[OpenIndiana-discuss] USB Mediatek MT7601

2017-11-09 Thread Stephan Althaus


I would like to use a USB WIFI stick,
but the system does not find a suitable driver.

Does someone know if there is any driver available now?

The followong messages are in 'dmesg':

Nov  9 16:50:00 oi usba: [ID 912658 kern.info] USB 2.1 device 
(usb148f,7601) operating at hi speed (USB 2.x) on USB 2.0 external hub: 
device@3, usb_mid2 at bus address 3

Nov  9 16:50:00 oi usba: [ID 349649 kern.info] MediaTek 802.11 n WLAN 1.0

Nov  9 16:50:00 oi usba: [ID 349649 kern.info] usba:    no driver found 
for interface 0 (nodename: 'interface') of MediaTek 802.11 n WLAN 1.0
Nov  9 16:50:00 oi usba: [ID 349649 kern.info] usba:    no driver found 
for interface 0 (nodename: 'wireless') of Dell Computer Corp DW375 
Bluetooth Module 5CAC4CF378A3

Many thanks,



openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] Missing? svc:/application/pkg/zones-proxy-client

2018-03-06 Thread Stephan Althaus

Hello All!

While trying to test-install libreoffice  to resolve the problem
"Invalid child image publisher configuration.  Child image publisher
configuration must be a superset of the parent image publisher 

because i have non-global zones..

i stumbled over

The mentioned package "zones-proxy-client" is missing
whilst "zones-proxy" could be installed..

Am i missing something?
Any hint would be nice :-)

Greetings from Germany!

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Missing? svc:/application/pkg/zones-proxy-client

2018-03-07 Thread Stephan Althaus


Thanks for your hints!

Not all of my zones where running, so there was no easy way to set the 
publishers in the NGZ's.

Your hints pointed me to this page

Following the instructions,
after editing the    /etc/zones/zoneX.xml
and removing   /zones/build/zoneX/root/var/pkg/linked
for every zone X
the installation finished properly :-)

I'm happy :-)


On 07.03.2018 09:33, Alexander Pyhalov wrote:

On 03/07/18 12:32 AM, Stephan Althaus wrote:

Hello All!

While trying to test-install libreoffice  to resolve the problem
"Invalid child image publisher configuration.  Child image publisher
configuration must be a superset of the parent image publisher 

because i have non-global zones..

If you use 'ipkg'-branded zones (default), all publishers present in 
GZ should be present in NGZ (and in the same order). That's what the 
error message says.

openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] oi-userland test : no local repo

2018-03-25 Thread Stephan Althaus


As my first test I tried to build the tool hplip with gui enabled,
cloned the git repository, modified the makefile..

After gmake publish and succesful compile it says:

The path '/home/stephan/src/oi-userland/i386/repo' does not contain a 
valid package repo

But i don't even have a directory "/home/stephan/src/oi-userland/i386"

Does anyone here have a hint for me?

How do i create an empty local repo?


Stephan Althaus

openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] help needed: reinstall bootloader

2018-04-13 Thread Stephan Althaus


Something weird happened (per ssh i killed X because of a not responding 
system, i had to power off)

and now the boot loader hangs just before listing the installed drives
"BIOS Drive C:" ...
and therefore not showing the oi boot menu.

Boot From DVD with
#beadm activate openindiana-2 zfs:rpool
does work (so i am able to send EMails :-)

#zpool status
does list a wrong device name (/dev/sdc5 but the partition is 

so i cannot use #bootadm install-bootloader -Mfv

i tried
#installgrub -m /boot/grub/zfs_stage1_5 /boot/grub/stage_2 
with the effect that i only see a cursor in the left upper edge, so its 
worse than before.

Below are the details.

Any hints are welcome :-)




root@dell:~# zpool status rpool
  pool: rpool
 state: ONLINE
status: Some supported features are not enabled on the pool. The pool can
    still be used, but some features are unavailable.
action: Enable all features using 'zpool upgrade'. Once this is done,
    the pool may no longer be accessible by software that does not 

    the features. See zpool-features(5) for details.
  scan: none requested

    rpool    ONLINE   0 0 0
  /dev/sdc5  ONLINE   0 0 0

errors: No known data errors
root@dell:~# format
Searching for disks...done

   0. c5t0d0 224 sec 56>

Specify disk (enter its number): ^C
root@dell:~# bootadm install-bootloader -Mfv
be_do_installboot: device /dev/sdc5
be_do_installboot: install failed for device /dev/sdc5.
  Command: "/usr/sbin/installboot -F -m -f //boot/pmbr 
//boot/gptzfsboot /dev/sdc5/r"

installing loader to whole disk device is not supported
open: No such file or directory
Unable to open device /dev/sdc5/r
be_run_cmd: command terminated with error status: 1

openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] [Solved] Re: help needed: reinstall bootloader

2018-04-14 Thread Stephan Althaus


Many thanks for the hints!

This worked:
#boot from installation media
#sudo zpool import rpool
#sudo zpool export rpool

Note: i didn't have to specify -d /dev/dsk or the like, the device name 
was automatically changed.

Over night i had an idea which might have solved this without reboot:
-define a partition on a spare drive with the exact same size as the 
rpool partition

-add this new device as a mirror device to the rpool
-wait for resilver complete
-detach the original device
-"some magic" to clear the zpool/zfs info on the original device
-re-add the 'cleaned' original device
-wait for resilver complete
-detach the temporary used device

Any thoughts on this?
if this were a good idea, can someone give the missing command line 
details for the next person who needs this?

Greetings from Germany,

On 04/14/18 08:43 AM, Nikola M wrote:

On 04/13/18 11:27 PM, Till Wegmüller wrote:

Hi Stephan

Is this a Linux dualboot machine?

Linux has the tendency to overwrite the device section of a zpool when
importing. /dev/sdc looks like a linux name.

If so you may have killed that zpool by importing it from linux.
AFAIK there is currently no good solution to fix the device name entry.

Except from, booting from Live media (DVD,USB) , importing pool and 
exporting pool and reboot?

Also be sure to stick to either slices or partitions p1 != s1 in your
One is the traditional Solaris Slice layout of the disk the other the
Partitions in DOS style. They do not mix at all.

It means there is a difference if partitions are created under 
illumos/Solaris and Linux.
up to 4 'Slices' can fit insite standard(MBR) partition and when 
creating ZFS partition from OI, it creates one slice inside partition 
for ZFS.

And that is not the same as having ZFS on top of partition.
So it is better to create partition aether during illumos install (and 
not before install) because of that difference.

I had a problem with reinstalling illumos loader while retaining MBR 
partition, With ZFS on it without slice on partition.
Would need to re-check if that works now, but it is always better to 
create ZFS partition with illumos fdisk or OI Install process.

And also there is the question weather Hard disk cache is turned on if 
ZFS uses partition and not the whole drive. Previoiusly, Hard disk 
caching used to be turned OFF if ZFS is on partition and not on the 
whole drive, for UFS compatibility.
Don't know how it is now nor how to explicitlycheck/turn ON Hard disk 
caching if ZFS pool uses partition on drive.

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[OpenIndiana-discuss] "OINK": a short story

2018-04-14 Thread Stephan Althaus

Hello to the world

"i had a dream"

Recently i got the opinion to change from ubuntu to something "better". 
No problem, yes, but this is the famliy notebook and so there are the 
following requirements resulting from different user types:

-simple-scan or Skanlite or something that simple
-android tools for backup
-VM host, preferably free
-Truecrypt/Veracrypt (switch to zfs encryption..)
-geany/ecplise/codelite and such

Starting with SuseLinux 5.0 on a 486DX2-66 up to ubuntu on a Core2duo i 
have some history on using Linux. I am running Openindiana on a small 
home server now for about 2 years, without having to work on it that 
much:-) My first idea was: it might be better to try some BSD for a 
homeoffice laptop. I was disappointed of how much details i had to do 
manually, i didn't expect this with (Free)BSD. QEMU on bsd is so slow 
that it is not usable. VirtualBox is good but i would like to use 
something with a unlimited free licence.

OpenIndiana is now declared the OS of choice. (Yeah!) So the title of my 
short story is an abbreviation of "OpenIndiana New Knowledge"->"OINK" ;-)

The topmost feature of a linux distribution is that everything you might 
think of is integrated and packaged into one source. Its like a 
unlimited source of milk and honey. I belive that for the most out of 
it, there is a way to get things working on OpenIndiana, too. But the 
things are more complicated with BSD and Openindiana as there are 
several sources of choice to get the software one desires.

Up to now the following goals are reached: Firefox, Thunderbird, 
LibreOffice, Virtualbox. The next steps are: Simple-Scanning, TexStudio, 
adb, and the switch from Virtualbox to qemu-kvm..
As i have only small time slices to work on this, it will nedd some time 
to assembly the pieces from pkg "localhostoih", pkgsrc "joyent/smartos", 
oi-userland and raw-github-sources just to citate some vocabulary well 
known to the most of you..

By the way - how to integrate the pkgsrc-applications located in 
/opt/local/bin to the (pkg) mate application menu?

This evening, when my little baby child will be sleeping, maybe, then i 
will take care of one of the next steps. Somewhen in the future - 
hopefully - all will be running as i like it :-)


openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OI Hipster 2018.04 snapshot

2018-05-01 Thread Stephan Althaus

Hello Nikola!

I am using a DELL Latitude E6500 with "Intel(r) Core(tm)2 Duo CPU 
T9800  @ 2.93GHz"
and i seem not to have any basic problems (despite of some firefox-tabs 
somewhen eating CPU).

The only difference to my cpu i see (looking at ark.intel..) is the 
codename 'merom' and the lack of "Intel® Trusted Execution Technology"

Maybe there's something in the newer kernels where this feature is needed.
(just guessing..?()?)

On 04/30/18 11:34 AM, Nikola M wrote:

On 04/28/18 03:48 PM, Alexander Pyhalov wrote:


OI Hipster 2018.04 snapshot is ready. 

Just for the info,
I updated the other day with
osnet-incorporation@0.5.11-2018.0.0.17292 and 
and situation is unchanged from last year April snapshot (e.g. form 
January 2017 onward) and the bug present on 201704 snapshot is still 

Last osnet/userland I could use on are 
osnet-incorporation@0.5.11-2016.1.1.16076 and 
userland-incorporation@0.5.11-2016.1.1.8108 , from December 2016 ,
and does not have random process locking with high CPU use, making 
system unusable on Core2Duo T5600 (Dell D620 laptop) for anything newer.

Since all previous onset/userland builds are deleted from servers upon 
creating OI snapshot for disk space conserving and the speed of 
IPS/pkg operations, I was unable to pinpoint exact moment after 
December 2016 when illumos/OI change created the issue with random 
process high CPU use/locking.
It could be both about illumos regression and build environment 
changes in starting of 2017.

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openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] cups not working?

2018-05-08 Thread Stephan Althaus


Just made a pkg image-update yesterday,
today cups is not working :

svc:/application/cups/scheduler:default (CUPS Print Spooler)
 State: maintenance since May  8, 2018 at 07:02:54 AM CEST
Reason: Restarting too quickly.
   See: http://illumos.org/msg/SMF-8000-L5
   See: man -M /usr/share/man -s 8 cupsd
   See: /var/svc/log/application-cups-scheduler:default.log
Impact: This service is not running.

Is this a global or my personal local issue?


openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] [Solved] Re: cups not working?

2018-05-08 Thread Stephan Althaus


After invoking

sudo svcadm disable svc:/application/cups/scheduler
sudo svcadm enable svc:/application/cups/scheduler

tail -f /var/adm/messages

showed a problem with my usb printer:

May  8 20:23:54 dell hp[4775]: [ID 702911 daemon.error] 
prnt/backend/hp.c 824: ERROR: open device failed stat=12: 
May  8 20:23:55 dell svc.startd[9]: [ID 748625 daemon.error] 
application/cups/scheduler:default failed repeatedly: transitioned to 
maintenance (see 'svcs -xv' for details)

 I don't think that a printer that is not reachable
 should stop the print service..
 What do you think??

I removed this printer, and my wife's pending print job for the other 
(connected network-) printer completed successfully..


Thanks for the hints, Predrag!!

pkg info:
steven@dell:~$ pkg info cups
  Name: print/cups
   Summary: Common Unix Print System (CUPS)
  Category: System/Printing
 State: Installed
 Publisher: openindiana.org
   Version: 1.7.5
    Branch: 2018.0.0.2
Packaging Date: February 12, 2018 at 05:01:55 AM
  Size: 12.74 MB

   Project URL: http://www.cups.org/
    Source URL: 

steven@dell:~$ pkg info hplip
  Name: print/filter/hplip
   Summary: hpijs - HP InkJet Server
  Category: System/Printing
 State: Installed
 Publisher: openindiana.org
   Version: 3.15.9
    Branch: 2018.0.0.3
Packaging Date: February 12, 2018 at 05:02:21 AM
  Size: 29.25 MB

   Project URL: http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/index.html
    Source URL: 


On 05/08/18 04:26 PM, Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst wrote:

On 05/08/18 16:20, Stephan Althaus wrote:


Just made a pkg image-update yesterday,
today cups is not working :

svc:/application/cups/scheduler:default (CUPS Print Spooler)
  State: maintenance since May  8, 2018 at 07:02:54 AM CEST
Reason: Restarting too quickly.
    See: http://illumos.org/msg/SMF-8000-L5
    See: man -M /usr/share/man -s 8 cupsd
    See: /var/svc/log/application-cups-scheduler:default.log
Impact: This service is not running.

Is this a global or my personal local issue?


Hi Stephan,

I did update yesterday as well, and from that log file:

[ May  7 08:41:24 Enabled. ]
[ May  7 08:41:56 Executing start method ("/lib/svc/method/svc-cupsd"). ]
Did not update any PPD files
[ May  7 08:41:58 Method "start" exited with status 0. ]

IMHO, looks like you have some problems, check that log file and 
/var/adm/messages for possible cause.

With best regards.
Predrag Zečević

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] NVidia M200M 10de:13b0

2018-05-25 Thread Stephan Althaus


I just purchased a new laptop, and now i have trouble to get a driver to 

For now, i use the vesa driver, but i would like to either use nvidia 
(or intel)  for full resolution support.

i think the very new intel chipset is not supported, so i tried to use 
the NVIdia Quadro M2000M.

i tried some different newer versions of the solaris nvidia drivers, but 
every time i get the same error.

i use the BusID PCI:1:0:0 in a xorg.conf (which works with the vesa 
driver) where i change the driver vesa to nvidia to check..

BIOS is set to "discrete" to disable the intel graphics

What can i do?

Gretings, Stephan


pci bus 0x0001 cardnum 0x00 function 0x00: vendor 0x10de device 0x13b0
 NVIDIA Corporation GM107GLM [Quadro M2000M]

$ modinfo|grep nv
 91 f7d49000 c3fc08 168   1  nvidia (nvidia 390.48 Mar 22 2018 


[    96.762] (EE) NVIDIA(GPU-0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA GPU at 
PCI:1:0:0.  Please
[    96.762] (EE) NVIDIA(GPU-0): check your system's kernel log for 
additional error
[    96.762] (EE) NVIDIA(GPU-0): messages and refer to Chapter 7: 
Common Problems in the

[    96.762] (EE) NVIDIA(GPU-0): README for additional information.
[    96.762] (EE) NVIDIA(GPU-0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA 
graphics device!

[    96.762] (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failing initialization of X screen 0
[    96.762] (II) UnloadModule: "nvidia"
[    96.762] (II) UnloadSubModule: "wfb"
[    96.763] (II) UnloadSubModule: "fb"
[    96.763] (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.
[    96.763] (EE)
Fatal server error:
[    96.763] (EE) no screens found(EE)
[    96.763] (EE)
Please consult the Project OpenIndiana support
 at http://openindiana.org
 for help.
[    96.763] (EE) Please also check the log file at 
"/var/log/Xorg.0.log" for additional information.

[    96.763] (EE)
[    96.776] (EE) Server terminated with error (1). Closing log file.
steven@thinkpad:~$ dmesg |grep NV
May 26 00:45:23 dell nvidia_modeset: [ID 107833 kern.notice] Loading 
NVIDIA Kernel Mode Setting Driver for UNIX platforms 390.48  Thu Mar 22 
01:14:24 PDT 2018
May 26 00:46:07 dell nvidia_modeset: [ID 107833 kern.notice] Loading 
NVIDIA Kernel Mode Setting Driver for UNIX platforms 390.48  Thu Mar 22 
01:14:24 PDT 2018
May 26 00:46:32 dell nvidia: [ID 702911 kern.notice] NOTICE: NVRM: 
failed to copy vbios to system memory.
May 26 00:46:32 dell nvidia: [ID 702911 kern.notice] NOTICE: NVRM: 
RmInitAdapter failed! (0x30:0x:663)
May 26 00:46:32 dell nvidia: [ID 702911 kern.notice] NOTICE: NVRM: 
nv_open: rm_init_adapter(0x0100) failed

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] nvdia driver

2018-06-12 Thread Stephan Althaus


You can get
from nvidia site as well as
But only Version 340 supports the older graphic chipsets..



On 12.06.2018 18:24, Apostolos Syropoulos via openindiana-discuss wrote:

I have noticed that the latest nvidia driver for both
Linux and FreeBSD has version number 390.67 while the
latest driver for Solaris has version number 387.34...
It seems they are leaving us behind...


Apostolos Syropoulos
Xanthi, Greece
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openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] Switch ARCH to 64-bit

2018-10-26 Thread Stephan Althaus


While i am experimenting with pkgsrc
i stumbled over the fact, that my machine is only 32bit,
whereas the ELF header of some brogs shows 64bt

i'm confused

while bmake in net/nmap

pkg_add: SunOS/x86_64 5.11 (pkg) vs. SunOS/i386 5.11 (this host)

BUT programs are 64bit

root@oi:/tank/pkgsrc/pkgsrc/net/nmap# elfdump -e `which mc`
ELF Header
  ei_magic:   { 0x7f, E, L, F }
  ei_class:   ELFCLASS64  ei_data:   ELFDATA2LSB
  ei_osabi:   ELFOSABI_SOLARIS    ei_abiversion: EAV_SUNW_CURRENT
  e_machine:  EM_AMD64    e_version: EV_CURRENT
  e_type: ET_EXEC
  e_flags: 0
  e_entry:  0x440230  e_ehsize: 64  e_shstrndx: 33
  e_shoff:  0x1436c0  e_shentsize:  64  e_shnum: 34
  e_phoff:  0x40  e_phentsize:  56  e_phnum: 7

Finally, i would like to switch to 64bit - if theres something to swittch..

Thanks for any hints,

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Switch ARCH to 64-bit

2018-10-26 Thread Stephan Althaus


root@oi:/home/steven$ isainfo -k

On 26.10.18 17:55, Aurélien Larcher wrote:

On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 5:51 PM Stephan Althaus <
stephan.alth...@duedinghausen.eu> wrote:


While i am experimenting with pkgsrc
i stumbled over the fact, that my machine is only 32bit,
whereas the ELF header of some brogs shows 64bt

i'm confused

while bmake in net/nmap

pkg_add: SunOS/x86_64 5.11 (pkg) vs. SunOS/i386 5.11 (this host)

BUT programs are 64bit

root@oi:/tank/pkgsrc/pkgsrc/net/nmap# elfdump -e `which mc`
ELF Header
ei_magic:   { 0x7f, E, L, F }
ei_class:   ELFCLASS64  ei_data:   ELFDATA2LSB
ei_osabi:   ELFOSABI_SOLARISei_abiversion: EAV_SUNW_CURRENT
e_machine:  EM_AMD64e_version: EV_CURRENT
e_type: ET_EXEC
e_flags: 0
e_entry:  0x440230  e_ehsize: 64  e_shstrndx: 33
e_shoff:  0x1436c0  e_shentsize:  64  e_shnum: 34
e_phoff:  0x40  e_phentsize:  56  e_phnum: 7

Finally, i would like to switch to 64bit - if theres something to swittch..

What does isainfo -k report?

Thanks for any hints,

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Switch ARCH to 64-bit

2018-10-26 Thread Stephan Althaus


And some additional info:

root@oi:~# psrinfo -pv
The physical processor has 4 cores and 8 virtual processors (0-7)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (0 4)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (1 5)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (2 6)
  The core has 2 virtual processors (3 7)
    x86 (GenuineIntel 106E5 family 6 model 30 step 5 clock 1600 MHz)
  Intel(r) Core(tm) i7 CPU   Q 720  @ 1.60GHz

root@oi:~# uname -a
SunOS oi 5.11 illumos-dd891561fb i86pc i386 i86pc

On 26.10.18 18:29, Stephan Althaus wrote:


root@oi:/home/steven$ isainfo -k

On 26.10.18 17:55, Aurélien Larcher wrote:

On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 5:51 PM Stephan Althaus <
stephan.alth...@duedinghausen.eu> wrote:


While i am experimenting with pkgsrc
i stumbled over the fact, that my machine is only 32bit,
whereas the ELF header of some brogs shows 64bt

i'm confused

while bmake in net/nmap

pkg_add: SunOS/x86_64 5.11 (pkg) vs. SunOS/i386 5.11 (this host)

BUT programs are 64bit

root@oi:/tank/pkgsrc/pkgsrc/net/nmap# elfdump -e `which mc`
ELF Header
    ei_magic:   { 0x7f, E, L, F }
    ei_class:   ELFCLASS64  ei_data:   ELFDATA2LSB
    ei_osabi:   ELFOSABI_SOLARIS    ei_abiversion: EAV_SUNW_CURRENT
    e_machine:  EM_AMD64    e_version: EV_CURRENT
    e_type: ET_EXEC
    e_flags: 0
    e_entry:  0x440230  e_ehsize: 64 e_shstrndx: 33
    e_shoff:  0x1436c0  e_shentsize:  64  e_shnum: 34
    e_phoff:  0x40  e_phentsize:  56 e_phnum: 7

Finally, i would like to switch to 64bit - if theres something to 

What does isainfo -k report?

Thanks for any hints,

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Switch ARCH to 64-bit

2018-10-26 Thread Stephan Althaus


The issue ist that Joyents pkgsrc's bootstrap
does not recognize the system as 64bit
and therefore sticks to 32 bit (?).

Thanks that you clarifed my system is 64 bit.

I think i have to ask the people at pgsrc@joyent then..
i hope this weekend i can try this on a fresh install on a vm with 
2018.10 :-)


On 26.10.18 18:42, Aurélien Larcher wrote:

On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 6:29 PM Stephan Althaus <
stephan.alth...@duedinghausen.eu> wrote:


root@oi:/home/steven$ isainfo -k

Therefore you are running the 64-bit kernel, what is the exact issue?

i386pc can be either 32-bit or 64-bit, the actual bitness is deduced from
isainfo, and 32-bit binaries run on 64-bit kernel (that's why we deliver
both versions for libraries).

On 26.10.18 17:55, Aurélien Larcher wrote:

On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 5:51 PM Stephan Althaus <
stephan.alth...@duedinghausen.eu> wrote:


While i am experimenting with pkgsrc
i stumbled over the fact, that my machine is only 32bit,
whereas the ELF header of some brogs shows 64bt

i'm confused

while bmake in net/nmap

pkg_add: SunOS/x86_64 5.11 (pkg) vs. SunOS/i386 5.11 (this host)

BUT programs are 64bit

root@oi:/tank/pkgsrc/pkgsrc/net/nmap# elfdump -e `which mc`
ELF Header
 ei_magic:   { 0x7f, E, L, F }
 ei_class:   ELFCLASS64  ei_data:   ELFDATA2LSB
 ei_osabi:   ELFOSABI_SOLARISei_abiversion: EAV_SUNW_CURRENT
 e_machine:  EM_AMD64e_version: EV_CURRENT
 e_type: ET_EXEC
 e_flags: 0
 e_entry:  0x440230  e_ehsize: 64  e_shstrndx: 33
 e_shoff:  0x1436c0  e_shentsize:  64  e_shnum: 34
 e_phoff:  0x40  e_phentsize:  56  e_phnum: 7

Finally, i would like to switch to 64bit - if theres something to


What does isainfo -k report?

Thanks for any hints,

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Switch ARCH to 64-bit

2018-10-26 Thread Stephan Althaus


Aah its so easy in the end..

./bootstrap  --abi 64

.. and it works as expected now.

Thanks again!

On 26.10.18 18:56, Aurélien Larcher wrote:

On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 6:51 PM Stephan Althaus <
stephan.alth...@duedinghausen.eu> wrote:


The issue ist that Joyents pkgsrc's bootstrap
does not recognize the system as 64bit
and therefore sticks to 32 bit (?).

As I recall  isainfo -k is called to detect this.

Thanks that you clarifed my system is 64 bit.

I think i have to ask the people at pgsrc@joyent then..
i hope this weekend i can try this on a fresh install on a vm with
2018.10 :-)

Ask jperkin on #illumos if he is present.


You are welcome!

On 26.10.18 18:42, Aurélien Larcher wrote:

On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 6:29 PM Stephan Althaus <
stephan.alth...@duedinghausen.eu> wrote:


root@oi:/home/steven$ isainfo -k

Therefore you are running the 64-bit kernel, what is the exact issue?

i386pc can be either 32-bit or 64-bit, the actual bitness is deduced from
isainfo, and 32-bit binaries run on 64-bit kernel (that's why we deliver
both versions for libraries).

On 26.10.18 17:55, Aurélien Larcher wrote:

On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 5:51 PM Stephan Althaus <
stephan.alth...@duedinghausen.eu> wrote:


While i am experimenting with pkgsrc
i stumbled over the fact, that my machine is only 32bit,
whereas the ELF header of some brogs shows 64bt

i'm confused

while bmake in net/nmap

pkg_add: SunOS/x86_64 5.11 (pkg) vs. SunOS/i386 5.11 (this host)

BUT programs are 64bit

root@oi:/tank/pkgsrc/pkgsrc/net/nmap# elfdump -e `which mc`
ELF Header
  ei_magic:   { 0x7f, E, L, F }
  ei_class:   ELFCLASS64  ei_data:   ELFDATA2LSB
  ei_osabi:   ELFOSABI_SOLARISei_abiversion: EAV_SUNW_CURRENT
  e_machine:  EM_AMD64e_version: EV_CURRENT
  e_type: ET_EXEC
  e_flags: 0
  e_entry:  0x440230  e_ehsize: 64  e_shstrndx: 33
  e_shoff:  0x1436c0  e_shentsize:  64  e_shnum: 34
  e_phoff:  0x40  e_phentsize:  56  e_phnum: 7

Finally, i would like to switch to 64bit - if theres something to


What does isainfo -k report?

Thanks for any hints,

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[OpenIndiana-discuss] help with debug sane/hpaio needed

2018-11-01 Thread Stephan Althaus


I need help debugging what's exactly going wrong when trying a scan..


The package printer/hplip provides the sane-backend "hpaio"
after creating the empty directory /tec/sane.d/dll.d/
i was able to detect the USB Multifunction device

scanimage -L
device `hpaio:/usb/Deskjet_2050_J510_series?serial=CN1771H0JT05QV' is a 
Hewlett-Packard Deskjet_2050_J510_series all-in-one

When i start a scan, the device is succesfully queried:
user@oi:~$ hp-scan
HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.15.9)
Scan Utility ver. 2.2

Copyright (c) 2001-15 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.

warning: No destinations specified. Adding 'file' destination by default.
Using device hpaio:/usb/Deskjet_2050_J510_series?serial=CN1771H0JT05QV
Opening connection to device...

Resolution: 300dpi
Mode: gray
Compression: JPEG
Scan area (mm):
  Top left (x,y): (0.00mm, 0.00mm)
  Bottom right (x,y): (215.99mm, 297.010681mm)
  Width: 215.99mm
  Height: 297.010681mm


If i try a scan, i get the error "DEVICE BUSY"

Is there some tool to examine wha'ts going on on the usb port??

Any hints how to get to the root cause are welcome :-)


user@oi:~$ hp-scan -i -g

HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.15.9)
Scan Utility ver. 2.2

Copyright (c) 2001-15 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.

hp-scan[1969]: debug: getDeviceUri(None, None, ['hpaio'], {'scan-type': 
(, 0)}, , True)

hp-scan[1969]: debug: Mode=0
hp-scan[1969]: debug: Cache miss: deskjet_2050_j510_series
hp-scan[1969]: debug: Reading file: /usr/share/hplip/data/models/models.dat
hp-scan[1969]: debug: Searching for section [deskjet_2050_j510_series] 
in file /usr/share/hplip/data/models/models.dat
hp-scan[1969]: debug: Found section [deskjet_2050_j510_series] in file 

hp-scan[1969]: debug: Cache miss: hp_color_laserjet_2605dn
hp-scan[1969]: debug: Reading file: /usr/share/hplip/data/models/models.dat
hp-scan[1969]: debug: Searching for section [hp_color_laserjet_2605dn] 
in file /usr/share/hplip/data/models/models.dat
hp-scan[1969]: debug: Found section [hp_color_laserjet_2605dn] in file 
hp-scan[1969]: debug: 

warning: No destinations specified. Adding 'file' destination by default.
Using device hpaio:/usb/Deskjet_2050_J510_series?serial=CN1771H0JT05QV
Opening connection to device...
hp-scan[1969]: debug: Supported source Options: ['Flatbed'] size=1
hp-scan[1969]: debug: Device supported resolutions [75, 100, 200, 300, 
600, 1200]

Resolution: 300dpi
Mode: gray
Compression: JPEG
Scan area (mm):
  Top left (x,y): (0.00mm, 0.00mm)
  Bottom right (x,y): (215.99mm, 297.010681mm)
  Width: 215.99mm
  Height: 297.010681mm
Destination(s): file
Output file:
hp-scan[1969]: debug: Supported modes: ['lineart', 'gray', 'color'] size=3
warning: File destination enabled with no output file specified.
Setting output format to PNG for greyscale mode.
warning: Defaulting to '/etc/sane.d/hpscan001.png'.

Warming up...

error: SANE: Device busy (code=3)
Closing device.

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox

2018-11-13 Thread Stephan Althaus


First many thanks to Aurélien Larcherfor the immense work.

If someone could provide a installable pkg i would like to test as well.


On 13.11.18 19:53, Aurélien Larcher wrote:

I updated the recipe at


it builds, installs, runs... but the interface only works as root...

Somehow I guess I have made a mistake in Qt5 but I will not have time to
look at this in the coming week...

I only tested with an OI guest.

Good luck

On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 7:43 PM Aurélien Larcher 

On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 7:17 PM Tim Mooney  wrote:

In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox, Aurélien Larcher

Could someone list the default permissions of files from the SUNWvbox


Is there a better command for non-IPS packages than just grep'ing the
contents of /var/sadm/install/contents?

Thanks that helps a lot :)

12:12 PM dogbert ~$ pkginfo -l SUNWvbox
NAME:  Oracle VM VirtualBox
CATEGORY:  application
ARCH:  i386
 VERSION:  5.2.8,REV=2018.
  VENDOR:  Oracle Corporation
DESC:  A powerful PC virtualization solution
  PSTAMP:  vbox20180226161031_r121009
INSTDATE:  Apr 05 2018 17:18
 HOTLINE:  Please contact your local service provider
   EMAIL:  i...@virtualbox.org
  STATUS:  completely installed
   FILES:  335 installed pathnames
12 linked files
27 directories
28 executables
 6 setuid/setgid executables
428683 blocks used (approx)

12:14 PM dogbert ~$ grep SUNWvbox /var/sadm/install/contents
/etc/hostname.vboxnet0 f none 0644 root bin 13 619 1519657826 SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox d none 0755 root bin SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/64 d none 0755 root bin SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/64/VBoxPython.so f none 0644 root bin 245384 1178
1519657826 SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/64/VBoxPython2_6.so f none 0644 root bin 245384 1055
1519657826 SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/64/VBoxPython2_7.so f none 0644 root bin 245384 1039
1519657826 SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/LICENSE f none 0644 root bin 20137 29940 1519657826
/opt/VirtualBox/UnattendedTemplates d none 0755 root bin SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/UnattendedTemplates/debian_preseed.cfg f none 0644 root
bin 3309 33645 1519657826 SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/UnattendedTemplates/fedora_ks.cfg f none 0644 root bin
2165 58264 1519657826 SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/UnattendedTemplates/ol_ks.cfg f none 0644 root bin 2482
22704 1519657826 SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/UnattendedTemplates/redhat67_ks.cfg f none 0644 root bin
2485 22278 1519657826 SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/UnattendedTemplates/rhel3_ks.cfg f none 0644 root bin
3930 11354 1519657826 SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/UnattendedTemplates/rhel4_ks.cfg f none 0644 root bin
3298 24803 1519657826 SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/UnattendedTemplates/rhel5_ks.cfg f none 0644 root bin
3184 14274 1519657826 SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/UnattendedTemplates/ubuntu_preseed.cfg f none 0644 root
bin 3366 42708 1519657826 SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/UnattendedTemplates/win_nt5_unattended.sif f none 0644
root bin 1859 13634 1519657826 SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/UnattendedTemplates/win_nt6_unattended.xml f none 0644
root bin 6836 9610 1519657826 SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/UnattendedTemplates/win_postinstall.cmd f none 0644 root
bin 6779 33738 1519657826 SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/UserManual.pdf f none 0644 root bin 4435486 61747
1519657826 SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/VBox.sh f none 0755 root bin 1785 2721 1519657826 SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/VBoxAutostart=VBoxISAExec l none SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/VBoxBalloonCtrl=VBoxISAExec l none SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/VBoxBugReport=VBoxISAExec l none SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/VBoxEFI32.fd f none 0644 root bin 2097152 8122 1519657826
/opt/VirtualBox/VBoxEFI64.fd f none 0644 root bin 2097152 55084
1519657826 SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso f none 0644 root bin 57972736
10130 1519657830 SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/VBoxHeadless=VBoxISAExec l none SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/VBoxISAExec f none 0755 root bin 12632 60990 1519657826
/opt/VirtualBox/VBoxManage=VBoxISAExec l none SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/VBoxPython2_6_x86.so f none 0644 root bin 215704 60928
1519657826 SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/VBoxPython2_7_x86.so f none 0644 root bin 215704 61726
1519657826 SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/VBoxSDL=VBoxISAExec l none SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/VBoxSVC=VBoxISAExec l none SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/VBoxTestOGL=VBoxISAExec l none SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/VBoxZoneAccess=VBoxISAExec l none SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/VirtualBox=VBoxISAExec l none SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/VirtualBox.chm f none 0644 root bin 2691925 51145
1519657826 SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/amd64 d none 0755 root bin SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/amd64/DbgPlugInDiggers.so f none 0644 root bin 379760
1715 1519657828 SUNWvbox
/opt/VirtualBox/amd64/VBoxAuth.so f none 0644 root bin 9280 36494

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox

2018-11-13 Thread Stephan Althaus


If you are on OmniOs / Omniosce, you have Bhyve.
You can use that instead of virtualbox.

With Openindiana, you could use QEMU-KVM as well..
What are your personal reasons not to do so?


On 14.11.18 02:03, Geoff Nordli wrote:

On 2018-11-13 12:15 p.m., Aurélien Larcher wrote:

On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 8:30 PM Stephan Althaus <
stephan.alth...@duedinghausen.eu> wrote:


First many thanks to Aurélien Larcherfor the immense work.

If someone could provide a installable pkg i would like to test as 

In the meantime I'll push the IPS package to the gcc-next repository.


Any chances this package may work on other illumos distros (like Omnios)?

Of course, the gui won't work, but I just need the command line part 
to work.



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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox

2018-11-16 Thread Stephan Althaus


Short story:

I managed to build VirtualBox successfully. The target system is on 
SunOS dell 5.11 illumos-b75eb7e6b5 i86pc i386 i86pc

VirtualBox does not run on my target machine complaining about

ld.so.1: VirtualBox: fatal: libQt5XcbQpa.so.5: open failed: No such file 
or directory
ld.so.1: VirtualBox: fatal: relocation error: file 
/usr/lib/qt/5.8/plugins/amd64/platforms/libqxcb.so: symbol 
_ZN15QXcbIntegrationC1ERK11QStringListRiPPc: referenced symbol not found

I will investigate further - tomorrow evening maybe..

LONG story

My Package can be found and installed by doing this:
#pkg unset-publisher userland
#pkg set-publisher -g http://duedinghausen.eu:1/userland userland
#pkg refresh
#pkg install 

i tried and managed to get the sources of oi-userland virtualbox with 
date 2018/11/13


First error when building:

fatal error: sys/soundcard.h: No such file or directory

i installed

#pkg install pkg:/system/header/header-audio

to fix that.

Then, qt5 was not found. In the output i found a hint to do
source ./build/amd64/env.sh

But, QT5 was still not found. The directory stated in the env.sh was not 
correct for my system.
The QT PATH in the Makefile was set to /usr/qt/5, i changed that to 

next missing packages:
#pkg install pkg:/system/header/header-usb
#pkg install pkg:/system/header/header-ugen

 -- maybe i forgot to gmake env-prep before this all..

Finally, after install on the target system,
it does not run complaining about libQt5X11Extras.so.5
#pkg install qt5


On 14.11.18 20:40, Till Wegmüller wrote:

Hi Tim

It is quite hard to get to Feature parity with Virtualbox when it comes
to Desktop Features. Both KVM and bHyve have traditionally been more
used in the Server and Cloud Market. However I believe some workarounds
can be made.

First Proper Graphics Integration. I have since long ago stopped using
any Virtualmachine Console for something like daily work with a GUI
(Windows) The Built in RDP Server available in almost any Windows
Version is massively Powerfull and the FOSS Implementation xfreerdp
works well for many Use cases. Including Clipbord sharing any much more.
Using the Virtual Machines Remote Desktop Capability is what you want in
most cases.

RedHat tried to offer a competing Product to Microsofts RDP with Spice
but did not succeed that much. And as is unfortunately common with
RedHat Software it makes heavy use of Linux exclusive functionality.

Both bHyve and QEMU use VNC as default. TigerVNC which we have packaged
should allow for Good resolution and Clipboard Sharing. You may need the
Virtio Windows Dirvers and the Quemu Guest Agent though. I would guess
since Virtualbox also uses software on the Guest for this purpose.

bHyve looks like to be a step Back when it comes to Desktop features.

As for Resolution. This depends very much on the Graphics device Qemu
presents to the VM. We seem to have cirrus, qxl, vmware and std
available. I believe std is vesa. At least qxl, cirrus and vmware should
be able to support 1080p Dsktop resolutions. You will need to pass the
correct -vga option when starting the VM.

As for shared Folders. The situation seems a lot better here for both
KVM and bHyve. Both Support virtio-9p aka VirtFS. Which has kernel
drivers for at least Linux which can use the Filesystem as Root
apparently. Unfortunatly Windows Driver Work is not yet that complete
see [0]. But with some Poking of both the ReactOS and the virtio-win
Community this will be the way to go for shared folders. What remains as
a question is if we have virtio-9p support compiled with our version of
Qemu as it is quite recent. See [1] for examples of usage.

While finishing this mail I noticed the Features list on freerdp [2]. It
has everything you wanted. Given the feature compiles in Illumos. I
think the Quickest way to get to feature parity is using Windows RDP
server and Freedrp.

[0] https://github.com/virtio-win/kvm-guest-drivers-windows/issues/126
[1] https://github.com/FreeRDP/FreeRDP/wiki/CommandLineInterface
[2] https://github.com/FreeRDP/FreeRDP/wiki/CommandLineInterface

Researching Greetings
On 11/14/18 07:37 PM, Tim Mooney wrote:

In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox, Stephan Althaus

If you are on OmniOs / Omniosce, you have Bhyve.
You can use that instead of virtualbox.

With Openindiana, you could use QEMU-KVM as well..
What are your personal reasons not to do so?

There was a thread a couple weeks ago where some people, myself included,
posted some of the reasons why they had previously found VirtualBox
preferrable to KVM.  The "feature parity" p

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox

2018-11-18 Thread Stephan Althaus


Just to confirm the current state,

We are able to run VirtualBox virtual machines as user in Background by 

VBoxHeadless -s 
and use the graphical frontend via RDP for example or SSH dependant of 
the guest OS,

save the current state of the VM to disk with
VBoxManage controlvm  savestate
as i am used to do with closing the virtualbox GUI

I tested one existing Win XP VM and one existent VM with recent Debian 
guest OS

if you like to see the gui do "sudo 'VirtualBox' " and a "machine->add"

Thanks again for your work, Aurélien


On 17.11.18 07:24, Aurélien Larcher wrote:

To be clear, Virtualbox's GUI does not run as non-root if hardening is
enabled seemingly due to some loading security mechanism.
The GUI runs as root.
Headless runs as expected.

On 11/16/18, Stephan Althaus  wrote:


Short story:

I managed to build VirtualBox successfully. The target system is on
SunOS dell 5.11 illumos-b75eb7e6b5 i86pc i386 i86pc

VirtualBox does not run on my target machine complaining about

ld.so.1: VirtualBox: fatal: libQt5XcbQpa.so.5: open failed: No such file
or directory
ld.so.1: VirtualBox: fatal: relocation error: file
/usr/lib/qt/5.8/plugins/amd64/platforms/libqxcb.so: symbol
_ZN15QXcbIntegrationC1ERK11QStringListRiPPc: referenced symbol not found

I will investigate further - tomorrow evening maybe..

LONG story

My Package can be found and installed by doing this:
#pkg unset-publisher userland
#pkg set-publisher -g http://duedinghausen.eu:1/userland userland
#pkg refresh
#pkg install

i tried and managed to get the sources of oi-userland virtualbox with
date 2018/11/13


First error when building:

fatal error: sys/soundcard.h: No such file or directory
i installed

#pkg install pkg:/system/header/header-audio

to fix that.

Then, qt5 was not found. In the output i found a hint to do
source ./build/amd64/env.sh

But, QT5 was still not found. The directory stated in the env.sh was not
correct for my system.
The QT PATH in the Makefile was set to /usr/qt/5, i changed that to

next missing packages:
#pkg install pkg:/system/header/header-usb
#pkg install pkg:/system/header/header-ugen

   -- maybe i forgot to gmake env-prep before this all..

Finally, after install on the target system,
it does not run complaining about libQt5X11Extras.so.5
#pkg install qt5


On 14.11.18 20:40, Till Wegmüller wrote:

Hi Tim

It is quite hard to get to Feature parity with Virtualbox when it comes
to Desktop Features. Both KVM and bHyve have traditionally been more
used in the Server and Cloud Market. However I believe some workarounds
can be made.

First Proper Graphics Integration. I have since long ago stopped using
any Virtualmachine Console for something like daily work with a GUI
(Windows) The Built in RDP Server available in almost any Windows
Version is massively Powerfull and the FOSS Implementation xfreerdp
works well for many Use cases. Including Clipbord sharing any much more.
Using the Virtual Machines Remote Desktop Capability is what you want in
most cases.

RedHat tried to offer a competing Product to Microsofts RDP with Spice
but did not succeed that much. And as is unfortunately common with
RedHat Software it makes heavy use of Linux exclusive functionality.

Both bHyve and QEMU use VNC as default. TigerVNC which we have packaged
should allow for Good resolution and Clipboard Sharing. You may need the
Virtio Windows Dirvers and the Quemu Guest Agent though. I would guess
since Virtualbox also uses software on the Guest for this purpose.

bHyve looks like to be a step Back when it comes to Desktop features.

As for Resolution. This depends very much on the Graphics device Qemu
presents to the VM. We seem to have cirrus, qxl, vmware and std
available. I believe std is vesa. At least qxl, cirrus and vmware should
be able to support 1080p Dsktop resolutions. You will need to pass the
correct -vga option when starting the VM.

As for shared Folders. The situation seems a lot better here for both
KVM and bHyve. Both Support virtio-9p aka VirtFS. Which has kernel
drivers for at least Linux which can use the Filesystem as Root
apparently. Unfortunatly Windows Driver Work is not yet that complete
see [0]. But with some Poking of both the ReactOS and the virtio-win
Community this will be the way to go for shared folders. What remains as
a question is if we have virtio-9p support compiled with our version of
Qemu as it is quite recent. See [1] for examples of usage.

While finishing this mail I noticed the Features list on freerdp [2]. It
has everything you wanted. Gi

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Installing Newer Driver from NVIDIA Site

2018-11-29 Thread Stephan Althaus

is anyone using different nvidia drivers than version 340.x??

i am trying to use a newer driver for my nvidia card (M2000M),
the older drivers that support my card fail because they don't support 
Xorg ABI 23,

the younger versions won't start with the errors
Nov 29 09:30:27 dell nvidia: [ID 702911 kern.notice] NOTICE: NVRM: 
failed to copy vbios to system memory.
Nov 29 09:30:27 dell nvidia: [ID 702911 kern.notice] NOTICE: NVRM: 
RmInitAdapter failed! (0x30:0x:654)
Nov 29 09:30:27 dell nvidia: [ID 702911 kern.notice] NOTICE: NVRM: 
nv_open: rm_init_adapter(0x0100) failed

(all logs and system info see attachment)

..while following the instructions here:

Tried OI from 05/2018, current OI and one GCC-NEXT, all the same..

Maybe there's some ACPI thing, or some other driver occupying the card? 
(discrete graphics on a laptop - intel gpu build in cpu)

Any hints are welcome!


P.S. vesa does work, but does not recognize my external monitor..

On 13.04.18 09:25, Apostolos Syropoulos via openindiana-discuss wrote:

I am using exactly this version of thedriver without any problem. BTW the 
driveris developed for Solaris 10 and it istotally compatible with Illumos. 
When and if they switch to Solaris 11, thenit would be difficult to use it.

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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Installing Newer Driver from NVIDIA Site

2018-11-29 Thread Stephan Althaus


How can i determine if my system is "optimus"
My Card is a quadro m2000m, not a geforce ...

a) my ubuntu installation on this machine does not have the 
bumblebee-packages installed

b )The Xorg.0.log when using VESA is saying that it uses the nvidia card
.. so i hope this is _not_ an optimus thing.

[   283.548] (II) LoadModule: "vesa"
[   283.548] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/amd64/vesa_drv.so
[   283.549] (II) Module vesa: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
[   283.549]     compiled for 1.19.5, module version = 2.3.4
[   283.549]     Module class: X.Org Video Driver
[   283.549]     ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 23.0
[   283.549] (II) VESA: driver for VESA chipsets: vesa
[   283.549] (++) using VT number 7

[   283.559] (WW) VGA arbiter: cannot open kernel arbiter, no multi-card 

[   283.559] (II) Loading sub module "vbe"
[   283.559] (II) LoadModule: "vbe"
[   283.560] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/amd64/libvbe.so
[   283.560] (II) Module vbe: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
[   283.560]     compiled for 1.19.6, module version = 1.1.0
[   283.560]     ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 23.0
[   283.560] (II) Loading sub module "int10"
[   283.560] (II) LoadModule: "int10"
[   283.560] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/amd64/libint10.so
[   283.560] (II) Module int10: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
[   283.560]     compiled for 1.19.6, module version = 1.0.0
[   283.560]     ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 23.0
[   283.560] (II) VESA(0): initializing int10
[   283.564] (II) VESA(0): Primary V_BIOS segment is: 0xc000
[   283.812] (II) VESA(0): VESA BIOS detected
[   283.812] (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE Version 3.0
[   283.812] (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE Total Mem: 16384 kB
[   283.812] (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE OEM: NVIDIA
[   283.812] (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE OEM Software Rev: 130.7
[   283.812] (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE OEM Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
[   283.812] (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE OEM Product: GM107 Board - 27040010
[   283.812] (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE OEM Product Rev: Chip Rev
[   284.262] (==) VESA(0): Depth 24, (--) framebuffer bpp 32
[   284.262] (==) VESA(0): RGB weight 888
[   284.262] (==) VESA(0): Default visual is TrueColor
[   284.262] (==) VESA(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
[   284.262] (II) Loading sub module "ddc"
[   284.262] (II) LoadModule: "ddc"
[   284.262] (II) Module "ddc" already built-in
[   284.268] (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE DDC supported
[   284.268] (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE DDC Level none
[   284.268] (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE DDC transfer in appr. 0 sec.
[   284.334] (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE DDC read failed
[   284.336] (II) VESA(0): VESA VBE PanelID read failed
[   284.336] (II) VESA(0): Searching for matching VESA mode(s):

On 29.11.18 20:59, Till Wegmüller wrote:


With discrete cards it can get complicated. There is a special
application that i need to be able to use my Discrete card. Called
Bumblebee. But I don't know if it runs on OI. My Laptop is still Arch
linux. Intel is mostly the main Card handling all the Outputs in my
case. So you will probably need the intel graphics driver to work.
Unless you have some other variant where the Nvidia Graphics Card
actually runs the outputs. My dekstop runs an GTX960 with an 340.107
driver. The one from the repo. But thats a dedicated graphics card.

Hope this helps

On 11/29/18 08:42 PM, Stephan Althaus wrote:

is anyone using different nvidia drivers than version 340.x??

i am trying to use a newer driver for my nvidia card (M2000M),
the older drivers that support my card fail because they don't support
Xorg ABI 23,
the younger versions won't start with the errors
Nov 29 09:30:27 dell nvidia: [ID 702911 kern.notice] NOTICE: NVRM:
failed to copy vbios to system memory.
Nov 29 09:30:27 dell nvidia: [ID 702911 kern.notice] NOTICE: NVRM:
RmInitAdapter failed! (0x30:0x:654)
Nov 29 09:30:27 dell nvidia: [ID 702911 kern.notice] NOTICE: NVRM:
nv_open: rm_init_adapter(0x0100) failed
(all logs and system info see attachment)

..while following the instructions here:

Tried OI from 05/2018, current OI and one GCC-NEXT, all the same..

Maybe there's some ACPI thing, or some other driver occupying the card?
(discrete graphics on a laptop - intel gpu build in cpu)

Any hints are welcome!


P.S. vesa does work, but does not recognize my external monitor..

On 13.04.18 09:25, Apostolos Syropoulos via openindiana-discuss wrote:

I am using exactly this version of thedriver without any problem. BTW
the driveris developed for Solaris 10 and it istotally compatible with
Illumos. When and if they switch to Solaris 11, thenit would be
difficult to use it.

Στάλθηκε από το Ταχυδρομείο Yahoo σε Android


Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OpenIndiana Hipster live DVD and USB won't boot all the way

2019-01-08 Thread Stephan Althaus


1 more vote for the ACPI patches.

With vanilla Hipster i can only use half of the cpu cores. (The hint 
with eeprom boot_ncpus=8 did not do the trick)

With the GCC-NEXT-Image from 2018/11/07 everything seems fine on the 
DELL Precision 7520 with E-1545.

..But with this image i cant use the current virtualbox,
so next week i will try to build current oi-userland with the acpi.patch 

Thank you,

Am 22.10.18 um 15:35 schrieb Alexander Pyhalov via openindiana-discuss:

I understand the issue, but I don't want to support such big patch on my own.

С уважением,
Александр Пыхалов,
программист отдела телекоммуникационной инфраструктуры
управления информационно-коммуникационной инфраструктуры ЮФУ

От: Aurélien Larcher 
Отправлено: 22 октября 2018 г. 15:27:55
Кому: Alexander Pyhalov; Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Тема: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OpenIndiana Hipster live DVD and USB won't boot 
all the way

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 8:54 AM Alexander Pyhalov via openindiana-discuss 
As far as I can see 
still misses reviewers . So it will not be in 2018.10 iso unless it will be 
somehow integrated this week.

I know about the "vanilla" policy but perhaps we should considerate adding the 
ACPI patches before the snapshot considering that they have been in SmartOS and OmniOS 
for some time (also in the gcc-next repository).
Otherwise people will not be able to run the images at all on some hardware...
Also I can already imagine the headlines on Phoronix "Cannot run OpenIndiana for the 
3rd snapshot in a row and it sucks" and the usually bashing happening.

С уважением,
Александр Пыхалов,
программист отдела телекоммуникационной инфраструктуры
управления информационно-коммуникационной инфраструктуры ЮФУ

От: Aurélien Larcher 
Отправлено: 16 октября 2018 г. 5:05:32
Кому: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Тема: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OpenIndiana Hipster live DVD and USB won't boot 
all the way

I think we already produced test images with this patchset some weeks ago.
At least it has been in my branch as soon as Robert opened the review.
It would be easy to add the commits.

On 10/16/18, Carl Brewer mailto:c...@bl.echidna.id.au>> 

On 3/10/2018 5:52 AM, Will Brokenbourgh wrote:

I finally figured out how to continue from the debugger prompt, but it
still hangs at a certain point after that.  I was unable to make the
debugger interactive at the hang, so I just took a picture of the screen
and transcribed the text.

I will go ahead and file a problem report and hopefully there will be
enough information for a fix.

Hey Will et al,
It looks like the Joyent guys fixed it, and rolled the fix back into
illumos :


Is there any chance of a hipster release with the updated illumos kernel
"soon"? Or if not, is anyone reading this able to build up a snapshot
that might work on coffee-lake and kaby-lake chipset motherboards?

Thank you,

Thank you Michal and Till!

Will Brokenbourgh

Sent from my Linux desktop

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Praise the Caffeine embeddings

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Praise the Caffeine embeddings
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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] What is the status of UEFI boot support?

2019-01-17 Thread Stephan Althaus


On a very new system i can't enable legacy boot for internal drives. :-(
So i have to enable UEFI boot on an installed legacy boot system.

The installed image i would like to use has a /boot/loader64.efi
I copied this to the ESP partition as BOOTX64.efi, added it manually to
the uefi boot menu (i didn't work now but that is work in progress for me)

A different OI host has a /boot/boot64.efi file. This file is of Oct 25,
last pkg update to the system was maybe in Nov.

Why is the file on the older system, and not on the othe system with an
update about 1 week old?


On 05/07/18 09:45 AM, Alexander Pyhalov wrote:
> On 05/05/18 12:10 PM, zeitraffer wrote:
>> Hello!
>> The current documentation does not claim that current OI supports
>> UEFI, but
>> I see that the current live disk can boot in UEFI.
>> I have tried to boot it into UEFI and to make install by the text
>> installer
>> onto the GPT drive.
>> After installation I have seen 3 partitions, but the boot one is not
>> of FAT
>> type, so UEFI cannot boot from it.
>> What am I doing wrong? Does OI support UEFI currently?
> Hello.
> UEFI boot support is not finished. OI can boot in UEFI mode, but
> a) illumos-gate currently lacks support of UEFI vga console (so you
> are limited to serial console and X11)
> b) installation images currently can boot in UEFI mode, but installer
> doesn't perform all steps to create correct UEFI image. You'll have to
> manually create pcfs on EFI system partition and copy /boot/loader.efi
> to /efi/boot/bootx64.efi on system partition.

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] What is the status of UEFI boot support?

2019-01-23 Thread Stephan Althaus
Hi all!

i want to share the results of my most recent experiment
this is a newish system which supports legay boot only with external
drives :-{ so i *need* UEFI..

(*from memory..)
1) i took the usb install image of nov 2018 build by Aurélien Larcher
2) legacy booted the stick and installed oi to an NVMe drive using the
text installer, i chose "EFI whole disk"
3) after installation completed, mkfs the existing 1st partition
(~235MB) on the NVMe disk that was marked with efi+boot as vfat, and
copied the dirs+files there just like they are on the stick
4) after reboot and pressing F12 the NVME drive showed up in the
BIOS/UEFI boot menu
5) Boot succeeded, with showing text output while booting (i believed
this would not work?), and arrived the vesa graphical ui   :-D
6) placed the default publisher openindiana.org and hipster-encumbered,
pkg refresh and pkg update
7) Reboot - F12 and the system is booting the new BE with text output
while booting to vesa gui

maybe this would work with a different recent install image, too(?)

however, thanks to Aurélien Larcher and all others for this all making


On 01/18/19 01:40 PM, stephan.alth...@duedinghausen.eu wrote:
> Hello!
> Thanks for the hint.i filed bug #10260 at illumos
> Stephan
> Gesendet von meinem LG Mobile
> -- Originalnachricht--Von: Joshua M. ClulowDatum: Do., 17. Jan. 2019 
> 23:21An: Discussion list for OpenIndiana;Cc: Betreff:Re: 
> [OpenIndiana-discuss] What is the status of UEFI boot support?
> On Thu, 17 Jan 2019 at 13:50, Stephan Althaus wrote:> Surprise> A different 
> OI host has a /boot/boot64.efi file. This file is of Oct 25,> last pkg update 
> to the system was maybe in Nov.>> Question:> Why is the file on the older 
> system, and not on the othe system with an> update about 1 week old?I think 
> this illumos bug made some changes in that area:
> https://www.illumos.org/issues/9664Cheers.-- Joshua M. ClulowEngineer @ 
> Joyenthttp://blog.sysmgr.org___openindiana-discuss
>  mailing 
> listopenindiana-discuss@openindiana.orghttps://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list
> openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org
> https://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss

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[OpenIndiana-discuss] update (intel) graphics

2019-02-09 Thread Stephan Althaus

For my personal like - and for a better acceptance of the oi-distro in
the world ;-)
i would like to update the (intel) graphics drivers to a recent state.

it seems to me that this is not an easy job to do,
as at a quick look these files are at minimum related:


 ... broad spread and some files are 'old' ...

I am a beginner, but also would like to provide some help (minimum at
- i dont know the right way how to achieve the goal.
where should i start? what are the steps?
Someone willing to act as a mentor??

All hints and opinions are welcome :-)

Thanks for listening!


openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] update (intel) graphics

2019-02-09 Thread Stephan Althaus

I would like to have a look into your work,
is there a sourcecode repo for 'xorg-testing' anywhere?

On 02/09/19 02:38 PM, Aurélien Larcher wrote:
> Hi,
> a main difficulty is that illumos lacks some kms bits.
> Also the intel linux drm driver was refactored about 4 years ago and
> has diverged considerably from our code base.
> I have spent some time reorganizing the code base last year to match
> Linux without introducing functional changes.
> This could help incremental changes.
> Unfortunately I am not able to contribute to OI for now so I won't
> have time to integrate this.
> One could use the xorg-testing repository to push and test incremental 
> changes.
> That's how minor chnages to the X stack have been shared in the past.
> On 2/9/19, Stephan Althaus  wrote:
>> Hello!
>> For my personal like - and for a better acceptance of the oi-distro in
>> the world ;-)
>> i would like to update the (intel) graphics drivers to a recent state.
>> it seems to me that this is not an easy job to do,
>> as at a quick look these files are at minimum related:
>> gfx-drm/usr/src/uts/common/sys/agp/agpdefs.h
>> gfx-drm/usr/src/uts/common/drm/drm_pciids.h
>> gfx-drm/usr/src/uts/intel/io/i915/i915_drv.c
>> gfx-drm/usr/src/common/libdrm/libdrm-2.4.75/intel/intel_chipset.h
>> illumos-gate/usr/src/uts/intel/io/drm/i915_drv.h
>> illumos-gate/usr/src/uts/intel/io/drm/drm_pciids.h
>> illumos-gate/usr/src/uts/common/sys/agp/agpdefs.h
>> xf86-video-intel-4798e18b2b2c8b0a05dc967e6140fd9962bc1a73/src/intel_driver.h
>> xf86-video-intel-4798e18b2b2c8b0a05dc967e6140fd9962bc1a73/src/i915_pciids.h
>> xf86-video-intel-4798e18b2b2c8b0a05dc967e6140fd9962bc1a73/xvmc/i915_xvmc.h
>>  ... broad spread and some files are 'old' ...
>> I am a beginner, but also would like to provide some help (minimum at
>> testing)
>> - i dont know the right way how to achieve the goal.
>> where should i start? what are the steps?
>> Someone willing to act as a mentor??
>> All hints and opinions are welcome :-)
>> Thanks for listening!
>> Greetings,
>> Stephan
>> ___
>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
>> openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org
>> https://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss

openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] LINT dependency in GCC-6/-7 and build-essential - now broken

2019-02-16 Thread Stephan Althaus
Hello togesther!

WIth the recent amazing progress in the illumos kernel,
for example UEFI console and the deprecation of the LINT dependency,
we now have a dependency problem, as the lint package


is not delivered anymore.

This breaks gcc-6, gcc-7 and build-essential

Please have a look..



openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] Network down after some time - reoccurring

2019-03-17 Thread Stephan Althaus

I have a oi system since some time, that should be online 24/7.
Regularily, after *some* time(several days), networking is not working
anymore, (no ping into or out for example)
but the system is alive and i can use the console.
If I disconnect the network cable, nothing(!?) happens(!?) (checked today)

Recently, i made a tiny script to see some informations about network:

steven@oi:/home/steven$ cat ./status.sh

dladm show-phys
dladm show-link
ipadm show-addr

And now i have 2 files, status.good and status.bad.
The DIFF(see below) shows the only difference in "index" and "PROMISC"

What could cause this? 
What do you think what should i check next??

Any hints are welcome :-)


The status DIFF and the current status:

steven@oi:/home/steven$ diff -u status.good status.bad
--- status.good 2019-03-17 11:58:27.780198972 +
+++ status.bad  2019-03-17 11:49:30.204121849 +
@@ -17,16 +17,16 @@
 lo0:2: flags=2001000849 mtu
8232 index 1
    zone web
    inet netmask ff00
-e1000g0: flags=1004843 mtu
1500 index 2
flags=1004943 mtu 1500
index 3
    inet netmask ff00 broadcast
-vnic5: flags=1000843 mtu 1500 index 4
+vnic5: flags=1000843 mtu 1500 index 5
    inet netmask ff00 broadcast
-vnic5:1: flags=1000843 mtu 1500
index 4
+vnic5:1: flags=1000843 mtu 1500
index 5
    zone www
    inet netmask ff00 broadcast
-vnic6: flags=1000843 mtu 1500 index 3
+vnic6: flags=1000843 mtu 1500 index 4
    inet netmask ff00 broadcast
-vnic6:1: flags=1000843 mtu 1500
index 3
+vnic6:1: flags=1000843 mtu 1500
index 4
    zone web
    inet netmask ff00 broadcast
 lo0: flags=2002000849 mtu
8252 index 1
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@
 lo0:2: flags=2002000849 mtu
8252 index 1
    zone web
    inet6 ::1/128
-e1000g0: flags=20002004841 mtu 1500 index 2
+e1000g0: flags=20002004941 mtu
1500 index 3
    inet6 fe80::226:b9ff:fee9:efd4/10
-vnic5: flags=20002000840 mtu 1500 index 4
+vnic5: flags=20002000840 mtu 1500 index 5
    inet6 ::/0
-vnic6: flags=20002000840 mtu 1500 index 3
+vnic6: flags=20002000840 mtu 1500 index 4
    inet6 ::/0
 lo0/v4    static   ok

steven@oi:/home/steven$ ./status.sh
e1000g0  Ethernet up 100    full  e1000g0
vboxnet0 Ethernet up 1000   full  vboxnet0
e1000g0 phys  1500   up   -- --
vnic0   vnic  1500   up   -- e1000g0
vnic1   vnic  1500   up   -- e1000g0
vboxnet0    phys  9706   up   -- --
vnic5   vnic  1500   up   -- e1000g0
vnic6   vnic  1500   up   -- e1000g0
vnic7   vnic  1500   up   -- e1000g0
lo0: flags=2001000849 mtu
8232 index 1
    inet netmask ff00
lo0:1: flags=2001000849 mtu
8232 index 1
    zone www
    inet netmask ff00
lo0:2: flags=2001000849 mtu
8232 index 1
    zone web
    inet netmask ff00
e1000g0: flags=1004943
mtu 1500 index 2
    inet netmask ff00 broadcast
vnic5: flags=1000843 mtu 1500 index 4
    inet netmask ff00 broadcast
vnic5:1: flags=1000843 mtu 1500 index 4
    zone www
    inet netmask ff00 broadcast
vnic6: flags=1000843 mtu 1500 index 3
    inet netmask ff00 broadcast
vnic6:1: flags=1000843 mtu 1500 index 3
    zone web
    inet netmask ff00 broadcast
lo0: flags=2002000849 mtu
8252 index 1
    inet6 ::1/128
lo0:1: flags=2002000849 mtu
8252 index 1
    zone www
    inet6 ::1/128
lo0:2: flags=2002000849 mtu
8252 index 1
    zone web
    inet6 ::1/128
e1000g0: flags=20002004941 mtu
1500 index 2
    inet6 fe80::226:b9ff:fee9:efd4/10
vnic5: flags=20002000840 mtu 1500 index 4
    inet6 ::/0
vnic6: flags=20002000840 mtu 1500 index 3
    inet6 ::/0
lo0/v4    static   ok
lo0/? static   ok
lo0/? static   ok
e1000g0/_b    dhcp ok
vnic5/primaryIP   static   ok
vnic5/?   static   ok
vnic6/primaryIP   static   ok
vnic6/?   static   ok
lo0/v6    static   ok   ::1/128
lo0/? static   ok   ::1/128
lo0/? static   ok   ::1/128

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Not able to boot from liveCD

2019-03-17 Thread Stephan Althaus

Welcome to the OI world!

Try disabling ACPI in Menu 5 acpi OFF.


On 03/17/19 08:17 PM, MUSTDOS wrote:
> I burned a live cd (OI-hipster-gui-20181023)
> It worked on my laptop but not on my desktop
> I can see the "Boot Screen" but whenever I press 1 or 2, my system either
> restarts or shuts down after a few seconds. I even tried to update my BIOS
> but no luck. How can this be solved?
> My system:
> -2 seagate 1TB hard disks (one of them with windows 10)
> -AMD FX 9370 @ 4.2GHz (Bellow stock speed so it's impossible that my
> clocking is causing any sort of instability)
> -Asus Sabertooth 990FX R2.0
> -2x HD7770 1GB
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list
> openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org
> https://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss

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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] update (intel) graphics

2019-03-17 Thread Stephan Althaus

Some progress - or not :-}
Help needed, please!

Today I was able to update gfx-drm/libdrm to 2.4.83,
where my intel chipset with product id 3e94 should be supported.
I was able to update xorg-video-intel to a newer snapshot from 20180905
where this pci id is supported, too.

I did a  update -a -i '"pci8086,3e"' i915 but the driver won't attach to
the device, but i'm not shure.

I am shure Xorg doesn't get the device working with the intel driver :-D

steven@dell:~$ modinfo
274 f83fd000  70c20 108   1  i915 (I915 DRM driver)
275 f83ba000  33650   -   1  drm (DRM common interfaces)
276 f81d91e8   1aa0   -   1  agpmaster (AGP master interfaces)

find . -exec grep -inH 3e94 {} \;
INTEL_VGA_DEVICE(0x3E94, info)  /* Halo GT2 */

{0x3E94, "HD Graphics"},
cd ../../openindiana/gfx-drm/
find . -exec grep -inH 3e94 {} \;

What else can i do verifying what is working and what's not,
and the reasons therefore??


On 02/11/19 11:01 AM, Aurélien Larcher wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 9, 2019 at 4:14 PM Stephan Althaus <
> stephan.alth...@duedinghausen.eu> wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I would like to have a look into your work,
>> is there a sourcecode repo for 'xorg-testing' anywhere?
> I need to recover the source tree from my laptop disk first.
> I'll update you when it is pushed.
>> On 02/09/19 02:38 PM, Aurélien Larcher wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> a main difficulty is that illumos lacks some kms bits.
>>> Also the intel linux drm driver was refactored about 4 years ago and
>>> has diverged considerably from our code base.
>>> I have spent some time reorganizing the code base last year to match
>>> Linux without introducing functional changes.
>>> This could help incremental changes.
>>> Unfortunately I am not able to contribute to OI for now so I won't
>>> have time to integrate this.
>>> One could use the xorg-testing repository to push and test incremental
>> changes.
>>> That's how minor chnages to the X stack have been shared in the past.
>>> On 2/9/19, Stephan Althaus  wrote:
>>>> Hello!
>>>> For my personal like - and for a better acceptance of the oi-distro in
>>>> the world ;-)
>>>> i would like to update the (intel) graphics drivers to a recent state.
>>>> it seems to me that this is not an easy job to do,
>>>> as at a quick look these files are at minimum related:
>>>> gfx-drm/usr/src/uts/common/sys/agp/agpdefs.h
>>>> gfx-drm/usr/src/uts/common/drm/drm_pciids.h
>>>> gfx-drm/usr/src/uts/intel/io/i915/i915_drv.c
>>>> gfx-drm/usr/src/common/libdrm/libdrm-2.4.75/intel/intel_chipset.h
>>>> illumos-gate/usr/src/uts/intel/io/drm/i915_drv.h
>>>> illumos-gate/usr/src/uts/intel/io/drm/drm_pciids.h
>>>> illumos-gate/usr/src/uts/common/sys/agp/agpdefs.h
>> xf86-video-intel-4798e18b2b2c8b0a05dc967e6140fd9962bc1a73/src/intel_driver.h
>> xf86-video-intel-4798e18b2b2c8b0a05dc967e6140fd9962bc1a73/src/i915_pciids.h
>> xf86-video-intel-4798e18b2b2c8b0a05dc967e6140fd9962bc1a73/xvmc/i915_xvmc.h
>>>>  ... broad spread and some files are 'old' ...
>>>> I am a beginner, but also would like to provide some help (minimum at
>>>> testing)
>>>> - i dont know the right way how to achieve the goal.
>>>> where should i start? what are the steps?
>>>> Someone willing to act as a mentor??
>>>> All hints and opinions are welcome :-)
>>>> Thanks for listening!
>>>> Greetings,
>>>> Stephan
>>>> ___
>>>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
>>>> openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org
>>>> https://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss
>> ___
>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
>> openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org
>> https://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] update (intel) graphics

2019-03-20 Thread Stephan Althaus
On 03/20/19 07:17 PM, Michal Nowak wrote:
> I am afraid it's still not enough to update libdrm & xorg-video-intel.
> For newer Intel chips KMS from Linux driver to be ported as well.
> You may want to start here:
> * https://wiki.freebsd.org/Graphics
> * https://freebsddesktop.github.io/
> Michal


Seems as this would be a real nice project
to be accomplished by a team lead by a project leader with knowledge of
the architecture of this stuff.

I would like to be a member of such a team,
but with regard to my tiny time slices to contribute to oi
(and restricted to no knowledge)
i will not be able to work on this on my own.

For the big players in the illumos game this is not on the list, i suspect.


openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] Problem with pkg.openindiana.org!?

2019-03-20 Thread Stephan Althaus

There is a problem with the repository - 0 packages.
Is some maintainer aware of it?


openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox broken after updating OpenIndiana today

2019-03-23 Thread Stephan Althaus
Hi Russell!

I did an update yesterday and the new Version works for me.
What sort of crash do you have, any details?


On 23/03/2019 17:36, russell wrote:
> Hi,
> I created a new BE during a pkg update this morning but found that
> VirtualBox from the openindiana repository was now broken. VirtualBox
> GUI starts but VMs crash on starting.
> Regards
> Russell
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list
> openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org
> https://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox broken after updating OpenIndiana today

2019-03-24 Thread Stephan Althaus

I don't have an issue with my old "XP pro 2002 SP2" vm's. I'm pretty
shure they're 32bit,
as nothing mentioned in winver.exe about 64 bit, and no directory *wow*
in %WINDIR%, etc..


On 03/24/19 05:24 PM, Tim Mooney wrote:
> In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox broken after updating...:
>> I created a new BE during a pkg update this morning but found that
>> VirtualBox from the openindiana repository was now broken. VirtualBox
>> GUI starts but VMs crash on starting.
> Are your VMs 32 bit?
> I applied OI updates last week, and the update of Virtualbox package from
> 5.2.24 to 6.0.4 required me to tweak a couple things, but overall VB
> 6.0.4
> is working for me.
> However, there's note on the Virtualbox site that 6.0 no longer supports
> 32 bit VMs.  If you need 32 bit VMs, you're supposed to stay with the
> 5.2 series.  Not sure how you would do that on OI, but anyway.
> For me, when I tried to start either of my (64 bit) VMs, I got an error
> that the VM was using USB 2.0 and that was not supported.  I had to
> change
> the settings in the VM before booting to switch it to USB 1.1, and then
> it could boot.
> Later on, I realized it was because I had loaded the Virtualbox extension
> pack (not the guest additions, though I loaded those too), which had
> added
> USB 2.0 support to Virtualbox, which my VMs had been making use of.  I
> removed the 5.x extension pack and loaded the 6.0 extension pack, and USB
> 2.0 is working again.
> The OI package of VB still doesn't have working audio, which I hope to
> see if I can debug at some point, but the 6.0.4 version seems to have
> more
> reliable bi-directional clipboard support.  That's been working much
> better than it did under 5.x.
> Tim

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OI 20181023 on Lenovo p72/p600 and SuperMicro 7039a-i does not even boot :(

2019-03-24 Thread Stephan Althaus

At 1st be shure you use "legacy" boot and not UEFI.
(You may later switch when the base system works)

With the Lenovo P72 and the NVidia card it will be an "Optimus"
Arrangement. - without hardware bits to move the nvidia output to the
Monitor ports without the assistance by the builtin intel card. (DELL
Precision 7520/7720 (nvidia) e.g. have bios options that will work for
anyone interested..)

On a P50 i had no luck getting this to work - neither intel nor nvidia way..
(The very tiny menu you see with the option switchable graphics if i
remember correct,
it will be bigger with "discrete graphics")


On 03/24/19 09:31 PM, Tomasz Kłoczko wrote:
> Hi,
> Yeah I'm trying to install IO 20181023 on both :)
> So fat without success :l
> In both cases after loading kernel and miniroot is displayed only blue
> "Booting..." and nothing else happens :(
> On SuperMicro 7039a-i grub boot menu looks pretty normal taking about 1/4
> of the screen (half of the width and half of the height). However on Lenovo
> p72 boot menu is literally size of the postage stamp :)
> (something like 1/6 of the height and 1/8 of the screen width)
> Any advises/suggestions?
> kloczek
> PS. Just FTR: on SuperMicro I was able to install Solaris 11.4 GA *without
> single issue* (literally all HW components are fully supported!!!).
> Linux based on kernel 5.0 is ~OK but lack of NVidia support is causing that
> I'm not able to reach 5.2k x 2.8k resolution and GUI is veeery slow.
> Additionally Linux kernel shows few strange OOPSes on boot stage but
> generally it works(tm).

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Network down after some time - reoccurring

2019-03-25 Thread Stephan Althaus

i think its intel 82577lm ethernet (prtpicl -v):

  :devfs-path    /pci@0,0/pci1028,40b@19
  :driver-name   e1000g
  :binding-name  pci8086,10ea

Searching in the dark i see problems with my zones:

/var/adm/messages.3:Feb 23 10:31:08 oi zoneadmd[1971]: [ID 702911
daemon.error] [zone 'www'] failed to open console master: Device busy
/var/adm/messages.3:Feb 23 10:31:08 oi zoneadmd[1971]: [ID 702911
daemon.error] [zone 'www'] WARNING: could not open master side of zone
console for www to release slave handle: Device busy
/var/adm/messages.3:Feb 23 10:31:08 oi zoneadmd[1971]: [ID 702911
daemon.error] [zone 'www'] WARNING: console
/devices//pseudo/zconsnex@1/zcons@0 found, but it could not be removed.:
I/O error

could it be in any way related?

My zonecfg it pretty small:

steven@oi:~$  zonecfg -z www export
create -b
set zonepath=/zones/build/www
set brand=nlipkg
set autoboot=true
set ip-type=shared
add net
set address=
set physical=vnic5
set defrouter=

steven@oi:~$ dladm show-phys
e1000g0  Ethernet up 1000   full  e1000g0
vboxnet0 Ethernet up 1000   full  vboxnet0
steven@oi:~$ dladm show-link
e1000g0 phys  1500   up   -- --
vboxnet0    phys  9706   up   -- --
vnic5   vnic  1500   up   -- e1000g0
vnic6   vnic  1500   up   -- e1000g0

steven@oi:~$ pkg info SUNWcs
  Name: SUNWcs
   Summary: Core Solaris
   Description: core software for a specific instruction-set architecture
  Category: System/Core
 State: Installed
 Publisher: openindiana.org
   Version: 0.5.11
    Branch: 2018.0.0.18134
Packaging Date: 22 March 2019 at 02:14:53
  Size: 26.40 MB

Any hints are welcome..


On 03/20/19 07:29 PM, Michal Nowak wrote:
> On 03/17/19 01:00 PM, Stephan Althaus wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I have a oi system since some time, that should be online 24/7.
>> Regularily, after *some* time(several days), networking is not working
>> anymore, (no ping into or out for example)
>> but the system is alive and i can use the console.
>> If I disconnect the network cable, nothing(!?) happens(!?) (checked
>> today)
>> Recently, i made a tiny script to see some informations about network:
>> steven@oi:/home/steven$ cat ./status.sh
>> dladm show-phys
>> dladm show-link
>> ifconfig
>> ipadm show-addr
>> And now i have 2 files, status.good and status.bad.
>> The DIFF(see below) shows the only difference in "index" and "PROMISC"
>> What could cause this?
>> What do you think what should i check next??
>> Any hints are welcome :-)
>> Stephan
> What is the affected NIC's type? Unless it's Intel NIC, I suspect
> driver error. If I understand the 'index' field, it seems to me that
> the NIC disappeared and re-appeared after some time. Try to look into
> system logs to see what happened in that 10 second time-frame.
> Michal
>> The status DIFF and the current status:
>> steven@oi:/home/steven$ diff -u status.good status.bad
>> --- status.good 2019-03-17 11:58:27.780198972 +
>> +++ status.bad  2019-03-17 11:49:30.204121849 +
>> @@ -17,16 +17,16 @@
>>   lo0:2: flags=2001000849
>> mtu
>> 8232 index 1
>>  zone web
>>  inet netmask ff00
>> -e1000g0: flags=1004843 mtu
>> 1500 index 2
>> +e1000g0:
>> flags=1004943 mtu 1500
>> index 3
>>  inet netmask ff00 broadcast
>> -vnic5: flags=1000843 mtu 1500
>> index 4
>> +vnic5: flags=1000843 mtu 1500
>> index 5
>>  inet netmask ff00 broadcast
>> -vnic5:1: flags=1000843 mtu 1500
>> index 4
>> +vnic5:1: flags=1000843 mtu 1500
>> index 5
>>  zone www
>>  inet netmask ff00 broadcast
>> -vnic6: flags=1000843 mtu 1500
>> index 3
>> +vnic6: flags=1000843 mtu 1500
>> index 4
>>  inet netmask ff00 broadcast
>> -vnic6:1: flags=1000843 mtu 1500
>> index 3
>> +vnic6:1: flags=1000843 mtu 1500
>> index 4
>>  zone web
>>  inet netmask ff00 broadcast
>>   lo0: flags=20

[OpenIndiana-discuss] zpool import: device unavailable

2019-03-27 Thread Stephan Althaus


This question has been asked before, but no solution..

i somewhen created a zpool in a partition with bsd, works fine on linux,
but zpool import on openindiana says the drive's not available.

i think the pool is in /dev/dsk/c5t1d0p3

Is there a tweak that i can get this online or do i have to recreate the 

Thanks for your help..


steven@dell:~$ sudo zpool import
   pool: homes
 id: 15997544957096146572
  state: FAULTED
 status: One or more devices contains corrupted data.
 action: The pool cannot be imported due to damaged devices or data.
   see: http://illumos.org/msg/ZFS-8000-5E

    homes   FAULTED  corrupted data
  c5t1d0    UNAVAIL  corrupted data

root@dell:~# format
Searching for disks...done

   0. c1t0d0 
   1. c5t0d0 224 sec 56>

   2. c5t1d0 

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OI 20181023 on Lenovo p72/p600 and SuperMicro 7039a-i does not even boot :(

2019-03-28 Thread Stephan Althaus

I was not able to mount EFI partition, too - but i think i'm not skilled

UEFI Status
if you add a new directory besides "boot" on the EFI partition,
you can add the loader bits needed from /boot/loader*
and then put this in the UEFI BIOS boot menu..

This is how I do the UEFI boot to OI
(i can't enable LEGACY with build-in drives with my 'modern' BIOS)

P.S. You have to update the loader* parts manually each time you update
the kernel pkgs SUNWcs*)


On 03/28/19 02:52 PM, Tomasz Kłoczko wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Mar 2019 at 22:49, Joshua M. Clulow  wrote:
> [..]
>> The OI media from 20181023 is getting a bit old at this point.  There
>> have been various fixes to illumos since then.  Would you be willing
>> to try booting media from another distribution with a more recent ISO
>> available?
> I found today time to give change OmniOS :)
> However results are mixed .. let's say half landed on the table and half on
> the floor.
> So I was able to boot and install OmniOS r151028b as Sthephan advised all
> works only in legacy mode.
> So that part confirm that initial CPU, memory etc initialisation went OK
> and OI looks like it should be updated.
> Than after this I'm still not able to boot OmniOS :(
> Legacy or UEFI boot do not recognises any OS to boot.
> I've been trying to mount EFI first partition to check which one path in
> UEFI partition I should add to chainloader to other disk with Linux grub
> boot entries but looks like I'm not able to mount first EFI/vfat partition.
> All this so fat on SuperMicro HW where I have four disk wit already
> installed Windows (1st disk), Solaris 11.4 (2nd), Linux (3rd) and fourth
> was planned for OpenIndiana.
> Another thing is that looks like installation OmniOS on 4th disk caused
> trashing installed Windows on 1st disk.
> Looks like some bits probably have been written on that 1st disk and now I
> have issue with booting Windows which is asking to boot from recovery image.
> BTW .. what is the current status with full UEFI support?
> kloczek

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OI 20181023 on Lenovo p72/p600 and SuperMicro 7039a-i does not even boot :(

2019-03-28 Thread Stephan Althaus

.. and I found that the loader only finds the rpool if the EFI partition
is on the same disk.


On 03/28/19 07:27 PM, Stephan Althaus wrote:
> Hello!
> I was not able to mount EFI partition, too - but i think i'm not skilled
> enough..
> UEFI Status
> if you add a new directory besides "boot" on the EFI partition,
> you can add the loader bits needed from /boot/loader*
> and then put this in the UEFI BIOS boot menu..
> This is how I do the UEFI boot to OI
> (i can't enable LEGACY with build-in drives with my 'modern' BIOS)
> P.S. You have to update the loader* parts manually each time you update
> the kernel pkgs SUNWcs*)
> Regards,
> Stephan
> On 03/28/19 02:52 PM, Tomasz Kłoczko wrote:
>> On Tue, 26 Mar 2019 at 22:49, Joshua M. Clulow  wrote:
>> [..]
>>> The OI media from 20181023 is getting a bit old at this point.  There
>>> have been various fixes to illumos since then.  Would you be willing
>>> to try booting media from another distribution with a more recent ISO
>>> available?
>> I found today time to give change OmniOS :)
>> However results are mixed .. let's say half landed on the table and half on
>> the floor.
>> So I was able to boot and install OmniOS r151028b as Sthephan advised all
>> works only in legacy mode.
>> So that part confirm that initial CPU, memory etc initialisation went OK
>> and OI looks like it should be updated.
>> Than after this I'm still not able to boot OmniOS :(
>> Legacy or UEFI boot do not recognises any OS to boot.
>> I've been trying to mount EFI first partition to check which one path in
>> UEFI partition I should add to chainloader to other disk with Linux grub
>> boot entries but looks like I'm not able to mount first EFI/vfat partition.
>> All this so fat on SuperMicro HW where I have four disk wit already
>> installed Windows (1st disk), Solaris 11.4 (2nd), Linux (3rd) and fourth
>> was planned for OpenIndiana.
>> Another thing is that looks like installation OmniOS on 4th disk caused
>> trashing installed Windows on 1st disk.
>> Looks like some bits probably have been written on that 1st disk and now I
>> have issue with booting Windows which is asking to boot from recovery image.
>> BTW .. what is the current status with full UEFI support?
>> kloczek
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list
> openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org
> https://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] installing pthreads for compiling

2019-03-28 Thread Stephan Althaus

To interchange Data between the systems you could
- install the zfs packages on ubuntu, the prepared ones work quite well,
- create a zfs zpool on a spare drive (usb stick e.g.)
  with option    -d  to make it compatble.
(you can enable features later if you find you need them and are
supported by both systems.)
Then you can
zpool import -f newpool
from either OS.

These features i thnk i enabled later on my shared "dhome" zfs pool:

zpool set feature@async_destroy=enabled dhome
zpool set feature@empty_bpobj=enabled   dhome
zpool set feature@lz4_compress=enabled  dhome
zpool set feature@multi_vdev_crash_dump=enabled  dhome
zpool set feature@spacemap_histogram=enabled  dhome
zpool set feature@enabled_txg=enabled  dhome
zpool set feature@hole_birth=enabled  dhome
zpool set feature@extensible_dataset=enabled  dhome
zpool set feature@embedded_data=enabled  dhome
zpool set feature@bookmarks=enabled  dhome
zpool set feature@filesystem_limits=enabled  dhome
zpool set feature@large_blocks=enabled  dhome

Don't rely on this list and recheck,
or leave the features disabled to be shure.


On 03/28/19 08:06 PM, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:
> Hi Tim,
>> In looking at the Hipster package manager I see that this package is
>>> "system_display-manager_lightdm_gtk-greeter.p5i" but I do not know what
>> is
>>> in a p5i file nor how to decompress it to get just the binaries that I
>> can
>>> copy over to test it along with the slim option to see which looks
>> better.
>> Since you have OI installed and running, can't you just install the login
>> greeter and use 'pkg contents' to get the contents and then use some
>> scripting to total up its size on disk?  Or would that pull in way too
>> much stuff?
> I am thinking that this might be possible. Perhaps setup a non-global zone
> and install the package there so that I can trace down the component sizes.
> Will have to figure out how to create the non-global zone and then do this.
>>> On a good side note, I have installed OpenIndiana on a native partition
>> so
>>> that I can do some development on both the OpenIndiana and SmartOS
>> projects
>>> and REALLY like the OpenIndiana OS running on a native partition.
>> Already,
>>> I am seeing myself rebooting into my previous Ubuntu 18.04 less and less.
>>> If I could find a way so that OpenIndiana could see my Ubuntu 18.04
>> "ext4"
>>> partition so that I cold access some of those files then I might even try
>>> to stay with running OpenIndiana always. Any ideas on how to see or mount
>>> the partition since the OI file manager does not see it by default.
>> That's been discussed in the past, you might want to do some searching in
>> the mailing list archives.  It's probably a couple years back in the
>> archives, if I had to guess.
>> There is no native driver for OI to support ext2/ext3/ext4.  Apparently
>> the filesystem in userspace (FUSE) code worked at one point, but IIRC
>> it's not currently working.  That would likely be the easiest approach
>> to get minimal access to ext volumes, but again, I don't think it's
>> working right now.
> Yea, I was digging around the Internet and it seems that there is no real
> support for this. Perhaps, I can dig into the FUSE code at some point to
> see if maybe I can get it working in the near future since I think that it
> would be useful to be able to mount different filesystems as well.
> Cheers,
> Lonnie
>> Tim
>> --
>> Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
>> Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure  701-231-1076 (Voice)
>> Room 242-J6, Quentin Burdick Building  701-231-8541 (Fax)
>> North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164
>> ___
>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
>> openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org
>> https://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Alternate web browsers?

2019-03-31 Thread Stephan Althaus

I would be happy helping out with this too.


On 04/01/19 01:44 AM, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:
> Hi Till,
> Sure thing. I will be happy to give it a try and do some testing.
> Cheers,
> Lonnie :)
> On Sun, Mar 31, 2019 at 3:41 PM Till Wegmüller  wrote:
>> Hi
>> Firefox 60 ESR is still cooking in OI-userland atm.
>> Testing is still required because WebAssembly has still a huge memory
>> footprint.
>> Testers are welcome. Let me know If you want to try I can give
>> instructions how to build it.
>> Greetings
>> Till
>> On 01.04.19 01:29, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:
>>> Hello All,
>>> I have done a fresh install of OpenIndiana on a drive and all seems to
>> have
>>> gone well.
>>> In just now firing up the default Firefox and searching the Internet for
>>> some things, I find that I run across some sites that are saying that
>> they
>>> no longer support the version of Firefox that I am using and to upgrade.
>>> The problem is that I do not know if there is a newer version that I can
>>> upgrade, or another type of browser like Opera, or something else that
>> is a
>>> bit newer.
>>> Any information on this would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Lonnie
>>> ___
>>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
>>> openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org
>>> https://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss
>> ___
>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
>> openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org
>> https://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Alternate web browsers?

2019-04-01 Thread Stephan Althaus
stall it via pkg install -v
> "pkg://userland/web/browser/firefox
> pkg://userland/web/data/firefox-bookmarks"
> It may be the case that you need to loosen the version lock on userland
> incorporation in order to be able to install firefox from userland
> publisher.
> you can do that with:
> pkg change-facet facet.version-lock.web/browser/firefox=false
> pkg change-facet facet.version-lock.web/data/firefox-bookmarks=false
> [0] https://github.com/openindiana/oi-userland
> [1] https://wiki.openindiana.org/oi/Building+with+oi-userland
> [2] https://github.com/OpenIndiana/oi-userland/pull/4656
> [3] https://help.github.com/en/articles/checking-out-pull-requests-locally
> Let me know if you need anymore help to get started with the
> contribution process.
> Greetings
> Till
> On 31.03.19 22:04, Stephan Althaus wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I would be happy helping out with this too.
>> Cheers,
>> Stephan
>> On 04/01/19 01:44 AM, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:
>>> Hi Till,
>>> Sure thing. I will be happy to give it a try and do some testing.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Lonnie :)
>>> On Sun, Mar 31, 2019 at 3:41 PM Till Wegmüller  wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> Firefox 60 ESR is still cooking in OI-userland atm.
>>>> Testing is still required because WebAssembly has still a huge memory
>>>> footprint.
>>>> Testers are welcome. Let me know If you want to try I can give
>>>> instructions how to build it.
>>>> Greetings
>>>> Till
>>>> On 01.04.19 01:29, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:
>>>>> Hello All,
>>>>> I have done a fresh install of OpenIndiana on a drive and all seems to
>>>> have
>>>>> gone well.
>>>>> In just now firing up the default Firefox and searching the Internet for
>>>>> some things, I find that I run across some sites that are saying that
>>>> they
>>>>> no longer support the version of Firefox that I am using and to upgrade.
>>>>> The problem is that I do not know if there is a newer version that I can
>>>>> upgrade, or another type of browser like Opera, or something else that
>>>> is a
>>>>> bit newer.
>>>>> Any information on this would be greatly appreciated.
>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>> Lonnie
>>>>> ___
>>>>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
>>>>> openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org
>>>>> https://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss
>>>> ___
>>>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
>>>> openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org
>>>> https://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss
>> ___
>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
>> openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org
>> https://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss
> ___
> openindiana-discuss mailing list
> openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org
> https://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss

openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox Bug(?) Cant dowload VBoxAdditions.iso via Dialog

2019-04-01 Thread Stephan Althaus
Hi all!

My WIndows vm complained that the vbox additions are not up-to-date.

So i followed the instructions and started the download via the menu:

devices->"inert guest additions cd image.."-> /Dowload link shown"->Download

The Dowload starts, but breaks at about 75% with the following error:
"During network request: Unknown reason".

The download works via firefox, i have 80GB free on rpool and >6GB free
on swap..

Anyone seeing this, too?



openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Alternate web browsers?

2019-04-01 Thread Stephan Althaus
Hi Till!

i did the gmake env-prep before trying to complie, and i get

pkg search -r cstddef
basename   file   opt/sunstudio12.1/prod/include/CC/std/cstddef
basename   file   opt/sunstudio12.1/prod/include/CC/stlport4/cstddef   
basename   file   opt/gcc/4.4.4/include/c++/4.4.4/cstddef  
basename   file   usr/include/boost/compatibility/cpp_c_headers/cstddef
basename   file   usr/gcc/4.9/include/c++/4.9.4/cstddef
basename   file   usr/gcc/3.4/include/c++/3.4.3/cstddef
basename   file   usr/gcc/5/include/c++/5.4.0/cstddef  
basename   file   usr/gcc/8/include/c++/8.3.0/cstddef  
basename   file   usr/gcc/7/include/c++/7.4.0/cstddef  
basename   file   usr/gcc/6/include/c++/6.5.0/cstddef  

steven@dell:/$ ls -l `pkg search -r cstddef|awk '{print $3}'`
ls: cannot access 'VALUE': No such file or directory
ls: cannot access 'opt/sunstudio12.1/prod/include/CC/std/cstddef': No
such file or directory
ls: cannot access 'opt/sunstudio12.1/prod/include/CC/stlport4/cstddef':
No such file or directory
ls: cannot access
'usr/include/boost/compatibility/cpp_c_headers/cstddef': No such file or
ls: cannot access 'usr/gcc/4.9/include/c++/4.9.4/cstddef': No such file
or directory
ls: cannot access 'usr/gcc/3.4/include/c++/3.4.3/cstddef': No such file
or directory
ls: cannot access 'usr/gcc/5/include/c++/5.4.0/cstddef': No such file or
ls: cannot access 'usr/gcc/8/include/c++/8.3.0/cstddef': No such file or
-r--r--r-- 1 root bin 1830 Mar 19  2018
-r--r--r-- 1 root bin 1931 Mar 22 22:02 usr/gcc/6/include/c++/6.5.0/cstddef
-r--r--r-- 1 root bin 6440 Mar 22 22:02 usr/gcc/7/include/c++/7.4.0/cstddef

The files are installed for the gcc 6 at least which is used, i'll dig


On 04/01/19 09:49 PM, Till Wegmüller wrote:
> Hi Stephan
> It looks like it does not find the gcc libraries properly.
> The steps to debug are:
> 1. Use any reference to a not found file or header togheter with pkg
> search -r like so "pkg search -r cstddef"
> 2. Compare returned Package names with the ones installed in the system
> I get
> basename   file   opt/sunstudio12.1/prod/include/CC/std/cstddef
> pkg:/developer/sunstudio12u1/c++@12.1.1-2018.0.0.5
> basename   file   opt/sunstudio12.1/prod/include/CC/stlport4/cstddef
> pkg:/developer/sunstudio12u1/c++@12.1.1-2018.0.0.5
> basename   file   usr/include/boost/compatibility/cpp_c_headers/cstddef
> pkg:/system/library/boost@1.64.0-2018.0.0.1
> basename   file   usr/gcc/7/include/c++/7.3.0/cstddef
> pkg:/developer/gcc-7@7.3.0-2018.0.0.3
> basename   file   usr/gcc/3.4/include/c++/3.4.3/cstddef
> pkg:/developer/gcc-3@3.4.3-2018.0.0.2
> basename   file   usr/gcc/4.9/include/c++/4.9.4/cstddef
> pkg:/developer/gcc-49@4.9.4-2018.0.0.2
> basename   file   opt/gcc/4.4.4/include/c++/4.4.4/cstddef
> pkg:/developer/illumos-gcc@4.4.4-2018.0.0.3
> basename   file   usr/gcc/5/include/c++/5.4.0/cstddef
> pkg:/developer/gcc-5@5.4.0-2018.0.0.7
> basename   file   usr/gcc/8/include/c++/8.2.0/cstddef
> pkg:/developer/gcc-8@8.2.0-2018.0.0.2
> basename   file   usr/gcc/6/include/c++/6.4.0/cstddef
> pkg:/developer/gcc-6@6.4.0-2018.0.0.3
> My Assumption is that developer/gcc-{49,5,8,7,6} are missing in the
> system / build-essentials and not mentioned inside the Maekefile
> REQUIRED_PACKAGES. If the yre mentioned in the required package run
> gmake env-prep. If they are not please ass them to the PR because that
> would be a bug in the Package.
> Greetings
> Till
> On 01.04.19 21:26, Stephan Althaus wrote:
>> Hi Till!
>> I think i followed the instructions carefully, but i have get a build error.
>> I did a pkg update now  to prove that the system is up to date,
>> the error remains the same..
>> I did a short pkg list to list what gcc have installed:
>> steven@dell:/rpool1/build/oi/vanilla/oi-userland/components/web/firefox$
>> pkg list|grep gcc
>> developer/gcc-6  

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] vnc server for Openindiana?

2019-04-02 Thread Stephan Althaus

It's worth noting, that there are useable packages in sfe, (see
openindiana wiki)
and the joyent pkgsrc collection.
In the latter there is "tigervnc"

the pkgsrc packages reside int /opt/ and are useable for as for special
we should not mix them up with the packages from openindiana pkg sources
that much.
Keep the  PATH clean for either standard openindiana
or a single case of executing a program from pkgsrc.

i personally use tiny shell scripts in my $home that set the PATH to the
needs of pkgsrc
and then execute the prog from /opt/local/...


Am 03.04.19 um 02:50 schrieb Lonnie Cumberland:
> Hi Tim,
> I did that type of search and it comes back with:
> libvncserver
> vinagre (GNOME VNC client)
> x11vnx (VNC server for use with real X displays)
> I was expecting to maybe see something like Tightvnc, or TurboVNC perhaps,
> but if I had to guess then "maybe" libvncserver perhaps.
> Cheers,
> Lonnie
> On Tue, Apr 2, 2019 at 8:36 PM Tim Mooney  wrote:
>> In regard to: [OpenIndiana-discuss] vnc server for Openindiana?, Lonnie...:
>>> For just a quick question, I was wondering if there is a vnc server for
>>> Openinidana Hipster that I can easily install?
>> Try 'pkg search -r vnc' or 'pkg search -a -r vnc'
>> Tim
>> --
>> Tim Mooney tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
>> Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure  701-231-1076 (Voice)
>> Room 242-J6, Quentin Burdick Building  701-231-8541 (Fax)
>> North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164
>> ___
>> openindiana-discuss mailing list
>> openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org
>> https://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Alternate web browsers?

2019-04-03 Thread Stephan Althaus

With a link like this:

$ls -l /usr/gcc/6/include/c++/
total 8
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   5 Apr  3 15:33 6.4.0 -> 6.5.0
drwxr-xr-x  13 root sys   98 Mar 23 10:14 6.5.0

firefox builds successfully.

The startup is slow, my old machine needed some seconds.

The overall fast performance is amazing,
currently i'm testng on an old i7 M 640 dual core 8GB RAM

I do see the branch dropdown, tested in oi-userland,
and i can switch between them, no problem here.

What i see is permanent activity on swap (mate-system-monitor)
not that much memory currently ~230MG
but always some change in the amount, percent-wise.

So i need nice optane memory for my swap now ;-)

There are more than 3GB free in ram, so the swap is not needed.
maybe some temporary file system on swap is used:

$mount|sort|grep swap
/etc/svc/volatile on swap read/write/setuid/devices/xattr/dev=8fc0001 on
Wed Apr  3 22:32:56 2019
/tmp on swap read/write/setuid/devices/xattr/dev=8fc0002 on Wed Apr  3
22:33:03 2019
/var/run on swap read/write/setuid/devices/xattr/dev=8fc0003 on Wed Apr 
3 22:33:03 2019

I don't see the icon in the mate app menu,
maybe i have to logout first..

I'm very happy with the new version right now.
Excellent work!


On 04/03/19 11:22 AM, Al Slater wrote:
> Hi,
> I had the same error when I tried to build the new firefox.
> I tracked this down to clang, which seems to be built to look for the
> gcc includes in the wrong place.  Presumably because it was built
> against a slightly older version of gcc6.
> clang was looking in /usr/gcc/6/include/c++/6.4.0 for the includes, but
> the system has /usr/gcc/6/include/c++/6.5.0.
> I solved the problem with a link
> root@buildzone:~# ls -l /usr/gcc/6/include/c++/
> total 18
> lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   5 Apr  2 04:05 6.4.0 -> 6.5.0
> drwxr-xr-x  13 root sys   99 Apr  2 04:03 6.5.0
> I could then complete the firefox build.
> Which is now running on my system.
> The only issue that I have spotted so far is that the branch dropdown in
> github projects does not work.
> Al
> On 01/04/2019 20:26, Stephan Althaus wrote:
>> Hi Till!
>> I think i followed the instructions carefully, but i have get a build error.
>> I did a pkg update now  to prove that the system is up to date,
>> the error remains the same..
>> I did a short pkg list to list what gcc have installed:
>> steven@dell:/rpool1/build/oi/vanilla/oi-userland/components/web/firefox$
>> pkg list|grep gcc
>> developer/gcc-6
>> 6.5.0-2018.0.0.1   i--
>> developer/gcc-7
>> 7.4.0-2018.0.0.0   i--
>> developer/illumos-gcc
>> 4.4.4-2018.0.0.6   i--
>> sfe/system/library/gcc-49-runtime (localhostoih)
>> 4.9.4-0.2017.0.0.5 i--
>> sfe/system/library/gcc-runtime (localhostoih)
>> 4.9.4-0.2017.0.0.5 i--
>> system/library/gcc-3-runtime
>> 3.4.3-2018.0.0.3   i--
>> system/library/gcc-4-runtime
>> 4.9.4-2018.0.0.6   i--
>> system/library/gcc-6-runtime
>> 6.5.0-2018.0.0.1   i--
>> system/library/gcc-7-runtime
>> 7.4.0-2018.0.0.0   i--
>> The hopefully unneccesary parts <--snipped--> away:
>> steven@dell:/rpool1/build/oi/vanilla/oi-userland/components/web/firefox$
>> nice nice gmake publish
>> (cd
>> /rpool1/build/oi/vanilla/oi-userland/components/web/firefox/build/amd64
>> ; /usr/bin/env
>> PATH=/usr/bin/amd64:/usr/bin:/usr/gnu/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/perl5/bin
>> CC=/usr/gcc/6/bin/gcc CFLAGS="-m64 -O3 " CXX=/usr/gcc/6/bin/g++
>> CXXFLAGS=" -m64 -O3 " LDFLAGS="-m64 -lm" MOZILLA_OFFICIAL=1
>> PKG_SKIP_STRIP=1 MOZILLA_PKG_NAME=firefox SHELL="/bin/bash"
>> LDFLAGS="-L/rpool1/build/oi/vanilla/oi-userland/components/web/firefox/build/amd64/dist/lib
>> -L/rpool1/build/oi/vanilla/oi-userland/components/web/firefox/build/amd64/dist/bin"
>> PYTHON="/usr/bin/amd64/python2.7" /usr/bin/env
>> PATH=/usr/bin/amd64:/usr/bin:/usr/gnu/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/perl5/bin
>> CC=/usr/gcc/6/bin/gcc CFLAGS="-m64 -O3 " CXX=/usr/gcc/6/bin/g++
>> CXXFLAGS=" -m64 -O3 " LDFLAGS="-m64 -lm" MOZILLA_OFFICIAL=1
>> PKG_SKIP_STRIP=1 MOZILLA_PKG_NAME=firefox SHELL="/bin/bash"
>> LDFLAGS="-L/rpool1/build/oi/vanilla/oi-userland/components/web/firefox/build/amd64/dist/lib
>> -L/rpool1/build/oi/vanilla/oi-userland/components/web/firefox/build/amd64/dist/bin"

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Alternate web browsers?

2019-04-04 Thread Stephan Althaus

output of swap -s

Firefox not startet:
total:  866228k bytes allocated +  547572k reserved = 1413800k used,
1828488k available

Firefox started:
total: 1401788k bytes allocated + 2656532k reserved = 4058320k used, 
750208k available

Several Tabs opened
total: 2077612k bytes allocated + 2655224k reserved = 4732836k used, 
286400k available

firefox closed:
total:  879504k bytes allocated +  548012k reserved = 1427516k used,
3642716k available


On 04/03/19 11:58 PM, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
> On Wed, 3 Apr 2019, Stephan Althaus wrote:
>> What i see is permanent activity on swap (mate-system-monitor)
>> not that much memory currently ~230MG
>> but always some change in the amount, percent-wise.
> I notice that /tmp is mounted on swap.
> Solaris and Linux use different resource reservation rules.  Solaris
> is much more conservative.  It may be that the memory allocator is
> using mmap() to allocate memory and this is causing churning.  If
> mmap() is used on temporary files in /tmp, this could cause
> interesting effects.
> What is the output of 'swap -s' while FireFox is running?
> Bob

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Alternate web browsers?

2019-04-04 Thread Stephan Althaus

One of my tests is
Right click on a folder on my bokkmarks toolbar, "Open all in Tabs"

when memory is low, firefox cant open all the tabs (3 out of 22) with
the error
[Parent 3794, Gecko_IOThread] WARNING: Failed to launch tab subprocess:
line 524

swap -s after start of firefox with vm guest running:
total: 956k bytes allocated + 2515352k reserved = 3627308k used,
1320884k available
after opening 3 tabs
total: 1249372k bytes allocated + 2449728k reserved = 3699100k used,
1291208k available

part f header of top
Memory: 7986M phys mem, 2436M free mem, 2041M total swap, 1348M free swap
ARC:    803M Total, 459M MRU, 208M MFU, 168K Anon, 18M Header, 86M Other

So 2GB RAM free, 1,3GB free swap.. (?)

When i close the vm guest, firefox opens the tabs just fine

swap -s firefox startet (only 1st tab)
total: 1555672k bytes allocated + 2650436k reserved = 4206108k used,
2582840k available
opened 1st+22 tabs
total: 1932412k bytes allocated + 3679256k reserved = 5611668k used,
1053596k available

Memory: 7986M phys mem, 3893M free mem, 2041M total swap, 1447M free swap
ARC:    1116M Total, 860M MRU, 114M MFU, 1542K Anon, 19M Header, 89M Other

Starting the vm guest while firefox is running with is no good,
even with enough ram available
so i'd say mem/swap management is not operating perfectly smooth in this

Its a VBox VM Win7: max ram 2GB
On my System in this situation: 3GB RAM free, 1,5GB swap free

And whats this:
ls -la /tmp/
total 655507
drwxrwxrwt  12 root sys 1643 Apr  4 20:23 .
drwxr-xr-x  29 root root  31 Apr  3 23:06 ..
drwxrwxrwt   2 steven   lp   178 Apr  4 19:30 .ICE-unix
*-rwx--   1 steven   lp   67108904 Apr  4 19:30
-rwx--   1 steven   lp   67108904 Apr  4 20:06
-rwx--   1 steven   lp   67108904 Apr  4 19:30
-rwx--   1 steven   lp   67108904 Apr  4 20:08
-rwx--   1 steven   lp   67108904 Apr  4 20:12
drwx--   2 steven   lp   239 Apr  4 19:43 .vbox-steven-ipc
-r--r--r--   1 root root  11 Apr  4 19:13 .X0-lock
drwxrwxrwt   2 root root 176 Apr  4 19:13 .X11-pipe
drwxrwxrwt   2 root root 176 Apr  4 19:13 .X11-unix
srwxrwxrwx   1 steven   lp 0 Apr  4 19:30 dbus-4lvBpaGJ5d
srwxrwxrwx   1 lightdm  lightdm    0 Apr  4 19:13 dbus-CaWccodcP3
srwxrwxrwx   1 steven   lp 0 Apr  4 19:30 dbus-vdyiLGsfBl
srwxrwxrwx   1 lightdm  lightdm    0 Apr  4 19:13 dbus-YW5Wr68KCT
drwx--   2 lightdm  lightdm  117 Apr  4 19:31 fam-lightdm
drwx--   2 root root 178 Apr  4 19:13 fam-root
drwx--   2 steven   lp   178 Apr  4 19:30 fam-steven
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  30 Apr  4 19:12 ogl_select196
drwx--   2 steven   lp   240 Apr  4 19:30 pulse-K2hFZViPE4v5
drwx--   2 steven   lp   184 Apr  4 19:30 ssh-XX8Ta4dh
drwx--   2 steven   lp   185 Apr  4 20:07 thunderbird_steven


openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Alternate web browsers?

2019-04-05 Thread Stephan Althaus

Today the situation is not that bad on swap.

After some surfing at an internet shop much RAM is used

ps -o user,pid,vsz,rss,args -p 2201,2203
  steven  2201 2421240 1062240 firefox
  steven  2203 3196312 1542088 /usr/lib/amd64/firefox/firefox
-contentproc -childID 1 -isForBrowser -boolPrefs

swap -s
total: 3557052k bytes allocated + 2697476k reserved = 6254528k used,
186936k available

Memory: 7986M phys mem, 1970M free mem, 2041M total swap, 1664M free swap
ARC:    1481M Total, 880M MRU, 355M MFU, 177K Anon, 78M Header, 123M Other

ONCE i had some black frame/blocks on a page (which refreshed fine some
seconds later).
I think at this time this happened:

Crash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[C0][GFX1-]: Failed buffer for
118, 1, 1586, 4524 (t=3559.39) |[C1][GFX1-]: Failed buffer for 118, 1,
1586, 4524 (t=3559.45) |[C2][GFX1-]: Failed buffer for 118, 1, 1586,
4524 (t=3559.56) |[C3][GFX1-]: Failed buffer for 118, 1, 1586, 4524
(t=3559.6) |[C4][GFX1-]: Failed buffer for 118, 1, 1586, 4524
(t=3559.66) |[C5][GFX1-]: Failed buffer for 118, 1, 1586, 4524
(t=3559.72) |[C6][GFX1-]: Failed buffer for 118, 1, 1586, 4524
(t=3559.74) |[C7][GFX1-]: Failed buffer for 118, 1, 1586, 4524
(t=3559.81) |[C8][GFX1-]: Failed buffer for 118, 1, 1586, 4524
(t=3559.84) [GFX1-]: Failed buffer for 118, 1, 1586, 4524
Crash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[0]CP+[GFX1-]: Failed buffer
for 118, 1, 1586, 4524 (t=3560.25) |[1]CP+[GFX1-]: Failed buffer for
118, 1, 1586, 4524 (t=3560.31) |[2]CP+[GFX1-]: Failed buffer for 118, 1,
1586, 4524 (t=3560.42) |[3]CP+[GFX1-]: Failed buffer for 118, 1, 1586,
4524 (t=3560.47) |[4]CP+[GFX1-]: Failed buffer for 118, 1, 1586, 4524
(t=3560.52) |[5]CP+[GFX1-]: Failed buffer for 118, 1, 1586, 4524
(t=3560.58) |[6]CP+[GFX1-]: Failed buffer for 118, 1, 1586, 4524
(t=3560.62) |[7]CP+[GFX1-]: Failed buffer for 118, 1, 1586, 4524
(t=3560.67) |[8]CP+[GFX1-]: Failed buffer for 118, 1, 1586, 4524
(t=3560.7) |[9][GFX1-]: Failed to lock new back buffer. (t=4144.61)
[GFX1-]: Failed to lock new back buffer.

Maybe mem alloc related, too.

I don't think it's a problem that the browser needs a lo of memory.

I'm still hapy using this firefox version - after the some seconds of
start - its far better than the previous version.
No crashes until now, only this small issues so far:
- not all tabs loaded on low memory (reproducable)
- temporarly black areas on low memory (once)

I just enabled the new firefox version on my newer machine with 16GB
RAM, 6.7GB used.
There the "open all in TABs" isn't working either.
So my idea it has something to do with available memory was false.

Something i should check now?


btw .. after reading a bit i understand that /tmp via tmpfs IS in
(swappable) RAM
so optane wouldnt help :-D

On 04/04/19 08:27 PM, Stephan Althaus wrote:
> Hello!
> One of my tests is
> Right click on a folder on my bokkmarks toolbar, "Open all in Tabs"
> when memory is low, firefox cant open all the tabs (3 out of 22) with
> the error
> [Parent 3794, Gecko_IOThread] WARNING: Failed to launch tab subprocess:
> file
> /rpool1/build/oi/vanilla/oi-userland/components/web/firefox/firefox-60.6.1/ipc/glue/GeckoChildProcessHost.cpp,
> line 524
> swap -s after start of firefox with vm guest running:
> total: 956k bytes allocated + 2515352k reserved = 3627308k used,
> 1320884k available
> after opening 3 tabs
> total: 1249372k bytes allocated + 2449728k reserved = 3699100k used,
> 1291208k available
> part f header of top
> Memory: 7986M phys mem, 2436M free mem, 2041M total swap, 1348M free swap
> ARC:    803M Total, 459M MRU, 208M MFU, 168K Anon, 18M Header, 86M Other
> So 2GB RAM free, 1,3GB free swap.. (?)
> When i close the vm guest, firefox opens the tabs just fine
> swap -s firefox startet (only 1st tab)
> total: 1555672k bytes allocated + 2650436k reserved = 4206108k used,
> 2582840k available
> opened 1st+22 tabs
> total: 1932412k bytes allocated + 3679256k reserved = 5611668k used,
> 1053596k available
> top
> Memory: 7986M phys mem, 3893M free mem, 2041M total swap, 1447M free swap
> ARC:    1116M Total, 860M MRU, 114M MFU, 1542K Anon, 19M Header, 89M Other
> Starting the vm guest while firefox is running with is no good,
> even with enough ram available
> so i'd say mem/swap management is not operating perfectly smooth in this
> situation..
> Its a VBox VM Win7: max ram 2GB
> On my System in this situation: 3GB RAM free, 1,5GB swap free
> And whats this:
> ls -la /tmp/
> total 655507
> drwxrwxrwt  12 root sys 1643 Apr  4 20:23 .
> drwxr-xr-x  29 root root  31 Apr  3 23:06 ..
> drwxrwxrwt   2 steven   lp   178 Apr  4 19:30 .ICE-unix
> *-rwx--   1 steven   lp 

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Question about boot.media Opensolaris/hipster

2019-04-11 Thread Stephan Althaus
Hello Espen!

- UEFI Boot wont work, only legacy "BIOS" boot mode.
- 1 core CPU is related with ACPI=off, after having a bootable, upgraded
image ACPI=on and this will be gone.
- you may get VESA Graphic of the boot medium if you switch off
"swichtable graphics" and use _only_ the buildtin intel graphics.
- if you have a bios option "hide optimus from OS", use it. OI/Illumos
don't support nvidia "optimus" or other amd switchable/dual GPU graphic
modes which recent laptops have

One more testing option if you still have fun ..
Your T530 has an optical CD drive? Then you could install to a
USB-attached drive, and boot from this USB drive on the P52. This just
to see if it would work. After that there are options to copy this
installation over to one of the new SSD's.

I tried an P50 and sold it for these reasons.
I now have a DELL 7720 with nvidia optimus - but where i have
appropriate BIOS options to use it with OI.
DELL option is called "special graphics mode". Lenovo does call it "hide
optimus from OS" i read somewhere (haven't seen this myself!).


On 04/11/19 05:42 PM, Espen Martinsen wrote:
> more info,
>     I now managed to boot the ISO (DVD) via a usbC->usb2 hub, and
> disabling ACPI, occationally problems with keyboard, but when it
> boots, I do not get graphics, I just get one CPU-thread, but can login
> jack/jack and run sudo /usr/bin/text-install
>    - Tried to install to the internal SSD's -> wont boot afterwards
>    - tried to install to a USB-disk -> won't boot afterwords
>    It looks like I have to go for something else for a while
>    I cannot try the trick with installing/updateing on my older T530,
> because of different SSD's.
>    -e
> On 04/11/19 01:35 PM, stephan.alth...@duedinghausen.eu wrote:
>> Hello!
>> There is an image which will boot, when im at home i will search..
>> IF you are skilled and change your hw happily, you *might* want to
>> install the disk of your p52 into the t530, install oi there, boot,
>> pkg update, and swap it back. i've done that once. You have to be
>> able to enable Legacy boot on the P52!
>> Regards,
>> Stephan
>> Gesendet von meinem LG Mobile
>> -- Originalnachricht--
>> *Von: *Espen Martinsen
>> *Datum: *Do., 11. Apr. 2019 12:43
>> *An: *stephan.alth...@duedinghausen.eu
>> ;openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org
>> ;
>> *Cc: *
>> *Betreff:*Re: AW: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Question about boot.me
>> dia Opensolaris/hipster
>> Hi,
>>  Thanks for the tip, I've tried that, and it does not help.
>>    It hangs just after saying "Booting"  (waiting for the solaris
>> banner)
>>    The USB I'm booting from stops "blinking" totally.
>>    I also have tried to enable verbose/debug etc without any luck. 
>>    And I've played around a lot with text/vesa, ttya/b/c/d
>>    My hope is that it is *some* differences between oktober IO and
>> april omniOS which will be appklined in a newer
>>    OS-media.
>>    I'm daily running Openindiana on my "older" Lenovo T530 which
>> seems to be fully supported with todays kernel (SunOS esmpc 5.11
>> illumos-9af7e48433 i86pc i386 i86pc illumos)
>> On 04/11/19 12:04 PM, stephan.alth...@duedinghausen.eu wrote:
>>> Hello!
>>> Please first try to switch acpi off in the oi boot menu ( no 5 i think).
>>> Regards,
>>> Stephan
>>> Gesendet von meinem LG Mobile
>>> -- Originalnachricht--
>>> *Von: *Espen Martinsen
>>> *Datum: *Do., 11. Apr. 2019 11:10
>>> *An: *openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org
>>> ;
>>> *Cc: *
>>> *Betreff:*[OpenIndiana-discuss] Question about boot.me
>>> dia Opensolaris/hipster
>>> Hi,    I've just got a new laptop, Lenovo P52, which I'm trying to install 
>>> OI-hipster on.    Due to (I think) https://www.illumos.org/issues/9823, all 
>>> downloadable media I have tried so far do not work because they are dated 
>>> before this commit to illumOS.    I've tried to boot up omniOS, which seems 
>>> to work, so I'm actually waitin g for the 2019.X release of hipster, but 
>>> wonder if anyone has a more "bleeding" .usb/.iso file form    Openindiana 
>>> Hipster, or if anyone know if there are plans for a 2019.x release soon?    
>>> I really appreciate all the good work you developers@openindiana does!-- 
>>> Mvh-Espen
>>>  Martinsen   Email 
>>>  : esm@pogostick.netdtr ace 
>>> -qn's*::ex*:ret*{printf("%d 
>>> %s\n",uid,curpsinfo->pr_psargs);}'-___openindiana-discuss
>>>  mailinglistopenindiana-discuss@openindiana.orghtt
>>> ps://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] [CFT] Mate 1.22

2019-05-06 Thread Stephan Althaus


Updated yesterday, no issues so far; no missing icons, everything is 
just right!

Thanks for the good work!


On 05/05/19 12:43, Alexander Pyhalov via openindiana-discuss wrote:


Mate was updated to 1.22. We ask you to update your systems, to test new Mate 
and report any issues you find. We are going to wait a bit for feedback (about 
a week) before creating 2019.04 ISO snapshot.

Best regards,
Alexander Pyhalov,
system administrator of Southern Federal University IT department

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Firefox 60 ESR available

2019-05-06 Thread Stephan Althaus


As i think this is a good idea,
i would suggest that there should be a hint in the wiki abut setting 
that value to a larger value on potent systems.

BTW, is it "dom.ipc.processCount" in "about:config" ??


On 05/06/19 07:05, Michal Nowak wrote:

As of today Firefox 60 ESR now by default uses only one context process.

The reason is that with the default four context processes it didn't 
work in installations with just 4 GB of physical memory and 2 GB of 
swap (default picked by the installer). Still, Firefox won't work 
reliably with 4 GB of RAM in the Live environment (where swap is not 
present) and 6 GB are required for Firefox to work in the Live 

Later today unofficial test images, built by me, at will have the updated Firefox.


openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] rdesktop, freerdp, or NX server

2019-08-25 Thread Stephan Althaus


i did use the commandline

rdesktop -k de -z -m -x b -g 1900x1000 -a 15 -T Win -r 

to connect to a Win7 machine.

Stephan Althaus

On 08/25/19 09:52, Andreas Wacknitz wrote:

Am 25.08.19 um 00:11 schrieb Lonnie Cumberland:

Hi All,

I am working my way more an more into the illumos based distros like
SmartOS, OmniOS, and OpenIndiana.

While still trying to get a good feel for each to see how they are best
used, I started to think about connection protocols.

I know that you can connect to VM's running on SmartOS via VNC, but would
like to know if OpenIndiana can also run NX (NoMachine), rdesktop (RDP) or
FreeRDP clients?

In particular, I am interested in know if it can run RDP clients as I think
that they offer a lot of potential over VNC.

Cheers and have a good weekend,
openindiana-discuss mailing list

Welcome to OpenIndiana Lonnie,

OI has rdesktop:
➜  ~ pkg info -r rdesktop
    Name: desktop/remote-desktop/rdesktop
Zusammenfassung: RDP, Microsoft Terminal Services client
    Category: Applications/Internet
   State: Installiert
     Herausgeber: openindiana.org
     Version: 1.8.99
  Branch: 2018.0.0.1
  Packaging Date: 29. Juli 2019 um 09:55:50
   Größe: 743.21 KB
  Source URL:
     Project URL: https://www.rdesktop.org/

And for FreeRDP we have a PR in the pipeline:

Disclaimer: I haven't used either of them.

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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Help test hplip with libusb-1

2019-09-04 Thread Stephan Althaus


i have hp printers and would like to check it out.
if i remember correctly i could not scan (HP MFP) because of usb errors, 
so this is worth a check, too.

please write a short description of how to test this.
Are you able to provide a publisher with the needed pkg(s) ?


On 09/04/19 19:57, Michal Nowak wrote:


Is anyone interested in testing an updated hplip package linked 
against libusb-1? It requires HP printer supported by the hplip package.

The thing is that hplip was linked against an old unmaintained libusb 
package and I think we should use the maintained libusb-1 package 


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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Help test hplip with libusb-1

2019-09-07 Thread Stephan Althaus

Hi Michal!

Install succeeded:
>pkg info hplip libusb-1 sane-backends|grep FMRI

Printing works with my laserjet, my deskjet has no ink at the moment :-{

Scan fails, but this looks just like the previous versions.
( if i remember correctly this has been addressed by bsd people, an 
error with the usb handling,
  hplip is blocking its own usb connection because it is not correctly 
closed after after probe or such alike

error: SANE: Device busy (code=3)
Closing device.

The scanner probe is ok:
"Using device hpaio:/usb/Deskjet_2050_J510_series?serial=CN1771H0JT05QV"


On 09/07/19 12:51, Michal Nowak wrote:


On 09/04/19 10:04 PM, Stephan Althaus wrote:


i have hp printers and would like to check it out.
if i remember correctly i could not scan (HP MFP) because of usb 
errors, so this is worth a check, too.

please write a short description of how to test this.
Are you able to provide a publisher with the needed pkg(s) ?

thanks for volunteering!

I uploaded the archive to the PR description: 
https://github.com/OpenIndiana/oi-userland/pull/5275. Download it, 
unpack it.

Then the .p5p archive should be installed like this:

$ pfexec pkg set-publisher -g libusb-1+hplip.p5p userland

$ pkg publisher
userland   (non-sticky) origin   online F 

Your openindiana.org publisher should be set non-sticky:

$ pfexec pkg install -v 

When the installation succeeds, remove the publisher:

$ pfexec pkg set-publisher -G 
file:///export/home/newman/libusb-1%2Bhplip.p5p/ userland

Restart the system.

I need just the basics, that a HP printer prints with updated hplip, 
if you have more printer, try them all, please. If you can also scan, 
that's a great to too (note that we recently updated sane-backends to 
1.0.28). If possible have the system updated to the latest hipster.

Let me know, how it went.



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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Help test hplip with libusb-1

2019-09-08 Thread Stephan Althaus

Oh wait a moment.

just now am trying to use the hp* commands to test the printer, it does 
not work yet...

Though identifying is no problem with hp-probe...

i'll report back asap

On 09/08/19 18:10, Michal Nowak wrote:

On 09/07/19 10:44 PM, Stephan Althaus wrote:

Hi Michal!

Install succeeded:
 >pkg info hplip libusb-1 sane-backends|grep FMRI


Printing works with my laserjet, my deskjet has no ink at the moment :-{

Thanks, Stephan, appreciate your help.

For the record, can you state types of these two printers and the 
scanner, please?

Scan fails, but this looks just like the previous versions.
( if i remember correctly this has been addressed by bsd people, an 
error with the usb handling,
   hplip is blocking its own usb connection because it is not 
correctly closed after after probe or such alike

error: SANE: Device busy (code=3)
Closing device.

The scanner probe is ok:
"Using device hpaio:/usb/Deskjet_2050_J510_series?serial=CN1771H0JT05QV"

Might be worth reporting to 

If you are able to identify the fix I am happy to integrate it to 



On 09/07/19 12:51, Michal Nowak wrote:


On 09/04/19 10:04 PM, Stephan Althaus wrote:


i have hp printers and would like to check it out.
if i remember correctly i could not scan (HP MFP) because of usb 
errors, so this is worth a check, too.

please write a short description of how to test this.
Are you able to provide a publisher with the needed pkg(s) ?

thanks for volunteering!

I uploaded the archive to the PR description: 
https://github.com/OpenIndiana/oi-userland/pull/5275. Download it, 
unpack it.

Then the .p5p archive should be installed like this:

$ pfexec pkg set-publisher -g libusb-1+hplip.p5p userland

$ pkg publisher
userland   (non-sticky) origin   online F 

Your openindiana.org publisher should be set non-sticky:

$ pfexec pkg install -v 

When the installation succeeds, remove the publisher:

$ pfexec pkg set-publisher -G 
file:///export/home/newman/libusb-1%2Bhplip.p5p/ userland

Restart the system.

I need just the basics, that a HP printer prints with updated hplip, 
if you have more printer, try them all, please. If you can also 
scan, that's a great to too (note that we recently updated 
sane-backends to 1.0.28). If possible have the system updated to the 
latest hipster.

Let me know, how it went.



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openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Help test hplip with libusb-1

2019-09-10 Thread Stephan Althaus


I made some dirty hack to get rid of the permission problem

# /devices/pci@0,0/pci1028,7b1@14$ sudo chmod -R a+rw  *

(*btw maybe someone can point me to a hint where i can solve this the 
right way?*)

Done this, then the command "hp-testpage" succeeded with my printer 
configured with hplip - URI


So your package libusb-1 + hplip definetely works for my laserjet.

i will try my deskjet when the ink arrives..


On 09/07/19 12:51, Michal Nowak wrote:


On 09/04/19 10:04 PM, Stephan Althaus wrote:


i have hp printers and would like to check it out.
if i remember correctly i could not scan (HP MFP) because of usb 
errors, so this is worth a check, too.

please write a short description of how to test this.
Are you able to provide a publisher with the needed pkg(s) ?

thanks for volunteering!

I uploaded the archive to the PR description: 
https://github.com/OpenIndiana/oi-userland/pull/5275. Download it, 
unpack it.

Then the .p5p archive should be installed like this:

$ pfexec pkg set-publisher -g libusb-1+hplip.p5p userland

$ pkg publisher
userland   (non-sticky) origin   online F 

Your openindiana.org publisher should be set non-sticky:

$ pfexec pkg install -v 

When the installation succeeds, remove the publisher:

$ pfexec pkg set-publisher -G 
file:///export/home/newman/libusb-1%2Bhplip.p5p/ userland

Restart the system.

I need just the basics, that a HP printer prints with updated hplip, 
if you have more printer, try them all, please. If you can also scan, 
that's a great to too (note that we recently updated sane-backends to 
1.0.28). If possible have the system updated to the latest hipster.

Let me know, how it went.



openindiana-discuss mailing list

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[OpenIndiana-discuss] Beginner format help needed

2019-09-18 Thread Stephan Althaus


I have unused space on a second NVMe drive,
 which i intend to use as a mirror partition to my existing root pool.

(and i know that this is not the best way to do, but thats not the point 

Yesterday evening i tried to #format a new #partition but the format 
process ended surprisingly,

and i left the system w/o checking.

As of today, something ("solaris label"?) is gone,
and i cant write a modified partition to disk with an error message.
The old partition is readable somewhere on the disk..

Which options do i have now?

Any help is welcome,

Heres the format output:

Searching for disks...done

   0. c8t002538B471B9EFD6d0 1024GB-CXY74D1Q-953.87GB>

   1. c9t002538B471B9EFD3d0 1024GB-CXY74D1Q-953.87GB>

   2. c27t1d0 hd 224 sec 56>  OIROOT

Specify disk (enter its number): 1
selecting c9t002538B471B9EFD3d0

Ready to get manufacturer's defect list from unformatted drive.
This cannot be interrupted and takes a long while.
Continue? y
Extracting manufacturer's defect list...[disk unformatted, no defect 
list found]

Error: can't open disk '/dev/rdsk/c9t002538B471B9EFD3d0p0'.
No Solaris fdisk partition found.

    disk   - select a disk
    type   - select (define) a disk type
    partition  - select (define) a partition table
    current    - describe the current disk
    format - format and analyze the disk
    fdisk  - run the fdisk program
    repair - repair a defective sector
    show   - translate a disk address
    label  - write label to the disk
    analyze    - surface analysis
    defect - defect list management
    backup - search for backup labels
    verify - read and display labels
    volname    - set 8-character volume name
    ! - execute , then return
format> partition

    0  - change `0' partition
    1  - change `1' partition
    2  - change `2' partition
    3  - change `3' partition
    4  - change `4' partition
    5  - change `5' partition
    6  - change `6' partition
    expand - expand label to use whole disk
    select - select a predefined table
    modify - modify a predefined partition table
    name   - name the current table
    print  - display the current table
    label  - write partition map and label to the disk
    ! - execute , then return
partition> print
Current partition table (original):
Total disk sectors available: 2000392813 + 16384 (reserved sectors)

Part  Tag    Flag First Sector Size  Last Sector
  0  -    wm  2048 16.00MB   34815
  1  -    wm 34816 33.53GB   70348799
  2 system    wm  70348800 99.00MB   70551551
  3 unassigned    wm 0 0    0
  4    usr    wm  71600128 100.00GB   281315327
  5 unassigned    wm 0 0    0
  6  -    wm 302286848 32.23GB   369870847

partition> 5
Part  Tag    Flag First Sector  Size  Last Sector
  5 unassigned    wm 0    0 0

Enter partition id tag[usr]: usr
Enter partition permission flags[wm]:
Enter new starting Sector[369870848]:
Enter partition size[0b, 369870847e, 0mb, 0gb, 0tb]: 36593b
partition> print
Current partition table (unnamed):
Total disk sectors available: 2000392813 + 16384 (reserved sectors)

Part  Tag    Flag First Sector  Size Last Sector
  0  -    wm  2048    16.00MB 34815
  1  -    wm 34816    33.53GB 70348799
  2 system    wm  70348800    99.00MB 70551551
  3 unassigned    wm 0    0 0
  4    usr    wm  71600128   100.00GB 281315327
  5    usr    wm 369870848    17.87MB 369907440
  6  -    wm 302286848    32.23GB 369870847

partition> label
Current Disk is unformatted.
partition> quit
format> backup
Current Disk is unformatted.
format> label
Current Disk is unformatted.

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Beginner format help needed

2019-09-19 Thread Stephan Althaus


The disk inquestion has a GPT.
When i add a test-partition with win10 in the unallocated space,
the disk is shown in oi (wich reconfigure 'on') in gparted with all 

when i then make a simple change with #format like #volname
the disk is no more listed in gparted.

So i assume it is a bug in #format that is triggered by the GPT 
partition data of my disk. (?)

#format complains about "no reserved partition found".

Any hints are welcome.
OUTPUT of #format:
format> verify

Volume name = <    >
ascii name  = 
bytes/sector    =  512
sectors = 2000409264
accessible sectors = 2000409230
Part  Tag    Flag First Sector Size  Last Sector
  0  -    wm  2048 16.00MB   34815
  1  -    wm 34816 33.53GB   70348799
  2 system    wm  70348800 99.00MB   70551551
  3    usr    wm  71600128 100.00GB   281315327
  4  -    wm 302286848 32.23GB   369870847
  5  -    wm 369870848 218.88GB   828893439
  6 unassigned    wm 0 0    0

format> volname
Enter 8-character volume name (remember quotes)[""]:"DISK1   "
Ready to label disk, continue? y

no reserved partition found
format> quit

On 09/18/19 20:26, Stephan Althaus wrote:


I have unused space on a second NVMe drive,
 which i intend to use as a mirror partition to my existing root pool.

(and i know that this is not the best way to do, but thats not the 
point here)

Yesterday evening i tried to #format a new #partition but the format 
process ended surprisingly,

and i left the system w/o checking.

As of today, something ("solaris label"?) is gone,
and i cant write a modified partition to disk with an error message.
The old partition is readable somewhere on the disk..

Which options do i have now?

Any help is welcome,

Heres the format output:

Searching for disks...done

   0. c8t002538B471B9EFD6d0 1024GB-CXY74D1Q-953.87GB>

   1. c9t002538B471B9EFD3d0 1024GB-CXY74D1Q-953.87GB>

   2. c27t1d0 hd 224 sec 56>  OIROOT

Specify disk (enter its number): 1
selecting c9t002538B471B9EFD3d0

Ready to get manufacturer's defect list from unformatted drive.
This cannot be interrupted and takes a long while.
Continue? y
Extracting manufacturer's defect list...[disk unformatted, no defect 
list found]

Error: can't open disk '/dev/rdsk/c9t002538B471B9EFD3d0p0'.
No Solaris fdisk partition found.

    disk   - select a disk
    type   - select (define) a disk type
    partition  - select (define) a partition table
    current    - describe the current disk
    format - format and analyze the disk
    fdisk  - run the fdisk program
    repair - repair a defective sector
    show   - translate a disk address
    label  - write label to the disk
    analyze    - surface analysis
    defect - defect list management
    backup - search for backup labels
    verify - read and display labels
    volname    - set 8-character volume name
    ! - execute , then return
format> partition

    0  - change `0' partition
    1  - change `1' partition
    2  - change `2' partition
    3  - change `3' partition
    4  - change `4' partition
    5  - change `5' partition
    6  - change `6' partition
    expand - expand label to use whole disk
    select - select a predefined table
    modify - modify a predefined partition table
    name   - name the current table
    print  - display the current table
    label  - write partition map and label to the disk
    ! - execute , then return
partition> print
Current partition table (original):
Total disk sectors available: 2000392813 + 16384 (reserved sectors)

Part  Tag    Flag First Sector Size  Last Sector
  0  -    wm  2048 16.00MB   34815
  1  -    wm 34816 33.53GB   70348799
  2 system    wm  70348800 99.00MB   70551551
  3 unassigned    wm 0 0    0
  4    usr    wm  71600128 100.00GB 281315327
  5 unassigned    wm 0 0    0
  6  -    wm 302286848 32.23GB   369870847

partition> 5
Part  Tag    Flag First Sector  Size  Last Sector
  5 unas

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Survey: What nvidia card you use?

2019-10-04 Thread Stephan Althaus


i tried installing OI on such a new laptop like the P52 and had no success,
because the 'optimus' thing could not be turned off and therefor the 
nvidia driver could not initialize the gpu. (..and the absence of legacy 
boot options for internal drives..).

But that was about a year ago.

Out of personal interest, please let me know if you have success using 
OI on your P52.


On 10/03/19 09:08, Espen Martinsen wrote:

On my well functioning Lenovo Thinkpad T530:  NVIDIA Corporation GF108M
[NVS 5400M]

On my upcoming (hope to do a OI-install soon): Lenovo Thinkpad P52:
NVIDIA Corporation GP104GLM [Quadro P3200 Mobile] (rev a1)

On 2019-10-02 01:16 PM, Michal Nowak wrote:


which nvidia graphics card type you use with OpenIndiana?

Currently we ship the version 340 of nvidia Solaris driver, which
supports following cards:
However, newer devices are not supported in this driver version.

I was wondering if users are fine with a newer version like 390? It
adds new cards but drops old ones. List of supported cards in this
version: https://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/149144/en-us.

Anyone knows might be affected? (I don't have a plan, just wondering.)

You can get the type of graphics card with `nvidia-settings` or in
/var/log/Xorg.0.log file.

The other, proper solution is to have a way to switch between driver
versions but work on this stalled some time ago.


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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Survey: What nvidia card you use?

2019-10-05 Thread Stephan Althaus

On 10/05/19 09:29, Michal Nowak wrote:

Hi Till,

On 10/04/19 08:33 AM, Till Wegmüller wrote:

Hi Michal

Anything as old as an NVIDIA GeForce 220 so slow imho that not many
people sell these online anymore. Considering that you can get a cheap
current low end graphics card for below 100Euro it is not a stretch to
say that we exchange the 340 driver with 390.

I tend to agree but still this might be a problem for integrated 
systems like laptops, where card replacement is not an option. But 
luckily I guess nvidia GPU wasn't a thing in this field before Optimus?

The older Laptops have legacy boot and a VESA desktop or at least a 
working console.
So along with a wiki article describing how to enable a 340 version the 
user has a very good chance to get a good working X desktop.

Just my 2c,

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Time-Slider minor issues

2019-10-15 Thread Stephan Althaus


b) Bug #11821 <https://www.illumos.org/issues/11821>  for the resize issue.

a) When starting time-slider-setup from the menu, the smal 'button' in 
the panel appears, and whirl is whirling on mouse-over.

Some seconds after that this disappears silently.
There is nothing in Xorg.0.log, /var/adm/messages or var/log/syslog

There should be the popup from gksudo or gksu immediately..

When i start it via the "control center", the same issue.

I copied the desktop file from the menu entry to my desktop, and the 
same issue is there, so here's is the bug somwhere:

#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Time Slider
Comment=Configure the system to take automatic snapshots of your data

i did find
which lacks the first line.

Yes, it works when i start it via command line whithin a MATE-terminal 

but NOT via ALT-F2.

maybe i've tweaked the default shell somewhere in the past?

~$ echo $0
~$ ls -l /bin/sh
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   9 Apr  9  2018 /bin/sh -> i86/ksh93


On 10/15/19 16:01, Michal Nowak wrote:


On 10/09/19 07:29 PM, Stephan Althaus wrote:


Just did a pkg refresh and pkg upgrade. (SunOS dell6510 5.11 
illumos-c5c712a873 i86pc i386 i86pc)

Now there are 2 minor issues:

a) Time Slider won't start from the Mate menu

what happens when you attempt to start it? Anything in logs? Can you 
start it from command line with `time-slider-setup`?

I think Time Slider should not be started manually but automatically 
on Mate session login, check "Startup Applications Preferences" in 
System -> Preferences -> Persona of Mate menus.

b) The List Elements with the scroll bars doesn't scale with the 
window size (see attachment)

Please, log a ticket in https://bugs.openindiana.org/.


Are these known?




$ pkg info time-slider
   Name: desktop/time-slider
    Summary: Time Slider ZFS snapshot management for GNOME
   Category: Applications/Configuration and Preferences
  State: Installed
  Publisher: openindiana.org
    Version: 0.2.101
 Branch: 2018.0.0.116
Packaging Date: 12 July 2019 at 17:49:48
   Size: 674.20 kB

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[OpenIndiana-discuss] Virtualbox Kernel Service not starting (?)

2019-10-22 Thread Stephan Althaus

Hello all!

i recently installed virtualbox-additions, now there are messages about 
a service failing to start.

Don't know what this service is about; my VirtualBox VMs are running as 

/var/svc/log/application-virtualbox-vboxservice:default.log says:

[ Oct 22 08:56:16 Executing start method ("/usr/bin/VBoxService"). ]
VBoxService: error: VbglR3Init failed with rc=VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
[ Oct 22 08:56:16 Method "start" exited with status 1. ]

Which file is missing??



$ pkg info virtualbox
 Name: system/virtualbox
  Summary: VirtualBox - general-purpose full virtualizer
 Category: System/Virtualization
    State: Installed
    Publisher: openindiana.org
  Version: 6.0.12
   Branch: 2019.0.0.0
   Packaging Date: 14 September 2019 at 14:44:59
Last Install Time:  7 September 2019 at 19:43:17
 Last Update Time: 17 September 2019 at 18:24:55
 Size: 118.65 MB

  Project URL: http://www.virtualbox.org/
   Source URL: 

$ pkg info virtualbox-additions
 Name: system/virtualbox/virtualbox-additions
  Summary: VirtualBox - general-purpose full virtualizer
 Category: System/Virtualization
    State: Installed
    Publisher: openindiana.org
  Version: 6.0.12
   Branch: 2019.0.0.0
   Packaging Date: 14 September 2019 at 14:44:30
Last Install Time: 19 October 2019 at 18:20:07
 Size: 69.87 MB
   Source URL: 

  Project URL: http://www.virtualbox.org/

openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] Problem with VirtualBox

2019-11-23 Thread Stephan Althaus


I suddenly have some problem with virtualbox,
id did run well before, and i don't know what i did to ..

i did a pkg update just *now*

The error was there *before* this update,
this was done just to be sure..

Error is

$ VBoxManage startvm aLinux
Waiting for VM "aLinux" to power on...
VBoxManage: error: The virtual machine 'aLinux' has terminated 
unexpectedly during startup with exit code 1 (0x1)
VBoxManage: error: Details: code NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005), 
component MachineWrap, interface IMachine

Something got wrong, i don't know what..

$ svcs -a|grep virt
disabled   15:50:12 svc:/application/virtualbox/balloonctrl:default
disabled   15:50:12 svc:/application/virtualbox/autostart:default
disabled   15:50:12 svc:/application/virtualbox/webservice:default
disabled   15:50:13 svc:/application/virtualbox/zoneaccess:default
online 15:50:30 svc:/application/virtualbox/run-once:default

$ modinfo|grep vb
239 f93c8000  588e8 304   1  vboxdrv (VirtualBox HostDrv 
240 f93be000   77d8 305   1  vboxflt (VirtualBox NetDrv 
240 f93be000   77d8   -   1  vboxflt (VirtualBox NetMod 
241 f8e425a8    d08 306   1  vboxnet (VirtualBox NetAdp 
245 f8ef5e28   48d8 308   1  vboxusbmon (VirtualBox USBMon 

pkg verify pkg:/system/virtualbox
showed nothing.

What else could i check?

Any hints are welcome!



openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Problem with VirtualBox

2019-11-24 Thread Stephan Althaus


What i did test so far:
a) Remove ~/.config/VirtualBox, start GUI, create new machine, start - 
same Error

b) uninstall virtualbox package, reboot, install package - same error

The user is in the vbpusers group
$ groups
lp sys staff vboxuser family

The tail of the dtrace is
$ sudo dtrace -n 'syscall::open*:entry { printf("%s 
%s",execname,copyinstr(arg0)); }'|grep -i box
0  18427   open:entry VirtualBoxVM 
  0  18427   open:entry VirtualBoxVM 
  0  18427   open:entry VirtualBoxVM 

  0  18427   open:entry VirtualBoxVM /dev/null
  0  18427   open:entry VirtualBoxVM /dev/null
  0  18427   open:entry VirtualBoxVM /dev/null
  0  18427   open:entry VirtualBoxVM /dev/null
  0  18427   open:entry VirtualBoxVM 
  2  18427   open:entry VBoxSVC 


On 11/23/19 16:38, Stephan Althaus wrote:


I suddenly have some problem with virtualbox,
id did run well before, and i don't know what i did to ..

i did a pkg update just *now*

The error was there *before* this update,
this was done just to be sure..

Error is

$ VBoxManage startvm aLinux
Waiting for VM "aLinux" to power on...
VBoxManage: error: The virtual machine 'aLinux' has terminated 
unexpectedly during startup with exit code 1 (0x1)
VBoxManage: error: Details: code NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005), 
component MachineWrap, interface IMachine

Something got wrong, i don't know what..

$ svcs -a|grep virt
disabled   15:50:12 svc:/application/virtualbox/balloonctrl:default
disabled   15:50:12 svc:/application/virtualbox/autostart:default
disabled   15:50:12 svc:/application/virtualbox/webservice:default
disabled   15:50:13 svc:/application/virtualbox/zoneaccess:default
online 15:50:30 svc:/application/virtualbox/run-once:default

$ modinfo|grep vb
239 f93c8000  588e8 304   1  vboxdrv (VirtualBox HostDrv 
240 f93be000   77d8 305   1  vboxflt (VirtualBox NetDrv 
240 f93be000   77d8   -   1  vboxflt (VirtualBox NetMod 
241 f8e425a8    d08 306   1  vboxnet (VirtualBox NetAdp 
245 f8ef5e28   48d8 308   1  vboxusbmon (VirtualBox USBMon 

pkg verify pkg:/system/virtualbox
showed nothing.

What else could i check?

Any hints are welcome!



openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Problem with VirtualBox

2019-11-24 Thread Stephan Althaus

Thanks Michal fpr your input,

The change of the network adapter did not help.
I did a Test with removed ~/.config/VirtualBox/ and removed 
~/VirtualBox\ VMs/

and an new guest VM, the very same error.

Thanks for the link,
BTW it's a shame that 1 error code is thrown by about 20 different 
scenarios °o°

The installed packages are the same as shown on pkg.openindiana.org

$ pkg info |head
 Name: SUNWcs
  Summary: Core Solaris
  Description: core software for a specific instruction-set 

 Category: System/Core
    State: Installed
    Publisher: openindiana.org
  Version: 0.5.11
   Branch: 2019.0.0.19247
   Packaging Date: 23 November 2019 at 01:49:43
Last Install Time:  7 September 2019 at 19:43:17
$ pkg info virtualbox
 Name: system/virtualbox
  Summary: VirtualBox - general-purpose full virtualizer
 Category: System/Virtualization
    State: Installed
    Publisher: openindiana.org
  Version: 6.0.14
   Branch: 2019.0.0.0
   Packaging Date: 31 October 2019 at 11:42:39
Last Install Time: 24 November 2019 at 09:54:18
 Size: 118.66 MB

  Project URL: http://www.virtualbox.org/
   Source URL: 

Which "driver" pkgs are you referring to? i don't see other related 
packages than "virtualbox" (?)


On 11/24/19 15:30, Till Wegmüller wrote:

Hi Stephan

If I google the Hex Code on the VirtualBox sites I get a Virtual
Networking related error. The Topic in the Forums at [0] suggest to boot
the VM's without network cards once and then try again with a network
card. In any case this seems network related but maybe somehow different
to the mentioned one.

Another thing that I would check is if the vboxnet driver and the
VirtualBox Package are installed in the same version. We had problems
generating incorporations some Weeks ago this might come have an impact
on you. If they don't match try to update with incorporation and once
just installing all VirtualBox packages suffixed with @latest to force
pkg to error if the latest can not be installed.

Hope this helps

[0] https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?t=33196
On 24.11.19 11:01, Stephan Althaus wrote:


What i did test so far:
a) Remove ~/.config/VirtualBox, start GUI, create new machine, start -
same Error
b) uninstall virtualbox package, reboot, install package - same error

The user is in the vbpusers group
$ groups
lp sys staff vboxuser family

The tail of the dtrace is
$ sudo dtrace -n 'syscall::open*:entry { printf("%s
%s",execname,copyinstr(arg0)); }'|grep -i box
0  18427   open:entry VirtualBoxVM
   0  18427   open:entry VirtualBoxVM
   0  18427   open:entry VirtualBoxVM
   0  18427   open:entry VirtualBoxVM /dev/null
   0  18427   open:entry VirtualBoxVM /dev/null
   0  18427   open:entry VirtualBoxVM /dev/null
   0  18427   open:entry VirtualBoxVM /dev/null
   0  18427   open:entry VirtualBoxVM
   2  18427   open:entry VBoxSVC


On 11/23/19 16:38, Stephan Althaus wrote:


I suddenly have some problem with virtualbox,
id did run well before, and i don't know what i did to ..

i did a pkg update just *now*

The error was there *before* this update,
this was done just to be sure..

Error is

$ VBoxManage startvm aLinux
Waiting for VM "aLinux" to power on...
VBoxManage: error: The virtual machine 'aLinux' has terminated
unexpectedly during startup with exit code 1 (0x1)
VBoxManage: error: Details: code NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005),
component MachineWrap, interface IMachine

Something got wrong, i don't know what..

$ svcs -a|grep virt
disabled   15:50:12 svc:/application/virtualbox/balloonctrl:default
disabled   15:50:12 svc:/application/virtualbox/autostart:default
disabled   15:50:12 svc:/application/virtualbox/webservice:default
disabled   15:50:13 svc:/application/virtualbox/zoneaccess:default
online 15:50:30 svc:/application/virtualbox/run-once:default

$ modinfo|grep vb
239 f93c8000  588e8 304   1  vboxdrv (VirtualBox HostDrv
240 f93be000   77d8 305   1  vboxflt (VirtualBox NetDrv
240 f93be000   77d8   -   1  vboxflt (VirtualBox NetMod
241 f8e425a8    d08 306   1  vboxnet (VirtualBox NetAdp
245 f8ef5e28   48

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Problem with VirtualBox

2019-11-24 Thread Stephan Althaus


Solved - better to say worked around.

I found an old BE with a working VirtualBox 6.0.12,
and in that i made a pkg update to a new be.

Now i'm up to date and everything works just fine.

I will keep the not working be for a week or so, if anoyone likes to 
have some input about the errornous be theres a chance that i can 
provide it.


On 11/24/19 17:37, Stephan Althaus wrote:

Thanks Michal fpr your input,

The change of the network adapter did not help.
I did a Test with removed ~/.config/VirtualBox/ and removed 
~/VirtualBox\ VMs/

and an new guest VM, the very same error.

Thanks for the link,
BTW it's a shame that 1 error code is thrown by about 20 different 
scenarios °o°

The installed packages are the same as shown on pkg.openindiana.org

$ pkg info |head
 Name: SUNWcs
  Summary: Core Solaris
  Description: core software for a specific instruction-set 

 Category: System/Core
    State: Installed
    Publisher: openindiana.org
  Version: 0.5.11
   Branch: 2019.0.0.19247
   Packaging Date: 23 November 2019 at 01:49:43
Last Install Time:  7 September 2019 at 19:43:17
$ pkg info virtualbox
 Name: system/virtualbox
  Summary: VirtualBox - general-purpose full virtualizer
 Category: System/Virtualization
    State: Installed
    Publisher: openindiana.org
  Version: 6.0.14
   Branch: 2019.0.0.0
   Packaging Date: 31 October 2019 at 11:42:39
Last Install Time: 24 November 2019 at 09:54:18
 Size: 118.66 MB

  Project URL: http://www.virtualbox.org/
   Source URL: 

Which "driver" pkgs are you referring to? i don't see other related 
packages than "virtualbox" (?)


On 11/24/19 15:30, Till Wegmüller wrote:

Hi Stephan

If I google the Hex Code on the VirtualBox sites I get a Virtual
Networking related error. The Topic in the Forums at [0] suggest to boot
the VM's without network cards once and then try again with a network
card. In any case this seems network related but maybe somehow different
to the mentioned one.

Another thing that I would check is if the vboxnet driver and the
VirtualBox Package are installed in the same version. We had problems
generating incorporations some Weeks ago this might come have an impact
on you. If they don't match try to update with incorporation and once
just installing all VirtualBox packages suffixed with @latest to force
pkg to error if the latest can not be installed.

Hope this helps

[0] https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?t=33196
On 24.11.19 11:01, Stephan Althaus wrote:


What i did test so far:
a) Remove ~/.config/VirtualBox, start GUI, create new machine, start -
same Error
b) uninstall virtualbox package, reboot, install package - same error

The user is in the vbpusers group
$ groups
lp sys staff vboxuser family

The tail of the dtrace is
$ sudo dtrace -n 'syscall::open*:entry { printf("%s
%s",execname,copyinstr(arg0)); }'|grep -i box
0  18427   open:entry VirtualBoxVM
   0  18427   open:entry VirtualBoxVM
   0  18427   open:entry VirtualBoxVM
   0  18427   open:entry VirtualBoxVM /dev/null
   0  18427   open:entry VirtualBoxVM /dev/null
   0  18427   open:entry VirtualBoxVM /dev/null
   0  18427   open:entry VirtualBoxVM /dev/null
   0  18427   open:entry VirtualBoxVM
   2  18427   open:entry VBoxSVC


On 11/23/19 16:38, Stephan Althaus wrote:


I suddenly have some problem with virtualbox,
id did run well before, and i don't know what i did to ..

i did a pkg update just *now*

The error was there *before* this update,
this was done just to be sure..

Error is

$ VBoxManage startvm aLinux
Waiting for VM "aLinux" to power on...
VBoxManage: error: The virtual machine 'aLinux' has terminated
unexpectedly during startup with exit code 1 (0x1)
VBoxManage: error: Details: code NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005),
component MachineWrap, interface IMachine

Something got wrong, i don't know what..

$ svcs -a|grep virt
disabled   15:50:12 

disabled   15:50:12 svc:/application/virtualbox/autostart:default
disabled   15:50:12 svc:/application/virtualbox/webservice:default
disabled   15:50:13 svc:/application/virtualbox/zoneaccess:default

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Virtualbox 6.1.0 on OI - Test results

2020-03-14 Thread Stephan Althaus


Tested VirtualBox 6.1.4.

With pulseaudio working on the host i could test sound output from a 
Linux VM. Mate sounds in the vm are working, as well as a test video 
within firefox inside the vm.

I did not see the shared folders in a win7 VM, these reappeared after a 
reboot of the VM.

VM-Windows sounds are working too.



On 02/26/20 17:58, Michal Nowak via openindiana-discuss wrote:

On 26/02/2020 14:19, Carl Brewer wrote:

Hey Michal,
If you could bump the version to 6.1.4, I'm happy to test it for you



Hi Carl,

here's the PR: https://github.com/OpenIndiana/oi-userland/pull/5578.

Let me know how the testing went.


openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Upgraded to lastest hipster release today - pkg broken

2020-04-05 Thread Stephan Althaus


:; pfexec mv /usr/gnu/lib/amd64/libstdc++.so.6 


On 04/05/20 01:00, russell wrote:


Performed a pkg upgrade today creating a new BE, now when I use pkg I 
get the following error

# pkg refresh --full
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/pkg", line 87, in 
    import pkg.actions as actions
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/vendor-packages/pkg/actions/__init__.py", 
line 68, in 

    globals(), locals(), [modname])
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/vendor-packages/pkg/actions/signature.py", 
line 37, in 

    from . import generic
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/vendor-packages/pkg/actions/generic.py", 
line 49, in 

    import pkg.variant as variant
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/vendor-packages/pkg/variant.py", line 36, 

    from pkg.misc import EmptyI
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/vendor-packages/pkg/misc.py", line 76, in 

    import pkg.json as json
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/vendor-packages/pkg/json.py", line 24, in 

    from rapidjson import loads, load, dumps, dump, JSONDecodeError
ImportError: ld.so.1: python3.5: fatal: relocation error: file 
/usr/lib/python3.5/vendor-packages/rapidjson.cpython-35m.so: symbol 
__gxx_personality_v0: referenced symbol not found

How can I fix this or should I just activate the previous BE and 
delete the current boot environment?


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[OpenIndiana-discuss] geany: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/lib/libgeany.so.0: symbol g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING

2020-04-15 Thread Stephan Althaus


Anyone else is seeing this?

$ geany
ld.so.1: geany: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/lib/libgeany.so.0: 
symbol g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING: referenced symbol not found
ld.so.1: geany: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/bin/geany: symbol 
main_lib: referenced symbol not found




openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] MMC SDCard Reader

2020-04-20 Thread Stephan Althaus


I am not satisfied with the Card Reader speed, i get 5MB/sec on an USB 
3.0 Reader with a UHS-I Card.

I have bought a new one for USB-C 3.1, this new one is not recognized.

a) can i speed up the HAMA reader?

b) how do i enable the new SANDISK Reader? is it supported?

Any hints are welcome; details below.




output of dmesg for the slow HAMA Reader:

Apr 20 20:03:00 dell6510 usba: [ID 912658 kern.info] USB 3.0 device 
(usb56e,8007) operating at super speed (USB 3.x) on USB 3.0 root hub: 
storage@15, scsa2usb24 at bus address 10
Apr 20 20:03:00 dell6510 usba: [ID 349649 kern.info] Realtek USB3.0 Card 
Reader 201601060924
Apr 20 20:03:00 dell6510 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] scsa2usb24 is 
Apr 20 20:03:00 dell6510 genunix: [ID 408114 kern.info] 
/pci@0,0/pci1028,7b1@14/storage@15 (scsa2usb24) online
Apr 20 20:03:01 dell6510 scsi: [ID 583861 kern.info] sd37 at scsa2usb24: 
target 0 lun 0
Apr 20 20:03:01 dell6510 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] sd37 is 
Apr 20 20:03:01 dell6510 genunix: [ID 408114 kern.info] 
/pci@0,0/pci1028,7b1@14/storage@15/disk@0,0 (sd37) online
Apr 20 20:03:01 dell6510 scsi: [ID 583861 kern.info] sd38 at scsa2usb24: 
target 0 lun 1
Apr 20 20:03:01 dell6510 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] sd38 is 
Apr 20 20:03:01 dell6510 genunix: [ID 408114 kern.info] 
/pci@0,0/pci1028,7b1@14/storage@15/disk@0,1 (sd38) online

prtconf -v

    storage, instance #24
    Driver properties:
    name='pm-components' type=string items=3 dev=none
    value='NAME= scsa2usb24 Power' + '0=USB D3 
State' + '3=USB D0 State'

    Hardware properties:
    name='initiator-interconnect-type' type=string items=1
    name='scsi-tag-age-limit' type=int items=1
    name='scsi-selection-timeout' type=int items=1
    name='scsi-watchdog-tick' type=int items=1
    name='scsi-reset-delay' type=int items=1
    name='scsi-options' type=int items=1
    name='scsi-enumeration' type=int items=1
    name='driver-minor' type=int items=1
    name='driver-major' type=int items=1
    name='usb-minimum-speed' type=string items=1
    name='usb-supported-speeds' type=string items=3
    value='full-speed' + 'high-speed' + 'super-speed'
    name='super-speed' type=boolean
    name='usb-product-name' type=string items=1
    value='USB3.0 Card Reader'
    name='usb-vendor-name' type=string items=1
    name='usb-serialno' type=string items=1
    name='usb-raw-cfg-descriptors' type=byte items=44
    name='usb-dev-descriptor' type=byte items=18
    name='usb-release' type=int items=1
    name='usb-num-configs' type=int items=1
    name='usb-revision-id' type=int items=1
    name='usb-product-id' type=int items=1
    name='usb-vendor-id' type=int items=1
    name='compatible' type=string items=9
    value='usb56e,8007.118' + 'usb56e,8007' + 
'usbif56e,class8.6.50' + 'usbif56e,class8.6' + 'usbif56e,class8' + 
'usbif,class8.6.50' + 'usbif,class8.6' + 'usbif,class8' + 'usb,device'

    name='reg' type=int items=1
    name='assigned-address' type=int items=1


Infos from Linux for the SANDISK reader:


Bus 004 Device 002: ID 0781:cfca SanDisk Corp.
/:  Bus 04.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] MMC SDCard Reader

2020-04-25 Thread Stephan Althaus


I found the scsa2usb.conf file and tried some tests. Between the 
protocols theres is not much a difference.

How can i see which parameters are acually used by the scsa2usb driver?

Astonishing is that  i a get reasonable transfer rates with "dd",
but not by copying a file with "cp" (factor >10, details below)
Can please someone explain this to me?

Any hints are welcome :-)
$ dmesg
Apr 25 20:23:00 dell6510 usba: [ID 912658 kern.info] USB 3.0 device 
(usb56e,8007) operating at super speed (USB 3.x) on USB 3.0 root hub: 
storage@15, scsa2usb24 at bus address 10
Apr 25 20:23:00 dell6510 usba: [ID 349649 kern.info] Realtek USB3.0 Card 
Reader 201601060924
Apr 25 20:23:00 dell6510 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] scsa2usb24 is 
Apr 25 20:23:00 dell6510 genunix: [ID 408114 kern.info] 
/pci@0,0/pci1028,7b1@14/storage@15 (scsa2usb24) online

Apr 25 20:23:02 dell6510 scsi: [ID 583861 kern.info] sd37 at scsa2usb24: 
target 0 lun 0
Apr 25 20:23:02 dell6510 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] sd37 is 
Apr 25 20:23:02 dell6510 genunix: [ID 408114 kern.info] 
/pci@0,0/pci1028,7b1@14/storage@15/disk@0,0 (sd37) online
Apr 25 20:23:02 dell6510 scsi: [ID 583861 kern.info] sd38 at scsa2usb24: 
target 0 lun 1
Apr 25 20:23:02 dell6510 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] sd38 is 
Apr 25 20:23:02 dell6510 genunix: [ID 408114 kern.info] 
/pci@0,0/pci1028,7b1@14/storage@15/disk@0,1 (sd38) online

$ cfgadm -alv usb13/21
Ap_Id  Receptacle   Occupant Condition  Information
When Type Busy Phys_Id
usb13/21   connected    configured ok Mfg: 
Realtek  Product: USB3.0 Card Reader  NConfigs: 1 Config: 0  : CARD READER

unavailable  usb-storage  n /devices/pci@0,0/pci1028,7b1@14:21

$ sudo dd if=/dev/dsk/c33t0d0p0 of=/dev/null bs=1M count=2000
2000+0 records in
2000+0 records out
2097152000 bytes transferred in 25.898036 secs (77.2MB/sec)


real    0m26.515s
user    0m0.001s
sys 0m0.290s
.. for this 159MB file that is around 6MB/sec

On 04/20/20 20:38, Stephan Althaus wrote:


I am not satisfied with the Card Reader speed, i get 5MB/sec on an USB 
3.0 Reader with a UHS-I Card.

I have bought a new one for USB-C 3.1, this new one is not recognized.

a) can i speed up the HAMA reader?

b) how do i enable the new SANDISK Reader? is it supported?

Any hints are welcome; details below.




output of dmesg for the slow HAMA Reader:

Apr 20 20:03:00 dell6510 usba: [ID 912658 kern.info] USB 3.0 device 
(usb56e,8007) operating at super speed (USB 3.x) on USB 3.0 root hub: 
storage@15, scsa2usb24 at bus address 10
Apr 20 20:03:00 dell6510 usba: [ID 349649 kern.info] Realtek USB3.0 
Card Reader 201601060924
Apr 20 20:03:00 dell6510 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] scsa2usb24 is 
Apr 20 20:03:00 dell6510 genunix: [ID 408114 kern.info] 
/pci@0,0/pci1028,7b1@14/storage@15 (scsa2usb24) online
Apr 20 20:03:01 dell6510 scsi: [ID 583861 kern.info] sd37 at 
scsa2usb24: target 0 lun 0
Apr 20 20:03:01 dell6510 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] sd37 is 
Apr 20 20:03:01 dell6510 genunix: [ID 408114 kern.info] 
/pci@0,0/pci1028,7b1@14/storage@15/disk@0,0 (sd37) online
Apr 20 20:03:01 dell6510 scsi: [ID 583861 kern.info] sd38 at 
scsa2usb24: target 0 lun 1
Apr 20 20:03:01 dell6510 genunix: [ID 936769 kern.info] sd38 is 
Apr 20 20:03:01 dell6510 genunix: [ID 408114 kern.info] 
/pci@0,0/pci1028,7b1@14/storage@15/disk@0,1 (sd38) online

prtconf -v

    storage, instance #24
    Driver properties:
    name='pm-components' type=string items=3 dev=none
    value='NAME= scsa2usb24 Power' + '0=USB D3 
State' + '3=USB D0 State'

    Hardware properties:
    name='initiator-interconnect-type' type=string 

    name='scsi-tag-age-limit' type=int items=1
    name='scsi-selection-timeout' type=int items=1
    name='scsi-watchdog-tick' type=int items=1
    name='scsi-reset-delay' type=int items=1

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] MMC SDCard Reader

2020-04-27 Thread Stephan Althaus


Thanks to John for the hint.

After a short net search I found this exFAT project:

With this i get ~40MB/sec for my use case :-)

If someone wants to try it here's a tiny "cookbook":

|git clone https://github.com/relan/exfat.git||
cd exfat 
autoreconf --install||
./configure |

with an addition to libexfat/platform.h

#elif defined(__sun)

#define exfat_bswap16(x) bswap_16(x)
#define exfat_bswap32(x) bswap_32(x)
#define exfat_bswap64(x) bswap_64(x)

|make sudo make install |

"test suite"
sudo /usr/local/sbin/mkfs.exfat -i SDCARD64 -n SDCARD64 /dev/dsk/c33t0d0p1
sudo /usr/local/sbin/mount.exfat /dev/dsk/c33t0d0p1 /media/sdcard/
#copied some files to the card with slow performance ~5MB/sec
sudo umount /media/sdcard/
sudo /usr/local/sbin/mount.exfat /dev/dsk/c33t0d0p1 /media/sdcard/
#copied some files from the card with good performance ~40MB/sec


On 04/26/20 02:45, John D Groenveld wrote:

In message <675bd481-ec6c-ce24-6dbd-85e01bd25...@duedinghausen.eu>, Stephan Alt
haus writes:

Can please someone explain this to me?

pcfs(7FS) was slow under Solaris and my WAG it is your bottleneck.

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox 6.1.6 on Hipster 2020.04 Assembled 3rd May 2020

2020-05-07 Thread Stephan Althaus


Try this to see which vm modules are loaded:

modinfo | grep vm


On 05/07/20 19:08, Apostolos Syropoulos via openindiana-discuss wrote:

still I see the same error message!

Στάλθηκε από το Ταχυδρομείο Yahoo σε Android
   Στις Πέμ, 7 Μαΐ, 2020 στις 3:15, ο χρήστηςAlexander Pyhalov έγραψε:   Yes.


С уважением,
Александр Пыхалов,
программист отдела телекоммуникационной инфраструктуры
управления информационно-коммуникационной инфраструктуры ЮФУ

От: Till Wegmüller 
Отправлено: 7 мая 2020 г. 1:04
Кому: Alexander Pyhalov via openindiana-discuss
Тема: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox 6.1.6 on Hipster 2020.04 Assembled 
3rd May 2020

Did we import the mandatory Virtualbox Patch yet? Since a few days the
illumos kernel initialises hma_vmx for bHyve and kvm, Virtualbox needs a
patch otherwise this will occur.


On 06.05.20 21:01, Alexander Pyhalov via openindiana-discuss wrote:

Do you have KVM VMs running?
Are there any errors in /var/adm/messages regarding hma_vmx_init?

С уважением,
Александр Пыхалов,
программист отдела телекоммуникационной инфраструктуры
управления информационно-коммуникационной инфраструктуры ЮФУ

От: russell 
Отправлено: 6 мая 2020 г. 21:13
Кому: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Тема: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox 6.1.6 on Hipster 2020.04 Assembled 3rd 
May 2020


Just upgraded to latest OpenIndiana Hipster release this evening and now
when I attempt to start VirtualBox I get the following error

VirtualBox can't enable the AMD-V extension. Please close all other
virtualization programs. (VERR_SVM_IN_USE).

Result Code:

NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)




IConsole {872da645-4a9b-1727-bee2-5585105b9eed}

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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Nvidia graphics driver on Hipster 2020.04

2020-05-10 Thread Stephan Althaus


You can find drivers here:


i am using version 440.64 right now.

You should uninstall


and then do the instal, this example for the version that i use

# pfexec /bin/sh NVIDIA-Solaris-x86-440.64.run --extract-only
# cd NVIDIA-Solaris-x86-440.64
# pfexec pkgadd -d . NVDAgraphics NVDAgraphicsr

If you wish to create a new boot environment to be save, do it like 
descibed here



On 05/10/20 13:51, bscuk2 wrote:

Dear All,

I have undertaken a clean Samsung SSD EVO install of the lastest 
snapshop 2020.04 on a Z170 3HP intel G3500 motherboard with a GTX1060 
3b and Samsung 43 ultra wide monitor. The system is running on verbose 
and does not recognise the card. Could you advise on a suitable 
replacement driver, and install script location ?

Thank you

Robert Jones

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Latest VirtualBox

2020-05-16 Thread Stephan Althaus


I did an upgrade right now, (SunOS dell6510 5.11 illumos-bd025ac2b6 
i86pc i386 i86pc)

and VirtualBox works fpr me.
I have succefully started one XP vm and one linux, no issues so far,
network and shared folders are working.
I am not using VB via commandline/service, only using the gui.

Keep up the good work!

On 05/16/20 15:56, Apostolos Syropoulos via openindiana-discuss wrote:
   Στις Σάβ, 16 Μαΐ, 2020 στις 15:32, ο χρήστηςAurélien Larcher έγραψε:   There was a recent issue introduced in illumos-gate on May 11 which is now

fixed and being published, but this does not seem to apply to your case.
Without more information it will be hard to figure out what is wrong.
Are you able to provide some output?

Let me first delete the new BE and tryto upgrade the  "old" BE. Then I cancheck 
again VB.
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openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Latest VirtualBox

2020-05-16 Thread Stephan Althaus



..and i tried to install the new bhyve packages that are in the state of 
"work in progress",

VirtualBox does not like that at the moment !
My vm in "saved state" went right into state "GURU meditation"


On 05/16/20 21:09, Stephan Althaus wrote:


I did an upgrade right now, (SunOS dell6510 5.11 illumos-bd025ac2b6 
i86pc i386 i86pc)

and VirtualBox works fpr me.
I have succefully started one XP vm and one linux, no issues so far,
network and shared folders are working.
I am not using VB via commandline/service, only using the gui.

Keep up the good work!

On 05/16/20 15:56, Apostolos Syropoulos via openindiana-discuss wrote:
       Στις Σάβ, 16 Μαΐ, 2020 στις 15:32, ο χρήστηςAurélien 
Larcher έγραψε:   There was a recent 
issue introduced in illumos-gate on May 11 which is now

fixed and being published, but this does not seem to apply to your case.
Without more information it will be hard to figure out what is wrong.
Are you able to provide some output?

Let me first delete the new BE and tryto upgrade the  "old" BE. Then 
I cancheck again VB.

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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox 6.1.6 errors after OI Hipster upgrade

2020-05-18 Thread Stephan Althaus


I build and installed VB 6.1.8 in to a new BW, got some errors on startup.
Patch #18 ist no more needed. Makefile ist attached.

$ svcs -xv
svc:/application/virtualbox/vboxservice:default (VirtualBox Service.)
 State: maintenance since 18 May 2020 at 11:44:26 CEST
Reason: Start method failed repeatedly, last exited with status 1.
   See: http://illumos.org/msg/SMF-8000-KS
   See: /var/svc/log/application-virtualbox-vboxservice:default.log
Impact: This service is not running.

svc:/application/virtualbox/vboxmslnk:default (VirtualBox Mouse module 

 State: maintenance since 18 May 2020 at 11:44:26 CEST
Reason: Start method failed repeatedly, last exited with status 1.
   See: http://illumos.org/msg/SMF-8000-KS
   See: /var/svc/log/application-virtualbox-vboxmslnk:default.log
Impact: This service is not running.
steven@dell6510:~$ cat 

[ May 18 11:44:25 Enabled. ]
[ May 18 11:44:25 Rereading configuration. ]
[ May 18 11:44:26 Executing start method ("/usr/bin/VBoxService"). ]
VBoxService: error: VbglR3Init failed with rc=VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
[ May 18 11:44:26 Method "start" exited with status 1. ]
[ May 18 11:44:26 Executing start method ("/usr/bin/VBoxService"). ]
VBoxService: error: VbglR3Init failed with rc=VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
[ May 18 11:44:26 Method "start" exited with status 1. ]
[ May 18 11:44:26 Executing start method ("/usr/bin/VBoxService"). ]
VBoxService: error: VbglR3Init failed with rc=VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
[ May 18 11:44:26 Method "start" exited with status 1. ]
steven@dell6510:~$ cat 

[ May 18 11:44:25 Enabled. ]
[ May 18 11:44:25 Rereading configuration. ]
[ May 18 11:44:26 Executing start method ("/usr/sbin/vboxmslnk"). ]
Oracle VM VirtualBox Guest Additions enabling utility for Solaris pointer
integration Version 6.1.8
(C) 2020 Oracle Corporation
All rights reserved.

Failed to open /dev/vboxms - please make sure that the node exists and that
you have permission to open it.  The error reported was:
Invalid argument
[ May 18 11:44:26 Method "start" exited with status 1. ]
[ May 18 11:44:26 Executing start method ("/usr/sbin/vboxmslnk"). ]
Oracle VM VirtualBox Guest Additions enabling utility for Solaris pointer
integration Version 6.1.8
(C) 2020 Oracle Corporation
All rights reserved.

Failed to open /dev/vboxms - please make sure that the node exists and that
you have permission to open it.  The error reported was:
Invalid argument
[ May 18 11:44:26 Method "start" exited with status 1. ]
[ May 18 11:44:26 Executing start method ("/usr/sbin/vboxmslnk"). ]
Oracle VM VirtualBox Guest Additions enabling utility for Solaris pointer
integration Version 6.1.8
(C) 2020 Oracle Corporation
All rights reserved.

Failed to open /dev/vboxms - please make sure that the node exists and that
you have permission to open it.  The error reported was:
Invalid argument
[ May 18 11:44:26 Method "start" exited with status 1. ]


On 05/17/20 12:00, Aurélien Larcher wrote:

On Sun, May 17, 2020 at 11:55 AM Carl Brewer  wrote:

On 16/05/2020 10:25 pm, Aurélien Larcher wrote:

This is now fixed in


and will be published to the repository within 1 hour.

Hot on its heels, 6.1.8 has just been released.

Would you be able to give it shot?
I can assist if there is any problem but currently there is still a lot of
work with the gcc-10 builds and rust/firefox update...
Thank you :)

openindiana-discuss mailing list

# This file and its contents are supplied under the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License ("CDDL"). You may
# only use this file in accordance with the terms of the CDDL.
# A full copy of the text of the CDDL should have accompanied this
# source. A copy of the CDDL is also available via the Internet at
# http://www.illumos.org/license/CDDL.

# Copyright 2017 Aurelien Larcher
# Copyright 2020 Michal Nowak
# Copyright 2019 Tim Mooney

include ../../../make-rules/shared-macros.mk

COMPONENT_SUMMARY=  VirtualBox - general-purpose full virtualizer
COMPONENT_PROJECT_URL=  http://www.virtualbox.org/
COMPONENT_FMRI= system/virtualbox


Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Σχετ: Re: VirtualBox 6.1.6 errors after OI Hipster upgrade

2020-05-19 Thread Stephan Althaus


The last thing i remember regarding vbox (beside the updates 
6.1.4-6.1.6-6.1.8) was this hma topic:

Feature #12529: want exclusive hma registration

Just a shot in the dark..


On 05/19/20 16:33, Aurélien Larcher wrote:

On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 4:25 PM Predrag Zecevic <
predrag.zece...@2e-systems.com> wrote:

On 18.05.2020 19:50, Apostolos Syropoulos via openindiana-discuss wrote:

I installed the 6.1.8 build but it is notworking. I am more than sure

thatthe problem is with AMD processors.BTW, all people who reported
successstories have Intel systems.

Στάλθηκε από το Ταχυδρομείο Yahoo σε Android

Στις Δευ, 18 Μαΐ, 2020 στις 19:21, ο χρήστηςEspen Martinsen<

e...@pogostick.net> έγραψε:

Let me know if you can install this:

Seem Apostolos noticed good.

Is one of you able to look at the commit history between 6.1.4 and 6.1.6 to
understand what is going on?

Maybe diff the source if it is easier?

I am using Intel CPU and that it works fine (did not check sound in VM):
:; pkg list virtualbox
system/virtualbox 6.1.8-2020.0.1.0

  From "prtdiag -v"
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6500 CPU @ 3.20GHz CPUSocket


openindiana-discuss mailing list

Predrag Zečević
Technical Support Analyst
2e Systems GmbH

tel: +49 - 6196 - 95058 - 15
mob: +49 - 174 - 3109288
fax: +49 - 6196 - 95058 - 94
e-mail: predrag.zece...@2e-systems.com

headquarter: 2e Systems GmbH, Koenigsteiner Str. 107, 65812 Bad Soden am
Taunus, Germany
registration: Amtsgericht Koenigstein (Germany), HRB 7303
managing director: Phil Douglas

http://www.2e-systems.com/ - Making your business fly!

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[OpenIndiana-discuss] System panics with newer kernel by fuse mount "exfat"

2020-09-14 Thread Stephan Althaus

Hello all!

I am using the fuse module "exfat" for about half a year now and it 
works well.

When i updated OI on 2020-09-10, the system panics when mounting an 
exfat fs.

What recent change could have lead to this behaviour?

I did set "set hires_tick=0" in /etc/system  as a shot in the dark, it 
does not help.

When mounting an exfat file system, i get a system panic and an instant 
automatic reboot.

Any hints are welcome how to identify the root of the fault.



*$ fmdump -Vp  -u fb5fcce4-0a78-65e6-be82-f41d72c5d705*
Sep 12 2020 12:04:00.880479000 fb5fcce4-0a78-65e6-be82-f41d72c5d705 

  Sep 12 12:03:50.3209 ireport.os.sunos.panic.dump_pending_on_device 

nvlist version: 0
    version = 0x0
    class = list.suspect
    uuid = fb5fcce4-0a78-65e6-be82-f41d72c5d705
    code = SUNOS-8000-KL
    diag-time = 1599905040 827325
    de = fmd:///module/software-diagnosis
    fault-list-sz = 0x1
    fault-list = (array of embedded nvlists)
    (start fault-list[0])
    nvlist version: 0
    version = 0x0
    class = defect.sunos.kernel.panic
    certainty = 0x64
    asru = 
    resource = 

    savecore-succcess = 0
    os-instance-uuid = fb5fcce4-0a78-65e6-be82-f41d72c5d705
*    panicstr = BAD TRAP: type=e (#pf Page fault) 
rp=fe003fc20850 addr=4 occurred in module "fuse" due to a NULL 
pointer dereference**
**    panicstack = unix:die+c6 () | unix:trap+1169 () | 
unix:cmntrap+e9 () | fuse:get_filehandle+52d () | fuse:fuse_open+6e () | 
genunix:fop_open+96 () | genunix:vn_openat+203 () | genunix:copen+4a9 () 
| genunix:openat+29 () | unix:brand_sys_syscall+1fe () | **

*    crashtime = 1599904948
    panic-time = 12 September 2020 at 12:02:28 CEST CEST
    (end fault-list[0])

    fault-status = 0x1
    severity = Major
    __ttl = 0x1
    __tod = 0x5f5c9d10 0x347b0b18

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] System panics with newer kernel by fuse mount "exfat"

2020-09-15 Thread Stephan Althaus


i did a pkg update a few minutes ago..
Uninstalled exfat, make clean && make && make install...

System panics.


*$ pkg info driver/fuse*
 Name: driver/fuse
  Summary: illumos Filesystem in Userspace driver
 Category: Drivers/Storage
    State: Installed
    Publisher: openindiana.org
  Version: 1.4
   Branch: 2020.0.1.0
   Packaging Date: 15 September 2020 at 15:01:30
Last Install Time: 10 April 2020 at 19:22:18
 Last Update Time: 15 September 2020 at 18:06:33
 Size: 1.30 MB

  Project URL: https://github.com/jurim/illumos-fusefs
   Source URL: 

*$ fmdump -Vp -u e37dcadd-fef9-ce5f-d02e-f446371d40c5*
Sep 15 2020 20:17:04.61601 e37dcadd-fef9-ce5f-d02e-f446371d40c5 

  Sep 15 20:17:03.8715 ireport.os.sunos.panic.dump_pending_on_device 

nvlist version: 0
    version = 0x0
    class = list.suspect
    uuid = e37dcadd-fef9-ce5f-d02e-f446371d40c5
    code = SUNOS-8000-KL
    diag-time = 1600193824 600850
    de = fmd:///module/software-diagnosis
    fault-list-sz = 0x1
    fault-list = (array of embedded nvlists)
    (start fault-list[0])
    nvlist version: 0
    version = 0x0
    class = defect.sunos.kernel.panic
    certainty = 0x64
    asru = 
    resource = 

    savecore-succcess = 0
    os-instance-uuid = e37dcadd-fef9-ce5f-d02e-f446371d40c5
    panicstr = BAD TRAP: type=e (#pf Page fault) 
rp=fe003db1e850 addr=4 occurred in module "fuse" due to a NULL 
pointer dereference
    panicstack = unix:die+c6 () | unix:trap+1169 () | 
unix:cmntrap+e9 () | fuse:get_filehandle+52d () | fuse:fuse_open+6e () | 
genunix:fop_open+96 () | genunix:vn_openat+203 () | genunix:copen+4a9 () 
| genunix:openat+29 () | unix:brand_sys_syscall+1fe () |

    crashtime = 1600193743
    panic-time = 15 September 2020 at 20:15:43 CEST CEST
    (end fault-list[0])

    fault-status = 0x1
    severity = Major
    __ttl = 0x1
    __tod = 0x5f610520 0x24b79110

*$ which mount.exfat-fuse*
*$ ls -l `which mount.exfat-fuse`*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  185740 Sep 15 20:14 

*$ /usr/sbin/mount.exfat-fuse --version*
FUSE exfat 1.3.0
/usr/sbin/mount.exfat-fuse: illegal option -- version

On 09/15/20 17:51, Andreas Wacknitz wrote:

Am 15.09.20 um 16:00 schrieb Jean-Pierre André:

Andreas Wacknitz wrote on 9/15/20 12:58 PM:

Am 15.09.20 um 12:50 schrieb Jean-Pierre André:

An updated fuse module is available for test on :


This is an old format package (building current format is well
over my capacity). After unzipping, you can install it by

pkgadd -d fuse-kernel-1.4AR.1.pkg all

(you should uninstall the current version first, but this would
lead to uninstalling other packages...).

Please note : I just recompiled it (no source change), but I
cannot test it with the kernel I am using (from april 2020),
so be sure to have a way back.



if a simple re-compile is enough we might be able to have an updated
version easily.
I need to identify the appropriate package sources.
What I found is a package named "illumos-fusefs" located at
It delivers the following files:
   file path=usr/kernel/drv/$(MACH64)/fuse
   file path=usr/kernel/drv/fuse
   file path=usr/kernel/drv/fuse.conf preserve=true
Is that the correct package?


Ok, I have issued a rebuild of the package. If you update now a fixed
version should be installed.


openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] System panics with newer kernel by fuse mount "exfat"

2020-09-15 Thread Stephan Althaus


if i compile the source of driver/fuse in oi-userland i get a different 
version number: 1.4-2020.0.1.1

Hmm. (?)

$ pkg info  -r 

  Name: driver/fuse
   Summary: illumos Filesystem in Userspace driver
  Category: Drivers/Storage
 State: Not installed
 Publisher: userland
   Version: 1.4
    Branch: 2020.0.1.1
Packaging Date: 15 September 2020 at 18:42:23
  Size: 1.30 MB
  FMRI: pkg://userland/driver/fuse@1.4-2020.0.1.1:20200915T184223Z
   Project URL: https://github.com/jurim/illumos-fusefs
    Source URL: 


On 09/15/20 17:51, Andreas Wacknitz wrote:

Am 15.09.20 um 16:00 schrieb Jean-Pierre André:

Andreas Wacknitz wrote on 9/15/20 12:58 PM:

Am 15.09.20 um 12:50 schrieb Jean-Pierre André:

An updated fuse module is available for test on :


This is an old format package (building current format is well
over my capacity). After unzipping, you can install it by

pkgadd -d fuse-kernel-1.4AR.1.pkg all

(you should uninstall the current version first, but this would
lead to uninstalling other packages...).

Please note : I just recompiled it (no source change), but I
cannot test it with the kernel I am using (from april 2020),
so be sure to have a way back.



if a simple re-compile is enough we might be able to have an updated
version easily.
I need to identify the appropriate package sources.
What I found is a package named "illumos-fusefs" located at
It delivers the following files:
   file path=usr/kernel/drv/$(MACH64)/fuse
   file path=usr/kernel/drv/fuse
   file path=usr/kernel/drv/fuse.conf preserve=true
Is that the correct package?


Ok, I have issued a rebuild of the package. If you update now a fixed
version should be installed.


openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] System panics with newer kernel by fuse mount "exfat"

2020-09-15 Thread Stephan Althaus


It works!

Thank you so much!


$ pkg info driver/fuse
 Name: driver/fuse
  Summary: illumos Filesystem in Userspace driver
 Category: Drivers/Storage
    State: Installed
    Publisher: openindiana.org
  Version: 1.4
   Branch: 2020.0.1.2
   Packaging Date: 15 September 2020 at 19:01:29
Last Install Time: 10 April 2020 at 19:22:18
 Last Update Time: 15 September 2020 at 19:14:29
 Size: 1.30 MB
   Source URL: 

  Project URL: https://github.com/jurim/illumos-fusefs


On 09/15/20 17:51, Andreas Wacknitz wrote:

Am 15.09.20 um 16:00 schrieb Jean-Pierre André:

Andreas Wacknitz wrote on 9/15/20 12:58 PM:

Am 15.09.20 um 12:50 schrieb Jean-Pierre André:

An updated fuse module is available for test on :


This is an old format package (building current format is well
over my capacity). After unzipping, you can install it by

pkgadd -d fuse-kernel-1.4AR.1.pkg all

(you should uninstall the current version first, but this would
lead to uninstalling other packages...).

Please note : I just recompiled it (no source change), but I
cannot test it with the kernel I am using (from april 2020),
so be sure to have a way back.



if a simple re-compile is enough we might be able to have an updated
version easily.
I need to identify the appropriate package sources.
What I found is a package named "illumos-fusefs" located at
It delivers the following files:
   file path=usr/kernel/drv/$(MACH64)/fuse
   file path=usr/kernel/drv/fuse
   file path=usr/kernel/drv/fuse.conf preserve=true
Is that the correct package?


Ok, I have issued a rebuild of the package. If you update now a fixed
version should be installed.


openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox-6.1.16: new pull request available for testing

2020-11-01 Thread Stephan Althaus

Hi all!

I did an Update 2 days ago, now i notice that my virtualbox 6.1.16  has 
graphical issues.

i have installed 6.1.16 guest additions, and after reboot i did no see 
the login screen. After resize of the client window i see it,
but not the typing of the password - i did however succeed in loggin 
into the client (Win 7).

So the refresh ist not triggered or only partially done.
I do see some minor graphical update request in the vb gui, too. I can't 
take a screenshot of that because afer switching to the screenshot tool 
the gui is updated. :-/

Anyone else seeing this?

Nvidia 440.100 driver - worked well until now with vb 6.1.8 with "pkg 
update" from 16.09.2020.


On 10/20/20 21:52, Carl Brewer wrote:

On 21/10/2020 6:46 am, Andreas Wacknitz wrote:

Hi folks,

I have created a PR for the latest VB:
It needs to be tested before integration :)

I can confirm works :/  I just bumped my server up to it!

carl@hog:~$ pkg info virtualbox
 Name: system/virtualbox
  Summary: VirtualBox - general-purpose full virtualizer
 Category: System/Virtualization
    State: Installed
    Publisher: openindiana.org
   Branch: 2020.0.1.0
   Packaging Date: 18 October 2020 at 09:28:52 am
Last Install Time: 19 October 2019 at 09:59:18 am
 Last Update Time: 18 October 2020 at 10:32:52 pm
 Size: 124.56 MB
   Source URL: 

  Project URL: https://www.virtualbox.org/

carl@hog:~$ VBoxManage list runningvms
"AvPlan Moodle" {bbb6d323-3a6f-4533-8d2a-bcb4ba9b5db1}
"YVA moodle" {c18dcc9e-c72b-4377-a35e-b29c693c66b1}
"tacos" {f0fdd516-7405-4d00-9a89-bf6b27d45642}


openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox-6.1.16

2020-11-02 Thread Stephan Althaus


Thanks for your input. I updated to NVIDIA 455.38 and made an pkg update 
a few minutes ago,

and i want to share my experience here

I use the vbox gui all the time to use virtualbox.
- At first a very minor thing, but what i see is that the buttons of the 
vm list on the left do not always change the background color - some 
lower part is left unchanged.
- Secondly, if i boot up a XP, Win7, ubuntu vm i cannot see the stars of 
the password that i'm typing.
- In all VMs there is a small rectangle that is not rendered correctly 
(grayed/blued out) - the size looks like the shadow of the status bar, 
just above it. I an other case it was a honrizontal scroll bar above the 
status bar.
- All Ms show severe graphical updating problems - window minimize and 
maximize again 'repairs' it for a moment.

- All VMs have been updated vb additions.

Now i don't think that it has something to do with the video driver of 
the host.
As all problems show up inside of the vbox windows, it is somewhere in 
the graphics stack/subsystem/libs that vbox uses.

Maybe there an issue with QT 5.12 ?

pkg versions below.


 Name: system/virtualbox
  Summary: VirtualBox - general-purpose full virtualizer
 Category: System/Virtualization
    State: Installed
    Publisher: openindiana.org
  Version: 6.1.16
   Branch: 2020.0.1.1
   Packaging Date: 30 October 2020 at 13:56:09
Last Install Time:  7 September 2019 at 19:43:17
 Last Update Time: 30 October 2020 at 21:19:24
 Size: 124.50 MB
   Source URL: 

  Project URL: https://www.virtualbox.org/

   PKGINST:  NVDAgraphics
  NAME:  NVIDIA Graphics System Software
  CATEGORY:  system,graphics
  ARCH:  i386
   VERSION:  455.38,REV=2020.
   BASEDIR:  /usr
    VENDOR:  NVIDIA Corporation
  DESC:  X and OpenGL Drivers for NVIDIA Quadro graphics
  INSTDATE:  Nov 02 2020 18:53
   HOTLINE:  Please contact your local service provider
    STATUS:  completely installed
 FILES:  189 installed pathnames
   4 linked files
  42 directories
  11 executables
  307070 blocks used (approx)

 Name: library/qt5
  Summary: Qt cross-platform application and UI framework
 Category: Desktop (GNOME)/Libraries
    State: Installed
    Publisher: openindiana.org
  Version: 5.12.9
   Branch: 2020.0.1.0
   Packaging Date: 30 October 2020 at 13:08:26
Last Install Time:  7 September 2019 at 19:43:17
 Last Update Time: 30 October 2020 at 21:19:24
 Size: 376.59 MB
   Source URL: 

  Project URL: https://www.qt.io/

On 11/02/20 11:07, Predrag Zecevic - Unix Systems Administrator wrote:

On 11/02/20 06:42, Stephan Althaus wrote:

Hi all!

I did an Update 2 days ago, now i notice that my virtualbox 6.1.16  
has graphical issues.

i have installed 6.1.16 guest additions, and after reboot i did no 
see the login screen. After resize of the client window i see it,
but not the typing of the password - i did however succeed in loggin 
into the client (Win 7).

So the refresh ist not triggered or only partially done.
I do see some minor graphical update request in the vb gui, too. I 
can't take a screenshot of that because afer switching to the 
screenshot tool the gui is updated. :-/

Anyone else seeing this?

Nvidia 440.100 driver - worked well until now with vb 6.1.8 with "pkg 
update" from 16.09.2020.


Hi Stephan,

have you (after managing to log-in into VM) upgraded VboxAdditions?

I have also VB 6.1.16 and it is not worse then previous version 
(sometimes I have to reboot guest, because seamless mode is not 
working, or because of audio device[s] problems).

Whilst waiting OI to get latest driver, I am using (on OI host) driver 
from NVIDIA site 

:; pkginfo -l NVDAgraphics
   PKGINST:  NVDAgraphics
  NAME:  NVIDIA Graphics System Software
  CATEGORY:  system,graphics
  ARCH:  i386
   VERSION:  455.23.04,REV=2020.
   BASEDIR:  /usr
    VENDOR:  NVIDIA Corporation
  DESC:  X and OpenGL Drivers for NVIDIA Quadro graphics
  INSTDATE:  Oct 01 2020 13:13
   HOTLINE:  Please contact your local service provider
    STATUS:  completely installed
 FILES:  189 installed pathnames
   4 linked files
  42 directories
  11 executables
  287063 blocks used (approx)

OI was updated on 2020-10-29, at 13

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox-6.1.16

2020-11-02 Thread Stephan Althaus


Additional Info:
a BE from 15.09.2020 is working without issues.

What can i do to help locating the root of the issue?

:~$ pkg info virtualbox
 Name: system/virtualbox
  Summary: VirtualBox - general-purpose full virtualizer
 Category: System/Virtualization
    State: Installed
    Publisher: userland
  Version: 6.1.8
   Branch: 2020.0.1.1
   Packaging Date: 18 May 2020 at 09:37:36
Last Install Time:  7 September 2019 at 19:43:17
 Last Update Time: 18 May 2020 at 09:40:21
 Size: 124.20 MB
   Source URL: 

  Project URL: http://www.virtualbox.org/

:~$ pkg info qt5
 Name: library/qt5
  Summary: Qt cross-platform application and UI framework
 Category: Desktop (GNOME)/Libraries
    State: Installed
    Publisher: openindiana.org
  Version: 5.8.0
   Branch: 2020.0.1.10
   Packaging Date:  2 June 2020 at 13:19:29
Last Install Time:  7 September 2019 at 19:43:17
 Last Update Time: 10 September 2020 at 17:49:16
 Size: 299.38 MB
   Source URL: 

  Project URL: https://www.qt.io/

:~$ pkginfo -l NVDAgraphics
   PKGINST:  NVDAgraphics
  NAME:  NVIDIA Graphics System Software
  CATEGORY:  system,graphics
  ARCH:  i386
   VERSION:  440.64,REV=2020.
   BASEDIR:  /usr
    VENDOR:  NVIDIA Corporation
  DESC:  X and OpenGL Drivers for NVIDIA Quadro graphics
  INSTDATE:  Mar 31 2020 20:54
   HOTLINE:  Please contact your local service provider
    STATUS:  completely installed
 FILES:  189 installed pathnames
   4 linked files
  42 directories
  11 executables
  289067 blocks used (approx)

On 11/02/20 21:57, Stephan Althaus wrote:


Thanks for your input. I updated to NVIDIA 455.38 and made an pkg 
update a few minutes ago,

and i want to share my experience here

I use the vbox gui all the time to use virtualbox.
- At first a very minor thing, but what i see is that the buttons of 
the vm list on the left do not always change the background color - 
some lower part is left unchanged.
- Secondly, if i boot up a XP, Win7, ubuntu vm i cannot see the stars 
of the password that i'm typing.
- In all VMs there is a small rectangle that is not rendered correctly 
(grayed/blued out) - the size looks like the shadow of the status bar, 
just above it. I an other case it was a honrizontal scroll bar above 
the status bar.
- All Ms show severe graphical updating problems - window minimize and 
maximize again 'repairs' it for a moment.

- All VMs have been updated vb additions.

Now i don't think that it has something to do with the video driver of 
the host.
As all problems show up inside of the vbox windows, it is somewhere in 
the graphics stack/subsystem/libs that vbox uses.

Maybe there an issue with QT 5.12 ?

pkg versions below.


 Name: system/virtualbox
  Summary: VirtualBox - general-purpose full virtualizer
 Category: System/Virtualization
    State: Installed
    Publisher: openindiana.org
  Version: 6.1.16
   Branch: 2020.0.1.1
   Packaging Date: 30 October 2020 at 13:56:09
Last Install Time:  7 September 2019 at 19:43:17
 Last Update Time: 30 October 2020 at 21:19:24
 Size: 124.50 MB
   Source URL: 

  Project URL: https://www.virtualbox.org/

   PKGINST:  NVDAgraphics
  NAME:  NVIDIA Graphics System Software
  CATEGORY:  system,graphics
  ARCH:  i386
   VERSION:  455.38,REV=2020.
   BASEDIR:  /usr
    VENDOR:  NVIDIA Corporation
  DESC:  X and OpenGL Drivers for NVIDIA Quadro graphics
  INSTDATE:  Nov 02 2020 18:53
   HOTLINE:  Please contact your local service provider
    STATUS:  completely installed
 FILES:  189 installed pathnames
   4 linked files
  42 directories
  11 executables
  307070 blocks used (approx)

 Name: library/qt5
  Summary: Qt cross-platform application and UI framework
 Category: Desktop (GNOME)/Libraries
    State: Installed
    Publisher: openindiana.org
  Version: 5.12.9
   Branch: 2020.0.1.0
   Packaging Date: 30 October 2020 at 13:08:26
Last Install Time:  7 September 2019 at 19:43:17
 Last Update Time: 30 October 2020 at 21:19:24
 Size: 376.59 MB

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox-6.1.16

2020-11-05 Thread Stephan Althaus

Hi Carl!

Thanks for your replay on this.
As you see the weirdness in the gui it seems to be not a local issue on 
my machine - lucky me :-)

I found it best when using full-frame, i could work with no issues there 
- if i start with full screen mode from the start.
Any vm in a window will have issues - win 7/XP and linux, i don't have 
anything else right now.

I have used the VMs in headless mod and VNC connect some time ago,
i will try again as soon as i feel that i have to do so,
but i hope that we can find the root of it.

Is there anything i could provide to debug this?
Is everyone seeing this who uses the gui? (a quick test is zo scroll the 
mouse over the list of installed VMs))


On 11/05/20 21:32, Carl Brewer wrote:
I'm seeing similar issues to Stephan, VBox is working, my virtual 
servers are all running (they're all essentially headless, I don't use 
graphics on them).

The VBox GUI is a bit weird, it's not working "properly", without a 
screenshot it's hard to describe. I'm using TightVNV and a VNC 
session, not a directly connected screen to run it too.

This is from a BE I installed 15 minutes ago.

Not sure how best to help sort this one out. It's not directly 
effecting me, my stuff works and I don't need the GUI to have all the 
icons looking right etc, as long as they're workable.


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[OpenIndiana-discuss] Cannot rename ZFS dataset of non-global zone (halted, detached)

2020-11-24 Thread Stephan Althaus


I want to rename my ZFS datasets of the non-global zone "mail", to 
correspond to the new name of the zone.

i tried to shutdown, halt, detach the zone in order to get the ZFS 
rename to work,
but "something" is always using the zfs datasets, that contains 
snapshots for the BEs..

Is there a way to solve this ?

Any hints are welcome!


$ sudo zoneadm -z mail halt
$ sudo zoneadm -z mail detach
$ zoneadm list -civ
   0 global   running    / ipkg shared
   - zone1    configured /zones/build/zone1 nlipkg   shared
   - test configured /zones/build/test nlipkg   shared
   - mail configured /zones/build/www nlipkg   excl

$ sudo zfs set mountpoint=/zones/mail rpool1/zones/build/www
cannot unmount '/zones/build/www': Device busy

$ sudo zfs rename rpool1/zones/build/www rpool1/zones/mail
cannot rename 'rpool1/zones/build/www': child dataset with inherited 
mountpoint is used in a non-global zone

$ sudo fuser -c  /zones/build/www
$ sudo fuser -c  /zones/build
$ sudo fuser -c  /zones

$ zfs list -t all -r rpool1/zones/build/www
rpool1/zones/build/www 6.46G   305G    88K  /zones/build/www
rpool1/zones/build/www/ROOT 6.46G   305G    88K  legacy
rpool1/zones/build/www/ROOT/openindiana-2020:11:03 12.2M   305G  5.42G  
rpool1/zones/build/www/ROOT/openindiana-2020:11:03-3 2.49M   305G  
5.42G  legacy
rpool1/zones/build/www/ROOT/openindiana-2020:11:03-4 2.02M   305G  
5.44G  legacy
rpool1/zones/build/www/ROOT/openindiana-2020:11:03-5 6.45G   305G  
5.43G  legacy
272M  -  5.00G  -
488K  -  5.42G  -
400K  -  5.42G  -
29.2M  -  5.42G  -
17.7M  -  5.42G  -
5.11M  -  5.44G  -
3.32M  -  5.44G  -

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Cannot rename ZFS dataset of non-global zone (halted, detached)

2020-11-24 Thread Stephan Althaus


Thanks for your input, John and Paolo,
it was a combination of your hints that worked.

After zoneadm halt and detach,
set zoned=off on the ROOT dataset,
then zfs rename.

At this point, the mountpoint cant be modified, but ...

set zoned=on  on the ROOT dataset,
zoneadm attach,
then zoneadm move
changes the mountpoints.

1 zoneadm  halt
2 zoneadm  detach
3 zfs set zoned=off pool/dataset/ROOT
4 zfs rename pool/dataset pool/newdataset
5 zfs set zoned=on pool/dataset/ROOT
6 zoneadm attach
7 zoneadm move
8 zoneadm boot

Thanks a lot!


On 11/24/20 15:45, John D Groenveld wrote:

In message <234f6e25-a479-a4ff-f567-72b5eae4b...@duedinghausen.eu>, Stephan Alt
haus writes:

I want to rename my ZFS datasets of the non-global zone "mail", to
correspond to the new name of the zone.

You'll need to turn off the zoned property for ROOT dataset and
also change the mountpoints.
Then turn back on the zoned property and attach the new zone.


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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] VirtualBox-6.1.16

2020-11-26 Thread Stephan Althaus


I just did a pkg upgrade,
which included a new QT5 Version 5.12.10

GUI seems is now fine again :-)

$ pkg info qt5
 Name: library/qt5
  Summary: Qt cross-platform application and UI framework
 Category: Desktop (GNOME)/Libraries
    State: Installed
    Publisher: openindiana.org
*  Version: 5.12.10*
   Branch: 2020.0.1.0
   Packaging Date: 23 November 2020 at 21:24:45
Last Install Time:  7 September 2019 at 19:43:17
 Last Update Time: 26 November 2020 at 12:52:34
 Size: 376.61 MB
   Source URL: 

  Project URL: https://www.qt.io/


On 11/05/20 21:45, Stephan Althaus wrote:

Hi Carl!

Thanks for your replay on this.
As you see the weirdness in the gui it seems to be not a local issue 
on my machine - lucky me :-)

I found it best when using full-frame, i could work with no issues 
there - if i start with full screen mode from the start.
Any vm in a window will have issues - win 7/XP and linux, i don't have 
anything else right now.

I have used the VMs in headless mod and VNC connect some time ago,
i will try again as soon as i feel that i have to do so,
but i hope that we can find the root of it.

Is there anything i could provide to debug this?
Is everyone seeing this who uses the gui? (a quick test is zo scroll 
the mouse over the list of installed VMs))


On 11/05/20 21:32, Carl Brewer wrote:
I'm seeing similar issues to Stephan, VBox is working, my virtual 
servers are all running (they're all essentially headless, I don't 
use graphics on them).

The VBox GUI is a bit weird, it's not working "properly", without a 
screenshot it's hard to describe. I'm using TightVNV and a VNC 
session, not a directly connected screen to run it too.

This is from a BE I installed 15 minutes ago.

Not sure how best to help sort this one out. It's not directly 
effecting me, my stuff works and I don't need the GUI to have all the 
icons looking right etc, as long as they're workable.


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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] set which fs do/don't get snaps besides timeslider

2020-11-26 Thread Stephan Althaus


Yes, the gui is not very usable.

You may starting having a look at the GTK definition of the window


some with GTK background might find something obvious (?)

By the way, starting time-slider from the menu doesn't work for me, only 
from command line works. Is this my local problem?


On 11/27/20 02:28, Harry Putnam wrote:

Can anyone tell me how I can avoid snapshotting on some fs.

I find using the timeslider to be sort of a non-starter.  It has a
scroll bar unlike any found in the rest of the world.

Normally a scroll bar will consist of a small short bar (handle)
setting in a longer track.  Pulling the `handle' up/down or left/right
will scroll thru a list the long track represents, but at as fast a
speed as you would like.

But, on the 'Timeslider' the handle is either the same or nearly the
same length as the track so there is no pulling to it.  Instead you
can cover the list by `clicking' or `click holding' the tiny arrows at
either end of the track.  For me, that is an extremely slow process
and if you inadvertently touch the handle... ooops ... you are reset
to where you started so any traveling you've eked out is zeroed out.

This process is so slow and painfull I'd rather remove my own kidney
with a claw hammer.

There must be some other way to do this.

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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OI new user questions

2020-12-05 Thread Stephan Althaus


Yeah Win 10 installation is always harmful with other OSes 
pre-installed. You have to remove (or disable in BIOS) all other disks 
to have a Win 10 install that doesn't mess up things.

I currently boot Openindiana from MBR on 1 SATA disk, and debian on zfs 
root via UEFI (BIOS boot selection via F12), no problems here.

My Laptop has GM107GLM [Quadro M1200 Mobile] using NVidia Solaris driver 

I am using Virtualbox 6.1.16 distributed with OI no problems here (there 
had been 1, 2 in the last years all solved).

I'm a proud user of Openindiana, very nice OS, i'm still learnig...


On 12/05/20 17:02, Kalle Anka via openindiana-discuss wrote:

I am a long time Solaris user that tried out Linux for a couple of years, 
namely Ubuntu LTS. Alas, the Ubuntu updates caused numerous problems, in some 
cases causing a reinstall. At the end I switched to Ubuntu 2020.10 hoping it 
would be more stable. It was not.

Another problem is that OpenZFS v0.8.4 renders Solaris 11.3 disks unusable. Try 
-Create a ZFS disk in Solaris 11.3 (using zpool version 28, and zfs version 5)
-Import the disk into Ubuntu 2020.10 using OpenZFS v0.8.4
-Copy data to the zpool using Linux zfs send recv
-Import the zpool back into Solaris 11.3 - This will fail. Solaris says the 
disk is UNAVAIL and I need to use a backup to restore data.
So if you use OpenZFS to import a zpool, chances are you cannot import the disk 
back into Solaris.

Because of all these problems I have now tried the OpenIndiana 2020.10 LiveDVD and I liked it. The 
splash screen says it is OI "2020.04". It maybe should be changed to "2020.10"? 
Before I migrate off Linux to OI, I have some questions I hope I can get help with?
1) I boot Win10 which is installed using UEFI. According the OI manual, OI does 
not support UEFI.

So I should not install BIOS OI and UEFI W10 for dualbooting on the same disk. 
I learned this the hard way. I had a Win10 and Solaris 11.2 dual booting 
install, on the same disk using BIOS, i.e. MBR disk. Then an W10 update 
silently changed the disk to UEFI (GPT disk), and Solaris 11.2 was still on 
MBR. So I could boot W10, but not boot Solaris. It took me a long time to 
figure out why Solaris would not boot. I had to reinstall Solaris using UEFI.

To solve my problem of BIOS os and UEFI os, I wonder if this might work: I 
remove all disks except one, and install Win10 using UEFI. Then I remove all 
disks, and insert another disk to which I install BIOS OpenIndiana. Then I 
insert all disks, and when I boot my PC, I choose which OS to boot from the 
disk boot menu by pressing F11. Do you think this could be a way to have both 
BIOS OpenIndiana and UEFI Win10 on my PC, but on different disks? I have read 
that you should not install BIOS and UEFI oses on the same PC, even on the 
different disks - but I dont know why. I cannot find information on this. But 
if I choose the different disks to boot in the boot menu, this could work? 
Anyone know?

(BTW, I have a WARNING! If you boot Win10 install usb and only look at the 
different disks in your PC, i.e. check the sizes of the disks, and then exit 
without doing anything - this will mess up your ZFS disks. W10 install software 
will mess up disks that are not NTFS. ZFS is something new, so Win10 install 
software will overwrite the ZFS disks even scanning the ZFS disks. If you do 
get your ZFS disks messed up this way, I have heard that you can try to import 
the zpool and scrub it, and it might solve this mess. Another way to solve this 
problem, is to remove all non ntfs disks from your system before installing 

2) Does OI support Sunray? (Solaris 11.4 does not support Sunray)

3) Graphics. I have a Geforce GTX 1070 Ti. On a UEFI installed Solaris 11.3, it 
is not possible to install the latest Nvidia 1070 Ti driver because the driver 
explicitly requires a BIOS Solaris installation. To install GTX 1070 Ti, you 
must install Solaris 11.3 as BIOS, and not UEFI. If you have UEFI, there are no 
GTX 1070 Ti driver at all. You need to use VESA driver.

The GTX 1070 Ti driver is certified for Solaris, but can the GTX 1070 Ti driver 
be installed on OI, as OI is a Solarish derivative? This is the latest Nvidia 

4) In the event that OI supports UEFI, I can install both Win10 and OI on my 
system without problems. However, in that case I stuck with the VESA OI driver. 
Because Nvidia GTX 1070 Ti driver only installs on BIOS Solaris. To solve this 
problem, can I still install OI as BIOS, and Win10 as UEFI as outlined in point 
1) above? And this would give me Nvidia driver for GTX 1070 Ti?

5) I hope there is a mpt sas driver, because there was one in Solaris 11.3. Can 
anyone confirm? I have this LSI2008 SAS card for my JBOD raidz3 I would like to 

6) Virtualbox, does it work fine on OI? Is 

[OpenIndiana-discuss] Plugging NVMe drive to USB-C triggers system panic

2020-12-07 Thread Stephan Althaus


When i plug in a NVMe drive to the USB-C Port of my laptop, the system 

The fmadm says my device "JMICRON-JMS583" has issued an error state,
but the system should not panic, no?


What does the panicstack say?
Why is there a panic as the system believes a reset to the XHCI bus is 

Any hints welcome!
Greetings, Stephan


After reboot, the console lists many of these, until i plug out the 
USB-C device:

Dec  7 20:36:11 dell6510 xhci: [ID 291945 kern.warning] WARNING: xhci3: 
Encountered unsupported xHCI version 0.
Dec  7 20:36:11 dell6510 xhci: [ID 884440 kern.warning] WARNING: xhci3: 
Root hub has 255 ports, but system only supports 31, limiting to 31

*$ dmesg*

reboot after panic: XHCI runtime reset required
Dec  7 20:36:10 dell6510 savecore: [ID 780920 auth.error] Panic 
crashdump pending on dump device but dumpadm -n in effect; run 
savecore(1M) manually to extract. Image UUID 

*$ sudo fmadm faul**ty*
---  -- 

---  -- 
Dec 07 20:34:41 3e63abab-31e9-479b-adc8-f7dcf8bdafe6 DISK-8000-3E   

Host    : dell6510
Platform    : Precision-7720    Chassis_id  : 49JT5M2
Product_sn  :

Fault class : fault.io.scsi.cmd.disk.dev.rqs.derr
Affects : 

  faulted and taken out of service
FRU : 


Description : A non-recoverable hardware failure was detected by the device
  while performing a command.
  Refer to http://illumos.org/msg/DISK-8000-3E for more

Response    : The device may be offlined or degraded.

Impact  : The device has failed. The service may have been lost or

Action  : Ensure that the latest drivers and patches are installed.
  Schedule a repair procedure to replace the affected
  device. Use 'fmadm faulty' to find the affected disk.

---  -- 

---  -- 

Dec 07 20:36:11 0e9cf93e-0463-cf99-97d4-ef9612843fe8 SUNOS-8000-KL  Major

Host    : dell6510
Platform    : Precision-7720    Chassis_id  : 49JT5M2
Product_sn  :

Fault class : defect.sunos.kernel.panic
Affects : 

  faulted but still in service
Problem in  : 

  faulted but still in service

Description : The system has rebooted after a kernel panic.  Refer to
  http://illumos.org/msg/SUNOS-8000-KL for more information.

Response    : The failed system image was dumped to the dump device.  If
  savecore is enabled (see dumpadm(1M)) a copy of the dump 
will be

  written to the savecore directory .

Impact  : There may be some performance impact while the panic is 
copied to

  the savecore directory.  Disk space usage by panics can be

Action  : If savecore is not enabled then please take steps to 
preserve the

  crash image.
  Use 'fmdump -Vp -u 0e9cf93e-0463-cf99-97d4-ef9612843fe8' 
to view

  more panic detail.  Please refer to the knowledge article for
  additional information.

---  -- 

---  -- 
Dec 07 20:34:41 7492a400-17a2-eb87-ec75-ada813c9a447 PCIEX-8000-0A  

Host    : dell6510
Platform    : Precision-7720    Chassis_id  : 49JT5M2
Product_sn  :

Fault class : fault.io.pciex.device-interr
Affects : dev:pci@0,0/pci8086,a114@1c,4/pci8086,15da@0
  faulted and taken out of service
FRU : "MB" 


Description : A problem was detected for a PCIEX device.
  Refer to http://illumos.org/msg/PCIEX-8

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Nvidia Geforce 1650 and Driver Updates

2020-12-29 Thread Stephan Althaus


Just a side-note..

i am using NVidia 455.38 for some time now, no problems here. I have 
NVidia Quadro M1200 on Intel(r) Xeon(r) CPU E3-1535M v6


On 12/29/20 16:45, russell wrote:


Since replacing my Geforce 750TI with a Geforce 1650 OC card, I have 
found a some information.

1. The Nvidia Solaris x86 Driver download 
NVIDIA-Solaris-x86-455.28.run is the best driver to use with the 
Geforce 1650 OC.

2. Any driver after NVIDIA-Solaris-x86-455.28.run like 
NVIDIA-Solaris-x86-455.38.run and NVIDIA-Solaris-x86-455.45.01.run 
cause a CPU panic along with a core dump during installation.
    I have found that it pays to create a clone of the current active 
boot environment and testing the driver in the clone, this allows easy 
recovery by selecting the original boot environment and deleting the 

    Has anyone tried these drivers? I believe Nvidia have included 
security fixes for Intel CPUs which maybe the cause of the problem (I 
have Dual Opteron 2435)

3. Since upgrading to OpenIndiana Hipster 2020.10 Version 
illumos-8b1df8bf71, the problem I have with my computer rebooting 
after failing to start Lightdm has improved generally compared to 
earlier releases.

   Dec 19 - 2 reboots
   Dec 20 - 3 reboots
   Dec 21 - 2 reboots
   Dec 22 - 3 reboots
   Dec 23 - 3 reboots
   Dec 24 - 32 reboots (almost 2 hours of reboots)
   Dec 25 - 1 reboot
   Dec 26 - 1 reboot
   Dec 27 - 6 reboots
   Dec 28 - 2 reboots
   Dec 29 - 7 reboots

   Unfortunately Dec 24 was the exception not sure why



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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] How is IvyBridge support on recent IO?

2021-01-11 Thread Stephan Althaus

Hello Chris!

Maybe you could check if the system is accepting connections via ssh..

When i remember correctly, there is still no console available in UEFI 
boot mode. .(?)


On 01/11/21 11:24, Andreas Wacknitz wrote:

Am 11.01.21 um 09:35 schrieb Chris:

I recently attempted to an install of OI 20201031 on an
Intel i5 IvyBridge. Everything worked up until the console
switched to graphics/Xorg. Where the screen simply turned
black and disk activity stopped shoerly there after.
Tapping anything on the keyboard did not seem to have any
affect. That is; no disk activity, nor change on the
acreen as a result. Is IvyBridge still

Thank you for all your time, and consideration.



from my point of view it shouldn't fail like this, albeit I haven't
checked any Ivy Brigde generation cpu yet. I only successfully used
Intel graphics on my e3-1245v3 (Haswell) and e3-1275v5 (Skylake,
not really sure whether I really tested it (my memory my fail me) as I
am using NVIDIA P6x0 cards on these machines).
My general recommendation is to use the text install media because this
is the best supported version (live media is still working but lacking
some things already as nobody cares for them).
After a successful installation from text media you can run "pkg install
mate_install && pkg uninstall mate_install" which brings you X11 and
Mate desktop.
Of course you'll need to add more apps to get a better desktop 

When your machine hangs on starting X11 you should try to connect via
ssh and look for errors in /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /var/adm/messages.


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[OpenIndiana-discuss] Comments on a Backup Server wrt SMART

2021-01-11 Thread Stephan Althaus

Hello all!

I am planning to set up a small server to send my snapshots to,
to get rid of plumbing HDDs via USB all the time and automate these things..

There will be 4-6 SATA HDDs (CMR) (the ones that i currently use via USB)
on a SAS Controller (cheapy LSI SAS2008 or the like) to build a ZFS Raid 
Z2 or a stripe of mirrors.

But i am wondering, as I won't have S.M.A.R.T data with OI on these 
disks (smartmon not imlemented for 'Solaris') ...

Ooes everybody here around use SAS (or SCSI) disks ??

Do you think SMART is relevant for my use case ??

Do you think i should use *BSD because of SMART ??

Comments are very welcome :-)



openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Comments on a Backup Server wrt SMART

2021-01-11 Thread Stephan Althaus

Hello Judah!

Thanks for your comment.

Yes i have smartmontools installed,
smartctl does see that SMART is enabled on the drives,
but i don't get SMART data..

# smartctl -a /dev/rdsk/c9t2d0s0 -T verypermissive
smartctl 7.1 2019-12-30 r5022 [i386-pc-solaris2.11] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-19, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org

Model Family: Seagate Samsung SpinPoint M9T
Device Model: ST2000LM003 HN-M201RAD
Serial Number:    S321J9FFA02953
LU WWN Device Id: 5 0004cf 20e38a8f6
Firmware Version: 2BC10001
User Capacity:    2,000,398,934,016 bytes [2.00 TB]
Sector Sizes: 512 bytes logical, 4096 bytes physical
Rotation Rate:    5400 rpm
Form Factor:  2.5 inches
Device is:    In smartctl database [for details use: -P show]
ATA Version is:   ATA8-ACS T13/1699-D revision 6
SATA Version is:  SATA 3.0, 6.0 Gb/s (current: 3.0 Gb/s)
Local Time is:    Tue Jan 12 08:04:22 2021 CET
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled

Read SMART Data failed: scsi error aborted command

SMART Status command failed: scsi error aborted command
SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: UNKNOWN!
SMART Status, Attributes and Thresholds cannot be read.

Read SMART Log Directory failed: scsi error aborted command

Read SMART Error Log failed: scsi error aborted command

Read SMART Self-test Log failed: scsi error aborted command

Selective Self-tests/Logging not supported

$ pkg info smartmontools
 Name: storage/smartmontools
  Summary: smartmontools contains utilities that control and 

   storage devices
 Category: Applications/System Utilities
    State: Installed
    Publisher: openindiana.org
  Version: 7.1
   Branch: 2020.0.1.0
   Packaging Date: 12 June 2020 at 16:16:57
Last Install Time: 13 October 2019 at 14:15:49
 Last Update Time:  3 November 2020 at 11:30:45
 Size: 2.15 MB

  Project URL: https://downloads.sourceforge.net/smartmontools
   Source URL: 

On 01/12/21 07:52, Judah Richardson wrote:

On Tue, Jan 12, 2021 at 12:46 AM Stephan Althaus <
stephan.alth...@duedinghausen.eu> wrote:

Hello all!

I am planning to set up a small server to send my snapshots to,
to get rid of plumbing HDDs via USB all the time and automate these

There will be 4-6 SATA HDDs (CMR) (the ones that i currently use via USB)
on a SAS Controller (cheapy LSI SAS2008 or the like) to build a ZFS Raid
Z2 or a stripe of mirrors.

But i am wondering, as I won't have S.M.A.R.T data with OI on these
disks (smartmon not imlemented for 'Solaris') ...

? smartmontools is in the OI repos:
https://repology.org/project/smartmontools/versions <- search that page for

Ooes everybody here around use SAS (or SCSI) disks ??

I would if I could afford the associated infrastructure. I use - and get by
quite well with - SATA HDDs.

Do you think SMART is relevant for my use case ??


Do you think i should use *BSD because of SMART ??

You should use whatever OS works best for you.

Comments are very welcome :-)



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