Hi all,

We don't get ToI at our place & so I didn't know about it. But if
that's what the ad says, then this is sick marketing. With all the
secrecy maintained about their patches & SPs, Microsoft can readily
insert a small code in any of these & simply observe whether the
licence is valid or not as that machine connects to the Net. The point
is, it's absolutely sick dragging children into things that the
company can themselves get its hands dirtied of. And if they really
can't do it without help from children, they should stop selling
products & wind up their business.
I have lost whatever little faith I had in Microsoft as a company &
people related to it.


P.S.:- I wonder whether it's legal to make & release an ad such as this.

On Sun, 26 Dec 2004 21:34:34 -0800 (PST), Devendra Laulkar
> Has anybody read Microsoft ad in today's (27th Dec)
> TOI?
> It is asking children to go to Microsoft's homepage
> and check if their 'papa' has got an 'licensed'
> version of xp. Very very slick....
> I wished somebody put up an advt. in tomorrows paper,
> same place saying something like, "My dad uses Linux,
> he is afree man" or words to that effect. Companies
> like IBM can afford this.
> -Devendra.
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