetime. 

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Re: [RBW] Re: new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread Seth Vidal
On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 3:32 PM, William Pustow  wrote:
> Jim,
>  You're not the only one. Before I purchased my first Rivendell i was warned 
> about the Grant Petersen cult and this just proves that it is real:
> Grant; "We have this really scratchy sweater to sell you."
> Cult members: "Oh thank you, Grant! We wouldn't want to wear something 
> comfortable."
>   Don't get me wrong, I have 3 Riv's and love them. Now the Rivendell 
> sweatshirt - Oh thank you Grant!

Something worth mentioning. A lot of scratchy wool is also REALLY

After wearing through the elbows in 2 soft-wool cardigans in 2 yrs I'd
rather go with scratchy. I'm wearing a longsleeve shirt when I'm
wearing a cardigan anyway.

add to that the good look of a tweedy wool and you've got a  winner, imo.


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[RBW] Re: new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread William
The myth of the Grant cult cuts both (perhaps several) ways.  For
every one of us that seems to buy one of every oddball thing that Riv
offers (like me with the nutwinks and the latest visor and the
splats), there's at least one other who dutifully waits for the next
new product to come out, and immediately lists the one or two critical
flaws that make it incontrovertibly unbuyable.  "Oh Grant, if you
offered that mix of wool MINUS the whitish threads.  How long to get
one without whitish threads?"  or "How can Riv possibly expect me to
buy a sweater without an internal breast pocket with tagua button
closure?  Sign me up for one if you make them like that."

Then there's the type that posts "I'm 6'3-3/4" and weigh 206lbs 3oz.
As soon as one of you with identical body dimensions to me buys one,
will you please wash it twice in gentle cycle with Kookubura, then air
dry, wear it and take photographs and write a 'ride report'.  Then I
might consider one"
Furthermore, there are those of us who won't buy, and then when
they're gone, wail "If only I could get my hands on the last
generation thing.  Those were the good ones"

We're a loony bin.

On Feb 5, 12:32 pm, William Pustow  wrote:
> Jim,
>   You're not the only one. Before I purchased my first Rivendell i was warned 
> about the Grant Petersen cult and this just proves that it is real:
> Grant; "We have this really scratchy sweater to sell you."
> Cult members: "Oh thank you, Grant! We wouldn't want to wear something 
> comfortable."
>    Don't get me wrong, I have 3 Riv's and love them. Now the Rivendell 
> sweatshirt - Oh thank you Grant!
> Bill
> Louisville, Ky
> Bill
> Louisville, Ky
> On Feb 5, 2011, at 11:38 AM, Jim Cloud wrote:
> > I guess my view will be considered contrarian, but I've had more than
> > enough scratchy wool sweaters in my lifetime.

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Re: [RBW] Re: new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread Tim McNamara

On Feb 5, 2011, at 2:58 PM, William wrote:

> We're a loony bin.

LOL!  That made me laugh!  

And kudos to Grant & Co. for looking for the gaps in the cyclers' market to try 
to supply stuff we might like and can't find at most LBS's and/or Nashbar.  
Rivendell has added appreciably to the diversity of bike products out there, 
and has given us a choice between high-tech wunderbikes and old bikes.

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[RBW] FS: lightly used Brooks B17 Champion w/aardvark cover

2011-02-05 Thread Rod C

I'm new to the RBW bunch.  I have an item for sale.
It's a black Brooks B17 saddle w/copper rivits and rail.
I bought it from Wallbike 8 months ago and as you know 6 months is
limit for returns.  It's in excellent condition.  Message me directly
and I'll send you photos.

Also included is an Aardvark rain proof cover (used once) and a small
partially used tin of proofide.  The saddle was properly proofided and
covered when not in use.
I rode it for 4 of the 8 months I've had it.  Have since moved on to a
Selle An Atomica.

$110 shipped.



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[RBW] new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread Dionysos Maskaleris
I purchased one button wool vest at the last Rivendell Garage Sale and it
has become my favorite article of clothing. I like it even more then the
Rivendell wool sleeveless shirts. I run hot so I wear sleeveless shirt on
top alone - bicycling at 5AM in the coldest parts of Bay Area winters. But
when I sit for awhile in the winter the button wool vest over my sleeveless
Riv shirt keeps my core warm.  And I wear vest over sleeveless on Sundays at
my caretaker job at a church so I don't look like Marlon Brando in 'A Street
Car Named Desire' - just wearing a tank top [Brando and agnostic me at

*Grant, in the Rivendell tradition I want to purchase two more button wool
vests before they become unavailable [don't open the door to my camping
equipment and bicycle parts and accessories storage room as all will fall
out like at the ship's cabin in the Mark Brothers 'A Night at the Opera' -

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[RBW] FS: Touring, Commuting and Tandem Items for Sale

2011-02-05 Thread msrw
I have a few items for commuter, touring and tandem use that I thought
I’d offer to the group.  All equipment is in perfect condition unless
otherwise noted.

If interested, please contact me off list at msr...@gmail.com.
Payment by Paypal or check, prices do not include shipping.  Will ship
worldwide at the actual cost of shipment.  Thanks,  Mark

•   SET OF TWO SCHWALBE BIG APPLE 26 X 2.0 TIRES.  These came on a bike
I purchased in Holland last month.  They have about 15 miles of use,
and are in perfect condition.  $40 for both tires.

came on a bike I purchased in Holland last month.  Sport contact tires
have puncture protection, but are relatively high performance—similar
to Gatorskins  but wider and more comfortable.  Suitable as a fast
commuter tire, light touring tire or for use on tandems.  About 5
miles of use, perfect condition.  $35 for both tires.

•   BROOKS B67S (ladies) SADDLE, HONEY COLOR.  Latest version, purchased
in 2009, slightly broken in and lightly used, treated with Brooks
Profide.  This saddle is in outstanding condition—it was specifically
chosen as the best example from a handful of B67S saddles, and has
absolutely perfect leather—much thicker than the norm on Brooks sprung
saddles.  Ideal for bikes with upright bars, perfect for stoker use on
tandems.  $65.

BATTERY MODULES.  Like new condition, battery sets are new.  This is
an ideal light to bring along on a ride if there’s a chance that you
might need to ride in the dark.  It’s sufficient for fast road riding,
has about five hours of capacity on high output, is extremely
lightweight and runs on standard AA batteries.  $99.

version, purchased new in late 2008.  A total of just under 800 miles
of use.  The wheels were professionally re-tensioned after 300 miles,
as recommended by Santana, and have been 100 percent trouble free.
Perfect condition.  Wheels come with Continental Gatorskin 700x28c
tires, Continental tubes, Velo Plugs (which replace the rim strips,
are more durable and lighter in weight), two spare spokes (Sweet 16
spokes sell for $10 each), along a Park SW-14 shop spoke wrench for
Shimano wheels.  Shimano, unlike Mavic, uses decorative stickers
rather than anodizing the rim, which look a bit tacky so we removed
the stickers.  We’ve found that Sweet 16’s are about 5-7 percent
faster than our 40 spoke Phil Wood tandem wheels, and much more rapid
in acceleration and descents.  Compared to other low spoke count, high-
performance tandem wheels, Sweet 16’s are probably the most durable—
rear axle spacing is 160mm.  $700.

MUDFLAPS.  These also came on a one of the bikes that I just purchased
in Holland.  They are significantly different from the SKS fenders
sold in the U.S. in being much lighter in weight, having a different
fender stay mounting system, coming with mud flaps, and being
available in 60mm width—which fits Schwalbe Big Apple tires in 26x2
perfectly.  Used for about 15 miles.  $22.

in perfect condition.  $22.

WHEEL QUICK RELEASE NUT.  An elegant solution for adding a light (or
an additional light) to the front or rear of a bike for brevets or
other use at night.  Two available, both are new.  $15 each

This is one of the lesser-known, but extremely well-designed large
seat packs, for use on brevets, centuries or other long rides.
Expandable, 6-7.5 liter capacity, no sway whatsoever because it uses
two elastic stays that attach to the rear dropouts.  Like new condition
—has never been used.  $23.

capacity.  This top tube bag is tall and narrow, has a pocket
specifically designed to hold a U.S. brevet card, an optional plastic
tray for snacks.  For riders who travel light, this is all that’s
needed for a century or mid-length brevet.  Like new condition—has
never been used.  $18.

BOTTOM BRACKETS.  These cups are plastic, and it’s a good idea to
replace them when doing bottom bracket work.  Two available, one new,
one installed but in perfect condition.  $10 for both.

new condition.  Makes cable management for center pull or canti brakes
easier on smaller frames, and/or for those who use a second stem.
Includes cable routing tube.  $3.

Re: [RBW] new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread CycloFiend
on 2/4/11 9:32 PM, Seth Vidal at skvi...@gmail.com wrote:

> http://www.rivbike.com/blogs/news_post/324

Just a quick reminder that if you did have feature/sizing preferences, you
should email RBW directly.  Although the RBW denizens do skim here
periodically, it is not the best way to contact them.

- Jim / list admin

Jim Edgar

Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries - http://www.cyclofiend.com
Current Classics - Cross Bikes
Singlespeed - Working Bikes

"You must be the change you want to see in the world."
Mahatma Gandhi

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[RBW] Re: new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread JoelMatthews
>   You're not the only one. Before I purchased my first Rivendell i was warned 
> about the Grant Petersen cult and this just proves that it is real:
> Grant; "We have this really scratchy sweater to sell you."
> Cult members: "Oh thank you, Grant! We wouldn't want to wear something 
> comfortable."

Respectfully, I think you and Jim are missing the point of these

I like soft wool products as much as anyone.  In fact, I even have a
Loro Piana Vicuna Sweater I wear on cold weather rides (one plus to no
significant other or kids is you can be extravagant every now and then
- plus Loro Piana gets all its Vicuna wool from native americans who
release the wild Vicunas after giving them a crew cut).

I also have one of the original Wooly Warm cardigans (and intend to
get another).  It is a great sweater.  I keep my thermostat here in
Chicago at 57.   From Late November until MidMarch (what a great
book!) I wear the cardigan over a long sleeved tee shirt nearly every
evening.  It especially comes in handy when I am working on my bikes.
The cardigan shows its age a little.  But it has held up

The commando sweater looks like it would be great for hiking, sledding
and other rough and tumble outdoor activity.  It will definitely last
much longer than soft wool garments.  Unlike fleece, it will not build
up odor after spirited uses to the point you finally have to recycle

On Feb 5, 2:32 pm, William Pustow  wrote:
> Jim,
>   You're not the only one. Before I purchased my first Rivendell i was warned 
> about the Grant Petersen cult and this just proves that it is real:
> Grant; "We have this really scratchy sweater to sell you."
> Cult members: "Oh thank you, Grant! We wouldn't want to wear something 
> comfortable."
>    Don't get me wrong, I have 3 Riv's and love them. Now the Rivendell 
> sweatshirt - Oh thank you Grant!
> Bill
> Louisville, Ky
> Bill
> Louisville, Ky
> On Feb 5, 2011, at 11:38 AM, Jim Cloud wrote:
> > I guess my view will be considered contrarian, but I've had more than
> > enough scratchy wool sweaters in my lifetime.

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[RBW] Re: new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread JoelMatthews
> Made in England, same guys making them,

That is good to know.  From the RR piece on them a few years back they
came across as the kind of wonderfully eccentric crafts people that
you can still meet every now and then in rural UK.  I was afraid they
had retired or gone out of business or something.

On Feb 5, 10:26 am, grant  wrote:
> There are some bluish strands of wool, so I'd say at least some of the
> wool is from Swaledales that are kin to the one show below. Made in
> England, same guys making them, and I'll get the skinny on the rest of
> the wool. It is "far from merino." Some kind of wirey, wolf-proof
> sheep, I'm sure.
> G
> On Feb 5, 5:06 am, JoelMatthews  wrote:
> > Not sure, but you see these Swaledale sheep everywhere in the UK:
> >http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikip...
> > The earlier version of the sweater was made by a small outfit in
> > England.
> > On Feb 4, 11:32 pm, Seth Vidal  wrote:
> > >http://www.rivbike.com/blogs/news_post/324
> > > For the rivhq gang - does anyone know the type of sheep the wool comes
> > > from?  Inquiring minds (like my knitting significant other) want to
> > > know.
> > > I'm curious where they're being made.
> > > Love the ben franklin sweater. Will probably buy 2 of them just for me.
> > > -sv

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[RBW] FS: Velo-Orange Model 6 Saddle

2011-02-05 Thread MikeC
I have a like-new black leather VO Model 6 saddle that, while well-
made and cool-looking (like a Brooks Swallow), is a bit too narrow for
me. I really wish it would work for me because I love everything else
about it. I put a light coat of proofhide on top, nothing on bottom as
there is a thin laminate to prevent excess saging. I put about 100
miles max. on the saddle and there are no signs of it conforming to my
sit bones; it's just like new. VO sells them new for $95; I'm asking
$75 to help me finance another model. Photos on request.

Link to the VO page: 

-Mike C.

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Re: [RBW] FS: lightly used Brooks B17 Champion w/aardvark cover

2011-02-05 Thread Bruce
Good move.   Got a Selle from RBW for the Rambouillet, and quickly put them on 
the Saluki and Road Standard too.

From: Rod C 
To: RBW Owners Bunch 
Sent: Sat, February 5, 2011 2:44:34 PM
Subject: [RBW] FS: lightly used Brooks B17 Champion w/aardvark cover

  Have since moved on to a
Selle An Atomica.


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[RBW] Re: new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread Lesli
Great to see these back in circulation.  Hoping the arm holes on the
vest are trimmed.  Original pattern was perfect.

For the record--I never use the rear pocket on my tweed vest.

Hoping Riv considers running a few in XS for women/children and slim,
rangy gents.  I wear one of the XXS vests that I think was made up for
a small child.  Love it.  I'd take a vest and a cardigan.  Not wild
about the commando patches.  They only hit right on size medium gents
and the original fit model.  I ordered a size small cardigan a few
years back and it fit me like a grandpa's XXL.


On Feb 5, 2:45 pm, JoelMatthews  wrote:
> > Made in England, same guys making them,
> That is good to know.  From the RR piece on them a few years back they
> came across as the kind of wonderfully eccentric crafts people that
> you can still meet every now and then in rural UK.  I was afraid they
> had retired or gone out of business or something.
> On Feb 5, 10:26 am, grant  wrote:
> > There are some bluish strands of wool, so I'd say at least some of the
> > wool is from Swaledales that are kin to the one show below. Made in
> > England, same guys making them, and I'll get the skinny on the rest of
> > the wool. It is "far from merino." Some kind of wirey, wolf-proof
> > sheep, I'm sure.
> > G
> > On Feb 5, 5:06 am, JoelMatthews  wrote:
> > > Not sure, but you see these Swaledale sheep everywhere in the UK:
> > >http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikip...
> > > The earlier version of the sweater was made by a small outfit in
> > > England.
> > > On Feb 4, 11:32 pm, Seth Vidal  wrote:
> > > >http://www.rivbike.com/blogs/news_post/324
> > > > For the rivhq gang - does anyone know the type of sheep the wool comes
> > > > from?  Inquiring minds (like my knitting significant other) want to
> > > > know.
> > > > I'm curious where they're being made.
> > > > Love the ben franklin sweater. Will probably buy 2 of them just for me.
> > > > -sv

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[RBW] Re: new sweaters/vests

2011-02-05 Thread EricP
Think I just missed out on these last time.  Right before finding out
about Rivendell, etc.  Am already planning to buy two, the cardigan
and the Columbia.

And I'm with Miesha - keep the patches.  Good for keeping abrasion/
wear to a minimum.

Now know where my rebate is going.

Eric Platt
St. Paul, MN

On Feb 5, 8:53 pm, Lesli  wrote:
> Great to see these back in circulation.  Hoping the arm holes on the
> vest are trimmed.  Original pattern was perfect.
> For the record--I never use the rear pocket on my tweed vest.
> Hoping Riv considers running a few in XS for women/children and slim,
> rangy gents.  I wear one of the XXS vests that I think was made up for
> a small child.  Love it.  I'd take a vest and a cardigan.  Not wild
> about the commando patches.  They only hit right on size medium gents
> and the original fit model.  I ordered a size small cardigan a few
> years back and it fit me like a grandpa's XXL.
> LL
> On Feb 5, 2:45 pm, JoelMatthews  wrote:
> > > Made in England, same guys making them,
> > That is good to know.  From the RR piece on them a few years back they
> > came across as the kind of wonderfully eccentric crafts people that
> > you can still meet every now and then in rural UK.  I was afraid they
> > had retired or gone out of business or something.
> > On Feb 5, 10:26 am, grant  wrote:
> > > There are some bluish strands of wool, so I'd say at least some of the
> > > wool is from Swaledales that are kin to the one show below. Made in
> > > England, same guys making them, and I'll get the skinny on the rest of
> > > the wool. It is "far from merino." Some kind of wirey, wolf-proof
> > > sheep, I'm sure.
> > > G
> > > On Feb 5, 5:06 am, JoelMatthews  wrote:
> > > > Not sure, but you see these Swaledale sheep everywhere in the UK:
> > > >http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikip...
> > > > The earlier version of the sweater was made by a small outfit in
> > > > England.
> > > > On Feb 4, 11:32 pm, Seth Vidal  wrote:
> > > > >http://www.rivbike.com/blogs/news_post/324
> > > > > For the rivhq gang - does anyone know the type of sheep the wool comes
> > > > > from?  Inquiring minds (like my knitting significant other) want to
> > > > > know.
> > > > > I'm curious where they're being made.
> > > > > Love the ben franklin sweater. Will probably buy 2 of them just for 
> > > > > me.
> > > > > -sv- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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[RBW] Update on riding changes this year.. (oops it's long)

2011-02-05 Thread Kelly Sleeper
Well the change is almost complete to the point it feels normal, and 
surprising.  I honestly didn't think many of the things I was changing would 
stay with me.  I've ridden long enough to understand speed and sprints and 
hurting and doing centuries all over the country remembering only the pace 
line.  So I wasn't as sure about platform pedals, heavier bikes, larger 
tires, sitting upright, and all the other stuff.  
Well I have reference the joy several times.  Well the newness has worn off 
a bit, the bikes have earned scratches and scrapes.  We bikes and I have 
experianced snow, rain, dirt, mud, traffic and alone time on back pathes 
along the rivers.  They unlike me photograph beautifully.
So after several hundred miles and on track for another 4 to 6 thousand mile 
year the following is where I stand.
*Platform pedals* - Still the thing I most often consider changing .. 
however everytime I thing about it I realize that 85% of the time I like my 
grip kings and shoe choice and comfort .. not to mention my feet just aren't 
as cold in regular hiking shoes.   
*Wider Tires* - Ok on my tour bike I could understand 700x35's and enjoyed 
them.  I would never have considered 700x35's for daily riding however 
untill I got my AHH.  The JB lights have been fantastic and given me a great 
fast ride.  (especially when I put some air in them) Then when I got my 
Bombadil with 700x50 big apples and road some 30 and 50 mile rides I was 
just amazed.  Yes they are slower, accerlation is slower.. but on a normal 
social ride it hasn't mattered.  Thrilled.. I am one who will NEVER ride a 
700x23 tires again.  
*Upright riding position-* My experiance had been on my older tour bike that 
the more upright position meant my ass hurt sooner and was out of the 
question for longer rides.  (nose up saddle position fixed this fyi) I 
always believed an aggressive riding position distributed the weight to my 
hands and legs etc causing less stress on my rear.  Also meant many miles of 
base riding to get comfortable in that position for long 100 to 120 mile 
*Mental- *This goes with most topics but since I lost speed .. which I don't 
care about or so I kept telling myself I was concerned.  I'm at the point 
where to quote someone on here.. it's been "fun per hour over mph" thus I'm 
enjoying a new chapter in riding and back to riding .. the bikes don't just 
sit.. I don't dread getting on the bike anymore.  Sometimes change is good.  
Please don't get me wrong.  The fast days were fun. I reached all my speed 
goals and distance goals and extreme stuff for me.  I was burnt on it.
*Dyno Lighting *- I bought a SON28 and then put it on my AHH as a temp thing 
with thoughts of taking it off during the summer and spring and such.  Maybe 
putting it on a different bike for just night time runs to the store.  Well 
I fell in love with it. It hasn't been off the bike and won't be coming 
off.  When I ordered the Bombadil I ordered it with a Son28.  I can't find a 
reason to not run these hubs.  
Peronsal opinion here:  I bought an Edelux light and then purchased the 
supernova E3 Triple for the Bombadil.  Yes the supernova is super bright but 
the Edelux does more than I need and gets to full brightness at 2mph or so 
..if I had it to do over again I would purchase another edelux.. the beama 
and the light are spectacular.  Just my opinion and it may change as time 
goes on.
*Lycra Spandex Free - *I am just as comfortable without it. I don't 
understand it and am not going to lose sleep over it.  I honestly didn't 
think I would last more than a few short rides.  Now I've ridden several 50+ 
and a couple of 60 mile rides where when I got home I was ready to go ride 
more.  It's been a non issue.  The musa pants I purchased from Riv have been 
very comfortable.   Ilike the olive with the velcro better than the blue 
with the zipper legs for looks only.  The blue are less hassel for riding 
actually.  I always forget to velcro the legs closed on the olive ones.  
Hell I've done 30 mile rides in blue jeans on a new brooks b17.  I believe 
it's the nose up saddle position that has changed things and maybe fit of 
*Bags- *Nigel Smythe - kinda says it all.  I used to use the fizik saddle 
bag that slid into the saddle that would hold a tube and an inflater. 
That entire bag would fit loosly into the side compartment of either of my 
Nigel Smythes.  Lovin it!
*AHH *Regardless of having earned it's first gouge and being blown off the 
kickstand a couple of times it is a joy.   Everytime I get on it I feel like 
it's a part of me.  It's handled 40+mph downhills comfortably and has been 
nothing but stable. 
*Bombadil- *I put a tubus nova lowrider on it then loaded up my panniers 
with 60lbs or more of gear.  I had planned a 2 block ride to test the weight 
and see how it felt.  25 miles later I got back home.  I was stunned.. 
honestly .. it didn't ride like a loaded bike.. I enjoyed a

[RBW] Re: Atlantis seatpost binder bolt & nut size

2011-02-05 Thread Wally

That should do the trick. Off to the hardware store tomorrow.


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[RBW] Re: Chilly Hilly?

2011-02-05 Thread Benedikt
I also just registered.  Seems like the 7:55 ferry is the time.  Any
ideas yet on where everyone wants to meet.  At the packet pickup?  In
line for the ferry?  On the ferry?  Bainbridge?

On Jan 23, 10:44 am, Benedikt  wrote:
> Any Seattle Riv owners plan on riding Chilly Hilly this year?  Or non
> Seattle Riv owners?http://shop.cascade.org/content/events/chilly-hilly

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