Re: [PLUG] virtual cds on linux

2004-10-15 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
Hi Kapil,

Do try this if u haven't already. Whenever u insert an empty CD to be
written(In fact, even when u compile the CD-R project), the size is
shown by a horizontal bar in the lowest part of the window. U will
generally get a popup menu(on the icon of a CD just after the bar)
giving options for the size there &/or get the size from the CD itself
with one of the options available.


P.S.:- The best option would be to e-mail the authors of K3B. From my
own experience, they're usually very prompt with the reply.

On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 22:09:34 +0530, kapil pendse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi pluggies!
> Thanks for the quick help!
> To extend my question: is there a way to mount .img images in a similar fashion?
> These are images created by k3b.
> I found a pointer to "KIso" on Right now trying to
> get it running. Some problems with dependencies I guess. Will post
> back when I get it running. Meanwhile, if anyone has played around
> with .img images created by k3b, kindly let me know.
> The thing is, I have made .img images of vcds of the movie 'lakshya'.
> Funny part is, while the actual vcd was a normal 700MB re-writable,
> the .img images have become 797.6 MB and 810.6 MB!! Now I'm unable to
> burn these!
> Even while using 800MB/90min cd (sprint), k3b v0.10 says contents do
> not fit on cd medium!
> K3b v0.10 shows these 800mb cds of sprint as 700mb cds. Has anyone
> used these cds?
> I did use one of these before, but that was on k3b v0.11 on SuSE 9.1.
> So probably this size problem is due to use of older version.
> If there is a way to retrieve the vcds from .img images, it would be a
> great relief!
> Kindly let me know,
> Regards,
> Kapil
> --
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Re: [PLUG] Sound Problems when playing MPEGs with MPlayer 1.0pre5 on SuSE 9.1

2004-10-15 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
Hi Debajit,

this is not a direct answer, but do try the following site:

U might find an answer there, alongwith a few codecs, if they're
causing the problem. U may want to try out players in their list as


On Fri, 15 Oct 2004 16:27:14 +0530, Debajit Adhikary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've compiled and installed Mplayer 1.0pre5 on my SuSE 9.1 machine.
> Mplayer works fine except for the fact that when playing MPEG videos,
> there is a buzzy noise in the background and the sound seems slightly
> distorted.
> What could be the problem here? The MPEG decoder libraries?
> This is not a problem with DivX, WMA and other file formats.
> Does anyone else have any similar problems with Mplayer?
> --
> __
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Re: [PLUG] Lycoris Mess-up.

2004-10-05 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
Hi A,

well, though I can't tell u much about Lycoris or why
it messed up with ur system, I can say something about
ur other question(&maybe a little about that first
one, too :-) ).

First, as I found out, the only way to get comfortable
with linux is to keep using it, no matter what
happens. That is what I did.

Next, there are quite a few Desktop versions of all
the major players in the market right now(of course
not free), ranging from 800/- to a little over 4000/-
in price. A better way to judge would be to keep in
touch with the issues of Digit, PCQuest or
LinuxForYou, which keep taking out
LiveCD('knoppixlike') versions of these desktops. So,
u can go ahead & just boot ur machine from these
LiveCDs & try these distributions out.

Now, a bit of my own experience. I purchased a Compaq
Presario a few months back, which shipped then with
'Turbolinux 10 Desktop' installed. Now, this is just a
machine with the contemporary config(P-4-2.8GHz, Intel
845GV orig. MB, 128MB, 40GB, CDR/W).

Now, Turbolinux 10D works absolutely fine with my PC &
has given almost no hitches throughout. A few
components like package management, Multimedia support
& players is absolutely brilliant; even better than
what I've seen in Fedora Core2. 10D by default mounts
ur windows(FAT32) partitions if u install it with a
Windows machine. The GUI is absolutely intuitive(much
like Windows), so almost anyone can get along fine. In
fact, 10D makes it easier to get to know Linux more.
As a last remark, I might add(thought people thorough
with Linux might scoff at me) that I have never used a
single command while working with 10D. That is the
power of the GUI given by the newer KDE versions,
which is more enhanced by the Turbolinux people.

Again, Turbolinux 10D costs $29 & a newer & terrific
distribution 10F costs $49($39 for 10D owners). That's
not a very high price, taking into consideration the
fact that 10F has legitimate PowerDVD support & leg.
support for Windows Media files.

As a recent development, I hear that Compaq machines
are shipping once again with Mandrake Desktops. So,
that must be a good choice, too.

About ur first question, if ur system, HDD in part.,
is not too old, u could try installing linux
distributions from scratch which are known to work
well a few times before settlling down with one.

So, go ahead & try any one of these distributions.
Just make sure about ur system's compatibility before
buying anything, if u plan to.


--- A G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am a re-newbie to Linux. A couple of weeks ago I
> got
> my hands on Lycoris linux. When I tried to install
> lycoris, it screwed my hdd big time. It never booted
> -
> which it should have, it never gave me the dual boot
> option - which it should have. I could boot from my
> dos floppy and access C:, but lycoris mess-up never
> allowed me to create any file from dos. I could just
> view. I had win98 se installed at that time. I
> though
> of trying to overwrite the mbr with my my win98se
> setup. But 98se setup used to abort. I had to DELETE
> my primary partition to make my system (win98se)
> work!
> Can anyone tell me what could hv gone wrong? My C:
> is
> 10 GB, D is 10, E is 15 GB and F is the remaining of
> the total of 40 GB.
> Is its because lycoris cant recognise large
> partitions. I remember in year 97, 98 that red hat
> didnt work fine with large partitions.
> I used red hat in late 90s. But then gave it up for
> the easy of use of 98se. I thought that lycoris was
> the better of linux for DESKTOPS. But I am
> thoroughly
> shaken with this linux experience.
> Can anyone tell me which linux works fine as a good
> desktop? It should atleast be as easy to use as
> win98se. (Btw, before this linux mess-up, my win98se
> worked fine for 5 years.)
> I also hv knoppix. Can anyone tell me how to install
> it to the hdd? I would like to install it on my last
> partition (F:\).
> ~A.

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Re: [PLUG] Lycoris Mess-up.

2004-10-05 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar

--- Shridhar Daithankar

> In my (loong back) experience, CDs by PCQuest etc
> are customized enough and I 
> would not recommend them for vanilla experinece.
> Another option is you can pay PLUG minimum price and
> get your own CD set which 
> is guaranteed to be as it was shipped.
>  Shridhar
> --

Point taken. My mistake; I shouldn't have commented on
the LiveCDs without trying them out myself. But I
relied on the experience of some of my friends at
IIT-Kharagpur, who have tried out much more than this.
Anyway, my appologies, once again.

BTW, if anyone wants to try out Turbolinux 10D(*try
out*, strictly, since *use* might be illegal), then I
have the CDs. I'm even thinking of buying the new
flavour(10F),which will cost about 1700/-, sometime in
the future.

The question for all is, "Should I do it?".


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Re: [PLUG] Internal modem support linux?

2004-10-19 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
Hi Manjusha,

well, the reason people at HP/Compaq are not very conversant with
Linux is that they have very recently tied up with Turbolinux to
support OSs for their home/office machines. But, Turbolinux themselves
provide support in stead. My point is, Turbolinux is a perfectly good
(& well packaged) system to use & I feel you might give it a chance
before switching over to Mandrake. As it is, since it is tailored to
your machine's specs, it gives absolutely the least trouble(my own


P.S.:- 1) Could you just let me know the version of Turbolinux they're
distributing currently(as it seems the PC is quite new)?
2) If you plan to install XP on it, too, then you'll need the drivers
for various things as well. Do let me know then. I have all of them.
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Re: [PLUG] Openoffice startup time

2004-10-19 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
Hi all,

I don't know about earlier, but OOo 1.1.2 has a functionality named
Quickstarter(at least in the Windows version I'm using), which loads
some part of OOo in the memory at startup itself. The Quickstarter
resides in the system tray & can be used to open any Office documents
or to start new ones etc. This is a feature which may be turned off if

Quickstarter, as the name shows, really reduces the time to open
documents to almost nothing(i.e. as compared to the normal OOo

Since the machine I'm working on in Pune right now has a 1GB RAM, I
can't say how much it slows up regular working. But at least on my own
machine at Kharagpur(128MB), it works very fine; not much difference
in the speed.


On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 12:22:34 +0530, Shridhar Daithankar
> Sudhanwa Jogalekar wrote:
> > hi,
> >
> > Interesting info/comparison of OO startup time.
> >
> >
> >
> > Try using the tips given there to improve oo startup time.
> I hope OO2.0 which is due in next feb. should modularize it and bring the
> startup time down.
> Looks like better the CPU, faster the OO is. I think they are facing the same
> problem KDE was facing once..
>  Shridhar
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Re: [PLUG] New BSNL internet phone charges.

2004-10-20 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
Hi all,

I was just going through this long, but quickly developed thread & I
was compelled to say a few words about the mails in it.

First of all, I feel(personally), that having broadband connectivity
will just act as a catalyst. It may increase the awareness of people
using computers(includes all, even IT professionals) towards OSS, but
I completely disagree, even after all this discussion, to the
statement that having a faster connection will definitely make OSS/FS
more popular. People(again, including all), will at the most *try out*
Open Source app.s, but they will not get into relying on them
completely if they feel there's a better option around, what if paid &

People associated with, and aware of, the OSS/FS movement need to be
constantly aware, that however "Free"(as in beer, as well as speech)
software gets, people are able to develop it in their "free time",
BECAUSE their busy times are taken care of by some money-generating
activity. This may be a research grant in many cases, or simply a
steady job. Let's face it, no one's going to die hungry writing
OSS(and that should not happen, too).

Having said that, it seems, some life-support system(a.k.a. money) is
the indirectly driving force behind any such activity. Though it may
seem quite ironical, Free software will be driven by money, in one way
or the other.

The other most powerful force is the Mindset, as all others have
already said. Though we may be able to win many people's minds, &
convert them into OSS users, they will & should always only look at
things which are simply the best. And here comes the second truth:
many programs(OSS/FS) that we use today, are still not at the mark
when it comes to working features. There are many, which are really
excellent & competitive(e.g. Mozilla, to some extent OOo, Eclipse),
but OSS has a long way to go.

SO, WHAT SHOULD WE DO? Organizations like Mandrake, RedHat,
Turbolinux, SuSe etc. do sell their 'Products', which are
well-packaged, at a small price. I implore you all to consider buying
their offerrings, instead of paying the ISPs & telephone companies a
fortune to download & using them for free. This cuts in two
directions. It adds to the sales volumes of OSS promoting
companies(so, officially competing propri. software) & at the same
time makes these companies stronger to go ahead & develop high-quality

Well, do let me know what everyone feels about this & my appologies if
anyone is hurt :).

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Re: [PLUG] New BSNL internet phone charges.

2004-10-21 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
Hi All,

the following are the two replies to a mail under discussion. I
couldn't help saying something about the replies & so, here it is.

On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 17:24:44 +0530, Kaustubh Gadkari
> >
> Can anyone help me? (Dont try to act too smart and
> suggest like reading the (incomplete) documentation or
> taking help of some 'guru'.) I am an end user and care
> least abt all the technical stuff.

What is wrong with asking you to do a bit of homework? You want to get things
working, then try and get it to work. None of here are here to spoon feed

It is agreeable that the original mail from A G was quite agressive.
But let me remind all, that his "anger" might have been sparked by
some previous replies to one of his mails regarding the distro he was

About the above reply today: If everyone could try & get things to
work, there was no need for LUGs all over the world. People come to
this mailing list becuse they need help with things that they are new
(or renew :-) )to. There is absolutely no reason why someone should
spark off a battle of words just because someone is less adept at some
things than them. Please avoid these mistakes, which create
unnecessary hard feelings in a community such as this.

On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 18:01:39 +0530, Vishal Rao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 04:43:42 +0100 (BST), A G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Can anyone help me? (Dont try to act too smart and
> > suggest like reading the (incomplete) documentation or
> > taking help of some 'guru'.) I am an end user and care
> > least abt all the technical stuff.
> If you dont care that much then please go off and do Windows instead of Linux.

About this second reply: People don't need anyone telling them to go
to Windows instead of Linux. They do it by their own free will. I
believe that we are originally trying to start the flow the other way
round. With 94% of the world's PCs running Windows, I don't see how we
can afford to lose even a single user.

I repeat, people come to the list to get some help learning something
that they're trying but don't have enough support to. And groups like
LUGs are here to help them and spread it further. It is simply not
proper for people like us to be anything less than patient & polite.
Spreading this new word needs help from people who know it & replies
like this are certainly not helping.

Please stop doing these things and let us take it further, rather than
making progress more difficult. I believe that better sense will
prevail & hope that no one will take this as a personal assault.

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Re: [PLUG] Something to learn from M$ too! (originally and wrongly: New BSNL internet phone charges)

2004-10-25 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 17:05:07 +0530, kapil pendse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Maybe, but I haven't experienced that... :-(
> Maybe I'm doing something wrong...
> There was something like that on SuSE 9.1, but right clicking and
> opting "eject" on the CD icon ejected the cd, and closed the tray
> again!! :-(
> Doing umount at konsole said only root can do that! :-(
> Options in fstab not set correctly? But shouldn't these simple things
> work fine out of the box? I mean an end user isn't going to bother
> about changing options in fstab! Atleast not unless you tell
> him/her... It's a question of first impression... These people who are
> new to linux almost always make the switch because someone tells them
> linux is better, and if such a simple task doesn't work as they
> expect, what are they to think? It's not a crime to expect same, or
> atleast similar behaviour in linux, as in windos, when it comes to
> using CD! Newbies don't even know the concept of "mounting"!

How very true! I had to find it out myself, through a lot of trials,
that there is something called mounting a device & I wouldn't get to
read a CD until I do that. Now, I managed to do it because of the
intuitiveness of my distribution(Turbolinux 10D) and the fact that I
was hell-bent on using Linux & Linux only. I absolutely don't agree to
the proposition that anyone new would try this on his/her own.

As one of my acquaintances pointed out to me yesterday, that these are
standards set up by Microsoft, however inferior in quality might its
products be. And yet, the standards in themselves are not at all
disagreeable. If one has to promote a system, the system has to
observe these & that's the cold & hard reality.

> Sad but true, majority of my classmates still shy away from linux
> because of such reasons... :-( And as someone said 2-3 days back in a
> post, OSS people can't afford to lose even a single person interested
> in linux.

True, once again(well, partially because I was the 'someone' who said
it 2-3 days back in a post). Many of my friends, too, shy away from
Linux because of things just not working out, until you manipulate the
system to work them out.

> One thought just came to my mind...
> If there's a person who knows zero about computers, and we introduce
> him/her to a linux box, and if we tell that person to read help pages
> if there some problem, probably that person will do that.
> But if there's a person who has used a computer with windos for some
> time (assume an end user, who uses the comp only for
> music/movies/internet and the like). Someone tells that person that
> linux is better, and he should try it out. That person switches to
> Linux, finds something not working as he expects, and if we tell that
> person to refer to help pages, how much is the proability that he'll
> actually do that? Agreed he should do it if he want's to learn, but
> will he? Or will he rather prefer switching back to windows as it
> satisfies his needs, and he doesn't want to waste time learning new
> ways to do the same things he's been doing till now on windows...
> These are 2 different classes of people, and maybe OSS will benefit if
> OSS promoters do things to satisfy both!
> This is just a thought that came to my mind just now...please comment.. :-)

Well, the second category is by far the biggest of these two & any
other that may be present. People will simply not take the pains to go
through man/help pages. Nor do they when working with Windows, mind
well. And the real power of someone with knowledge who wishes to
disseminate that knowledge(a.k.a. a good teacher) would be to make the
learners learn the way he/she wants them to, *while* making them
believe that they're doing so the way they want to. His/her knowledge
is more wasted than not otherwise, as no one really listens.

> Gladly so! I wouldn't have still stuck with linux had it not been for
> PLUG mailing list!
> Even going through each and every mail adds to one's knowledge.
> I hope some day I can contribute to linux awareness! :-)

A penny for your thoughts, Kapil! But know, that you have already
contributed to Linux awareness by sticking to it yourself.

> Regards,
> Kapil

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Re: [PLUG] is anti Linux!!!!

2004-11-05 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
Hi all,

there seems to be some confusion. is handled by
Jupitermedia and in no way is it sponsored by Microsoft Inc. The
"Sponsored by Microsoft" seen on the front page is a sponsored ad by
Microsoft, yes, giving links to the 'Get the Facts' from Microsoft.

Firstly, as Sumit Moghe pointed out in his post a couple of days back,
Novell has responded to 'Get the Facts' by their own set of pages
pointing out the discrepancies in Microsoft's argument. There, they
also mention all these same papers, which have facts, which were never
mentioned in 'Get the Facts' & are in favour of Linux. So, in a way,
it is like shooting one's own toes off on Microsoft's part.

Secondly, what advertisements should post is entirely
Jupitermedia's decision. From what I saw roaming about the site, they
are reporters rather than advocates, but I may be wrong. At any rate,
they don't seem to flout themselves as anti-Microsoft. So, even a
decision to put up an ad sponsored by Microsoft should not be that

As Kedar said, it's everyone's choice. Anyone can boycott if he'she wishes to.

On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 10:39:50 +0530, Kedar K Koppikar
> Dear Friends,
>  According to, is now sponsered by
> Microsoft and has a section on the front page that shows the "Get the
> Facts" FUD by recommends that not to visit the
> site to boycott it.But i did visit it to confirm the story (just in
> case,false info must not be spread).I recommended we also boycott it (not
> compulsory,because choice must prevail) , but as  a linux support group we
> should do it.
> According to me has done a immoral act.
> Thank you.
> Kedar
> --
> Kedar K Koppikar
> (Specialist-Linux)
> Growel Softech Ltd
> Dapodi Branch
> Pune
> Human Knowledge belongs to the world
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> --
> __
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Re: [PLUG] Off Topic: Blank CDs.

2004-11-17 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
Hi A G,

Please let us know the manufacturer of the CDs. Thanks,


On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 10:18:46 + (GMT), A G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> My friend has brought 100 blank CDs of 700 MB capacity
> from Madras at 700 Rs. They are at least 5 Rs cheaper
> per CD that we get in Pune. (If anyone knows where we
> get a 7Rs CD in Pune, please let me know.)
> Since many of us share copies of s/ws, I thought that
> few of the members would be interested in buying the
> blank CDs.
> If anyone is interested, please contact me (and not
> the group).
> For people not concerned, please bear with this mail.
> Thanks,
> ~A.
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Re: [PLUG] This Person Has A Point.

2004-12-25 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
Hi All,

I went through the article. I think everyone on this list should read
it. It is a pretty long document & so I skipped many of the comments,
which outstretch the article's own length. Well, the person has got a
point. But, there is one(or a couple, probably) point that I want to
put down here. I didn't see it in the comments & if it's there, it's
hard to spot, owing to the extraordinary length. Here it goes.

The very nice article primarily stresses the point that Developing
And/Or Porting OSS to Windows or, MAC OS X will result into more usage
of these OSs & which may mean even lesser users of OS Desktops. I have
two(it's a couple all right) different things to say about it.

Firstly, Aaron stresses more on people using Operating Systems for the
applications available on them. Might be true. But this may mean, if
stretched a bit, that people use applications for the various
facilities & capabilities it provides them with. So, here, the point
is not whether the software free or not, or even the practices used by
its manufacture, but the *"Quality"* of the Software. e.g. people
start using Firefox because it's better than IE right now. They will
keep using it, only if it has an upper edge over IE all the time. So,
the point is not whether the software is used on Windows or Linux/BSD,
but whether the software is of excellent quality or not.

Secondly, to stress the point even further, if the software is of high
quality, then we shouldn't care on which Operating System it's going
to be used, as long it stays legal. I mean, is OSS really about
Openness or about preventing Microsoft from selling their products? If
it is Openness, we should really be open to what software people
choose & which Operating System they use to run them on. The question,
in the end, really rests with the excellence of the software.

Let me end by hopiing that excellent OSS like OOo, Mozilla &
Eclipse(the best) gets even better to compete firmly with Proprietary


On Thu, 23 Dec 2004 03:03:22 + (GMT), A G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
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Re: [PLUG] Microsoft ad in TOI

2004-12-26 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
Hi all,

We don't get ToI at our place & so I didn't know about it. But if
that's what the ad says, then this is sick marketing. With all the
secrecy maintained about their patches & SPs, Microsoft can readily
insert a small code in any of these & simply observe whether the
licence is valid or not as that machine connects to the Net. The point
is, it's absolutely sick dragging children into things that the
company can themselves get its hands dirtied of. And if they really
can't do it without help from children, they should stop selling
products & wind up their business.

I have lost whatever little faith I had in Microsoft as a company &
people related to it.


P.S.:- I wonder whether it's legal to make & release an ad such as this.

On Sun, 26 Dec 2004 21:34:34 -0800 (PST), Devendra Laulkar
> Has anybody read Microsoft ad in today's (27th Dec)
> TOI?
> It is asking children to go to Microsoft's homepage
> and check if their 'papa' has got an 'licensed'
> version of xp. Very very slick
> I wished somebody put up an advt. in tomorrows paper,
> same place saying something like, "My dad uses Linux,
> he is afree man" or words to that effect. Companies
> like IBM can afford this.
> -Devendra.
> =
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Re: [PLUG] Microsoft ad in TOI

2005-01-01 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
Hi All,

I did finally read the ad & it is as Devendra has described below,
although I would like to say a few words about the ad itself.

Well, the message is quite subtle. On the face of it, looks quite a
harmless little ad, telling children to stay away from pirated XP
copies. But, the last "... won't we, Papa?" & the "Leave no room for
doubt..." following it is all that makes the difference. It's an open
invitation for the children to find out whether their fathers have
really bought their copy of XP or not(most probably not). I mean,
educating children about Intellectual property & licensing & paying
the cost to get the goods etc. is one thing & telling them to sneak up
on their dads to find out that they're doing something that is illegal
is an entirely different thing. One might as well write "mera bap chor
hai" on their forearms :).

But I liked the idea of going on the given page through FF or using Linux. :D


On Sun, 26 Dec 2004 23:25:32 -0800 (PST), Devendra Laulkar
> > I haven't read the ad either and the part about
> Here is how the ad goes, its almost half a page. :
> There is a boy in the picture with a big concerned
> look. Below that the following words :
> "Of course, we will have have genuine Microsoft
> Windows XP in our computers... Won't we, Papa?"
> Lean no room for doubt. Follow 3 simple steps to make
> sure that you MS XP is Genuine.
> The boys concerned look covers most of the ad. There
> is a sidebar which tells the 3 steps(logo, certificate
> and the third is to go to the website
> -Devendra.
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Re: [PLUG] This Person Has A Point.

2005-01-13 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
This is a long inactive thread & I thought I would stir it somewhat by
posting again. The article below(in the original post by A G)
discusses the demerits of taking OSS technology to proprietary
platforms. The following is a Linux distribution named Turbolinux
going the other way round. I believe that not only is Turbolinux
making Microsoft technology available to OSS users just where needed,
but it may actually succeed in creating converts by giving people the
option to work on a Linux system which is well-compatible with the
abundant Windows systems around.

More information about Turbolinux 10F is to be found at:

Please express ur opinions on the subject.


On Thu, 23 Dec 2004 03:03:22 + (GMT), A G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ___
> ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun! 
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Re: [PLUG] Microsoft's statement about Linux

2005-02-02 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar

the shortest answer is, "No, it isn't".

A casual survey of the standard Vulnerability Databases(CVE at, Bugtraq at, X-Force at reveals that this is not true. It may be that
hackers/crackers create their attacks based mostly on the responses
given by the application/s to their actions & input, but in any case,
the source doesn't play a major role in it. The source is the reason
why systems are vulnerable, but it rarely is the means used to detect
the vulnerability.

In fact, I found out a few months back, in the case of Buffer Overflow
flaws, that (let alone Windows or any other closed source), even in
the case of Linux, the offending code - one which caused the
vulnerability - is almost never disclosed. ;)

As to the idea that an open code means an easier way(for crackers) to
discover possible threats, it is usually only a well designed & close
scrutiny by an expert auditor that reveals such threats. To put an end
to it, such code audits are quite time-consuming & expensive.
Automated code-auditing is hence a hot new area of research.

All the statements here are subject to correction. :)


On Tue, 01 Feb 2005 23:24:47 +0530, Rajev Mhasawade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I hope u all must be aware of Microsoft's statement over Linux.According
> to them Linux's security claims are hyped and exaggerated.I was just
> thinking of the same,isnt Linux, more vulnerable to security threats as
> its source code is known by everyone?
> I hope its not a silly question! :-)
> Rajev
> --
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Re: [PLUG] .iso images.

2005-02-03 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
Hi Abhijit,

here are some answers:

1) A few tools mentioned at Windows):

2) Undisker by Undisker Technologies(30-day trial ver(Windows)):

3) Loopback mounting the image in Linux: I certainly remember
something said on the list a few months back. Check the archives.
Can't help u much there, as I've never done it :) .


On Thu, 3 Feb 2005 07:53:35 + (GMT), Abhijeet Joshi
> Hi,
> I have a xyz.iso file which is ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data.
> Can anyone tell me as to how to view this file?
> I thought of downloading "NERO" to read it. Is it the right way?
> (I found only .exe of NERO on net & not binaries)
> Can I get any other freewares which can enable me to read this
> file in Linux itself or is it that I have to burn a CD & only
> then view the contents?
> Regards,
> AJ
> > --
> >
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Re: [PLUG] Redhat Enterprise Edition

2005-02-04 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
On Fri, 4 Feb 2005 13:27:53 +0530, Saifi Khan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 3 Feb 2005 21:37:09 -0800 (PST), Praveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Does anyone have Redhat Enterprise Edition 3.0 ?
> >
> > Regards,
> > -Praveen
> >
> A license needs to be purchased to legally install RHEL :)
> --
> thanks
> Saifi Khan.

For a lot of others as well :))
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Re: [PLUG] Re: Microsoft's statement about Linux

2005-02-04 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
-->8 - snip -
> > BTW i am just asking everyone which Linux dist. is best?Comments plz!
> > Rajev
-->8 - snip -

I use Turbolinux 10 Desktop(10D). The GUI is good(the rest standard),
and they've done some new things, which makes it even easier for
people who've been using Windows a long time.


P.S.:- There's a new version 10F, which is supposedly even better. Has
PowerDVD & RealPlayer & their player even plays .wmv & .wma files.
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Re: [PLUG] Windows X Linux

2005-02-23 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
Hey, there's been a lot of discussion on this entire FUD page (for
interesting fullforms, see
). Please look up the list archives for this. And appropriate answers
have been given by companies as big as Novell & that, too, may be
found in the archives.


On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 23:38:11 -0800, Sagar Gokhale
> I dont want to say anything more.
> On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 10:53:48 +0530, Andy's Labs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Microsoft says, Windows is more secure and cost effective than Linux.
> > Read more about Microsoft's comparison between Windows and Linux :
> --
> Sagar Gokhale
> --
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Re: [PLUG] Ideal Linux Desktop Distro

2005-03-16 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
Hi All,

since all are putting in many good things about Linux Desktop distros,
let me put in my two cents by talking about the distro that I use wrt
the following questions.

Now, TurboLinux 10D, as someone once said to me, is a rich man's
Linux, in the sense that there really isn't much left to the
command-line. But it's excellent as a Desktop for a user at any level.

On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 21:30:23 +0530, Kedar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I was just thinking what things would be nessesary to create a Ideal
> Desktop Linux Distro. When I say "Ideal" I mean that a Newbie should be
> able to operate it and should feel that it is more easier/as easy to
> operate as Windows.
> I found current Desktop Distros lacking certain features . I have listed
> them below.
> 1) Lack of a graphical application installers (aka Installsheild) and a
> Add/Remove option in Control Panel (control panel discussed below)
> Install Shield X is available but what about a GNU tool.

TurboLinux has Zabom, which is their own InstallShield like tool, only
much easier to use.

> 2) Dependency Problems
> How about a installer that bundles all the required dependencies and
> installs them if needed. I think I have heard of a installer called
> Autoinstall, but cant confirm it.

I haven't found out one in TurboLinux, but that may entirely be my own fault.

> 3) Office Apps (heavy OO)
> I havent checked out OO 2.0 beta , but OO is pretty heavy on the system.
> A lighter Office suite (need not have all the feature that OO has, 80 to
> 90 % of OO features will do). Should be fast

Although heavy, OOo is really an excellent suite. Beats MS Office on
many counts. There's still a long way to go, but OOo will certainly be
tough competition.

> 4) A light webbrowser and Mail Client (Mozilla was earlier bundled)
> Firefox has taken care of this :-). Evolution and thunderbird shine here.

No need to comment on that, I suppose.

> 6) A light window manager (KDE and GNOME are still heavy for a 128 mb
> ram system)
> XFCE/ IWM rock.

TurboLinux 10D started with KDE 3.1.3, but now they've upgraded, is
what I hear. It also includes Xfce. But I think this version of KDE is
simply marvellous. It also addresses your issue of "look & feel" of
Windows to a large extent & much more. No doubt it'll improve even

> 7) Media Player with capablity to play all/most media files.
> Mplayer with plugins is great (Licensing issues have to be taken care of)

Yes, Xine & Kaffeine(which is Xine based) are excellent. The newest
Desktop offerring from TurboLinux - the 10F - has Real Player &
PowerDVD bundled & has a media player, which can play even .wmv/.wma
files directly. No licencing issues here, as they've licenced the
technology from MS directly.

> 8) No need to edit any config file (Control Panel)
> This has been taken care off properly by modern desktop distros but some
> distros still have multiple control panels
> YAST is great in this regard but extremely slow.

TurboLinux has an excellent Control Panel, but I really can't say how
much of it has been contributed by them. Anyway, you get a good
Control Panel that works great.

> 9) Behavior and look and feel a bit like MSWin.
> This is what I think is not actually nessesary. Linux WM's can do a lot
> more but This is for those Windows USers who like operating windows.
> XPDE is good. But could do better.

Nothing like TurboLinux.As I've already said, they have bundled their
distro to make it easier for Windows users to use it. In fact, they
could change a few icons & "those Windows Users" won't even suspect
any difference. ;)

> Please let me know any comments/suggestions . Please also let me know
> what you would like to see in a "Ideal Desktop Linux Distro".
> Regards,
> Kedar Koppikar


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Re: [PLUG] Google Code

2005-03-18 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
Here's a press clipping about the official announcement.

The site was not accessible. I don't know whether they've completely
launched it or not.


On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 11:22:14 +0530, BAIN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Slashdot had this story running today
> Google is at it again and has launched Google Code. It appears to be
> "Google's place for Open Source software".
> Check it out here
> --
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Re: [PLUG] linux on laptops

2005-03-19 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
Please check up on Compaq Presario Laptops. They come in cheap these
days, too. Excellent quality. Plus, HP-Compaq are pushing Turbolinux
these days with their PCs. See if u can get it on urs. That's got a
whole range of functionality only designed with a Laptop in mind.


On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 21:27:54 +0530, Arun Tomar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm thinking of buying a laptop & run linux on it... which of the
> distros will be good & which laptop.
> plus can anyone tell me how to copy vcd's on to hard disk while using
> mandrake 10.1 because it always give i/o  error, but otherwise
> directly plays the movies well.
> Arun.
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Re: [PLUG] Re: Ideal Linux Desktop Distro (how to access linux partition from win)

2005-03-20 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
Please check up on Ext2fs, which will support Ext2. But there's some
support in Ext2fs for Ext3 mentioned here:

Also, check up on this driver:


On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 08:39:40 +0530, Rajev Mhasawade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> which s/w is used to access linux partitions from windows?mine is ext3 fedora 
> 3.
> Rajev
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Re: [PLUG] Re: Ideal Linux Desktop Distro (how to access linux partition from win)

2005-03-20 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
I forgot to mention below, that the second link(for the driver
ext2ifs) also mentions some links for ReiserFS tools. This was asked
some time before in this thread.


On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 17:00:43 +0530, Viraj Paripatyadar
> Please check up on Ext2fs, which will support Ext2. But there's some
> support in Ext2fs for Ext3 mentioned here:
> Also, check up on this driver:
> Viraj
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Re: [PLUG] automount

2005-03-27 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
Hi All,

I can't say how to do it in KDE, but what I can say is that TurboLinux
had this facility in KDE(3.1) from their 10D, which mounts/unmounts
CDs just as you double click to open them. If you make it a dual boot
system, it also mounts the windows partitions automatically at
/mnt/windows0, windows1,...

So, I think looking at TurboLinux is a possible direction.


On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 08:28:03 +0530, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> A very nice feature on mdk10.1 is that there is no need to mount/umount cd's.
> This feature is present on fedora-3 only in gnome. Any idea how to get it to
> work on kde in fedora ?
> I had recently installed partition magic 8 on win xp. Inspite of not doing any
> partition changes and uninstalling it after a look see it some how changed all
> the partitiiion labels in that fedora could not mount swap partition and mdk
> refused to boot to gui. Had to edit /etc/fstab manually and make changes
> according to fdisk -l output. Got both to work but was scary.
> Ranjit.
> --
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Re: [PLUG] Video file ( .dat ) splitter

2005-03-28 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
Hi Mahesh,

get some help here:

Or, use VCDCutter. Excellent, non-fussy & easy to use. For Windows :)


P.S.:- You could've but asked ;)

On 28 Mar 2005 16:40:52 +0530, Mahesh Lalge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
>Does anyone know any tool which can split my larger video files (.dat )
> into smaller once.
> Regards,
> /Mahesh
> --
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Re: [PLUG] Time to dump penguin - says Linus

2005-04-01 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
Looks like an excellent Fools' Day prank. It's difficult to decide
whether it was on the part of Torvalds or LinuxOnline. Good read,
though; has a typically humourous flavour to it.

Let's wait till the 4th to get the real answer.


On Apr 1, 2005 5:23 PM, Pushyamitra Navare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's the link -
> Hmnnn
> @_@
> -Pushyamitra.
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Re: [PLUG] Download SuSE 9.3 Professional

2005-04-30 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
On 4/30/05, Amit Karpe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am not sure of legal isues ?

There's a big "Buy Now" on the SuSe 9.3 Professional page. So, can't
say whether it's illegal to dnld 9.3 Prof. from the site u mention,
but at least it's not right.


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Re: [PLUG] IDE C,C++ programming

2005-08-02 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
Step1: You will need to dnld the Eclipse IDE (which includes, by
default the Java IDE and a Plug-In development environment) first.
This is a zipped file. Unzip it.

Step 2: Install the needed Java SDK. Start eclipse by giving:

eclipse -vm 

(For some unknown reasons, this argument is needed in Linux)

Step 3: Look for the CDT(C/C++ Development Tools) project on the
Eclipse website.

Most probably  It has a downloads page.

Step 4: option one - use the "update site" link given and download
through Eclipse itself, using the Update feature under Help ->
Software Updates -> Find and Install

Step 4: option two - get the zipped file & unzip according to
instructions on the page.

CDT is an excellent IDE and is intended to be used on Linux for
development for Linux. At least that's mentioned somewhere in the
charter. Anyway, Eclipse is a brilliant platform for development in
many aspects and CDT has inherited these aspects.

Do go ahead and try ur hand out on CDT.


On 8/1/05, Rohan Dighe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey !
> This is rohan ! i just heard abt the Eclipse project long time i was
> searching for an IDE which could compile as well as debug my programs.
> Is eclipse the one ???
> What should i actually download ? There are several projects on that
> website ! My only aim is to have an ide for C,C++ !  I USE FC3 !
> Is there any other IDE that i can use ?
> Thanks in advance !
> Rohan..
> --
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[PLUG] Google Talk

2005-08-24 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
It's here, finally.

What's more, although the client Google provides is for Windows only,
Google Talk can be accessed by other Linux/OS X clients as well (no
voice calls for this option, though).


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[PLUG] IP Forwarding & masquerading in SuSe

2006-02-01 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
Hi all,

My basic purpose is to enable a dialin server on a linux machine &
access the local network connected to this machine by connecting on
the dialin server & then requesting the LAN resources. For this, the
source IPs on the requests coming in on the PPP interface have to
masqueraded & the requests then forwarded on the ethernet interface.

I need to know how to enable IP forwarding & masquerading in SuSe
Linux 10 community ed. I had configured this in FC3 recently using the
nat iptable & some settings for enabling IP forwarding in the kernel.

This is the link that gives some generic information in this regard
(works for FC3)

Now, for some reason, I have to change to SuSe 10 & am facing problems
enabling the IP forwarding support in the kernel.

If anyone has faced the same problem & knows how to tackle it on SuSe,
could you please let me know?



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Re: [PLUG] SimpleKDE

2006-02-15 Thread Viraj Paripatyadar
I believe the key is in *hiding* features, while still keeping them
accessible for people who would want to use them. *Reducing* the
excellent KDE features is not a good idea.


On 2/15/06, Aditya Godbole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2/15/06, Kaustubh Gadkari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Interesting concept. I remain to be convinced about the over-simplification 
> > of
> > certain menus/modules.
> >
> If someone doesn't want all the features KDE can provide, why not just
> go with something less functional like Gnome? Gnome would be a better
> choice if the KDE feature list is stripped down so much.
> -aditya
> --
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