One of the things that I think Apple Mail does really well is dealing with image attachments. In particular, when I’m sending a message and I need to include some photos to show what I’m talking about, Mail shows me the total size of the email with the images and lets me resize them, adjusting the displayed size to indicate the impact of the resizing:

![]( "PastedImage.png") ![]( "PastedImage.png") ![]( "PastedImage.png")

How do people manage images in MailMate? I have to confess that when I need to included images in an email, particularly photos, I usually open up Mail and send the email from there. But I’d prefer to stay in MailMate, so is there a way to easily choose the size of any image attachments and see what size the email will be?

=> Jolin
mailmate mailing list

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