Hello, I have been watching your releases on CPAN and read parts of the released documentation, and even though I do not understand much of the suggested SVD-process subject matter it, I did not find much meat beyond the description of the supposed contents in the documentation. Maybe you should add a disclaimer to the included SVD* files that they do not contain information relevant to the current module but only information relevant for the history of the module, and can be safely skipped when evaluating a module.
A second thing that I would like you to reconsider is the naming of "Test::TestUtil" respectively "Test::Tech" - neither of those is descriptive of what the routines actually do or what the module implements. I would recommend renaming them to something closer to your other modules, maybe "Test::SVDMaker::Util" and "Test::SVDMaker::Tech", as some routines do not seem to be specific to the Test::-suite but rather general (format_array_table). Some parts (the "scrub" routines) might even better live in another module namespace, "Test::Util::ScrubData" or something like that. Other routines seem to me duplicated effort from File::Spec, POSIX or plain Perl, as Perl already does smart newline handling, (even though with the advent of 5.8 even Unix-people have to learn the word "binmode" now :-)) - I think that explaining why these methods are preferable over the other (core) methods would help me in evaluating this module. But I also think that these routines should have their own namespace, as they are not specific to testing. Thanks for reading, -max