Same after setting the columns quit MailMate so that all settings written to the config files. And also backup the config files. 

Von meinem iDingens gesendet...

Am 14.07.2023 um 18:01 schrieb Steve Mayer via mailmate <>:

Maybe the MailMate .plist files could be saved off (into source control??) after you’ve got it working so that recovery for these types of situations is shorter?

Steve Mayer

On 14 Jul 2023, at 9:39, Erik Mueller-Harder wrote:

I love the “Standard Single Column” for the correspondence pane. Very nice!

So I took r5970 for a spin.  Thrilled by the new Standard Single Column, as I said, especially for the correspondence pane.  And perhaps I’m imagining things, but it seems like navigation is a smidge faster, too.

I spent a bunch of time tweaking my layout for the Correspondence view and saved the new column arrangement as default.  I then went to have a cup of coffee.

When I came back, r5970 had crashed (Benny, logs were automatically sent a few minutes ago).

When I relaunched,
  • I was no longer in Correspondence view; MM had reverted to Three Panes.
  • All of my column adjustments were lost (see “Forgetful Columns”).
When I re-entered Correspondence, I discovered:
  • The Correspondence pane had also reverted its settings.
Somehow, I’d hoped that the massive rewrite would’ve solved the Forgetful Columns problem, but I guess not.

Honestly, I miss using MailMate as my day-to-day email client — but I can’t afford to spend ten or fifteen minutes every two or three days to retrain it to work the way I want.  (Yes, it does usually take that long:  MM sets itself to a set of columns that is wrong in almost every way — including the infernal “Outline Column,” which resets to “From,” which means I can’t delete the “From” column until after I’ve changed the “Outline Column” to something else.  I like to use a “Correspondents” column, but that makes “From” redundant.)


Icing on the cake:  we’ve had bad flooding here in Vermont earlier this week, and the internet was very flakey.  Over and over again, my wife, my child, and I all had to remember to keep telling MailMate to “Take Fastmail Online” and “Take iCloud Online” and “Take Gmail Online.”  Please, can’t the default be that MailMate will just poll every minute or two and automatically bring it back online?  Pretty please?

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