Added an option:
-- Setup the click behaviour:
-- -> use normal click to come back: false
-- -> use cmd+click to come back: true
local enable_cmdClick = true
On 29 Jan 2023, at 1:46, Michael Nietzold wrote:
For anyone interested for an workaround solution:
I created this script for
On 27 Jan 2023, at 17:07, Michael Nietzold wrote:
## Summary
Is there a way to open links in background? MailMate should stay
## What I do:
I have many mails with many links (for example a newsletter with some
list of articles).
I like to open some of the links.
Just now I click on them, and they open Chrome. But the problem is:
then the Chrome app is the frontmost app.
## What I see:
- To delete the message (because there are no more links) I need to
activate mail mate again, because chrome is the frontmost app
- to click on the next link, I have to click twice: the first click
to activate mail mate and the second click to click on the link
## What I expect:
MailMate should stay activated so that I can work with MailMate
## What I tried so far:
I used modifier keys (shift, alt/option, command) in combination with
the click - but no luck
## Suggestion:
As I know from Chrome there I can use the `cmd`+`click` to open a
link in background it can be also in MailMate to open a link in
Background. Otherwise an option that this `open in background` is the
default behaviour would be the best solution for me
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