--- Shridhar Daithankar

> In my (loong back) experience, CDs by PCQuest etc
> are customized enough and I 
> would not recommend them for vanilla experinece.
> Another option is you can pay PLUG minimum price and
> get your own CD set which 
> is guaranteed to be as it was shipped.
>  Shridhar
> --

Point taken. My mistake; I shouldn't have commented on
the LiveCDs without trying them out myself. But I
relied on the experience of some of my friends at
IIT-Kharagpur, who have tried out much more than this.
Anyway, my appologies, once again.

BTW, if anyone wants to try out Turbolinux 10D(*try
out*, strictly, since *use* might be illegal), then I
have the CDs. I'm even thinking of buying the new
flavour(10F),which will cost about 1700/-, sometime in
the future.

The question for all is, "Should I do it?".


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