[MlMt] a aearch always switch to a wrong mailbox

2022-04-27 Thread Michael Nietzold

- I type a search in the search field
- or I click on underlined keywords in a mail view (subject or email or 

What I see:
- the search starts
- I it switched always to my folder/mailbox „Sent Messenges“

What I expect:
- it should stay in the current folder

How I can fix this?___
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] a aearch always switch to a wrong mailbox

2022-04-29 Thread Michael Nietzold
Thanks a lot - that was the solution for my problem :)

On 27 Apr 2022, at 22:02, Bill Cole wrote:

> On 2022-04-27 at 12:12:21 UTC-0400 (Wed, 27 Apr 2022 18:12:21 +0200)
> Michael Nietzold 
> is rumored to have said:
>> When:
>> - I type a search in the search field
>> - or I click on underlined keywords in a mail view (subject or email or 
>> similar)
>> What I see:
>> - the search starts
>> - I it switched always to my folder/mailbox „Sent Messenges“
>> What I expect:
>> - it should stay in the current folder
>> How I can fix this?___
> In the search box there is a magnifying glass with a pull-down menu that has 
> recent searches followed by a "Default Mailbox" item which lets you select 
> which mailbox to search by default. At the top of the mailbox list there is a 
> "Current Mailbox" option.
> -- 
> Bill Cole
> b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
> (AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)
> Not Currently Available For Hire
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
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[MlMt] Seach: show how much it match a keyword

2022-06-07 Thread Michael Nietzold


- in my Folders/Smart Folders I can search for a keyword
- but sometimes I need more in depth info about the matches

What I see:
- I don't see how many times my keywords are found in the list

What I expect:
- See a column for count of how many times the keyword is found
- maybe general - and also split into email/from/to/subject/body
- add a option for Smartfolder to select by this count (for example more 
than >2 matches)___
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Search in Text not count when i change the message

2022-06-07 Thread Michael Nietzold


- I have a list of emails
- I open one email when I select it in the list it shows a preview in 
the lower part

- I can search inside the email
- I change to the next email in the email list

What I see:
- the search keyword is still in the email search field
- the counter is set to "no match
- to search again see "workaround"

What I expect:
- I would expect that the search is still run again to this other email

- I need to klick into the search file
- I need to retype the search keywords to run the search again___
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] 5900 first blush...

2022-06-24 Thread Michael Nietzold

Von meinem iDingens gesendet...

> Am 24.06.2022 um 15:49 schrieb Benny Kjær Nielsen :
> On 24 Jun 2022, at 14:56, Henry Seiden wrote:
>> Is there a version for iPad/iPhone?
> Sorry, but no.

Any Plans to make it in the future?
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Link for viewing attachments

2022-08-12 Thread Michael Nietzold
Just you talking about it: I agree - icons on the right side not that nice 

At least if the icona go to the left side it would be more convenient. 

Von meinem iDingens gesendet...

> Am 12.08.2022 um 21:04 schrieb Antonio Leding :
> “What were you able to do with the older interface which you cannot do now?”
> Functionally, there is no change but UX wise, it is different. It was nice to 
> just click on the attachment filename and have it open as a preview without 
> needing the app. This function is now provided by clicking on the little eye 
> on the far right.
> The old way was a little more efficient - at least to me. But also, this just 
> my personal pref and not any type of show stopper…
> On 12 Aug 2022, at 7:43, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
> On 12 Aug 2022, at 1:07, Antonio Leding wrote:
> I recently upgraded to Monterey which necessitated a MM update to v5895. In 
> the new MM version, I see that attachments are no longer represented as links 
> within messages.
> I loved this feature so a couple questions here:
> Can this older behavior be enabled somehow?
> No.
> If not, is this gone forever?
> Yes.
> What were you able to do with the older interface which you cannot do now? 
> (The old one had many issues and few features.)
> --
> Benny
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
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> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
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[MlMt] add ESC to close a child message view

2022-09-23 Thread Michael Nietzold


- I have the eMails in a list
- when I hit enter it opens a message in a single view as a new child 

When I do:
- to close I need to click on the red x or hit CMF+w

What I expect:
- somehow (because I always hitting it) I expect that i can close it 
just with the ESC key

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Draft messages are not editable

2022-10-12 Thread Michael Nietzold
Can you check if you have set the mailbox type to "Drafts" for the draft 

- Right Click on your "Drafts" folder/mailbox
- Go to "Mailbox Type"
- Check if it set to "Draft"

(If you checked it on your "global" drafts folder then it may be grayed 
and unselectable - try to change it on the draft mailbox in the 
"Sources" section)

On 12 Oct 2022, at 20:24, Dave Carpenter wrote:

I’m running v5852.
- - -
Hello all,
When I save a draft message, it appears in the Drafts directory. When 
I open that message it is not editable, nor is the Send icon visible. 
It’s like it is a Received message. I can right-click and choose 
“Edit as New Message…” and then it is both editable and 

But this is not the design, is it? Am I the only one that sees this 
MlMt behavior?

When I check for updates, I’m told I’m up-to-date.

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mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Zoom in/out in Message Detail

2022-11-16 Thread Michael Nietzold


- i see a message in the 3 pane "preview" window
- or i doble click and open the message details view

what i do:
- i try zoom with cmd+'+' / cmd+'-'

what i see:
- i see a zoom level tooltup in the right top corner

- in Message preview
- the message body is zoomed in/out
- im Message detail popup windo
- just the mail headers are zoomed in and zoomed out
- the message it self is untouched

what i expect:
- in message popup window: that the message body also zoomed in and 
zoomed out with the given zoom level

Mail Mate Version: Version 1.14 (5880)___
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] MailMate crashes upon launch on Monterey

2022-11-21 Thread Michael Nietzold
At first you can try to switch off all internet connections to see if then 
mailmate start. Then you can set your mailboxes one by one online 

Second rename the folder b where your database and settinhs are stored: then 
mailmate thinks it is on afrsh install. 

When this is the case you can try 2 things:

- roll all back (or copy over from your backup - still have your backup) and 
remove only the mail database. Then mailmate redownload all your mails
- or copy over and over only some settings files which you need. 

The main thing is to get mailmate starter without problems. This is to know if 
mailmate has problems with Vemtura. Then do a rollback of settings. 

Which files you need is described in a doc "moving mailmate to a new computer" 

Mailmate then redownload all your stuff

Von meinem iDingens gesendet...

> Am 21.11.2022 um 16:29 schrieb Glenn Parker :
> On 18 Nov 2022, at 17:40, Robert Brenstein wrote:
>> I just got a new M1 MacBook Pro 16” and migrated all my files using 
>> Migration Assistant, including MailMate files in Application Support and 
>> Preferences, from my old computer running El Capitan and MailMate 5657. The 
>> new computer is running MacOS Monterey 12.3 and I downloaded and installed 
>> MailMate 5918.
> FWIW, I had more than a few problems with the results of the migration 
> assistant when I transitioned to an M1 iMac on Monterey. It grabbed a lot of 
> crufty old stuff, some of which wasn’t even M1 compatible. I wouldn’t use it 
> again.
> I would definitely consider re-installing MailMate from scratch. You can just 
> let MailMate resync everything, which might take a while. You can restore 
> your foldering rules and filters by copying the relevant preference files, 
> just remember to exit MailMate and save backups before editing any .plist 
> files.
> Have you considered upgrading to Ventura (mac OS 13.0.1)? It’s been quite 
> stable for me.
> Glenn P. Parker
> glenn.par...@comcast.net
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate

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Re: [MlMt] New Test Build (5929)

2022-12-07 Thread Michael Nietzold

Where you find the release notes for 5929?

Here only 5918 is described as the newest information:

On 6 Dec 2022, at 15:05, Henry Seiden wrote:

Hello All,

New Test Build 5929 came up today as available. Benny has new features 
which by the way are NOT backwards compatible regarding header and 
conditions field types as numeric value declarations. Read the Release 
Notes carefully before applying the update.


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: infotechworksprocom
W: http://techworkspro.com
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Re: [MlMt] New Test Build (5929)

2022-12-07 Thread Michael Nietzold

Thanks :)

On 7 Dec 2022, at 23:56, Eric Sharakan wrote:

Hi Michael, test releases are different than beta releases.  The 
release notes for test releases can be found here:


To install test releases, hold the option key down while clicking the 
"Check Now" button in the Software Update preference tab.


On 7 Dec 2022, at 17:38, Michael Nietzold wrote:

Where you find the release notes for 5929?

Here only 5918 is described as the newest information:

On 6 Dec 2022, at 15:05, Henry Seiden wrote:

Hello All,

New Test Build 5929 came up today as available. Benny has new 
features which by the way are NOT backwards compatible regarding 
header and conditions field types as numeric value declarations. 
Read the Release Notes carefully before applying the update.


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: infotechworksprocom
W: http://techworkspro.com
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[MlMt] Move Mailboxes (folders) not possible anymore

2022-12-21 Thread Michael Nietzold

- there are on the left side a tree with folders
- I can create there Smart Folders

What I try:
- I like to reorder this folders
- I drag the folders (without modifiers, or with modifiers cmd / 
alt(option) / control, shift) but no luck

What I see instead:
- I can not reorder

What I expected:
- I can reorder like in versions before

- just upgraded from macOS 12.x to macOS 13.1 Ventura
- Version 1.14 (5933) = Revision 5933 (Thursday, December 15, 2022)
- I don't remember when I last time done a reorder with drag and drop - 
so I can not specify if this behaviour is lost because of upgrade the 
macOS or because of a new beta update :/

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Open Links in Background?

2023-01-27 Thread Michael Nietzold

## Summary

Is there a way to open links in background? MailMate should stay 

## What I do:

I have many mails with many links (for example a newsletter with some 
list of articles).

I like to open some of the links.

Just now I click on them, and they open Chrome. But the problem is: then 
the Chrome app is the frontmost app.

## What I see:

- To delete the message (because there are no more links) I need to 
activate mail mate again, because chrome is the frontmost app
- to click on the next link, I have to click twice: the first click to 
activate mail mate and the second click to click on the link

## What I expect:

MailMate should stay activated so that I can work with MailMate

## What I tried so far:

I used modifier keys (shift, alt/option, command) in combination with 
the click - but no luck

## Suggestion:

As I know from Chrome there I can use the `cmd`+`click` to open a link 
in background it can be also in MailMate to open a link in Background. 
Otherwise an option that this `open in background` is the default 
behaviour would be the best solution for me :)___
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Open Links in Background? (workaround)

2023-01-28 Thread Michael Nietzold

For anyone interested for an workaround solution:

I created this script for https://github.com/Hammerspoon/hammerspoon:


On 27 Jan 2023, at 17:07, Michael Nietzold wrote:

## Summary

Is there a way to open links in background? MailMate should stay 

## What I do:

I have many mails with many links (for example a newsletter with some 
list of articles).

I like to open some of the links.

Just now I click on them, and they open Chrome. But the problem is: 
then the Chrome app is the frontmost app.

## What I see:

- To delete the message (because there are no more links) I need to 
activate mail mate again, because chrome is the frontmost app
- to click on the next link, I have to click twice: the first click to 
activate mail mate and the second click to click on the link

## What I expect:

MailMate should stay activated so that I can work with MailMate

## What I tried so far:

I used modifier keys (shift, alt/option, command) in combination with 
the click - but no luck

## Suggestion:

As I know from Chrome there I can use the `cmd`+`click` to open a link 
in background it can be also in MailMate to open a link in Background. 
Otherwise an option that this `open in background` is the default 
behaviour would be the best solution for me 

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Re: [MlMt] Open Links in Background?

2023-01-28 Thread Michael Nietzold

I am on:
- MailMate 5933
- Ventura 13.1.0

On 27 Jan 2023, at 17:07, Michael Nietzold wrote:

## Summary

Is there a way to open links in background? MailMate should stay 

## What I do:

I have many mails with many links (for example a newsletter with some 
list of articles).

I like to open some of the links.

Just now I click on them, and they open Chrome. But the problem is: 
then the Chrome app is the frontmost app.

## What I see:

- To delete the message (because there are no more links) I need to 
activate mail mate again, because chrome is the frontmost app
- to click on the next link, I have to click twice: the first click to 
activate mail mate and the second click to click on the link

## What I expect:

MailMate should stay activated so that I can work with MailMate

## What I tried so far:

I used modifier keys (shift, alt/option, command) in combination with 
the click - but no luck

## Suggestion:

As I know from Chrome there I can use the `cmd`+`click` to open a link 
in background it can be also in MailMate to open a link in Background. 
Otherwise an option that this `open in background` is the default 
behaviour would be the best solution for me 

mailmate mailing list
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Open Links in Background? (workaround)

2023-01-28 Thread Michael Nietzold

Added an option:

-- Setup the click behaviour:
-- -> use normal click to come back: false
-- -> use cmd+click to come back: true
local enable_cmdClick = true

On 29 Jan 2023, at 1:46, Michael Nietzold wrote:

For anyone interested for an workaround solution:

I created this script for https://github.com/Hammerspoon/hammerspoon:


On 27 Jan 2023, at 17:07, Michael Nietzold wrote:

## Summary

Is there a way to open links in background? MailMate should stay 

## What I do:

I have many mails with many links (for example a newsletter with some 
list of articles).

I like to open some of the links.

Just now I click on them, and they open Chrome. But the problem is: 
then the Chrome app is the frontmost app.

## What I see:

- To delete the message (because there are no more links) I need to 
activate mail mate again, because chrome is the frontmost app
- to click on the next link, I have to click twice: the first click 
to activate mail mate and the second click to click on the link

## What I expect:

MailMate should stay activated so that I can work with MailMate

## What I tried so far:

I used modifier keys (shift, alt/option, command) in combination with 
the click - but no luck

## Suggestion:

As I know from Chrome there I can use the `cmd`+`click` to open a 
link in background it can be also in MailMate to open a link in 
Background. Otherwise an option that this `open in background` is the 
default behaviour would be the best solution for me 

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Re: [MlMt] Mailbox Name Format

2023-02-01 Thread Michael Nietzold
I assume that you select in "Submailbox for each unique value of" to 
"Date > Day" to get it grouped on daily basis

You get is displayed as:


There are some modifiers for date like:

 `${#date.day}` -> `2023-01-23`
 `${#date.month}` -> `2023-01`
 `${#date.year}` -> `2023`

But I did not find something like ~~`${#date.dd}`~~ or 

But you can do it with a regex:


Whitch result in:

I hope this helps - maybe there a other formatters for date - but I can 
not find them :/

On 28 Jan 2023, at 5:20, RANDY ABBOTT wrote:

What is the syntax for creating a custom mailbox name when creating 
Submailboxes? I want the format mm/dd/yy but I don't know how that 
translates to the syntax ${#date.xxx}

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Re: [MlMt] Zoom in/out in Message Detail

2023-02-01 Thread Michael Nietzold

Thx for the info - for me this is also fixed now.

I am at #5939 now

On 16 Nov 2022, at 22:28, John Cooper wrote:

I can’t reproduce this behavior in 5927. Try updating to the latest 
test version.

Michael Nietzold wrote (at 12:34 PM on Wednesday, November 16, 2022):


- i see a message in the 3 pane "preview" window
- or i doble click and open the message details view

what i do:
- i try zoom with cmd+'+' / cmd+'-'

what i see:
- i see a zoom level tooltup in the right top corner

- in Message preview
- the message body is zoomed in/out
- im Message detail popup windo
- just the mail headers are zoomed in and zoomed out
- the message it self is untouched

what i expect:
- in message popup window: that the message body also zoomed in and 
zoomed out with the given zoom level

Mail Mate Version: Version 1.14 (5880)

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[MlMt] Feature Request: Sticky Headers in Mail Preview / Mail Details View

2023-02-01 Thread Michael Nietzold

- Mail Preview
- Mail Details View

What I see:
- When I scroll the message (with mouse or with space) the header 
scrolls also and get out of view

What I like:
- The header should stay in place and only the message body should 

- implement this as an option, so that a user can decide how he like it___
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] note or subject modification

2023-02-04 Thread Michael Nietzold
I tried to run the command: Before it is executes there was a dialog-box 
to ask for some permission (I don't remember exactly which one) maybe 
you need to manually assign this permissions if you cancel this dialog 

On 4 Feb 2023, at 18:47, aisrael wrote:

It does not seem to work under my conditions (no dialog box appears). 
So maybe I have to upgrade to Monterey or Ventura to see this (or 
maybe to Mailmate 5941). I was not planning to do this now (for 
unrelated reasons), so maybe later…..


On 4 Feb 2023, at 18:34, John Cooper wrote:

aisrael wrote (at 9:23 AM on Saturday, February 4, 2023):

Thanks. I have tried this (with the message opened, or not), but 
nothing happens (I use Mailmate 5898 with Big Sur). Is the Subject 
expected to become editable?

Assuming that a message is selected, you should see a dialog box 
appear that lets you edit the subject while warning of some of the 
possibly unintended consequences. On my system, this works whether a 
message is highlighted in the message list, or if a message is open 
in its own window. I'm using 5941 on Ventura.

On 4 Feb 2023, at 17:58, John Cooper wrote:

aisrael wrote (at 8:52 AM on Saturday, February 4, 2023):

I vaguely remember these questions have been asked already, but I 
can’t seem to find the answer in the exchanges I have kept : is 
it possible to add a short note to a message (like a reminder), or 
alternatively to modify the subject of this message?

Commands > MailMate > Change Subject (^S)

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Re: [MlMt] Feature Request: Time tracker in Message edit window

2023-02-15 Thread Michael Nietzold
Since Hammerspoon is very universal what you can do: I guess this can be done 
with a Hammerspoon script :)

On 10 Nov 2022, at 10:10, mailm...@businessdatasystems.co.nz wrote:

> I've found that a time tracker in the message edit window of another email 
> client enhanced my focus.
> The time tracker simply displayed the amount of time spend composing an 
> email. After a configurable period the text displaying the time spent turned 
> red to indicate that you had exceeded that amount of time.
> It was extremely simple in the interface. I really appreciated it and would 
> like to see it in MailMate.
> Malcolm
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] mail archiving

2023-03-20 Thread Michael Nietzold
I read here in the mail list there was a solution with a local mail server 
which works as a local archive -> maybe you can look for this

Is there a way to use the

On 20 Mar 2023, at 20:26, John Cooper wrote:

> Rob Russell via mailmate wrote (at 11:53 AM on Monday, March 20, 2023):
>> It took me a bit before I "got" EagleFiler and now I use it for many 
>> different purposes. I have years of emails in EF. I like the EF search 
>> though I can also search in the Finder and the backups (Arq and TimeMachine) 
>> don't seem to have a problem.
>> And Michael Tsai's support is great.
> I'll add my voice to this. I back up my email once or twice a year to 
> EagleFiler, which has every email I could find on my system going back to 
> 1990 - many thousands of records. Search is amazing and extremely fast, and 
> the developer is active both on his support forum and via personal email.
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] mail archiving

2023-03-20 Thread Michael Nietzold
Is it possible to have an IMAP interface to EagleFiler to attach any Mail 
client to it?

On 20 Mar 2023, at 20:26, John Cooper wrote:

> Rob Russell via mailmate wrote (at 11:53 AM on Monday, March 20, 2023):
>> It took me a bit before I "got" EagleFiler and now I use it for many 
>> different purposes. I have years of emails in EF. I like the EF search 
>> though I can also search in the Finder and the backups (Arq and TimeMachine) 
>> don't seem to have a problem.
>> And Michael Tsai's support is great.
> I'll add my voice to this. I back up my email once or twice a year to 
> EagleFiler, which has every email I could find on my system going back to 
> 1990 - many thousands of records. Search is amazing and extremely fast, and 
> the developer is active both on his support forum and via personal email.
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
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Re: [MlMt] mail archiving

2023-03-20 Thread Michael Nietzold
I found this TODO how to import mails from MailMate to EagleFiler

(Disclaimer - I don't tested it)

On 20 Mar 2023, at 20:26, John Cooper wrote:

> Rob Russell via mailmate wrote (at 11:53 AM on Monday, March 20, 2023):
>> It took me a bit before I "got" EagleFiler and now I use it for many 
>> different purposes. I have years of emails in EF. I like the EF search 
>> though I can also search in the Finder and the backups (Arq and TimeMachine) 
>> don't seem to have a problem.
>> And Michael Tsai's support is great.
> I'll add my voice to this. I back up my email once or twice a year to 
> EagleFiler, which has every email I could find on my system going back to 
> 1990 - many thousands of records. Search is amazing and extremely fast, and 
> the developer is active both on his support forum and via personal email.
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Migrating MM

2023-05-06 Thread Michael Nietzold
As I remember I only transfered some plist files with the settings. (Only some 
bytes or MB) Then all messages are downloaded again from the IMAP.servers. 

Von meinem iDingens gesendet...

> Am 07.05.2023 um 01:55 schrieb davecc :
> Glenn,
> Thank you very much for your reply. You are my only link to a possible 
> solution. I’ve tried all I know to no avail, and Benny is not reachable (I 
> hope he’s OK…).
> When I install MM 1.14 on my new Catalina volume with no migrated messages or 
> settings, it progresses with the initial setup (it immediately asks for the 
> first IMAP address). All seems normal. 
> If I first copy the folder ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate (7.4 GB) to 
> the new Catalina volume, when I launch MM I see this error:
> https://imgur.com/drWkmhR
> Re-launching brings the same message.
> The Original path is identical for both Application Support/MailMate folders 
> (Sierra and Catalina volumes).
> In the Catalina Get Info box I clicked on the “Select New Original…” button 
> and navigated to the Catalina volume’s Messages.noindex folder. Just for 
> grins. Same error when attempting to launch MM.
> Any help or even wild suggestions are welcome. I have no Mac email client and 
> my thumbs are wearing out! 
> Thanks,
> Dave
>> On 3 May 2023, at 10:08, davecc wrote:
>>> I’m creating a new boot volume (Catalina) and doing a minimal, manual 
>>> migration of needed apps.
>>> I downloaded MM from thr Freron server.
>>> I copied
>>> ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate
>>> from the old boot volume (Sierra) to the new boot volume (Catalina).
>> By default (if you don’t enable “Indexed for Finder/Spotlight”), the 
>> “Messages” folder is created as an alias pointing to “Messages.noindex”. 
>> Does that alias exist, and does it point to your new Messages.noindex folder?
>> Glenn P. Parker
>> glenn.par...@comcast.net
>> ___
>> mailmate mailing list
>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
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Re: [MlMt] Migrating MM

2023-05-07 Thread Michael Nietzold
If you have multiple IMAP accounts, setting up each account can be quite 

The settings for all IMAP accounts are stored in the plist files.

I forgot to mention that you should first launch MM and then close it (!) to 
ensure that some default settings are established before copying the settings 
files. MM should not be running while you're copying the files.

At the very least, open MailMate and allow it to synchronize all of the emails 
from the IMAP server.

Von meinem iDingens gesendet...

> Am 07.05.2023 um 10:19 schrieb Seamus Phillips :
> I do this quite often, and do something similar.
> I first open a fresh copy of MM on the new machine and put in the IMAP 
> account info manually, let it download the emails.
> Then I close it down and copy across the various plist files for all the 
> other settings to get my custom set up.
> Hope that helps.
> --
> Seamus
>>> On 7 May 2023, at 07:51, Michael Nietzold  
>>> wrote:
>> As I remember I only transfered some plist files with the settings. (Only 
>> some bytes or MB) Then all messages are downloaded again from the 
>> IMAP.servers. 
>> Von meinem iDingens gesendet...
>>>> Am 07.05.2023 um 01:55 schrieb davecc :
>>> Glenn,
>>> Thank you very much for your reply. You are my only link to a possible 
>>> solution. I’ve tried all I know to no avail, and Benny is not reachable (I 
>>> hope he’s OK…).
>>> When I install MM 1.14 on my new Catalina volume with no migrated messages 
>>> or settings, it progresses with the initial setup (it immediately asks for 
>>> the first IMAP address). All seems normal. 
>>> If I first copy the folder ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate (7.4 GB) 
>>> to the new Catalina volume, when I launch MM I see this error:
>>> https://imgur.com/drWkmhR
>>> Re-launching brings the same message.
>>> The Original path is identical for both Application Support/MailMate 
>>> folders (Sierra and Catalina volumes).
>>> In the Catalina Get Info box I clicked on the “Select New Original…” button 
>>> and navigated to the Catalina volume’s Messages.noindex folder. Just for 
>>> grins. Same error when attempting to launch MM.
>>> Any help or even wild suggestions are welcome. I have no Mac email client 
>>> and my thumbs are wearing out! 
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dave
>>>> On 3 May 2023, at 10:08, davecc wrote:
>>>>> I’m creating a new boot volume (Catalina) and doing a minimal, manual 
>>>>> migration of needed apps.
>>>>> I downloaded MM from thr Freron server.
>>>>> I copied
>>>>> ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate
>>>>> from the old boot volume (Sierra) to the new boot volume (Catalina).
>>>> By default (if you don’t enable “Indexed for Finder/Spotlight”), the 
>>>> “Messages” folder is created as an alias pointing to “Messages.noindex”. 
>>>> Does that alias exist, and does it point to your new Messages.noindex 
>>>> folder?
>>>> Glenn P. Parker
>>>> glenn.par...@comcast.net
>>>> ___
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Re: [MlMt] Send Mail at a Specific Time

2023-05-09 Thread Michael Nietzold

See here for default settings:


And here for syntax info:


On 9 May 2023, at 3:30, Malcolm Fitzgerald wrote:

Wow! I'm so pleased.

Also, wow!? I'm so selective in what I see. I often use that drop-down 
menu for BCC and haven't paid any attention to the other options.

I'm using send later on this email, just for fun.

thank you,


On 9 May 2023, at 13:00, Richard Rettke wrote:

I use Send Later frequently. It is indeed ad hoc.

I am running Version 1.13.2 (5673) of Mailmate

If you look at the line ABOVE the From: address *(when composing a 
reply)* you will see 4 horizontal lines followed by a ∨ which are 
then followed by the word Signature followed by a ∨.

Click on the 4 horizontal lines and the ∨

The dropdown menu will contain…

**Send Later**

Select **Send Later**
A **Send Later line** will appear under the Subject line.

Enter the time and/or date time you wish to have it sent.
When you enter the date/time (only need time if it’s today), it 
will display in RED if it doesn’t understand what you entered and 
normal black text if it does.

Press send and the reply will be stored in Drafts until the appointed 
date/time and then it will be sent. Of course you need to leave 
Mailmate up and running for that to occur (mine is up 24/7/365).

I hope that helps.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

On 8 May 2023, at 19:35, Malcolm Fitzgerald 
mailm...@businessdatasystems.co.nz  wrote:

I'd like to schedule the delivery of messages on an ad-hoc basis. I 
had thought that MailMate had this option but I cannot see it.

This morning I was awake and working far too early. It was not the 
right time to send email.

I know that I can leave the message in Drafts. However that means I 
have to attend to it again. There are many things that could prevent 
me sending the saved draft at the best time. And there are many 
other things I would rather do that go back to tasks that I have 
already handled.

If this option isn't already in the mail mate toolkit, is it in the 
feature wish list?


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[MlMt] Mark Messages Read after [10.0] Seconds -> should save value on keystroke

2023-06-27 Thread Michael Nietzold

# Where:
- Mark Messages Read after [10.0] Seconds

# What:

Somehow it is not working this setting.

After some test I can near it down to a problem:

The value is not saved in the settings, while it acts like it is saved.

# What I do:
- I open settings and type the value - I not leave the field, but I 
close the settings window

- I reopen the settings window - my new value is still visible
- but the new value is not used in the viewer (it seems the settings is 
not working)

- I close and open MailMate - and the old value show up

It seems that the value is not used. It is saved when I leave the field 
with the cursor (for example whne I hit TAB and leave the field).

It tricked me because when I reopen the settings, then the the cursor is 
still in the Input Field and still there is the new value visible. I 
think the settings window was just hidden and not closed. Otherwise it 
would be shown the old value - like when I restart MailMate.

# Current behaviour:
- Value only saved at "onLeave" event

# How to fix:
- Save the value to file on each keystroke.

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Re: [MlMt] 5969?

2023-07-14 Thread Michael Nietzold
Same after setting the columns quit MailMate so that all settings written to the config files. And also backup the config files. Von meinem iDingens gesendet...Am 14.07.2023 um 18:01 schrieb Steve Mayer via mailmate :

Maybe the MailMate .plist files could be saved off (into source control??) after you’ve got it working so that recovery for these types of situations is shorter?
Steve Mayer

On 14 Jul 2023, at 9:39, Erik Mueller-Harder wrote:

I love the “Standard Single Column” for the correspondence pane. Very nice!

So I took r5970 for a spin.  Thrilled by the new Standard Single Column, as I said, especially for the correspondence pane.  And perhaps I’m imagining things, but it seems like navigation is a smidge faster, too.

I spent a bunch of time tweaking my layout for the Correspondence view and saved the new column arrangement as default.  I then went to have a cup of coffee.

When I came back, r5970 had crashed (Benny, logs were automatically sent a few minutes ago).

When I relaunched,

I was no longer in Correspondence view; MM had reverted to Three Panes.
All of my column adjustments were lost (see “Forgetful Columns”).

When I re-entered Correspondence, I discovered:

The Correspondence pane had also reverted its settings.

Somehow, I’d hoped that the massive rewrite would’ve solved the Forgetful Columns problem, but I guess not.

Honestly, I miss using MailMate as my day-to-day email client — but I can’t afford to spend ten or fifteen minutes every two or three days to retrain it to work the way I want.  (Yes, it does usually take that long:  MM sets itself to a set of columns that is wrong in almost every way — including the infernal “Outline Column,” which resets to “From,” which means I can’t delete the “From” column until after I’ve changed the “Outline Column” to something else.  I like to use a “Correspondents” column, but that makes “From” redundant.)


Icing on the cake:  we’ve had bad flooding here in Vermont earlier this week, and the internet was very flakey.  Over and over again, my wife, my child, and I all had to remember to keep telling MailMate to “Take Fastmail Online” and “Take iCloud Online” and “Take Gmail Online.”  Please, can’t the default be that MailMate will just poll every minute or two and automatically bring it back online?  Pretty please?


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[MlMt] Exclude from Backup / Time Machine

2023-09-14 Thread Michael Nietzold
I'm trying to determine which folders I can safely exclude from a Time 
Machine backup...

I haven't been able to locate any official documentation on this. I've 
come across some messages on the mailing list, but they don't offer 
clear advice either.

I would expect an info in this section of the MailMate Manual: 

Below are my current directories...

- Are there any other important directories located elsewhere?
- Is it safe to exclude both Messages.noindex/ and Messages/?
- Additionally, I've heard suggestions about excluding 
Database.noindex/. Would this be advisable?

ls -ali

Permissions   Size UserDate ModifiedName
drwx--   - muescha 2023-09-14 13:29 Autosaved Messages/
drwx--   - muescha 2023-09-14 13:37 Database.noindex/
drwx--   - muescha 2022-01-14 23:11 Managed/
lrwx--  16 muescha 2022-01-14 23:11 Messages -> 

drwx--   - muescha 2022-01-14 23:47 Messages.noindex/
.rw-r--r--   0 muescha 2022-01-14 23:31 .database_lock
.rw-r--r--@  1,143 muescha 2019-03-06 15:38 Identities.plist
.rw---   5,652 muescha 2022-01-14 23:11 Mailboxes.old.plist
.rw---  38,832 muescha 2023-09-14 13:37 Mailboxes.plist
.rw---@  2,481 muescha 2023-09-07 00:39 Sources.plist
.rw-r--r--@909 muescha 2018-12-15 17:03 Submission.plist

du -shc */
4.0KAutosaved Messages/

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[MlMt] Message View Zoom: change permanent to 150%

2023-10-23 Thread Michael Nietzold
While I see a message I can adjust the zoom with `cmd`+`-` or `cmd`+`=` 
to 150%

But I like to have the message view always at at zoom 150% (instead of 
100%). Is there a hidden preference for this?
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Re: [MlMt] Message View Zoom: change permanent to 150%

2023-10-25 Thread Michael Nietzold

Hi Henry,

Thank you very much for your advice.

Unfortunately, changing my screen resolution isn't an option since it 
leads to oversized icons that take up too much space. :(

I have the default 150% zoom set on Chrome Browser for all pages.

I did come across the Viewer/Fonts/Size parameter, but I didn't 
anticipate it affecting the message view as well. I set it to 25 and it 
seems to be working fine.

However, I've noticed some minor layout glitches in HTML emails when 
using 150% compared to resizing via Font Size 25.

Nonetheless, this has been a significant improvement. Thanks a lot!

Best regards,


On 25 Oct 2023, at 19:51, Henry Seiden wrote:


That’s an interesting ask for adjusting the display within the 
message window to a specific setting. Don’t know if that can be 
done. I can think of a workaround that I have used if the resolution 
of the display is such that the Mailmate window(s) are too small to 
read. You have a couple alternatives, then. These have nothing to do 
with the programmatic defaults.

* Set your screen resolution appropriately to enlarge the screen AND 
* Adjust the fonts alone (Menu>View>Fonts) for the sidebar pane alone 
or message pane or main panel accordingly which is a one and done 


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: infotechworksprocom
W: http://techworkspro.com

On 23 Oct 2023, at 17:12, Michael Nietzold wrote:

While I see a message I can adjust the zoom with `cmd`+`-` or 
`cmd`+`=` to 150%

But I like to have the message view always at at zoom 150% (instead 
of 100%). Is there a hidden preference for this?

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Re: [MlMt] MailMate deleting wrong message

2023-11-22 Thread Michael Nietzold
Is I am on Version 1.14 (5939) - is it safe just to download the .tbz 
and overwrite the MM app?

On 21 Nov 2023, at 15:17, Eric Sharakan via mailmate wrote:

Looks like Benny addressed this issue in the newly available r5999 
version of MM, available at http://updates.mailmate-app.com/archives/.

You can preview the release notes here: 

Seems to be working for me on my 2019 Intel MBP running Sonoma 14.1.1. 
 Still, it goes without saying that the usual caveats apply with these 
early test builds.


On 9 Nov 2023, at 10:10, Eric Sharakan via mailmate wrote:

I think I'm seeing something similar.  If there's a message selected 
in the header pane, and I right-click on a different message to 
perform some action (e.g. marking the message as junk), that action 
gets applied to the first selected message, NOT the one I 
right-clicked on.

I'm running r5998, and this one issue has me considering downgrading 
to the last "Benny-approved" test release.


On 9 Nov 2023, at 9:50, Dan Romanchik wrote:

Here’s another weird problem that’s started to occur after 
installing 5997. My configuration includes:

  - 2017 iMac with 3 GHz with Intel i5 quad-core processor
  - Ventura 13.6
  - MailMate 1.14 (5997)
  - SpamSieve 3.0.1

When I move a message to junk, MailMate highlights the next message, 
but if I hit the Delete key, it actually deletes the previous 


**Dan Romanchik  |  Technology Writer and Blogger**
@kb6nu, @danromanchik
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Re: [MlMt] MailMate deleting wrong message

2023-11-22 Thread Michael Nietzold
If an issue arises, can I simply revert by swapping it with the older 
app version? Or have there been changes in the storage or setup that 
make going back inadvisable?

On 22 Nov 2023, at 14:07, Steve Mayer via mailmate wrote:

Yep. Just unpack it and copy the resultant binary into your 
/Applications folder (or wherever you have it installed).

Make sure you quit your current copy of MailMate before copying the 
new one over.

Steve mayersmaye...@me.com

On Nov 22, 2023, at 06:27, Michael Nietzold 

Is I am on Version 1.14 (5939) - is it safe just to download the .tbz 
and overwrite the MM app?

On 21 Nov 2023, at 15:17, Eric Sharakan via mailmate wrote:

Looks like Benny addressed this issue in the newly available r5999 
version of MM, available at 

You can preview the release notes here: 

Seems to be working for me on my 2019 Intel MBP running Sonoma 
14.1.1. Still, it goes without saying that the usual caveats apply 
with these early test builds.


On 9 Nov 2023, at 10:10, Eric Sharakan via mailmate wrote:

I think I'm seeing something similar. If there's a message selected 
in the header pane, and I right-click on a different message to 
perform some action (e.g. marking the message as junk), that action 
gets applied to the first selected message, NOT the one I 
right-clicked on.

I'm running r5998, and this one issue has me considering 
downgrading to the last "Benny-approved" test release.


On 9 Nov 2023, at 9:50, Dan Romanchik wrote:

Here’s another weird problem that’s started to occur after 
installing 5997. My configuration includes:

2017 iMac with 3 GHz with Intel i5 quad-core processorVentura 
13.6MailMate 1.14 (5997)SpamSieve 3.0.1When I move a message to 
junk, MailMate highlights the next message, but if I hit the 
Delete key, it actually deletes the previous message.


Dan Romanchik | Technology Writer and Blogger
@kb6nu, @danromanchik

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Re: [MlMt] MailMate 1.14 "Experimental" Revision r6010 installation

2023-12-08 Thread Michael Nietzold
You can find previous versions at the download link for the experimental 

More importantly, have there been any setup changes? Should I back up 
important settings for MailMate?

On 8 Dec 2023, at 16:19, Henry Seiden wrote:

Hello All,

Currently running what I term as an Experimental release, r6010, 
upgraded yesterday from r6003.

Seems OK so far on my MBP2021  M1. Using MailMate as my full-time 
email client on 10 accounts. Migrated simply by installing the 
replacement app (downloaded from MailMate Archive) after quitting the 
old version.

Benny, the developer has asked that Feedback be sent if you encounter 
issues. He seems to have made progress on those reported to him and 
has documented the issues in the latest Release Notes included in the 
App installation. Be sure to read them on this version and I recommend 
you have a downgrade plan - keeping the previous version(s), in case 
of issues.


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: infotechworksprocom
W: http://techworkspro.com
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[MlMt] Sort Smartfolder with Submailboxes

2024-01-08 Thread Michael Nietzold

## Current Setup

I have this enabled:

- Submailbox by Subject -> Blob

Then the submailboxes are sort by alphabet.

## Suggestion

But I would like to sort the submailboxes by date of the newest messages 
per submailbox. For example submailbox1 with the newest mail is on top, 
and the next submailbox2 with is older the the one of submailbox1

So I always see in which submailbox is the newest conversation about a 

## Advanced Options

I don't know what other sorting are interesting - but maybe this is 

[ASC|DESC] of [Date] of mails in submailbox:
[last|first] of: all {
[ASC|DESC] of [Date|DiffInDays=first(date)-last(date)]
So you can find the mails with the longest conversation for example... I 
don't know if this makes sense

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Re: [MlMt] Sent Messages - Sub folders?

2024-01-08 Thread Michael Nietzold
I have the same, and at the parent mailbox (folder) of the submailboxes 
are not enabled in the settings, but I can not also delete each one.

Since the mails are in the "smart mailbox" (that's the name for the 
folders) only **sorted by logic** and not physically - that means **no 
space is wasted** with this "automatic subfolders" they are only 
calculated "**on the fly**" to show you the folders.

I my case this not bother me and I can click on the chevron to collapse 
this folder and don't see it.

On 8 Jan 2024, at 21:07, devynosbo...@gmail.com wrote:


I am brand-new to MailMate (and loving it!). Please excuse this 
beginner question. I searched the archives, but couldn’t find an 

I have two Gmail accounts set up so far. In one, under Sent Messages, 
what appear to be subfolders have appeared. I don’t know how or why 
these were created. I don’t have the sub folders preference selected 
in General preferences.

[ "2024-01-08 - AM-11-59-23 - screenshot.jpg" ]

What are these and how can I get rid of them? A lot of the options for 
them (such as delete) are greyed out.

Thanks for the help!


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[MlMt] "X-Envelope-to" - should be more visble

2024-03-06 Thread Michael Nietzold

I have some spam mails which uses the `X-Envelope-to:` header
Some of them are don't have a `to:` header

If I just search in the mail mate search box it not find this emails. I 
need explicit use  `X-Envelope-to: myn...@mydomain.com` to find it.

What can I do that the normal search also include the `X-Envelope-to:` 

I would also like to see this header as a line in the mail view.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] "X-Envelope-to" - should be more visble

2024-03-06 Thread Michael Nietzold

Out of 71k in "All Messages"
There are 61k are in a Submailbox where I have condition: 
`X-Envelope-To` -> `exists`

= araound 85%

It seems some Mailer "destruct" many recipients or mailing lists from 
the `to` into the "real" e-mail where it is delivered to.

I just found it because I inspected a Mail where I did not see an `to` 

I don't think you can get the simple Search box to search non-standard 
headers. You can make it search all text and "common" headers, but 
this one isn't common.

But it would be nice to have some settings to include some more headers 
to be indexed. Maybe somehow with `defaults write`

Some of them are don't have a to: header

Technically not wrong if at one time it had a Bcc.

But the problem: with the normal search I can not find them in the mails 
- because the only place where it can be found a match with an eMail is 
in the `x-envelope-to`

If you pull down the menu with header names, you will see "Other..." 
at the very end.

I also found it when I put this in the search box: `X-Envelope-to: 

I would also like to see this header as a line in the mail view.

Not a lot of people would find that useful, given the general rarity 
of that specific header...

If it is so rare, then nobody get hurt when it is included. When the 
header is not available then the line does not show up (like the missing 
line when there is no `to:` header)

For me it would be also ok to add this setting with a `defaults write` 
to my mail mate setup

However, what would be great is if there was a better way to select 
which headers are in the standard displayed set.

I agree, a generic setting would be nice to define which additional 
headers should be shown in the message view.

On 6 Mar 2024, at 17:56, Bill Cole wrote:

On 2024-03-06 at 04:21:38 UTC-0500 (Wed, 06 Mar 2024 10:21:38 +0100)
Michael Nietzold 
is rumored to have said:

I have some spam mails which uses the `X-Envelope-to:` header

Can you quantify that? I see none in a corpus of a half-million 
messages going back to the 90's. But which headers are in your mail is 
an issue very much dependent on who your mailbox provider is.

The leading "X-" tells you that this is a header that someone thought 
was nice and invented on their own, and never changed to remove the X. 
You cannot rely on its presence or consistency unless you know who has 
decided to put that on some mail. Simply "Envelope-to" also exists on 
a tiny number of messages in the wild, and "Original-Recipient" is 
actually standardized 
(https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3798.html#section-2.3.) but is not 
widespread. Rather more widely implemented is the "X-Original-To" 
header which is implemented in multiple MTA/MDAs.

My guess is that the "X-Envelope-to" would logically hold the same 
meaning as those, but who really knows. It only makes sense to add 
such a header on final delivery or when a MTA modifies a SMTP envelope 

Some of them are don't have a `to:` header

Technically not wrong if at one time it had a Bcc.

If I just search in the mail mate search box it not find this emails. 
I need explicit use  `X-Envelope-to: myn...@mydomain.com` to find it.

MailMate can search on any header, even those that only exist in one 
message, through the full search bar that you get to with the Search 
button. If you pull down the menu with header names, you will see 
"Other..." at the very end. Select that and you will get a full picker 
that allows you to select any header and optionally include them in 
the pull-down menu.

What can I do that the normal search also include the 
`X-Envelope-to:` header?

I don't think you can get the simple Search box to search non-standard 
headers. You can make it search all text and "common" headers, but 
this one isn't common.

I would also like to see this header as a line in the mail view.

Not a lot of people would find that useful, given the general rarity 
of that specific header...

However, what would be great is if there was a better way to select 
which headers are in the standard displayed set. E.g. I almost always 
want to know what the Reply-To header is if it exists and there are 
mailing lists I am on which put the list address in the From header, 
moving the real From into some other header (often Reply-To) to allow 
them to add their own DKIM+DMARC authentication. I would like to see 
MM have a simple way to pick additional headers to show, because which 
ones are useful can be very site-specific and user-specific.

Bill Cole
b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
(AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)
Not Currently Available For Hire
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Re: [MlMt] "X-Envelope-to" - should be more visble

2024-03-06 Thread Michael Nietzold

Interesting in my case are 61k of 71k have this header (85%) of my mails

I tried your advice with an smart mailbox to count the amount of 
`x-envelope-to` :)

On 6 Mar 2024, at 18:22, John Doherty wrote:

I don't know if this helps, or whether you have already done it, but 
you can create a smart mailbox that selects messages in which the 
"X-Envelope-To" header exists (or does or doesn't match or include 
certain strings, etc.).

When you're creating the Conditions for the smart mailbox, you have to 
choose "Other..." at the bottom of the popup menu and can then select 

I just did it out of curiosity and found that I have only 28 messages 
among ~134,000 that include this header, 19 from one specific mailing 
list and nine from one specific domain. So it seems pretty uncommon, 
at least in my mail.

On Wed 2024-03-06 02:21 AM MST -0700,  

I have some spam mails which uses the `X-Envelope-to:` header
Some of them are don't have a `to:` header

If I just search in the mail mate search box it not find this emails. 
I need explicit use  `X-Envelope-to: myn...@mydomain.com` to find it.

What can I do that the normal search also include the 
`X-Envelope-to:` header?

I would also like to see this header as a line in the mail view.
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Re: [MlMt] mail redirection

2024-05-28 Thread Michael Nietzold

Here’s a refined version of your text in better US English:


- Looking at the error message and all the headers might reveal the 
source of the redirection.

While the message is open, do the following:

1. Go to View -> Show Raw Message

- Also, check your "Sent" folder for the redirected messages and examine 
the headers in RAW view.

- Verify when the messages are being sent, both when the MailMate app is 
running and when it is not.

However, I suspect that there is a redirection rule set on the server 

On 28 May 2024, at 9:44, aisrael wrote:

Several years ago I set up a mechanism to forward my emails (at least 
those in one of my 2 accounts) to my Gmail account, that I could use 
as a sort of backup.

More recently, for reasons which are too long to explain, I had to 
delete my Gmail account. The problem is that I can’t remember 
whether setting up this redirection involved Gmail or Mailmate, and 
despite the fact that the Gmail account no longer exists, the 
redirection seems to still be active, and I receive an error message 
(The email account that you tried to reach does not exist) for each 
mail which arrives in my Inbox. Does anyone know whether this type of 
redirection involves a setting in Gmail or Mailmate? If it is in 
Gmail, and that it keeps working after the Gmail account has been 
deleted, I am definitely in trouble. If it is in Mailamte, there may 
be a way to solve the problem, and I was hoping you might be able to 

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Re: [MlMt] How to create a Mailbox Rule which extracts attachments

2024-07-01 Thread Michael Nietzold

That's not covered by the above since this folder would then need a 
unique name like the internal ID.

It would be even better if this folder then also had the name of the 
sender of the mail.

This would be possible if I can setup for the path a template string 
which any fields of the exported email (like message iid / date parts / 
current folder / parts of the current file and more)

It would be nice if it is calculated for each attachment file: because 
then different files types can be placed in different folders.

This is possible now. Using the “Attachments” options, MailMate 
will pick any part of an email with a filename assigned in its headers 
(which I think is the most robust way to identify attachments). 
There's also support for just exporting images or PDFs, but more 
variants could be made if needed.

This can be done if I can use a filter with a regex or some glob syntax: 
other wise a `*.doc,*.pdf`

And for everything I can use a `*.*`.___
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[MlMt] I need a email provider with: catchall receiving - wildcard sending

2024-08-28 Thread Michael Nietzold

I’m seeking assistance from the expertise of this mailing list.

I had an account with DomainFactory, but they are now migrating their email 
services to Microsoft 365. I heavily relied on the "catch-all" receiving and 
"wildcard" sending functions, but the new solution does not support these 

I’m now looking for an email provider that supports both of these functions. 
Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
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Re: [MlMt] I need a email provider with: catchall receiving - wildcard sending

2024-08-28 Thread Michael Nietzold

This link is only described for receiving - many support this.

But more important: can I do a "wildcard" sending?

On 28 Aug 2024, at 17:22, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:

On 28 Aug 2024, at 17:17, Michael Nietzold wrote:


I’m seeking assistance from the expertise of this mailing list.

I had an account with DomainFactory, but they are now migrating their 
email services to Microsoft 365. I heavily relied on the "catch-all" 
receiving and "wildcard" sending functions, but the new solution does 
not support these features.

I’m now looking for an email provider that supports both of these 
functions. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Fastmail seems to support that:

   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.13.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ 

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Re: [MlMt] I need a email provider with: catchall receiving - wildcard sending

2024-08-29 Thread Michael Nietzold
Thanks, you're right. I missed that information. I'll check out 

On 28 Aug 2024, at 17:56, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:

The page also says:

"In addition to receiving all mail addressed to your domain, you can 
also send mail using catch-all aliases."

If that's not what you mean, could you perhaps explain what you mean?

Am 28.08.2024 um 17:50 schrieb Michael Nietzold 

This link is only described for receiving - many support this.

But more important: can I do a "wildcard" sending?

On 28 Aug 2024, at 17:22, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:

On 28 Aug 2024, at 17:17, Michael Nietzold wrote:


I’m seeking assistance from the expertise of this mailing list.

I had an account with DomainFactory, but they are now migrating their 
email services to Microsoft 365. I heavily relied on the "catch-all" 
receiving and "wildcard" sending functions, but the new solution does 
not support these features.

I’m now looking for an email provider that supports both of these 
functions. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Fastmail seems to support that:


.:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.13.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
.:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ 

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Re: [MlMt] I need a email provider with: catchall receiving - wildcard sending

2024-08-29 Thread Michael Nietzold

That sounds great. Thanks for confirming.

On 28 Aug 2024, at 23:24, Scott wrote:


I’m now looking for an email provider that supports both of these 
functions. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Fastmail seems to support that:

Can 100% confirm.  I use it regularly/daily.  Both for inbound and 
outbound mail.

In addition, you can set up "Masked Email" addresses in FastMail that 
can be used to send via MailMate.

So as well as *@yourdomain.tld for inbound/outbound, you can make use 
of the automatically generated email addresses from FM to get 
something like "abandon.cloud...@fastmail.com" (or a few other domains 
they own).

MailMate has no issues with either, and tends to do the right thing 
automatically when replying to messages to one of either of these type 
of addresses (which you can always change at sending time).



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Re: [MlMt] I need a email provider with: catchall receiving - wildcard sending

2024-08-29 Thread Michael Nietzold

I can’t estimate how much work it takes to set up a mail server.

Which server do you use?

Do you have any advice on which one is the easiest to set up? I’m not 
sure how to choose between the available options.

On 29 Aug 2024, at 1:21, Randall Gellens wrote:

On 28 Aug 2024, at 8:17, Michael Nietzold wrote:


I’m seeking assistance from the expertise of this mailing list.

I had an account with DomainFactory, but they are now migrating their 
email services to Microsoft 365. I heavily relied on the "catch-all" 
receiving and "wildcard" sending functions, but the new solution does 
not support these features.

I’m now looking for an email provider that supports both of these 
functions. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

I run my own for this reason, and to do my own spam blocking. But this 
is probably not too helpful for most, who likely have no desire to run 
their own servers.

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Re: [MlMt] I need a email provider with: catchall receiving - wildcard sending

2024-08-29 Thread Michael Nietzold
Catch-all receiving isn’t the issue; many email providers offer that option.

My problem is finding a provider that allows for "wildcard" sending.

On 28 Aug 2024, at 19:27, Pierre Igot wrote:

> Pretty sure most hosts provide a catch-all “default address” option these 
> days.
> Here’s a link to the cPanel help page for this particular feature:
> https://docs.cpanel.net/cpanel/email/default-address/
> If your host uses cPanel, it probably supports that option.
> Good luck.
> Pierre
> On 28 Aug 2024, at 12:17, Michael Nietzold wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I’m seeking assistance from the expertise of this mailing list.
>> I had an account with DomainFactory, but they are now migrating their email 
>> services to Microsoft 365. I heavily relied on the "catch-all" receiving and 
>> "wildcard" sending functions, but the new solution does not support these 
>> features.
>> I’m now looking for an email provider that supports both of these functions. 
>> Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
>> Thank you!
> --
> LATEXT: Literature, music and visuals / Littérature, musique et graphisme - 
> www.latext.com
> BETALOGUE: Blog - www.betalogue.com | Mastodon: @betalogue@toot.community
> FAUX AMIS : Site sur les faux amis anglais-français - www.fauxamis.fr | 
> Mastodon: @pierre_igot@mastodon.social
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Re: [MlMt] I need a email provider with: catchall receiving - wildcard sending

2024-09-05 Thread Michael Nietzold
Thanks, but it's not suitable for my use case since there's a maximum of 
25 aliases, and each alias must be defined manually in advance.

On 4 Sep 2024, at 11:37, Charlie Clark wrote:

On 28 Aug 2024, at 17:17, Michael Nietzold wrote:

I’m now looking for an email provider that supports both of these 
functions. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

FWIW, alongside Fastmail, I'm looking at mailbox.org:



Charlie Clark
Sengelsweg 34
D- 40489
Tel: +49-203-746000
Mobile: +49-178-782-6226
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Re: [MlMt] I need a email provider with: catchall receiving - wildcard sending

2024-09-05 Thread Michael Nietzold

My mistake: 250 – but I still need to create them in advance.

On 5 Sep 2024, at 14:32, Michael Nietzold wrote:

Thanks, but it's not suitable for my use case since there's a maximum 
of 25 aliases, and each alias must be defined manually in advance.

On 4 Sep 2024, at 11:37, Charlie Clark wrote:

On 28 Aug 2024, at 17:17, Michael Nietzold wrote:

I’m now looking for an email provider that supports both of these 
functions. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

FWIW, alongside Fastmail, I'm looking at mailbox.org:



Charlie Clark
Sengelsweg 34
D- 40489
Tel: +49-203-746000
Mobile: +49-178-782-6226
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Re: [MlMt] I need a email provider with: catchall receiving - wildcard sending

2024-09-05 Thread Michael Nietzold
Thanks for the info. Catch-all is available with many other providers, 
but the issue is the "wildcard" sending feature, which allows sending 
emails without predefined aliases.

That’s the challenge I’m facing in my search for a new email 

On 5 Sep 2024, at 14:40, Felix Kronlage-Dammers via mailmate wrote:


On 5. Sep 2024, at 14:33, Michael Nietzold 

Thanks, but it's not suitable for my use case since there's a maximum 
of 25 aliases, and each alias must be defined manually in advance.

Mailbox.org allows for Catchall (actually necessary if you want to 
send with arbitrary senders).



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Re: [MlMt] I need a email provider with: catchall receiving - wildcard sending

2024-09-07 Thread Michael Nietzold
Thank you for responding again. I had assumed this feature wasn't 
available because the linked documentation didn't describe it. Thanks a 

On 5 Sep 2024, at 15:56, Felix Kronlage-Dammers wrote:

On Thu, Sep 05, 2024 at 03:50:30PM +0200, Michael Nietzold wrote:

Thanks for the info. Catch-all is available with many other 
providers, but
the issue is the "wildcard" sending feature, which allows sending 

without predefined aliases.
That’s the challenge I’m facing in my search for a new email 

yes. That is _exactly_ what mailbox.org features: IF you have a 
address configured, you are allowed to send with arbitary local parts 
in your maildomain, without

having to have them defined upfront.

We're doing that via mailbox.org.


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[MlMt] Keybinding for TAB changed?

2018-11-14 Thread Michael Nietzold


- i just updated to Version 1.12.1 (5552)
- i use the three pane layout
- i normaly select a mailbox in the left tree

what i expected:
- then i can select all and delete or use tab to go to the upper mail 

- i like to go back with the cursor to the left tree
- i can hit SHIFT-TAB and i am back in the left tree

what i see:

- there are some changes in the new version?
- i need to tap TAB twice to go to the list
- when i hit SHIFT-TAB it goes to settings icon and a second goes to the 


- is there an other better shortcut to go to the left tree and to the 
mail list?

- how i can exclude settings from the TAB cicle?

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Re: [MlMt] Customize reply marker / tag / text

2018-12-09 Thread Michael Nietzold
Maybe it can be implementet as some bundle script which i can activate manually?

Can a bundle command executed on a the Message Editor while writing the answer?

I don’t see an output command for `setSubject`/`setBody` 

Von meinem iDingens gesendet...

> Am 07.12.2018 um 11:49 schrieb Robert M. Münch :
> Hi,
> you all know subject lines like „re: re: re: re: ….“ Good mailer just have 
> one „RE:“ or whatever.
> However, is it possible to configure what is used as reply marker? I would 
> like to have „RE-X“ where X is a counter for the number of replies. And is 
> there a way to remove those reply marker trails and replace them with a 
> single reply marker?
> -- 
> Robert M. Münch
> ___
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Re: [MlMt] “Identity” shorthand header

2018-12-09 Thread Michael Nietzold
You have the submailboxes on the „all“ folder or only on your inbox? Maybe 
thats why your send messages are visible there?

I have my submailboxes only at the inbox

Von meinem iDingens gesendet...

Von meinem iDingens gesendet...
> Am 08.12.2018 um 06:50 schrieb Erik Mueller-Harder :
> Greetings!
> I’m attempting to use submailboxes based on my own user names. For example, 
> the e-mail address for my account at Amazon is ama...@pub.example.tld and for 
> SpaceWeather is spaceweat...@pub.example.tld. If I have messages for both in 
> one folder, I’d like to see:
> Folder
>   - amazon
>   - spaceweather
> If I set up the submailboxes with unique values of To » Identity > User > No 
> Specifier, this works fine.
> But now if I write to Amazon from the same address, of course, I’m also 
> getting a submailbox for the username at Amazon that I write to (say, 
> xy...@amazon.com adds an xyzzy submailbox).
> Am I misunderstanding how “Identities” work? I’m using a wildcard in the 
> Address Patterns for the account that looks like .*@pub\.example\.tld in 
> order to let MailMate know what addresses are mine. I would think that would 
> pick up my own ama...@pub.example.tld but not xy...@amazon.com at all.
> And actually, to test, I dropped a completely unrelated e-mail message into 
> the box — and I get a new submailbox for the recipient of that message, too, 
> so it looks to me like the “Identity” shorthand isn’t working properly, 
> rather than that my regex is off. Of course, it’s regex — so I may well be 
> wrong!
> Am I doing something wrong? Or is there a bug here?
> Thanks,
> — Erik
> · Erik Mueller-Harder
>   Media-terrestrial Mapmaker
>   Vermont Softworks
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Re: [MlMt] Mailbox name format: remove accents

2019-01-26 Thread Michael Nietzold
You can also use just the plain email als mailbox

Von meinem iDingens gesendet...

> Am 26.01.2019 um 11:44 schrieb Arnau Rebassa :
> Hi all,
> I exchange emails with people whose name have accents like "Fernández". It 
> happens that some emails are sent from "Fernandez" and some from "Fernández".
> I have submailboxes for each unique value of "From>Name". As result, I have 2 
> different mailboxes for the same person, one for Fernández and one for 
> Fernandez.
> Is there any way to "clean" those chars and have only one mailbox?
> Cheers!
> -- 
> Arnau
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Re: [MlMt] Abandoning a mail account--how to keep old messages?

2019-01-27 Thread Michael Nietzold
Maybe MailMate can introduce an „offline mailbox“ where no IMAP connection is 
required. Just an storage in the databade

Von meinem iDingens gesendet...

> Am 27.01.2019 um 01:43 schrieb Bill Cole 
> :
>> On 25 Jan 2019, at 23:38, Dave C wrote:
>> I presume that if I delete the account from MailMate that the messages will 
>> no longer be accessible.
> Yes. However, if you want to keep them accessible to MM, you can just set the 
> account 'offline' and maybe even break the server settings for it to make 
> sure nothing ever pops up at that address listening for connections eager to 
> authenticate. Just make sure to never ask MM to rebuild the datyabase b y 
> re-downloading everything.
>> I’d like to keep a copy of these. Is there a way?
> If the above method makes you nervous (which isn't unreasonable) you can use 
> the "Export" bundle (under the Command menu) to save all of the messages in 
> the account. If you use the "Copy to Folder" option, it stores all of the 
> messages you have selected into a folder inside the one you specify 
> (Export->Select Export Folder) as individual .eml files, inside folders named 
> for their IMAP mailboxes. The folder naming is a bit annoying, since it 
> collapses hierarchical mailbox structures into a single set of folders (like 
> IMAP often is, internally) but with this approach you get a bunch of files 
> that Spotlight will index for you for easy searching and which no longer have 
> to remain in the MM database, where they eat RAM and disk space.
> Or, as others have suggested: EagleFiler.
> -- 
> Bill Cole
> b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
> (AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)
> Available For Hire: https://linkedin.com/in/billcole
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[MlMt] Restrict Space Key scroll to only the current Mail

2019-02-13 Thread Michael Nietzold

- i have 3 Pane Layout
- i select an Message in the MessageList
- i see an eMail in Preview
- i hit many times the Space

what i see:
- if there are more than one message in MessageList then it shows the 
next message

what i expected:
- stay on the current message (and jump to the end)

my settings:
MailMate 1.12.4 (5594)

cat Custom.plist
l = "loadImagesOnce:";
"\UF72C" = "scrollPageUp:";
"\UF72D" = "scrollPageDown:";
" " = "scrollPageDown:";
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Group Submailbox peer weeek

2019-02-13 Thread Michael Nietzold

i like to make a submailbox for each week in year

- i create a submailbox
- i select a date

what i see:
- i can only select some parts of the Date

what i expected:
- it should be a better "custom selector" for Submailbox unique value 
selector (just now i can only select an message field but not the 
- i see an manual section for the modifiers available in the  "Mailbox 
Name Format"
- take a format string to format the date like "-ww" to get it 

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] What's with the skulls?

2019-02-16 Thread Michael Nietzold
If would be better if the email is marked read or yellow woth a red mark to 
show the problem better

And it should be only red if the email not match the original email...

Von meinem iDingens gesendet...

> Am 16.02.2019 um 17:02 schrieb John Cooper :
> Eric Sharakan wrote (at 6:14 on 16 Feb 2019):
>> I found the graphic both creepy and sometimes shown incorrectly so I 
>> disabled it via this terminal command:
>> defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmNospoofSymbolDisabled -bool YES
>> -Eric
>> On Feb 16, 2019 at 02:01:24 EST, Dave C  wrote:
>> I suggest another graphic, something less... creepy.
> Yes, I'm a trifle embarrassed to be bothered, but I find the graphic 
> unnerving as well. Eric, thanks for the terminal command.
> John
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Re: [MlMt] What's with the skulls?

2019-02-21 Thread Michael Nietzold
1) there should be an option to switch of. Or add option with text or regex to 
exclude some email from check
2) instead of replace the sign: add an red "!" In front and Mark the email red
3) add an ToolTip text to explain the skull

Von meinem iDingens gesendet...

> Am 21.02.2019 um 16:01 schrieb Sam Hathaway :
> Not sure if you’re interested in suggestions for alternate ways to call this 
> out, but a few things occurred to me:
> You could keep the at-sign but style it differently: perhaps red and 
> underlined would stand out enough without being too obnoxious.
> The ⛔️ or 🚫 or ☢️ emoji are round like the at-sign and indicate danger.
> Perhaps the checks used to decide to call out an at-sign could be a little 
> more stringent. For example, a leading at-sign (some of you may recognize 
> @lbutlr from another list) shouldn’t need to be called out. Same with a 
> trailing at-sign.
> Personally I love the little skulls but making the character used 
> configurable via defaults would be lovely. I think I’d probably choose 🐶 or 🐴.
> Thanks for all your work on MailMate!
> -sam
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Re: [MlMt] Group Submailbox peer weeek

2019-02-21 Thread Michael Nietzold

Von meinem iDingens gesendet...

> Am 21.02.2019 um 14:12 schrieb Benny Kjær Nielsen :
> On 13 Feb 2019, at 22:41, Michael Nietzold wrote:
> i like to make a submailbox for each week in year
> where:
> - i create a submailbox
> - i select a date
> what i see:
> - i can only select some parts of the Date
> You mean you don't have a “Week” option?
Yes. No WeekinYear

> what i expected:
> - it should be a better "custom selector" for Submailbox unique value 
> selector (just now i can only select an message field but not the modifiers
> I don't think I understand that.
- In the submailbox settings
- I can for "unique value" drop down and select "other..."
- there I have a list of some values
- I can select them
- but I don't have some kind of editor where I can add some modifiers 

for example when:
- I select a date then use a custom format string - or I select the subject and 
like to have some regex over the subject to group it some crazy other ways

Example: tried sometimes to group my mails by a "[text1] Text2" subject and get 
only crazy solutions. Later I found there is a "blob"  (formatted as 
${subject.blob} in mailbox format)

> - i see an manual section for the modifiers available in the "Mailbox Name 
> Format"
> Yes, that would be nice. To some extent, you can derive it from the “Headers” 
> popup. For example if “From ▸ Address” exists then so does from.address, but 
> it's not always like this. So-called virtual headers are prefixed with # or 
> ##. One (primitive) way to see this is to create a mailbox condition and then 
> look here:
> ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Mailboxes.plist
Should be nice to have an editor for this or a manual section describing the 
possibility (strformat or regex or some JavaScript?)

> - take a format string to format the date like "-ww" to get it formatted
> I guess I could somehow make it possible to provide a strftime-style format 
> string for dates. I'll give it some thought.

> -- 
> Benny
> https://freron.com/become_a_mailmate_patron/
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[MlMt] Feature Request: add a secont Counter to folder "(2/200)"

2019-02-22 Thread Michael Nietzold
- mailbox folders on left side in treeview

what i see:
- i see one counter with unread messages

what i expect:
- i like to have a  "{unread} / {all}" counter like " 2 / 200 "


i can setup in the "display counter" context menu:
- i can select a second counter
- i have a checkbox "[x] add an All counter"
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Field "From > Customize..." not saving...

2019-03-01 Thread Michael Nietzold
Maybe an Checkbox would be nice in this place:

[X] save this eMail in eMail Account

Von meinem iDingens gesendet...

> Am 01.03.2019 um 17:05 schrieb David Green :
>> On 1 Mar 2019, at 8:49, i...@compass.udine.it wrote:
>> I have GMAIL which I want to use it to send as another mail account.
>> For example now I’m writing this message using i...@compass.udine.it but I 
>> must always write it in the “From > Customize…” field.
>> Is there a way to save it without writing it every time I compose a new 
>> message with that mail account ?
> Do you have the extra accounts listed in the “Email Address(es)” text box 
> that is part of the IMAP Account Settings box that comes up when you 
> right-click “Edit IMAP Account” when focused on the server source?
> ___
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Re: [MlMt] Feature Request: add a secont Counter to folder "(2/200)"

2019-03-02 Thread Michael Nietzold
Most configurable like on other places in MailMate:

an custom text string where I can fill the variables

Von meinem iDingens gesendet...

> Am 02.03.2019 um 16:31 schrieb Robert Brenstein 
> :
> On 22 Feb 2019, at 21:35, Michael Nietzold wrote:
> where:
> - mailbox folders on left side in treeview
> what i see:
> - i see one counter with unread messages
> what i expect:
> - i like to have a "{unread} / {all}" counter like " 2 / 200 "
> Implementation
> i can setup in the "display counter" context menu:
> - i can select a second counter
> or
> - i have a checkbox "[x] add an All counter"
> I’d like to have such a double counter on some of my mailboxes. However, I 
> would suggest to simply add a few more choices to the Displayed Count 
> selector menu. We now have:
> - inherit
> - no count
> - all
> - unread
> - flagged
> - unreplied
> - recent
> Recent was deemed useless lately, so it can be dropped and the following 
> added:
> - unread/all
> - flagged/all
> - flagged/unread
> I think these are the only practical combinations, probably the first one 
> mostly used.
> Is there a ticket with this suggestion?
> Robert
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
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[MlMt] Preview Pane should show last new item

2019-03-06 Thread Michael Nietzold

- i select in 3Pane view some messages

what i see:
- when i select vom up to down then always the same first (by Date) 
message is in preview

- the same message is always reloaded on each new selected
- if i revert the order by Date then it is reverted: i always see the 
first message by Date

what i expect:
- always the new selected message should be in preview
- when i select from up to down then the last message
- when i select from down to up then the first message
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] [BUG] Deleting Found Messages not removed from Submailbox

2019-03-06 Thread Michael Nietzold

- when deleting Messages in a Search Result in a subfolder the Messages 
are  not removed from subfolder

- 3 Pane view
- i have Smart Mailboxes with subfolders for "to -> adress"
- i click on the Subfolder
- i type a search in the search box
- i select one or more messages
- i hit delete
- i don't see the messages in the list
- i hit esc to remove the search keywords (or click on the '-')
- i see all messages

what i see:
- the deleted Messages still visible in the Subfolder
- Column "Source Mailbox" of the deleted Messages is changed to "Deleted 

- Column "Source Mailbox" of remaing message still in the INBOX

what i exptected:
- deleted Messages are Removed from the subfolder

Steps without success
- and synchronize on the Smart Mailbox don't recalculate the Subfolder 
(what i expect in this case)

- take Mailbox offline and then online
- restart MailMate

Workaround with success:
- i need to edit the Settings of the Smartmailbox (for example to "from 
-> adress") and then change it back to my settings

- now the messages are gone from

Also tested:
- wenn i search inside the rootnode (not in a subfolder) of the same 
Smart Mailbox then the messages are removed from the list

MailMate Version 1.12.4 (5594)
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] [BUG] Deleting Found Messages not removed from Submailbox

2019-03-06 Thread Michael Nietzold
When I delete a message in the subfolder without a search then it goes away. 

When I delete a message in the subfolder with a search then it still stays 

Different behavior 

I don't changed settings between do-search and no-search

Von meinem iDingens gesendet...

> Am 06.03.2019 um 23:43 schrieb David Ledger :
>> On 6 Mar 2019, at 21:10, Michael Nietzold wrote:
>> Summary:
>> - when deleting Messages in a Search Result in a subfolder the Messages are  
>> not removed from subfolder
>> where:
>> - 3 Pane view
>> - i have Smart Mailboxes with subfolders for "to -> adress"
>> - i click on the Subfolder
>> - i type a search in the search box
>> - i select one or more messages
>> - i hit delete
>> - i don't see the messages in the list
>> - i hit esc to remove the search keywords (or click on the '-')
>> - i see all messages
>> what i see:
>> - the deleted Messages still visible in the Subfolder
>> - Column "Source Mailbox" of the deleted Messages is changed to "Deleted 
>> Messages"
>> - Column "Source Mailbox" of remaing message still in the INBOX
>> what i exptected:
>> - deleted Messages are Removed from the subfolder
>> Steps without success
>> - and synchronize on the Smart Mailbox don't recalculate the Subfolder (what 
>> i expect in this case)
>> - take Mailbox offline and then online
>> - restart MailMate
>> Workaround with success:
>> - i need to edit the Settings of the Smartmailbox (for example to "from -> 
>> adress") and then change it back to my settings
>> - now the messages are gone from
>> Also tested:
>> - wenn i search inside the rootnode (not in a subfolder) of the same Smart 
>> Mailbox then the messages are removed from the list
>> Environment:
>> MailMate Version 1.12.4 (5594)
>> ___
>> mailmate mailing list
>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
> If the Smart Mailbox is set to include messages from the “Deleted Messages” 
> folder then it’s doing exactly what I would expect.
> David
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] [BUG] Deleting Found Messages not removed from Submailbox

2019-03-07 Thread Michael Nietzold

Just Note: i don't have this settings on my Smart Mailbox available

If the Smart Mailbox is set to include messages from the “Deleted 
Messages” folder then it’s doing exactly what I would expect.

mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] [BUG] Deleting Found Messages not removed from Submailbox

2019-03-07 Thread Michael Nietzold
ok - but this is here not the case - otherwise it would not a difference 
with a search (i use the searchbox on the uppper right corner)

On 7 Mar 2019, at 19:23, Robert Brenstein wrote:

David meant that your selection of mailboxes might include deleted 
mails, that is trash mailbox (directly or indirectly), implying that 
you should double check it.

On 7 Mar 2019, at 17:22, Michael Nietzold wrote:

Just Note: i don't have this settings on my Smart Mailbox available

If the Smart Mailbox is set to include messages from the “Deleted 
Messages” folder then it’s doing exactly what I would expect.


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mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Printed eMail - Header Part very big font size

2019-03-20 Thread Michael Nietzold
- i select or open a message
- i print the message

what i see:
- very big font in the header on the preview and printed sheet

what i expect:
- adjust the header
- menu item to size the font
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Preview Pane should show last new item

2019-03-26 Thread Michael Nietzold
1) funny - i was not aware that there are multiple messages also in the 
preview pane. i never need this but i think there is a use case for it 
(print multiple messages). then it makes sense that is in the date order 
and the newest massage is visible.

2) but i like more the behavior of Apple Mail: only the last selected 
mail should be in preview pane. in apple i can select a bunch of emails 
and while selecting i can easy fast read the last selected email if is 
there something important (for example in spam folder). and then hit 
delete. in mailmate i need to select each mail and later need to select 
all messages.

3) maybe it would enough to have an option:

Messages Preview:
( ) all selected
(*) only current selected mail

then it should show only the mail where the current "cursor" is

On 26 Mar 2019, at 13:50, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 6 Mar 2019, at 17:41, Michael Nietzold wrote:

- i select in 3Pane view some messages

what i see:
- when i select vom up to down then always the same first (by Date) 
message is in preview

- the same message is always reloaded on each new selected
- if i revert the order by Date then it is reverted: i always see the 
first message by Date

what i expect:
- always the new selected message should be in preview
- when i select from up to down then the last message
- when i select from down to up then the first message

Just to be sure, this is about selecting multiple messages in the 
message list?

First of all, current behavior is kind of random (but most often 
related to date). The whole “previewing multiple messages” feature 
is a bit of a hack and it'll stay that way until I hopefully get 
around to replace it with a solution based on multiple HTML views 
instead of putting everything into one view (which doesn't really work 
with HTML).

In any case, I think most users would expect the order to be the same 
as the order in the message list -- disregarding the selection 
order... It could possibly be an optional feature, but keep in mind 
that this is the first time anyone has requested this behavior.

mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] [BUG] Deleting Found Messages not removed from Submailbox

2019-03-26 Thread Michael Nietzold

On 26 Mar 2019, at 13:59, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 6 Mar 2019, at 22:10, Michael Nietzold wrote:


Based on your description, it definitely sounds like a bug.

Steps without success
- and synchronize on the Smart Mailbox don't recalculate the 
Subfolder (what i expect in this case)

- take Mailbox offline and then online
- restart MailMate

Are you sure that relaunching MailMate did not fix this? Smart 
mailboxes are not saved to disk, that is, they are computed on startup 
and I would therefore expect relaunching to behave similar to your 
workaround below:

yes - tried many times to restart.

Workaround with success:
- i need to edit the Settings of the Smartmailbox (for example to 
"from -> adress") and then change it back to my settings

If this really is the only way to make it “update” correctly then 
I would expect another relaunch to put it back into the bad state. 
It's very interesting if this is not the case and also important with 
regard to reproducing/fixing the issue.

yes this is the only way i found how to remove these messages.

can you replay the issue.

it is only if i have submailboxes on value and if i am in this 
"generated" submailbox and then i search 

- the message is only visible in the generated subfolder
- the message is removed it i click the parent SmartMailbox

Also tested:
- wenn i search inside the rootnode (not in a subfolder) of the same 
Smart Mailbox then the messages are removed from the list

In order to debug this issue I would like you to do the following. 
Send me the following file using “Help ▸ Send Feedback”:


Then tell me the steps needed to reproduce this where you also tell me 
the names of the mailboxes involved.

ok - i send a Feedback with updated bug description

Also, make sure you try with the latest test release to make sure this 
is not related to an already fixed issue: Hold down ⌥ when clicking 
“Check Now” in the Software Update preferences pane.

i installed the newest Version - it is still the same behavior.

Thanks for your patience!


mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] "Send Later" and quitting MM

2019-03-26 Thread Michael Nietzold

thx - there are so many new hidden preferences :)

i send a PR#14 to be up to date in docs

On 26 Mar 2019, at 16:08, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 11 Mar 2019, at 3:06, Dave C wrote:

When I queue a message to be sent later, if I quit before that time I 
am reminded by MM that a message has not been sent and I have to 
respond that I want to quit anyway.

Could this request be added to the next revision: that if the message 
is queued that I not be reminded of this?

I have added that this should work in the next update:

defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmSendLaterWarningEnabled -bool NO

If you keep the warning enabled then it can be made conditional like 

	defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmSendLaterWarningLimitEnabled 
-bool YES

The default is 1 hour (60 minutes), but this can also be changed:

	defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmSendLaterWarningLimitMinutes 
-integer 720

The above would change it to 12 hours.

The warning has also been changed a bit to reflect how long it'll be 
before the next message is to be sent:

![](cid:839329B3-DDD4-4EFD-9FDB-4637414B61E4@freron.com "Screenshot 
2019-03-26 at 15.39.22.png")

With the exception of a GUI to control these settings I hope the above 
will satisfy everyone in this thread.


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mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Move beetween eMails: Folder should also move subfolders

2019-03-26 Thread Michael Nietzold

- Move beetween eMails: Folder should also move subfolders


- i have 2 eMail Accounts
- i have a IMAP Mailbox with many subfolders on many levels
- i drag the parent node of this subfolders to the second eMail Account

what i see:

- eMails in the parent node are moved to the new eMail
- sometimes the parent node looses the icon or some text from the title
- the subfolders still on eMail1
- in eMail2 i miss the subfolders
- i have to manually select each folder to move to eMail2

what i expected:

- all subfolders of the parent IMAP mailbox should be moved to the eMail 2
- the order and the levels should be the same as in eMail 1
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Printed eMail - Header Part very big font size

2019-03-27 Thread Michael Nietzold

i observe it a little more and give reply
i don't print emails often, but when i print then sometimes the headers 
are big

maybe it comes also with CMD+'+' or CMD+'-' (i miss there a CMD+'0' for 

On 27 Mar 2019, at 14:46, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 20 Mar 2019, at 14:09, Michael Nietzold wrote:

- i select or open a message
- i print the message

what i see:
- very big font in the header on the preview and printed sheet

what i expect:
- adjust the header
- menu item to size the font

Do you have this problem for all emails? I suspect it might be 
specific HTML emails for which styling of the message itself 
“bleeds” into the headers.

(It's on my todo to refactor how printing works. Both to handle this 
issue and equivalent issues when printing multiple emails.)

mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Preview Pane should show last new item

2019-03-27 Thread Michael Nietzold
thx a lot

yes thats a better naming

On 27 Mar 2019, at 15:31, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> On 26 Mar 2019, at 15:20, Michael Nietzold wrote:
>> 3) maybe it would enough to have an option:
>> Messages Preview:
>> ( ) all selected
>> (*) only current selected mail
> As in “most recently selected mail”.
>> then it should show only the mail where the current "cursor" is
> That's a reasonable solution. I'll see what I can do.
> -- 
> Benny
> https://freron.com/become_a_mailmate_patron/
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] [BUG] Deleting Found Messages not removed from Submailbox

2019-03-27 Thread Michael Nietzold

Just one more note:

- i was able to delete it when i select the wrong messages and hit 

- then they turned red and i need to wait some longer time
- then they are deleted from the "Deleted Messages" and from this list
- i was a little confused about the long waiting time before they get 
real deleted

On 27 Mar 2019, at 15:32, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 26 Mar 2019, at 15:49, Michael Nietzold wrote:

Then tell me the steps needed to reproduce this where you also tell 
me the names of the mailboxes involved.

ok - i send a Feedback with updated bug description

I'll get back to you when I've had time to try and reproduce it.

mailmate mailing list
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] "Send Later" and quitting MM

2019-03-27 Thread Michael Nietzold

On 27 Mar 2019, at 15:33, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 26 Mar 2019, at 16:22, Michael Nietzold wrote:

thx - there are so many new hidden preferences :)

i send a PR#14 to be up to date in docs

Thanks! I've merged it. (It won't be on the homepage before it's part 
of the public release.)

maybe it is better to mark the hidden preferences with a "since 
version/build number and Beta/Release" notation, then it can be anytime 
published continuous.

mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] automatically add cc and/or bcc addresses

2019-04-01 Thread Michael Nietzold
defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmDefaultBccHeader -dict 
"from...@me.com" "bccspec...@example.com" "from@me.com" 

defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmDefaultBccHeader -string 

in the dictionary and the string there can be also multiple emails?


`-dict "from...@me.com" 

On 1 Apr 2019, at 15:15, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 30 Mar 2019, at 19:44, David Green wrote:

The following can be used to add a BCC (blind carbon copy) header by 
default to all outgoing messages:

`defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmDefaultBccHeader -string 

Using the special value "<.sender.>" tells MailMate to use the 
sending address of the related account.

For the record, using [a 
for the same preference can be used to control this with a bit more 


mailmate mailing list
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Automatic set from email depending on "to email"

2019-04-01 Thread Michael Nietzold


i have a seperate email adress set for the freron email ist. but because 
the mails from this list don't are something special (they not not have 
my email in the `TO:` header). but if i hit reply i always need to 
remember to set this special email as `from` for this email.


- i get mailmate list
- i hit reply

what i see:

- it uses my default email

what i expect:

- it should remember that i used a different eMail
- or a setting (dict) like the `MmDefaultBccHeader`, where i can set 
some adress for some `to`


`defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmDefaultFromHeader -dict 
"mailmate@lists.freron.com" "myspecialem...@example.com"`___
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Automatic set from email depending on "to email"

2019-04-01 Thread Michael Nietzold
if i create a complete new email then this is like you described. but if 
i hit reply this is not working.

On 1 Apr 2019, at 17:06, Robert Brenstein wrote:

I have a custom email address for this list and MM sets it as sender 
correctly for both replies and new mails to the list.

On 1 Apr 2019, at 16:37, Michael Nietzold wrote:


i have a seperate email adress set for the freron email ist. but 
because the mails from this list don't are something special (they 
not not have my email in the `TO:` header). but if i hit reply i 
always need to remember to set this special email as `from` for this 


- i get mailmate list
- i hit reply

what i see:

- it uses my default email

what i expect:

- it should remember that i used a different eMail
- or a setting (dict) like the `MmDefaultBccHeader`, where i can set 
some adress for some `to`


`defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmDefaultFromHeader -dict 
"mailmate@lists.freron.com" "myspecialem...@example.com"`

mailmate mailing list
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Automatic set from email depending on "to email"

2019-04-01 Thread Michael Nietzold

`X-Envelope-to:` shows my special email for the list.

On 1 Apr 2019, at 17:30, Robert Brenstein wrote:

Use “Show raw message” from the View menu and see what 
Envelope-to: has.

On 1 Apr 2019, at 17:08, Michael Nietzold wrote:

if i create a complete new email then this is like you described. but 
if i hit reply this is not working.

On 1 Apr 2019, at 17:06, Robert Brenstein wrote:

I have a custom email address for this list and MM sets it as sender 
correctly for both replies and new mails to the list.

On 1 Apr 2019, at 16:37, Michael Nietzold wrote:


i have a seperate email adress set for the freron email ist. but 
because the mails from this list don't are something special (they 
not not have my email in the `TO:` header). but if i hit reply i 
always need to remember to set this special email as `from` for 
this email.


- i get mailmate list
- i hit reply

what i see:

- it uses my default email

what i expect:

- it should remember that i used a different eMail
- or a setting (dict) like the `MmDefaultBccHeader`, where i can 
set some adress for some `to`


`defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmDefaultFromHeader -dict 
"mailmate@lists.freron.com" "myspecialem...@example.com"`

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mailmate mailing list

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mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] MM crashes sometimes

2019-04-03 Thread Michael Nietzold
in the last days (i don't know exactly when it starts) i have sometimes 
a MM crashing with the "Beachball Of Death"(TM) and i have to kill it.

i don't see when it exactly crashed. most times i think after i clicked 
a link and i come back from chrome to MM - then MM not responds.

how can i help with logfiles? crashreports?

i found around the time of the crash this in Konsole (i removed uuid's):

Mac Analyze:

com.apple.message.domain: com.apple.crashreporter.writereport.hang
com.apple.message.signature: MailMate
com.apple.message.signature2: UNBUNDLED ||| 1.12.4 (5623) ((null))
com.apple.message.signature3: hang
com.apple.message.result: noop
com.apple.message.summarize: YES
SenderMachUUID: x----xxx


Command: MailMate
Identifier:  com.freron.MailMate
Process: MailMate [50516]
30  signal_handler_thread(void*) + 111 (MailMate + 607363) 
[0x10cb10483] 58-87
   0x10ca7c000 -0x10cc13fff  com.freron.MailMate 1.12.4 
   0x10d578000 -0x10d5d9fff  OakProtocols.dylib (0) 
   0x10d691000 -0x10d6bafff  OakUtilities.dylib (0) 

Responsible: MailMate [50516]

in user reports i see some MM logs but not from today, only some days 

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Feature Request: View Folder / Source In Mail Header

2019-04-05 Thread Michael Nietzold

what i do:

- i search over all my messages
- i see a result list, but the source column is set to small width

what i expect:

- i see an additional line in the header part of the current mail with 
the folder / source


- in Mail Preview in 3Pane View
- in Mail Single View
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Automatic set from email depending on "to email"

2019-04-05 Thread Michael Nietzold

ok sent

On 5 Apr 2019, at 15:33, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 1 Apr 2019, at 17:33, Michael Nietzold wrote:

`X-Envelope-to:` shows my special email for the list.

To debug this I need an email you have received from the list and I 
need to know your “Email Address(es)” setting for the related 
account. You can use “Help ▸ Send Feedback” to send it 
(drag'n'drop the example email).

mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] MM crashes sometimes

2019-04-05 Thread Michael Nietzold

On 5 Apr 2019, at 16:22, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 3 Apr 2019, at 15:59, Michael Nietzold wrote:

in the last days (i don't know exactly when it starts) i have 
sometimes a MM crashing with the "Beachball Of Death"(TM) and i have 
to kill it.

There's a known (unresolved) issue where MailMate hangs after a period 
of display sleep. In that case I'd like you to also try using the 
latest test release: Hold down ⌥ when clicking “Check Now” in 
the Software Update preferences pane.

ok updated

i don't see when it exactly crashed. most times i think after i 
clicked a link and i come back from chrome to MM - then MM not 

how can i help with logfiles? crashreports?

Make sure you have enabled sending crash reports with the setting in 
the General preferences pane. Preferably with a contact email address.

yes - it is checked with email adress, but i never get the question to 
send a crash report ...

With respect to hanging then additional details can be sent using 
“Help ▸ Send Feedback”. In particular, Activity Monitor, or the 
following Terminal command can be used to generate a sample file:

sample MailMate 10 | ~/Desktop/sample_mailmate.txt

when i should do this? after when it crashed and hang?


mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Tab stops and previews of multiple selected messages

2019-04-05 Thread Michael Nietzold
For your second problem I suggested some days ago in thread "Preview Pane 
should show last new item" and some mails later: only one preview of of the 
last selected message. Then it should be the same effect as apple mail and 
should be also faster when selecting many messages. I hope Benny implement this 
"single preview" feature :)

Von meinem iDingens gesendet...

Von meinem iDingens gesendet...
> Am 05.04.2019 um 22:00 schrieb Greg Earle :
> Benny,
> Two unrelated questions:
> MailMate seems to default to tab stops being set to 4.  I'm old and like 8.
> Any way to change it?  I did a "defaults read" and looked through the output 
> but didn't see anything.  Also looked in ~/Library/Application\ 
> Support/MailMate/*.plist.  Nada.
> On a completely different note, is there any way to turn off message 
> previewing for multiple selected messages?
> In my job I get a lot of e-mails that are of a similar nature and of an 
> informational level so I delete a lot of them.  When I go to select a lot of 
> messages (to either delete or forward) - or select a few, but they are really 
> long messages (like log file outputs) - MailMate invariably takes a while and 
> beach-balls.
> (I like the way Apple Mail handles selecting multiple messages - shows you 
> the top-most one and makes it look like a stack of papers that are slightly 
> askew so you can see there are multiple messages.  No fuss, no muss - and no 
> beach-balling.)
> Thanks,
>- Greg
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Tab stops and previews of multiple selected messages

2019-04-06 Thread Michael Nietzold

thx for the hint.

but for my feature request it is only the half way 

On 7 Apr 2019, at 1:28, David Shepherdson wrote:

On 6 Apr 2019, at 07.00, Greg Earle wrote:

In my job I get a lot of e-mails that are of a similar nature and of 
an informational level so I delete a lot of them.  When I go to 
select a lot of messages (to either delete or forward) - or select a 
few, but they are really long messages (like log file outputs) - 
MailMate invariably takes a while and beach-balls.

I’ve previously seen mention on the mailing list here that you can 
use the following command to prevent the display of multiple messages 
when selected:

defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmMaximumMessagesDisplayed 
-integer 1

From a quick try, it seems that with this applied, you just get an 
empty preview pane if you select more than one message. Given it seems 
to be an integer setting, you could potentially experiment with larger 
values than 1 to see if there’s a good compromise between usefulness 
and performance.


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mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] context menu item: copy eMail with `mailto:` link

2019-04-15 Thread Michael Nietzold

- i have a Mail with an eMail
- the link is there with `mailto:n...@domain.com`

what i see:
- i see a context menu: add the `n...@domain.com`
- i see a context menu: copy link
- i can use copy link but then is `mailto:n...@domain.com` in clipboard

what i expect:
- an context menu: copy email
- after copy in clipboard `n...@domain.com`___
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Adding header fields to message view (was " attachment in headers display")

2019-04-24 Thread Michael Nietzold
Since i Like to have the "source mailbox" as row in the header section of a 

To combine both ideas it would be nice to have a generic setting for additional 
header rows where a user can add one or more rows with  meta data from the 
message (or some of the possible calculations)

Von meinem iDingens gesendet...

> Am 24.04.2019 um 17:30 schrieb Verdon Vaillancourt :
>> On 24 Apr 2019, at 11:23, Randall Gellens wrote:
>>> On 24 Apr 2019, at 7:49, Verdon Vaillancourt wrote:
>>> Related to this, but not concerning attachments…
>>> Is there a low-level way to hack what is displayed in the header area of a 
>>> message view? Specifically, the company I work for uses gmail corporate, 
>>> and a lot of  ‘delegation’ access to special accounts. In other words, I 
>>> can login to my account and have access to send and receive on behalf of 
>>> some generic accounts like support@ and info@ and so on. People using the 
>>> gmail browser client can see what delegate was sending on behalf of that 
>>> account. I of course cannot see that in MailMate. The delegate information 
>>> is an extra field in the message’s header.
>> You want to add a specific header field to the set that is shown in a 
>> message view?  That seems very useful.  I don't see an easy way to do that.  
>> Perhaps someone else on the list can answer.  (It might be possible to edit 
>> the MmMessagesWebView/stylesheet.css, as mentioned in 
>> https://manual.mailmate-app.com/customization, but I don't know and have 
>> never done it).
>> The View -> Show Raw Message command will show all header fields, but likely 
>> this isn't what you want.
>> --Randall
> Thank you for the reference to the customization page. I’d forgotten that and 
> will look there. Your understanding of the scenario is exactly right. Also 
> thanks for changing the subject of the message. I should know better ;-)
> — Verdon
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Re: [MlMt] Notes on latest test release and Gmail OAuth application verification

2019-05-02 Thread Michael Nietzold
Maybe you can strip out the images links via text/replace before you put the 
HTML into the WKWebView?

Von meinem iDingens gesendet...

> Am 02.05.2019 um 15:23 schrieb Benny Kjær Nielsen :
> On 2 May 2019, at 15:01, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> On 2 May 2019, at 5:19, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
> I don't like the idea of disabling image blocking, but the changes needed for 
> WKWebView might be too much of a hassle to keep the WebView solution for 
> earlier macOS releases. In that case, disabling image blocking for earlier 
> releases might be a solution. Alternatively, I can possibly still block 
> things using different methods.
> Being able to block images by default is an absolute requirement for me and I 
> suspect for others.
> Of course. My answer was in response to the fact that I might have to require 
> 10.13+ to support image blocking using WKWebView. WKWebView works with older 
> macOS releases, but this is without an API to do image blocking. That leaves 
> me with various options:
> Make MailMate macOS 10.13+ only.
> Find a different way to do image blocking on older macOS releases while still 
> using WKWebView. This means MailMate becomes 10.10+ only.
> Maintain the old message view solution for older macOS versions.
> Not do image blocking on older macOS versions.
> I would prefer the second solution.
> But there are other people who share my concerns who do run older releases, 
> often because their hardware is too old for Mojave.
> Yes, but in any case, they also have the option of running an older version 
> of MailMate. They won't get updates to MailMate, but they are also not 
> getting updates to macOS.
> But let's see what happens. I still have many unresolved issues with 
> WKWebView. Maybe I cannot make it work at all :)
> -- 
> Benny
> https://freron.com/become_a_mailmate_patron/
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Re: [MlMt] Search for messages send to one of my addresses, but where the final address is not in TO or CC

2019-05-08 Thread Michael Nietzold
Same problem: I have submarines depending on `to->address` then the mails only 
visible in `other`

Von meinem iDingens gesendet...

> Am 08.05.2019 um 11:28 schrieb leo :
> Hi all,
> When messages send to one of my addresses say mailm...@halloleo.hailmail.net 
> in BCC mode (e.g. when send from a mailing list), how can search for them?
> Typing in the search field
> t mailm...@halloleo.hailmail.net
> doesn’t find them, because it only looks in the TO and CC headers. I found a 
> way how to list theses messages in a Smart Mailbox (via the X-Delivered-To 
> message header from the other dropdown in the mailbox conditions), but I 
> would like to find them in ad-hoc searches via the search field as well.
> An way to do this?
> Thanks,
> Leo
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Re: [MlMt] iOS

2019-09-11 Thread Michael Nietzold
I miss on iOS the smart subfolder by "to:email-address" for incoming emails

Von meinem iDingens gesendet...

> Am 11.09.2019 um 15:19 schrieb Richard Rettke :
> I used Preside for a while but then discovered AltaMail which I find to be 
> even more robust, frequently updated and like Preside has a gazillion 
> features but is IMHO more manageable.
> -- 
> Richard Rettke
> Laus Deo
> Non sibi sed patriae
> About Me
> On 11 Sep 2019, at 7:55, Alain Israel aisr...@pasteur.fr wrote:
> A question not directly related to Mailmate (not on politics either) : I 
> would be curious to know which mail app you use (or recommand) on iphone and 
> ipad? Does any of them share some of the advantages of Mailmate?
> If this has been discussed before, just let me know.
> Alain
> PS : I currently use Preside,which is so customizable that you tend to get 
> lost in the zillions of options available.
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Re: [MlMt] Display a single new mail in a new window

2019-09-12 Thread Michael Nietzold
Since some of the last versions this has changed and now it opens with ENTER in 
a new tab instead of new window - and with double click in new window. 
I don't know how I can change it back to ENTER in a new window...

Von meinem iDingens gesendet...

> Am 12.09.2019 um 19:14 schrieb Randall Meadows :
>> On 12 Sep 2019, at 11:11, Charlie Clark wrote:
>> is it possible to open a single received message in a new window?
> I just hit the Enter key to get the currently-selected message to open in its 
> own window.
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[MlMt] Messages as Tabs

2019-09-25 Thread Michael Nietzold
Since some versions i get on double click and on enter the messages in 
Tabs instead of new window. how i can change this to the old behavoir?

MailMate: Version 1.12.5 (5635)
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Re: [MlMt] Messages as Tabs

2019-10-01 Thread Michael Nietzold

Thanks a lot you fixed an painpoint for me :)

On 1 Oct 2019, at 0:41, Roger Sheen wrote:

On Wednesday, 2019-09-25, at 19:16 CEST, Robert Brenstein wrote:
this is some system setting. i have such a behavior under high sierra 
but not under el capitan.

System Preferences > Dock > Prefer tabs when opening documents:

   [ Always | In Full Screen Only | Manually ]
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Re: [MlMt] Weird annoyance

2019-10-17 Thread Michael Nietzold
Maybe that's the preview window?

When i write a mesage text and then MM see it can be an Markdown then MM open a 
preview window under the message box

Von meinem iDingens gesendet...

> Am 18.10.2019 um 04:12 schrieb John Cooper :
> Move it somewhere else?
> Mine always open wherever the last message window was when it closed.
> Annamarie Pluhar wrote (at 17:57 on 17 Oct 2019):
>> Somehow - I don’t know how or why - MM has decided that when I want to write 
>> an email it opens up a little skinny window on the right side of my screen. 
>> How do I correct this behavior?
>> Any ideas?
>> Thanks
>> Annamarie Pluhar
>> 802-451-1941
>> 802-579-5975 (iPhone - not good when I'm at my desk.)
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Re: [MlMt] Keyboard shortcut "Single Key Read"?

2019-11-13 Thread Michael Nietzold

> you can go in on any mailbox and add a condition that you don't want to see 
> mails if they are found in another folder (physical or smart virtual ones). 
> If I remember opera mail it actually works in the same manner...except you 
> couldn't configure/control it...

How i can Setup this "Not in other View" condition?

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