Hello Christoph,

thank you for writjng the module in the first place! Don't worry about taking 
time to reply - I know how it is when I am busy with my dayjob.

I'd be very happy to adopt Spreadsheet::ReadSXC. If you still have your CPAN / 
PAUSE credentials, you can assign me ("CORION") as Co-maintainer or primary 
maintainer as per


If you don't have (and want) your CPAN credentials anymore, please send a mail 
to modules@perl.org (also in CC) that they should assign me (co-)maintainership 
or move the module to the user ADOPTME.

Looking forward to the module,

Am 17. September 2019 00:41:17 MESZ schrieb Christoph Terhechte 
>Hello Max,
>Thanks for your email. I’m surprised anyone is still using that module.
>It was written for a much earlier version of Open Office many years
>ago. I have since abandoned programming more or less.
>I’d be happy to apply the patches you suggest, but I’m afraid my job is
>keeping me so busy that it would take quite a while to do so. If you’d
>like to “adopt” the module, I’d be happy to let you take over. Not
>having been on CPAN for more than a decade (at least), I am not aware
>of any necessary steps to take, but if you are, please let me know.
>Best regards,
>> On 30. Aug 2019, at 11:10, Max Maischein <cor...@corion.net> wrote:
>> Hello Christoph,
>> thank you very much for writing Spreadsheet::ReadSXC! The module
>> me to conveniently read spreadsheet files from OpenOffice and
>> I format some money values with a currency but still need to get at
>> numbers as numbers. The attached patches implement reading of raw
>> for currency cells. Along the way I also found that ODS changed the
>> attribute name from SXC files for the raw date and raw time values.
>> It would be great if you find the time to review the patches and
>> them. If you don't want to maintain the module anymore, I'm also
>> to make a new release with these fixes.
>> The patches in detail are:
>> 0001 - simplify the test suite using is_deeply in favour of cmp_array
>> This is a minor style change but not really necessary for the new
>> functionality. It just uses functionality that comes with Perl.
>> 0002 - eliminate @ISA in favour of using the Exporter 'import'
>> directly
>> This is a minor style change but not really necessary for the new
>> functionality. It just uses functionality that comes with Perl.
>> 0003 - switch reading the XML file from a global filehandle to a
>> filehandle
>> This is a minor style change but not really necessary for the new
>> functionality. It just uses functionality that comes with Perl.
>> 0004 - support ODS formatted cell values
>> 0005 - test for reading a file twice
>> This is mostly a sanity check that I didn't break that functionality
>> 0006 - add the option to read the raw values of formatted numbers
>> This is the meat of the changes.
>> Thanks again for writing this module,
>> -max

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