Hi Thierry,

Thierry Carrez <thie...@openstack.org> wrote:
> Adam Spiers wrote:
> > I doubt anyone would dispute that High Availability is a really
> > important topic within OpenStack, yet none of the OpenStack
> > conferences or Design Summits so far have provided an "official" track
> > or similar dedicated space for discussion on HA topics.
> > [...]
> We do not provide a specific track at the "Design Summit" for HA (or for
> hot upgrades for the matter) but we have space for "cross-project
> workshops" in which HA topics would be discussed. I suspect what you
> mean here is that the one of two sessions that the current setup allows
> are far from enough to tackle that topic efficiently ?
Yes, I think that's probably true.  I get the impression cross-project
workshops are intended more for coordination of common topics between
many official big tent projects, whereas our topics typically involve
a small handful of projects, some of which are currently unofficial.

> IMHO there is dedicated space -- just not enough of it. It's one of the
> issues with the current Design Summit setup -- just not enough time and
> space to tackle everything in one week. With the new event format I
> expect we'll be able to free up more time to discuss such horizontal
> issues

Right.  I'm looking forward to the new format :-)

> but as far as Barcelona goes (where we have less space and less
> time than in Austin), I'd encourage you to still propose cross-project
> workshops (and engage on the Ops side of the Design Summit to get
> feedback from there as well).

OK thanks - I'll try to figure out the best way of following up on
these two points.  I see that


is still empty, so I guess we're still on the early side of planning
for design summit tracks, which hopefully means there's still time
to propose a fishbowl session for Ops feedback on HA.

Thanks a lot for the advice!

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