PWSCF is a relatively new addition to the parser. So it's possible that it's a 
new type of file that isn't read correctly. Can you send me an example file or 

Thanks very much,

On Dec 2, 2013, at 8:41 AM, Otto Kohulák <> wrote:

> Hello,
> Thank you all who are helping me with this openbabel. I have difficulties 
> with conversion of pwscf files. Colleague of mine had the same problem, but 
> was able to fix it. But now we cannot reproduce this "fix". But back to case, 
> when I am wanted to convert a valid pwscf file like this:
> babel -i pwscf pw.out -o xyz
> the result is always:
> 0 molecules converted
> 2 audit log messages 
> I obtained from git repository, compiled with g++ with support of eigen2. Its 
> version 2.3.90. What i am missing, What are those audit log messages. How can 
> I view them.
> Regards!
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