[MlMt] Clicking links in emails doesn't open them (Version 1.14 (5918))

2022-09-26 Thread Jolin Warren
I don’t know if anyone else is having this issue, but I upgraded to 5918 
yesterday, and now when I click a link in a received email, nothing happens. 
The first time I clicked on a link, it opened in Safari as expected. But any 
other links don’t do anything. Is this a known issue with 5918? I’m on MacOS 
12.5.1. Thanks!

=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Clicking links in emails doesn't open them (Version 1.14 (5918))

2022-09-27 Thread Jolin Warren
Thanks Henry, Sam, & Richard for responding. Strangely the issue seems to have 
resolved itself. I’m not sure if restarting Safari or MailMate helped, but I 
can again click links in received messages and have them open. What a relief!

=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Clicking links in emails doesn't open them (Version 1.14 (5918))

2022-09-27 Thread Jolin Warren

Thanks, I hadn’t thought to rebuild the database. As you say, since 
everything’s working I won’t do it now. But I’ve read through the help page 
about it in the hopes it’s now filed away in my brain for potential future 

Thanks again,
=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Is there a way to get the ID of the message that was just sent?

2022-09-27 Thread Jolin Warren

On 27 Sep 2022, at 13:08, Jolin Warren wrote:
The trick is somehow writing an mmbundle (command) that can get the ID 
of a message. It seems  like  something that should be simple, but I 
have no idea how to write MailMate commands. Maybe  someone else on 
the list can provide the missing piece?

As a brief follow-up to my previous email, I had a quick look at the 
bundle documentation. I’m still a long way off being able to create a 
MailMate command, but I think what Robert needs could be achieved using 
`formatString = “${message-id}”;` and combining it with the `pbcopy` 
command line tool.


=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] [MAYBE SPAM] Comments in MM .plist files?

2022-09-28 Thread Jolin Warren
You can put comments in the KeyBindings files using `/* comment */`. 
Here’s the beginning of my keybinding file (I think originally based 
on some MailMate template I found) and it works fine:

 * |  Keybindings |
 * | Shortcut | Code| Description |
 * |  | --- | --- |
 * | a| a   | -   |
 * | ⌃ a  | ^a  | Control-a   |
 * | ⌥ a  | ~a  | Option-a|
 * | ⇧ a  | A   | Shift-a |
 * | ⌘ a  | @a  | Command-a   |
 * |  | | |
 * | ⇧ F2 | $\UF705 | Shift-F2|
 * | Num 2| #2  | 2 on numeric keypad |
	 * →The $ should only be used to bind to the shift key (⇧) for 
‘special keys’ (that don’t have a character equivalent)
	 * →Note that the order of multiple modifiers is important. It must 
be in this order: #^~$@
	 * →A list of funcion, arrow, etc keycodes can be found at 

	 * MailMate selectors: 

	 * Some selectors taken from 


	"."			 = "toggleReadState:"; // toggle read/unread state (i.e. the 
“//Seen” flag)

","= ( "markAsRead:", "nextMessage:" );


=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Clicking links in emails doesn't open them (Version 1.14 (5918))

2022-09-28 Thread Jolin Warren
A further update in case it’s of use for anyone in the future…

I had to restart my Mac yesterday, and the problem with clicking links in 
MailMate returned. I have my apps set to relaunch after restart, so both 
MailMate and Safari had launched automatically. I manually quit and relaunched 
Safari, and the link clicking problem in MailMate went away. So it seems the 
issue is somehow caused by Safari, and something related to it launching at 
login time. I use Spaces and have noticed an oddity with all apps set to show 
in ‘all spaces’ if they launch at login, so it’s possible this is part of the 
same issue. In any case, it’s looks to me like an Apple bug (or issue on my 
system), not a MailMate bug.

=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Toggling between ‘Reply’ and ‘Reply All’

2022-10-03 Thread Jolin Warren
In the current version of MailMate, is there a way to toggle a reply between 
‘Reply’ and ‘Reply All’ after I’ve started writing the message? I thought that 
in previous versions I could hit cmd-R repeatedly to toggle whether I was 
replying just to the sender or to everyone, but that doesn’t work now. I 
sometimes start a reply and then realise I meant to reply to everyone (or vice 
versa) and it’s cumbersome to have to copy, delete the reply, start a new one, 
and paste.

=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Naming smart mailboxes using the ${list-id.identifier} variable

2022-10-16 Thread Jolin Warren
I have a smart mailbox for mailing lists which uses 
`${list-id.identifier.final-level}` as its name. I have a mailing list 
with a list-id of `newsletter.comedy.co.uk.randomletters`. Right now the 
mailbox displays as `newsletter` but I’d like it to be 
`newsletter.comedy.co.uk` (without the random numbers), so I can’t 
just use `${list-id.identifier}`. Is there a way for me to specify parts 
of the list-id domain other than just the final level?

=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Colors in mailbox menu

2022-10-30 Thread Jolin Warren
I was expecting something to happen to the messages, not the mailbox 
icon!  Didn’t even look there.

If you tick the option at the bottom of the colour menu – `Use Colour 
in Message List` – then it will also colour the messages (while they 
are in that mailbox, it doesn’t change their colour if you move them 

=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Help extending Message View headers

2022-10-30 Thread Jolin Warren
Unfortunately, header customisation was lost when Benny started overhauling the 
way MailMate displays messages a year or two ago 😢 It will possibly return at 
some indeterminate point in the future.


=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Toggling between ‘Reply’ and ‘Reply All’

2022-10-30 Thread Jolin Warren
I meant to add to this… I’m also not seeing this on all replies. On 
_some_ of them, the reply arrow in the compose window is enabled, and 
some of them not. Regardless of the reply arrow, pressing cmd-R never 
works (I get a beep). I don’t use Gmail, just standard IMAP for all my 
accounts, and I can’t figure out any pattern.

On 6 Oct 2022, at 2:24, Eric Sharakan wrote:
Actually, I'm not seeing this issue on all replies I compose, only 
some of them.  Other than the few examples where this is a problem all 
being in my gmail account, I can't seem to find any pattern.


On 4 Oct 2022, at 20:18, Eric Sharakan wrote:

I'm experiencing the same behavior as Jolin, on version 5920.  The 
reply arrow in the compose window is grayed out and unclickable, and 
typing ⌘R just elicits an alert beep.


On 3 Oct 2022, at 9:43, i...@techworkspro.com wrote:

I get a popup every time I click either the arrow or ⌘ R. I can 
select either option in that window.

FWIW… Would still prefer the old method of single or all direct 

- -
Please excuse the tttapping errors...
Sent from my iPhone
C/T (954) 253-4125
Henry M. Seiden
Techworks Pro

On Oct 3, 2022, at 09:38, Jolin Warren 

In the current version of MailMate, is there a way to toggle a 
reply between ‘Reply’ and ‘Reply All’ after I’ve started 
writing the message? I thought that in previous versions I could 
hit cmd-R repeatedly to toggle whether I was replying just to the 
sender or to everyone, but that doesn’t work now. I sometimes 
start a reply and then realise I meant to reply to everyone (or 
vice versa) and it’s cumbersome to have to copy, delete the 
reply, start a new one, and paste.

=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

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=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] counter colors

2023-02-01 Thread Jolin Warren

On 24 Jan 2023, at 4:53, John Cooper wrote:
I also occasionally use a Mac app called "Prefs Editor" to browse and 
edit a .plist file. It's still available at 

Using Prefs Editor is actually the only reliable way to edit plist 
contents without using the `defaults` terminal command. Although BBEdit 
can open plist files (including binary ones), this is primarily useful 
for inspecting them. As described on the Prefs Editor page, MacOS uses a 
caching system for plist values that makes editing the plist files 
directly unreliable:

Mac OS X 10.8 introduced a caching system for app preferences 
("cfprefsd"). While this probably increases performances for apps, it 
makes it harder for developers to manipulate preference values quickly 
for testing, because making changes directly to the plist files in the 
~/Library/Preferences folder does not work any more with editors such 
as "Property List Editor.app" and the similar editor in Xcode. As of 
now (Dec 14, 2013), the only way to edit such preferences is by using 
the "defaults" command, which is rather difficult to use once it comes 
to editing dict or array entries.

So if you want to play around with adjusting the counter colours, I 
highly recommend downloading and using Prefs Editor.

=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Custom keybindings file

2023-02-16 Thread Jolin Warren
FWIW, I have always had a keybinding file that uses address@server UUIDs 
mapped to a single key and they work fine. However, the format of mine 
are slightly different from yours:

```	"2"			 = ( "goToMailbox:", 
"INBOX:jolinwarren%40oakandapple@mail.oakandapple.org" );```

Did you construct your IMAP UUID manually? I got mine by highlighting 
the mailbox in MailMate and pressing `cmd-C` (I suppose you could also 
choose `Copy` from the `Edit` menu). I think this is the recommended way 
of doing it, and when I try now it still creates a UUID as above. I’m 
currently on MailMate Version 1.14 (5942).

=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Keyboard shortcut to upgrade to pre-release not working

2023-03-21 Thread Jolin Warren
Late to the party, but I’m pretty sure this is the reason. I’m on 
r5950 and checking for a new Test Build tells me I’m on the latest 
one. Benny said in an earlier email that he hasn’t put anything newer 
into the test build release stream because of several crashing bugs 
(maybe now resolved?). Chris, since you’re ahead of the ‘latest’ 
Test Build, I’m not surprised it’s offering to downgrade you. This 
will probably be the case until something newer is released into the 
Test Build release stream.

On 21 Mar 2023, at 1:07, Eric Sharakan wrote:

Hi, a bit of a shot in the dark: could it be that because these are 
not "released" test builds from Benny, that the update check logic 
might not be working?  Or perhaps it is working, but just wanting to 
downgrade you to r5950 (which is the latest "released" test build)?


On 20 Mar 2023, at 20:47, Chris Jones wrote:

I just tried creating another account on my Mac, this is a clean 
install I did a few days ago and the same thing occurred under this 
user account. It's a brand new user profile that doesn't have any 
legacy profile data laying around and Mailmate starts as if it's a 
new user.

Not sure what to say at this point. Especially since I've updated 
Mailmate once since doing the fresh install. When I updated it I 
downloaded the latest test release from the updates archive page and 
replaced MailMate. So realistically it's a fresh copy of the 



On 20 Mar 2023, at 17:20, Henry Seiden wrote:


Do you have a way to try it either in a different user on the same 
machine or on a different machine to verify whether it’s the Mac 
hardware or the user settings causing this alone?

I’m thinking it’s not MM. Hane not seen this reported by others 
and I have not had this ever. Although I do remember a different key 
combo bringing up the warning, just not which one (obviously not the 
one you are using apparently).


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: infotechworksprocom
W: http://techworkspro.com

On 20 Mar 2023, at 19:30, Chris Jones wrote:

Hey Henry,

Thanks for your response and feedback. If I go to the menubar and 
click on MailMate and then hold down the ⌥ key, it changes from 
"Check for Update" to "Check for Test Build", so I know the ⌥ key 
is working as it should. But when I click on "Check for Test Build" 
after pressing the ⌥ key, I'm presented with the prompt: "**You 
are Using a Prerelease**".

At the moment I've manually upgraded to version 5958 and yet I'm 
still seeing this which is strange as this never used to happen.


On 20 Mar 2023, at 14:11, Henry Seiden wrote:


Should be  as you said, ⌥ + Menu> ‘Check Now’ dropdown. It 
works here in both release and beta for me in OS 13.2.1 and 13.3 
on MM 1.14 5950 and later. Is your keyboard somehow buggered up 
gloving you the codes (maybe ⌘ instead?). You can bring up a 
layout screen to confirm. Open Keyboard Settings to check.


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: infotechworksprocom
W: http://techworkspro.com

On 20 Mar 2023, at 15:46, Chris Jones wrote:

I'm not sure if this has to do with restoring my Mac from a 
backup, but I'm not longer able to use the keyboard shortcut ⌥ 
+ "Check Now" under the Software Update section 

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=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] local folders

2023-05-29 Thread Jolin Warren
On 19 Apr 2023, at 20:47, Randy Bush wrote:

> i was hoping for something very simple to run on laptop for local-only use.  
> it'll take effort to configure dovecot as a simple local imap-only server.

I’m quite late to this, so maybe not of use to you anymore… When I switched to 
MailMate, I wanted to keep my local folders so I set up Dovecot as a simple 
local IMAP-only server. I followed the instructions here and it was fairly low 
effort as I recall:


=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] local folders

2023-06-08 Thread Jolin Warren
On 31 May 2023, at 2:24, Pierre Igot wrote:
> I wouldn’t describe it as “low effort” for Mac users who are not that 
> comfortable with Unix stuff.

Agreed, comfort with the Unix underpinnings is likely needed. I was describing 
it as ‘low effort’ in the context of Randy saying, ‘i use dovecot on real 

On 31 May 2023, at 2:24, Pierre Igot wrote:
> c) For the user name, the instructions say “Account ID: Whatever username you 
> like”, but it doesn’t specify if there is any connection to whatever the user 
> might have put in the “Email Address(es)” field above.
> d) The instructions don’t say if the SMTP server section can be left entirely 
> blank. (Again, “Require SSL” is checked by default.)

If you ever look into this again, the email address and SMTP server are 
irrelevant as this account will never be used for sending messages. I’ve left 
both of mine blank.

On 31 May 2023, at 9:16, Fredrik Jonsson wrote:
> This has changed since I originally wrote the post in 2014  without me 
> noticing it. Removed it now, thanks.

Fredrik, thank you both for writing the post originally and for keeping it up 
to date. I am indebted to you – it’s exactly what I needed to be able to switch 
to MailMate a few years ago, and I’m not sure I would have attempted setting up 
Dovecot without your guide. Thank you for taking the time to document it!

=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Creating a folder to organise smart mailboxes in the "Mailboxes" section

2021-01-04 Thread Jolin Warren

Hello all,

I’m currently in the process of moving from Mail to MailMate, and 
really liking the power of MailMate’s smart folders. The default set 
under the “Mailboxes” section includes two blue folders that group 
smart folders together: “All Messages” and “Examples”. I realise 
that “All Messages” is a special case, but is it possible to create 
another folder like “Examples” so I could group some of my smart 
mailboxes together?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Creating a folder to organise smart mailboxes in the "Mailboxes" section

2021-01-04 Thread Jolin Warren

Perfect, that did the trick. Thanks!


On 4 Jan 2021, at 16:13, Verdon Vaillancourt wrote:

Make a new Smart Mailbox where you want it, and add nothing to it. 
Close it. Rename it to the name you want for your folder. It will 
behave like a folder.

On 4 Jan 2021, at 11:00, Jolin Warren wrote:

Hello all,

I’m currently in the process of moving from Mail to MailMate, and 
really liking the power of MailMate’s smart folders. The default 
set under the “Mailboxes” section includes two blue folders that 
group smart folders together: “All Messages” and “Examples”. 
I realise that “All Messages” is a special case, but is it 
possible to create another folder like “Examples” so I could 
group some of my smart mailboxes together?

mailmate mailing list

Verdon Vaillancourt
mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] incorrect From:

2021-01-13 Thread Jolin Warren

On 13 Jan 2021, at 0:58, Randy Bush wrote:

  mm changed the displayed in gui From: (from ra...@arrcus.com to
  ra...@psg.com) when i typed the to: ra...@psg.com.

This is likely because of the settings for “New Message” in the 
Composer preferences. If it’s set to “derived from context”, MM 
will change the from: address based on who you are sending to. I’m not 
sure the exact heuristics, whether it analyses past messages or is based 
on what you’ve typed in the to: field in the past.


You have the option to set an explicit account for all new messages to 
come from if you want.
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] incorrect From:

2021-01-15 Thread Jolin Warren

On 14 Jan 2021, at 14:59, Niall O'Reilly wrote:

On 14 Jan 2021, at 1:09, Randy Bush wrote:

sigh.  i will make this error time and again

I sigh with you.

As do I! As I’ve been trialling MailMate as a replacement for Apple 
Mail, this is one of the few issues I’ve had so far that I haven’t 
been able to solve. There’s so much that is great about MailMate that 
it’s not enough to stop me switching, but this could be a headache for 
me as I have several identities and quite a lot of email addresses. I 
can’t see how get MailMate to ‘reset’ what from address should be 
used for a particular (or several) recipient.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] GPG not found

2021-01-15 Thread Jolin Warren

On 15 Jan 2021, at 5:48, Bill Cole wrote:
The explanation  is long and it's late, so here's a link to something 
I worked out some time back: 

Following that thread through shows a possible solution for Steven, 
provided by Benny. There’s a hidden MM preference for setting the 
environment variable which specifies where the GPG binary is located:

defaults write com.freron.MailMate environmentVariables -array '{ 
enabled = :true;  name = "MM_GPG"; value = "/usr/local/bin/gpg2"; }’

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Show the mailbox of the currently selected message

2021-01-17 Thread Jolin Warren

Hello list,

Sometimes in MailMate I’m looking at a message in a Smart Mailbox or 
search results, and I want to easily jump to the message’s IMAP folder 
and see it selected in the folder’s listing. This can be from looking 
at the message in a Smart Mailbox’s/search results listing, or (more 
rarely) sometimes when viewing the message in the message viewer. I know 
how to find out what mailbox the message is in (I’ve set a custom 
header in the message viewer showing location, and I can easily display 
the “Source Mailbox” column in the results list). What I’d like is 
a quick way (ideally that I can bind a key to) that will switch to the 
message’s mailbox and select it there.

Is this possible? I’ve tried command-clicking on a the title bar in 
the message viewer and this gives me the Finder path to the message, 
which isn’t often useful for me. I was hoping it would show the 
mailbox path and I could select it from there. As I say, though, I’d 
prefer to be able to bind a key to it so I can jump to the mailbox 
directly from a search results listing when needed.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Show the mailbox of the currently selected message

2021-01-17 Thread Jolin Warren

On 17 Jan 2021, at 12:11, Thomas Eckhold wrote:
Not sure it it is what you are looking for but have you tried the 
„Go to Source“ command?


That is exactly what I was looking for, thanks! Not sure how I missed 
it, as I have recently used the `Show in Finder` command a few times, 
which is right below this! I think I was looking for the word 
“Folder” when I looked through the `Message` menu. Thank you so 
much, this is perfect!

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] R5757 is pretty buggy => I see wrong encoding

2021-01-19 Thread Jolin Warren

On 19 Jan 2021, at 16:28, Charlie Clark wrote:
I wonder how many of the various messenger systems will still be with 
us in 50 years…

IRC?? 😆
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Automating message filing (e.g. scripting MailMate or applying rules to multiple Mailboxes at once)

2021-01-23 Thread Jolin Warren

Hello list,

As I’ve mentioned in a previous email, I am moving from Apple Mail to 
MailMate. One aspect of my Mail setup that I’ve not been able to 
replicate is how I deal with messages I file when not on my computer.

I file my messages into various mailboxes using a structure that has 
worked for me over many years. The full mailbox hierarchy with all of 
these messages lives on my computer, via a local IMAP server which 
I’ve added to MailMate as an account named `On My Mac`.^1 On my mail 
hosts, I have a mailbox hierarchy which mirrors a subset of the full 
mailbox hierarchy that is on my Mac. This allows me to file messages 
from my phone or if I ever have to login on another computer via 

So, for instance, I might have the following mailbox hierarchies:

**On My Mac**

1 Correspondence
2 Admin
Deleted Messages

**Mail Account 1 (`emai...@example.com`)**

To File
  └1 Correspondence

**Mail Account 2 (`emai...@example.com`)**

To File
  └1 Correspondence
  └2 Admin

The mailboxes in `Mail Account 1` & `Mail Account 2` are available to me 
wherever I access my email, but the mailboxes in `On My Mac` are only 
available when I’m on my Mac. So I file messages when I’m on my 
phone, but when I get back to my Mac, I need to (eventually) copy all 
the messages from `Mail Account 1` & `Mail Account 2` to their 
corresponding mailboxes in `On My Mac`.

##Solutions I’ve Investigated
(1) I have written an AppleScript that does this message filing in Apple 
Mail. It simply steps through the mailbox hierarchy on the mail servers, 
starting from a specified root folder, and moves all the messages in 
each mailbox to the corresponding mailbox in `On My Mac`. I’ve had 
look at MailMate’s AppleScript dictionary, and I think it’s too 
rudimentary to do this.

(2) My next thought was that I could set up Rules on the mail server 
mailboxes that would move their contents to the appropriate mailbox in 
the `On My Mac` account. This would require manually customising the 
rules for each mailbox (as opposed to my AppleScript which traverses the 
mail servers’ hierarchies automatically), but at least I can do the 
setup once and then the message filing happens automatically.

However, my Mac is not always on when I’m using email on my phone, so 
I can’t rely on MailMate being open at the point at which messages 
‘arrive’ in the filing mailboxes on the mail host. I thought I could 
get around this by selected all the filing mailboxes on the mail host 
and choosing `Apply Rules`, but it seems that `Apply Rules` is only 
available if you have a single mailbox selected. Note, this wouldn’t 
have been ideal anyway, as it requires several steps to select the 
mailboxes across at least three mail hosts and then trigger the rules. 
Ideally I want to be able to select one menu item or press one key 
combination and have the filing triggered.

So I’m out of ideas. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can 
achieve my filing? The task is essentially to automatically move emails 
from the mailboxes underneath a specified root on one or more IMAP 
servers to the correspondingly-named mailboxes on another IMAP server.

Any help with this would be **hugely** appreciated, as it’s the only 
part of my workflow that is really problematic after moving from Mail, 
and the only one where MailMate doesn’t seem to have an alternative 
way of tackling the problem.

Many thanks,

^1 _As a side note, I am aware that this is not the MailMate philosophy 
and the recommended procedure is to store all archive messages on my 
email host(s). For a few reasons I’m not interested in this and 
won’t do it. I’ve read the whole ‘[Archiving to local 
thread on the issue tracker and ended up using the link to [instructions 
on running a local Dovecot IMAP 
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Automating message filing (e.g. scripting MailMate or applying rules to multiple Mailboxes at once)

2021-01-27 Thread Jolin Warren

Hi Mike,

Apologies for the delayed reply, it’s been a busy few days. Thanks 
very much for the lateral thinking – I wasn’t aware of imapsync, but 
that is a great idea. It looks like it might work well for what I need. 
I’ll post an update once I’ve dug into it and have a solution. I 
think it will also be useful for someone I’m helping migrate mail 
servers, so this is very timely. Much appreciated!

=> Jolin

On 24 Jan 2021, at 5:46, Mike Alexander wrote:

On 23 Jan 2021, at 12:22, Jolin Warren wrote:

So I’m out of ideas. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I 
can achieve my filing? The task is essentially to automatically move 
emails from the mailboxes underneath a specified root on one or more 
IMAP servers to the correspondingly-named mailboxes on another IMAP 

It's not a MailMate solution, but this sounds like something that 
imapsync [1] might be able to do easily.  I've used it a number of 
times to move mail around from one server to another.  I used it a few 
weeks ago to rescue several gigabytes of EMail from a Gmail account 
that was about to go poof.


[1] https://imapsync.lamiral.info
mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] 'emate' does not support Markdown?

2021-02-02 Thread Jolin Warren

On 2 Feb 2021, at 14:13, TJ Luoma wrote:
2. Other than clicking the "Plain Text / Markdown" just above the 
"From" line, is there a way  (preferably a menu bar item or keyboard 
shortcut) to set a message to "Markdown"?

Yes! The `Format` menu has a `Show Markup` command with a default 
keyboard shortcut of `⌃⌘M`. Hit that and then use arrow keys (or 
typing) to select `Plain Text` or `Markdown` and hit return. I assume 
(but haven’t tried) that the keyboard shortcut can be changed as 
normal in the keyboard system preference.

There are complimentary commands in that menu that are useful for 
showing the headers, signatures, and identities pop-up menus, too. I 
find the Identities one particularly useful. You can also combine this 
with assigning a shortcut to an identity in System Preferences. For 
example: if you use System Preferences to assign a shortcut of `⌃P` to 
your primary identity, you can then hit `⌃⌘I` to open the identities 
pop-up menu, followed by `⌃P` to select the primary identity.

=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] have the headers stay on top when scrolling?

2021-02-17 Thread Jolin Warren
I don’t know if this helps diagnose the issue, but I get the same 
behaviour as Bill (and shown in his video): my headers stay in place and 
the body of the message scrolls up under them. I have customised my 
headers (in ~/Library/Application 
Support/MailMate/Resources/Layouts/headersFormatting.plist) but not the 
overall message view.

Running MailMate 1.13.2 (5673) on MacOS Mojave 10.14.6.

For everyone whose headers do not stay in place: Is this in a separate 
message viewer window, or are you seeing this in the viewing pane in a 
three-pane view?

=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Multiple 'retired' addresses

2021-02-21 Thread Jolin Warren
I use the `retiredAddressPattern` hidden preference to store old 
addresses for some of my IMAP accounts. There’s one account in 
particular where the organisation migrated domains, so the 
`retiredAddressPattern` preference contains the address pattern regular 
expression that matches my email address at the old domain, i.e. 
`retiredAddressPattern = "[Jj]olin\\.[Ww]arren@old-domain\\.org"`. 
However, I also have a second, infrequently used, forwarding address at 
the organisation (i.e. `departm...@old-domain.org`) and I would like to 
add this as a retired address, so that MailMate considers all previous 
emails and any new emails sent to that deprecated address as having been 
sent to me. But I can’t just add the whole of the old domain to my 
`retiredAddressPattern` (`*@old-domain\\.org`) as then all emails in my 
archives from colleagues at the organisation would look like they came 
from me.

Does anyone know a way to add multiple email addresses to 
`retiredAddressPattern`? I tried comma-separated (`retiredAddressPattern 
= "[Jj]olin\\.[Ww]arren@old-domain\\.org, 
department@old-domain\\.org"`), but this didn't seem to work. Any other 
way of achieving this? Is there some grep pattern I could use?


=> Jolin

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Multiple 'retired' addresses

2021-02-22 Thread Jolin Warren

=> Jolin

On 21 Feb 2021, at 15:49, Kee Hinckley wrote:

Have you tried a regular expression “or”?

I hadn’t, but that sorted it! Thanks so much – as I suspected, it 
was my inadequate knowledge of grep that was the problem. 😁

By the way, you might have found this by now, but if you want the 
documentation for this feature, it’s in the Hidden Preferences 

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] The ‘Type’ column in Rules

2021-02-28 Thread Jolin Warren

Hello all,

Something that has puzzled me about creating Rules in MailMate, is what 
the meaning of the `Type` column is? Every rule I create has a stylised 
`C A` in it:


What does this indicate? What other types are there? Haven’t been able 
to find this anywhere!


=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] The ‘Type’ column in Rules

2021-03-01 Thread Jolin Warren

On 28 Feb 2021, at 15:07, Eric Sharakan wrote:
I always assumed 'C' means condition and 'A' means action. Given that 
most rules include both, you usually see "C A".

That is so obvious now you say it! And I confirmed this is indeed the 


This raises another question for me, though: what would be the point of 
a condition-only or action-only rule? Can anyone think of how these 
might be used? I’m wondering if I’m missing out on a better workflow 
because I’m thinking of rules as I’ve always used them.

Thanks again!

=> Jolin

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] The ‘Type’ column in Rules

2021-03-01 Thread Jolin Warren

On 1 Mar 2021, at 11:33, Jolin Warren wrote:
This raises another question for me, though: what would be the point 
of a condition-only or action-only rule? Can anyone think of how these 
might be used?

I’ve just inadvertently answered half of my question: an action-only 
rule will apply to all messages in the folder. This is useful as I 
sometimes want a rule to apply to everything, and previously have used 
the inelegant workaround of a condition that the date is within the last 
30 years.

I’m still not sure what purpose a condition-only rule would serve, so 
any insights much appreciated.

=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Resizing images

2021-03-08 Thread Jolin Warren
One of the things that I think Apple Mail does really well is dealing 
with image attachments. In particular, when I’m sending a message and 
I need to include some photos to show what I’m talking about, Mail 
shows me the total size of the email with the images and lets me resize 
them, adjusting the displayed size to indicate the impact of the 


How do people manage images in MailMate? I have to confess that when I 
need to included images in an email, particularly photos, I usually open 
up Mail and send the email from there. But I’d prefer to stay in 
MailMate, so is there a way to easily choose the size of any image 
attachments and see what size the email will be?

=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Easiest way to attach a message as an EML attachment to an already existing draft?

2021-03-14 Thread Jolin Warren

On 9 Mar 2021, at 23:44, leo wrote:
That’s a cool workaround - at least when you know _beforehand_ all 
the messages you want to attach to one email. Didn’t think of this. 

Even if you don’t know beforehand, you can start composing an email 
and then drag a message in from the mailbox message list. MailMate will 
attach the email as an .eml file.

=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] MailMate and Monterey

2021-11-19 Thread Jolin Warren

Hey all,

I’m about to migrate to a new computer, so will be going through a 
forced upgrade from Mojave (10.14) to Monterey (12.0). I see that r5848 
was posted today. Is this what I should use, and does it work ok with 
Monterey? Or should I be using the MailMateBigSur.tbz archive (which I 
think is a release from August)?


=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] MailMate and Monterey

2021-11-23 Thread Jolin Warren
Thanks everyone who responded, I downloaded r5848, moved my MailMate folder to 
the new machine, and it’s all working well! This new version looks really nice, 
too, though I’ve lost my custom header layout on message windows. I suppose I 
need to update my headersFormatting.plist file for the new message viewer 
layout engine. Are there any sample files for this?

=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] MailMate and Monterey

2021-11-23 Thread Jolin Warren
On 23 Nov 2021, at 2:03, Thomas Bartlett via mailmate wrote:
> I now have r5844 (not 5848, if that makes any difference), version 1.14. So I 
> guess I’m pretty much fully up to date now.

If you want to manually download r5848, all releases are available here:


=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] MailMate and Monterey

2021-12-04 Thread Jolin Warren
On 25 Nov 2021, at 17:18, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
> On 23 Nov 2021, at 13:59, Jolin Warren wrote:
>> Thanks everyone who responded, I downloaded r5848, moved my MailMate folder 
>> to the new machine, and it’s all working well! This new version looks really 
>> nice, too, though I’ve lost my custom header layout on message windows. I 
>> suppose I need to update my headersFormatting.plist file for the new message 
>> viewer layout engine. Are there any sample files for this?
> No, this feature no longer works. It might return, but it won't be soon since 
> it's definitely one of the features I won't be working on before I've made a 
> new public release. Sorry.

Ok, good to know so I don’t waste time investigating!

To be honest, I could do without the full customisation, but what’s really 
important to me is being able to specify additional headers to be shown at the 
top of the message viewer window. This is something that is available in Mail 
(and was in Eudora before that ;-) ). There, in the “Viewing” preferences, 
there’s a “Show message headers:” option that can be set to a custom list where 
you add headers to display (see attachment).

Being able to see a few additional headers is fairly important to the way I 
manage my email – I don’t suppose there’s any chance you’ll add a feature like 
this? I’m happy to forgo full customisation if I could have a simple list of 
headers that will be shown in the viewer window!

=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] MailMate and Monterey

2021-12-12 Thread Jolin Warren
On 10 Dec 2021, at 12:11, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> On 4 Dec 2021, at 11:59, Jolin Warren wrote:
>> Being able to see a few additional headers is fairly important to the way I 
>> manage my email – I don’t suppose there’s any chance you’ll add a feature 
>> like this? I’m happy to forgo full customisation if I could have a simple 
>> list of headers that will be shown in the viewer window!
> The best I can tell you is that I do consider this a missing feature.

That’s excellent, great to know it’s on the list somewhere. 😉 I appreciate that 
there has to be prioritisation, so happy to sit tight and work around this for 

=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Feature request: 'Smart' Move to mailbox

2025-01-23 Thread Jolin Warren
I was also a heavy user of MailHub and loved the way it usually knew 
which mailbox I wanted to file a message to. (Incidentally, the 
‘Preside’ email client on iOS also does this well.) I second the 
request, it would be great to have this feature in Mailmate.

In the meantime, one thing that makes filing relatively easy even 
without the prediction is that Mailmate learns the keys you type to 
select a mailbox in the ‘Move to Mailbox’ window, so after filing 
messages for a few days you will probably find that you can select a 
mailbox with only one or two keys, so it’s pretty quick.

On 9 Jan 2025, at 22:30, David Twist wrote:


I’ve been trialing Mailmate for a week and am very happy with its 
performance thus far. Loving the robust and performant searching, 
filtering, organizing features!

It would be a dream if the *Move to Mailbox* feature used a 
“frecency” algorithm to suggest mailboxes, a-la the old Apple Mail 
plugin, Mailhub:

From an [archived 


… MailHub is intuitive software that will suggest folders to file 
emails to based on criteria such as subject, sender and previous 
administration activity.

When you first install the program, MailHub will automatically index 
your mailboxes to identify your common filing behaviour. This will 
allow it to ‘auto-suggest’ appropriate mailboxes to file to. 
MailHub will then continue to learn as you file. …

I’m sure there’s no end of new features on your list, Benny, but 
I’m confident you’ll agree that this one surpasses all the rest in 
its brilliance and obvious necessity, and you will have no choice but 
to start work on it immediately. ;)

Seriously though, I know feature requests are a bane, but just wanted 
to share my appreciation for the work you’ve already done and throw 
my birthday wishes out into the ether.

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=> Jolin
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Re: [MlMt] Message list vertical font alignment

2025-01-24 Thread Jolin Warren
On 2 Jan 2025, at 14:31, Benjamin Coddington wrote:
> On 2 Jan 2025, at 8:26, Benjamin Coddington wrote:
>> After jumping up to Sequoia from Monterey, the text fields in the message 
>> list are shifted down such that some text parts are clipped, the threading 
>> delta seems shifted up slightly.  I've tried resetting fonts and the light 
>> height delta is zero - here's what its looking like:
>> https://bcodding.com/p/mlmt-line-height-bcodding.png
> […]
> My issues seem to be caused by my selection of font attributes - Helvetica 
> Bold at 11.0 pt used to produce vertically-centered rows, but I've been able 
> to switch to Helvetica Neue Bold 12.0 pt with line height delta of -4.  This 
> produces the same density and experience as before.

I had the same issue when I updated to MailMate test version r6056 (on Sequoia) 
in August last year. I had some correspondence with Benny and it turned out 
that the issue doesn’t arise when using the MailMate default font (which is the 
system default ‘San Francisco’). With the default font you can set the size to 
whatever you want and the text remains vertically centred in message lists. 
Benny also made a note of the issue:

On 5 Aug 2024, at 12:28, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
> It's probably a bug in my code. It's surprisingly difficult to handle any 
> font, but it does appear there's a general issue at play here. I've made a 
> note of it.

Ben, it looks like you’ve found a solution but if you want another one you can 
reset the font to the default and then choose any size. And a future version of 
MailMate may fix the issue entirely.

=> Jolin
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Re: [MlMt] Length of Paid Mode for existing patrons

2024-12-25 Thread Jolin Warren
On 24 Dec 2024, at 7:50, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
> I'm glad you ask! The answer is yes, but I'd like to explain why and I'm also 
> open to changing it.
> […]
> For older license keys, I have these rules: MailMate will stay in “Paid Mode” 
> until 1 July > 2025 or 2 years after the original purchase date. Whatever 
> comes last. Someone buying a license key 3 days ago will see something like 
> 730 days left.
> Now, your case. Your license key is old which means, at a minimum, MailMate 
> will stay in the paid mode until 1 July 2025. You are also a patron, but 
> although MailMate does take these payments into account, they have been added 
> to the time since the original purchase date. When paying $10 this doesn't 
> give you anything extra while someone having paid $20 or more would likely 
> see a large value for “days left”.
> I'd like to give some kind of reward to $10 patrons, but I haven't decided 
> how. I can do it server-side though and I have 189 days to do so. It might 
> also depend on how the subscription model is received in general.

Fwiw, as someone who bought a licence and has subsequently been a $10 patron 
for some time, I do not feel the desire or need for a reward. My licence and 
patron payments were to support the excellent product I’ve been using for the 
last several years, and I had no expectation that they would entitle me to 
anything in the future. I would like you to be fairly compensated for your 
continuing excellent work, so would prefer to pay the normal price you’ve set 
with the new pricing model. In other words, I don’t feel like I’m ‘owed’ 
anything simply because I chose to be a patron before the subscription model 
was introduced. I did it because MailMate is immensely valuable to me and I 
wanted to support it.

I hope you manage to have some time off Benny!

=> Jolin
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