Fwd: Failed: PAUSE indexer report CORION/Finance-Bank-Postbank_de-0.57.tar.gz
Hi all, I don't see any immediate problems with the distribution on the website, but maybe the DB needs a (manual) retry... Thanks for running PAUSE! -max Weitergeleitete Nachricht Betreff: Failed: PAUSE indexer report CORION/Finance-Bank-Postbank_de-0.57.tar.gz Datum: Sun, 31 Mar 2019 11:55:19 + Von: PAUSE An: c...@corion.net, andreas.koenig.gmwojprw+pa...@franz.ak.mind.de The following report has been written by the PAUSE namespace indexer. Please contact modules@perl.org if there are any open questions. User: CORION (Max Maischein) Distribution file: Finance-Bank-Postbank_de-0.57.tar.gz Number of files: 55 *.pm files: 12 README: Finance-Bank-Postbank_de-0.57/README META-File: Finance-Bank-Postbank_de-0.57/META.json META-Parser: Parse::CPAN::Meta 1.4414 META-driven index: no Timestamp of file: Sun Mar 31 11:44:50 2019 UTC Time of this run: Sun Mar 31 11:55:19 2019 UTC Status of this distro: Database error = The following packages (grouped by status) have been found in the distro: Status: Database error == module : Finance::Bank::Postbank_de version: undef in file: Finance-Bank-Postbank_de-0.57/lib/Finance/Bank/Postbank_de.pm status : The PAUSE indexer could not store the indexing result in the DB due the following error: C< Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction >. Please report the case to the PAUSE admins at modules@perl.org. Status: Successfully indexed module : Finance::Bank::Postbank_de::APIv1 version: 0.57 in file: Finance-Bank-Postbank_de-0.57/lib/Finance/Bank/Postbank_de/APIv1.pm status : indexed module : Finance::Bank::Postbank_de::APIv1::Account version: 0.57 in file: Finance-Bank-Postbank_de-0.57/lib/Finance/Bank/Postbank_de/APIv1/Account.pm status : indexed module : Finance::Bank::Postbank_de::APIv1::BusinessPartner version: 0.57 in file: Finance-Bank-Postbank_de-0.57/lib/Finance/Bank/Postbank_de/APIv1/BusinessPartner.pm status : indexed module : Finance::Bank::Postbank_de::APIv1::Depot version: 0.57 in file: Finance-Bank-Postbank_de-0.57/lib/Finance/Bank/Postbank_de/APIv1/Depot.pm status : indexed module : Finance::Bank::Postbank_de::APIv1::Finanzstatus version: 0.57 in file: Finance-Bank-Postbank_de-0.57/lib/Finance/Bank/Postbank_de/APIv1/Finanzstatus.pm status : indexed module : Finance::Bank::Postbank_de::APIv1::Message version: 0.57 in file: Finance-Bank-Postbank_de-0.57/lib/Finance/Bank/Postbank_de/APIv1/Message.pm status : indexed module : Finance::Bank::Postbank_de::APIv1::Position version: 0.57 in file: Finance-Bank-Postbank_de-0.57/lib/Finance/Bank/Postbank_de/APIv1/Position.pm status : indexed module : Finance::Bank::Postbank_de::APIv1::Transaction version: 0.57 in file: Finance-Bank-Postbank_de-0.57/lib/Finance/Bank/Postbank_de/APIv1/Transaction.pm status : indexed module : Finance::Bank::Postbank_de::Account version: 0.57 in file: Finance-Bank-Postbank_de-0.57/lib/Finance/Bank/Postbank_de/Account.pm status : indexed module : HAL::Resource version: 0.57 in file: Finance-Bank-Postbank_de-0.57/lib/HAL/Resource.pm status : indexed __END__
Fwd: Failed: PAUSE indexer report CORION/Object-Import-1.006.tar.gz
Hi all, it seems that the database indexer needs another run for Object::Import. The new version 1.006 doesn't show up on CPAN. Thanks, -max Weitergeleitete Nachricht Betreff: Failed: PAUSE indexer report CORION/Object-Import-1.006.tar.gz Datum: Fri, 26 Apr 2019 20:23:26 + Von: PAUSE An: c...@corion.net, andreas.koenig.gmwojprw+pa...@franz.ak.mind.de The following report has been written by the PAUSE namespace indexer. Please contact modules@perl.org if there are any open questions. User: CORION (Max Maischein) Distribution file: Object-Import-1.006.tar.gz Number of files: 26 *.pm files: 1 README: Object-Import-1.006/README META-File: Object-Import-1.006/META.json META-Parser: Parse::CPAN::Meta 1.4414 META-driven index: no Timestamp of file: Fri Apr 26 20:16:45 2019 UTC Time of this run: Fri Apr 26 20:23:26 2019 UTC Status of this distro: Database error = The following packages (grouped by status) have been found in the distro: Status: Database error == module : Object::Import version: undef in file: Object-Import-1.006/lib/Object/Import.pm status : The PAUSE indexer could not store the indexing result in the DB due the following error: C< Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction >. Please report the case to the PAUSE admins at modules@perl.org. __END__
Re: Small patches for Spreadsheet::ReadSXC - read raw formatted currency values
Hello Christoph, thank you for writjng the module in the first place! Don't worry about taking time to reply - I know how it is when I am busy with my dayjob. I'd be very happy to adopt Spreadsheet::ReadSXC. If you still have your CPAN / PAUSE credentials, you can assign me ("CORION") as Co-maintainer or primary maintainer as per http://www.cpan.org/modules/04pause.html#takeover If you don't have (and want) your CPAN credentials anymore, please send a mail to modules@perl.org (also in CC) that they should assign me (co-)maintainership or move the module to the user ADOPTME. Looking forward to the module, -max Am 17. September 2019 00:41:17 MESZ schrieb Christoph Terhechte : >Hello Max, > >Thanks for your email. I’m surprised anyone is still using that module. >It was written for a much earlier version of Open Office many years >ago. I have since abandoned programming more or less. > >I’d be happy to apply the patches you suggest, but I’m afraid my job is >keeping me so busy that it would take quite a while to do so. If you’d >like to “adopt” the module, I’d be happy to let you take over. Not >having been on CPAN for more than a decade (at least), I am not aware >of any necessary steps to take, but if you are, please let me know. > >Best regards, > >Christoph > >> On 30. Aug 2019, at 11:10, Max Maischein wrote: >> >> Hello Christoph, >> >> thank you very much for writing Spreadsheet::ReadSXC! The module >helps >> me to conveniently read spreadsheet files from OpenOffice and >LibreOffice. >> >> I format some money values with a currency but still need to get at >the >> numbers as numbers. The attached patches implement reading of raw >values >> for currency cells. Along the way I also found that ODS changed the >> attribute name from SXC files for the raw date and raw time values. >> >> It would be great if you find the time to review the patches and >apply >> them. If you don't want to maintain the module anymore, I'm also >willing >> to make a new release with these fixes. >> >> The patches in detail are: >> >> 0001 - simplify the test suite using is_deeply in favour of cmp_array >> >> This is a minor style change but not really necessary for the new >> functionality. It just uses functionality that comes with Perl. >> >> 0002 - eliminate @ISA in favour of using the Exporter 'import' >feature >> directly >> >> This is a minor style change but not really necessary for the new >> functionality. It just uses functionality that comes with Perl. >> >> 0003 - switch reading the XML file from a global filehandle to a >lexical >> filehandle >> >> This is a minor style change but not really necessary for the new >> functionality. It just uses functionality that comes with Perl. >> >> 0004 - support ODS formatted cell values >> >> 0005 - test for reading a file twice >> >> This is mostly a sanity check that I didn't break that functionality >> >> 0006 - add the option to read the raw values of formatted numbers >> >> This is the meat of the changes. >> >> Thanks again for writing this module, >> >> -max >> >> ><0001-Eliminate-array_cmp-in-favour-of-is_deeply.patch><0002-Switch-to-Exporter-5-usage.patch><0003-Switch-XML-reading-to-a-lexical-filehandle.patch><0004-Support-ODS-formatted-cell-values-as-well.patch><0005-Add-test-for-reading-the-same-file-twice.patch><0006-Add-StandardCurrency-option-and-tests.patch><0007-Update-Changes.patch> -- Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android-Mobiltelefon mit K-9 Mail gesendet.
Re: Small patches for Spreadsheet::ReadSXC - read raw formatted currency values
On 02.10.19 23:09, Neil Bowers wrote: > Hi Max, > > I’m one of the PAUSE admins. > > I’ve just transferred first-come permissions to you, on Christoph’s > behalf. Thanks for taking this module on. > > And thanks to Christoph as well. I've just released 0.21, with very minor fixes. Thanks to everybody for making this happen! -max
Re: Finance::Bank::Postbank
Hi Johan, > Nice submission, but there's a problem: In the Netherlands we also > have a Postbank, which is quite different from the German Postbank. Oooops ... > Would it be desirable/necessary to indicate that it is the German > Postbank the module is for? E.g., Finance::Bank::DE::Postbank. Yes, I think a renaming / clarification is quite necessary ! I think I'll rename it to Postbank_de (supposing that the .nl Postbank is at Postbank_nl) - since opening a whole DE::-tree just for german banks ... Hmmm - dosen't sound that bad either. I'll consider renaming it and I'll also discuss this on Perlmonks, and then I'll decide :-) Thanks, -max
Content of released documentation; scope and meaning of Test::TestUtil / Test::Tech
Hello, I have been watching your releases on CPAN and read parts of the released documentation, and even though I do not understand much of the suggested SVD-process subject matter it, I did not find much meat beyond the description of the supposed contents in the documentation. Maybe you should add a disclaimer to the included SVD* files that they do not contain information relevant to the current module but only information relevant for the history of the module, and can be safely skipped when evaluating a module. A second thing that I would like you to reconsider is the naming of "Test::TestUtil" respectively "Test::Tech" - neither of those is descriptive of what the routines actually do or what the module implements. I would recommend renaming them to something closer to your other modules, maybe "Test::SVDMaker::Util" and "Test::SVDMaker::Tech", as some routines do not seem to be specific to the Test::-suite but rather general (format_array_table). Some parts (the "scrub" routines) might even better live in another module namespace, "Test::Util::ScrubData" or something like that. Other routines seem to me duplicated effort from File::Spec, POSIX or plain Perl, as Perl already does smart newline handling, (even though with the advent of 5.8 even Unix-people have to learn the word "binmode" now :-)) - I think that explaining why these methods are preferable over the other (core) methods would help me in evaluating this module. But I also think that these routines should have their own namespace, as they are not specific to testing. Thanks for reading, -max
Requesting Co-maintainership of Net::Pcap (Fwd: Co-maintainership of Net::Pcap?)
Hi all, I'd like to request co-maintainership for Net::Pcap. The original owner mail ( p.lis...@cranfield.ac.uk ) bounces and Sébastien has done the releases since 2007. Should I take more/other steps to contact the original permission holder? Thanks, -max (CORION) This message was created automatically by mail delivery software. A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed: p.lis...@cranfield.ac.uk host mxb-0035df01.gslb.pphosted.com [] SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:: 550 5.1.1 User Unknown Forwarded Message Subject: Re: Co-maintainership of Net::Pcap? Date: Sat, 6 Nov 2021 10:56:47 +0100 (CET) From: Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni To: Max Maischein Max Maischein wrote: Hello Max, > For PAUSE co-maintainership, you have to go to > > https://pause.perl.org/pause/authenquery?ACTION=make_dist_comaint > > and select the distro (Net::Pcap) and add me ("CORION") as > Co-Maintainer. I forgot: I'm not the owner of Net::Pcap, just a co-maintainer myself, therefore I can't add another co-maintainer. I guess you'll need to mail Andreas Koenig directly. > For Github, we could run two separate repositories and synchronize > through pull requests, but maybe it is better if I have the > permission to push changes to your repository too. I wouldn't > mind having write access as well :) Just sent you an invitation to access my repository. It will make things simpler for everyone. > Thanks for getting back to me with this - don't hurry yourself! Even if it's not urgent, I would try to avoid preventing the module from being updating by others. -- Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni Close the world, txEn eht nepO.
Re: Requesting Co-maintainership of Net::Pcap (Fwd: Co-maintainership of Net::Pcap?)
Hi all, On 07.11.21 01:18, Max Maischein wrote: > Hi all, > > I'd like to request co-maintainership for Net::Pcap. The original owner > mail ( p.lis...@cranfield.ac.uk ) bounces and Sébastien has done the > releases since 2007. Should I take more/other steps to contact the > original permission holder? Not that there is anything urgent about this, but I'd like to know if there are steps I can/need to do to make this happen? -max
Re: Requesting Co-maintainership of Net::Pcap (Fwd: Co-maintainership of Net::Pcap?)
On 26.11.21 11:49, Neil Bowers wrote: > Hi Max, > > I’ve failed to track down Peter, and so have given you co-maint on > Net::Pcap. > > Obviously if Peter reappears, then he has the right to revoke this, but > that seems highly unlikely. Thanks to everybody! I've released 0.19 with some fixes and so far, the CPAN testers like it! -max
PAUSE registration
Name: Max Maischein Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: Preferred user-ID: CORION I have some different modules on the backburner, but one that has neared completion (in the "I want to add it to CPAN after I discuss it on Perlmonks"-sense) - the current name of the module is File::Dependencies. It is a wrapper that allows to easily check whether a list of files changed (timestamp or MD5) since the last check. I'm not yet sure if the module name is OK, so if anybody wants to see what the module is about, appended is the SYNOPSIS part of the POD. Another name already suggested was "File::Modified". Thanks, -max use strict; use File::Dependencies; my $d = File::Dependencies->new(Files=>['Import.cfg','Export.cfg']); while (1) { my (@changes) = $d->changed; if (@changes) { print "$_ was changed\n" for @changes; $d->update(); }; sleep 60; }; Second example - a script that knows when any of its modules have changed : use File::Dependencies; my $files = File::Dependencies->new(Files=>[values %INC, $0]); # We want to restart when any module was changed exec $0, @ARGV if $files->changed();
PAUSE download of perl-5.17.10.tar.gz got stuck
Hello all, unfortunately, the second half of the Perl 5.17.10 upload seems to have gotten stuck :-/ The .bz2 file was GET-fetched and indexed, but the .gz version was not and seems stuck (see log at the end) I don't know what to do next, or how I can get the processing unstuck (if at all)... Thanks for your help, -max (Corion) 2013-03-21 23:10:58 $$31947 v1049: Info: Requesting a GET on uri [http://users.perl5.git.perl.org/~corion/perl-5.17.10.tar.bz2] (paused:651) 2013-03-21 23:11:10 $$31947 v1049: Debug: Reaped child[16660] (paused:80) 2013-03-21 23:11:10 $$31947 v1049: Info: renamed '/home/ftp/tmp/C/CO/CORION/perl-5.17.10.tar.bz2' to '/home/ftp/pub/PAUSE/authors/id/C/CO/CORION/perl-5.17.10.tar.bz2' (paused:787) 2013-03-21 23:11:10 $$31947 v1049: Info: Got C/CO/CORION/perl-5.17.10.tar.bz2 (size 14269734) (paused:500) 2013-03-21 23:11:11 $$31947 v1049: Info: Sent 'has entered' email about uriid[C/CO/CORION/perl-5.17.10.tar.bz2] (paused:565) 2013-03-21 23:11:21 $$31947 v1049: Info: Need to get uriid[C/CO/CORION/perl-5.17.10.tar.gz] (paused:341) 2013-03-21 23:11:21 $$31947 v1049: Info: Going to fetch uriid[C/CO/CORION/perl-5.17.10.tar.gz] (paused:629) 2013-03-21 23:11:21 $$31947 v1049: Info: Requesting a GET on uri [http://users.perl5.git.perl.org/~corion/perl-5.17.10.tar.gz] (paused:65
Re: PAUSE download of perl-5.17.10.tar.gz got stuck
Hello Andreas, >> I don't know what to do next, or how I can get the processing unstuck (if at all)... Does menu item "Repair a pending upload" help? No, I changed things to an invalid URL there, and back. I got emails that these changes happened, but it seems from the logfile that no progress was made. Even the retry counter stays at zero for the .gz file. -max