
To interchange Data between the systems you could
- install the zfs packages on ubuntu, the prepared ones work quite well,
- create a zfs zpool on a spare drive (usb stick e.g.)
  with option    -d  to make it compatble.
(you can enable features later if you find you need them and are
supported by both systems.)
Then you can
zpool import -f newpool
from either OS.

These features i thnk i enabled later on my shared "dhome" zfs pool:

zpool set feature@async_destroy=enabled dhome
zpool set feature@empty_bpobj=enabled   dhome
zpool set feature@lz4_compress=enabled  dhome
zpool set feature@multi_vdev_crash_dump=enabled  dhome
zpool set feature@spacemap_histogram=enabled  dhome
zpool set feature@enabled_txg=enabled  dhome
zpool set feature@hole_birth=enabled  dhome
zpool set feature@extensible_dataset=enabled  dhome
zpool set feature@embedded_data=enabled  dhome
zpool set feature@bookmarks=enabled  dhome
zpool set feature@filesystem_limits=enabled  dhome
zpool set feature@large_blocks=enabled  dhome

Don't rely on this list and recheck,
or leave the features disabled to be shure.


On 03/28/19 08:06 PM, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:
> Hi Tim,
>> In looking at the Hipster package manager I see that this package is
>>> "system_display-manager_lightdm_gtk-greeter.p5i" but I do not know what
>> is
>>> in a p5i file nor how to decompress it to get just the binaries that I
>> can
>>> copy over to test it along with the slim option to see which looks
>> better.
>> Since you have OI installed and running, can't you just install the login
>> greeter and use 'pkg contents' to get the contents and then use some
>> scripting to total up its size on disk?  Or would that pull in way too
>> much stuff?
> I am thinking that this might be possible. Perhaps setup a non-global zone
> and install the package there so that I can trace down the component sizes.
> Will have to figure out how to create the non-global zone and then do this.
>>> On a good side note, I have installed OpenIndiana on a native partition
>> so
>>> that I can do some development on both the OpenIndiana and SmartOS
>> projects
>>> and REALLY like the OpenIndiana OS running on a native partition.
>> Already,
>>> I am seeing myself rebooting into my previous Ubuntu 18.04 less and less.
>>> If I could find a way so that OpenIndiana could see my Ubuntu 18.04
>> "ext4"
>>> partition so that I cold access some of those files then I might even try
>>> to stay with running OpenIndiana always. Any ideas on how to see or mount
>>> the partition since the OI file manager does not see it by default.
>> That's been discussed in the past, you might want to do some searching in
>> the mailing list archives.  It's probably a couple years back in the
>> archives, if I had to guess.
>> There is no native driver for OI to support ext2/ext3/ext4.  Apparently
>> the filesystem in userspace (FUSE) code worked at one point, but IIRC
>> it's not currently working.  That would likely be the easiest approach
>> to get minimal access to ext volumes, but again, I don't think it's
>> working right now.
> Yea, I was digging around the Internet and it seems that there is no real
> support for this. Perhaps, I can dig into the FUSE code at some point to
> see if maybe I can get it working in the near future since I think that it
> would be useful to be able to mount different filesystems as well.
> Cheers,
> Lonnie
>> Tim
>> --
>> Tim Mooney                                             tim.moo...@ndsu.edu
>> Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure                  701-231-1076 (Voice)
>> Room 242-J6, Quentin Burdick Building                  701-231-8541 (Fax)
>> North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164
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