Re: [Pharo-users] NewWave - WorkflowEngine

2019-04-19 Thread Smalltalk


Yes, we can work together.

Send me a private mail so we do not flood the Pharo list.

Tell me what you have in mind...



El 19/04/2019 a las 9:55, Serge Stinckwich escribió:

On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 4:32 PM BrunoBB <>> wrote:

Hi Sebastijan,

Excellent work !!!

I have something similar (a BPM engine) but developed with GemStone

It can be ported to Pharo, from the top of my head i see a couple
of issues
with the port:
- GemStone/S special indexes collection must be changed for
regular Pharo
- GsQuery should be implemented in Pharo (maybe already is i do
not know) or
remove GsQuery references and so regular collection queries (select:,
collect: anySatisfy and so on)

The project is totally open source.

There is also the BPMN engine that we build with Alvaro Peralta:
Maybe we can work together ?

Serge Stinckwic

Int. Research Unit
 on Modelling/Simulation of Complex Systems (UMMISCO)
Sorbonne University
French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD)
niversity of Yaoundé I, Cameroun
"Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally 
for machines to execute."

Re: [Pharo-users] A4BP and BpmFlow

2019-04-21 Thread Smalltalk

I also thing we need to do it « a la smalltalk » and consider workflow split 
over multiples images. Does A4BP or BPM flow manage that ?

What exactly do you want to split over multiple images ? It can be only 
applied to parallel tasks.

1) The execution of the workflow ? Task1 executed by VM1, Task2 executed 
by VM2 and so on ...

2) Task Assignment for different users ?  Suppose there are 4 parallel 
task to be done in a workflow these task are split to different VMs.

3) Add here any other options to split over multiple VMs.

BpmFlow does not support 1) for ScriptTasks, i think for this you will 
need a master VM to orchestrate the execution.

Definitely 2) is supported, on the same BPM Process different user tasks 
can be executed by different VMs (remember Bpm Flow run on GemStone, it 
should be ported to Pharo first). I talking about a Frontoffice 
application here (different from case 1) where at the same time 
different users can take an available task (of the same BPM Process) to 
finish and eventually these tasks can be served by a different VMs.

Actually 1) can be implemented in BpmFlow without a master VM. Let 
suppose that a one point N Script Tasks (long and complex scripts) are 
generated in the same BPM Process. Those Script Tasks can be put on a 
RcCollection (or a table if you use a RDB) and multiple VMs can access 
that collection and execute tasks. I just added this an issue:

Bpm Flow does something like this for Timer Events (events collection 
can be accessed by multiple VMs):



Re: [Pharo-users] A4BP and BpmFlow

2019-04-21 Thread Smalltalk


yes, I’m interested, too, in how we can get a workflow engine and a simple 
reification of a workflow model that can be used in a lot of scenarios.

Can list some scenarios to tell you if BpmFlow can do it ?

BpmFlow can be integrated to regular Business Applications to add 
workflow capabilities to regular Applications. I'm working on one of 
this type of application right now (the documentation is being developed 
now so you will find some holes on it- after i finish the application i 
will finish the documentation).


That is something I’m working on. In the IoT space this will become very 
important. We will have devices attached to a network that need to work 
together in a workflow scenario to solve a problem. We have the prerequisites 
for this, bringing devices into a network and manage them centrally. In the 
mid-term I want to use a workflow engine that can be adjusted to these needs.

In this case i think that devices will send information using services 
and the Workflow (on the server) will centralize that operation. I do 
not see any problem here but the definition of the Workflow itself. For 
example opening a Bank account from the mobile. This workflow will have 
to connect to different third parties applications through services.



Re: [Pharo-users] Code of Conduct

2019-09-18 Thread Smalltalk

I do not agree to have a code of conduct.

In my 20 years in the various Smalltalk communities i never saw any 
harassment or whatever (quite the opposite).

Self organization is much better, if someone "misbehave" it will be 
ignored by those who think that action was "misbehavior".

El 18/09/2019 a las 8:51, Tomaž Turk escribió:

> One doesn't need a Code of Conduct. It is ridiculous.
> Civilized and respectful non discriminating behaviour should
> be implicit in everyone of us!
> If one insists in having a code of conduct than this should cover it 

> "Be Nice, Social And Respectful To Each Living Being."


Best wishes,

Re: [Pharo-users] Workflows and possible usages

2019-09-30 Thread Smalltalk

/"There was a gemstone workflow engine - it’s not ported, it looked 
interesting but used a Windows bpml tool and again wasn’t sure if it 
wanted to own the world, and porting it would be more than I wanted to do." /I think you are talking about BpmFlow ( if not excuse me :)

A couple of month ago a created an issue for the port 
( to annotate all information 
related to a possible port.

The most challenging task is how to persist BpmProcess data within Pharo, use 
an ORM (GLORP) or use GemStone ?
This task is the most complex.

But first there are some minor issue to tackle|: * Replace GS ReduceConflict classes with normal Pharo collections. * 
GsQuery - Replace GsQuery with normal blocks - |||(or)| Find out if GsQuery was ported (or it could be ported) to Pharo 
* Replace GS Selection Block with normal Pharo blocks. {:each | 
each.address.state = 'OR'} Develop in Pharo and Deploy in GemStone 
strategy can be a very good source of information to solve the above 
issues. I use Jade client to directly develop on GemStone/S so a 
research is needed on "|||Develop in Pharo and Deploy in GemStone|". Modeling tools: The goal is 
to be able to import any XPDL file exported by any BPMN tool. For now we 
use Bizagi but others tools that export to XPDL standard can be added. 
This will require some effort but is possible (we do an extensive use of 
Bizagi extended attributes but if the BPMN tool to be added support some 
kind of mechanism to add custom attributes to tasks there will be no 
problem). regards, bruno |


Re: [Pharo-users] voyage mongo and transactionality

2019-10-10 Thread Smalltalk
I have used OmniBase extensively long ago with Dolphin  Smalltalk (the 
Dolphin repository can be read & writen by Visual  Works too).

Even the Dolphin repository can be under Windows and Linux (using 
Samba). You can distribute instances ODBContainer through a LAN.

OmniBase use "multiversion concurrency control" to hold different 
version of the same object (in different transactions).

OmniBase is pretty cool but if need a lot of indexes (indexes on more 
than one inst var ) you have to solve the problem yourself using 
OmniBase b-trees.



El 09/10/2019 a las 15:33, PBKResearch escribió:

It may be irrelevant, but I have been playing recently with OmniBase, 
which is a fully object-oriented database system, now over 20 years 
old, but it still works very well for my uses. David Gorišek, the 
author, claims that it has ACID properties. From my reading, updates 
operate on a proxy object, which is not written to the database until 
an explicit commit is given. A second transaction accessing the same 
object will still see the original until the change is committed. What 
happens to a proxy which is never committed is not clear, but if 
Gorišek is right, the stored data can never be contaminated. I think a 
proxy in this sense is equivalent to a memento.

Thanks to Esteban Lorenzano, OmniBase is now available on Pharo. The 
code is ancient, there is no documentation and obviously no support, 
but it might be worth while for someone to try some software 
archaeology and put it to use. I have found it possible to create and 
maintain a small database of natural language information, and access 
is fairly quick and easy – and it’s all Smalltalk.

It claims to store all kinds of Smalltalk objects, except block 
closures, and skimming through the code it seems to incorporate a 
serializer similar to Fuel.

The only documentation I have found is a slideshow at I have found 
out a few things about it, if anyone is interested.

Peter Kenny

*From:*Pharo-users  *On Behalf Of 
*Norbert Hartl

*Sent:* 09 October 2019 18:08
*To:* Any question about pharo is welcome 
*Subject:* Re: [Pharo-users] voyage mongo and transactionality

Am 09.10.2019 um 16:48 schrieb " 
<>" <>>:

This is a tricky mine field. Sometimes you need a lot of business
functionality in objects referenced in your objects that are
currently in the editor. So I'm still to see a project in which
the memento pattern really worked for more complex scenarios. How
deep do you dive to have enough memento objects to provide the
functionality needed. I guess you can do that with some sort of
object-level transaction framework that automatically creates
mementos of whatever object is being navigated to during some kind
of processing-context. I guess slots could be of use here. But
this is not trivial for general cases.

Yes it is tricky. You can have copies of business objects but you have 
always references to the business objects not pointing to the copy.

And you need to know which objects should be tracked. In Gemstone IIRC 
it is easy as it is the time the object is copied from the stone to 
the gem it is registered in the current transaction. So you can check 
it and committing if it changed because you have to write it back. The 
important point here might be get noticed when a reference is 
acquired. In pharo it is not that easy but could be done if object 
would be reified and interceptable.

In my experience, this problem area makes for the other 70% of the
time spent on developing GUI or Web applications, besides the 60%
for GUI design and implementation and 25% business logic...

70% + 60% + 25% + 30% = 185%

sounds indeed very realistic if it comes to project planning. 😛There 
is even a rule saying that for the first 90% of the project you need 
the first 90% of time and for the last 10% of the project you need the 
second 90% of time.

I'd be interested to learn about patterns to handle such more
complex things. We constantly travel back and forth between
implementing stuff in the GUI handlers (copying values to the GUI
classes that access themselves during GUI operations and push
values to the business objects when the users clicks on OK), using
mementos (which most of the times are nets of mementos that are
created manually - "we know what we'll touch in this Editor") and
operating on business objects directly and relying on the
persistence mechanism (Glorp in our case) and its rollback
behaviour. All three have lots of weaknesses and seem to have
their place nevertheless.

So this is a very interesting discussion and I think this is an
area that has not been solved yet.

I think it isn‘t solved and I find 

Re: [Pharo-users] Getting rid of .sources file for deployment

2020-09-03 Thread Smalltalk

> On Sep 3, 2020, at 9:49 AM, Trygve Reenskaug  wrote:
> The .sources file has been optional for as long as I can remember.  
> Is it OK for list that somebody breaks this tradition? 
> Trygve

Hi Trygve,

I’m not sure what you mean by this question. 

Are you asking, “Is it acceptable to have code that relies on reflection in 
order to operate properly?” To this question I would answer “yes” since some 
things are easier to do using reflection.

Or are you asking, “Would it be better to not have FFI at all until it can be 
implemented without reflection?” To this question I would answer  “no” since 
people that don’t want reflection can choose to forego features that require it.

Or are you asking, “Would it be nice if someone could do the work to implement 
FFI without reflection?” To this question I would answer “yes.” Unfortunately, 
there is a cost involved.

So were you asking one of those questions or something else?


[Pharo-users] Re: Standalone html builder (a la seaside without seaside?)

2020-09-28 Thread Smalltalk
Hi Tim,

To build HTML I use the HtmlElement in 


> On Sep 28, 2020, at 10:28 AM, Tim Mackinnon  wrote:
> Hi - has anyone ever managed to extract the html builder out of seaside - or 
> written something equivalent?
> I often find I want to build some HTML, but don’t want the full seaside - and 
> was wondering if anyone has managed to extract it, or have something similar?
> This combined with Renoir from BA-ST would give a good little light weight 
> web potential to run with Zinc.
> Tim

[Pharo-users] UKSTUG meeting - Tudor Gîrba: What exactly is Glamorous Toolkit? - 24 April 2024

2024-04-22 Thread UK Smalltalk
To some people Glamorous Toolkit is a Pharo environment. To others it’s a
knowledge management system. Others might see a code analysis platform, a
data visualization or an API browsing tool. Yet others see the graphical
stack with its interactive editors. Glamorous Toolkit is all of these. But
it’s really also none of these. These are merely examples of the many forms
the environment can be molded to. And there can be many more. Glamorous
Toolkit is primarily an environment that makes it possible to create many
experiences seamlessly and contextually. This then leads to a new way of
programming that we call Moldable Development.

Tudor Gîrba is a software environmentalist and the CEO of ( ) where he works with an amazing team to make the inside
of systems explainable. Much of the work is embodied in Glamorous Toolkit (, a novel environment that enables moldable development.

 This will be an online meeting from home.

 If you'd like to join us, please sign up in advance on the meeting's
Meetup page ( ) to receive
the meeting details. Don’t forget to bring your laptop and drinks!

[Pharo-users] UKSTUG Meeting - Javier Pimas -- Live Metacircular Runtimes: The case of Egg Smalltalk - 29 June 2024

2024-05-22 Thread UK Smalltalk
Egg is a new Smalltalk dialect that was designed from scratch to
incorporate some interesting features:

A module system with namespaces that replaces the old-good Smalltalk
Dynamic identifiers, which are bound lazily similarly to how methods
are lazily bound.
A multi-VM architecture, with different VM implementations written in
C++, Pharo, JavaScript and Egg.

The Egg-in-Egg VM is special in that the VM component is just another
module of the system, creating what we have named Live Metacircular
Runtimes (LMRs) [1]. The most interesting characteristic of LMRs in
Smalltalk is that they can be developed using standard Smalltalk tools,
which shorten feedback loops when doing VM development.

During the talk I'll show a little bit about Egg and its LMR, and how not
only VM developers get more productive when writing VMs, but also
application developers can better understand what the VM does behind the

[1] - Live Objects All The Way Down:
Removing the Barriers between Applications and Virtual Machines

Javier Pimas is a fan of high-level low-level programming. He has been
successfully mixing Smalltalk and assembly code for more than a decade.
Within Bee Smalltalk, SqueakNOS and now Egg Smalltalk projects he has been
trying to make live-programming of system-level concerns more practical to
application programmers.
Javier works for Labware and Quorum Software, where he applies his
expertise to real-world challenges while pursuing a PhD in Computer Science
at Buenos Aires University.

This will be an online meeting from home.

If you'd like to join us, please sign up in advance on the meeting's Meetup
page ( ) to receive the
meeting details. Don’t forget to bring your laptop and drinks!

[Pharo-users] DATE CORRECTION - UKSTUG Meeting - Javier Pimas -- Live Metacircular Runtimes: The case of Egg Smalltalk - 29 May 2024

2024-05-22 Thread UK Smalltalk
Egg is a new Smalltalk dialect that was designed from scratch to
incorporate some interesting features:

A module system with namespaces that replaces the old-good Smalltalk
Dynamic identifiers, which are bound lazily similarly to how methods
are lazily bound.
A multi-VM architecture, with different VM implementations written in
C++, Pharo, JavaScript and Egg.

The Egg-in-Egg VM is special in that the VM component is just another
module of the system, creating what we have named Live Metacircular
Runtimes (LMRs) [1]. The most interesting characteristic of LMRs in
Smalltalk is that they can be developed using standard Smalltalk tools,
which shorten feedback loops when doing VM development.

During the talk I'll show a little bit about Egg and its LMR, and how not
only VM developers get more productive when writing VMs, but also
application developers can better understand what the VM does behind the

[1] - Live Objects All The Way Down:
Removing the Barriers between Applications and Virtual Machines

Javier Pimas is a fan of high-level low-level programming. He has been
successfully mixing Smalltalk and assembly code for more than a decade.
Within Bee Smalltalk, SqueakNOS and now Egg Smalltalk projects he has been
trying to make live-programming of system-level concerns more practical to
application programmers.
Javier works for Labware and Quorum Software, where he applies his
expertise to real-world challenges while pursuing a PhD in Computer Science
at Buenos Aires University.

This will be an online meeting from home.

If you'd like to join us, please sign up in advance on the meeting's Meetup
page ( ) to receive the
meeting details. Don’t forget to bring your laptop and drinks!

[Pharo-users] UKSTUG meeting - Mariano Guerra / Tudor Gîrba: - 30 October 2024 @ 7pm GMT

2024-10-27 Thread UK Smalltalk
Join us for an engaging session on the latest in Generative AI and Large
Language Models (LLMs), featuring two insightful presentations.

*Introduction to Large Language Models and Gloodata*
*Speaker: Mariano Guerra*
Mariano will walk us through the fundamentals of LLMs and provide a
behind-the-scenes look at building the Gloodata application.

*A Unique Perspective on LLMs*
*Speaker: Tudor Girba*
Tudor will offer a distinct view on LLMs, showcasing demos based on GT that
highlight their innovative approach.

This will be an online meeting from home.

If you'd like to join us, please sign up in advance on the meeting's Meetup
page (
<>) to receive the meeting
details. Don’t forget to bring your laptop and drinks!


PS: we have uploaded the videos for past presentations today.

Christian Haider on Values --
Javier Pimas on Live Metacircular Runtimes --
David Buck on Beagle Smalltalk --

[Pharo-users] UKSTUG meeting (*with corrected links*) - Christian Haider: How values make systems simpler - 25 Sep 2024 @ 7pm BST

2024-09-23 Thread UK Smalltalk
Distinguishing between stateful Objects and Values has long been recognized
as fruitful. Values are universal context-free abstractions that prevent
side effects and allow for a functional programming style. Though
programming languages provide simple Values like Integer and String, more
complex Values are usually not supported. We show how to model complex
structures as Values in Smalltalk, which allows for a simple and versatile
implementation. The resulting Smalltalk systems are simple, clear and
easily testable.

Christian Haider [1] is the author of the PDFtalk library [2] used in
smallCharts [3] and other projects. Underlying is a simple implementation
of Values [4] which he uses extensively.

Christian will show how Values make systems simpler and easier. Examples
for some uses and the limits of the approach will be discussed.
Since Values use only standard Smalltalk features, it can be used in most
other Smalltalks. All of this code is available with MIT licence.

This will be an online meeting from home. If you'd like to join us, please
sign up in advance on:


[Pharo-users] Re: UKSTUG meeting - Christoph Thiede / Guille Amaral - Wed 27 Nov @ 7pm GMT

2024-11-24 Thread UK Smalltalk
Join us by signing into the meetup or zoom:

[:kind | 'Regards from ', kind ] value: 'The UK Smalltalk User Group'.

On Sun, 24 Nov 2024 at 23:31, UK Smalltalk  wrote:

> 1. *SemanticText: Improving Exploratory Programming in Squeak with
> Generative AI*
> Presenter: *Christoph Thiede *(starts at 7.15pm)
> From autocomplete to conversational agents, AI is transforming how we
> interact with code. Christoph will introduce SemanticText, a framework that
> integrates large language models (LLMs) into Squeak/Smalltalk, enabling
> conversational agents, semantic search tools, and retrieval-augmented
> generation workflows. He will showcase experimental integrations with
> Squeak’s tools and present the concept of a semantic exploratory
> programming system for debugging and exploring systems using natural
> language.
> Bio: Christoph Thiede is a member of *HPI*’s Software Architecture Group
> and a core developer of Squeak/Smalltalk, with a focus on enhancing
> developer productivity and tools.
> 2. *Webside*: A Unified HTTP API for Smalltalk
> Presenter: *Guillermo Amaral* (starts at 8.30pm)
> Guillermo will discuss Webside, an API that standardizes communication
> with Smalltalk systems via HTTP and introduces its application as a fully
> operational IDE. He will highlight recent improvements in its extensibility
> and functionality.
> Bio: Guillermo Amaral is the creator of Webside and has been a passionate
> Smalltalk user and advocate for over 20 years, leveraging it throughout his
> academic and professional journey.
> Don’t miss this opportunity to explore groundbreaking ideas and engage in
> discussions on the future of Smalltalk development!
> [:kind | 'Regards from ', kind ] value: 'The UK Smalltalk User Group'.
> PS: the videos from last month presentation are now available
> (Mariano Guerra on LLMs)
> (Tudor Girba on LLMs)

[Pharo-users] UKSTUG meeting - Christoph Thiede / Guille Amaral - Wed 27 Nov @ 7pm GMT

2024-11-24 Thread UK Smalltalk
1. *SemanticText: Improving Exploratory Programming in Squeak with
Generative AI*

Presenter: *Christoph Thiede *(starts at 7.15pm)

>From autocomplete to conversational agents, AI is transforming how we
interact with code. Christoph will introduce SemanticText, a framework that
integrates large language models (LLMs) into Squeak/Smalltalk, enabling
conversational agents, semantic search tools, and retrieval-augmented
generation workflows. He will showcase experimental integrations with
Squeak’s tools and present the concept of a semantic exploratory
programming system for debugging and exploring systems using natural

Bio: Christoph Thiede is a member of *HPI*’s Software Architecture Group
and a core developer of Squeak/Smalltalk, with a focus on enhancing
developer productivity and tools.

2. *Webside*: A Unified HTTP API for Smalltalk

Presenter: *Guillermo Amaral* (starts at 8.30pm)

Guillermo will discuss Webside, an API that standardizes communication with
Smalltalk systems via HTTP and introduces its application as a fully
operational IDE. He will highlight recent improvements in its extensibility
and functionality.

Bio: Guillermo Amaral is the creator of Webside and has been a passionate
Smalltalk user and advocate for over 20 years, leveraging it throughout his
academic and professional journey.

Don’t miss this opportunity to explore groundbreaking ideas and engage in
discussions on the future of Smalltalk development!

[:kind | 'Regards from ', kind ] value: 'The UK Smalltalk User Group'.

PS: the videos from last month presentation are now available (Mariano Guerra on LLMs) (Tudor Girba on LLMs)

[Pharo-users] All UKSTUG presentations are now available on YouTube

2025-01-08 Thread UK Smalltalk

We have recently moved the recordings of the UKSTUG online presentations
from Vimeo to YouTube. The recordings are now available at .

We are also looking for presenters for our 2025 online meetings. If you
anything worth sharing, please let us know!


[Pharo-users] UK Smalltalk User Group meeting: 2024 retrospective and what to expect in 2025 - 29 January 2025

2025-01-27 Thread UK Smalltalk
For our first meeting of the year, we'll hold a retrospective on what has
happened in the Smalltalk world in 2024, and discuss what we can expect in

Join us to share what you learned, and what you are looking forward to!

This will be an online meeting from home.

If you'd like to join us, please sign up in advance on the meeting's Meetup
page ( ) to receive the
meeting details. Don’t forget to bring your laptop and drinks!

[Pharo-users] UK Smalltalk User Group meeting: Richard Ronteltap - SmallJS - 26 February 2025

2025-02-26 Thread UK Smalltalk
For our February 2025 presentation, Richard Ronteltap will present his
SmallJS project.

SmallJS ( ) is a free and open source
implementation of the elegant and powerful Smalltalk-80 (ST) language. It
compiles to JavaScript (JS) that runs in modern browsers or in Node.js.
SmallJS is file based, not image based, so you can develop in your favorite
IDE. The default setup is for Visual Studio Code, with ST syntax coloring
and step debugging! You code separately from the SmallJS base libraries
(image) and only the parts you use are imported automatically when running
your app.
SmallJS is fully object oriented, so customizable on every level. For
usability, ST class and method names are kept mostly equal to their
familiar JS counterparts. JS libraries already encapsulated in ST are:

Browsers: Document, Window, HTML elements, events, CSS, streams.
Node.js: HTTP server, Express, 4 databases, files.

SmallJS is mostly intended for use by JS devs that want a nicer language to
work in.
But it can also be used by existing ST devs that are willing to learn a new
ST framework that can directly run in browsers and can seamlessly access
the powerful Node.js ecosystem, without the need for bridges between
overlapping frameworks.

Richard ( ) studied Computer Science at
the University of Amsterdam (UvA), where he used used Smalltalk-80 to write
a query optimizer for a prototype OODBMS. He currently works in IT /
Software Management within the IT department of the UvA.

This will be an online meeting from home.

If you'd like to join us, please sign up in advance on the meeting's Meetup
page ( ) to receive the
meeting details. Don’t forget to bring your laptop and drinks!

[Pharo-users] Craig Latta - Livecoding Language Models: AI Context in Live Environments - 26 March 2025

2025-03-17 Thread UK Smalltalk
For our March meeting, Craig Latta will show how to leverage AI language
models in a livecoding environment.

Using a tool creates context for complimentary tools. For example,
selecting an object in a Smalltalk inspector creates useful context for
browsing the class of that object. This is a potent idea in an integrated
development environment, where multiple tools operate on related
information. The extensive context in a live environment enables powerful
collaboration with contemporary AI language models.

Tools built from that collaboration could greatly augment human capability.
Craig Latta ( ) will show some
foundations for them, and suggest ways of easing their construction through
the systematic description of existing tool functionality. For a preview,
please see Craig's blog at ( ).

Craig Latta is a research computer scientist in Berkeley and Amsterdam,
with interests including livecoding, music performance, and interactive
visualization. The discovery of a mysteriously-placed Blue Book at
university led to stints at several exploratory labs, and a pursuit of
improvisation wherever code is found. His current work focuses on polyglot
computing with WebAssembly, the novel compiler framework Epigram, and human
augmentation through AI.

This will be an online meeting from home.

If you'd like to join us, please sign up in advance on the meeting's Meetup
page ( ) to receive the
meeting details. Don’t forget to bring your laptop and drinks!

[Pharo-users] [ANN] RenoirSt v7.0.1 [v7.0.1] released!

2020-04-30 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
RenoirSt, a dsl enabling programmatic cascading style sheet generation for pharo smalltalk reached it's v7.0.1 version.

Updated Seaside version to v3.4.x
Renamed RenoirSt package to RenoirSt-Core to ease portability
Improved documentation
Use GitHub actions instead of TravisCI
Use CodeCov instead of Coveralls
Add automatic notification of new releases

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow v13.0.0 [v13.0.0] released!

2020-04-30 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow, the web interaction library that eases the burden of creating ajax-based web applications reached it's v13.0.0 version.
Breaking Changes

Updated Seaside to v3.4.x
Updated Boardwalk to v5
Updated RenoirSt to v7

Non breaking changes

Updated jQuery to v3.5.0 (fixes some security vulnerabilities)
Improved portability to VA Smalltalk
Use GitHub Actions instead of TravisCI
Use CodeCov instead of Coveralls
Update some internals in TemporarilyDisablingCommand
New releases are automatically notified by mail

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-Bootstrap v12.0.0 [v12.0.0] released!

2020-05-04 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow-Bootstrap, integration between willow & bootstrap 3/4 reached it's v12.0.0 version.
Non breaking changes

Add Bootstrap 4 support
Update Datepicker and Select libraries
Use GitHub actions instead of TravisCI
Use CodeCov instead of Coveralls

Breaking changes

Updated Willow to v13 (due to changing Seaside support to v3.4.x)

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-SpinKit v8.0.0 [v8.0.0] released!

2020-05-04 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow-SpinKit, integration between willow and spinkit reached it's v8.0.0 version.

Update SpinKit library to v2.0.1
Update Willow to v13
Use GitHub actions instead of TravisCI
Use CodeCov instead of Coveralls
Automatically send release notification e-mails
Added Examples group to the baseline including a live preview application

Migration Guide

SpinKitChasingDots is now SpinKitSwing
SpintKitCubeGrid is now SpinKitGrid
SpinKitDoubleBounce is now SpinKitBounce
SpinKitFadingCircle is now SpinKitCircleFade
SpinKitFoldingCube is now SpinKitFold 
SpinKitRectangleBounce is now SpinKitWave
SpinKitRotatingPlane is now SpinKitPlane
SpinKitTripleBounce is now SpinKitFlow
SpinKitWanderingCubes is now SpinKitWander

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-JQueryUI v11.0.0 [v11.0.0] released!

2020-05-05 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow-JQueryUI, integration between willow and jquery ui reached it's v11.0.0 version.

Updated Willow to v13 and Seaside to v3.4.x 
Use GitHub actions instead of TravisCI
Use CodeCov instead of Coveralls

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-Mixpanel v4.0.0 [v4.0.0] released!

2020-05-05 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow-Mixpanel, integration between willow and mixpanel reached it's v4.0.0 version.

Fixed #3. Use the new constant accessing facilities in Willow. 
Updated Willow to v13
Use GitHub Actions instead of Travis CI
Use CodeCov instead of Coveralls

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] HighchartsSt v11.0.0 [v11.0.0] released!

2020-05-05 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
HighchartsSt, a highcharts js api wrapper for pharo smalltalk reached it's v11.0.0 version.

Update Boardwalk to v5, RenoirSt to v7 and Seaside to v3.4
Fixed some warnings detected by Shellcheck on the bash scripts
Use GitHub actions instead of TravisCi
Use CodeCov instead of Coveralls

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Ansible v1.0.0 [v1.0.0] released!

2020-05-06 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Ansible, ansible is an amqp client for pharo reached it's v1.0.0 version.

Migrated from Cuis port  
Added tests to common integration patterns using GitHub Actions (tests pass in Pharo 6.1, Pharo 7 and Pharo 8)
Added code coverage metrics using CodeCov
Fixed code generation from specification for version 0-9-1
Added documentation. A three parts tutorial inspired in the RabittMQ ones.
Added some basic abstractions like AmqpConnectionBuilder to ease the building of complex objects.

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-Bootstrap v12.1.0 [v12.1.0] released!

2020-05-17 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow-Bootstrap, integration between willow & bootstrap 3/4 reached it's v12.1.0 version.

Add some missing shortcuts on the classification commands for Bootstrap 4

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] HighchartsSt v12.0.0 [v12.0.0] released!

2020-06-03 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
HighchartsSt, a highcharts js api wrapper for pharo smalltalk reached it's v12.0.0 version.
Breaking Changes

Updated Highcharts and Highstock JS libraries to 8.1.0 (See Highcharts and Highstock changelog for details).
Replaced objects provided for creating charts (series, point) with a new protocol that allows creating Seaside components that are hopefully easier to understand and use.
Updated examples to make use of the new objects.
Improved automatic test generation to increase coverage of the code generated.
Removed packages that are no longer needed: HighchartsStExtensions and HighchartsStPharoExtensions

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-Auth0 v1.0.0 [v1.0.0] released!

2020-06-12 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow-Auth0, integration between Willow and Auth0 Universal Login reached it's v1.0.0 version.
Integration between Willow applications and Auth0 Universal Login.
This release provides the building blocks to create a Willow application authenticated by using Auth0 Universal Login.
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Launchpad v3.0.0 [v3.0.0] released!

2020-06-29 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Launchpad, the entrypoint for your Pharo application reached it's v3.0.0 version.
Breaking Changes

Handlers must now subclass LaunchpadCommandLineHandler instead of ApplicationStarterCommandLineHandler 
Pharo 6.1 is no longer supported

Non breaking changes

PR #7 Fix --suspend-ui flag when the image is already headless
Added Pharo 8 to the build matrix
Use GitHubActions and CodeCov

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Buoy v6.0.0 [v6.0.0] released!

2020-06-29 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Buoy, a complement to Pharo reached it's v6.0.0 version.
Breaking Changes

Pharo 6.1 is no longer supported
ExclusiveLogicalOr and StandardComparator are no longer present. Replace them by using self equalityChecker and self equalityHashCombinator properly configured. For more information, check the updated documentation. The Buoy-Deprecated package is available to manually load and provides rewrite rules easing the migration.
Namespace binding methods now check that the name to bind is a Symbol to help with some portability issues.
Some test cases were updated to use testing extensions not available on Pharo 6.1

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Hyperspace v2.0.0 [v2.0.0] released!

2020-06-29 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Hyperspace, a couple of facilities on top of Zinc HTTP Components reached it's v2.0.0 version.
Breaking Changes

Pharo 6.1 is no longer supported.
Updated Buoy to v6

Non Breaking Changes

Use GitHub actions and CodeCov
Use the new comparison affordances on Buoy

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate v5.0.0 [v5.0.0] released!

2020-06-30 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Stargate, a library supporting the creation of HTTP based RESTful APIs.  reached it's v5.0.0 version.
Breaking Changes

Pharo 6.1 is no longer supported
Permissions on JWT tokens are now encoded in a permissions claim and not shadowing scope, to match Auth0 access tokens.
Updated dependencies: Buoy v6 , Launchpad v3 and Hyperspace v2

Non Breaking Changes

Added shellcheck to the build and fix related warnings on the shell scripts
Use GitHub actions and CodeCov
Updated dependencies: JRPC v3.1 and JSONWebToken v0.3

Migration Guide

Issued JWT tokens used for operations needs to be re-issued following the new guidelines.
Account for the new dependency versions

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate v5.1.0 [v5.1.0] released!

2020-07-06 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Stargate, a library supporting the creation of HTTP based RESTful APIs.  reached it's v5.1.0 version.

Improved metrics plugin to report also the URL template in the route used to resolve the request. This can be accessed as url_template label in the metrics.
Added init scripts and templates to be used in a Docker build for a Stargate based application

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] RenoirSt v7.0.2 [v7.0.2] released!

2020-07-20 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
RenoirSt, a DSL enabling programmatic cascading style sheet generation for Pharo Smalltalk reached it's v7.0.2 version.

Updated dependencies
Removed unnecesary method
Update notification action

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-Bootstrap v12.1.1 [v12.1.1] released!

2020-07-20 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow-Bootstrap, integration between Willow & Bootstrap 3/4 reached it's v12.1.1 version.

Pharo 9 compatibility
Minor improvements

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-SpinKit v8.0.1 [v8.0.1] released!

2020-07-29 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow-SpinKit, integration between Willow and SpinKit reached it's v8.0.1 version.

SpinKitOnlineLibrary is now available again as an option. Thanks @mattonem 

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Hyperspace v2.1.0 [v2.1.0] released!

2020-09-17 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Hyperspace, a couple of facilities on top of Zinc HTTP Components reached it's v2.1.0 version.
Non breaking changes

Added TestAsserter>>#assertUrl:equals: 
Added PortAvailabilityChecker It can be used to check if a port is available or already in use, a common situation for tests failing due to port conflicts.

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] HighchartsSt v12.1.0 [v12.1.0] released!

2020-10-06 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
HighchartsSt, a highcharts js api wrapper for pharo smalltalk reached it's v12.1.0 version.

Updated Highcharts and Highstock to 8.2.0
Separated series into their own packages to reduce loading bloat when working with only a few of them

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] HighchartsSt v12.1.1 [v12.1.1] released!

2020-10-07 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
HighchartsSt, a highcharts js api wrapper for pharo smalltalk reached it's v12.1.1 version.

Fixed a bug when using Highstock deployment library
Added metadata library related test cases
Improved package separation

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Hyperspace v2.2.0 [v2.2.0] released!

2020-11-03 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Hyperspace, a couple of facilities on top of Zinc HTTP Components reached it's v2.2.0 version.
Non breaking changes

Add HTTPClientError>>-
Add HTTPServerError exception
Add extensions to ZnClient
Add extensions to ZnSingleThreadedServer
Add Retry, one of the resilience operations that repeat failed executions a number of times.
 Configuration Options
#upTo: retryCount : The maximum number of retries. Defaults to 2.
#every: duration : Wait a time duration between retry attempts. By default don't wait.
#when: condition : Evaluate the condition with the current execution result, if met retry the execution.
#on: exceptionSelector : Retry the execution if an exception handled by exceptionSelector is raised.
#ignore: exceptionSelector : Scope the previous method ignoring the exceptions that can be handled by exceptionSelector.

value: [ ""operation to execute"" ]
configuredBy: [:retry | ""configuration options"" ]

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Superluminal v1.1.0 [v1.1.0] released!

2020-11-03 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Superluminal, building blocks for creating HTTP requests and API clients reached it's v1.1.0 version.

Refactor some internals of the request builder
HttpRequest now include methods to easily support DELETE, PATCH and PUT
HttpRequest instances can now be applied several times to the same HTTP Client
The header builder now supports setBearerTokenTo: , setIfMatchTo: and setIfNoneMatchTo:
API Client
RESTfulAPIClient provides a building block to create more specific RESTful API clients by providing http clients pooling, automatic handling of ETag related headers, and by now in-memory caching
ExpiringCache provides an in-memory cache for incoming request responses adhering to the received caching directives
Service Discovery
ConsulAgentHttpAPIBasedDiscoveryClient provides service discovery abilities using the Consul Health HTTP API as backend
FixedServiceDiscoveryClient provides basic service discovery abilities using a fixed list of services
All the service discovery clients can be used in a chained fashion
Add integration tests for the service discovery client using docker-compose
Use GitHub actions and CodeCov to run the build
Automatically send release announcements to the mailing list

Next steps

Add usage documentation
Provide some kind of caching policy so we can use different strategies according to the situation

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate v6.0.0 [v6.0.0] released!

2020-11-03 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Stargate, a library supporting the creation of HTTP based RESTful APIs.  reached it's v6.0.0 version.
Breaking changes

Revamped CORS support (see the updated docs)

Migration Guide
Migration of APIs using CORS will be performed automatically via rewrite rule. To achieve this, manually load the package Stargate-Deprecated-V6 before loading your code.
Non breaking changes

HTTPMetrics can now be configured to only breakdown on certain categories  (see the updated docs)
Use again the official smalltalkCI
Update the version of the CodeCov action in use
Export coverage in LCOV format

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Hyperspace v2.3.0 [v2.3.0] released!

2020-11-17 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Hyperspace, a couple of facilities on top of Zinc HTTP Components reached it's v2.3.0 version.

Use the offical smalltalkCI GitHub Action and LCOV coverage format.
Add HTTPClientError>>#tooManyRequests
Add HTTPServerError>>#serviceUnavailable
Add HTTPError as a common superclass of HTTPClientError and HTTPServerError

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Superluminal v1.2.0 [v1.2.0] released!

2020-11-26 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Superluminal, building blocks for creating HTTP requests and API clients reached it's v1.2.0 version.

Add setAuthorizationTo: to set Authotization headers in the builder
Add set:to: to set arbitrary headers in the builder
API Client
Add postAt:configuredBy:withSuccessfulResponseDo: allowing better configuration of the request
Add APIClientTest to ease the testing of API Clients.
Add GitHub Actions to check the correct loading of every group declared in the Baseline

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Hyperspace v2.4.0 [v2.4.0] released!

2020-12-03 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Hyperspace, a couple of facilities on top of Zinc HTTP Components reached it's v2.4.0 version.

PR #42 Add support for Weak ETag creation and parsing. Thanks @nchillo 

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Superluminal v1.2.1 [v1.2.1] released!

2021-01-06 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Superluminal, building blocks for creating HTTP requests and API clients reached it's v1.2.1 version.

Fixed #31: Improving Expires error handling during parsing to be consistent with RFC 7234. Thanks @nchillo 
PR #29: Make RESTfulAPIClient>>#getAt:configuredBy:withSuccessfulResponseDo: part of the public API. Thanks @nchillo 

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate-Consul v2.0.0 [v2.0.0] released!

2021-01-06 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Stargate-Consul, integration with Consul HTTP API to register and deregister services reached it's v2.0.0 version.

Use GitHub Actions to run the build and the integration tests
Add a docker package with an example application
Use Pharo 8 as the base image for docker to run the integration tests against Consul
Update Stargate to v6 and Launchpad to v3
Add Superluminal as dependency to be used as a building block for the API client against Consul
Use Retry to retry a number of attempts the registration and deregistration from the Consul agent registry instead of doing it by hand

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Hyperspace v2.5.0 [v2.5.0] released!

2021-01-14 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Hyperspace, a couple of facilities on top of Zinc HTTP Components reached it's v2.5.0 version.

PR #44 Improvements on the testing infrastructure

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Boardwalk v6.0.0 [v6.0.0] released!

2021-01-15 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Boardwalk, a couple of facilities on top of Seaside reached it's v6.0.0 version.
Breaking Changes

PR #31  Improved protocol of IdentifierAssigner to handle application conditions.

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow v14.0.0 [v14.0.0] released!

2021-01-22 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow, the Web Interaction Library that eases the burden of creating AJAX-based web applications reached it's v14.0.0 version.
A lot has been changed in the interaction and component supplier protocols.
See the updated migration notes for details.
Details on the defaut behavior and custom options for the affordances provided are presented in the updated documentation.
Deprecations for methods and classes are available in the migration package Willow-Core-MigrationTo14 (not loaded by default).
Breaking Changes

Renamed most of the server and user agent interaction affordances
Changed triggering protocol to allow custom events
Merged containers into a single ContainerWebView, with automatic detection of identification needs in specific cases
Merged drop downs and select lists, with option to send commands to the listed elements (thanks @jvanecek)
Renamed Willow-Tests package to Willow-Core-Tests
Changed conditional evaluation of user agent commands to work with JSObject instead of String
Merged all CSS class change methods into builder style methods
Added support to detect conflicting serialization commands
Updated Boardwalk to v6

Non breaking changes

Added support for custom error handlers
Added support for time fields (thanks @ezeBalsamo)
Improved documentation on debugging, creating components, interaction (plus typos thanks to @StephanEggermont)
Included development-support as part of the Tools group
Automatically identify target component when using setValueTo:thenTriggerChangeOf: affordance
Thorough cleaning of internal objects to reduce unncesary code
Changed mime type of js files to application/_javascript_
Updated jQuery to v3.5.1

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-Bootstrap v13.0.0 [v13.0.0] released!

2021-01-22 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow-Bootstrap, integration between Willow & Bootstrap 3/4 reached it's v13.0.0 version.
Willow v14 includes many changes in the interaction and component supplier protocols.
See the updated migration notes for details.
Deprecations for Willow-Bootstrap methods and classes are available in the migration package Willow-Bootstrap-MigrationTo13 (not loaded by default).
Breaking Changes

Updated Willow to v14
Added support for the new unified single selection view (thanks @jvanecek)

Non breaking changes

Added support for the new time fields (thanks @ezeBalsamo)

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-JQueryUI v12.0.0 [v12.0.0] released!

2021-01-22 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow-JQueryUI, integration between Willow and JQuery UI reached it's v12.0.0 version.
Willow v14 includes many changes in the interaction and component supplier protocols.
See the updated migration notes for details.
Deprecations for Willow-JQueryUI methods and classes are available in the migration package Willow-JQueryUI-MigrationTo12 (not loaded by default).
Breaking Changes

Updated Willow to v14
Added support for the new unified single selection view (thanks @jvanecek)

Non breaking changes

Improved usability of collapsible sections view

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-Auth0 v2.0.0 [v2.0.0] released!

2021-01-22 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow-Auth0, integration between Willow and Auth0 Universal Login reached it's v2.0.0 version.
Breaking Changes

Updated Willow to v14

Non breaking changes

Added support for screen_hint and prompt

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-SpinKit v9.0.0 [v9.0.0] released!

2021-01-22 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow-SpinKit, integration between Willow and SpinKit reached it's v9.0.0 version.
Breaking Changes

Updated Willow to v14

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-Playground v9.0.0 [v9.0.0] released!

2021-01-22 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow-Playground, examples on how to use Willow to develop a complete interactive web application reached it's v9.0.0 version.
Breaking Changes

Updated Willow to v14

Non breaking changes

Added a bootstrap 4 version of the Test Runner
Updated examples in Willow101 app to match the new Willow v14 protocol
Added support for the new unified single selection view (thanks @jvanecek)

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-Mixpanel v5.0.0 [v5.0.0] released!

2021-01-22 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow-Mixpanel, integration between Willow and Mixpanel reached it's v5.0.0 version.
Breaking Changes

Updated Willow to v14

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow v14.1.0 [v14.1.0] released!

2021-02-10 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow, the Web Interaction Library that eases the burden of creating AJAX-based web applications reached it's v14.1.0 version.

Added identification support for input commands (many implementors of #beIdentifiable)
Removed the need to specify the id of the component when configuring the interaction to set a value (you can now use setValueTo:withoutTriggeringChangeOf:)

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-Bootstrap v13.1.0 [v13.1.0] released!

2021-02-10 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow-Bootstrap, integration between Willow & Bootstrap 3/4 reached it's v13.1.0 version.

Adjusted to changes in Willow v14 (#beIdentifiable implementors and senders)

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Boardwalk v6.1.0 [v6.1.0] released!

2021-03-12 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Boardwalk, a couple of facilities on top of Seaside reached it's v6.1.0 version.

PR #33 Added new support methods to test AJAX calls

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow v14.2.0 [v14.2.0] released!

2021-03-15 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow, the Web Interaction Library that eases the burden of creating AJAX-based web applications reached it's v14.2.0 version.

Added priority to web instructions
Support method moved to Boardwalk

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Superluminal v2.0.0 [v2.0.0] released!

2021-03-29 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Superluminal, building blocks for creating HTTP requests and API clients reached it's v2.0.0 version.

Added a distributed memory cache backend. We chose Memcached, thanks to @svenvc for porting the client to Pharo, and allowing us to collaborate on that project to release a v1 we can trust.
Refactored some tests to improve code quality and fix listing issues.

Migration Guide
The version provides a package to perform an automatic migration. See the migration guide for further instructions.
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Mole v3.2.0 [v3.2.0] released!

2021-03-31 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Mole, a model for graphs, both directed and undirected. reached it's v3.2.0 version.

Updated dependencies
Add Pharo 9 as a supported platform
Use GitHub actions for the build

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Boardwalk v6.1.1 [v6.1.1] released!

2021-04-19 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Boardwalk, a couple of facilities on top of Seaside reached it's v6.1.1 version.

Increase canvas id counter even if the assigner has already obtained an identifier, this will ensure the running counter for the canvas ids stays the same during refresh requests (F5)

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow v14.2.1 [v14.2.1] released!

2021-04-19 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow, the Web Interaction Library that eases the burden of creating AJAX-based web applications reached it's v14.2.1 version.

Adapted tests to new ids generated by Boardwalk

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Willow-Bootstrap v13.1.1 [v13.1.1] released!

2021-04-19 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Willow-Bootstrap, integration between Willow & Bootstrap 3/4 reached it's v13.1.1 version.
Adapted tests to new ids generated by Boardwalk
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Hyperspace v2.6.0 [v2.6.0] released!

2021-04-22 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Hyperspace, a couple of facilities on top of Zinc HTTP Components reached it's v2.6.0 version.

PR #46 Add ZnResponse>>#hasLocation to check if an HTTP response includes the Location header.

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate-Consul v2.1.0 [v2.1.0] released!

2021-04-22 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Stargate-Consul, integration with Consul HTTP API to register and deregister services reached it's v2.1.0 version.

PR #16: Improved portability
Updated Superluminal dependency to v2
Fixed the build due to security changes in the GitHub Actions infrastructure
Improved tests by using a free port instead of a hard-coded one and redirecting logging to the infrastructure of SUnit.

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Superluminal v2.1.0 [v2.1.0] released!

2021-04-22 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Superluminal, building blocks for creating HTTP requests and API clients reached it's v2.1.0 version.

Improved migration package to v2
Fixed command to set a Bearer token
Improved RESTFulAPIClient handling of POST requests when the response is 201/Created but a Location header is missing.
Improved RESTFulAPIClient support for PUT to allow better configuration options.

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Hyperspace v2.7.0 [v2.7.0] released!

2021-06-10 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Hyperspace, a couple of facilities on top of Zinc HTTP Components reached it's v2.7.0 version.

Add LanguageTag and LanguageRange abstractions.
Add ZnRequest extensions for Accept-Language headers.
Add ZnResponse extensions for Content-Language headers.
Improved documentation
Add GitHub actions to check the loading of each group declared in the Baseline

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Hyperspace v2.8.0 [v2.8.0] released!

2021-06-14 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Hyperspace, a couple of facilities on top of Zinc HTTP Components reached it's v2.8.0 version.

HTTPNotAcceptable now allows to signal it including the supported languages information.
Add ZnResponse>>#varyHeaderNames and ZnResponse>>#addToVary: to handle access and addition to Vary header.
Add ZnRequest>>#hasLanguageProrityList to answer if the request defined the Accept-Language header.
Minimal portability improvements

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate v6.1.0 [v6.1.0] released!

2021-06-15 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Stargate, a library supporting the creation of HTTP based RESTful APIs.  reached it's v6.1.0 version.

Content negotiation improvements
Add support to content negotiation considering Accept-Language headers (Fixes #121)
The negotiated media type and the negotiated language are accessible through the request context
Improvements on the Vary headers when content negotiation is at play
Improve migration to v6 package
CI Improvements:
Add GitHub actions to check that every group In the baseline loads properly
Add markdown linter
Add Pharo 9 to the build infrastructure

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Superluminal v2.2.0 [v2.2.0] released!

2021-07-14 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Superluminal, building blocks for creating HTTP requests and API clients reached it's v2.2.0 version.

PR #41 Add more flexible options for DELETE 

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Buoy v6.1.0 [v6.1.0] released!

2021-07-23 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Buoy, a complement to Pharo reached it's v6.1.0 version.

Added Pharo 9 to the build matrix
Added GitHub action to check the proper loading of each group in the baseline
Fixed markdown linter warnings


Added OrderedSet to the available collections
Fixed SequenceableCollectionEqualityChecker when used to compare against a non-collection
Avoid creating unnecessary instances of SequenceableCollectionEqualityChecker and BitwiseExclusiveDisjunctionHashCombinator


Fixed #65: missing subclass responsibilities in PartsPerFraction hierarchy

SUnit Extensions

Added TestAsserter>>#assert:hasTheSameElementsInTheSameOrderThat:

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Hyperspace v3.0.0 [v3.0.0] released!

2021-07-28 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Hyperspace, building blocks for Internet technologies on top of Zinc HTTP Components reached it's v3.0.0 version.
Breaking changes

Renamed ZnEtag to EntityTag
Renamed ZnLink to WebLink
Moved PortAvailabilityChecker to a package included in the Deployment group and refactoring a bit the behavior

Non-breaking changes

Added methods to easily configure well-known parameters for web links: (relationType: title: mediaQueryHint: mediaTypeHint: addLanguageHint:)
Added methods to easily configure well-known relation types for web links: (toCollection toCopyright toEdit toExternalSite toFirst toHelp toIcon toItem toLast toLatestVersion toLicense toMyself toNext toParent toPayment toPredecessorVersion toPrevious toProfile toSearch toSuccessorVersion toTermsOfService toVersionHistory toWorkingCopy toWorkingCopyOrigin )
Updated documentation
Added ZnUrl>>asWebLink

Migration Guide

Load the Hyperspace-Deprecated-V2 package before your code. This package includes automatic rewrite rules and deprecation warnings for the breaking changes.

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate v6.1.1 [v6.1.1] released!

2021-08-20 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Stargate, a library supporting the creation of HTTP based RESTful APIs.  reached it's v6.1.1 version.

#126 Fixed some minor issue affecting CORS support when providing invalid URLs in the configuration

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Launchpad v4.0.0 [v4.0.0] released!

2021-11-24 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Launchpad, a command-line interface to start, list, and explain the applications available within the image. reached it's v4.0.0 version.

Added a CLI to not only start, but also list and explain apps in the image
Added a help system to get information about every app in the image
Added configuration providers: environment variables and settings files
Logging infrastructure based on Beacon
Stack trace generation gained new options in textual form
Added GH action to check the loading of each group in the baseline
Added Pharo 9 to the build
Improved the documentation by adding a tutorial, reference material, and explanations.
Removed support for Pharo 7

Migration Guide
This version is a complete overhaul of the project, so few things remained as before. It's recommended to read the documentation before starting the migration.
Manually load the package Launchpad-MigrationFromV3 to ease the migration.
Some highlights:

CurrentLogger is deprecated, emit LaunchpadLogRecord instances instead
LeveledLogger is deprecated. The migration package includes automatic rewrite rules to fix users.
ErrorStackSerializer is deprecated. The migration package includes an automatic rewrite rule to fix users.
FlagArgument is deprecated. Replace it with an OptionalConfigurationParameter or a command-line option depending on the usage.
MandatoryArgument is deprecated. The migration package includes automatic rewrite rules to fix users.
OptionalArgument is deprecated. The migration package includes automatic rewrite rules to fix users.
SensitiveArgument  is deprecated. The migration package includes automatic rewrite rules to fix users.
LaunchpadCommandLineHandler is not deprecated but changed its purpose. Now it is only responsible for starting Launchpad's CLI. If you have subclasses, now they need to subclass LaunchpadApplication and implement the required subclassResponsibility methods.
The code in basicActivate should go to basicStartWithin:
configurationDefinition is now a class method in the application: configurationParameters. And you need to change the code to use the new configuration parameter abstractions.
The migration package includes extensions with deprecation messages.

Adapt any script used to start the application by following the new CLI conventions.
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Superluminal v3.0.0 [v3.0.0] released!

2021-12-01 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Superluminal, building blocks for creating HTTP requests and API clients reached it's v3.0.0 version.
What's Changed

Added support for multi-part body content by @mtabacman in
Added testing of multiple files upload. by @mtabacman in
Update project structure to follow the guidelines by @gcotelli in
Use Launchpad v4 by @gcotelli in
Use API Client instead of a plain ZnClient by @gcotelli in
Make possible to configure retry options for Consul discovery client by @gcotelli in
Update documentation by @gcotelli in

Full Changelog:…v3.0.0
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Launchpad v4.1.0 [v4.1.0] released!

2021-12-02 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Launchpad, a command-line interface to start, list, and explain the applications available within the image. reached it's v4.1.0 version.
What's Changed

Fix logging of parameter values when using a converter to a non-strin… by @gcotelli in
v4.0.1 by @gcotelli in
Refactor configuration parameter value logging by @gcotelli in
v4.1.0 by @gcotelli in

Full Changelog:…v4.1.0
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Launchpad v4.2.0 [v4.2.0] released!

2021-12-06 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Launchpad, a command-line interface to start, list, and explain the applications available within the image. reached it's v4.2.0 version.
What's Changed

Provide names for standard stream loggers by @gcotelli in

Full Changelog:…v4.2.0
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate v7.0.0 [v7.0.0] released!

2021-12-29 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Stargate, a library supporting the creation of HTTP based RESTful APIs.  reached it's v7.0.0 version.
What's Changed

Operational Plugins
Add an operational plugin showing information about the active loggers in
Operational plugins can be disabled/re-enabled on the fly using the API in
Implement JsonRPCRequestHandler>>#debugMode: in
Add JsonRPCController to ease the creation of JSON RPC endpoints in
Add support for creating JSON RPC method handlers that don't depend on the source code access to parse its parameters in
Update launchpad to v4 in
APIs can now be authenticated at API level instead for specific routes in
Add StargateAPISkeleton as base for applications implementing an API in
Update and organize docs in
Improve portability of ApplicationControlCommand in

Migration Guide
Follow the instructions here
Full Changelog:…v7.0.0
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate-Consul v3.0.0 [v3.0.0] released!

2022-01-04 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Stargate-Consul, integration with Consul HTTP API to register and deregister services reached it's v3.0.0 version.
What's Changed

Update dependencies by @gcotelli in
Follow community guidelines by @gcotelli in
Use Superluminal API Client to interact with Consul by @gcotelli in
Make retry options configurable for ConsulServiceDiscoveryPlugin by @gcotelli in
Update docs by @gcotelli in

Full Changelog:…v3.0.0
Migration Guide
Follow the instructions here
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate-Consul v3.0.1 [v3.0.1] released!

2022-02-18 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Stargate-Consul, integration with Consul HTTP API to register and deregister services reached it's v3.0.1 version.
What's Changed

Fix health check endpoints when using Docker by @gcotelli in
Improve integration tests
Add a new optional parameter to specify the transport scheme for these endpoints

Full Changelog:…v3.0.1
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate v7.0.1 [v7.0.1] released!

2022-02-18 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Stargate, a library supporting the creation of HTTP based RESTful APIs.  reached it's v7.0.1 version.
What's Changed

Update template docker scripts to use STARGATE__PORT so it can be used with the default configuration

Full Changelog:…v7.0.1
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate v7.1.1 [v7.1.1] released!

2022-03-17 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Stargate, a library supporting the creation of HTTP based RESTful APIs.  reached it's v7.1.1 version.
What's Changed

Add WebOrigin>>asWebOrigin and WebOrigin>>asUrl by @gcotelli in

Full Changelog:…v7.1.1
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Buoy v6.2.0 [v6.2.0] released!

2022-04-05 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Buoy, a complement to Pharo reached it's v6.2.0 version.
What's Changed

Add missing package dependency by @gcotelli in
Add Pharo 10 to build matrix by @gcotelli in

Full Changelog:…v6.20
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Hyperspace v3.1.0 [v3.1.0] released!

2022-04-06 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Hyperspace, building blocks for Internet technologies on top of Zinc HTTP Components reached it's v3.1.0 version.
What's Changed

Added Pharo 10 support
Added inspector extensions in Pharo 10 for HTTPError exceptions, HTTP requests/responses.

HTTPClientError inspector

ZnResponse inspectors

Full Changelog:…v3.1.0
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Launchpad v4.3.0 [v4.3.0] released!

2022-04-07 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Launchpad, a command-line interface to start, list, and explain the applications available within the image. reached it's v4.3.0 version.
What's Changed

Add Pharo 10 to build matrix
Add inspector extensions to LaunchpadApplication and ApplicationConfiguration

Full Changelog:…v4.3.0
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate v8.0.0 [v8.0.0] released!

2022-04-08 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Stargate, a library supporting the creation of HTTP based RESTful APIs.  reached it's v8.0.0 version.
What's Changed

Added support for Pharo 10

Breaking changes

Updated Hyperspace to v3 (see migration guide here )
Updated to the latest Zinc version

The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Superluminal v4.0.0 [v4.0.0] released!

2022-04-11 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Superluminal, building blocks for creating HTTP requests and API clients reached it's v4.0.0 version.
What's Changed

Add support for Pharo 10
Update dependencies

Full Changelog:…v4.0.0
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate-Consul v4.0.0 [v4.0.0] released!

2022-04-11 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Stargate-Consul, integration with Consul HTTP API to register and deregister services reached it's v4.0.0 version.
What's Changed

Add Pharo 10 support by @gcotelli in
Update dependencies

Full Changelog:…v4.0.0
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Aconcagua v8.1.0 [v8.1.0] released!

2022-04-13 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Aconcagua, measures as first class objects, that is, an object that encapsulates a number with its unit. reached it's v8.1.0 version.
What's Changed

Unit Printing Hook for Subclasses & Test by @seandenigris in and
Update build to use GH Actions by @gcotelli in
Fix typo in BaseUnit by @fedemiodo in
Add support for Pharo 10 by @gcotelli in

New Contributors

@seandenigris made their first contribution in
@fedemiodo made their first contribution in

Full Changelog:…v8.1.0
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Kepler v5.1.0 [v5.1.0] released!

2022-04-13 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Kepler, an architecture to organize your software as a set of loose-coupled systems, where each can be easily accessed and has a well-defined responsibility.  reached it's v5.1.0 version.
What's Changed

Add Pharo 10 support by @gcotelli in
Add inspector tab for CompositeSystem by @gcotelli in

Full Changelog:…v5.1.0
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Stargate v8.1.0 [v8.1.0] released!

2022-04-18 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Stargate, a library supporting the creation of HTTP based RESTful APIs.  reached it's v8.1.0 version.
What's Changed

Caching directives can now be conditional over the response by @jvanecek in

Full Changelog:…v8.1.0
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Mole v3.3.0 [v3.3.0] released!

2022-04-19 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Mole, a model for graphs, both directed and undirected. reached it's v3.3.0 version.
What's Changed

Add Pharo 10 support by @gcotelli in
Rename GraphTraversalAlgorithm to GraphTraversal to be consistent with the hierarchy by @gcotelli in

Full Changelog:…v3.3.0
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Ansible v1.1.0 [v1.1.0] released!

2022-04-19 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Ansible, an AMQP client for Pharo reached it's v1.1.0 version.
What's Changed

Add heartbeat mechanism by @fortizpenaloza in
Add headers exchange example test by @EzequielPuerta in
Docs Improvements
Change old name references in installation instructions by @fortizpenaloza in
Update by @fortizpenaloza in
Add markdown linter by @fortizpenaloza in
VAST Platform compatibility
Improve VAST compatibility by @fortizpenaloza in
Generate VAST compatible code by @fortizpenaloza in
Improve CI configuration by @fortizpenaloza in
Fix related to rabbitmq default port by @EzequielPuerta in
Add Pharo 10 support by @gcotelli in

New Contributors

@EzequielPuerta made their first contribution in
@gcotelli made their first contribution in

Full Changelog:…v1.1.0
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Boardwalk v6.2.0 [v6.2.0] released!

2022-04-19 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Boardwalk, a couple of facilities on top of Seaside reached it's v6.2.0 version.
What's Changed

Fixed categorization typos by @mtabacman in
Improved Pharo 9 compatibility by @mtabacman in
Added Pharo 10 support by @gcotelli in

Full Changelog:…v6.2.0
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Cannon v1.1.0 [v1.1.0] released!

2022-04-19 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Cannon, state Machine implementation reached it's v1.1.0 version.
What's Changed

Update dependencies by @gcotelli in
Add Pharo 10 support by @gcotelli in 

Full Changelog:…v1.1.0
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

[Pharo-users] [ANN] RenoirSt v7.1.0 [v7.1.0] released!

2022-04-20 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
RenoirSt, a DSL enabling programmatic cascading style sheet generation for Pharo Smalltalk reached it's v7.1.0 version.
What's Changed

Fix method categorization by @mtabacman in
Add Pharo 10 support by @gcotelli in 

Full Changelog:…v7.1.0
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk team

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