Re: [openstack-dev] [HA] RFC: High Availability track at future Design Summits

2016-08-02 Thread Thierry Carrez
Adam Spiers wrote:
> I doubt anyone would dispute that High Availability is a really
> important topic within OpenStack, yet none of the OpenStack
> conferences or Design Summits so far have provided an "official" track
> or similar dedicated space for discussion on HA topics.
> [...]

We do not provide a specific track at the "Design Summit" for HA (or for
hot upgrades for the matter) but we have space for "cross-project
workshops" in which HA topics would be discussed. I suspect what you
mean here is that the one of two sessions that the current setup allows
are far from enough to tackle that topic efficiently ?

IMHO there is dedicated space -- just not enough of it. It's one of the
issues with the current Design Summit setup -- just not enough time and
space to tackle everything in one week. With the new event format I
expect we'll be able to free up more time to discuss such horizontal
issues, but as far as Barcelona goes (where we have less space and less
time than in Austin), I'd encourage you to still propose cross-project
workshops (and engage on the Ops side of the Design Summit to get
feedback from there as well).

Thierry Carrez (ttx)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] os-virtual-interfaces isn't deprecated in 2.36

2016-08-02 Thread Alex Xu
2016-08-02 4:13 GMT+08:00 Matt Riedemann :

> On 8/1/2016 1:39 PM, Ken'ichi Ohmichi wrote:
>> 2016-07-29 10:32 GMT-07:00 Sean Dague :
>>> On 07/28/2016 05:38 PM, Matt Riedemann wrote:
 On 7/28/2016 3:55 PM, Matt Riedemann wrote:

> For os-attach-interfaces, we need that to attach/detach interfaces to a
> server, so those actions don't go away with 2.36. We can also list and
> show interfaces (ports) which is a proxy to neutron, but in this case
> it
> seems a tad bit necessary, else to list ports for a given server you
> have to know to list ports via neutron CLI and filter on
> device_id=server.uuid.

 On second thought, we could drop the proxy APIs to list/show ports for a
 given server. python-openstackclient could have a convenience CLI for
 listing ports for a server. And the show in os-attach-interfaces takes a
 server id but it's not used, so it's basically pointless and should just
 be replaced with neutron.

 The question is, as these are proxies and the 2.36 microversion was for
 proxy API deprecation, can we still do those in 2.36 even though it's
 already merged? Or do they need to be 2.37? That seems like the more
 accurate thing to do, but then we really have some weird "which is the
 REAL proxy API microversion?" logic going on.

 I think we could move forward with deprecation in novaclient either way.

>>> We should definitely move forward with novaclient CLI deprecations.
>>> We've said that microversions are idempotent, so fixing one in this case
>>> isn't really what we want to do, it should just be another bump, with
>>> things we apparently missed. I'm not sure it's super important that
>>> there is a REAL proxy API microversion. We got most of it in one go, and
>>> as long as we catch the stragglers in 2.39 (let's make that the last
>>> merged one before the release so that we can figure out anything else we
>>> missed, and keep get me a network as 2.37).
>> Yeah, I agree with another bump.
>> We miss something like this and microversion mechanism can provide us
>> with another chance.
>> Thanks
>> Ken Omichi
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> OK I'll take a stab at writing a spec for this either tonight or tomorrow.
> We'll deprecate the proxy APIs for os-attach-interfaces show and list
> methods. We'll need to take into account that the create (attach interface)
> action uses the show method which proxies to neutron's show_port method,
> but I think we will have enough information to avoid that proxy (that could
> probably just be a separate bug fix actually).
> As for os-virtual-interfaces, I don't plan on deprecating that, and
> actually plan on enhancing it with a microversion in Ocata to return the
> vif tags from the model (useful for microversion 2.32). Plus we'll be able
> to use that for both nova-net and neutron since the data isn't proxied from
> anywhere, it just comes from the nova DB.

A little strange we have two API endpoints, one is
'/servers/{uuid}/os-interfaces', another one is

I prefer to keep os-attach-interface. Due to I think we should deprecate
the nova-network also. Actually we deprecate all the nova-network related
API in the 2.36 also. And os-attach-interface didn't support nova-network,
then it is the right choice.

So we can deprecate the os-virtual-interface in newton. And in Ocata, we
correct the implementation to get the vif info and tag. os-attach-interface
actually accept the server_id, and there is check ensure the port belong to
the server. So it shouldn't very hard to get the vif info and tag.

And sorry for I missed that when coding patches also...let me if you need
any help at here.

> --
> Thanks,
> Matt Riedemann
> __
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[openstack-dev] [nova][neutron] bug 1608601 - how to proceed?

2016-08-02 Thread Markus Zoeller

"create_port is failing for non admin context as Nova neutronclient
interactions are not using admin context consistently"

IIUC there *could* be issues if the default policy gets changed. I have
no idea how to proceed with this bug. Is the mixed use of (non-)admin
context even an issue?

Regards, Markus Zoeller (markus_z)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron][IPAM] Pluggable IPAM rollback issue

2016-08-02 Thread Kevin Benton
>Given that it shares the session, it wouldn't have to do anything. But,
again, it wouldn't behave like an external driver.

Why not? The only additional thing an external driver would be doing at
this step is calling an external system. Any local accounting in the DB
that driver would do would automatically be rolled back just like the
in-tree system.

Keep in mind that anything else can fail later in the transaction outside
of IPAM (e.g. ML2 driver precommit validation) and none of this IPAM
rollback logic will be called. Maybe the right answer is to get rid of the
IPAM rollback logic completely because it gives the wrong impression that
it is going to be called on all failures to commit when it's really only
called in failures inside of IPAM's module. Essentially every instance of
_safe_rollback in [1] is in an exception handler that isn't triggered if
there are exceptions anywhere in the core plugin after the initial base DB


On Aug 1, 2016 18:11, "Carl Baldwin"  wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 2:29 PM, Kevin Benton  wrote:
>> >We still want the exception to rollback the entire API operation and
>> stopping it with a nested operation I think would mess that up.
>> Well I think you would want to start a nested transaction, capture the
>> duplicate, call the ipam delete methods, then throw a retryrequest. The
>> exception will still trigger a rollback of the entire operation.
> This is kind of what I was headed when I decided to solicit some feedback.
> It is a possibility should still be considered.
>> >Second, I've been throwing around the idea of not sharing the session
>> with the IPAM driver.
>> If the IPAM driver does not have access to the session, it can't see any
>> of the uncommitted data. Would that be a problem? In particular, doesn't
>> the IPAM driver's DB table have foreign key constraints with the data
>> waiting to be committed in the other session? I'm hesitant to take this
>> approach because it means other (if the in-tree doesn't already) IPAM
>> drivers cannot have any relational integrity with the objects in question.
> The in-tree driver doesn't have any FK constraints back to the neutron db
> schema for IPAM [1]. I don't think that would make sense since it is
> supposed to work like an external driver.
>> A related question is, why does the in-tree IPAM driver have to do
>> anything at all on a rollback? It currently does share a session which is
>> automatically going to rollback all of it's DB operations for it. If it's
>> because the driver cannot distinguish a delete call from a rollback and a
>> normal delete, I suggest we change the delete call to pass a flag
>> indicating that it's for a rollback. That would allow any DB-based drivers
>> to just do nothing at this step.
> Given that it shares the session, it wouldn't have to do anything. But,
> again, it wouldn't behave like an external driver. I'd like to not have
> special drivers that behave differently than drivers that are really
> external; we end up finding things that the in-tree driver does in our
> testing that doesn't work right for other drivers.
> Drivers might need to access uncommitted data from the neutron DB. I think
> even external drivers do this. However, there is a hard line between the
> Neutron tables (even IPAM related ones) and the pluggable IPAM driver
> database schema. I should have been a little more explicit that I wasn't
> suggesting that we hide the Neutron session from the driver. What I meant
> to suggest is that we use a different session for the part of the database
> schema that belongs solely to the driver. All of the changes would be
> inside the driver implementation and the interface to the driver wouldn't
> change at all.
> Carl
> [1]
> __
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[openstack-dev] Nominate Vladimir Khlyunev for fuel-qa core

2016-08-02 Thread Andrey Sledzinskiy
I'd like to nominate Vladimir Khlyunev for fuel-qa [0] core.

Vladimir has become a valuable member of fuel-qa project in quite short
period of time. His solid expertise and constant contribution gives me no
choice but to nominate him for fuel-qa core.

If anyone has any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace


Andrey Sledzinskiy
QA Engineer,
Mirantis, Kharkiv
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [nova] bugs team IRC meeting: biweekly-odd timeslot?

2016-08-02 Thread Markus Zoeller
2 months ago I moved the biweekly-odd timeslot from 1000 to 0800 UTC [1]
in the hope to be more accessible for folks in Asia. After these 2
months it got evident that this didn't work out. The number of
participating people decreased.
I'd like to move that meeting to another timeslot which fits better for
more people. What would fit best for you (1000, 1100, $any_other_time)?


Regards, Markus Zoeller (markus_z)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] Nominate Vladimir Khlyunev for fuel-qa core

2016-08-02 Thread Artur Svechnikov

Best regards,
Svechnikov Artur

On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 12:40 PM, Andrey Sledzinskiy <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'd like to nominate Vladimir Khlyunev for fuel-qa [0] core.
> Vladimir has become a valuable member of fuel-qa project in quite short
> period of time. His solid expertise and constant contribution gives me no
> choice but to nominate him for fuel-qa core.
> If anyone has any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace
> [0]
> --
> Thanks,
> Andrey Sledzinskiy
> QA Engineer,
> Mirantis, Kharkiv
> __
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[openstack-dev] error when restarting new driver

2016-08-02 Thread Nidhi Malhotra
Hi all,

I am getting the following error when I try to create a new cinder volume

2016-08-02 15:26:06.445 DEBUG cinder.scheduler.base_filter 
[req-cce76948-5eac-44d0-9d0c-115cfc03cb57 42ba08e7a7544cd28812de21aa5ce39e 
de3f38612acd4ec7a24c0325bd11389f] Starting with 0 host(s) from (pid=3023) 
get_filtered_objects /opt/stack/cinder/cinder/scheduler/
2016-08-02 15:26:06.446 INFO cinder.scheduler.base_filter 
[req-cce76948-5eac-44d0-9d0c-115cfc03cb57 42ba08e7a7544cd28812de21aa5ce39e 
de3f38612acd4ec7a24c0325bd11389f] Filter AvailabilityZoneFilter returned 0 
2016-08-02 15:26:06.446 WARNING cinder.scheduler.filter_scheduler 
[req-cce76948-5eac-44d0-9d0c-115cfc03cb57 42ba08e7a7544cd28812de21aa5ce39e 
de3f38612acd4ec7a24c0325bd11389f] No weighed hosts found for volume with 
properties: {}
2016-08-02 15:26:06.447 ERROR cinder.scheduler.flows.create_volume 
[req-cce76948-5eac-44d0-9d0c-115cfc03cb57 42ba08e7a7544cd28812de21aa5ce39e 
de3f38612acd4ec7a24c0325bd11389f] Failed to run task 
cinder.scheduler.flows.create_volume.ScheduleCreateVolumeTask;volume:create: No 
valid host was found. No weighed hosts available
2016-08-02 15:26:06.447 DEBUG cinder.volume.flows.common 
[req-cce76948-5eac-44d0-9d0c-115cfc03cb57 42ba08e7a7544cd28812de21aa5ce39e 
de3f38612acd4ec7a24c0325bd11389f] Updating volume: 
74fc03dc-8783-40b0-a305-e85a34a1b0c9 with {'status': 'error'} due to: No valid 
host was found. No weighed hosts available from (pid=3023) _update_object 

I have made changes to /etc/cinder/cinder.conf by changing

volume_backend_name and volume_driver

and in default




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Re: [openstack-dev] [tc] persistently single-vendor projects

2016-08-02 Thread Chris Dent

On Mon, 1 Aug 2016, James Bottomley wrote:

Making no judgments about the particular exemplars here, I would just
like to point out that one reason why projects exist with very little
diversity is that they "just work".  Usually people get involved when
something doesn't work or they need something changed to work for them.
However, people do have a high tolerance for "works well enough"
meaning that a project can be functional, widely used and not
attracting diverse contributors.  A case in point for this type of
project in the non-openstack world would be openssl but there are many

In a somewhat related point, the kinds of metrics we use in OpenStack to
evaluate project health tend to have the unintended consequence of
requiring the projects to always be growing and changing (i.e. churning)
rather than trending towards stability and maturity.

I'd like to think that we can have some projects that can be called

So we need to consider the side effects of the measurements we're
taking and not let the letter of the new laws kill the spirit.

Yours in cliches,
Chris Dent   ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)
freenode: cdent tw: @anticdent__
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Glance][Glare] External locations design

2016-08-02 Thread stuart . mclaren

Hi Kairat,

I think it's great to try and tease through the various issues here.
I added some comments to the etherpad.


Hello all,

I would like to start to describe some design decisions we made in Glare
code (  If
you are not familiar with Glare I suggest you to read the following spec:

I hope it will help other folks to understand Glare approach and provide
some constructive feedback for Glare. I think that we can also use Glare
solution for Glance in near future to address some drawbacks we have in

Glare locations

Glance and Glare have possibility to set some external url as
image(artifact) location. This feature is quite useful for users who would
like to refer to some external image or artifact (for example, Fedora image
on official Fedora site) and not to store this image or artifact in the

External locations in Glance have several specialities:


  It is possible to setup multiple locations for an image. Glance uses
  special location strategy to define which location to use. This strategy
  defined in glance codebase and can be configured in glance conf.

  Glance doesn?t differ image locations specified by url and image
  locations uploaded to Glance backend. Glance has some restrictions about
  which urls to use for locations (see Glance docs for more info).

Glare external locations designed in different way to address some
drawbacks we have in Glance. So the approach is the following:


  Glare doesn?t support multiple locations, you can specify dict of blobs
  in artifact type and add url for each blob in dict. User must define a
  name(f.e. region name or priority) for blob in dict and this name can be
  used to retrieve this blob from artifact. So decision about which location
  to use will be outside of Glare.

  Glare adds a special flag to database for external locations. So they
  will be treated differently in Glare when delete artifact. If blob value is
  external url then we don?t need to pass this url to backend and just delete
  the record in DB. For now, Glare allows only http(s) locations set but it
  may be extended in future but the idea still the same: external location
  are just records in DB.

  Glare saves blob size and checksum when specifying external url. When
  user specified url Glare downloads the blob by url, calculates its size and
  checksum. Of course, it leads to some performance degradation but we can
  ensure that the external blob is immutable. We made this because security
  seems more important for Glare than performance. Also there are plans to
  extend this approach to support subscriptions for external locations so we
  can increase secureness of that operation.

I think that some of the features above can be implemented in Glance. For
example, we can treat our locations as only read-only links if external
flag will be implemented.  It will allow us to ensure that only blobs
uploaded through the Glance will be managed.

Additionally, if we will calculate checksum and size for external urls, we
can ensure that  all multiple locations refers to the same blob. So
management of multiple locations(deletion/creation) can be more secure.
Also we can ensure that the external url blob was not changed.

I understand that we need a spec for that but I would like to discuss this
at high level first. Here is etherpad for discussion:

Best regards,
Kairat Kushaev
-- next part --
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End of OpenStack-dev Digest, Vol 52, Issue 2

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [tc] persistently single-vendor projects

2016-08-02 Thread Sean Dague
On 08/02/2016 06:16 AM, Chris Dent wrote:
> On Mon, 1 Aug 2016, James Bottomley wrote:
>> Making no judgments about the particular exemplars here, I would just
>> like to point out that one reason why projects exist with very little
>> diversity is that they "just work".  Usually people get involved when
>> something doesn't work or they need something changed to work for them.
>> However, people do have a high tolerance for "works well enough"
>> meaning that a project can be functional, widely used and not
>> attracting diverse contributors.  A case in point for this type of
>> project in the non-openstack world would be openssl but there are many
>> others.
> In a somewhat related point, the kinds of metrics we use in OpenStack to
> evaluate project health tend to have the unintended consequence of
> requiring the projects to always be growing and changing (i.e. churning)
> rather than trending towards stability and maturity.
> I'd like to think that we can have some projects that can be called
> "done".
> So we need to consider the side effects of the measurements we're
> taking and not let the letter of the new laws kill the spirit.
> Yours in cliches,

I do understand that concern. Metrics games definitely can have
unintended consequences. Are there instances of software in our
ecosystem that you consider done, single vendor, and would be negatively
impacted by not being called OpenStack?


Sean Dague

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [requirements] race in keystone unit tests

2016-08-02 Thread Sean Dague
One of my concerns about stacking up project unit tests in the
requirements jobs, is the unit tests aren't as free of races as you
would imagine. Because they only previously impacted the one project
team, those teams are often just fast to recheck instead of get to the
bottom of it. Cross testing with them in a voting way changes their impact.

The keystone unit tests have a existing race condition in them, which
recently failed an unrelated requirements bump -

I'm not fully sure where to go from here. But wanted to make sure that
data is out there. Any keystone folks who can dive into and sort it out
would be highly appreciated.


Sean Dague

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [gnocchi] Support for other drivers - influxdb

2016-08-02 Thread Julien Danjou
On Tue, Aug 02 2016, Sam Morrison wrote:

Hi Sam!

> We have been using gnocchi for a while now with the influxDB driver
> and are keen to get the influxdb driver back into upstream.
> However looking into the code and how it’s arranged it looks like
> there are a lot of assumptions that the backend storage driver is
> carbonara based.

More or less. There is a separation layer (index/storage) and a full
abstraction layer so it's possible to write a driver for any TSDB.
Proof, we had an InfluxDB driver.
Now the separation layer is not optimal for some TSDBs like InfluxDB,
unfortunately nobody never stepped up to enhance it.

> Is gnocchi an API for time series DBs or is it a time series DB
> itself?

Both. It's an API over TSDBs, and it also has its own TSDB based on

> The tests that are failing are due to the way carbonara and influx handle the
> retention and multiple granularities differently. (which we can work around
> outside of gnocchi for now)
> So I guess I’m wondering if there will be support for other drivers apart 
> from carbonara?

Sure. We dropped the InfluxDB driver because nobody was maintaining it
and it was not passing the tests anymore. But we'd be glad to have it
in-tree I'd say.

> We use influx because we already use it for other stuff within our 
> organisation
> and don’t want to set up ceph or swift (which is quite an endeavour) to 
> support
> another time series DB.

That makes sense. If you don't need scaling, I can only encourage you
taking a look at using Carbonara+file rather than InfluxDB in the
future, which I think is still a better choice.

But in the meantime, feel free to send a patch to include back InfluxDB
in Gnocchi. As long as you're ready to help us maintain it, we'll all
open on that. :)

Julien Danjou
# Free Software hacker

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OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [kolla] Why base image always be built each time build a specific image.

2016-08-02 Thread Paul Bourke


You will see lines relating to the base image each time you build, 
however, they should be cached so will add almost no additional time to 
the build.


On 21/07/16 09:48, wrote:


When I use the following command to build keystone image, I saw
base/openstack-base image was built for the first time as the dependances,
which is OK.

kolla-build --registry --push keystone

But right after that, when I was building another image (for example
rabbitmq), I saw base image was built again. Why that happend and is that
necessary? Is there any way to keep the already built images to save
building time?


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Re: [openstack-dev] Nominate Vladimir Khlyunev for fuel-qa core

2016-08-02 Thread Dmitry Tyzhnenko

On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 12:51 PM, Artur Svechnikov 

> +1
> Best regards,
> Svechnikov Artur
> On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 12:40 PM, Andrey Sledzinskiy <
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'd like to nominate Vladimir Khlyunev for fuel-qa [0] core.
>> Vladimir has become a valuable member of fuel-qa project in quite short
>> period of time. His solid expertise and constant contribution gives me no
>> choice but to nominate him for fuel-qa core.
>> If anyone has any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace
>> [0]
>> --
>> Thanks,
>> Andrey Sledzinskiy
>> QA Engineer,
>> Mirantis, Kharkiv
>> __
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> __
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Dmitry T.
Fuel QA Engineer
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[openstack-dev] How to change openstack ID email

2016-08-02 Thread zhuna

I had an openstack ID with my company email address(, I change 
my company recently, so I add an company affiliation with my new company name.
Now the question is I can not login openstack 
( by, the error log is "We are sorry, your 
username or password does not match an existing record."
I can not login openstack by my new company email either, the error log is 
"member is not verified yet!", so I click "Verify Openstack 
ID" and input my new email address, it prints
", your request was successfully processed! please verify 
 then I login my inbox, there is no email from openstack.

Really appreciate if you can help to fix it.


OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [ironic] [nova] [neutron] get_all_bw_counters in the Ironic virt driver

2016-08-02 Thread John Garbutt
On 29 July 2016 at 19:58, Sean Dague  wrote:
> On 07/29/2016 02:29 PM, Jay Pipes wrote:
>> On 07/28/2016 09:02 PM, Devananda van der Veen wrote:
>>> On 07/28/2016 05:40 PM, Brad Morgan wrote:
 I'd like to solicit some advice about potentially implementing
 get_all_bw_counters() in the Ironic virt driver.
 Example Implementation:

 I'm ignoring the obvious question about how this data will actually be
 collected/fetched as that's probably it's own topic (involving
 neutron), but I
 have a few questions about the Nova -> Ironic interaction:

 * Is get_all_bw_counters() going to stick around for the foreseeable
 future? If
 not, what (if anything) is the replacement?
>> I don't think Nova should be in the business of monitoring *any*
>> transient metrics at all.
>> There are many tools out there -- Nagios, collectd, HEKA, Snap, gnocchi,
>> monasca just to name a few -- that can do this work.
>> What action is taken if some threshold is reached is entirely
>> deployment-dependent and not something that Nova should care about. Nova
>> should just expose an API for other services to use to control the guest
>> instances under its management, nothing more.
> More importantly... *only* xenapi driver implements this, and it's not
> exposed over the API. In reality that part of the virt driver layer
> should probably be removed.

AFAIK, it is only exposed via notifications:

I think its emitted here:

Agreed with not adding to the legacy, and not to encourage new users of this.

Long term, it feels like removing this from Nova is the correct thing
to do, but I do worry about not having an obvious direct replacement
yet, and a transition plan. (This also feeds back into being able to
list deleted instances in the API, and DB soft_delete). Its not

> Like jay said, there are better tools for collecting this than Nova.

I am out of touch with what folks should use to get this data, and
build a billing system? Ceilometer + something?

It feels like that story has to be solid before we delete this
support. Maybe thats already the case, and I just don't know what that
is yet?


OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [ironic] Driver composition defaults call

2016-08-02 Thread Mathieu Mitchell

On 2016-08-01 3:25 PM, Julia Kreger wrote:


As discussed in our meeting today[0], we would like to try and schedule a
time for a VoIP call so we can discuss driver composition[1] defaults with
the goal of reaching a consensus on defaults.

Reading a January meeting log surprised me, so here's the right link:


OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [docker] [magnum] Magnum account on Docker Hub

2016-08-02 Thread Steven Dake (stdake)

I may or may not have set it up early in Magnum's development.  I just don't 
remember.  My recommendation is to file a support ticket with docker and see if 
they will tell you who it belongs to (as in does it belong to one of the 
founders of Magnum) or if it belongs to some other third party.  Their support 
is very fast.  They may not be able to give you the answer if its not an 


From: Ton Ngo>>
Reply-To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)">>
Date: Monday, August 1, 2016 at 1:06 PM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List>>
Subject: [openstack-dev] [docker] [magnum] Magnum account on Docker Hub

Hi everyone,
At the last IRC meeting, the team discussed the need for hosting some container 
images on Docker Hub
to facilitate development. There is currently a Magnum account on Docker Hub, 
but this is not owned by anyone
on the team, so we would like to find who the owner is and whether this account 
was set up for OpenStack Magnum.
Thanks in advance!
Ton Ngo,
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] 回复: [neutron]dragonflow deployment incorrectness

2016-08-02 Thread Li Ma
If you deploy dragonflow by devstack, please provide local.conf.
Dragonflow uses df-l3-agent for SNAT only.

On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 11:45 AM, shihanzhang  wrote:
> As I know,  now dragonflow still use neutron l3-agent for snat, so the
> l3-agent is enabled and router namespace  be created.
> 在 2016-07-28 08:53:20, 写道:
> Hi
> The reason why a namepspace be created while creating router is just because
> l3-agent is enabled. You can disable it as you want to.
> At present, there is only dhcp app in dragonflow need packets from datapath,
> so you will observe controller related flows after you create vms in subnet
> where dhcp is enabled.
> BTW, if you want the all flows showed in br-int, including hidden flows, you
> can use command “ovs-appctl bridge/dump-flows br-int”
> - 原始邮件 -
> 发件人:"郑杰" 
> 收件人:"openstack-dev" 
> 主题:[openstack-dev] [neutron]dragonflow deployment incorrectness
> 日期:2016年07月27日 14点46分
> Hi ,everybody:
> when I deploy DragonFlow, I start neutron-server ,df-local-controller and
> df-l3-router, but there still are router namespace when I create routers ,I
> check ovs flow table ,there is no CONTROLLER actions for ip traffic ,so I
> guess something wrong with my conf.
> below are my neutron.conf and l3_agent.ini respectively
> neutron.conf-
> dhcp_agent_notification = False
> advertise_mtu = True
> api_workers = 10
> notify_nova_on_port_data_changes = True
> notify_nova_on_port_status_changes = True
> auth_strategy = keystone
> allow_overlapping_ips = True
> debug = True
> service_plugins =
> core_plugin = dragonflow.neutron.plugin.DFPlugin
> transport_url = rabbit://stackrabbit:secret@
> logging_exception_prefix = %(color)s%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d TRACE %(name)s
> ^[[01;35m%(instance)s^[[00m
> logging_debug_format_suffix = ^[[00;33mfrom (pid=%(process)d) %(funcName)s
> %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d^[[00m
> logging_default_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d
> %(color)s%(levelname)s %(name)s [^[[00;36m-%(color)s]
> ^[[01;35m%(instance)s%(color)s%(message)s^[[00m
> logging_context_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d
> %(color)s%(levelname)s %(name)s [^[[01;36m%(request_id)s
> ^[[00;36m%(user_name)s %(project_id)s%(color)s]
> ^[[01;35m%(instance)s%(color)s%(message)s^[[00m
> bind_host =
> use_syslog = False
> state_path = /opt/stack/data/neutron
> [df]
> pub_sub_driver = redis_db_pubsub_driver
> enable_selective_topology_distribution = True
> publisher_rate_limit_count = 1
> publisher_rate_limit_timeout = 180
> pub_sub_use_multiproc = False
> enable_df_pub_sub = True
> monitor_table_poll_time = 30
> apps_list =
> l2_app.L2App,l3_proactive_app.L3ProactiveApp,dhcp_app.DHCPApp,dnat_app.DNATApp,sg_app.SGApp,portsec_app.PortSecApp
> integration_bridge = br-int
> tunnel_type = geneve
> local_ip =
> nb_db_class = dragonflow.db.drivers.redis_db_driver.RedisDbDriver
> remote_db_hosts =
> remote_db_port = 4001
> remote_db_ip =
> [df_l2_app]
> l2_responder = True
> [df_dnat_app]
> ex_peer_patch_port = patch-int
> int_peer_patch_port = patch-ex
> external_network_bridge = br-ex
> -l3_agent.ini
> -
> l3_agent_manager = neutron.agent.l3_agent.L3NATAgentWithStateReport
> external_network_bridge = br-ex
> interface_driver = openvswitch
> ovs_use_veth = False
> debug = True
> root_helper_daemon = sudo /usr/bin/neutron-rootwrap-daemon
> /etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf
> root_helper = sudo /usr/bin/neutron-rootwrap /etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf
> --ovs-ofctl dump-flows
> br-int---
> NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
>  cookie=0x0, duration=1710.883s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0,
> idle_age=1710, priority=100,in_port=19
> actions=load:0x17->NXM_NX_REG6[],load:0x3->OXM_OF_METADATA[],resubmit(,1)
>  cookie=0x0, duration=1710.883s, table=0, n_packets=1268, n_bytes=53760,
> idle_age=0, priority=100,in_port=13
> actions=load:0x15->NXM_NX_REG6[],load:0x3->OXM_OF_METADATA[],resubmit(,1)
>  cookie=0x0, duration=1710.876s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0,
> idle_age=1710, priority=100,in_port=15
> actions=load:0x1a->NXM_NX_REG6[],load:0x2->OXM_OF_METADATA[],resubmit(,1)
>  cookie=0x0, duration=1710.876s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0,
> idle_age=1710, priority=100,in_port=20
> actions=load:0x1c->NXM_NX_REG6[],load:0x3->OXM_OF_METADATA[],resubmit(,1)
>  cookie=0x0, duration=1710.876s, table=0, n_packets=3, n_bytes=126,
> idle_age=643, priority=100,in_port=18
> actions=load:0x1b->NXM_NX_REG6[],load:0x2->OXM_OF_METADATA[],resubmit(,1)
>  cookie=0x0, duration=1710.883s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0,
> idle_age=1710, priority=100,tun_id=0x17
> actions=load:0x17->NXM_NX_REG7[],load:0x3->OXM_OF_METADATA[],resubmit(,72)
>  cookie=0x0, duration=1710.882s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0,
> idle_a

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] focused review pipeline of bug fix changes?

2016-08-02 Thread Markus Zoeller
We discussed the possible technical solutions but didn't get attention
if we see the need to do that. As none of the core reviewers or subteam
leaders reacted to the proposal, I conclude that this is not an issue
where we need to put our limited resources at.
This post is just informational to bring the discussion to a conclusion.

Regards, Markus Zoeller (markus_z)

On 12.07.2016 09:59, Markus Zoeller wrote:
> After closing the old (>18months) bug reports nobody is working on a few
> days ago [1], it became clear that the "in progress" reports are the
> majority [2]. After asking Gerrit how long it usually takes to get a fix
> merged [3], this is the result:
> number of merged bug fixes within the last 365 days: 689
> merged within ~1m : 409 (~59%)
> merged within ~2m : 102 (~14%)
> merged within ~3m :  57 (~ 8%)
> merged > 3month   : 121 (~17%)
> Note: This doesn't reflect the time a patch might be marked as
> "WIP". It also doesn't add up to 100% as I rounded down the
> percentages.
> This made me thinking about ways to increase the review throughput of
> bug fix changes, especially the bug fixes in the "~2m" and "~3m" area. I
> *assume* that the fixes in the ">3m" area had inherent problems or
> waited for basic structural changes, but that's just guesswork.
> The proposal is this:
> * have a TBD list with max 10 items on it (see list possibilities below)
> * add new items during nova meeting if slots are free
> * Change owners must propose their changes as meeting agenda items
> * drop change from list in nova meeting if progress is not satisfying
> List possibilities:
> 1) etherpad of doom? maintained by (?|me)
> + easy to add/remove from everyone
> - hard to query
> 2) gerrit: starred by (?|me)
> + easy to add/remove from the list maintainer
> + easy to query
> - No additions/removals when the list maintainer is on vacation
> 3) gerrit: add a comment flag TOP10BUGFIX and DROPTOP10BUGFIX
> + easy to add/remove from everyone
> + easy to query (comment:TOP10BUGFIX not comment:DROPTOP10BUGFIX)
> - once removed with a comment "DROPTOP10BUGFIX", a repeated
>   addition is not practical anymore.
> 4) gerrit: tag a change
> + easy to add/remove from everyone
> + easy to query
> - not yet available in our setup
> Personally I prefer 3, as it doesn't rely on a single person and the
> tooling is ready for that. It could be sufficient until one of the next
> infra Gerrit updates brings us 4. I'd like to avoid 1+2.
> My hope is, that a focused list helps us to get (few) things done faster
> and increase the overall velocity. Is this a feasible proposal from your
> point of view? Which concerns do you have?
> References:
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [all][tc] establishing project-wide goals

2016-08-02 Thread Hayes, Graham
On 29/07/2016 21:59, Doug Hellmann wrote:
> One of the outcomes of the discussion at the leadership training
> session earlier this year was the idea that the TC should set some
> community-wide goals for accomplishing specific technical tasks to
> get the projects synced up and moving in the same direction.
> After several drafts via etherpad and input from other TC and SWG
> members, I've prepared the change for the governance repo [1] and
> am ready to open this discussion up to the broader community. Please
> read through the patch carefully, especially the "goals/index.rst"
> document which tries to lay out the expectations for what makes a
> good goal for this purpose and for how teams are meant to approach
> working on these goals.
> I've also prepared two patches proposing specific goals for Ocata
> [2][3].  I've tried to keep these suggested goals for the first
> iteration limited to "finish what we've started" type items, so
> they are small and straightforward enough to be able to be completed.
> That will let us experiment with the process of managing goals this
> time around, and set us up for discussions that may need to happen
> at the Ocata summit about implementation.
> For future cycles, we can iterate on making the goals "harder", and
> collecting suggestions for goals from the community during the forum
> discussions that will happen at summits starting in Boston.
> Doug
> [1] describe a process for managing 
> community-wide goals
> [2] add ocata goal "support python 3.5"
> [3] add ocata goal "switch to oslo 
> libraries"

I am confused. When I proposed my patch for doing something very similar
(Equal Chances for all projects is basically a multiple release goal) I
got the following rebuttals:

 > "and it would be
 > a mistake to try to require that because the issue is almost always
 > lack of resources and not lack of desire. Volunteers to contribute
 > to the work that's needed will do more to help than a
 > one-size-fits-all policy."

 > This isn't a thing that gets fixed with policy. It gets fixed with
 > people.

 > I am reading through the thread, and it puzzles me that I see a lot
 > of right words about goals but not enough hints on who is going to
 > implement that.

 > I think the right solutions here are human ones. Talk with people.
 > Figure out how you can help lighten their load so that they have
 > breathing space. I think hiding behind policy becomes a way to make
 > us more separate rather than engaging folks more directly.

 > Coming at this with top down declarations of how things should work
 > not only ignores reality of the ecosystem and the current state of
 > these projects, but is also going about things backwards.

 > This entirely ignores that these are all open source projects,
 > which are often very sparsely contributed to. If you have an issue
 > with a project or the interface it provides, then contribute to it.
 > Don't make grandiose resolutions trying to force things into what you
 > see as an ideal state, instead contribute to help fix the problems
 > you've identified.

And yet, we are currently suggesting a system that will actively (in an
undefined way) penalise projects who do not comply with a different set
of proposals, done in a top down manner.

I may be missing the point, but the two proposals seem to have 
similarities - what is the difference?

When I see comments like:

 > Project teams who join the big tent sign up to the rights and
 > responsibilities that go along with membership. Those responsibilities
 > include taking some direction from the TC, including regarding work
 > they may not give the same priority as the broader community.

It sounds like top down is OK, but previous ML thread / TC feedback
has been different.

- Graham

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Re: [openstack-dev] Nominate Vladimir Khlyunev for fuel-qa core

2016-08-02 Thread Tatyana Leontovich
A huge +1, Vladimir make a great job!

On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 1:52 PM, Dmitry Tyzhnenko 

> +1
> On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 12:51 PM, Artur Svechnikov <
>> wrote:
>> +1
>> Best regards,
>> Svechnikov Artur
>> On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 12:40 PM, Andrey Sledzinskiy <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'd like to nominate Vladimir Khlyunev for fuel-qa [0] core.
>>> Vladimir has become a valuable member of fuel-qa project in quite short
>>> period of time. His solid expertise and constant contribution gives me no
>>> choice but to nominate him for fuel-qa core.
>>> If anyone has any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace
>>> [0]
>>> --
>>> Thanks,
>>> Andrey Sledzinskiy
>>> QA Engineer,
>>> Mirantis, Kharkiv
>>> __
>>> OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
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>> __
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> --
> WBR,
> Dmitry T.
> Fuel QA Engineer
> __
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Re: [openstack-dev] Nominate Vladimir Khlyunev for fuel-qa core

2016-08-02 Thread Artem Panchenko

On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 1:52 PM, Dmitry Tyzhnenko 

> +1
> On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 12:51 PM, Artur Svechnikov <
>> wrote:
>> +1
>> Best regards,
>> Svechnikov Artur
>> On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 12:40 PM, Andrey Sledzinskiy <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'd like to nominate Vladimir Khlyunev for fuel-qa [0] core.
>>> Vladimir has become a valuable member of fuel-qa project in quite short
>>> period of time. His solid expertise and constant contribution gives me no
>>> choice but to nominate him for fuel-qa core.
>>> If anyone has any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace
>>> [0]
>>> --
>>> Thanks,
>>> Andrey Sledzinskiy
>>> QA Engineer,
>>> Mirantis, Kharkiv
>>> __
>>> OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
>>> Unsubscribe:
>> __
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>> Unsubscribe:
> --
> WBR,
> Dmitry T.
> Fuel QA Engineer
> __
> OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
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OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] How to change openstack ID email

2016-08-02 Thread Tom Fifield


Did you try logging in with your address ? :)



On 02/08/16 19:04, zhuna wrote:


I had an openstack ID with my company email address(, I
change my company recently, so I add an company affiliation with my new
company name.

Now the question is I can not login openstack
( by
, the error log is “We are sorry, your username
or password does not match an existing record.”

I can not login openstack by my new company email
 either, the error log is “member is not verified yet!”, so I click “Verify Openstack
ID” and input my new email address, it prints

“, your request was successfully processed! please
verify your INBOX
then I login my inbox, there is no email from openstack.

Really appreciate if you can help to fix it.



OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron][dvr][fip] fg device allocated private ip address

2016-08-02 Thread huangdenghui
hi john and brain
   thanks for your information, if we get patch[1],patch[2] merged,then fg can 
allocate private ip address. after that, we need consider floating ip 
dataplane, in current dvr implementation, fg is used to reachment testing for 
floating ip, now,with subnet types bp,fg has different subnet than floating ip 
address, from fg'subnet gateway point view, to reach floating ip, it need a 
routes entry, destination is some floating ip address, fg'ip address is the 
nexthop, and this routes entry need be populated at the event of floating ip 
creating, deleting when floating ip is dissociated. any comments?


On 2016-08-01 23:38 , John Davidge Wrote:

Yes, as Brian says this will be covered by the follow-up patch to [2]
which I¹m currently working on. Thanks for the question.


On 8/1/16, 3:17 PM, "Brian Haley"  wrote:

>On 07/31/2016 06:27 AM, huangdenghui wrote:
>> Hi
>>Now we have spec named subnet service types, which provides a
>>capability of
>> allowing different port of a network to allocate ip address from
>> subnet. In current implementation of DVR, fip also is distributed on
>> compute node, floating ip and fg's ip are both allocated from external
>> subnets. In large public cloud deployment, current implementation will
>> lots of public ip address. Do we need a RFE to apply subnet service
>>types spec
>> to resolve this problem. Any thoughts?
>This is going to be covered in the existing RFE for subnet service types
>We currently have two reviews in progress for CRUD [2] and CLI [3], the
>changes are next.
>OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

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OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [nova] [scheduler] Use ResourceProviderTags instead of ResourceClass?

2016-08-02 Thread Alex Xu
Chris have a thought about using ResourceClass to describe Capabilities
with an infinite inventory. In the beginning we brain storming the idea of
Tags, Tan Lin have same thought, but we say no very quickly, due to the
ResourceClass is really about Quantitative stuff. But Chris give very good
point about simplify the ResourceProvider model and the API.

After rethinking about those idea, I like simplify the ResourceProvider
model and the API. But I think the direction is opposite. ResourceClass
with infinite inventory is really hacky. The Placement API is simple, but
the usage of those API isn't simple for user, they need create a
ResourceClass, then create an infinite inventory. And ResourceClass isn't
managable like Tags, look at the Tags API, there are many query parameter.

But look at the ResourceClass and ResourceProviderTags, they are totally
same, two columns: one is integer id, another one is string. ResourceClass
is just for naming the quantitative stuff. So what we need is thing used to
'naming'. ResourceProviderTags is higher abstract, Tags is generic thing to
name something, we totally can use Tag instead of ResourceClass. So user
can create inventory with tags, also user can create ResourceProvider with

But yes, there may still have problem isn't resolved, one of problem is
pointed out when I discuss with YingXin about how to distinguish the Tag is
about quantitative or qualitative. He think we need attribute for Tag to
distinguish it. But the attribute isn't thing I like, I prefer leave that
alone due to the user of placement API is admin-user.

Any thought? or I'm too crazy at here...maybe I just need put this in the
alternative section in the spec...

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] 答复: How to change openstack ID email

2016-08-02 Thread zhuna
I never register with my gmail address, When I login with my gmail address, it 
prints "we are sorry, your username and password does not match an existing 
I think the question is my new email is not verified, can you tell me who can 
help to verify it?

发件人: Tom Fifield [] 
发送时间: 2016年8月2日 20:15
主题: Re: [openstack-dev] How to change openstack ID email


Did you try logging in with your address ? :)



On 02/08/16 19:04, zhuna wrote:
> Dear,
> I had an openstack ID with my company email address(, 
> I change my company recently, so I add an company affiliation with my 
> new company name.
> Now the question is I can not login openstack
> ( by 
> , the error log is “We are sorry, your 
> username or password does not match an existing record.”
> I can not login openstack by my new company email 
>  either, the error log is “member 
> is not verified yet!”, so I click “Verify 
> Openstack ID” and input my new email address, it prints
> “, your request was successfully processed! please 
> verify your INBOX 
>  rocessed!%20please%20verify%20your%20INBOX>”,
> then I login my inbox, there is no email from openstack.
> Really appreciate if you can help to fix it.
> BR
> Juno
> __
>  OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
> Unsubscribe: 

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OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [neutron][upgrades] Bi-weekly upgrades work status. 8/2/2016

2016-08-02 Thread Korzeniewski, Artur
Hi Neutrinos,
As we are progressing with object implementation for neutron database 
resources, I would like to summarize the status.

Please find the etherpad as up-to-date work status on object progress, TODOs/In 
progress/Done items:
This etherpad should collect all the work that need to be done to address the 
objectification. Please add any items that you see are missing.

1. Object implementation
Since last report, we have manage to merge following patches:
- Allow unique keys to be used with get_object
- objects: loading synthetic fields from defined ORM relationships.
- objects: better apply filters for objects/db/api/get_object query.
- objects: Add update_fields method in base class.
- objects: Add RBAC to Subnet OVO
- objects: Adjust Subnet fields, add tenant_id and segment_id
- objects: introduce NetworkPortSecurity object
- trunk: avoid redundant refetch of subports on create
- tests: enable test_get_objects_queries_constant for trunk ports

Please check for following patches that are still under review:
- Introduces ovo objects for security groups
- objects: forbid updates for project_id field for subnets
- SUPER WIP OVO port object
- objects: expose database model for NeutronDbObject instances
- objects: remove support for multiple db models in from_db_object
- WIP: get_subnet(s), update, delete converted in db_base_plugin -
- devref: docs about how to use NeutronDbObject.
- Print out specific filter that failed in object filtering unit test

2. About object integration in neutron base code:
Tenant_id to project_id approach in objects:
For object implementation, we expose both project_id and tenant_id, but only 
the project_id is regular field in object 'fields' property. The tenant_id is 
declared (in automated manner for every object that has project_id [3]) as 
read-only value, available in to_dict() and in dictionary access to the objects 
fields. It does not appear in obj_to_primitive() method, so for example the 
tenant_id would not be sent over the RPC callback wire.
Currently, we are performing the automated translation from tenant_id to 
project_id when fetching the data from DB [4]. When the tenant_id column would 
be renamed into project_id, it would not have any effect on object 
implementation, the [4] would be not used and can be removed, but from object 
user perspective, nothing will change. There still will be tenant_id access [3] 
so we will be backward compatible.
When talking about REST API to OVO passing filters, we should be able to handle 
both tenant_id and project_id for filtering. Current approach is to translate 
the tenant_id to project_id in filters before passing it to get_objects() 
method [5][6]

REST API filtering:
I have encounter the problem when passing any random string as filters from 
REST API to get_objects OVO implementation [7]. At object layer, we do not 
accept unknown filters and errors out. The general approach should be to handle 
it at API level, to pass to plugins only valid filters. Current way to handle 
it is to remove all unknown filters in DB layer, just before passing the 
filters to get_objects() (work TBD).

Extensions and object implementation:
Replacing direct access to DB by OVO means that every extension fields should 
be declared in object definition, in order to include the data in the object 
structure and fetch the data from DB . In-tree extensions can be done in using 
OVO, like synthetic field, field that is loaded from other place in DB than 
current object DB model.
That situation can be extremely difficult for out of tree plugins/drivers that 
are extending the neutron resource like port, subnet, network. Since dropping 
the support for them is not possible, we will have DB model as an object field 
and we will pass it in make__dict and extension functions, just like 
it is done today. [10][11]

Returning all object fields for QoS and trunk port in REST API:
Current implementation for QoS and trunk port API is returning all object 
fields in REST API [8][9]. We need to limit the info return to the API 
consumer, because the internal data is leaking like revision number of DB 
state. This work is TBD.

Circular import issue:
To break the circular dependency when implementing the OVO in db classes that 
are having the model and mixin in

[openstack-dev] 答复: [neutron][dvr][fip] fg device allocated private ip address

2016-08-02 Thread zhuna

You can leverage neutron-dynamic-routing to advertise floating ip to external 

发件人: huangdenghui []
发送时间: 2016年8月2日 20:16
收件人: John Davidge
抄送: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
主题: Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron][dvr][fip] fg device allocated private ip 

hi john and brain
   thanks for your information, if we get patch[1],patch[2] merged,then fg can 
allocate private ip address. after that, we need consider floating ip 
dataplane, in current dvr implementation, fg is used to reachment testing for 
floating ip, now,with subnet types bp,fg has different subnet than floating ip 
address, from fg'subnet gateway point view, to reach floating ip, it need a 
routes entry, destination is some floating ip address, fg'ip address is the 
nexthop, and this routes entry need be populated at the event of floating ip 
creating, deleting when floating ip is dissociated. any comments?


On 2016-08-01 23:38 , John Davidge Wrote:

Yes, as Brian says this will be covered by the follow-up patch to [2]
which I¹m currently working on. Thanks for the question.


On 8/1/16, 3:17 PM, "Brian Haley">> wrote:

>On 07/31/2016 06:27 AM, huangdenghui wrote:
>> Hi
>>Now we have spec named subnet service types, which provides a
>>capability of
>> allowing different port of a network to allocate ip address from
>> subnet. In current implementation of DVR, fip also is distributed on
>> compute node, floating ip and fg's ip are both allocated from external
>> subnets. In large public cloud deployment, current implementation will
>> lots of public ip address. Do we need a RFE to apply subnet service
>>types spec
>> to resolve this problem. Any thoughts?
>This is going to be covered in the existing RFE for subnet service types
>We currently have two reviews in progress for CRUD [2] and CLI [3], the
>changes are next.
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OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [kolla] Why base image always be built each time build a specific image.

2016-08-02 Thread Steven Dake (stdake)

I think the cache isn't working exactly as you described for the base
image.  Not sure what is going on there - it could just be my
misperception.  However, as you point out the time spent "rebuilding" the
base image is very small (under 30 seconds) so I don't believe its a
pressing emergency as compared to the sheer amount of outstanding reviews
that need reviews or correcctions.

Zhijiang - to answer one of your questions, there is no way to just build
a container without its dependencies.


On 8/2/16, 3:40 AM, "Paul Bourke"  wrote:

>You will see lines relating to the base image each time you build,
>however, they should be cached so will add almost no additional time to
>the build.
>On 21/07/16 09:48, wrote:
>> Hi,
>> When I use the following command to build keystone image, I saw
>> base/openstack-base image was built for the first time as the
>> which is OK.
>> kolla-build --registry --push keystone
>> But right after that, when I was building another image (for example
>> rabbitmq), I saw base image was built again. Why that happend and is
>> necessary? Is there any way to keep the already built images to save
>> building time?
>> Thanks,
>> Zhijiang
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OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [tripleo] service validation during deployment steps

2016-08-02 Thread Arkady_Kanevsky
What about ability of service expert to plug-in remediation module?
If remediation action succeed - proceed, if not then stop.
Remediation module can be extended independently from main flow.

-Original Message-
From: Steven Hardy []
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2016 3:26 AM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [tripleo] service validation during deployment 

Hi Emilien,

On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 03:59:33PM -0400, Emilien Macchi wrote:
> I would love to hear some feedback about $topic, thanks.

Sorry for the slow response, we did dicuss this on IRC, but providing that 
feedback and some other comments below:

> On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 11:31 AM, Emilien Macchi wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Some people on the field brought interesting feedback:
> >
> > "As a TripleO User, I would like the deployment to stop immediately
> > after an resource creation failure during a step of the deployment
> > and be able to easily understand what service or resource failed to
> > be installed".
> >
> > Example:
> > If during step4 Puppet tries to deploy Neutron and OVS, but OVS
> > fails to start for some reasons, deployment should stop at the end
> > of the step.

I don't think anyone will argue against this use-case, we absolutely want to 
enable a better "fail fast" for deployment problems, as well as better 
surfacing of why it failed.

> > So there are 2 things in this user story:
> >
> > 1) Be able to run some service validation within a step deployment.
> > Note about the implementation: make the validation composable per
> > service (OVS, nova, etc) and not per role (compute, controller, etc).

+1, now we have composable services we need any validations to be
associated with the services, not the roles.

That said, it's fairly easy to imagine an interface like 
step_config/config_settings could be used to wire in composable service 
validations on a per-role basis, e.g similar to what we do here, but

Similar to what was proposed (but never merged) here:

> > 2) Make this information readable and easy to access and understand
> > for our users.
> >
> > I have a proof-of-concept for 1) and partially 2), with the example
> > of
> > OVS:
> > This patch will make sure OVS is actually usable at step 4 by
> > running 'ovs-vsctl show' during the Puppet catalog and if it's
> > working, it will create a Puppet anchor. This anchor is currently
> > not useful but could be in future if we want to rely on it for 
> > orchestration.
> > I wrote the service validation in Puppet 2 years ago when doing
> > Spinal Stack with eNovance:
> >
> > ts/service_validation.pp I think we could re-use it very easily, it
> > has been proven to work.
> > Also, the code is within our Puppet profiles, so it's by design
> > composable and we don't need to make any connection with our current
> > services with some magic. Validation will reside within Puppet
> > manifests.
> > If you look my PoC, this code could even live in puppet-vswitch
> > itself (we already have this code for puppet-nova, and some others).

I think having the validations inside the puppet implementation is OK, but 
ideally I think we do want it to be part of the puppet modules themselves (not 
part of the puppet-tripleo abstraction layer).

The issue I'd have with putting it in puppet-tripleo is that if we're going to 
do this in a tripleo specific way, it should probably be done via a method 
that's more config tool agnostic. Otherwise we'll have to recreate the same 
validations for future implementations (I'm thinking specifically about 
containers here, and possibly ansible[1].

So, in summary, I'm +1 on getting this integrated if it can be done with little 
overhead and it's something we can leverage via the puppet modules vs 

> >
> > Ok now, what if validation fails?
> > I'm testing it here:
> > If you look at /var/log/messages, you'll see:
> >
> > Error:
> > /Stage[main]/Tripleo::Profile::Base::Neutron::Ovs/Openstacklib::Serv
> > ice_validation[openvswitch]/Exec[execute
> > openvswitch validation]/returns: change from notrun to 0 failed
> >
> > So it's pretty clear by looking at logs that openvswitch service
> > validation failed and something is wrong. You'll also notice in the
> > logs that deployed stopped at step 4 since OVS is not considered to
> > run.
> > It's partially addressing 2) because we need to make it more
> > explicit and readable. Dan Prince had the idea to use
> > to print a nice
> > report of Puppet catalog result (we haven't tried it yet). We could
> > also use Operationa

[openstack-dev] [puppet] Temporarily unstable Fuel deployment test jobs

2016-08-02 Thread Vladimir Kozhukalov
Dear colleagues,

Please be informed that we are going to merge some patches on 08/02/2016 to
Fuel repositories to switch from Mitaka to Newton packages. These patches
will likely distabilize Fuel deployment tests for several days. We are
going fix all major features till 08/08/2016 and get these jobs stable


Vladimir Kozhukalov
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [all][tc] establishing project-wide goals

2016-08-02 Thread Doug Hellmann
Excerpts from Shamail's message of 2016-08-01 22:37:28 -0500:
> Thanks Doug,
> > On Aug 1, 2016, at 10:44 AM, Doug Hellmann  wrote:
> > 
> > Excerpts from Shamail Tahir's message of 2016-08-01 09:49:35 -0500:
> >>> On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 7:58 AM, Doug Hellmann  
> >>> wrote:
> >>> 
> >>> Excerpts from Sean Dague's message of 2016-08-01 08:33:06 -0400:
> > On 07/29/2016 04:55 PM, Doug Hellmann wrote:
> > One of the outcomes of the discussion at the leadership training
> > session earlier this year was the idea that the TC should set some
> > community-wide goals for accomplishing specific technical tasks to
> > get the projects synced up and moving in the same direction.
> > 
> > After several drafts via etherpad and input from other TC and SWG
> > members, I've prepared the change for the governance repo [1] and
> > am ready to open this discussion up to the broader community. Please
> > read through the patch carefully, especially the "goals/index.rst"
> > document which tries to lay out the expectations for what makes a
> > good goal for this purpose and for how teams are meant to approach
> > working on these goals.
> > 
> > I've also prepared two patches proposing specific goals for Ocata
> > [2][3].  I've tried to keep these suggested goals for the first
> > iteration limited to "finish what we've started" type items, so
> > they are small and straightforward enough to be able to be completed.
> > That will let us experiment with the process of managing goals this
> > time around, and set us up for discussions that may need to happen
> > at the Ocata summit about implementation.
> > 
> > For future cycles, we can iterate on making the goals "harder", and
> > collecting suggestions for goals from the community during the forum
> > discussions that will happen at summits starting in Boston.
> > 
> > Doug
> > 
> > [1] describe a process for
> >>> managing community-wide goals
> > [2] add ocata goal "support
> >>> python 3.5"
> > [3] add ocata goal "switch to
> >>> oslo libraries"
>  I like the direction this is headed. And I think for the test items, it
>  works pretty well.
>  I'm trying to think about how we'd use a model like this to support
>  something a little more abstract such as making upgrades easier. Where
>  we've got a few things that we know get in the way (policy in files,
>  rootwrap rules, paste ini changes), as well as validation, as well as
>  configuration changes. And what it looks like for persistently important
>  items which are going to take more than a cycle to get through.
> >>> 
> >>> If we think the goal can be completed in a single cycle, then those
> >>> specific items can just be used to define "done" ("all policy
> >>> definitions have defaults in code and the service works without a policy
> >>> configuration file" or whatever). If the goal cannot be completed in a
> >>> single cycle, then it would need to be broken up in to phases.
> >>> 
>  Definitely seems worth giving it a shot on the current set of items, and
>  see how it fleshes out.
>  My only concern at this point is it seems like we're building nested
>  data structures that people are going to want to parse into some kind of
>  visualization in RST, which is a sub optimal parsing format. If we know
>  that people want to parse this in advance, yamling it up might be in
>  order. Because this mostly looks like it would reduce to one of those
>  green/yellow/red checker boards by project and task.
> >>> 
> >>> That's a good idea. How about if I commit to translate what we end
> >>> up with to YAML during Ocata, but we evolve the first version using
> >>> the RST since that's simpler to review for now?
> >> 
> >> We have created a tracker file[1][2] for user stories (minor changes
> >> pending based on feedback) in the Product WG repo.  We are currently
> >> working with the infra team to get a visualization tool deployed that shows
> >> the status for each artifact and provides links so that people can get more
> >> details as necessary.  Could something similar be (re)used here?
> > 
> > Possibly. I don't want to tie the governance part of the process
> > to tightly to any project management tools, since those tend to
> > change, but if the project-specific tracking artifacts exist in
> > that form then linking to them would be appropriate.
> The purpose of the tracking is to link existing project-level artifacts 
> including cross project specs and service level specs/blueprints.  Once the 
> tool is deployed, we can see if it fits this need.
> > 
> >> 
> >> I also have a general question about whether goals could be documented as
> >> user stories[3]?
> > 
> > I would expect some of t

Re: [openstack-dev] [all][tc] establishing project-wide goals

2016-08-02 Thread Doug Hellmann
Excerpts from Hayes, Graham's message of 2016-08-02 11:53:37 +:
> On 29/07/2016 21:59, Doug Hellmann wrote:
> > One of the outcomes of the discussion at the leadership training
> > session earlier this year was the idea that the TC should set some
> > community-wide goals for accomplishing specific technical tasks to
> > get the projects synced up and moving in the same direction.
> >
> > After several drafts via etherpad and input from other TC and SWG
> > members, I've prepared the change for the governance repo [1] and
> > am ready to open this discussion up to the broader community. Please
> > read through the patch carefully, especially the "goals/index.rst"
> > document which tries to lay out the expectations for what makes a
> > good goal for this purpose and for how teams are meant to approach
> > working on these goals.
> >
> > I've also prepared two patches proposing specific goals for Ocata
> > [2][3].  I've tried to keep these suggested goals for the first
> > iteration limited to "finish what we've started" type items, so
> > they are small and straightforward enough to be able to be completed.
> > That will let us experiment with the process of managing goals this
> > time around, and set us up for discussions that may need to happen
> > at the Ocata summit about implementation.
> >
> > For future cycles, we can iterate on making the goals "harder", and
> > collecting suggestions for goals from the community during the forum
> > discussions that will happen at summits starting in Boston.
> >
> > Doug
> >
> > [1] describe a process for managing 
> > community-wide goals
> > [2] add ocata goal "support python 3.5"
> > [3] add ocata goal "switch to oslo 
> > libraries"
> I am confused. When I proposed my patch for doing something very similar
> (Equal Chances for all projects is basically a multiple release goal) I
> got the following rebuttals:
>  > "and it would be
>  > a mistake to try to require that because the issue is almost always
>  > lack of resources and not lack of desire. Volunteers to contribute
>  > to the work that's needed will do more to help than a
>  > one-size-fits-all policy."
>  > This isn't a thing that gets fixed with policy. It gets fixed with
>  > people.
>  > I am reading through the thread, and it puzzles me that I see a lot
>  > of right words about goals but not enough hints on who is going to
>  > implement that.
>  > I think the right solutions here are human ones. Talk with people.
>  > Figure out how you can help lighten their load so that they have
>  > breathing space. I think hiding behind policy becomes a way to make
>  > us more separate rather than engaging folks more directly.
>  > Coming at this with top down declarations of how things should work
>  > not only ignores reality of the ecosystem and the current state of
>  > these projects, but is also going about things backwards.
>  > This entirely ignores that these are all open source projects,
>  > which are often very sparsely contributed to. If you have an issue
>  > with a project or the interface it provides, then contribute to it.
>  > Don't make grandiose resolutions trying to force things into what you
>  > see as an ideal state, instead contribute to help fix the problems
>  > you've identified.
> And yet, we are currently suggesting a system that will actively (in an
> undefined way) penalise projects who do not comply with a different set
> of proposals, done in a top down manner.
> I may be missing the point, but the two proposals seem to have 
> similarities - what is the difference?
> When I see comments like:
>  > Project teams who join the big tent sign up to the rights and
>  > responsibilities that go along with membership. Those responsibilities
>  > include taking some direction from the TC, including regarding work
>  > they may not give the same priority as the broader community.
> It sounds like top down is OK, but previous ML thread / TC feedback
> has been different.

One difference is that these goals are not things like "the
documentation team must include every service project in the
installation guide" but rather would be phrased like "every project
must provide an installation guide". The work is distributed to the
vertical teams, and not focused in the horizontal teams.


> - Graham
> > __
> > OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
> > Unsubscribe:
> >
> >

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [tc] persistently single-vendor projects

2016-08-02 Thread Doug Hellmann
Excerpts from Chris Dent's message of 2016-08-02 11:16:29 +0100:
> On Mon, 1 Aug 2016, James Bottomley wrote:
> > Making no judgments about the particular exemplars here, I would just
> > like to point out that one reason why projects exist with very little
> > diversity is that they "just work".  Usually people get involved when
> > something doesn't work or they need something changed to work for them.
> > However, people do have a high tolerance for "works well enough"
> > meaning that a project can be functional, widely used and not
> > attracting diverse contributors.  A case in point for this type of
> > project in the non-openstack world would be openssl but there are many
> > others.
> In a somewhat related point, the kinds of metrics we use in OpenStack to
> evaluate project health tend to have the unintended consequence of
> requiring the projects to always be growing and changing (i.e. churning)
> rather than trending towards stability and maturity.
> I'd like to think that we can have some projects that can be called
> "done".
> So we need to consider the side effects of the measurements we're
> taking and not let the letter of the new laws kill the spirit.
> Yours in cliches,

Sure. I think I'd want to set things up to trigger a review, and not an
automatic "expulsion". The TC at the time would be able to recognize a
stable project and take into account whether the level of activity is
appropriate for the maturity and nature of the project.


OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [nova][tempest] testing different configurations by exploiting the mutate attribute?

2016-08-02 Thread Markus Zoeller
IIUC, each gate testing job has a *fixed configuration* which will never
be changed when executing *all* tempest tests. If I need to test a
specific configuration, a new testing job is needed. As we have a
limited amount of test nodes, this creates testing gaps as we cannot
test all (reasonable/worthy) configuration permutations.

In [1] I asked for advice how I can test the Nova serial console feature
without creating a new test job and I'm wondering if we can exploit the
mutable attribute of config options [2] for testing purposes in general.
We already do something similar with the live-migration testing job [3].
This relies on restarting the services after changing the "nova.conf"
file however.

I'd like to discuss:
1) Do we see the need for more tempest tests with different
2) If ^ is true, what are the arguments against having a new testing
   job "gate-tempest-dsvm-full-mutate-configs" + writing tempest
   tests which send a SIGHUP to trigger the reload of previously
   changed "nova.conf" file?


Regards, Markus Zoeller (markus_z)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] pydotplus (taskflow) vs pydot-ng (fuel)

2016-08-02 Thread Thomas Goirand

Fuel uses pydot-ng, and (at least) taskflow uses pydotplus. I believe
both aren't using pydot because that's dead upstream.

Could we have a bit of consistency here, and have one or the other
component to switch, so we could get rid of one more package that does
the same thing in downstream distros?


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [ironic] weekly subteam status report

2016-08-02 Thread Ruby Loo

We are yodelling to present this week's subteam report for Ironic. As
usual, this is pulled directly from the Ironic whiteboard[0] and formatted.

Bugs (dtantsur)
- Stats (diff with 18 July 2016)
- Ironic: 216 bugs (+15) + 204 wishlist items (+3). 21 new (+8), 160 in
progress (+15), 0 critical, 31 high (+2) and 19 incomplete (-2)
- Inspector: 11 bugs (+2) + 20 wishlist items (-1). 0 new, 11 in progress
(+3), 0 critical, 2 high and 2 incomplete
- Nova bugs with Ironic tag: 11 (+2). 0 new, 0 critical, 1 high (+1)

Network isolation (Neutron/Ironic work) (jroll, TheJulia, devananda)

* trello:
- working on potential FFE for nova things

Gate improvements (jlvillal, lucasagomes, dtantsur)
- dtantsur has to catch up with recent gate changes, several jobs seem to
be added
- likely xenial jobs? some names changed too but those should be
- there was a refactoring that seems to have added a lot of jobs to
JJB, see the full list in the pad below
- discussed the number of jenkins jobs with openstack-infra team last week,
with some proposals on how to reorganize our jobs

Node search API (jroll, lintan, rloo)
* trello:
- probably not a priority with new scheduling/multi-compute plans

Node claims API (jroll, lintan)
* trello:
- probably not a priority with new scheduling/multi-compute plans

Multiple compute hosts (jroll, devananda)
* trello:
- We have a simple path forward:
- uses a hash ring to distribute nodes between compute services
- Nova team has agreed to let that in this cycle

Generic boot-from-volume (TheJulia, dtantsur, lucasagomes)
* trello:
- Specification updated
- Code being actively developed, although requires volume connection
- Volume connection information changes need reviews as they are required
for boot-from-volume

Agent top-level API promotion (dtantsur)

* trello:
- the heartbeat implementation was approved (fails in gate though), now
rebasing everything else

Driver composition (dtantsur)
* trello:
- blocked by ongoing discussion about interfaces defaults
- to a lesser extent blocked by agent API promotion

OpenStackClient plugin for ironic (thrash, dtantsur, rloo)
* trello:
- port and chassis commands:
- baremetal create command:

Notifications (mariojv)
* trello:
- Update August 1st, 2016
- Patches for notifications base class and power state notification up
for review
- Mario still has to respond to comments on base class patch,
should have another patch set up today
- yuriyz has proposed a spec for notifications on provision state

Keystone policy support (JayF, devananda)
* trello:
- code complete, fixing minor issues, hope to land today.

Active node creation (TheJulia)
* trello:
- Tempest test and test substrate changes need reviews

Serial console (yossy, hshiina, yuikotakadamori)

* trello:
- console_utils: merged
- IPMITool driver interface: merged
- follow-on patches: need review
- install guide: needs review (being reviewed by primary contacts)

Inspector (dtansur)
* trello:
- A proper grenade job is now running in our gate \o/
- switching to voting if/when it proofs stable enough
- ironic-inspector-client to be released soon


Until n

Re: [openstack-dev] [all][tc] establishing project-wide goals

2016-08-02 Thread Hayes, Graham
On 02/08/2016 14:37, Doug Hellmann wrote:
> Excerpts from Hayes, Graham's message of 2016-08-02 11:53:37 +:
>> On 29/07/2016 21:59, Doug Hellmann wrote:
>>> One of the outcomes of the discussion at the leadership training
>>> session earlier this year was the idea that the TC should set some
>>> community-wide goals for accomplishing specific technical tasks to
>>> get the projects synced up and moving in the same direction.
>>> After several drafts via etherpad and input from other TC and SWG
>>> members, I've prepared the change for the governance repo [1] and
>>> am ready to open this discussion up to the broader community. Please
>>> read through the patch carefully, especially the "goals/index.rst"
>>> document which tries to lay out the expectations for what makes a
>>> good goal for this purpose and for how teams are meant to approach
>>> working on these goals.
>>> I've also prepared two patches proposing specific goals for Ocata
>>> [2][3].  I've tried to keep these suggested goals for the first
>>> iteration limited to "finish what we've started" type items, so
>>> they are small and straightforward enough to be able to be completed.
>>> That will let us experiment with the process of managing goals this
>>> time around, and set us up for discussions that may need to happen
>>> at the Ocata summit about implementation.
>>> For future cycles, we can iterate on making the goals "harder", and
>>> collecting suggestions for goals from the community during the forum
>>> discussions that will happen at summits starting in Boston.
>>> Doug
>>> [1] describe a process for managing 
>>> community-wide goals
>>> [2] add ocata goal "support python 3.5"
>>> [3] add ocata goal "switch to oslo 
>>> libraries"
>> I am confused. When I proposed my patch for doing something very similar
>> (Equal Chances for all projects is basically a multiple release goal) I
>> got the following rebuttals:
>>  > "and it would be
>>  > a mistake to try to require that because the issue is almost always
>>  > lack of resources and not lack of desire. Volunteers to contribute
>>  > to the work that's needed will do more to help than a
>>  > one-size-fits-all policy."
>>  > This isn't a thing that gets fixed with policy. It gets fixed with
>>  > people.
>>  > I am reading through the thread, and it puzzles me that I see a lot
>>  > of right words about goals but not enough hints on who is going to
>>  > implement that.
>>  > I think the right solutions here are human ones. Talk with people.
>>  > Figure out how you can help lighten their load so that they have
>>  > breathing space. I think hiding behind policy becomes a way to make
>>  > us more separate rather than engaging folks more directly.
>>  > Coming at this with top down declarations of how things should work
>>  > not only ignores reality of the ecosystem and the current state of
>>  > these projects, but is also going about things backwards.
>>  > This entirely ignores that these are all open source projects,
>>  > which are often very sparsely contributed to. If you have an issue
>>  > with a project or the interface it provides, then contribute to it.
>>  > Don't make grandiose resolutions trying to force things into what you
>>  > see as an ideal state, instead contribute to help fix the problems
>>  > you've identified.
>> And yet, we are currently suggesting a system that will actively (in an
>> undefined way) penalise projects who do not comply with a different set
>> of proposals, done in a top down manner.
>> I may be missing the point, but the two proposals seem to have
>> similarities - what is the difference?
>> When I see comments like:
>>  > Project teams who join the big tent sign up to the rights and
>>  > responsibilities that go along with membership. Those responsibilities
>>  > include taking some direction from the TC, including regarding work
>>  > they may not give the same priority as the broader community.
>> It sounds like top down is OK, but previous ML thread / TC feedback
>> has been different.
> One difference is that these goals are not things like "the
> documentation team must include every service project in the
> installation guide" but rather would be phrased like "every project
> must provide an installation guide". The work is distributed to the
> vertical teams, and not focused in the horizontal teams.

Well, the wording was actually "the documentation team must provide a
way for all projects to be included in the documentation guide". The
work was on the horizontal teams to provide a method, and the vertical
teams to do the actual writing, as an example (that is actually
underway, so it is a bad example.)

A better example would be OSC / Horizon has to provide a way for plugins
to set quotas - it is up to the project teams to actually implement the
code the sets quo

Re: [openstack-dev] [tc] persistently single-vendor projects

2016-08-02 Thread Steven Dake (stdake)

On 8/1/16, 8:38 AM, "Doug Hellmann"  wrote:

>Excerpts from Adrian Otto's message of 2016-08-01 15:14:48 +:
>> I am struggling to understand why we would want to remove projects from
>>our big tent at all, as long as they are being actively developed under
>>the principles of "four opens". It seems to me that working to
>>disqualify such projects sends an alarming signal to our ecosystem. The
>>reason we made the big tent to begin with was to set a tone of
>>inclusion. This whole discussion seems like a step backward. What
>>problem are we trying to solve, exactly?
>> If we want to have tags to signal team diversity, that's fine. We do
>>that now. But setting arbitrary requirements for big tent inclusion
>>based on who participates definitely sounds like a mistake.
>Membership in the big tent comes with benefits that have a real
>cost born by the rest of the community. Space at PTG and summit
>forum events is probably the one that's easiest to quantify and to
>point to as something limited that we want to use as productively
>as possible. If 90% of the work of a project is being done by a
>single company or organization (our current definition for
>single-vendor), and that doesn't change after 18 months, then I
>would take that as a signal that the community isn't interested
>enough in the project to bear the associated costs.
>I'm interested in hearing other reasons that we should keep these
>sorts of projects, though. I'm not yet ready to propose the change
>to the policy myself.


As a community, we need to carefully consider this action.  The costs to
OpenStack are high for single vendor projects but they do add value if
they behave with community in mind.  I don't think removal from Big Tent
is all that big of a deal as long as the projects can still participate in
the openstack namespace and use gerrit/ci and still be part of OpenStack
as you have previously stated.  My biggest concern is some projects are
really trying hard to increase their diversity while others are not trying
so much.  Unfortunately measuring intent objectively is difficult.  I
severely dislike exceptions, but perhaps projects could apply for
exceptions to this policy change if they are actively digging out of
single vendor by their activities.  Forgive me for singling out a single
project, but deployment is where I've spent the last 3 years of my life
and have an intimate understanding of what is happening in these

For example tripleo is single-vendor, but is doing all the right things to
dig out of single vendor by doing actual community building.  They aren't
just trying, but are trying *very* hard with their activities.  They have
the right intent but how to measure intent objectively?  That would be my
major concern.

There are more single vendor projects then non-single-vendor projects (the
last time I looked which was several months ago) covering many areas, so
tripleo is just one example of many that may be doing the right things to
build more diverse affiliations.

I don't have any insight into the community building going on in various
communities outside of deployment - perhaps some of those teams PTLs could
weigh in on this thread?

All that said the proposal for 18 months is super generous; Nearly any
project can dig out of single vendor in a 18 month window if they
prioritize it.  It would be better for these projects in the long run to
prioritize moving to more diversity for a whole slew of reasons.  In my 20
years of training, team affiliation diversity is _more_ important than
starting from an empty repository and is a best practice.

To fix the problem, perhaps another tag is needed - something between
single-vendor and diverse-affilliation (spitball -
single-vendor-with-diverse-affiliation.  Single-vendor would have an 18
month window associated with it, while the new tag would guarantee big
tent as long as the objective 90%  percentages were maintained.  The only
problem there is that could put OpenStack back on an
incubation/integration track which from my experience with founding Heat
was a serious hurdle for OpenStack in general and Ceilometer and Heat

>> --
>> Adrian
>> > On Aug 1, 2016, at 5:11 AM, Sean Dague  wrote:
>> > 
>> >> On 07/31/2016 02:29 PM, Doug Hellmann wrote:
>> >> Excerpts from Steven Dake (stdake)'s message of 2016-07-31 18:17:28
>> >>> Kevin,
>> >>> 
>> >>> Just assessing your numbers, the team:diverse-affiliation tag
>>covers what
>> >>> is required to maintain that tag.  It covers more then core
>>reviewers -
>> >>> also covers commits and reviews.
>> >>> 
>> >>> See:
>> >>> 
>> >>> erse-affiliation.rst
>> >>> 
>> >>> 
>> >>> I can tell you from founding 3 projects with the
>> >>> tag (Heat, Magnum, Kolla) team:deverse-affiliation is a very high
>>bar to
>> >>> meet.  I don't think its wise

Re: [openstack-dev] [ironic] [nova] [neutron] get_all_bw_counters in the Ironic virt driver

2016-08-02 Thread Matt Riedemann

On 8/2/2016 6:22 AM, John Garbutt wrote:

On 29 July 2016 at 19:58, Sean Dague  wrote:

On 07/29/2016 02:29 PM, Jay Pipes wrote:

On 07/28/2016 09:02 PM, Devananda van der Veen wrote:

On 07/28/2016 05:40 PM, Brad Morgan wrote:

I'd like to solicit some advice about potentially implementing
get_all_bw_counters() in the Ironic virt driver.
Example Implementation:

I'm ignoring the obvious question about how this data will actually be
collected/fetched as that's probably it's own topic (involving
neutron), but I
have a few questions about the Nova -> Ironic interaction:

* Is get_all_bw_counters() going to stick around for the foreseeable
future? If
not, what (if anything) is the replacement?

I don't think Nova should be in the business of monitoring *any*
transient metrics at all.

There are many tools out there -- Nagios, collectd, HEKA, Snap, gnocchi,
monasca just to name a few -- that can do this work.

What action is taken if some threshold is reached is entirely
deployment-dependent and not something that Nova should care about. Nova
should just expose an API for other services to use to control the guest
instances under its management, nothing more.

More importantly... *only* xenapi driver implements this, and it's not
exposed over the API. In reality that part of the virt driver layer
should probably be removed.

AFAIK, it is only exposed via notifications:

I think its emitted here:

Agreed with not adding to the legacy, and not to encourage new users of this.

Long term, it feels like removing this from Nova is the correct thing
to do, but I do worry about not having an obvious direct replacement
yet, and a transition plan. (This also feeds back into being able to
list deleted instances in the API, and DB soft_delete). Its not

Like jay said, there are better tools for collecting this than Nova.

I am out of touch with what folks should use to get this data, and
build a billing system? Ceilometer + something?

It feels like that story has to be solid before we delete this
support. Maybe thats already the case, and I just don't know what that
is yet?


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We also have the orphaned rows issue with the database which lxsli was 
trying to fix but it got messy:

But that will break the DB archive command if you're actually using these.



Matt Riedemann

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] os-virtual-interfaces isn't deprecated in 2.36

2016-08-02 Thread Matt Riedemann

On 8/2/2016 2:41 AM, Alex Xu wrote:

A little strange we have two API endpoints, one is
'/servers/{uuid}/os-interfaces', another one is

I prefer to keep os-attach-interface. Due to I think we should deprecate
the nova-network also. Actually we deprecate all the nova-network
related API in the 2.36 also. And os-attach-interface didn't support
nova-network, then it is the right choice.

So we can deprecate the os-virtual-interface in newton. And in Ocata, we
correct the implementation to get the vif info and tag.
os-attach-interface actually accept the server_id, and there is check
ensure the port belong to the server. So it shouldn't very hard to get
the vif info and tag.

And sorry for I missed that when coding patches also...let me if you
need any help at here.



Matt Riedemann

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)


os-interface will be deprecated, that's the APIs to show/list ports for 
a given server.

os-virtual-interfaces is not the same, and was never a proxy for neutron 
since before 2.32 we never stored anything in the virtual_interfaces 
table in the nova database for neutron, but now we do because that's 
where we store the VIF tags.

We have to keep os-attach-interface (attach/detach interface actions on 
a server).

Are you suggesting we drop os-virtual-interfaces and change the behavior 
of os-interfaces to use the nova virtual_interfaces table rather than 
proxying to neutron?

Note that with os-virtual-interfaces even if we start showing VIFs for 
neutron ports, any ports created before Newton won't be in there, which 
might be a bit confusing.



Matt Riedemann

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Nova] Does this api modification need Microversion?

2016-08-02 Thread Ed Leafe
On Aug 2, 2016, at 1:11 AM, wrote:

> Allow "revert_resize" to recover error instance after resize/migrate. 
> When resize/migrate instance, if error occurs on source compute node, 
> instance state can rollback to active currently. But if error occurs in 
> "finish_resize" function on destination compute node, the instance state 
> would not rollback to active. 
> This patch is to rollback instance state from error to active when resize or 
> migrate action failed on destination compute node..

I haven’t looked at the patch yet, but in general correcting an error on the 
server doesn’t require a microversion, unless the response to the user would 
change. From your description it doesn’t sound like that is the case.

-- Ed Leafe

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [tc] persistently single-vendor projects

2016-08-02 Thread Ed Leafe
On Aug 2, 2016, at 8:50 AM, Steven Dake (stdake)  wrote:

> For example tripleo is single-vendor, but is doing all the right things to
> dig out of single vendor by doing actual community building.  They aren't
> just trying, but are trying *very* hard with their activities.  They have
> the right intent but how to measure intent objectively?  That would be my
> major concern.

This is exactly the sort of reason why an automatic expulsion is not being 
proposed, but rather a review by humans. 

-- Ed Leafe

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [requirements] race in keystone unit tests

2016-08-02 Thread Lance Bragstad
Hi Sean,

Thanks for the information. This obviously looks Fernet-related and I would
be happy to spend some cycles on it. We recently landed a bunch of
refactors in keystone to improve Fernet test coverage. This could be
related to those refactors. Just double checking - but you haven't opened a
bug in launchpad for this yet have you?

Thanks for the heads up!

On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 5:32 AM, Sean Dague  wrote:

> One of my concerns about stacking up project unit tests in the
> requirements jobs, is the unit tests aren't as free of races as you
> would imagine. Because they only previously impacted the one project
> team, those teams are often just fast to recheck instead of get to the
> bottom of it. Cross testing with them in a voting way changes their impact.
> The keystone unit tests have a existing race condition in them, which
> recently failed an unrelated requirements bump -
> I'm not fully sure where to go from here. But wanted to make sure that
> data is out there. Any keystone folks who can dive into and sort it out
> would be highly appreciated.
> -Sean
> --
> Sean Dague
> __
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Re: [openstack-dev] [docker] [magnum] Magnum account on Docker Hub

2016-08-02 Thread Spyros Trigazis
I just filed a ticket to acquire the username openstackmagnum.

I included Hongbin's contact information explaining that he's the project's

Thanks Steve,

On 2 August 2016 at 13:29, Steven Dake (stdake)  wrote:

> Ton,
> I may or may not have set it up early in Magnum's development.  I just
> don't remember.  My recommendation is to file a support ticket with docker
> and see if they will tell you who it belongs to (as in does it belong to
> one of the founders of Magnum) or if it belongs to some other third party.
> Their support is very fast.  They may not be able to give you the answer if
> its not an openstacker.
> Regards
> -steve
> From: Ton Ngo 
> Reply-To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" <
> Date: Monday, August 1, 2016 at 1:06 PM
> To: OpenStack Development Mailing List 
> Subject: [openstack-dev] [docker] [magnum] Magnum account on Docker Hub
> Hi everyone,
> At the last IRC meeting, the team discussed the need for hosting some
> container images on Docker Hub
> to facilitate development. There is currently a Magnum account on Docker
> Hub, but this is not owned by anyone
> on the team, so we would like to find who the owner is and whether this
> account was set up for OpenStack Magnum.
> Thanks in advance!
> Ton Ngo,
> __
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[openstack-dev] [horizon] Angular panel enable/disable not overridable in local_settings

2016-08-02 Thread Rob Cresswell
Hi all,

So we seem to be adopting a pattern of using UPDATE_HORIZON_CONFIG in the 
enabled files to add a legacy/angular toggle to the settings. I don't like 
this, because in the enabled files are processed *after* imports, meaning the angular panel will always be enabled, 
and would require a local/enabled file change to disable it.

My suggestion would be:

- Remove current UPDATE_HORIZON_CONFIG change in the swift panel and images 
panel patch
- Add equivalents ('angular') to the HORIZON_CONFIG dict, and then 
the 'legacy' version to the test settings.

I think that should run UTs as expected, and allow the legacy/angular panel to 
be toggled via local_settings.

Was there a reason we chose to use UPDATE_HORIZON_CONFIG, rather than just 
updating the dict in I couldn't recall a reason, and the original 
patch ( ) doesn't seem to indicate why.

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[openstack-dev] [nova] Removal of live_migration_flag and block_migration_flag config options

2016-08-02 Thread Koniszewski, Pawel
In Mitaka development cycle 'live_migration_flag' and 'block_migration_flag' 
have been marked as deprecated for removal. I'm working on a patch [1] to 
remove both of them and want to ask what we should do with 
live_migration_tunnelled logic.

The default configuration of both flags contain VIR_MIGRATE_TUNNELLED option. 
It is there to avoid the need to configure the network to allow direct 
communication between hypervisors. However, tradeoff is that it slows down all 
migrations by up to 80% due to increased number of memory copies and 
single-threaded encryption mechanism in Libvirt. By 80% here I mean that 
transfer between source and destination node is around 2Gb/s on a 10Gb network. 
I believe that this is a configuration issue and people deploying OpenStack are 
not aware that live migrations with this flag will not work. I'm not sure that 
this is something we wanted to achieve. AFAIK most operators are turning it OFF 
in order to make live migration usable.

Going to a new flag that is there to keep possibility to turn tunneling on - 
Live_migration_tunnelled [2] which is a tri-state boolean - None, False, True:

* True - means that live migrations will be tunneled through libvirt.
* False - no tunneling, native hypervisor transport.
* None - nova will choose default based on, e.g., the availability of native 
encryption support in the hypervisor. (Default value)

Right now we don't have any logic implemented for None value which is a default 
value. So the question here is should I implement logic so that if 
live_migration_tunnelled=None it will still use VIR_MIGRATE_TUNNELLED if native 
encryption is not available? Given the impact of this flag I'm not sure that we 
really want to keep it there. Another option is to change default value of 
live_migration_tunnelled to be True. In both cases we will again end up with 
slower LM and people complaining that LM does not work at all in OpenStack.



Kind Regards,
Pawel Koniszewski

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [tc] persistently single-vendor projects

2016-08-02 Thread Flavio Percoco

On 01/08/16 10:19 -0400, Sean Dague wrote:

On 08/01/2016 09:58 AM, Davanum Srinivas wrote:

Thierry, Ben, Doug,

How can we distinguish between. "Project is doing the right thing, but
others are not joining" vs "Project is actively trying to keep people

I think at some level, it's not really that different. If we treat them
as different, everyone will always believe they did all the right
things, but got no results. 3 cycles should be plenty of time to drop
single entity contributions below 90%. That means prioritizing bugs /
patches from outside groups (to drop below 90% on code commits),
mentoring every outside member that provides feedback (to drop below 90%
on reviews), shifting development resources towards mentoring / docs /
on ramp exercises for others in the community (to drop below 90% on core

Digging out of a single vendor status is hard, and requires making that
your top priority. If teams aren't interested in putting that ahead of
development work, that's fine, but that doesn't make it a sustainable
OpenStack project.

++ to the above! I don't think they are that different either and we might not
need to differentiate them after all.


Flavio Percoco

Description: PGP signature
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [tc] persistently single-vendor projects

2016-08-02 Thread Flavio Percoco

On 01/08/16 10:28 -0400, Davanum Srinivas wrote:


So we will programatically test the metrics (if we are not doing that
already) to apply/remove "team:single-vendor" tag:

And trigger exit when the tag is present for more than 3 cycles in a
row (say as of release date?)

We update these tags frequently enough and yes, I guess it would be possible to
programmatically check for how long a project has had the single-vendor tag.


-- Dims

On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 10:19 AM, Sean Dague  wrote:

On 08/01/2016 09:58 AM, Davanum Srinivas wrote:

Thierry, Ben, Doug,

How can we distinguish between. "Project is doing the right thing, but
others are not joining" vs "Project is actively trying to keep people

I think at some level, it's not really that different. If we treat them
as different, everyone will always believe they did all the right
things, but got no results. 3 cycles should be plenty of time to drop
single entity contributions below 90%. That means prioritizing bugs /
patches from outside groups (to drop below 90% on code commits),
mentoring every outside member that provides feedback (to drop below 90%
on reviews), shifting development resources towards mentoring / docs /
on ramp exercises for others in the community (to drop below 90% on core

Digging out of a single vendor status is hard, and requires making that
your top priority. If teams aren't interested in putting that ahead of
development work, that's fine, but that doesn't make it a sustainable
OpenStack project.


Sean Dague

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Davanum Srinivas ::

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Flavio Percoco

Description: PGP signature
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [tc] persistently single-vendor projects

2016-08-02 Thread Flavio Percoco

On 02/08/16 09:17 -0500, Ed Leafe wrote:

On Aug 2, 2016, at 8:50 AM, Steven Dake (stdake)  wrote:

For example tripleo is single-vendor, but is doing all the right things to
dig out of single vendor by doing actual community building.  They aren't
just trying, but are trying *very* hard with their activities.  They have
the right intent but how to measure intent objectively?  That would be my
major concern.

This is exactly the sort of reason why an automatic expulsion is not being 
proposed, but rather a review by humans.

Also the reason why neither the single-vendor or the diverse-affiliation tags
are applied automatically.


Flavio Percoco

Description: PGP signature
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [juju charms] How to configure glance charm for specific cnider backend?

2016-08-02 Thread Andrey Pavlov
Hi All,

I need to add glance support via storing images in cinder instead of
local files.
(This works only from Mitaka version due to glance-store package)

First step I've made here -
This patchset adds ability to relate glance-charm to cinder-charm
(it's similar to ceph/swift relations)
And also it configures glance's rootwrap - original glance package
doesn't have such code
  I think that this is a bug in glance-common package - cinder and
nova can do it themselves.
  And if someone point me to bugtracker - I will file the bug there.

But main question is about additional configurations' steps -
Some cinder backends need to store additional files in
/etc/glance/rootwrap.d/ folder.
I have two options to implement this -
1) relate my charm to glance:juju-info (it will be run on the same
machine as glance)
and do all work in this hook in my charm.
2) add one more relation to glance - like
'storage-backend:cinder-backend' in cinder.
And write code in a same way - with ability to pass config options.

I prefer option 2. It's more logical and more general. It will allow
to configure any cinder's backend.

But I prefer to know community opinion before I start to implement this.

Kind regards,
Andrey Pavlov.

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] pydotplus (taskflow) vs pydot-ng (fuel)

2016-08-02 Thread Igor Kalnitsky
Hi Thomas,

If I'm not mistaken, pydot-ng [1] has been made by ex-fueler in order
to overcome some limitations of pydot ( and do not change much. If
pydotplus is alive project and do the same thing, I vote for using it
in Fuel.



On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 4:44 PM, Thomas Goirand  wrote:
> Hi,
> Fuel uses pydot-ng, and (at least) taskflow uses pydotplus. I believe
> both aren't using pydot because that's dead upstream.
> Could we have a bit of consistency here, and have one or the other
> component to switch, so we could get rid of one more package that does
> the same thing in downstream distros?
> Cheers,
> Thomas Goirand (zigo)
> __
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Re: [openstack-dev] [infra] Switch 'all?' openstack bots to errbot plugins?

2016-08-02 Thread Flavio Percoco

On 29/07/16 13:57 -0400, Doug Hellmann wrote:

Excerpts from Joshua Harlow's message of 2016-07-29 10:35:18 -0700:

I prefer 'one bucket repo for OpenStack community Errbot plug-ins' since
I don't like a bunch of repos (seems like a premature optimization ~at
this time~), but I could see either way on this one.

Jeremy Stanley wrote:
> On 2016-07-29 09:41:40 -0700 (-0700), Joshua Harlow wrote:
> [...]
>> What shall we name it???
> [...]
> Also, one bucket repo for OpenStack community Errbot plug-ins, or
> one repo per plug-in with a consistent naming scheme?

I agree. How about "openstack/irc-bot-plugins"? If we need to build an
artifact we can name that openstack-irc-bot-plugins and if we don't then
we can just install directly from the git repo (the docs for errbot talk
about installing from github, so I'm not sure what the "best practice"
is for that).

Count me in!


Flavio Percoco

Description: PGP signature
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [tc] persistently single-vendor projects

2016-08-02 Thread Steven Dake (stdake)

On 8/2/16, 7:17 AM, "Ed Leafe"  wrote:

>On Aug 2, 2016, at 8:50 AM, Steven Dake (stdake)  wrote:
>> For example tripleo is single-vendor, but is doing all the right things
>> dig out of single vendor by doing actual community building.  They
>> just trying, but are trying *very* hard with their activities.  They
>> the right intent but how to measure intent objectively?  That would be
>> major concern.
>This is exactly the sort of reason why an automatic expulsion is not
>being proposed, but rather a review by humans.
>-- Ed Leafe

Concern answered.  Thanks!


>OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [tc] persistently single-vendor projects

2016-08-02 Thread Hayes, Graham
On 02/08/2016 15:42, Flavio Percoco wrote:
> On 01/08/16 10:19 -0400, Sean Dague wrote:
>> On 08/01/2016 09:58 AM, Davanum Srinivas wrote:
>>> Thierry, Ben, Doug,
>>> How can we distinguish between. "Project is doing the right thing, but
>>> others are not joining" vs "Project is actively trying to keep people
>>> out"?
>> I think at some level, it's not really that different. If we treat them
>> as different, everyone will always believe they did all the right
>> things, but got no results. 3 cycles should be plenty of time to drop
>> single entity contributions below 90%. That means prioritizing bugs /
>> patches from outside groups (to drop below 90% on code commits),
>> mentoring every outside member that provides feedback (to drop below 90%
>> on reviews), shifting development resources towards mentoring / docs /
>> on ramp exercises for others in the community (to drop below 90% on core
>> team).
>> Digging out of a single vendor status is hard, and requires making that
>> your top priority. If teams aren't interested in putting that ahead of
>> development work, that's fine, but that doesn't make it a sustainable
>> OpenStack project.
> ++ to the above! I don't think they are that different either and we might not
> need to differentiate them after all.
> Flavio

I do have one question - how are teams getting out of
"team:single-vendor" and towards "team:diverse-affiliation" ?

We have tried to get more people involved with Designate using the ways
we know how - doing integrations with other projects, pushing designate
at conferences, helping DNS Server vendors to add drivers, adding
drivers for DNS Servers and service providers ourselves, adding
features - the lot.

We have a lot of user interest (41% of users were interested in using
us), and are quite widely deployed for a non tc-approved-release
project (17% - 5% in production). We are actually the most deployed
non tc-approved-release project.

We still have 81% of the reviews done by 2 companies, and 83% by 3

I know our project is not "cool", and DNS is probably one of the most
boring topics, but I honestly believe that it has a place in the
majority of OpenStack clouds - both public and private. We are a small
team of people dedicated to making Designate the best we can, but are
still one company deciding to drop OpenStack / DNS development from
joining the single-vendor party.

We are definitely interested in putting community development ahead of
development work - but what that actual work is seems to difficult to
nail down. I do feel sometimes that I am flailing in the dark trying to
improve this.

If projects could share how that got out of single-vendor or into 
diverse-affiliation this could really help teams progress in the
community, and avoid being removed.

Making grand statements about "work harder on community" without any
guidance about what we need to work on do not help the community.

- Graham

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [puppet] weekly meeting #89

2016-08-02 Thread Emilien Macchi
no item in our agenda, we cancelled the meeting, see you next week!

On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 3:31 PM, Emilien Macchi  wrote:
> Hi Puppeteers!
> We'll have our weekly meeting tomorrow at 3pm UTC on #openstack-meeting-4.
> Here's a first agenda:
> Feel free to add topics, and any outstanding bug and patch.
> See you tomorrow!
> Thanks,
> --
> Emilien Macchi

Emilien Macchi

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [nova] Nova API sub-team meeting

2016-08-02 Thread Alex Xu

We have weekly Nova API meeting tomorrow. The meeting is being held
Wednesday UTC1300 and irc channel is #openstack-meeting-4.

The proposed agenda and meeting details are here:

Please feel free to add items to the agenda.

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Cinder] Pending removal of X-IO volume driver

2016-08-02 Thread Hedlind, Richard
Status update. Our CI is back up and has been passing tests successfully for 
~18h now. I will keep a close eye on it to make sure it stays up. Sorry about 
the down time.


-Original Message-
From: Hedlind, Richard [] 
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2016 9:37 AM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions) 

Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Cinder] Pending removal of X-IO volume driver

Hi Sean,
Thanks for the heads up. I have been busy on other projects and not been 
involved in maintaining the CI. I will look into it and get it back up and 
I will keep you posted on the progress.


-Original Message-
From: Sean McGinnis [] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2016 2:26 PM
Subject: [openstack-dev] [Cinder] Pending removal of X-IO volume driver

The Cinder policy for driver CI requires that all volume drivers have a CI 
reporting on any new patchset. CI's may have some down time, but if they do not 
report within a two week period they are considered out of compliance with our 

This is a notification that the X-IO OpenStack CI is out of compliance.
It has not reported since March 18th, 2016.

The patch for driver removal has been posted here:

If this CI is not brought into compliance, the patch to remove the driver will 
be approved one week from now.

Sean McGinnis (smcginnis)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Removal of live_migration_flag and block_migration_flag config options

2016-08-02 Thread Timofei Durakov

Taking into account everything above I'd prefer to see
live_migration_tunnelled(that corresponds to VIR_MIGRATE_TUNNELLED)
defaulted to False. We just need to make a release note for this change,
and on the host startup do LOG.warning to notify the operator that there
are no tunnels for live-migration. For me, it will be enough. Then just put
[1] on top of it.


On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 5:36 PM, Koniszewski, Pawel <> wrote:

> In Mitaka development cycle 'live_migration_flag' and
> 'block_migration_flag' have been marked as deprecated for removal. I'm
> working on a patch [1] to remove both of them and want to ask what we
> should do with live_migration_tunnelled logic.
> The default configuration of both flags contain VIR_MIGRATE_TUNNELLED
> option. It is there to avoid the need to configure the network to allow
> direct communication between hypervisors. However, tradeoff is that it
> slows down all migrations by up to 80% due to increased number of memory
> copies and single-threaded encryption mechanism in Libvirt. By 80% here I
> mean that transfer between source and destination node is around 2Gb/s on a
> 10Gb network. I believe that this is a configuration issue and people
> deploying OpenStack are not aware that live migrations with this flag will
> not work. I'm not sure that this is something we wanted to achieve. AFAIK
> most operators are turning it OFF in order to make live migration usable.
> Going to a new flag that is there to keep possibility to turn tunneling on
> - Live_migration_tunnelled [2] which is a tri-state boolean - None, False,
> True:
> * True - means that live migrations will be tunneled through libvirt.
> * False - no tunneling, native hypervisor transport.
> * None - nova will choose default based on, e.g., the availability of
> native encryption support in the hypervisor. (Default value)
> Right now we don't have any logic implemented for None value which is a
> default value. So the question here is should I implement logic so that if
> live_migration_tunnelled=None it will still use VIR_MIGRATE_TUNNELLED if
> native encryption is not available? Given the impact of this flag I'm not
> sure that we really want to keep it there. Another option is to change
> default value of live_migration_tunnelled to be True. In both cases we will
> again end up with slower LM and people complaining that LM does not work at
> all in OpenStack.
> Thoughts?
> [1]
> [2]
> Kind Regards,
> Pawel Koniszewski
> __
> OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
> Unsubscribe:
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [juju charms] How to configure glance charm for specific cnider backend?

2016-08-02 Thread James Page
Hi Andrey

On Tue, 2 Aug 2016 at 15:59 Andrey Pavlov  wrote:

> I need to add glance support via storing images in cinder instead of
> local files.
> (This works only from Mitaka version due to glance-store package)


> First step I've made here -
> This patchset adds ability to relate glance-charm to cinder-charm
> (it's similar to ceph/swift relations)

Looks like a good start, I'll comment directly on the review with any
specific comments.

> And also it configures glance's rootwrap - original glance package
> doesn't have such code
> (
>   I think that this is a bug in glance-common package - cinder and
> nova can do it themselves.
>   And if someone point me to bugtracker - I will file the bug there.
> )

Sounds like this should be in the glance package:

 or use:

  ubuntu-bug glance-common

on an installed system.

> But main question is about additional configurations' steps -
> Some cinder backends need to store additional files in
> /etc/glance/rootwrap.d/ folder.
> I have two options to implement this -
> 1) relate my charm to glance:juju-info (it will be run on the same
> machine as glance)
> and do all work in this hook in my charm.
> 2) add one more relation to glance - like
> 'storage-backend:cinder-backend' in cinder.
> And write code in a same way - with ability to pass config options.

> I prefer option 2. It's more logical and more general. It will allow
> to configure any cinder's backend.

+1 the subordinate approach in cinder (and nova) works well; lets ensure
the semantics on the relation data mean its easy to restart the glance
services from the subordinate service if need be.

Taking this a step further, it might also make sense to have the relation
to cinder on the subordinate charm and pass up the data item to configure
glance to use cinder from the sub - does that make sense in this context?


OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [all][tc] establishing project-wide goals

2016-08-02 Thread Thierry Carrez
Doug Hellmann wrote:
> [...]
>> Likewise, what if the Manila project team decides they aren't interested 
>> in supporting Python 3.5 or a particular greenlet library du jour that 
>> has been mandated upon them? Is the only filesystem-as-a-service project 
>> going to be booted from the tent?
> I hardly think "move off of the EOL-ed version of our language" and
> "use a library du jour" are in the same class.  All of the topics
> discussed so far are either focused on eliminating technical debt
> that project teams have not prioritized consistently or adding
> features that, again for consistency, are deemed important by the
> overall community (API microversioning falls in that category,
> though that's an example and not in any way an approved goal right
> now).

Right, the proposal is pretty clearly about setting a number of
reasonable, small goals for a release cycle that would be awesome to
collectively reach. Not really invasive top-down design mandates that we
would expect teams to want to resist.

IMHO if a team has a good reason for not wanting or not being able to
fulfill a common goal that's fine -- it just needs to get documented and
should not result in itself in getting kicked out from anything. If a
team regularly skips on common goals (and/or misses releases, and/or
doesn't fix security issues) that's a general sign that it's not really
behaving like an OpenStack project and then a case could be opened for
removal, but there is nothing new here.

Thierry Carrez (ttx)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [all][tc] establishing project-wide goals

2016-08-02 Thread Doug Hellmann
Excerpts from Hayes, Graham's message of 2016-08-02 13:49:06 +:
> On 02/08/2016 14:37, Doug Hellmann wrote:
> > Excerpts from Hayes, Graham's message of 2016-08-02 11:53:37 +:
> >> On 29/07/2016 21:59, Doug Hellmann wrote:
> >>> One of the outcomes of the discussion at the leadership training
> >>> session earlier this year was the idea that the TC should set some
> >>> community-wide goals for accomplishing specific technical tasks to
> >>> get the projects synced up and moving in the same direction.
> >>>
> >>> After several drafts via etherpad and input from other TC and SWG
> >>> members, I've prepared the change for the governance repo [1] and
> >>> am ready to open this discussion up to the broader community. Please
> >>> read through the patch carefully, especially the "goals/index.rst"
> >>> document which tries to lay out the expectations for what makes a
> >>> good goal for this purpose and for how teams are meant to approach
> >>> working on these goals.
> >>>
> >>> I've also prepared two patches proposing specific goals for Ocata
> >>> [2][3].  I've tried to keep these suggested goals for the first
> >>> iteration limited to "finish what we've started" type items, so
> >>> they are small and straightforward enough to be able to be completed.
> >>> That will let us experiment with the process of managing goals this
> >>> time around, and set us up for discussions that may need to happen
> >>> at the Ocata summit about implementation.
> >>>
> >>> For future cycles, we can iterate on making the goals "harder", and
> >>> collecting suggestions for goals from the community during the forum
> >>> discussions that will happen at summits starting in Boston.
> >>>
> >>> Doug
> >>>
> >>> [1] describe a process for managing 
> >>> community-wide goals
> >>> [2] add ocata goal "support python 
> >>> 3.5"
> >>> [3] add ocata goal "switch to oslo 
> >>> libraries"
> >>
> >> I am confused. When I proposed my patch for doing something very similar
> >> (Equal Chances for all projects is basically a multiple release goal) I
> >> got the following rebuttals:
> >>
> >>  > "and it would be
> >>  > a mistake to try to require that because the issue is almost always
> >>  > lack of resources and not lack of desire. Volunteers to contribute
> >>  > to the work that's needed will do more to help than a
> >>  > one-size-fits-all policy."
> >>
> >>  > This isn't a thing that gets fixed with policy. It gets fixed with
> >>  > people.
> >>
> >>  > I am reading through the thread, and it puzzles me that I see a lot
> >>  > of right words about goals but not enough hints on who is going to
> >>  > implement that.
> >>
> >>  > I think the right solutions here are human ones. Talk with people.
> >>  > Figure out how you can help lighten their load so that they have
> >>  > breathing space. I think hiding behind policy becomes a way to make
> >>  > us more separate rather than engaging folks more directly.
> >>
> >>  > Coming at this with top down declarations of how things should work
> >>  > not only ignores reality of the ecosystem and the current state of
> >>  > these projects, but is also going about things backwards.
> >>
> >>  > This entirely ignores that these are all open source projects,
> >>  > which are often very sparsely contributed to. If you have an issue
> >>  > with a project or the interface it provides, then contribute to it.
> >>  > Don't make grandiose resolutions trying to force things into what you
> >>  > see as an ideal state, instead contribute to help fix the problems
> >>  > you've identified.
> >>
> >> And yet, we are currently suggesting a system that will actively (in an
> >> undefined way) penalise projects who do not comply with a different set
> >> of proposals, done in a top down manner.
> >>
> >> I may be missing the point, but the two proposals seem to have
> >> similarities - what is the difference?
> >>
> >> When I see comments like:
> >>
> >>  > Project teams who join the big tent sign up to the rights and
> >>  > responsibilities that go along with membership. Those responsibilities
> >>  > include taking some direction from the TC, including regarding work
> >>  > they may not give the same priority as the broader community.
> >>
> >> It sounds like top down is OK, but previous ML thread / TC feedback
> >> has been different.
> >
> > One difference is that these goals are not things like "the
> > documentation team must include every service project in the
> > installation guide" but rather would be phrased like "every project
> > must provide an installation guide". The work is distributed to the
> > vertical teams, and not focused in the horizontal teams.
> Well, the wording was actually "the documentation team must provide a
> way for all projects to be included in the documentation guide". The
> work was on the horizontal teams to provide a method, and the vertic

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova][ironic] A couple feature freeze exception requests

2016-08-02 Thread Matt Riedemann

On 8/1/2016 4:20 PM, Jim Rollenhagen wrote:

Yes, I know this is stupid late for these.

I'd like to request two exceptions to the non-priority feature freeze,
for a couple of features in the Ironic driver.  These were not requested
at the normal time as I thought they were nowhere near ready.

Multitenant networking

Ironic's top feature request for around 2 years now has been to make
networking safe for multitenant use, as opposed to a flat network
(including control plane access!) for all tenants. We've been working on
a solution for 3 cycles now, and finally have the Ironic pieces of it
done, after a heroic effort to finish things up this cycle.

There's just one patch left to make it work, in the virt driver in Nova.
That is here:

It's important to note that this actually fixes some dead code we pushed
on before this feature was done, and is only ~50 lines, half of which
are comments/reno.

Reviewers on this unearthed a problem on the ironic side, which I expect
to be fixed in the next couple of days:

We also have CI for this feature in ironic, and I have a depends-on
testing all of this as a whole:

Per Matt's request, I'm also adding that job to Nova's experimental

A couple folks from the ironic team have also done some manual testing
of this feature, with the nova code in, using real switches.

Merging this patch would bring a *huge* win for deployers and operators,
and I don't think it's very risky. It'll be ready to go sometime this
week, once that ironic chain is merged.

I've reviewed this one and it looks good to me. It's dependent on 
python-ironicclient>=1.5.0 which Jim has a g-r bump up as a dependency. 
And the gate-tempest-dsvm-ironic-multitenant-network-nv job is testing 
this and passing on the test patch in ironic (and that job is in the 
nova experimental queue now).

The upgrade procedure had some people scratching their heads in IRC this 
week so I've stated that we need clear documentation there, which will 
probably live here:

Since Ironic isn't in here:

But the docs in the Ironic repo say that Nova should be upgraded first 
when going from Juno to Kilo so it's definitely important to get those 
docs updated for upgrades from Mitaka to Newton, but Jim said he'd do 
that this cycle.

Given how long people have been asking for this in Ironic and the Ironic 
team has made it a priority to get it working on their side, and there 
is CI already and a small change in Nova, I'm OK with giving a 
non-priority FFE for this.

Multi-compute usage via a hash ring

One of the major problems with the ironic virt driver today is that we
don't support running multiple nova-compute daemons with the ironic driver
loaded, because each compute service manages all ironic nodes and stomps
on each other.

There's currently a hack in the ironic virt driver to
kind of make this work, but instance locking still isn't done:

That is also holding back removing the pluggable compute manager in nova:

And as someone that runs a deployment using this hack, I can tell you
first-hand that it doesn't work well.

We (the ironic and nova community) have been working on fixing this for
2-3 cycles now, trying to find a solution that isn't terrible and
doesn't break existing use cases. We've been conflating it with how we
schedule ironic instances and keep managing to find a big wedge with
each approach. The best approach we've found involves duplicating the
compute capabilities and affinity filters in ironic.

Some of us were talking at the nova midcycle and decided we should try
the hash ring approach (like ironic uses to shard nodes between
conductors) and see how it works out, even though people have said in
the past that wouldn't work. I did a proof of concept last week, and
started playing with five compute daemons in a devstack environment.
Two nerd-snipey days later and I had a fully working solution, with unit
tests, passing CI. That is here:

We'll need to work on CI for this with multiple compute services. That
shouldn't be crazy difficult, but I'm not sure we'll have it done this
cycle (and it might get interesting trying to test computes joining and
leaving the cluster).

It also needs some testing at scale, which is hard to do in the upstream
gate, but I'll be doing my best to ship this downstream as soon as I
can, and iterating on any problems we see there.

It's a huge win for operators, for only a few hundred lines (some of

Re: [openstack-dev] [tc] persistently single-vendor projects

2016-08-02 Thread Steven Dake (stdake)
Responses inline:

On 8/2/16, 8:13 AM, "Hayes, Graham"  wrote:

>On 02/08/2016 15:42, Flavio Percoco wrote:
>> On 01/08/16 10:19 -0400, Sean Dague wrote:
>>> On 08/01/2016 09:58 AM, Davanum Srinivas wrote:
 Thierry, Ben, Doug,

 How can we distinguish between. "Project is doing the right thing, but
 others are not joining" vs "Project is actively trying to keep people
>>> I think at some level, it's not really that different. If we treat them
>>> as different, everyone will always believe they did all the right
>>> things, but got no results. 3 cycles should be plenty of time to drop
>>> single entity contributions below 90%. That means prioritizing bugs /
>>> patches from outside groups (to drop below 90% on code commits),
>>> mentoring every outside member that provides feedback (to drop below
>>> on reviews), shifting development resources towards mentoring / docs /
>>> on ramp exercises for others in the community (to drop below 90% on
>>> team).
>>> Digging out of a single vendor status is hard, and requires making that
>>> your top priority. If teams aren't interested in putting that ahead of
>>> development work, that's fine, but that doesn't make it a sustainable
>>> OpenStack project.
>> ++ to the above! I don't think they are that different either and we
>>might not
>> need to differentiate them after all.
>> Flavio
>I do have one question - how are teams getting out of
>"team:single-vendor" and towards "team:diverse-affiliation" ?
>We have tried to get more people involved with Designate using the ways
>we know how - doing integrations with other projects, pushing designate
>at conferences, helping DNS Server vendors to add drivers, adding
>drivers for DNS Servers and service providers ourselves, adding
>features - the lot.
>We have a lot of user interest (41% of users were interested in using
>us), and are quite widely deployed for a non tc-approved-release
>project (17% - 5% in production). We are actually the most deployed
>non tc-approved-release project.
>We still have 81% of the reviews done by 2 companies, and 83% by 3

By the objective criteria of team:single-vendor Designate isn't a single
vendor project.  By the objective criteria of team:diverse-affiliation
your not a diversely affiliated project either.  This is why I had
suggested we need a third tag which accurately represents where Designate
is in its community building journey.
>I know our project is not "cool", and DNS is probably one of the most
>boring topics, but I honestly believe that it has a place in the
>majority of OpenStack clouds - both public and private. We are a small
>team of people dedicated to making Designate the best we can, but are
>still one company deciding to drop OpenStack / DNS development from
>joining the single-vendor party.

Agree Designate is important to OpenStack.  But IMO it is not a single
vendor project as defined by the criteria given the objective statistics
you mentioned above.

>We are definitely interested in putting community development ahead of
>development work - but what that actual work is seems to difficult to
>nail down. I do feel sometimes that I am flailing in the dark trying to
>improve this.

Fantastic its a high-prioiirty goal.  Sad to hear your struggling but
struggling is part of the activity.
>If projects could share how that got out of single-vendor or into
>diverse-affiliation this could really help teams progress in the
>community, and avoid being removed.

You bring up a fantastic point here - and that is that teams need to share
techniques for becoming multi-vendor and some day diversely affiliated.  I
am a super busy atm, or I would volunteer to lead a cross-project effort
with PTLs to coordinate community building from our shared knowledge pool
of expert Open Source contributors in the wider OpenStack community.

That said, I am passing the baton for Kolla PTL at the conclusion of
Newton (assuming the leadership pipeline I've built for Kolla wants to run
for Kolla PTL), and would be pleased to lead a cross project effort in
Occata on moving from single-vendor to multi-vendor and beyond if there is
enough PTL interest.  I take mentorship seriously and the various single
vendor (and others) PTL's won't be disappointed in such an effort.

>Making grand statements about "work harder on community" without any
>guidance about what we need to work on do not help the community.

Agree - lets fix that.  Unfortunately it can't be fixed in an email thread
- it requires a cross-project team based approach with atleast 6 months of

If PTLs can weigh in on this thread and commit to participation in such a
cross-project subgroup, I'd be happy to lead it.


>- Graham
>OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova][ironic] A couple feature freeze exception requests

2016-08-02 Thread Dan Smith
> Multitenant networking
> ==

I haven't reviewed this one much either, but it looks smallish and if
other people are good with it then I think it's probably something we
should do.

> Multi-compute usage via a hash ring
> ===

I'm obviously +2 on this one :)


OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [juju charms] How to configure glance charm for specific cnider backend?

2016-08-02 Thread Andrey Pavlov
James, thank you for your answer.

I'll file bug to glance - but in current releases glance-charm have to
do it himself, right?

I'm not sure that I'm correctly understand your question.
I suppose that deployment will have glance and cinder on different machines.
Also there will be one relation between cinder and glance to configure
glance to store images in cinder.
Other steps are optional -
If cinder is used specific backend that needs additional configuration
- then it can be done via storage-backend relation (from subordinate
If this backend needs to configure glances' filters or glance's config
- then it should be done via any subordinate charm to glance (but
glance doesn't have such relations now).
Due to these suggestions I think that additional relation needs to be
added to glance to allow connecting charms (with installation in the
same container as glance).

On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 6:15 PM, James Page  wrote:
> Hi Andrey
> On Tue, 2 Aug 2016 at 15:59 Andrey Pavlov  wrote:
>> I need to add glance support via storing images in cinder instead of
>> local files.
>> (This works only from Mitaka version due to glance-store package)
> OK
>> First step I've made here -
>> This patchset adds ability to relate glance-charm to cinder-charm
>> (it's similar to ceph/swift relations)
> Looks like a good start, I'll comment directly on the review with any
> specific comments.
>> And also it configures glance's rootwrap - original glance package
>> doesn't have such code
>> (
>>   I think that this is a bug in glance-common package - cinder and
>> nova can do it themselves.
>>   And if someone point me to bugtracker - I will file the bug there.
>> )
> Sounds like this should be in the glance package:
>  or use:
>   ubuntu-bug glance-common
> on an installed system.
>> But main question is about additional configurations' steps -
>> Some cinder backends need to store additional files in
>> /etc/glance/rootwrap.d/ folder.
>> I have two options to implement this -
>> 1) relate my charm to glance:juju-info (it will be run on the same
>> machine as glance)
>> and do all work in this hook in my charm.
>> 2) add one more relation to glance - like
>> 'storage-backend:cinder-backend' in cinder.
>> And write code in a same way - with ability to pass config options.
>> I prefer option 2. It's more logical and more general. It will allow
>> to configure any cinder's backend.
> +1 the subordinate approach in cinder (and nova) works well; lets ensure the
> semantics on the relation data mean its easy to restart the glance services
> from the subordinate service if need be.
> Taking this a step further, it might also make sense to have the relation to
> cinder on the subordinate charm and pass up the data item to configure
> glance to use cinder from the sub - does that make sense in this context?
> Cheers
> James
> __
> OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
> Unsubscribe:

Kind regards,
Andrey Pavlov.

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [tc] persistently single-vendor projects

2016-08-02 Thread Hayes, Graham
On 02/08/2016 16:48, Steven Dake (stdake) wrote:
> Responses inline:
> On 8/2/16, 8:13 AM, "Hayes, Graham"  wrote:
>> On 02/08/2016 15:42, Flavio Percoco wrote:
>>> On 01/08/16 10:19 -0400, Sean Dague wrote:
 On 08/01/2016 09:58 AM, Davanum Srinivas wrote:
> Thierry, Ben, Doug,
> How can we distinguish between. "Project is doing the right thing, but
> others are not joining" vs "Project is actively trying to keep people
> out"?

 I think at some level, it's not really that different. If we treat them
 as different, everyone will always believe they did all the right
 things, but got no results. 3 cycles should be plenty of time to drop
 single entity contributions below 90%. That means prioritizing bugs /
 patches from outside groups (to drop below 90% on code commits),
 mentoring every outside member that provides feedback (to drop below
 on reviews), shifting development resources towards mentoring / docs /
 on ramp exercises for others in the community (to drop below 90% on

 Digging out of a single vendor status is hard, and requires making that
 your top priority. If teams aren't interested in putting that ahead of
 development work, that's fine, but that doesn't make it a sustainable
 OpenStack project.
>>> ++ to the above! I don't think they are that different either and we
>>> might not
>>> need to differentiate them after all.
>>> Flavio
>> I do have one question - how are teams getting out of
>> "team:single-vendor" and towards "team:diverse-affiliation" ?
>> We have tried to get more people involved with Designate using the ways
>> we know how - doing integrations with other projects, pushing designate
>> at conferences, helping DNS Server vendors to add drivers, adding
>> drivers for DNS Servers and service providers ourselves, adding
>> features - the lot.
>> We have a lot of user interest (41% of users were interested in using
>> us), and are quite widely deployed for a non tc-approved-release
>> project (17% - 5% in production). We are actually the most deployed
>> non tc-approved-release project.
>> We still have 81% of the reviews done by 2 companies, and 83% by 3
>> companies.
> By the objective criteria of team:single-vendor Designate isn't a single
> vendor project.  By the objective criteria of team:diverse-affiliation
> your not a diversely affiliated project either.  This is why I had
> suggested we need a third tag which accurately represents where Designate
> is in its community building journey.
>> I know our project is not "cool", and DNS is probably one of the most
>> boring topics, but I honestly believe that it has a place in the
>> majority of OpenStack clouds - both public and private. We are a small
>> team of people dedicated to making Designate the best we can, but are
>> still one company deciding to drop OpenStack / DNS development from
>> joining the single-vendor party.
> Agree Designate is important to OpenStack.  But IMO it is not a single
> vendor project as defined by the criteria given the objective statistics
> you mentioned above.

My point is that we are close to being single vendor - it is a real
possibility over then next few months, if a big contributor was to
leave the project, which may happen.

The obvious solution to avoid this is to increase participation - which
is what we are struggling with.

>> We are definitely interested in putting community development ahead of
>> development work - but what that actual work is seems to difficult to
>> nail down. I do feel sometimes that I am flailing in the dark trying to
>> improve this.
> Fantastic its a high-prioiirty goal.  Sad to hear your struggling but
> struggling is part of the activity.
>> If projects could share how that got out of single-vendor or into
>> diverse-affiliation this could really help teams progress in the
>> community, and avoid being removed.
> You bring up a fantastic point here - and that is that teams need to share
> techniques for becoming multi-vendor and some day diversely affiliated.  I
> am a super busy atm, or I would volunteer to lead a cross-project effort
> with PTLs to coordinate community building from our shared knowledge pool
> of expert Open Source contributors in the wider OpenStack community.
> That said, I am passing the baton for Kolla PTL at the conclusion of
> Newton (assuming the leadership pipeline I've built for Kolla wants to run
> for Kolla PTL), and would be pleased to lead a cross project effort in
> Occata on moving from single-vendor to multi-vendor and beyond if there is
> enough PTL interest.  I take mentorship seriously and the various single
> vendor (and others) PTL's won't be disappointed in such an effort.
>> Making grand statements about "work harder on community" without any
>> guidance about what we need to work on do not help the community.
> Agree - lets fix that.  Unfortun

Re: [openstack-dev] [tc] persistently single-vendor projects

2016-08-02 Thread Tim Bell

> On 02 Aug 2016, at 17:13, Hayes, Graham  wrote:
> On 02/08/2016 15:42, Flavio Percoco wrote:
>> On 01/08/16 10:19 -0400, Sean Dague wrote:
>>> On 08/01/2016 09:58 AM, Davanum Srinivas wrote:
 Thierry, Ben, Doug,
 How can we distinguish between. "Project is doing the right thing, but
 others are not joining" vs "Project is actively trying to keep people
>>> I think at some level, it's not really that different. If we treat them
>>> as different, everyone will always believe they did all the right
>>> things, but got no results. 3 cycles should be plenty of time to drop
>>> single entity contributions below 90%. That means prioritizing bugs /
>>> patches from outside groups (to drop below 90% on code commits),
>>> mentoring every outside member that provides feedback (to drop below 90%
>>> on reviews), shifting development resources towards mentoring / docs /
>>> on ramp exercises for others in the community (to drop below 90% on core
>>> team).
>>> Digging out of a single vendor status is hard, and requires making that
>>> your top priority. If teams aren't interested in putting that ahead of
>>> development work, that's fine, but that doesn't make it a sustainable
>>> OpenStack project.
>> ++ to the above! I don't think they are that different either and we might 
>> not
>> need to differentiate them after all.
>> Flavio
> I do have one question - how are teams getting out of
> "team:single-vendor" and towards "team:diverse-affiliation" ?
> We have tried to get more people involved with Designate using the ways
> we know how - doing integrations with other projects, pushing designate
> at conferences, helping DNS Server vendors to add drivers, adding
> drivers for DNS Servers and service providers ourselves, adding
> features - the lot.
> We have a lot of user interest (41% of users were interested in using
> us), and are quite widely deployed for a non tc-approved-release
> project (17% - 5% in production). We are actually the most deployed
> non tc-approved-release project.
> We still have 81% of the reviews done by 2 companies, and 83% by 3
> companies.
> I know our project is not "cool", and DNS is probably one of the most
> boring topics, but I honestly believe that it has a place in the
> majority of OpenStack clouds - both public and private. We are a small
> team of people dedicated to making Designate the best we can, but are
> still one company deciding to drop OpenStack / DNS development from
> joining the single-vendor party.
> We are definitely interested in putting community development ahead of
> development work - but what that actual work is seems to difficult to
> nail down. I do feel sometimes that I am flailing in the dark trying to
> improve this.
> If projects could share how that got out of single-vendor or into 
> diverse-affiliation this could really help teams progress in the
> community, and avoid being removed.
> Making grand statements about "work harder on community" without any
> guidance about what we need to work on do not help the community.
> - Graham

Interesting thread… it raises some questions for me

- Some projects in the big tent are inter-related. For example, if we identify 
a need for a project in our production cloud, we contribute a puppet module 
upstream into the openstack-puppet project. If the project is then evicted, 
does this mean that the puppet module would also be removed from the puppet 
openstack project ? Documentation repositories ? 

- Operators considering including a project in their cloud portfolio look at 
various criteria in places like the project navigator. If a project does not 
have diversity, there is a risk that it would not remain in the big tent after 
an 18 month review of diversity. An operator may therefore delay their testing 
and production deployment of that project which makes it more difficult to 
achieve the diversity given lack of adoption.

I think there is a difference between projects which are meeting a specific set 
of needs with the user community but are not needing major support and one 
which is not meeting the 4 opens. We’ve really appreciated projects which solve 
a need for us such as EC2 API and RDO which have been open but also had 
significant support from a vendor. They could have improved their diversity by 
submitting less commits to get the percentages better...


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Re: [openstack-dev] [all][tc] establishing project-wide goals

2016-08-02 Thread Jay Pipes

On 08/02/2016 11:29 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:

Doug Hellmann wrote:


Likewise, what if the Manila project team decides they aren't interested
in supporting Python 3.5 or a particular greenlet library du jour that
has been mandated upon them? Is the only filesystem-as-a-service project
going to be booted from the tent?

I hardly think "move off of the EOL-ed version of our language" and
"use a library du jour" are in the same class.  All of the topics
discussed so far are either focused on eliminating technical debt
that project teams have not prioritized consistently or adding
features that, again for consistency, are deemed important by the
overall community (API microversioning falls in that category,
though that's an example and not in any way an approved goal right

Right, the proposal is pretty clearly about setting a number of
reasonable, small goals for a release cycle that would be awesome to
collectively reach. Not really invasive top-down design mandates that we
would expect teams to want to resist.

IMHO if a team has a good reason for not wanting or not being able to
fulfill a common goal that's fine -- it just needs to get documented and
should not result in itself in getting kicked out from anything. If a
team regularly skips on common goals (and/or misses releases, and/or
doesn't fix security issues) that's a general sign that it's not really
behaving like an OpenStack project and then a case could be opened for
removal, but there is nothing new here.

Sure, I have no disagreement with any of the above. I just see TC 
mandates as a slippery slope. I'm practicing my OpenStack civic "duty" 
to guard against the encroachment of project technical independence.


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Re: [openstack-dev] [HA] RFC: High Availability track at future Design Summits

2016-08-02 Thread Adam Spiers
Hi Thierry,

Thierry Carrez  wrote:
> Adam Spiers wrote:
> > I doubt anyone would dispute that High Availability is a really
> > important topic within OpenStack, yet none of the OpenStack
> > conferences or Design Summits so far have provided an "official" track
> > or similar dedicated space for discussion on HA topics.
> > [...]
> We do not provide a specific track at the "Design Summit" for HA (or for
> hot upgrades for the matter) but we have space for "cross-project
> workshops" in which HA topics would be discussed. I suspect what you
> mean here is that the one of two sessions that the current setup allows
> are far from enough to tackle that topic efficiently ?

Yes, I think that's probably true.  I get the impression cross-project
workshops are intended more for coordination of common topics between
many official big tent projects, whereas our topics typically involve
a small handful of projects, some of which are currently unofficial.

> IMHO there is dedicated space -- just not enough of it. It's one of the
> issues with the current Design Summit setup -- just not enough time and
> space to tackle everything in one week. With the new event format I
> expect we'll be able to free up more time to discuss such horizontal
> issues

Right.  I'm looking forward to the new format :-)

> but as far as Barcelona goes (where we have less space and less
> time than in Austin), I'd encourage you to still propose cross-project
> workshops (and engage on the Ops side of the Design Summit to get
> feedback from there as well).

OK thanks - I'll try to figure out the best way of following up on
these two points.  I see that

is still empty, so I guess we're still on the early side of planning
for design summit tracks, which hopefully means there's still time
to propose a fishbowl session for Ops feedback on HA.

Thanks a lot for the advice!

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [all][tc] establishing project-wide goals

2016-08-02 Thread Hayes, Graham
On 02/08/2016 16:37, Doug Hellmann wrote:
> Excerpts from Hayes, Graham's message of 2016-08-02 13:49:06 +:
>> On 02/08/2016 14:37, Doug Hellmann wrote:
>>> Excerpts from Hayes, Graham's message of 2016-08-02 11:53:37 +:
 On 29/07/2016 21:59, Doug Hellmann wrote:
> One of the outcomes of the discussion at the leadership training
> session earlier this year was the idea that the TC should set some
> community-wide goals for accomplishing specific technical tasks to
> get the projects synced up and moving in the same direction.
> After several drafts via etherpad and input from other TC and SWG
> members, I've prepared the change for the governance repo [1] and
> am ready to open this discussion up to the broader community. Please
> read through the patch carefully, especially the "goals/index.rst"
> document which tries to lay out the expectations for what makes a
> good goal for this purpose and for how teams are meant to approach
> working on these goals.
> I've also prepared two patches proposing specific goals for Ocata
> [2][3].  I've tried to keep these suggested goals for the first
> iteration limited to "finish what we've started" type items, so
> they are small and straightforward enough to be able to be completed.
> That will let us experiment with the process of managing goals this
> time around, and set us up for discussions that may need to happen
> at the Ocata summit about implementation.
> For future cycles, we can iterate on making the goals "harder", and
> collecting suggestions for goals from the community during the forum
> discussions that will happen at summits starting in Boston.
> Doug
> [1] describe a process for managing 
> community-wide goals
> [2] add ocata goal "support python 
> 3.5"
> [3] add ocata goal "switch to oslo 
> libraries"

 I am confused. When I proposed my patch for doing something very similar
 (Equal Chances for all projects is basically a multiple release goal) I
 got the following rebuttals:

  > "and it would be
  > a mistake to try to require that because the issue is almost always
  > lack of resources and not lack of desire. Volunteers to contribute
  > to the work that's needed will do more to help than a
  > one-size-fits-all policy."

  > This isn't a thing that gets fixed with policy. It gets fixed with
  > people.

  > I am reading through the thread, and it puzzles me that I see a lot
  > of right words about goals but not enough hints on who is going to
  > implement that.

  > I think the right solutions here are human ones. Talk with people.
  > Figure out how you can help lighten their load so that they have
  > breathing space. I think hiding behind policy becomes a way to make
  > us more separate rather than engaging folks more directly.

  > Coming at this with top down declarations of how things should work
  > not only ignores reality of the ecosystem and the current state of
  > these projects, but is also going about things backwards.

  > This entirely ignores that these are all open source projects,
  > which are often very sparsely contributed to. If you have an issue
  > with a project or the interface it provides, then contribute to it.
  > Don't make grandiose resolutions trying to force things into what you
  > see as an ideal state, instead contribute to help fix the problems
  > you've identified.

 And yet, we are currently suggesting a system that will actively (in an
 undefined way) penalise projects who do not comply with a different set
 of proposals, done in a top down manner.

 I may be missing the point, but the two proposals seem to have
 similarities - what is the difference?

 When I see comments like:

  > Project teams who join the big tent sign up to the rights and
  > responsibilities that go along with membership. Those responsibilities
  > include taking some direction from the TC, including regarding work
  > they may not give the same priority as the broader community.

 It sounds like top down is OK, but previous ML thread / TC feedback
 has been different.
>>> One difference is that these goals are not things like "the
>>> documentation team must include every service project in the
>>> installation guide" but rather would be phrased like "every project
>>> must provide an installation guide". The work is distributed to the
>>> vertical teams, and not focused in the horizontal teams.
>> Well, the wording was actually "the documentation team must provide a
>> way for all projects to be included in the documentation guide". The
>> work was on the hori

Re: [openstack-dev] [Openstack] [networking-sfc] Flow classifier conflict logic

2016-08-02 Thread Farhad Sunavala
 Please send the tenant ids of all six neutron ports.
>From admin:neutron port-show  | grep tenant_id

On Monday, August 1, 2016 7:44 AM, Artem Plakunov  

 You said though that classifier must be unique within a tenant. I tried 
creating chains in two different tenants by different users without any RBAC 
rules. So there are two tenants, each has 1 network, 2 vms (source, service) 
and an admin user. I used different openrc configs for each user yet still get 
the same conflict. 
 Info about the test is in the attachment
 31.07.2016 5:25, Farhad Sunavala пишет:
  Yes, this was intentionally done. The logical-source-port is important only 
at the point of classification. All successive classifications rely only on the 
5 tuple and MPLS label (chain ID). 
  Consider an extension of the scenario you mention below. 
  Sources: (similar to your case) a  b 
  Port-pairs: (added ppe and ppf) ppc ppd ppe ppf 
  Port-pair-groups: (added ppge and ppgf) ppgc ppgd ppge ppgf 
  Flow-classifiers: fc1: logical-source-port of a && tcp fc2: 
logical-source-port of b && tcp 
  Port-chains: pc1: fc1 && (ppgc + ppge) pc2: fc2 && (ppgd + ppgc + ppgf) 
  The flow-classifier has logical-src-port and protocol=tcp The 
logical-src-port has no relevance in the middle of the chain. 
  In the middle of the chain, the only relevant flow-classifier is 
  If we allow it, we cannot distinguish TCP traffic coming out of ppgc (and 
subsequently ppc)  as to whether to mark it with the label for pc1 or the label 
for pc2. 
  In other words, within a tenant the flow-classifiers need to be unique wrt 
the 5 tuples. 
  thanks, Farhad. 
 Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2016 18:01:05 +0300
 From: Artem Plakunov 
 Subject: [Openstack] [networking-sfc] Flow classifier conflict logic
 Message-ID: <>
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
 We have two deployments with networking-sfc:
 mirantis 8.0 (liberty) and mirantis 9.0 (mitaka).
 I noticed a difference in how flow classifiers conflict with each other 
 which I do not understand. I'm not sure if it is a bug or not.
 I did the following on mitaka:
 1. Create tenant 1 and network 1
 2. Launch vms A and B in network 1
 3. Create tenant 2, share network 1 to it with RBAC policy, launch vm C 
 in network 1
 4. Create tenant 3, share network 1 to it with RBAC policy, launch vm D 
 in network 1
 5. Setup sfc:
     create two port pairs for vm C and vm D with a bidirectional port
     create two port pair groups with these pairs (one pair in one group)
     create flow classifier 1: logical-source-port = vm A port, protocol 
 = tcp
     create flow classifier 2: logical-source-port = vm B port, protocol 
 = tcp
     create chain with group 1 and classifier 1
     create chain with group 2 and classifier 2 - this step gives the 
 following error:
 Flow Classifier 7f37c1ba-abe6-44a0-9507-5b982c51028b conflicts with Flow 
 Classifier 4e97a8a5-cb22-4c21-8e30-65758859f501 in port chain 
 Neutron server returns request_ids: 
 The only thing neutron logs have is this from server.log:
 2016-07-29 14:15:57.889 18917 INFO neutron.api.v2.resource 
 0b807c8616614b84a4b16a318248d28c 9de9dcec18424398a75a518249707a61 - - -] 
 create failed (client error): Flow Classifier 
 7f37c1ba-abe6-44a0-9507-5b982c51028b conflicts with Flow Classifier 
 4e97a8a5-cb22-4c21-8e30-65758859f501 in port chain 
 I tried the same in liberty and it works and sfc successfully routes 
 traffic from both vms to their respective port groups
 Liberty setup:
 neutron version 7.0.4
 neutronclient version 3.1.1
 networking-sfc version 1.0.0 (from pip package)
 Mitaka setup:
 neutron version 8.1.1
 neutronclient version 5.0.0 (tried using 3.1.1 with same outcome)
 networking-sfc version 1.0.1.dev74 (from master branch commit 
 I'll attach the output of commands neutron port-list, port-pair-list, 
 port-pair-group-list, flow-classifier-list and port-chain-list.
 Is this an intended flow classifier behavior? If so, why? The port 
 chains and all their participants are different.

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [Manila] Migration APIs 2-phase vs. 1-phase

2016-08-02 Thread Ben Swartzlander
It occurred to me that if we write the 2-phase migration APIs correctly, 
then it will be fairly trivial to implement 1-phase migration outside 
Manila (in the client, or even higher up).

I would like to propose that we change the migration API to actually 
work that way, because I think it will have positive impact on the 
driver interface and it will make the internals for migration a lot 
simpler. Specifically, I'm proposing that the Manila REST API only 
supports starting/completing migrations, and querying the status of an 
ongoing migration -- there should be no automatic looping inside Manila 
to perform a start+complete in 1 shot.

Additionally I think it makes sense to make all the migration driver 
interfaces more asynchronous, but that change is less urgent. Getting 
the driver interface exactly right is less important than getting the 
REST API right in Newton. Nevertheless, I think we should aim for a 
driver interface that expects all the migration calls to return quickly 
and for status polling to occur automatically on long running 
operations. This will enable much better behavior when restarting 
services during a migration.

I'm going to put a topic on the meeting agenda for Thursday to discuss 
this in more detail, but if anyone has other feelings please chime in here.

-Ben Swartzlander

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [all][tc] establishing project-wide goals

2016-08-02 Thread Doug Hellmann
Excerpts from Hayes, Graham's message of 2016-08-02 16:30:06 +:
> On 02/08/2016 16:37, Doug Hellmann wrote:
> > Excerpts from Hayes, Graham's message of 2016-08-02 13:49:06 +:
> >> On 02/08/2016 14:37, Doug Hellmann wrote:
> >>> Excerpts from Hayes, Graham's message of 2016-08-02 11:53:37 +:
>  On 29/07/2016 21:59, Doug Hellmann wrote:
> > One of the outcomes of the discussion at the leadership training
> > session earlier this year was the idea that the TC should set some
> > community-wide goals for accomplishing specific technical tasks to
> > get the projects synced up and moving in the same direction.
> >
> > After several drafts via etherpad and input from other TC and SWG
> > members, I've prepared the change for the governance repo [1] and
> > am ready to open this discussion up to the broader community. Please
> > read through the patch carefully, especially the "goals/index.rst"
> > document which tries to lay out the expectations for what makes a
> > good goal for this purpose and for how teams are meant to approach
> > working on these goals.
> >
> > I've also prepared two patches proposing specific goals for Ocata
> > [2][3].  I've tried to keep these suggested goals for the first
> > iteration limited to "finish what we've started" type items, so
> > they are small and straightforward enough to be able to be completed.
> > That will let us experiment with the process of managing goals this
> > time around, and set us up for discussions that may need to happen
> > at the Ocata summit about implementation.
> >
> > For future cycles, we can iterate on making the goals "harder", and
> > collecting suggestions for goals from the community during the forum
> > discussions that will happen at summits starting in Boston.
> >
> > Doug
> >
> > [1] describe a process for managing 
> > community-wide goals
> > [2] add ocata goal "support python 
> > 3.5"
> > [3] add ocata goal "switch to oslo 
> > libraries"
>  I am confused. When I proposed my patch for doing something very similar
>  (Equal Chances for all projects is basically a multiple release goal) I
>  got the following rebuttals:
>   > "and it would be
>   > a mistake to try to require that because the issue is almost always
>   > lack of resources and not lack of desire. Volunteers to contribute
>   > to the work that's needed will do more to help than a
>   > one-size-fits-all policy."
>   > This isn't a thing that gets fixed with policy. It gets fixed with
>   > people.
>   > I am reading through the thread, and it puzzles me that I see a lot
>   > of right words about goals but not enough hints on who is going to
>   > implement that.
>   > I think the right solutions here are human ones. Talk with people.
>   > Figure out how you can help lighten their load so that they have
>   > breathing space. I think hiding behind policy becomes a way to make
>   > us more separate rather than engaging folks more directly.
>   > Coming at this with top down declarations of how things should work
>   > not only ignores reality of the ecosystem and the current state of
>   > these projects, but is also going about things backwards.
>   > This entirely ignores that these are all open source projects,
>   > which are often very sparsely contributed to. If you have an issue
>   > with a project or the interface it provides, then contribute to it.
>   > Don't make grandiose resolutions trying to force things into what you
>   > see as an ideal state, instead contribute to help fix the problems
>   > you've identified.
>  And yet, we are currently suggesting a system that will actively (in an
>  undefined way) penalise projects who do not comply with a different set
>  of proposals, done in a top down manner.
>  I may be missing the point, but the two proposals seem to have
>  similarities - what is the difference?
>  When I see comments like:
>   > Project teams who join the big tent sign up to the rights and
>   > responsibilities that go along with membership. Those responsibilities
>   > include taking some direction from the TC, including regarding work
>   > they may not give the same priority as the broader community.
>  It sounds like top down is OK, but previous ML thread / TC feedback
>  has been different.
> >>>
> >>> One difference is that these goals are not things like "the
> >>> documentation team must include every service project in the
> >>> installation guide" but rather would be phrased like "every project
> >>> must provide an installation guide". The work 

[openstack-dev] [neutron][horizon][announce] Introducing DON

2016-08-02 Thread Amit Kumar Saha (amisaha)

We would like to introduce the community to a new Python based project called 
DON - Diagnosing OpenStack Networking. More details about the project can be 
found at

DON, written primarily in Python, and available as a dashboard in OpenStack 
Horizon, Libery release, is a network analysis and diagnostic system and 
provides a completely automated service for verifying and diagnosing the 
networking functionality provided by OVS. The genesis of this idea was 
presented at the Vancouver summit, May 2015. Hopefully the community will find 
this project interesting and will give us valuable feedback.

Cisco Bangalore

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Belated nova newton midcycle recap (part 2)

2016-08-02 Thread Jim Rollenhagen
On Mon, Aug 01, 2016 at 09:15:46PM -0500, Matt Riedemann wrote:
> * Placement API for resource providers
> Jay's personal goal for Newton is for the resource tracker to be writing
> inventory and allocation data via the placement API. We want to get the data
> writing into the placement API in Newton so we can start using it in Ocata.
> There are some spec amendments up for resource providers, at least one has
> merged, and the initial placement API change merged today:
> We talked about supporting dynamic resource classes for Ironic use cases
> which is a stretch goal for Nova in Newton. Jay has a spec for that here:
> There is a lot more detail in the etherpad and honestly Jay Pipes or Jim
> Rollenhagen would be better to summarize what came out of this at the
> midcycle and what's being worked on for dynamic resource classes right now.

I actually wrote a bit about this last week:

I'm not sure it covers everything, but it's the important pieces I got
from it.

// jim

> We talked about a separate placement API database but decided this should be
> optional to avoid forcing yet another nova database on deployers in a couple
> of releases. This would be available for deployers to use to avoid some
> future upgrade pain when the placement service is split out from Nova, but
> if not configured it will default to the API database for the placement API.
> There are a bunch more details and discussion on that in this thread that
> Chris Dent started after the midcycle:
> -- 
> Thanks,
> Matt Riedemann
> __
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> Unsubscribe:

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Re: [openstack-dev] [gnocchi] typical length of timeseries data

2016-08-02 Thread gordon chung

On 29/07/16 03:29 PM, gordon chung wrote:

i'm using Ceph. but i should mention i also only have 1 thread enabled
because python+threading is... yeah.

i'll give it a try again with threads enabled.

I tried this again with 16 threads. as expected, python (2.7.x) threads do jack 

i also tried lowering the points per object to 900 (~8KB max). this performed 
~4% worse for read/writes. i should probably add a disclaimer that i'm batching 
75K points/metric at once which is probably not normal.

so from very rough testing, we can choose to lower it to 3600points which 
offers better split opportunities with negligible improvement/degradation, or 
even more to 900points with potentially small write degradation (massive 

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [new][oslo] automaton 1.4.0 release (newton)

2016-08-02 Thread no-reply
We are joyful to announce the release of:

automaton 1.4.0: Friendly state machines for python.

This release is part of the newton release series.

With source available at:

With package available at:

Please report issues through launchpad:

For more details, please see below.

Changes in automaton 1.3.0..1.4.0

dab7331 Remove discover from test-requirements
e87dc55 Add Python 3.5 classifier and venv

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

setup.cfg | 1 +
test-requirements.txt | 1 -
tox.ini   | 2 +-
3 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index 2c695bc..958c5dd 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -9 +8,0 @@ coverage>=3.6 # Apache-2.0
-discover # BSD

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [new][oslo] futurist 0.17.0 release (newton)

2016-08-02 Thread no-reply
We are tickled pink to announce the release of:

futurist 0.17.0: Useful additions to futures, from the future.

This release is part of the newton release series.

With source available at:

With package available at:

Please report issues through launchpad:

For more details, please see below.

Changes in futurist 0.16.0..0.17.0

2a0d270 Remove discover from test-requirements

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

test-requirements.txt | 1 -
1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index 68ed7a0..b18f71d 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -12 +11,0 @@ coverage>=3.6 # Apache-2.0
-discover # BSD

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [new][oslo] mox3 0.18.0 release (newton)

2016-08-02 Thread no-reply
We are glad to announce the release of:

mox3 0.18.0: Mock object framework for Python

This release is part of the newton release series.

With source available at:

With package available at:

Please report issues through launchpad:

For more details, please see below.

Changes in mox3 0.17.0..0.18.0

22c02dc Remove discover from test-requirements

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

test-requirements.txt | 1 -
1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index df05b72..b24a31f 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -12 +11,0 @@ coverage>=3.6 # Apache-2.0
-discover # BSD

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [new][oslo] debtcollector 1.7.0 release (newton)

2016-08-02 Thread no-reply
We are glowing to announce the release of:

debtcollector 1.7.0: A collection of Python deprecation patterns and
strategies that help you collect your technical debt in a non-
destructive manner.

This release is part of the newton release series.

With source available at:

With package available at:

Please report issues through launchpad:

For more details, please see below.

Changes in debtcollector 1.6.0..1.7.0

279bbca Remove discover from test-requirements
18f7de4 Add Python 3.5 classifier and venv

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

setup.cfg | 2 +-
test-requirements.txt | 1 -
tox.ini   | 6 +-
3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index 16f75c6..0c903ff 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -8 +7,0 @@ coverage>=3.6 # Apache-2.0
-discover # BSD

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [new][oslo] oslo.concurrency 3.13.0 release (newton)

2016-08-02 Thread no-reply
We are eager to announce the release of:

oslo.concurrency 3.13.0: Oslo Concurrency library

This release is part of the newton release series.

With source available at:

With package available at:

Please report issues through launchpad:

For more details, please see below.

Changes in oslo.concurrency 3.12.0..3.13.0

2e8d548 Updated from global requirements
0c3a39e Fix parameters of assertEqual are misplaced
e9a0914 Add Python 3.5 classifier and venv

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

requirements.txt |  2 +-
setup.cfg|  1 +
tox.ini  |  6 +--
5 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 864afc1..81d8537 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -10 +10 @@ oslo.i18n>=2.1.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.utils>=3.15.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.utils>=3.16.0 # Apache-2.0

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] [scheduler] Use ResourceProviderTags instead of ResourceClass?

2016-08-02 Thread Jay Pipes

On 08/02/2016 08:19 AM, Alex Xu wrote:

Chris have a thought about using ResourceClass to describe Capabilities
with an infinite inventory. In the beginning we brain storming the idea
of Tags, Tan Lin have same thought, but we say no very quickly, due to
the ResourceClass is really about Quantitative stuff. But Chris give
very good point about simplify the ResourceProvider model and the API.

After rethinking about those idea, I like simplify the ResourceProvider
model and the API. But I think the direction is opposite. ResourceClass
with infinite inventory is really hacky. The Placement API is simple,
but the usage of those API isn't simple for user, they need create a
ResourceClass, then create an infinite inventory. And ResourceClass
isn't managable like Tags, look at the Tags API, there are many query

But look at the ResourceClass and ResourceProviderTags, they are totally
same, two columns: one is integer id, another one is string.
ResourceClass is just for naming the quantitative stuff. So what we need
is thing used to 'naming'. ResourceProviderTags is higher abstract, Tags
is generic thing to name something, we totally can use Tag instead of
ResourceClass. So user can create inventory with tags, also user can
create ResourceProvider with tags.

No, this sounds like actually way more complexity than is needed and 
will make the schema less explicit.

But yes, there may still have problem isn't resolved, one of problem is
pointed out when I discuss with YingXin about how to distinguish the Tag
is about quantitative or qualitative. He think we need attribute for Tag
to distinguish it. But the attribute isn't thing I like, I prefer leave
that alone due to the user of placement API is admin-user.

Any thought? or I'm too crazy at here...maybe I just need put this in
the alternative section in the spec...

A resource class is not a capability, though. It's an indication of a 
type of quantitative consumable that is exposed on a resource provider.

A capability is a string that indicates a feature that a resource 
provider offers. A capability isn't "consumed".

BTW, this is why I continue to think that using the term "tags" in the 
placement API is wrong. The placement API should clearly indicate that a 
resource provider has a set of capabilities. Tags, in Nova at least, are 
end-user-defined simple categorization strings that have no 
standardization and no cataloguing or collation to them.

Capabilities are not end-user-defined -- they can be defined by an 
operator but they are not things that a normal end-user can simply 
create. And capabilities are specifically *not* for categorization 
purposes. They are an indication of a set of features that a resource 
provider exposes.

This is why I think the placement API for capabilities should use the 
term "capabilities" and not "tags".


OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [new][oslo] oslo.cache 1.12.0 release (newton)

2016-08-02 Thread no-reply
We are enthusiastic to announce the release of:

oslo.cache 1.12.0: Cache storage for Openstack projects.

This release is part of the newton release series.

With source available at:

With package available at:

Please report issues through launchpad:

For more details, please see below.

Changes in oslo.cache 1.11.0..1.12.0

3009e5f Updated from global requirements
e989c40 Add Python 3.5 classifier and venv
6e9091d Imported Translations from Zanata
30a7cf4 Updated from global requirements

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

oslo_cache/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/oslo_cache.po  | 53 ++
oslo_cache/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/oslo_cache.po | 12 +++--
oslo_cache/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/oslo_cache.po | 12 +++--
oslo_cache/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/oslo_cache.po | 12 +++--
oslo_cache/locale/ko_KR/LC_MESSAGES/oslo_cache.po  | 12 +++--
oslo_cache/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/oslo_cache.po  | 12 +++--
oslo_cache/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/oslo_cache.po | 12 +++--
oslo_cache/locale/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES/oslo_cache.po  | 14 +++---
oslo_cache/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/oslo_cache.po  | 12 +++--
oslo_cache/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/oslo_cache.po  | 14 +++---
.../locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/releasenotes.po   | 30 
requirements.txt   |  4 +-
setup.cfg  |  2 +-
tox.ini|  2 +-
14 files changed, 152 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index b1defe2..2f4ebb9 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -7 +7 @@ six>=1.9.0 # MIT
-oslo.config>=3.10.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.config>=3.12.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -10 +10 @@ oslo.log>=1.14.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.utils>=3.14.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.utils>=3.16.0 # Apache-2.0

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Belated nova newton midcycle recap (part 2)

2016-08-02 Thread Brian Haley

On 08/01/2016 10:15 PM, Matt Riedemann wrote:

Starting from where I accidentally left off:

We also talked a bit about live migration with Neutron. There has been a fix up
for live migration + DVR since Mitaka:

It's a bit of a hacky workaround but the longer term solution that we all want ( ) is not going to be in Newton and will
need discussion at the Ocata summit in Barcelona (John Garbutt was going to work
with the Neutron team on preparing for the summit on that one). So we agreed to
go with Swami's DVR fix but it needs to be rebased (which still hasn't happened
since the midcycle).

I just pushed an update to the DVR live-migration patch re-based to master, so 
feel free to review again.  Swami or myself will answer any other comments as 
quickly as possible.



OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [new][oslo] oslo.policy 1.13.0 release (newton)

2016-08-02 Thread no-reply
We are thrilled to announce the release of:

oslo.policy 1.13.0: Oslo Policy library

This release is part of the newton release series.

With source available at:

With package available at:

Please report issues through launchpad:

For more details, please see below.

Changes in oslo.policy 1.12.0..1.13.0

10a81ba Updated from global requirements
cce967a Add note about not all APIs support policy enforcement by user_id
5273d2c Adds debug logging for policy file validation
09c5588 Fixed unit tests running on Windows
7204311 Add Python 3.5 classifier and venv

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

oslo_policy/| 16 ++
requirements.txt |  2 +-
setup.cfg|  1 +
tox.ini  |  2 +-
5 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 09e1525..a954394 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -9 +9 @@ oslo.serialization>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.utils>=3.15.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.utils>=3.16.0 # Apache-2.0

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [new][oslo] oslo.log 3.13.0 release (newton)

2016-08-02 Thread no-reply
We are stoked to announce the release of:

oslo.log 3.13.0: oslo.log library

This release is part of the newton release series.

With source available at:

With package available at:

Please report issues through launchpad:

For more details, please see below.

Changes in oslo.log 3.12.0..3.13.0

656cef3 Updated from global requirements
92b6ff6 Fix parameters of assertEqual are misplaced
12de127 Updated from global requirements
8cb90f4 Remove discover from test-requirements
3ae0e87 Add Python 3.5 classifier and venv

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

requirements.txt|  4 ++--
setup.cfg   |  1 +
test-requirements.txt   |  1 -
tox.ini |  2 +-
5 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 9bac65f..a288b0b 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -8 +8 @@ oslo.config>=3.12.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.context>=2.4.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.context!=2.6.0,>=2.4.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -10 +10 @@ oslo.i18n>=2.1.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.utils>=3.15.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.utils>=3.16.0 # Apache-2.0
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index 4c9bc0c..673f993 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -7 +6,0 @@ hacking<0.11,>=0.10.0
-discover # BSD

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [new][oslo] oslo.middleware 3.16.0 release (newton)

2016-08-02 Thread no-reply
We are grateful to announce the release of:

oslo.middleware 3.16.0: Oslo Middleware library

This release is part of the newton release series.

With source available at:

With package available at:

Please report issues through launchpad:

For more details, please see below.

Changes in oslo.middleware 3.15.0..3.16.0

2697995 Updated from global requirements
3a18916 Updated from global requirements
0c00db8 Fix unit tests on Windows

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

oslo_middleware/healthcheck/ | 4 +++-
requirements.txt   | 6 +++---
3 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index b80e5c6..fdbfbf4 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -8 +8 @@ oslo.config>=3.12.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.context>=2.4.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.context!=2.6.0,>=2.4.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -10 +10 @@ oslo.i18n>=2.1.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.utils>=3.15.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.utils>=3.16.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -12 +12 @@ six>=1.9.0 # MIT
-stevedore>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0
+stevedore>=1.16.0 # Apache-2.0

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [new][oslo] oslo.config 3.14.0 release (newton)

2016-08-02 Thread no-reply
We are amped to announce the release of:

oslo.config 3.14.0: Oslo Configuration API

This release is part of the newton release series.

With source available at:

With package available at:

Please report issues through launchpad:

For more details, please see below.


New Features

* Added minimum and maximum value limits to FloatOpt.

Changes in oslo.config 3.13.0..3.14.0

b409253 disable lazy translation in sphinx extension
2fdc1cf Trivial: adjust import order to fit the import order guideline
c115719 Make error message more clear
15d3ab8 Add min and max values to Float type and Opt
61224ce Fix parameters of assertEqual are misplaced
55c2026 Updated from global requirements
8ed5f75 Add max_length to URIOpt
f48a897 Remove discover from test-requirements
6f2c57c update docs for sphinxconfiggen
9b05dc9 Add URIOpt to doced option types

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

oslo_config/ |  38 +-
oslo_config/   |  10 +
oslo_config/   | 110 +++--
.../notes/add-float-min-max-b1a2e16301c8435c.yaml  |   3 +
requirements.txt   |   2 +-
test-requirements.txt  |   1 -
12 files changed, 555 insertions(+), 297 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index d1ac579..972e955 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -8 +8 @@ six>=1.9.0 # MIT
-stevedore>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0
+stevedore>=1.16.0 # Apache-2.0
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index d444b33..a11d8f2 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -7 +6,0 @@ hacking<0.11,>=0.10.0
-discover # BSD

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [new][oslo] oslo.db 4.9.0 release (newton)

2016-08-02 Thread no-reply
We are delighted to announce the release of:

oslo.db 4.9.0: Oslo Database library

This release is part of the newton release series.

With source available at:

With package available at:

Please report issues through launchpad:

For more details, please see below.


Upgrade Notes

* The allowed values for the "connection_debug" option are now
  restricted to the range between 0 and 100 (inclusive). Previously a
  number lower than 0 or higher than 100 could be given without error.
  But now, a "ConfigFileValueError" will be raised when the option
  value is outside this range.

Changes in oslo.db 4.8.0..4.9.0

6bdb99f Updated from global requirements
60b5b14 Memoize sys.exc_info() before attempting a savepoint rollback
1dc55b8 Updated from global requirements
a9ec13d Consolidate pifpaf commands into variables
a794790 Updated from global requirements
5da12af Updated from global requirements
abebffc Fixed unit tests running on Windows
20613c3 Remove discover from setup.cfg
7b76cdf Add dispose_pool() method to enginefacade context, factory
e0cc306 Set a min and max on the connection_debug option
d594f62 Set max pool size default to 5
72bab42 tox: add py35 envs for convenience

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

oslo_db/   |  7 ++-
oslo_db/ | 15 ++---
oslo_db/sqlalchemy/ | 14 +
oslo_db/sqlalchemy/  |  2 +-
oslo_db/sqlalchemy/  | 46 ++-
.../connection_debug_min_max-bf6d53d49be7ca52.yaml |  7 +++
requirements.txt   |  6 +-
setup.cfg  |  4 +-
tox.ini| 37 
12 files changed, 209 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index fbc015b..6befe2a 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -10,2 +10,2 @@ oslo.config>=3.12.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.context>=2.4.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.utils>=3.15.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.context!=2.6.0,>=2.4.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.utils>=3.16.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -14 +14 @@ sqlalchemy-migrate>=0.9.6 # Apache-2.0
-stevedore>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0
+stevedore>=1.16.0 # Apache-2.0

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [new][oslo] oslo.privsep 1.11.0 release (newton)

2016-08-02 Thread no-reply
We are chuffed to announce the release of:

oslo.privsep 1.11.0: OpenStack library for privilege separation

This release is part of the newton release series.

With source available at:

With package available at:

Please report issues through launchpad:

For more details, please see below.

Changes in oslo.privsep 1.10.0..1.11.0

108b201 Updated from global requirements
9510ac0 Drop python3.3 support in classifier

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

requirements.txt | 2 +-
setup.cfg| 1 -
2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 1397b11..34304cd 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -8 +8 @@ oslo.config>=3.12.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.utils>=3.15.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.utils>=3.16.0 # Apache-2.0

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [new][oslo] oslo.reports 1.13.0 release (newton)

2016-08-02 Thread no-reply
We are pleased to announce the release of:

oslo.reports 1.13.0: oslo.reports library

This release is part of the newton release series.

With source available at:

With package available at:

Please report issues through launchpad:

For more details, please see below.

Changes in oslo.reports 1.12.0..1.13.0

329eb7c Updated from global requirements
0565210 Add Python 3.5 classifier and venv

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

requirements.txt | 2 +-
setup.cfg| 2 +-
tox.ini  | 2 +-
3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 67f73ae..56641ec 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -11 +11 @@ oslo.i18n>=2.1.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.utils>=3.15.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.utils>=3.16.0 # Apache-2.0

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [new][oslo] oslo.serialization 2.12.0 release (newton)

2016-08-02 Thread no-reply
We are jazzed to announce the release of:

oslo.serialization 2.12.0: Oslo Serialization library

This release is part of the newton release series.

With source available at:

With package available at:

Please report issues through launchpad:

For more details, please see below.

Changes in oslo.serialization 2.11.0..2.12.0

afb5332 Updated from global requirements
5ae0432 Fix parameters of assertEqual are misplaced
aa0e480 Add Python 3.5 classifier and venv

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

requirements.txt  |  2 +-
setup.cfg |  1 +
tox.ini   |  2 +-
6 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 54901dd..33ada12 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -13 +13 @@ msgpack-python>=0.4.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.utils>=3.15.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.utils>=3.16.0 # Apache-2.0

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [new][oslo] oslo.versionedobjects 1.14.0 release (newton)

2016-08-02 Thread no-reply
We are satisfied to announce the release of:

oslo.versionedobjects 1.14.0: Oslo Versioned Objects library

This release is part of the newton release series.

With source available at:

With package available at:

Please report issues through launchpad:

For more details, please see below.

Changes in oslo.versionedobjects 1.13.0..1.14.0

67ba3a0 Updated from global requirements
def295f Add Python 3.5 classifier and venv

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

requirements.txt | 4 ++--
setup.cfg| 1 +
tox.ini  | 2 +-
3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 7813946..2e55edb 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -7 +7 @@ oslo.config>=3.12.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.context>=2.4.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.context!=2.6.0,>=2.4.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -10 +10 @@ oslo.serialization>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.utils>=3.15.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.utils>=3.16.0 # Apache-2.0

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [new][oslo] oslo.messaging 5.6.0 release (newton)

2016-08-02 Thread no-reply
We are excited to announce the release of:

oslo.messaging 5.6.0: Oslo Messaging API

This release is part of the newton release series.

With source available at:

With package available at:

Please report issues through launchpad:

For more details, please see below.


New Features

   * Idle connections in the pool will be expired and closed. Default
 ttl is 1200s. Next configuration params was added

  * *conn_pool_ttl* (defaul 1200)

  * *conn_pool_min_size* (default 2)

Deprecation Notes

* The rabbitmq driver option "DEFAULT/max_retries" has been
  deprecated for removal (at a later point in the future) as it did
  not make logical sense for notifications and for RPC.

Changes in oslo.messaging 5.5.0..5.6.0

d946fb1 Fix pika functional tests
7576497 fix a typo in
1288621 Updated from global requirements
317641c Fix syntax error on notification listener docs
a6f0aae Delete fanout queues on gracefully shutdown
564e423 Properly cleanup listener and driver on simulator exit
18c8bc9 [zmq] Let proxy serve on a static port numbers
162f6e9 Introduce TTL for idle connections
9ed95bb Fix parameters of assertEqual are misplaced
95d0402 Fix misstyping issue
d1cbca8 Updated from global requirements
73b3286 Updated from global requirements
ff9b4bb notify: add a CLI tool to manually send notifications
538c84b Add deprecated relnote for max_retries rabbit configuration option
ae1123e [zmq] Add py34 configuration for functional tests
07187f9 [zmq] Merge publishers
8e77865 Add Python 3.5 classifier and venv
689ba08 Replace assertEqual(None, *) with assertIsNone in tests
c6c70ab Updated from global requirements
66ded1f [zmq] Use json/msgpack instead of pickle
ac484f6 [zmq] Refactor publishers
96438a3 Add Python 3.4 functional tests for AMQP 1.0 driver
3514638 tests: allow to override the functionnal tests suite args
2b50ea5 [zmq] Additional configurations for f-tests
6967bd7 Remove discover from test-requirements
865bfec tests: rabbitmq failover tests
df9a009 Imported Translations from Zanata
6945323 Updated from global requirements
861a3ac Remove rabbitmq max_retries
61aae0f Config: no need to set default=None
dc1309a Improve the impl_rabbit logging

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

oslo_messaging/_cmd/   |  34 +++-
oslo_messaging/_drivers/amqp1_driver/   |   2 -
oslo_messaging/_drivers/|   7 +-
oslo_messaging/_drivers/  |  13 +-
oslo_messaging/_drivers/ |  82 ++---
oslo_messaging/_drivers/|   7 +-
.../pika_driver/ |   8 +-
oslo_messaging/_drivers/|  65 ---
.../_drivers/zmq_driver/broker/ |   0
.../_drivers/zmq_driver/broker/|  80 -
.../_drivers/zmq_driver/broker/  | 140 ---
.../publishers/dealer/ | 106 ---
.../publishers/dealer/  |  89 -
.../publishers/dealer/ | 110 
.../dealer/  |  53 ++
.../dealer/   | 199 +
.../client/publishers/dealer/   |  66 ---
.../client/publishers/ |  71 
.../client/publishers/| 158 +++-
.../client/publishers/|  52 --
.../_drivers/zmq_driver/client/   |  54 ++
.../_drivers/zmq_driver/client/  |  25 ++-
.../_drivers/zmq_driver/client/| 145 +++
.../_drivers/zmq_driver/client/ |  18 +-
.../zmq_driver/client/ |  65 +++
.../_drivers/zmq_driver/client/  | 105 +++
.../zmq_driver/client/   |  96 ++
.../_drivers/zmq_driver/proxy/  |   0
.../_drivers/zmq_driver/proxy/ |  98 ++
.../zmq_driver/proxy/|  74 
.../_drivers/zmq_driver/proxy/   | 150 
.../server/consumers/|  78 ++--
.../server/consumers/  |  69 ---
.../server/consumers/|  66 +++
.../server/consumers/   |  26 +--
.../zmq_driver/server/  |  51 +++---
oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/|  18 +-
oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/   |  80 +++--

[openstack-dev] [new][oslo] oslo.vmware 2.12.0 release (newton)

2016-08-02 Thread no-reply
We are happy to announce the release of:

oslo.vmware 2.12.0: Oslo VMware library

This release is part of the newton release series.

With source available at:

With package available at:

Please report issues through launchpad:

For more details, please see below.

Changes in oslo.vmware 2.11.0..2.12.0

37283c8 Updated from global requirements
0258fe0 Add http_method to download_stream_optimized_data
2f9af24 Refactor the image transfer
7c893ca Remove discover from test-requirements
170d6b7 Updated from global requirements

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

oslo_vmware/| 424 ---
requirements.txt |   4 +-
test-requirements.txt|   1 -
4 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 669 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 4f4f3a6..0637801 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -7 +7 @@ pbr>=1.6 # Apache-2.0
-stevedore>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0
+stevedore>=1.16.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -12 +12 @@ oslo.i18n>=2.1.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.utils>=3.15.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.utils>=3.16.0 # Apache-2.0
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index b8c2e46..e9eac53 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -8 +7,0 @@ hacking<0.11,>=0.10.0
-discover # BSD

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [new][oslo] oslo.service 1.14.0 release (newton)

2016-08-02 Thread no-reply
We are happy to announce the release of:

oslo.service 1.14.0: oslo.service library

This release is part of the newton release series.

With source available at:

With package available at:

Please report issues through launchpad:

For more details, please see below.

Changes in oslo.service 1.13.0..1.14.0

0c3a29d Updated from global requirements
aac1d89 Fix parameters of assertEqual are misplaced

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

requirements.txt |  2 +-
6 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 83d22d4..8df3c2b 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -9 +9 @@ monotonic>=0.6 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.utils>=3.15.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.utils>=3.16.0 # Apache-2.0

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [new][oslo] stevedore 1.17.0 release (newton)

2016-08-02 Thread no-reply
We are mirthful to announce the release of:

stevedore 1.17.0: Manage dynamic plugins for Python applications

This release is part of the newton release series.

With source available at:

With package available at:

Please report issues through launchpad:

For more details, please see below.

Changes in stevedore 1.16.0..1.17.0

0c6b78c Remove discover from test-requirements
4ec5022 make error reporting for extension loading quieter
76c14b1 Add Python 3.5 classifier and venv
c8a3964 Replace assertEquals() with assertEqual()

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

setup.cfg  |  1 +
stevedore/ | 11 +--
test-requirements.txt  |  1 -
tox.ini|  2 +-
5 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index 977194a..6b0ae8d 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -10 +9,0 @@ testrepository>=0.0.18 # Apache-2.0/BSD
-discover # BSD

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

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