Re: [Open Babel] Java API: setting OBConformerScore will crash application

2013-12-02 Thread Joos Kiener
It seems not possible to create a simple application were this issue happens.
As a context I'm reading in molecules, generating 3D coordinates and then
generate the Spectrophore. In a simple script-like snippet this works. 

In the complete application the results are written to an output file, there
are cli-options but fundamentally it does not do anything different and the
code for conformer searching is the same. But here it always fails with a
java error. And commenting


reproducibly fixes the issue.

I will investigate further to try to find a simple example to demonstrate

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Re: [Open Babel] Java API: setting OBConformerScore will crash application

2013-12-02 Thread Noel O'Boyle
Just a hint: one common problem with the forcefield code is that you
forgot to check that Setup was successful (Setup can fail with crazy
molecules that are not supported by a particular forcefield). This can
result in any number of interesting segfaults if you call any other
forcefield methods afterwards.

- Noel

On 2 December 2013 09:18, Joos Kiener  wrote:
> It seems not possible to create a simple application were this issue happens.
> As a context I'm reading in molecules, generating 3D coordinates and then
> generate the Spectrophore. In a simple script-like snippet this works.
> In the complete application the results are written to an output file, there
> are cli-options but fundamentally it does not do anything different and the
> code for conformer searching is the same. But here it always fails with a
> java error. And commenting
> conformerSearch.SetScore(score);
> reproducibly fixes the issue.
> I will investigate further to try to find a simple example to demonstrate
> this.
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Re: [Open Babel] Java API: setting OBConformerScore will crash application

2013-12-02 Thread Joos Kiener
The code for generating the conformers is as below:

private void generateConformers(OBMol mol) {

OBConformerSearch conformerSearch = new OBConformerSearch();
OBConformerScore score = new OBEnergyConformerScore();

if (!conformerSearch.Setup(mol, nrOfConformers, nrOfChildren,
mutability, convergence)) {
String message = "Generating conformers failed.";
throw new MoleculeInitializationException(message, mol);

In the calling code the exception is caught. And I can actually use this
same code (class) above in a more simplified script and it works fine. So
I'm kind of lost...The simpler script does not write any result to a file. 

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[Open Babel] (no subject)

2013-12-02 Thread Otto Kohulák

Thank you all who are helping me with this openbabel. I have
difficultieswith conversion of pwscf files.Colleague of mine had the
same problem, but was able to fix it. But now we
cannot reproduce this "fix". But back to case, when I am wanted to convert
a valid pwscf file like this:

babel -i pwscf pw.out -o xyz

the result is always:

0 molecules converted
2 audit log messages

I obtained from git repository, compiled with g++ with support of eigen2.
Its version 2.3.90. What i am missing, What are those audit log messages.
How can I view them.

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Re: [Open Babel] (no subject)

2013-12-02 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
PWSCF is a relatively new addition to the parser. So it's possible that it's a 
new type of file that isn't read correctly. Can you send me an example file or 

Thanks very much,

On Dec 2, 2013, at 8:41 AM, Otto Kohulák  wrote:

> Hello,
> Thank you all who are helping me with this openbabel. I have difficulties 
> with conversion of pwscf files. Colleague of mine had the same problem, but 
> was able to fix it. But now we cannot reproduce this "fix". But back to case, 
> when I am wanted to convert a valid pwscf file like this:
> babel -i pwscf pw.out -o xyz
> the result is always:
> 0 molecules converted
> 2 audit log messages 
> I obtained from git repository, compiled with g++ with support of eigen2. Its 
> version 2.3.90. What i am missing, What are those audit log messages. How can 
> I view them.
> Regards!
> --
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Re: [Open Babel] (no subject)

2013-12-02 Thread Craig James
On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 5:41 AM, Otto Kohulák  wrote:

> babel -i pwscf pw.out -o xyz
> the result is always:
> 0 molecules converted
> 2 audit log messages

Can you convert from or to other formats?  For example, can you do this?

  echo "CCO" | obabel -i smi -o sdf

By the way, the "babel" program is old.  You should read about the newer
"obabel" program, which is very similar but handles command-line arguments
better.  Try "obabel -H".

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Re: [Open Babel] Java API: setting OBConformerScore will crash application

2013-12-02 Thread Joos Kiener
I can reproduce this on a different PC also running windows 7. The Windows
Event viewer generates an entry for this:

Faulting application name: java.exe, version: 7.0.450.18, time stamp:
Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 6.1.7601.18205, time stamp:
Exception code: 0xc374
Fault offset: 0x000c385b
Faulting process id: 0x1f38
Faulting application start time: 0x01ceef76378d42e8
Faulting application path: C:\Windows\system32\java.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
Report Id: 766a7dc8-5b69-11e3-a4f4-083e8e9dc95b

Not sure if this helps at all. The whole issue is kind of confusing as
again, the exact same code works when called from a simpler snippet that
does not write results to a file and does not allow any options to be set.

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Re: [Open Babel] Java API: setting OBConformerScore will crash application

2013-12-02 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> Not sure if this helps at all. The whole issue is kind of confusing as
> again, the exact same code works when called from a simpler snippet that
> does not write results to a file and does not allow any options to be set.

When you say "does not allow any options to be set," do you mean the 
OBConformerScore isn't set?

Also, as a temporary work-around, have you looked at the Monte-Carlo conformer 
searching (i.e., weighted rotor search)?

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Re: [Open Babel] Java API: setting OBConformerScore will crash application

2013-12-02 Thread Joos Kiener
Geoff Hutchison wrote
> When you say "does not allow any options to be set," do you mean the
> OBConformerScore isn't set?

No I meant that the options are not exposed as cli parameters and hence it
runs with default parameters (eg. nr of conformers, nr of children,

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[Open Babel] count polar and non polar atoms

2013-12-02 Thread Francois Berenger
Dear list,

I have a bunch of .mol2 files.

I would like to count the number of atoms in each file
as: total number of atoms, number of polar atoms,
number of non polar atoms.

Is there a way to do this rather easily with Open Babel?

Thanks a lot,

PS: I am not a chemist

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Re: [Open Babel] Java API: setting OBConformerScore will crash application

2013-12-02 Thread Joos Kiener
This is confusing. This issue is some weird memory issue. At the end of this
post is the most simple code I could come up with that reproduces the
problem for me.

I can make the code work by removing or commenting just any of the following
lines (only one of them is enough):

-  conformerSearch.SetScore(score); // will then use default

-  String str = StringUtils.join(strArray, ',');

For the StringUtils part, the length of the array matters. 5000 still works,
8000 does not. However in my original application I completely removed that
and it still has the issue. This tells me it is some weird memory problem
that can be caused by generating long strings (but not limited to this).
This issue then breaks OBEnergyConformerScore but not the default

The error code from event viewer according to my google search means heap

See below the mentioned code. It has a dependency on

package conformergenerator;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.openbabel.OBBuilder;
import org.openbabel.OBConformerScore;
import org.openbabel.OBConformerSearch;
import org.openbabel.OBConversion;
import org.openbabel.OBEnergyConformerScore;
import org.openbabel.OBMol;

public class App {

public static void main(String[] args) {


System.out.println("Create OBMol from smiles");
OBConversion conv = new OBConversion();
OBMol mol = new OBMol();

boolean hasNext = conv.ReadFile(mol, "mols.smi");

String[] strArray = buildArray(1);
while (hasNext) {
System.out.println("Adding Hydrogens");
System.out.println("Generate 3D coordinates");
OBBuilder builder = new OBBuilder();

System.out.println("Generate Conformers");
OBConformerSearch conformerSearch = new OBConformerSearch();
OBConformerScore score = new OBEnergyConformerScore();

if (!conformerSearch.Setup(mol)) {
String message = "Generating conformers failed.";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);

String str = StringUtils.join(strArray, ',');
// the idea would be to add this as property to mol
// but not required for the code to fail

hasNext = conv.Read(mol);

private static String[] buildArray(int numElements) {
String[] a = new String[numElements];
for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) {
a[i] = "a";
return a;

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