Solved - better to say worked around.
I found an old BE with a working VirtualBox 6.0.12,
and in that i made a pkg update to a new be.
Now i'm up to date and everything works just fine.
I will keep the not working be for a week or so, if anoyone likes to
have some input about the errornous be theres a chance that i can
provide it.
On 11/24/19 17:37, Stephan Althaus wrote:
Thanks Michal fpr your input,
The change of the network adapter did not help.
I did a Test with removed ~/.config/VirtualBox/ and removed
~/VirtualBox\ VMs/
and an new guest VM, the very same error.
Thanks for the link,
BTW it's a shame that 1 error code is thrown by about 20 different
scenarios °o°
The installed packages are the same as shown on pkg.openindiana.org
$ pkg info |head
Name: SUNWcs
Summary: Core Solaris
Description: core software for a specific instruction-set
Category: System/Core
State: Installed
Publisher: openindiana.org
Version: 0.5.11
Branch: 2019.0.0.19247
Packaging Date: 23 November 2019 at 01:49:43
Last Install Time: 7 September 2019 at 19:43:17
$ pkg info virtualbox
Name: system/virtualbox
Summary: VirtualBox - general-purpose full virtualizer
Category: System/Virtualization
State: Installed
Publisher: openindiana.org
Version: 6.0.14
Branch: 2019.0.0.0
Packaging Date: 31 October 2019 at 11:42:39
Last Install Time: 24 November 2019 at 09:54:18
Size: 118.66 MB
Project URL: http://www.virtualbox.org/
Source URL:
Which "driver" pkgs are you referring to? i don't see other related
packages than "virtualbox" (?)
On 11/24/19 15:30, Till Wegmüller wrote:
Hi Stephan
If I google the Hex Code on the VirtualBox sites I get a Virtual
Networking related error. The Topic in the Forums at [0] suggest to boot
the VM's without network cards once and then try again with a network
card. In any case this seems network related but maybe somehow different
to the mentioned one.
Another thing that I would check is if the vboxnet driver and the
VirtualBox Package are installed in the same version. We had problems
generating incorporations some Weeks ago this might come have an impact
on you. If they don't match try to update with incorporation and once
just installing all VirtualBox packages suffixed with @latest to force
pkg to error if the latest can not be installed.
Hope this helps
[0] https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?t=33196
On 24.11.19 11:01, Stephan Althaus wrote:
What i did test so far:
a) Remove ~/.config/VirtualBox, start GUI, create new machine, start -
same Error
b) uninstall virtualbox package, reboot, install package - same error
The user is in the vbpusers group
$ groups
lp sys staff vboxuser family
The tail of the dtrace is
$ sudo dtrace -n 'syscall::open*:entry { printf("%s
%s",execname,copyinstr(arg0)); }'|grep -i box
0 18427 open:entry VirtualBoxVM
0 18427 open:entry VirtualBoxVM
0 18427 open:entry VirtualBoxVM
0 18427 open:entry VirtualBoxVM /dev/null
0 18427 open:entry VirtualBoxVM /dev/null
0 18427 open:entry VirtualBoxVM /dev/null
0 18427 open:entry VirtualBoxVM /dev/null
0 18427 open:entry VirtualBoxVM
2 18427 open:entry VBoxSVC
On 11/23/19 16:38, Stephan Althaus wrote:
I suddenly have some problem with virtualbox,
id did run well before, and i don't know what i did to ..
i did a pkg update just *now*
The error was there *before* this update,
this was done just to be sure..
Error is
$ VBoxManage startvm aLinux
Waiting for VM "aLinux" to power on...
VBoxManage: error: The virtual machine 'aLinux' has terminated
unexpectedly during startup with exit code 1 (0x1)
VBoxManage: error: Details: code NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005),
component MachineWrap, interface IMachine
Something got wrong, i don't know what..
$ svcs -a|grep virt
disabled 15:50:12
disabled 15:50:12 svc:/application/virtualbox/autostart:default
disabled 15:50:12 svc:/application/virtualbox/webservice:default
disabled 15:50:13 svc:/application/virtualbox/zoneaccess:default
online 15:50:30 svc:/application/virtualbox/run-once:default
$ modinfo|grep vb
239 fffffffff93c8000 588e8 304 1 vboxdrv (VirtualBox HostDrv
240 fffffffff93be000 77d8 305 1 vboxflt (VirtualBox NetDrv
240 fffffffff93be000 77d8 - 1 vboxflt (VirtualBox NetMod
241 fffffffff8e425a8 d08 306 1 vboxnet (VirtualBox NetAdp
245 fffffffff8ef5e28 48d8 308 1 vboxusbmon (VirtualBox USBMon
pkg verify pkg:/system/virtualbox
showed nothing.
What else could i check?
Any hints are welcome!
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